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Package: [view]
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Remote Control
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- // Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 Olivetti & Oracle Research Laboratory
- //
- // This file is part of the VNC system.
- //
- // The VNC system is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- // (at your option) any later version.
- //
- // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // GNU General Public License for more details.
- //
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
- // USA.
- //
- // If the source code for the VNC system is not available from the place
- // whence you received this file, check or contact
- // the authors on for information on obtaining it.
- // vncClient.cpp
- // The per-client object. This object takes care of all per-client stuff,
- // such as socket input and buffering of updates.
- // vncClient class handles the following functions:
- // - Recieves requests from the connected client and
- // handles them
- // - Handles incoming updates properly, using a vncBuffer
- // object to keep track of screen changes
- // It uses a vncBuffer and is passed the vncDesktop and
- // vncServer to communicate with.
- // Includes
- #include "stdhdrs.h"
- #include <omnithread.h>
- // Custom
- #include "vncClient.h"
- #include "VSocket.h"
- #include "vncDesktop.h"
- #include "vncRegion.h"
- #include "vncBuffer.h"
- #include "vncService.h"
- #include "vncPasswd.h"
- // #include "rfb.h"
- // vncClient thread class
- class vncClientThread : public omni_thread
- {
- public:
- // Init
- virtual BOOL Init(vncClient *client,
- vncServer *server,
- VSocket *socket,
- BOOL auth);
- // Sub-Init routines
- virtual BOOL InitVersion();
- virtual BOOL InitAuthenticate();
- // The main thread function
- virtual void run(void *arg);
- protected:
- virtual ~vncClientThread();
- // Fields
- protected:
- VSocket *m_socket;
- vncServer *m_server;
- vncClient *m_client;
- BOOL m_auth;
- };
- vncClientThread::~vncClientThread()
- {
- // If we have a client object then delete it
- if (m_client != NULL)
- delete m_client;
- }
- vncClientThread::Init(vncClient *client, vncServer *server, VSocket *socket, BOOL auth)
- {
- // Save the server pointer and window handle
- m_server = server;
- m_socket = socket;
- m_client = client;
- m_auth = auth;
- // Start the thread
- start();
- return TRUE;
- }
- vncClientThread::InitVersion()
- {
- // Generate the server's protocol version
- rfbProtocolVersionMsg protocolMsg;
- sprintf((char *)protocolMsg,
- rfbProtocolVersionFormat,
- rfbProtocolMajorVersion,
- rfbProtocolMinorVersion);
- // Send the protocol message
- if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&protocolMsg, sz_rfbProtocolVersionMsg))
- return FALSE;
- // Now, get the client's protocol version
- rfbProtocolVersionMsg protocol_ver;
- protocol_ver[12] = 0;
- if (!m_socket->ReadExact((char *)&protocol_ver, sz_rfbProtocolVersionMsg))
- return FALSE;
- // Check the protocol version
- int major, minor;
- sscanf((char *)&protocol_ver, rfbProtocolVersionFormat, &major, &minor);
- if (major != rfbProtocolMajorVersion)
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- vncClientThread::InitAuthenticate()
- {
- // Retrieve the local password
- char password[MAXPWLEN];
- m_server->GetPassword(password);
- vncPasswd::ToText plain(password);
- // By default we disallow passwordless workstations!
- if ((strlen(plain) == 0) && m_server->AuthRequired())
- {
- log.Print(LL_CONNERR, VNCLOG("no password specified for server - client rejectedn"));
- // Send an error message to the client
- CARD32 auth_val = Swap32IfLE(rfbConnFailed);
- char *errmsg =
- "This server does not have a valid password enabled. "
- "Until a password is set, incoming connections cannot be accepted.";
- CARD32 errlen = Swap32IfLE(strlen(errmsg));
- if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&auth_val, sizeof(auth_val)))
- return FALSE;
- if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&errlen, sizeof(errlen)))
- return FALSE;
- m_socket->SendExact(errmsg, strlen(errmsg));
- return FALSE;
- }
- // By default we filter out local loop connections, because they're pointless
- if (!m_server->LoopbackOk())
- {
- char *localname = strdup(m_socket->GetSockName());
- char *remotename = strdup(m_socket->GetPeerName());
- // Check that the local & remote names are different!
- if ((localname != NULL) && (remotename != NULL))
- {
- BOOL ok = strcmp(localname, remotename) != 0;
- if (localname != NULL)
- free(localname);
- if (remotename != NULL)
- free(remotename);
- if (!ok)
- {
- log.Print(LL_CONNERR, VNCLOG("loopback connection attempted - client rejectedn"));
- // Send an error message to the client
- CARD32 auth_val = Swap32IfLE(rfbConnFailed);
- char *errmsg = "Local loop-back connections are disabled.";
- CARD32 errlen = Swap32IfLE(strlen(errmsg));
- if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&auth_val, sizeof(auth_val)))
- return FALSE;
- if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&errlen, sizeof(errlen)))
- return FALSE;
- m_socket->SendExact(errmsg, strlen(errmsg));
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- // Authenticate the connection, if required
- if (m_auth || (strlen(plain) == 0))
- {
- // Send no-auth-required message
- CARD32 auth_val = Swap32IfLE(rfbNoAuth);
- if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&auth_val, sizeof(auth_val)))
- return FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- // Send auth-required message
- CARD32 auth_val = Swap32IfLE(rfbVncAuth);
- if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&auth_val, sizeof(auth_val)))
- return FALSE;
- BOOL auth_ok = TRUE;
- {
- // Now create a 16-byte challenge
- char challenge[16];
- vncRandomBytes((BYTE *)&challenge);
- // Send the challenge to the client
- if (!m_socket->SendExact(challenge, sizeof(challenge)))
- return FALSE;
- // Read the response
- char response[16];
- if (!m_socket->ReadExact(response, sizeof(response)))
- return FALSE;
- // Encrypt the challenge bytes
- vncEncryptBytes((BYTE *)&challenge, plain);
- // Compare them to the response
- for (int i=0; i<sizeof(challenge); i++)
- {
- if (challenge[i] != response[i])
- {
- auth_ok = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Did the authentication work?
- CARD32 authmsg;
- if (!auth_ok)
- {
- log.Print(LL_CONNERR, VNCLOG("authentication failedn"));
- authmsg = Swap32IfLE(rfbVncAuthFailed);
- m_socket->SendExact((char *)&authmsg, sizeof(authmsg));
- return FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- // Tell the client we're ok
- authmsg = Swap32IfLE(rfbVncAuthOK);
- if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&authmsg, sizeof(authmsg)))
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- // Read the client's initialisation message
- rfbClientInitMsg client_ini;
- if (!m_socket->ReadExact((char *)&client_ini, sz_rfbClientInitMsg))
- return FALSE;
- // If the client wishes to have exclusive access then remove other clients
- if (!client_ini.shared)
- {
- // Which client takes priority, existing or incoming?
- if (m_server->ConnectPriority() < 1)
- {
- // Incoming
- log.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("non-shared connection - disconnecting old clientsn"));
- m_server->KillAll();
- } else if (m_server->ConnectPriority() > 1)
- {
- // Existing
- if (m_server->AuthClientCount() > 0)
- {
- log.Print(LL_CLIENTS, VNCLOG("connections already exist - client rejectedn"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- // Tell the server that this client is ok
- return m_server->Authenticated(m_client->GetClientId());
- }
- void
- ClearKeyState(BYTE key)
- {
- // This routine is used by the VNC client handler to clear the
- BYTE keyState[256];
- GetKeyboardState((LPBYTE)&keyState);
- if(keyState[key] & 1)
- {
- // Simulate the key being pressed
- keybd_event(key, 0, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY, 0);
- // Simulate it being release
- }
- }
- void
- vncClientThread::run(void *arg)
- {
- // All this thread does is go into a socket-recieve loop,
- // waiting for stuff on the given socket
- // IMPORTANT : ALWAYS call RemoveClient on the server before quitting
- // this thread.
- log.Print(LL_CLIENTS, VNCLOG("client connected : %sn"), m_client->GetClientName());
- // This prevents other threads interfering
- { omni_mutex_lock l(m_client->m_regionLock);
- if (!InitVersion())
- {
- m_server->RemoveClient(m_client->GetClientId());
- return;
- }
- log.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("negotiated versionn"));
- if (!InitAuthenticate())
- {
- m_server->RemoveClient(m_client->GetClientId());
- return;
- }
- log.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("authenticated connectionn"));
- // Get the screen format
- m_client->m_fullscreen = m_client->m_buffer->GetSize();
- // Create the quarter-screen rectangle
- m_client->m_qtrscreen.left = 0;
- m_client-> = 0;
- m_client->m_qtrscreen.right = m_client->m_fullscreen.right/2;
- m_client->m_qtrscreen.bottom = m_client->m_fullscreen.bottom/2;
- // Get the name of this desktop
- char desktopname[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1];
- DWORD desktopnamelen = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1;
- if (GetComputerName(desktopname, &desktopnamelen))
- {
- // Make the name lowercase
- for (int x=0; x<strlen(desktopname); x++)
- {
- desktopname[x] = tolower(desktopname[x]);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- strcpy(desktopname, "WinVNC");
- }
- // Send the server format message to the client
- rfbServerInitMsg server_ini;
- server_ini.format = m_client->m_buffer->GetLocalFormat();
- // Endian swaps
- server_ini.framebufferWidth = Swap16IfLE(m_client->m_fullscreen.right);
- server_ini.framebufferHeight = Swap16IfLE(m_client->m_fullscreen.bottom);
- server_ini.format.redMax = Swap16IfLE(server_ini.format.redMax);
- server_ini.format.greenMax = Swap16IfLE(server_ini.format.greenMax);
- server_ini.format.blueMax = Swap16IfLE(server_ini.format.blueMax);
- server_ini.nameLength = Swap32IfLE(strlen(desktopname));
- if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)&server_ini, sizeof(server_ini)))
- {
- m_server->RemoveClient(m_client->GetClientId());
- return;
- }
- if (!m_socket->SendExact(desktopname, strlen(desktopname)))
- {
- m_server->RemoveClient(m_client->GetClientId());
- return;
- }
- log.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("sent pixel format to clientn"));
- } // We are past the critical setup section, so free the region lock
- // Add a fullscreen update to the client's update list
- m_client->UpdateRect(m_client->m_fullscreen);
- // Clear the CapsLock and NumLock keys
- if (m_client->m_keyboardenabled)
- {
- ClearKeyState(VK_CAPITAL);
- ClearKeyState(VK_NUMLOCK);
- ClearKeyState(VK_SCROLL);
- }
- BOOL connected = TRUE;
- while (connected)
- {
- rfbClientToServerMsg msg;
- // Ensure that we're running in the correct desktop
- if (!vncService::InputDesktopSelected())
- if (!vncService::SelectDesktop(NULL))
- break;
- // Try to read a message ID
- if (!m_socket->ReadExact((char *)&msg.type, sizeof(msg.type)))
- {
- connected = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- // What to do is determined by the message id
- switch(msg.type)
- {
- case rfbSetPixelFormat:
- // Read the rest of the message:
- if (!m_socket->ReadExact(((char *) &msg)+1, sz_rfbSetPixelFormatMsg-1))
- {
- connected = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- // Swap the relevant bits.
- msg.spf.format.redMax = Swap16IfLE(msg.spf.format.redMax);
- msg.spf.format.greenMax = Swap16IfLE(msg.spf.format.greenMax);
- msg.spf.format.blueMax = Swap16IfLE(msg.spf.format.blueMax);
- { omni_mutex_lock l(m_client->m_regionLock);
- // Tell the buffer object of the change
- if (!m_client->m_buffer->SetClientFormat(msg.spf.format))
- {
- log.Print(LL_CONNERR, VNCLOG("remote pixel format invalidn"));
- connected = FALSE;
- }
- // Set the palette-changed flag, just in case...
- m_client->m_palettechanged = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case rfbSetEncodings:
- // Read the rest of the message:
- if (!m_socket->ReadExact(((char *) &msg)+1, sz_rfbSetEncodingsMsg-1))
- {
- connected = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- // Read in the preferred encodings
- = Swap16IfLE(;
- {
- int x;
- BOOL encoding_set = FALSE;
- { omni_mutex_lock l(m_client->m_regionLock);
- // By default, don't use copyrect!
- m_client->m_copyrect_use = FALSE;
- }
- for (x=0; x<; x++)
- {
- CARD32 encoding;
- // Read an encoding in
- if (!m_socket->ReadExact((char *)&encoding, sizeof(encoding)))
- {
- connected = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- // Is this the CopyRect encoding (a special case)?
- if (Swap32IfLE(encoding) == rfbEncodingCopyRect)
- { omni_mutex_lock l(m_client->m_regionLock);
- // Client wants us to use CopyRect
- m_client->m_copyrect_use = TRUE;
- continue;
- }
- // Have we already found a suitable encoding?
- if (!encoding_set)
- { omni_mutex_lock l(m_client->m_regionLock);
- // No, so try the buffer to see if this encoding will work...
- if (m_client->m_buffer->SetEncoding(Swap32IfLE(encoding)))
- encoding_set = TRUE;
- }
- }
- // If no encoding worked then default to RAW!
- if (!encoding_set)
- {
- omni_mutex_lock l(m_client->m_regionLock);
- log.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("defaulting to raw encodern"));
- if (!m_client->m_buffer->SetEncoding(Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingRaw)))
- {
- log.Print(LL_INTERR, VNCLOG("failed to select raw encoder!n"));
- connected = FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case rfbFramebufferUpdateRequest:
- // Read the rest of the message:
- if (!m_socket->ReadExact(((char *) &msg)+1, sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRequestMsg-1))
- {
- connected = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- {
- RECT update;
- // Get the specified rectangle as the region to send updates for.
- update.left = Swap16IfLE(msg.fur.x);
- = Swap16IfLE(msg.fur.y);
- update.right = update.left + Swap16IfLE(msg.fur.w);
- update.bottom = + Swap16IfLE(msg.fur.h);
- { omni_mutex_lock l(m_client->m_regionLock);
- // Set the update-wanted flag to true
- m_client->m_updatewanted = TRUE;
- // Clip the rectangle to the screen
- if (IntersectRect(&update, &update, &m_client->m_fullscreen))
- {
- // Is this request for an incremental region?
- if (msg.fur.incremental)
- {
- // Yes, so add it to the incremental region
- m_client->m_incr_rgn.AddRect(update);
- }
- else
- {
- // No, so add it to the full update region
- m_client->m_full_rgn.AddRect(update);
- // Disable any pending CopyRect
- m_client->m_copyrect_set = FALSE;
- }
- }
- // Trigger an update
- m_server->RequestUpdate();
- }
- }
- break;
- case rfbKeyEvent:
- // Read the rest of the message:
- if (m_socket->ReadExact(((char *) &msg)+1, sz_rfbKeyEventMsg-1))
- {
- if (m_client->m_keyboardenabled)
- {
- = Swap32IfLE(;
- // Get the keymapper to do the work
- m_client->m_keymap.DoXkeysym(,;
- m_client->m_remoteevent = TRUE;
- }
- }
- break;
- case rfbPointerEvent:
- // Read the rest of the message:
- if (m_socket->ReadExact(((char *) &msg)+1, sz_rfbPointerEventMsg-1))
- {
- if (m_client->m_pointerenabled)
- {
- // Convert the coords to Big Endian
- = Swap16IfLE(;
- = Swap16IfLE(;
- // Work out the flags for this event
- if ( != m_client->m_ptrevent.x ||
- != m_client->m_ptrevent.y)
- if ( ( & rfbButton1Mask) !=
- (m_client->m_ptrevent.buttonMask & rfbButton1Mask) )
- {
- if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_SWAPBUTTON))
- flags |= ( & rfbButton1Mask)
- else
- flags |= ( & rfbButton1Mask)
- }
- if ( ( & rfbButton2Mask) !=
- (m_client->m_ptrevent.buttonMask & rfbButton2Mask) )
- {
- flags |= ( & rfbButton2Mask)
- }
- if ( ( & rfbButton3Mask) !=
- (m_client->m_ptrevent.buttonMask & rfbButton3Mask) )
- {
- if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_SWAPBUTTON))
- flags |= ( & rfbButton3Mask)
- else
- flags |= ( & rfbButton3Mask)
- }
- // Generate coordinate values
- unsigned long x = ( * 65535) / (m_client->m_fullscreen.right);
- unsigned long y = ( * 65535) / (m_client->m_fullscreen.bottom);
- // Do the pointer event
- ::mouse_event(flags, (DWORD) x, (DWORD) y, 0, 0);
- // Save the old position
- m_client->m_ptrevent =;
- // Flag that a remote event occurred
- m_client->m_remoteevent = TRUE;
- // Flag that the mouse moved
- m_client->UpdateMouse();
- // Trigger an update
- m_server->RequestUpdate();
- }
- }
- break;
- case rfbClientCutText:
- // Read the rest of the message:
- if (m_socket->ReadExact(((char *) &msg)+1, sz_rfbClientCutTextMsg-1))
- {
- // Allocate storage for the text
- const length = Swap32IfLE(msg.cct.length);
- char *text = new char [length+1];
- if (text == NULL)
- break;
- // Read in the text
- if (!m_socket->ReadExact(text, length))
- break;
- text[length] = 0;
- // Get the server to update the local clipboard
- m_server->UpdateLocalClipText(text);
- // Free the clip text we read
- delete [] text;
- }
- break;
- default:
- // Unknown message, so fail!
- connected = FALSE;
- }
- }
- // Quit this thread. This will automatically delete the thread and the
- // associated client.
- log.Print(LL_CLIENTS, VNCLOG("client disconnectedn"));
- // Remove the client from the server, just in case!
- m_server->RemoveClient(m_client->GetClientId());
- }
- // The vncClient itself
- vncClient::vncClient()
- {
- log.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("vncClient() executing...n"));
- m_socket = NULL;
- m_buffer = NULL;
- m_mousemoved = FALSE;
- m_ptrevent.buttonMask = 0;
- m_ptrevent.x = 0;
- m_ptrevent.y=0;
- m_thread = NULL;
- m_updatewanted = FALSE;
- m_palettechanged = FALSE;
- m_copyrect_set = FALSE;
- m_pollingcycle = 0;
- m_remoteevent = FALSE;
- }
- vncClient::~vncClient()
- {
- log.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("~vncClient() executing...n"));
- // We now know the thread is dead, so we can clean up
- // If we have a socket then kill it
- if (m_socket != NULL)
- {
- log.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("deleting socketn"));
- delete m_socket;
- m_socket = NULL;
- }
- // Kill the screen buffer
- if (m_buffer != NULL)
- {
- log.Print(LL_INTINFO, VNCLOG("deleting buffern"));
- delete m_buffer;
- m_buffer = NULL;
- }
- }
- // Init
- vncClient::Init(vncServer *server,
- VSocket *socket,
- BOOL auth,
- vncClientId newid)
- {
- // Save the server id;
- m_server = server;
- // Save the socket
- m_socket = socket;
- // Save the client id
- m_id = newid;
- // Spawn the child thread here
- m_thread = new vncClientThread;
- if (m_thread == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- return ((vncClientThread *)m_thread)->Init(this, m_server, m_socket, auth);
- return FALSE;
- }
- void
- vncClient::Kill()
- {
- // Close the socket
- if (m_socket != NULL)
- m_socket->Close();
- }
- // Client manipulation functions for use by the server
- void
- vncClient::SetBuffer(vncBuffer *buffer)
- {
- // Until authenticated, the client object has no access
- // to the screen buffer. This means that there only need
- // be a buffer when there's at least one authenticated client.
- m_buffer = buffer;
- }
- // Update handling functions
- void
- vncClient::PollWindow(HWND hwnd)
- {
- BOOL poll = TRUE;
- // Are we set to low-load polling?
- if (m_server->PollOnEventOnly())
- {
- // Yes, so only poll if the remote user has done something
- if (!m_remoteevent)
- poll = FALSE;
- }
- // Does the client want us to poll only console windows?
- if (m_server->PollConsoleOnly())
- {
- char classname[20];
- // Yes, so check that this is a console window...
- if (GetClassName(hwnd, classname, sizeof(classname)))
- if ((strcmp(classname, "tty") != 0) &&
- (strcmp(classname, "ConsoleWindowClass") != 0))
- poll = FALSE;
- }
- // Are we still wanting to poll this window?
- if (poll)
- {
- RECT rect;
- // Get the rectangle
- if (GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rect))
- m_changed_rgn.AddRect(rect);
- }
- }
- void
- vncClient::TriggerUpdate()
- {
- // Lock the updates stored so far
- omni_mutex_lock l(m_regionLock);
- if (m_updatewanted)
- {
- // Handle the three polling modes
- if (m_server->PollFullScreen())
- {
- RECT rect;
- rect.left = (m_pollingcycle % 2) * m_qtrscreen.right;
- rect.right = rect.left + m_qtrscreen.right;
- = (m_pollingcycle / 2) * m_qtrscreen.bottom;
- rect.bottom = + m_qtrscreen.bottom;
- m_changed_rgn.AddRect(rect);
- m_pollingcycle = (m_pollingcycle + 1) % 4;
- }
- if (m_server->PollForeground())
- {
- // Get the window rectangle for the currently selected window
- HWND hwnd = GetForegroundWindow();
- if (hwnd != NULL)
- PollWindow(hwnd);
- }
- if (m_server->PollUnderCursor())
- {
- // Find the mouse position
- POINT mousepos;
- if (GetCursorPos(&mousepos))
- {
- // Find the window under the mouse
- HWND hwnd = WindowFromPoint(mousepos);
- if (hwnd != NULL)
- PollWindow(hwnd);
- }
- }
- // Clear the remote event flag
- m_remoteevent = FALSE;
- // Send an update if one is waiting
- if (!m_changed_rgn.IsEmpty() ||
- !m_full_rgn.IsEmpty() ||
- m_copyrect_set)
- {
- // Has the palette changed?
