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Package: [view]
Upload User: sbftbdw
Upload Date: 2007-01-03
Package Size: 379k
Code Size: 11k
Remote Control
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- // Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 Olivetti & Oracle Research Laboratory
- //
- // This file is part of the VNC system.
- //
- // The VNC system is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- // (at your option) any later version.
- //
- // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // GNU General Public License for more details.
- //
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
- // USA.
- //
- // If the source code for the VNC system is not available from the place
- // whence you received this file, check or contact
- // the authors on for information on obtaining it.
- // ScrBuffer implementation
- #include "stdhdrs.h"
- // Header
- #include "vncDesktop.h"
- #include "vncEncoder.h"
- #include "vncEncodeRRE.h"
- #include "vncEncodeCoRRE.h"
- #include "vncEncodeHexT.h"
- #include "MinMax.h"
- #include "vncBuffer.h"
- // Implementation
- vncBuffer::vncBuffer(vncDesktop *desktop)
- {
- m_desktop = desktop;
- m_encoder = NULL;
- m_mainbuff = NULL;
- m_backbuff = NULL;
- m_mainsize = 0;
- m_clientbuff = NULL;
- m_clientbuffsize = 0;
- m_clientfmtset = FALSE;
- // Initialise the screen buffers
- CheckBuffer();
- }
- vncBuffer::~vncBuffer()
- {
- if (m_mainbuff != NULL)
- {
- delete [] m_mainbuff;
- m_mainbuff = NULL;
- }
- if (m_backbuff != NULL)
- {
- delete [] m_backbuff;
- m_backbuff = NULL;
- }
- if (m_encoder != NULL)
- {
- delete m_encoder;
- m_encoder = NULL;
- }
- if (m_clientbuff != NULL)
- {
- delete m_clientbuff;
- m_clientbuff = NULL;
- }
- m_clientbuffsize = 0;
- m_mainsize = 0;
- }
- vncBuffer::GetSize()
- {
- RECT rect;
- rect.left = 0;
- = 0;
- rect.right = m_scrinfo.framebufferWidth;
- rect.bottom = m_scrinfo.framebufferHeight;
- return rect;
- }
- rfbPixelFormat
- vncBuffer::GetLocalFormat()
- {
- return m_scrinfo.format;
- }
- BYTE *
- vncBuffer::GetClientBuffer()
- {
- return m_clientbuff;
- }
- vncBuffer::GetRemotePalette(RGBQUAD *quadlist, UINT ncolours)
- {
- // Try to get the RGBQUAD data from the encoder
- // This will only work if the remote client is palette-based,
- // in which case the encoder will be storing RGBQUAD data
- if (m_encoder == NULL)
- {
- log.Print(LL_INTWARN, VNCLOG("GetRemotePalette called but no encoder setn"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Now get the palette data
- return m_encoder->GetRemotePalette(quadlist, ncolours);
- }
- vncBuffer::CheckBuffer()
- {
- // Get the screen format, in case it has changed
- m_desktop->FillDisplayInfo(&m_scrinfo);
- // If the client has not specified a pixel format then set one for it
- if (!m_clientfmtset) {
- m_clientfmtset = TRUE;
- m_clientformat = m_scrinfo.format;
- }
- // If the client has not selected an encoding then set one for it
- if (m_encoder == NULL) {
- if (!SetEncoding(rfbEncodingRaw))
- return FALSE;
- }
- m_bytesPerRow = m_scrinfo.framebufferWidth * m_scrinfo.format.bitsPerPixel/8;
- // Check the client buffer is sufficient
- const clientbuffsize =
- m_encoder->RequiredBuffSize(m_scrinfo.framebufferWidth,
- m_scrinfo.framebufferHeight);
- if (m_clientbuffsize != clientbuffsize)
- {
- if (m_clientbuff != NULL)
- {
- delete [] m_clientbuff;
- m_clientbuff = NULL;
- }
- m_clientbuffsize = 0;
- m_clientbuff = new BYTE [clientbuffsize];
- if (m_clientbuff == NULL)
- {
- log.Print(LL_INTERR, VNCLOG("unable to allocate client buffer[%d]n"), clientbuffsize);
- return FALSE;
- }
- m_clientbuffsize = clientbuffsize;
- ZeroMemory(m_clientbuff, m_clientbuffsize);
- }
- // Check that the local format buffers are sufficient
- if (m_mainsize != m_desktop->ScreenBuffSize())
- {
- if (m_mainbuff != NULL)
- {
- delete [] m_mainbuff;
- m_mainbuff = NULL;
- }
- if (m_backbuff != NULL)
- {
- delete [] m_backbuff;
- m_backbuff = NULL;
- }
- m_mainsize = 0;
- if ((m_mainbuff = new BYTE [m_desktop->ScreenBuffSize()]) == NULL)
- {
- log.Print(LL_INTERR, VNCLOG("unable to allocate main buffer[%d]n"), m_desktop->ScreenBuffSize());
- return FALSE;
- }
- if ((m_backbuff = new BYTE [m_desktop->ScreenBuffSize()]) == NULL)
- {
- log.Print(LL_INTERR, VNCLOG("unable to allocate back buffer[%d]n"), m_desktop->ScreenBuffSize());
- return FALSE;
- }
- m_mainsize = m_desktop->ScreenBuffSize();
- ZeroMemory(m_mainbuff, m_mainsize);
- ZeroMemory(m_backbuff, m_mainsize);
- }
- log.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("local buffer=%d, remote buffer=%dn"), m_mainsize, m_clientbuffsize);
- return TRUE;
- }
- // returns true if any *(p1+n) != *(p2+n) for 0<n<count-1
- inline static bool
- bytesdiff(BYTE *p1, BYTE *p2, int count) {
- for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
- if (*(p1+i) != *(p2+i)) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // New version of GetChangedRegion. This version tries to avoid
- // sending too much unnecessary data.
- void
- vncBuffer::GetChangedRegion(vncRegion &rgn, RECT &rect)
- {
- const int BLOCK_SIZE = 32;
- const UINT bytesPerPixel = m_scrinfo.format.bitsPerPixel / 8;
- RECT new_rect;
- int x, y, ay, by;
- // Scan down the rectangle
- unsigned char *o_topleft_ptr = m_backbuff + ( * m_bytesPerRow) + (rect.left * bytesPerPixel);
- unsigned char *n_topleft_ptr = m_mainbuff + ( * m_bytesPerRow) + (rect.left * bytesPerPixel);
- for (y =; y<rect.bottom; y+=BLOCK_SIZE)
- {
- // Work out way down the bitmap
- unsigned char * o_row_ptr = o_topleft_ptr;
- unsigned char * n_row_ptr = n_topleft_ptr;
- const UINT blockbottom = Min(y+BLOCK_SIZE, rect.bottom);
- for (x = rect.left; x<rect.right; x+=BLOCK_SIZE)
- {
- // Work our way across the row
- unsigned char *n_block_ptr = n_row_ptr;
- unsigned char *o_block_ptr = o_row_ptr;
- const UINT blockright = Min(x+BLOCK_SIZE, rect.right);
- const UINT bytesPerBlockRow = (blockright-x) * bytesPerPixel;
- // Scan this block
- for (ay = y; ay < blockbottom; ay++)
- {
- if (memcmp(n_block_ptr, o_block_ptr, bytesPerBlockRow) != 0)
- {
- // A pixel has changed, so this block needs updating
- = y;
- new_rect.left = x;
- new_rect.right = blockright;
- new_rect.bottom = blockbottom;
- rgn.AddRect(new_rect);
- // Copy the changes to the back buffer
- n_block_ptr = n_row_ptr;
- o_block_ptr = o_row_ptr;
- for (by = y; by < blockbottom; by++)
- {
- memcpy(o_block_ptr, n_block_ptr, bytesPerBlockRow);
- n_block_ptr+=m_bytesPerRow;
- o_block_ptr+=m_bytesPerRow;
- }
- break;
- }
- n_block_ptr += m_bytesPerRow;
- o_block_ptr += m_bytesPerRow;
- }
- o_row_ptr += bytesPerBlockRow;
- n_row_ptr += bytesPerBlockRow;
- }
- o_topleft_ptr += m_bytesPerRow * BLOCK_SIZE;
- n_topleft_ptr += m_bytesPerRow * BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- }
- vncBuffer::GetNumCodedRects(RECT &rect)
- {
- // Ask the encoder how many rectangles this update would become
- return m_encoder->NumCodedRects(rect);
- }
- void
- vncBuffer::GrabRect(RECT &rect)
- {
- m_desktop->CaptureScreen(rect, m_mainbuff, m_mainsize);
- }
- void
- vncBuffer::CopyRect(RECT &dest, POINT &source)
- {
- // Copy the data from one region of the back-buffer to another!
