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Package: Invasion_src.rar [view]
Upload User: jiameide
Upload Date: 2010-03-01
Package Size: 525k
Code Size: 8k
Shot Game
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /*==========================================================================
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * File: dsutil.cpp
- * Content: Routines for dealing with sounds from resources
- *
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // DSLoadSoundBuffer Loads an IDirectSoundBuffer from a Win32 resource in
- // the current application.
- //
- // Params:
- // pDS -- Pointer to an IDirectSound that will be used to create
- // the buffer.
- //
- // lpName -- Name of WAV resource to load the data from. Can be a
- // resource id specified using the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro.
- //
- // Returns an IDirectSoundBuffer containing the wave data or NULL on error.
- //
- // example:
- // in the application's resource script (.RC file)
- // Turtle WAV turtle.wav
- //
- // some code in the application:
- // IDirectSoundBuffer *pDSB = DSLoadSoundBuffer(pDS, "Turtle");
- //
- // if (pDSB)
- // {
- // IDirectSoundBuffer_Play(pDSB, 0, 0, DSBPLAY_TOEND);
- // /* ... */
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- IDirectSoundBuffer *DSLoadSoundBuffer(IDirectSound *pDS, LPCTSTR lpName);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // DSReloadSoundBuffer Reloads an IDirectSoundBuffer from a Win32 resource in
- // the current application. normally used to handle
- // a DSERR_BUFFERLOST error.
- // Params:
- // pDSB -- Pointer to an IDirectSoundBuffer to be reloaded.
- //
- // lpName -- Name of WAV resource to load the data from. Can be a
- // resource id specified using the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro.
- //
- // Returns a BOOL indicating whether the buffer was successfully reloaded.
- //
- // example:
- // in the application's resource script (.RC file)
- // Turtle WAV turtle.wav
- //
- // some code in the application:
- // TryAgain:
- // HRESULT hres = IDirectSoundBuffer_Play(pDSB, 0, 0, DSBPLAY_TOEND);
- //
- // if (FAILED(hres))
- // {
- // if ((hres == DSERR_BUFFERLOST) &&
- // DSReloadSoundBuffer(pDSB, "Turtle"))
- // {
- // goto TryAgain;
- // }
- // /* deal with other errors... */
- // }
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL DSReloadSoundBuffer(IDirectSoundBuffer *pDSB, LPCTSTR lpName);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // DSGetWaveResource Finds a WAV resource in a Win32 module.
- //
- // Params:
- // hModule -- Win32 module handle of module containing WAV resource.
- // Pass NULL to indicate current application.
- //
- // lpName -- Name of WAV resource to load the data from. Can be a
- // resource id specified using the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro.
- //
- // ppWaveHeader-- Optional pointer to WAVEFORMATEX * to receive a pointer to
- // the WAVEFORMATEX header in the specified WAV resource.
- // Pass NULL if not required.
- //
- // ppbWaveData -- Optional pointer to BYTE * to receive a pointer to the
- // waveform data in the specified WAV resource. Pass NULL if
- // not required.
- //
- // pdwWaveSize -- Optional pointer to DWORD to receive the size of the
- // waveform data in the specified WAV resource. Pass NULL if
- // not required.
- //
- // Returns a BOOL indicating whether a valid WAV resource was found.
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL DSGetWaveResource(HMODULE hModule, LPCTSTR lpName,
- WAVEFORMATEX **ppWaveHeader, BYTE **ppbWaveData, DWORD *pdwWaveSize);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // HSNDOBJ Handle to a SNDOBJ object.
- //
- // SNDOBJs are implemented in dsutil as an example layer built on top
- // of DirectSound.
- //
- // A SNDOBJ is generally used to manage individual
- // sounds which need to be played multiple times concurrently. A
- // SNDOBJ represents a queue of IDirectSoundBuffer objects which
- // all refer to the same buffer memory.
- //
- // A SNDOBJ also automatically reloads the sound resource when
- // DirectSound returns a DSERR_BUFFERLOST
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #endif
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // SndObjCreate Loads a SNDOBJ from a Win32 resource in
- // the current application.
- //
- // Params:
- // pDS -- Pointer to an IDirectSound that will be used to create
- // the SNDOBJ.
- //
- // lpName -- Name of WAV resource to load the data from. Can be a
- // resource id specified using the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro.
- //
- // iConcurrent -- Integer representing the number of concurrent playbacks of
- // to plan for. Attempts to play more than this number will
- // succeed but will restart the least recently played buffer
- // even if it is not finished playing yet.
- //
- // Returns an HSNDOBJ or NULL on error.
- //
- // NOTES:
- // SNDOBJs automatically restore and reload themselves as required.
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HSNDOBJ SndObjCreate(IDirectSound *pDS, LPCTSTR lpName, int iConcurrent);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // SndObjDestroy Frees a SNDOBJ and releases all of its buffers.
- //
- // Params:
- // hSO -- Handle to a SNDOBJ to free.
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void SndObjDestroy(HSNDOBJ hSO);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // SndObjPlay Plays a buffer in a SNDOBJ.
- //
- // Params:
- // hSO -- Handle to a SNDOBJ to play a buffer from.
- //
- // dwPlayFlags -- Flags to pass to IDirectSoundBuffer::Play. It is not
- // legal to play an SndObj which has more than one buffer
- // with the DSBPLAY_LOOPING flag. Pass 0 to stop playback.
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL SndObjPlay(HSNDOBJ hSO, DWORD dwPlayFlags);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // SndObjStop Stops one or more buffers in a SNDOBJ.
- //
- // Params:
- // hSO -- Handle to a SNDOBJ to play a buffer from.
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // SndObjGetFreeBuffer returns one of the cloned buffers that is
- // not currently playing
- //
- // Params:
- // hSO -- Handle to a SNDOBJ
- //
- // NOTES:
- // This function is provided so that callers can set things like pan etc
- // before playing the buffer.
- //
- // ...
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- IDirectSoundBuffer *SndObjGetFreeBuffer(HSNDOBJ hSO);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // helper routines
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL DSFillSoundBuffer(IDirectSoundBuffer *pDSB, BYTE *pbWaveData, DWORD dwWaveSize);
- BOOL DSParseWaveResource(void *pvRes, WAVEFORMATEX **ppWaveHeader, BYTE **ppbWaveData, DWORD *pdwWaveSize);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif