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Package: [view]
Upload User: qiye66666
Upload Date: 2007-01-03
Package Size: 202k
Code Size: 25k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- #include "winsock.h" /* Must be included before TCPSTREAM definition */
- /* TCP input buffer -- must be large enough to prevent overflow */
- #define BUFLEN 512
- #define NIL 0 /* convenient name */
- /* TCP I/O stream (must be before osdep.h is included) */
- #define TCPSTREAM struct tcp_stream
- char *host; /* host name */
- char *localhost; /* local host name */
- SOCKET tcps; /* tcp socket */
- long ictr; /* input counter */
- char *iptr; /* input pointer */
- char ibuf[BUFLEN]; /* input buffer */
- };
- #define __XVT__ /* To avoid "ERROR redifinition" problem */
- /* Private function prototypes */
- #include "mail.h"
- #include <time.h>
- #include <systypes.h>
- #include <systimeb.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include "debug.h"
- // #include <smrtansi.h>
- /**** EXTERNALS */
- extern void ecs_error(char *);
- char *local_hostname = "isa386-15" ;
- /* PROTOTYPES of win_* routines */
- SOCKET win_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);
- int win_connect(SOCKET s, unsigned long address, unsigned short s_port);
- int win_close(SOCKET s);
- int win_select(int width, fd_set *readfds,
- fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, long timeout);
- int win_read(SOCKET s, char *buf, int nbyte);
- int win_write(SOCKET s, char *buf, int nbyte);
- unsigned long win_rhost(char **name);
- unsigned long win_htonl(unsigned long hostlong);
- unsigned long win_ntohl(unsigned long netlong);
- unsigned short win_htons(unsigned short hostshort);
- unsigned short win_ntohs(unsigned short netshort);
- unsigned long win_inet_addr(char *cp);
- void fatal (char *string);
- void *fs_get (size_t size);
- /* Holds the addresses of the socket routines in the socket dll */
- #define SOCKDLL struct SockDll
- SOCKET (PASCAL FAR * socket)(int af, int type, int protocol);
- int (PASCAL FAR * connect)(SOCKET s, struct sockaddr FAR *name, int namelen);
- int (PASCAL FAR *closesocket)(SOCKET s);
- int (PASCAL FAR *select)(int nfds, fd_set FAR *readfds, fd_set FAR *writefds, fd_set FAR *exceptfds, struct timeval FAR *timeout);
- int (PASCAL FAR *recv)(SOCKET s, char FAR *buf, int len, int flags);
- int (PASCAL FAR *send)(SOCKET s, char FAR *buf, int len, int flags);
- struct hostent * (PASCAL FAR *gethostbyname)(char FAR *name);
- int (PASCAL FAR *gethostname)(char FAR *name, int namelen);
- unsigned long (PASCAL FAR *inet_addr)(char FAR *cp);
- unsigned long (PASCAL FAR *so_rhost)(char **cp);
- u_long (PASCAL FAR *htonl)(u_long hostlong);
- u_short (PASCAL FAR *htons)(u_short hostshort);
- u_long (PASCAL FAR *ntohl)(u_long netlong);
- u_short (PASCAL FAR *ntohs)(u_short hostshort);
- };
- /****** STATIC DATA ******/
- static SOCKDLL *sockdll = NULL; /* Global to this file */
- static HANDLE hLibrary = 0; /* Used to free library */
- int TCP_init_libs(char *global_dir);
- void TCP_free_libs(void);
- void TCP_test(char *buf) ;
- void tcp_close(TCPSTREAM *stream);
- TCPSTREAM *tcp_open (char *host,long port);
- long tcp_soutr (TCPSTREAM *stream,char *string);
- char *tcp_getline (TCPSTREAM *stream);
- long tcp_getbuffer (TCPSTREAM *stream,unsigned long size,char *buffer);
- #ifdef MSDOS
- int netshut() {};
- #endif
- /* Global data */
- unsigned long rndm = 0xfeed; /* initial `random' number */
- /* Write current time in RFC 822 format
- * Accepts: destination string
- */
- char *days[] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"};
- /* Copy string to free storage
- * Accepts: source string
- * Returns: free storage copy of string
- */
- char *cpystr (char *string)
- {
- if (string) { /* make sure argument specified */
- char *dst = (char *) fs_get (1+strlen (string));
- strcpy (dst,string);
- return (dst);
- }
- else return NIL;
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Get a block of free storage
- * Accepts: size of desired block
- * Returns: free storage block
- */
- void *fs_get (size_t size)
- {
- void *block = NULL;
- /* Make sure "size" is within the 64K limit */
- if(size > (size_t)0xffff){
- fatal("Cannot allocate more than 64K memory");
- return(NULL); /* Should have already quit */
- }
- block = (void *)malloc(size); /* Would use smartheap */
- if (!block)
- fatal ("Out of free storage");
- /* Set to zero */
- memset(block, 0, size);
- return (block);
- }
- /* Resize a block of free storage
- * Accepts: ** pointer to current block
- * new size
- */
- void fs_resize (void **block,size_t size)
- {
- if(size > (size_t)0xffff)
- fatal("Can't resize to more than 64k");
- if (!(*block = realloc ((char *)*block,size)))
- fatal ("Can't resize free storage");
- }
- /* Return a block of free storage
- * Accepts: ** pointer to free storage block
- */
- void fs_give (void **block)
- {
- if(block && *block)
- free ((char *)*block); /* Would use smartheap */
- if(block)
- *block = NIL;
- }
- /* Report a fatal error
- * Accepts: string to output
- */
- void fatal (char *string)
- {
- debug_trace (string); /* pass the string */
- debug_trace ("n");
- abort (); /* die horribly */
- }
- /* Copy string with CRLF newlines
- * Accepts: destination string
- * pointer to size of destination string
- * source string
- * length of source string
- */
- char *strcrlfcpy (char **dst,unsigned long *dstl,char *src,unsigned long srcl)
- {
- if (srcl > *dstl) { /* resize if not enough space */
- fs_give ((void **) dst); /* fs_resize does an unnecessary copy */
- *dst = (char *) fs_get ((*dstl = srcl) + 1);
- }
- /* copy strings */
- if (srcl) memcpy (*dst,src,srcl);
- *(*dst + srcl) = ''; /* tie off destination */
- return *dst; /* return destination */
- }
- /* Length of string after strcrlfcpy applied
- * Accepts: source string
- * length of source string
- */
- unsigned long strcrlflen (STRING *s)
- {
- return SIZE (s); /* no-brainer on DOS! */
- }
- /* Server log in (dummy place holder)
- * Accepts: user name string
- * password string
- * optional place to return home directory
- * Returns: T if password validated, NIL otherwise
- */
- long server_login (char *user,char *pass,char **home)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- ****************************************************************************/
- void TCP_test(char *buf)
- {
- TCPSTREAM *stream ;
- char *string = " " ;
- long port = 143 ; /* imapd */
- long retval ;
- stream = tcp_open("isasun-1", port);
- retval = tcp_soutr (stream, string);
- string = tcp_getline (stream);
- movmem(string,buf,strlen(string));
- tcp_close(stream);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- ****************************************************************************/
- /* TCP/IP send string as record
- * Accepts: TCP/IP stream
- * Returns: T if success else NIL
- */
- long tcp_soutr (TCPSTREAM *stream,char *string)
- {
- int a ;
- long i;
- unsigned long size = strlen (string);
- fd_set fds;
- FD_ZERO (&fds); /* initialize selection vector */
- if (stream->tcps == INVALID_SOCKET) return NIL;
- FD_SET (stream->tcps,&fds);/* set bit in selection vector */
- while (size > 0) { /* until request satisfied */
- if( (win_select (stream->tcps+1,0,&fds,0,0) < 0) ||
- ((i = win_write (stream->tcps,string,size)) < 1) )
- {
- win_close (stream->tcps); /* nuke the socket */
- stream->tcps = INVALID_SOCKET;
- return NIL;
- }
- size -= i; /* count this size */
- string += i;
- }
- return T; /* all done */
- }
- /* TCP/IP send string (Not NULL terminated).
- * Accepts: TCP/IP stream
- * Returns: T if success else NIL
- */
- long tcp_sout (TCPSTREAM *stream,char *string,unsigned long size)
- {
- size_t i;
- fd_set fds;
- size_t len, MAXLEN = 8192; /* send no more than this at a time */
- FD_ZERO (&fds); /* initialize selection vector */
- if (stream->tcps == INVALID_SOCKET) return NIL;
- FD_SET (stream->tcps,&fds); /* set bit in selection vector */
- len = (size_t)min(size, MAXLEN);
- while (size > 0) { /* until request satisfied */
- if ((win_select (stream->tcps+1,0,&fds,0,0) < 0) ||
- ((i = win_write (stream->tcps,string,len)) < 0)) { /* Send len at a time */
- win_close (stream->tcps); /* nuke the socket */
- stream->tcps = INVALID_SOCKET;
- return NIL;
- }
- size -= i; /* count this size */
- string += i;
- }
- /* Append a "n" */
- if ((win_select (stream->tcps+1,0,&fds,0,0) < 0) ||
- ((i = win_write (stream->tcps,"n",1)) < 0)) {
- win_close (stream->tcps); /* nuke the socket */
- stream->tcps = INVALID_SOCKET;
- return NIL;
- }
- return T; /* all done */
- }
- /* TCP/IP receive line
- * Accepts: TCP/IP stream
- * Returns: text line string or NIL if failure
- */
- char *tcp_getline (TCPSTREAM *stream)
- {
- int a;
- long n, m;
- char *st;
- char *ret;
- char *stp;
- char tmp[2];
- fd_set fds;
- FD_ZERO (&fds); /* initialize selection vector */
- if (stream->tcps == INVALID_SOCKET) return NIL;
- FD_SET (stream->tcps, &fds); /* set bit in selection vector */
- while (stream->ictr < 1) { /* if nothing in the buffer */
- /* block and read */
- if( (win_select (stream->tcps+1,&fds,0,0,0) < 0) ||
- ((stream->ictr = win_read (stream->tcps,stream->ibuf,BUFLEN)) < 1))
- {
- win_close (stream->tcps); /* nuke the socket */
- stream->tcps = INVALID_SOCKET;
- return NIL;
- }
- stream->iptr = stream->ibuf;/* point at TCP buffer */
- }
- st = stream->iptr; /* save start of string */
- n = 0; /* init string count */
- while (stream->ictr--) { /* look for end of line */
- /* saw the trailing CR? */
- if (stream->iptr++[0] == '15') {
- ret = (char *) fs_get (n+1);
- memcpy (ret,st,n); /* copy into a free storage string */
- ret[n] = ''; /* tie off string with null */
- /* eat the line feed */
- tcp_getbuffer (stream,(unsigned long) 1,tmp);
- return ret; /* return it to caller */
- }
- ++n; /* else count and try next character */
- }
- stp = (char *) fs_get (n); /* copy first part of string */
- memcpy (stp,st,n);
- /* recurse to get remainder */
- if (st = tcp_getline (stream)) {
- /* build total string */
- ret = (char *) fs_get (n+1+(m = strlen (st)));
- memcpy (ret,stp,n); /* copy first part */
- memcpy (ret+n,st,m); /* and second part */
- ret[n+m] = ''; /* tie off string with null */
- fs_give ((void **) &st); /* flush partial string */
- fs_give ((void **) &stp); /* flush initial fragment */
- }
- else ret = stp; /* return the fragment */
- return ret;
- }
- /* TCP/IP receive buffer
- * Accepts: TCP/IP stream
- * size in bytes
- * buffer to read into
- * Returns: T if success, NIL otherwise
- */
- long tcp_getbuffer (TCPSTREAM *stream,unsigned long size,char *buffer)
- {
- int a;
- int retval ;
- unsigned long n;
- char *bufptr = buffer;
- fd_set fds ;
- FD_ZERO (&fds); /* initialize selection vector */
- if (stream->tcps == INVALID_SOCKET) return NIL;
- FD_SET (stream->tcps, &fds); /* set bit in selection vector */
- while (size > 0) { /* until request satisfied */
- while (stream->ictr < 1) { /* if nothing in the buffer */
- /* block and read */
- if( (win_select(stream->tcps+1,&fds,0,0,0) < 0) ||
- ((stream->ictr = win_read(stream->tcps,stream->ibuf,BUFLEN)) < 1))
- {
- win_close (stream->tcps); /* nuke the socket */
- stream->tcps = INVALID_SOCKET;
- return NIL;
- }
- /* point at TCP buffer */
- stream->iptr = stream->ibuf;
- } /* inner while */
- n = min (size,stream->ictr);/* number of bytes to transfer */
- /* do the copy */
- memcpy (bufptr,stream->iptr,n);
- bufptr += n; /* update pointer */
- stream->iptr +=n;
- size -= n; /* update # of bytes to do */
- stream->ictr -=n;
- bufptr[0] = ''; /* tie off string */
- } /* outer while */
- return T;
- }
- /* TCP/IP close
- * Accepts: TCP/IP stream
- */
- void tcp_close (TCPSTREAM *stream)
- {
- /* nuke the socket */
- if (stream->tcps != INVALID_SOCKET) win_close (stream->tcps);
- stream->tcps = INVALID_SOCKET;
- /* flush host names */
- fs_give ((void **) &stream->host);
- fs_give ((void **) &stream->localhost);
- fs_give ((void **) &stream); /* flush the stream */
- }
- /* TCP/IP open
- * Accepts: host name
- * contact port number
- * Returns: TCP/IP stream if success else NIL
- */
- TCPSTREAM *tcp_open (char *host,long port)
- {
- TCPSTREAM *stream = NIL;
- SOCKET sock;
- unsigned long address;
- unsigned short s_port;
- char *s;
- char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
- char *hostname = cpystr (host);
- /* set default gets routine */
- // if (!mailgets) mailgets = mm_gets
- /* The domain literal form is used (rather than simply the dotted decimal
- as with other Unix programs) because it has to be a valid "host name"
- in mailsystem terminology.
- */
- if (host[0] == '[' && host[(strlen (host))-1] == ']') {
- strcpy (tmp,host+1); /* yes, copy number part */
- tmp[strlen (tmp)-1] = '';
- if ((address = win_inet_addr (tmp)) == -1) {
- sprintf (tmp,"Invalid post office: "%s" ",host);
- ecs_error(tmp);
- fs_give ((void **)&hostname);
- return NIL;
- }
- }
- else { /* lookup host name */
- if ((address = win_rhost (&hostname)) == 0) {
- sprintf (tmp,"Post office not found: "%s" ",host);
- ecs_error(tmp);
- fs_give ((void **)&hostname);
- return NIL;
- }
- }
- /* copy port number in network format */
- if (!(s_port = win_htons (port)))
- fatal ("Bad port argument to tcp_open");
- /* get a TCP stream */
- sock = win_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (sock < 0) {
- sprintf(tmp, "Cannot connect to post office: "%s" - Unable to create TCP socket", host);
- ecs_error(tmp);
- return NIL;
- }
- /* The local PC's hostname MUST be in the external "local_hostname", else
- * return an error.