- if (m_palettechanged)
- {
- m_palettechanged = FALSE;
- if (!SendPalette())
- return;
- }
- // Now send the update
- m_updatewanted = !SendUpdate();
- }
- }
- }
- void
- vncClient::UpdateMouse()
- {
- omni_mutex_lock l(m_regionLock);
- if (!m_mousemoved)
- {
- if (IntersectRect(&m_oldmousepos, &m_oldmousepos, &m_fullscreen))
- m_changed_rgn.AddRect(m_oldmousepos);
- m_mousemoved = TRUE;
- }
- }
- void
- vncClient::UpdateRect(RECT &rect)
- {
- // Add the rectangle to the update region
- if (IsRectEmpty(&rect))
- return;
- if (IntersectRect(&rect, &rect, &m_fullscreen))
- { omni_mutex_lock l(m_regionLock);
- m_changed_rgn.AddRect(rect);
- }
- }
- void
- vncClient::UpdateRegion(vncRegion ®ion)
- {
- // Merge our current update region with the supplied one
- if (region.IsEmpty())
- return;
- { omni_mutex_lock l(m_regionLock);
- // Merge the two
- vncRegion dummy;
- dummy.AddRect(m_fullscreen);
- region.Intersect(dummy);
- m_changed_rgn.Combine(region);
- }
- }
- void
- vncClient::CopyRect(RECT &dest, POINT &source)
- {
- // If copyrect is disabled then just redraw the region!
- if (!m_copyrect_use)
- {
- UpdateRect(dest);
- return;
- }
- { omni_mutex_lock l(m_regionLock);
- // Clip the destination to the screen
- RECT destrect;
- if (!IntersectRect(&destrect, &dest, &m_fullscreen))
- return;
- // Adjust the source correspondingly
- source.x = source.x + (destrect.left - dest.left);
- source.y = source.y + ( -;
- // Work out the source rectangle
- RECT srcrect;
- // Is this a continuation of an earlier window drag?
- if (m_copyrect_set &&
- ((source.x == m_copyrect_rect.left) && (source.y ==
- {
- // Yes, so use the old source position
- srcrect.left = m_copyrect_src.x;
- = m_copyrect_src.y;
- }
- else
- {
- // No, so use this source position
- srcrect.left = source.x;
- = source.y;
- }
- // And fill out the right & bottom using the dest rect
- srcrect.right = destrect.right-destrect.left + srcrect.left;
- srcrect.bottom = +;
- // Clip the source to the screen
- RECT srcrect2;
- if (!IntersectRect(&srcrect2, &srcrect, &m_fullscreen))
- return;
- // Correct the destination rectangle
- destrect.left += (srcrect2.left - srcrect.left);
- += ( -;
- destrect.right = srcrect2.right-srcrect2.left + destrect.left;
- destrect.bottom = +;
- // Is there an existing CopyRect rectangle?
- if (m_copyrect_set)
- {
- // Yes, so compare their areas!
- if (((destrect.right-destrect.left) * (
- < ((m_copyrect_rect.right-m_copyrect_rect.left) * (
- return;
- }
- // Set the copyrect...
- m_copyrect_rect = destrect;
- m_copyrect_src.x = srcrect2.left;
- m_copyrect_src.y =;
- m_copyrect_set = TRUE;
- }
- }
- void
- vncClient::UpdateClipText(LPSTR text)
- {
- // Lock out any update sends and send clip text to the client
- omni_mutex_lock l(m_regionLock);
- rfbServerCutTextMsg message;
- message.length = Swap32IfLE(strlen(text));
- if (!SendRFBMsg(rfbServerCutText, (BYTE *) &message, sizeof(message)))
- {
- Kill();
- return;
- }
- if (!m_socket->SendExact(text, strlen(text)))
- {
- Kill();
- return;
- }
- }
- void
- vncClient::UpdatePalette()
- {
- omni_mutex_lock l(m_regionLock);
- m_palettechanged = TRUE;
- }
- // Functions used to set and retrieve the client settings
- char*
- vncClient::GetClientName()
- {
- return m_socket->GetPeerName();
- }
- // Internal methods
- vncClient::SendRFBMsg(CARD8 type, BYTE *buffer, int buflen)
- {
- // Set the message type
- ((rfbServerToClientMsg *)buffer)->type = type;
- // Send the message
- if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *) buffer, buflen))
- {
- log.Print(LL_CONNERR, VNCLOG("failed to send RFB message to clientn"));
- Kill();
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Check for each rect in the list, which rects actually need sending
- inline void
- vncClient::CheckRects(vncRegion &rgn, rectlist &rects)
- {
- rectlist::iterator i;
- for (i = rects.begin(); i != rects.end(); i++)
- {
- // Get the buffer to check for changes in the rect
- m_buffer->GetChangedRegion(rgn, *i);
- }
- }
- // For each rectangle in the list, just copy the foreground buffer to the background,
- // to avoid false updates in the future.