- BYTE *srcptr = m_backbuff + (source.y * m_bytesPerRow) +
- (source.x * m_scrinfo.format.bitsPerPixel/8);
- BYTE *destptr = m_backbuff + ( * m_bytesPerRow) +
- (dest.left * m_scrinfo.format.bitsPerPixel/8);
- const UINT bytesPerLine = (dest.right-dest.left)*(m_scrinfo.format.bitsPerPixel/8);
- if ( < source.y)
- {
- for (int; y < dest.bottom; y++)
- {
- memmove(destptr, srcptr, bytesPerLine);
- srcptr+=m_bytesPerRow;
- destptr+=m_bytesPerRow;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- srcptr += (m_bytesPerRow * ((;
- destptr += (m_bytesPerRow * ((;
- for (int y=dest.bottom; y >; y--)
- {
- memmove(destptr, srcptr, bytesPerLine);
- srcptr-=m_bytesPerRow;
- destptr-=m_bytesPerRow;
- }
- }
- }
- vncBuffer::GrabMouse()
- {
- m_desktop->CaptureMouse(m_mainbuff, m_mainsize);
- return m_desktop->MouseRect();
- }
- vncBuffer::SetClientFormat(rfbPixelFormat &format)
- {
- log.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("SetClientFormat calledn"));
- // Save the desired format
- m_clientfmtset = TRUE;
- m_clientformat = format;
- // Tell the encoder of the new format
- if (m_encoder != NULL)
- m_encoder->SetRemoteFormat(format);
- // Check that the output buffer is sufficient
- if (!CheckBuffer())
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- vncBuffer::SetEncoding(CARD32 encoding)
- {
- // Delete the old encoder
- if (m_encoder != NULL)
- {
- delete m_encoder;
- m_encoder = NULL;
- }
- // Returns FALSE if the desired encoding cannot be used
- switch(encoding)
- {
- case rfbEncodingRaw:
- log.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("raw encoder requestedn"));
- // Create a RAW encoder
- m_encoder = new vncEncoder;
- if (m_encoder == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- break;
- case rfbEncodingRRE:
- log.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("RRE encoder requestedn"));
- // Create a RRE encoder
- m_encoder = new vncEncodeRRE;
- if (m_encoder == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- break;
- case rfbEncodingCoRRE:
- log.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("CoRRE encoder requestedn"));
- // Create a CoRRE encoder
- m_encoder = new vncEncodeCoRRE;
- if (m_encoder == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- break;
- case rfbEncodingHextile:
- log.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("Hextile encoder requestedn"));
- // Create a CoRRE encoder
- m_encoder = new vncEncodeHexT;
- if (m_encoder == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- break;
- default:
- // An unknown encoding was specified
- log.Print(LL_INTERR, VNCLOG("unknown encoder requestedn"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Initialise it and give it the pixel format
- m_encoder->Init();
- m_encoder->SetLocalFormat(
- m_scrinfo.format,
- m_scrinfo.framebufferWidth,
- m_scrinfo.framebufferHeight);
- if (m_clientfmtset)
- if (!m_encoder->SetRemoteFormat(m_clientformat))
- {
- log.Print(LL_INTERR, VNCLOG("client pixel format is not supportedn"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check that the client buffer is compatible
- return CheckBuffer();
- }
- void
- vncBuffer::Clear(RECT &rect)
- {
- log.Print(LL_INTINFO,
- VNCLOG("clearing rectangle (%d, %d)-(%d, %d)n"),
- rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom);
- // Update the contents of a region, to stop it from being marked as having changed
- BYTE *backptr = m_backbuff + ( * m_bytesPerRow) + (rect.left * m_scrinfo.format.bitsPerPixel/8);
- BYTE *mainptr = m_mainbuff + ( * m_bytesPerRow) + (rect.left * m_scrinfo.format.bitsPerPixel/8);
- const UINT bytesPerLine = (rect.right-rect.left)*(m_scrinfo.format.bitsPerPixel/8);
- for (int; y < rect.bottom; y++)
- {
- memcpy(backptr, mainptr, bytesPerLine);
- backptr+=m_bytesPerRow;
- mainptr+=m_bytesPerRow;
- }
- }
- // Routine to translate a rectangle between pixel formats
- vncBuffer::TranslateRect(const RECT &rect)
- {
- // Call the encoder to encode the rectangle into the client buffer...
- return m_encoder->EncodeRect(m_mainbuff, m_clientbuff, rect);
- }