- */
- if(local_hostname == NULL){
- ecs_error("Could not get the name or IP address of your PC");
- return NIL;
- }
- /* open connection */
- if ((errno = win_connect (sock, address, s_port)) > 10000) {
- switch (errno) { /* analyze error */
- case WSAENETUNREACH: s = "tcp_open failed"; break;
- case WSAETIMEDOUT: s = "Timed out"; break;
- default: s = "Unknown error"; break;
- }
- sprintf(tmp,"Connect fail to "%s" [%ld] at port %ld. %sn",hostname,address,port,s);
- ecs_error(tmp);
- fs_give ((void **)&hostname);
- win_close (sock);
- return NIL;
- }
- /* create TCP/IP stream */
- stream = (TCPSTREAM *) fs_get (sizeof (TCPSTREAM));
- stream->host = hostname; /* official host name */
- stream->localhost = cpystr (local_hostname);
- stream->tcps = sock; /* init socket */
- stream->ictr = 0; /* init input counter */
- return stream; /* return success */
- }
- /* TCP/IP authenticated open
- * Accepts: host name
- * service name
- * Returns: TCP/IP stream if success else NIL
- */
- TCPSTREAM *tcp_aopen (char *host,char *service)
- {
- return NIL; /* always NIL on DOS */
- }
- char *tcp_host (TCPSTREAM *stream)
- {
- return stream->host; /* return host name */
- }
- /* TCP/IP get local host name
- * Accepts: TCP/IP stream
- * Returns: local host name
- */
- char *tcp_localhost (TCPSTREAM *stream)
- {
- return stream->localhost; /* return local host name */
- }
- /* These functions are only used by rfc822.c for calculating cookies. So this
- * is good enough. If anything better is needed fancier functions will be
- * needed.
- */
- /* Return host ID
- */
- #ifndef PCTCP
- unsigned long gethostid ()
- {
- return (unsigned long) 0;
- }
- #endif
- /* Return `process ID'
- */
- long getpid ()
- {
- return 1;
- }
- /* These two are used for pattern matching in misc.c, but are actually never
- * called in DOS.
- */
- /* Dummy re_comp -- always return NIL */
- char *re_comp (char *s)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- /* Dummy re_exec -- always return T */
- long re_exec (char *s)
- {
- return T;
- }
- /* Fill in the function pointers in the sockdll structure. The
- * functions to be filled into the "sockdll" structure are:
- - socket,
- - connect,
- - closesocket,
- - select,
- - recv,
- - send,
- - gethostbyname,
- - net_addr,
- - htonl,
- - htons,
- - ntohl,
- - ntohs,
- **/
- /* Looks for the file "winsock.dll", loads it and extracts the addresses.
- * The returned instance of the library is stored in the static "hLibraray"
- * so it can be free by "TCP_free_libs()"
- */
- int TCP_init_libs(char *global_dir)
- {
- int (PASCAL FAR *WSAStartup)(WORD wVersionRequired, LPWSADATA lpWSAData);
- WSADATA *lpwsadata;
- int retval;
- WORD our_wsock_version = 257; /* Version 1.1 of winsock */
- WSAStartup = NULL;
- lpwsadata = NULL;
- if((hLibrary = LoadLibrary("winsock.dll")) <= 32)
- return(-1);
- /* Do this for debuggindg */
- {
- char *path = fs_get(256);
- path[0] = '';
- /* Get library's path */
- GetModuleFileName(hLibrary, path, 255);
- fs_give((void **)&path);
- }
- if((WSAStartup = (int (FAR PASCAL *)())GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "WSAStartup")) == NULL)
- return(-1);
- /* Allocate */
- lpwsadata = fs_get(sizeof(WSADATA));
- /* Initialize the application */
- lpwsadata->wHighVersion = our_wsock_version; /* In case */
- retval = (*WSAStartup)(lpwsadata->wHighVersion, lpwsadata);
- if(retval != 0) /* DLL hopefully filled this in!! */