- inline void
- vncClient::ClearRects(vncRegion &rgn, rectlist &rects)
- {
- rectlist::iterator i;
- for (i = rects.begin(); i != rects.end(); i++)
- {
- m_buffer->Clear(*i);
- rgn.AddRect(*i);
- }
- }
- // Grab the given rectangles using the smallest no of bands possible
- inline void
- vncClient::GrabRegion(vncRegion &rgn)
- {
- rectlist::iterator i;
- rectlist rects;
- RECT grabRect;
- // Get the rectangles
- if (!rgn.Rectangles(rects))
- return;
- // Clear the DIB rectangle
- SetRectEmpty(&grabRect);
- // Sort the rectangles in order of height
- rects.sort();
- for (i = rects.begin(); i != rects.end(); i++)
- {
- RECT current = *i;
- // Check that this rectangle is part of this capture region
- if ( > grabRect.bottom)
- {
- // If the existing rect is non-null the capture it
- if (!IsRectEmpty(&grabRect))
- m_buffer->GrabRect(grabRect);
- grabRect = current;
- } else {
- // Enlarge the region to be captured
- UnionRect(&grabRect, ¤t, &grabRect);
- }
- }
- // If there are still some rects to be done then do them
- if (!IsRectEmpty(&grabRect))
- m_buffer->GrabRect(grabRect);
- }
- vncClient::SendUpdate()
- {
- vncRegion toBeSent; // Region to actually be sent
- rectlist toBeSentList; // List of rectangles to actually send
- vncRegion toBeDone; // Region to check
- // If there is nothing to send then exit
- if (m_changed_rgn.IsEmpty() &&
- m_full_rgn.IsEmpty() &&
- !m_copyrect_set)
- return FALSE;
- // Check that the copyrect region doesn't intersect the full update region
- if (!m_full_rgn.IsEmpty() && m_copyrect_set)
- { vncRegion temp;
- temp.AddRect(m_copyrect_rect);
- temp.Intersect(m_full_rgn);
- if (!temp.IsEmpty())
- {
- m_changed_rgn.AddRect(m_copyrect_rect);
- m_copyrect_set = FALSE;
- }
- }
- // Handle the CopyRect region, if any
- if (m_copyrect_set)
- m_buffer->CopyRect(m_copyrect_rect, m_copyrect_src);
- // *** Currently, we only check for changes when there isn't a CopyRect to do
- if (!m_copyrect_set)
- {
- // Get the region to be scanned and potentially sent
- toBeDone.Clear();
- toBeDone.Combine(m_incr_rgn);
- toBeDone.Subtract(m_full_rgn);
- toBeDone.Intersect(m_changed_rgn);
- // Get the region to grab
- vncRegion toBeGrabbed;
- toBeGrabbed.Clear();
- toBeGrabbed.Combine(m_full_rgn);
- toBeGrabbed.Combine(toBeDone);
- GrabRegion(toBeGrabbed);
- // Get the region to definitely be sent
- toBeSent.Clear();
- if (!m_full_rgn.IsEmpty())
- {
- rectlist rectsToClear;
- // Retrieve and clear the rectangles
- if (m_full_rgn.Rectangles(rectsToClear))
- ClearRects(toBeSent, rectsToClear);
- }
- if (!toBeDone.IsEmpty())
- {
- rectlist rectsToScan;
- // Retrieve and scan the rectangles
- if (toBeDone.Rectangles(rectsToScan))
- CheckRects(toBeSent, rectsToScan);
- }
- // Clear the bits we're about to deal with from the changed region
- m_changed_rgn.Subtract(m_incr_rgn);
- m_changed_rgn.Subtract(m_full_rgn);
- // Clear the full & incremental regions, since we've dealt with them
- if (!toBeSent.IsEmpty())
- {
- m_full_rgn.Clear();
- m_incr_rgn.Clear();
- }
- // Draw the mouse pointer at the appropriate position if necessary
- if (m_mousemoved)
- {
- // Grab the mouse
- m_oldmousepos = m_buffer->GrabMouse();
- if (IntersectRect(&m_oldmousepos, &m_oldmousepos, &m_fullscreen))
- m_buffer->GetChangedRegion(toBeSent, m_oldmousepos);
- m_mousemoved = FALSE;
- }
- }
- // Get the list of changed rectangles!
- int numrects = 0;
- if (toBeSent.Rectangles(toBeSentList))
- {
- // Find out how many rectangles this update will contain
- rectlist::iterator i;
- for (i=toBeSentList.begin(); i != toBeSentList.end(); i++)
- {
- numrects += m_buffer->GetNumCodedRects(*i);
- }
- }
- // Handle the copyrect region
- if (m_copyrect_set)
- numrects++;
- // If there are no rectangles then return
- if (numrects == 0)
- return FALSE;
- // Otherwise, send <number of rectangles> header
- rfbFramebufferUpdateMsg header;
- header.nRects = Swap16IfLE(numrects);
- if (!SendRFBMsg(rfbFramebufferUpdate, (BYTE *) &header, sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateMsg))
- return TRUE;
- // Encode & send the copyrect
- if (m_copyrect_set)
- {
- m_copyrect_set = FALSE;
- if(!SendCopyRect(m_copyrect_rect, m_copyrect_src))
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Encode & send the actual rectangles
- if (!SendRectangles(toBeSentList))
- return TRUE;
- // Both lists should be empty when we exit
- _ASSERT(toBeSentList.empty());
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Send a set of rectangles
- vncClient::SendRectangles(rectlist &rects)
- {
- RECT rect;
- // Work through the list of rectangles, sending each one
- while(!rects.empty())
- {
- rect = rects.front();
- if (!SendRectangle(rect))
- return FALSE;
- rects.pop_front();
- }
- rects.clear();
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Tell the encoder to send a single rectangle
- vncClient::SendRectangle(RECT &rect)
- {
- // Get the buffer to encode the rectangle
- UINT bytes = m_buffer->TranslateRect(rect);
- // Send the encoded data
- return m_socket->SendExact((char *)(m_buffer->GetClientBuffer()), bytes);
- }
- // Send a single CopyRect message
- vncClient::SendCopyRect(RECT &dest, POINT &source)
- {
- // Create the message header
- rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader copyrecthdr;
- copyrecthdr.r.x = Swap16IfLE(dest.left);
- copyrecthdr.r.y = Swap16IfLE(;
- copyrecthdr.r.w = Swap16IfLE(dest.right-dest.left);
- copyrecthdr.r.h = Swap16IfLE(;
- copyrecthdr.encoding = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingCopyRect);
- // Create the CopyRect-specific section
- rfbCopyRect copyrectbody;
- copyrectbody.srcX = Swap16IfLE(source.x);
- copyrectbody.srcY = Swap16IfLE(source.y);
- // Now send the message;
- if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)©recthdr, sizeof(copyrecthdr)))
- return FALSE;
- if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *)©rectbody, sizeof(copyrectbody)))
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Send the encoder-generated palette to the client
- // This function only returns FALSE if the SendExact fails - any other
- // error is coped with internally...
- vncClient::SendPalette()
- {
- rfbSetColourMapEntriesMsg setcmap;
- RGBQUAD *rgbquad;
- UINT ncolours = 256;
- // Reserve space for the colour data
- rgbquad = new RGBQUAD[ncolours];
- if (rgbquad == NULL)
- return TRUE;
- // Get the data
- if (!m_buffer->GetRemotePalette(rgbquad, ncolours))
- {
- delete [] rgbquad;
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Compose the message
- setcmap.type = rfbSetColourMapEntries;
- setcmap.firstColour = Swap16IfLE(0);
- setcmap.nColours = Swap16IfLE(ncolours);
- if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *) &setcmap, sz_rfbSetColourMapEntriesMsg))
- {
- delete [] rgbquad;
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Now send the actual colour data...
- for (int i=0; i<ncolours; i++)
- {
- struct _PIXELDATA {
- CARD16 r, g, b;
- } pixeldata;
- pixeldata.r = Swap16IfLE(((CARD16)rgbquad[i].rgbRed) << 8);
- pixeldata.g = Swap16IfLE(((CARD16)rgbquad[i].rgbGreen) << 8);
- pixeldata.b = Swap16IfLE(((CARD16)rgbquad[i].rgbBlue) << 8);
- if (!m_socket->SendExact((char *) &pixeldata, sizeof(pixeldata)))
- {
- delete [] rgbquad;
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- // Delete the rgbquad data
- delete [] rgbquad;
- return TRUE;
- }