- retval = (*WSAStartup)(lpwsadata->wHighVersion, lpwsadata);
- if(retval != 0){ /* Still no success */
- char *path = fs_get(256);
- char *mess = fs_get(256);
- path[0] = '';
- mess[0] = '';
- /* Get library's path */
- if(GetModuleFileName(hLibrary, path, 255) == 0)
- path[0] == '';
- switch(retval){
- case 0: /* All's well */
- break;
- sprintf(mess, "Error iniitalizing "%s": system not ready",
- path);
- ecs_error(mess);
- break;
- sprintf(mess, ""%s" does not support the winsock version
- required by ECS Mail", path);
- ecs_error(mess);
- break;
- }
- fs_give((void **)&path);
- fs_give((void **)&mess);
- goto error;
- }
- /* Don't need lpwsadata anymore */
- fs_give((void **)&lpwsadata);
- lpwsadata = NULL;
- /* Ok. All's well */
- /* Allocate space */
- if(sockdll == NULL) /* Should be */
- sockdll = (SOCKDLL *)fs_get(sizeof(SOCKDLL));
- /* so_rhost accomodates our B&W shim */
- sockdll->so_rhost = NULL; /* Set this explicitly */
- /* Get addresses of routines */
- sockdll->so_rhost = (unsigned long (FAR PASCAL *)())
- GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "so_rhost"); /* Could be NULL */
- if((sockdll->socket = (int (FAR PASCAL *)())
- GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "socket")) == NULL)
- goto error;
- if((sockdll->connect = (int (FAR PASCAL *)())GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "connect")) == NULL)
- goto error;
- if((sockdll->closesocket = (int (FAR PASCAL *)())GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "closesocket")) == NULL)
- goto error;
- if((sockdll->select = (int (FAR PASCAL *)())GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "select")) == NULL)
- goto error;
- if((sockdll->recv = (int (FAR PASCAL *)())GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "recv")) == NULL)
- goto error;
- if((sockdll->send = (int (FAR PASCAL *)())GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "send")) == NULL)
- goto error;
- if((sockdll->gethostbyname = (struct hostent * (PASCAL FAR *)())GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "gethostbyname")) == NULL)
- goto error;
- if((sockdll->gethostname = (int (PASCAL FAR *)())GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "gethostname")) == NULL)
- goto error;
- if((sockdll->inet_addr = (unsigned long (FAR PASCAL *)())GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "inet_addr")) == NULL)
- goto error;
- if((sockdll->htonl = (unsigned long (FAR PASCAL *)())GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "htonl")) == NULL)
- goto error;
- if((sockdll->ntohl = (unsigned long (FAR PASCAL *)())GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "ntohl")) == NULL)
- goto error;
- if((sockdll->htons = (unsigned short (FAR PASCAL *)())GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "htons")) == NULL)
- goto error;
- if((sockdll->ntohs = (unsigned short (FAR PASCAL *)())GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "ntohs")) == NULL)
- goto error;
- return(0);
- error:
- if(sockdll)
- fs_give((void **)&sockdll);
- sockdll = NULL;
- if(lpwsadata)
- fs_give((void **)&lpwsadata);
- return(-1);
- }
- /* Free the socket library */
- void TCP_free_libs(void)
- {
- int (PASCAL FAR *WSACleanup)(void);
- WSACleanup = NULL;
- if(hLibrary <= 0)
- return;
- /* Call WSACleanup now */
- if((WSACleanup = (int (FAR PASCAL *)())GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "WSACleanup")) != NULL)
- (*WSACleanup)();
- /* Free sockdll*/
- if(sockdll)
- fs_give((void **)&sockdll);
- sockdll = NULL;
- }
- /* These routines simply call the address of socket(), etc. */
- SOCKET win_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol)
- {
- if(sockdll && sockdll->socket)
- return((*sockdll->socket)(domain, type, protocol));
- }
- /* NOTE: s_port already in network order */
- int win_connect(SOCKET s, unsigned long address, unsigned short s_port)
- {
- struct sockaddr_in sin;
- sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sin.sin_port = s_port;
- sin.sin_addr.s_addr = address;
- if(sockdll && sockdll->connect)
- return((*sockdll->connect)(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin)));
- return(-1);
- }
- int win_close(SOCKET s)
- {
- if(sockdll && sockdll->closesocket)
- return((*sockdll->closesocket)(s));
- return(-1);
- }
- /* timwout of 0 means non-blocking */
- int win_select(int width, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, long timeout)
- {
- struct timeval tval;
- int result ;
- tval.tv_sec = timeout;
- if(tval.tv_sec < 2)
- tval.tv_sec = 2;
- tval.tv_usec = 0;
- if(sockdll && sockdll->select)
- result = (*sockdll->select)(width, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, &tval);
- if( (result > WSABASEERR) || (result == 0) )
- return(-1);
- return(result) ;
- }
- int win_read(SOCKET s, char *buf, int nbyte)
- {
- if(sockdll && sockdll->recv)
- return((*sockdll->recv)(s, buf, nbyte, 0));
- return(-1);
- }
- int win_write(SOCKET s, char *buf, int nbyte)
- {
- if(sockdll && sockdll->send)
- return((*sockdll->send)(s, buf, nbyte, 0));
- return(-1);
- }
- /* rhost - a short-cut for gethostbyname.
- * Return 0 on error.
- */
- unsigned long win_rhost(char **name)
- {
- unsigned long addr;
- struct hostent *h;
- struct in_addr sin_addr;
- if(!(name && *name))
- return(0L);
- addr = 0L;
- /* If a so_rhost() is provided by the winsock.dll, use it */
- if(sockdll && sockdll->so_rhost) /* Use rhost */
- addr = (*sockdll->so_rhost)(name);
- if(addr > 0L)
- return(addr);
- /* If so_rhost failed, try below */
- if(!(sockdll && sockdll->inet_addr && sockdll->gethostbyname))
- return(0L);
- addr = 0L;
- addr = (*sockdll->inet_addr)(*name);
- if (addr == INADDR_NONE)
- {
- addr = 0L;
- h = (*sockdll->gethostbyname)(*name);
- if(h != NULL){
- memcpy((char *)&sin_addr, h->h_addr, h->h_length);
- addr = sin_addr.s_addr;
- }
- }
- return(addr);
- }
- unsigned long win_htonl(unsigned long hostlong)
- {
- if(sockdll && sockdll->htonl)
- return((*sockdll->htonl)(hostlong));
- return(0L);
- }
- unsigned long win_ntohl(unsigned long netlong)
- {
- if(sockdll && sockdll->ntohl)
- return((*sockdll->ntohl)(netlong));
- return(0L);
- }
- unsigned short win_htons(unsigned short hostshort)
- {
- if(sockdll && sockdll->htons)
- return((*sockdll->htons)(hostshort));
- return(0);
- }
- unsigned short win_ntohs(unsigned short netshort)
- {
- if(sockdll && sockdll->ntohs)
- return((*sockdll->ntohs)(netshort));
- return(0);
- }
- unsigned long win_inet_addr(char *cp)
- {
- if(sockdll && sockdll->inet_addr)
- return((*sockdll->inet_addr)(cp));
- return(0L);
- }
- /** Get local host name or IP address. Use "gethostname".
- * "buf" must be supplied, of length "buflen".
- * These are simply passed to winsock's gethostname().
- * Returns 0 if found, -1 on error.
- */
- int ECS_get_local_hostname(char *buf, int buflen)
- {
- if(sockdll && sockdll->gethostname)
- return((*sockdll->gethostname)(buf, buflen));
- return(-1);
- }