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Package: [view]
Upload User: lzd18710
Upload Date: 2009-11-26
Package Size: 3595k
Code Size: 10k
Development Platform:
Visual Basic
- unit uTBase64;
- // uTBase64 v1.0 - Simple Base64 encoding/decoding class
- // Base64 described in RFC2045, Page 24, (w) 1996 Freed & Borenstein
- // Delphi implementation (w) 1999 Dennis D. Spreen (
- // This unit is freeware. Just drop me a line if this unit is useful for you.
- //
- // methods:
- // function EncodeData(InputData:string;var OutputData:string):byte;
- // return values:
- // BASE64_OK = no errors, conversion successful
- // BASE64_ERROR = unknown error (e.g. can't encode octet in input stream) -> error in implementation
- //
- // function DecodeData(InputData:string;var OutputData:string):byte;
- // return values:
- // BASE64_OK = no errors, conversion successful
- // BASE64_INVALID = invalid characters in input string (may occur only when filterdecodeinput=false)
- // BASE64_LENGTH = input data length is not a Base64 length (mod 4)
- // BASE64_DATALEFT = too much input data left (receveived 'end of encoded data' but not end of input string)
- // BASE64_PADDING = wrong padding (input data isn't closed with correct padding characters)
- //
- // properties:
- // filterdecodeinput:boolean; //delete all forbidden characters in input stream: Default=true
- //
- // note for Delphi 1 users:
- // as with delphi 1 the max. length of a string can not exceed the length of 255 byte,
- // you may experience some problems (=errors) whilst encoding/decoding such lines.
- // but as base64 is commonly used as internet mail encoding for which the maximum
- // line size is 76 chars (=57 decoded chars) the use of this unit is not problematic.
- //
- // example:
- // var Base64:TBase64;
- // s1,s2:string;
- // begin
- // Base64:=TBase64.Create;
- // s1:='this needs to be Base64-encoded';
- // Base64.EncodeData(s1,s2);
- // ShowMessage('Encoded string:'+s2);
- // s1:='';
- // Base64.DecodeData(s2,s1);
- // ShowMessage('Decoded string:'+s1);
- // Base64.Free;
- // end;
- //
- interface
- uses sysUtils;
- type TBase64 = class(TObject)
- private
- ffilterdecodeinput:boolean;
- function ValueToCharacter(value:Byte;var character:char):boolean;
- function CharacterToValue(character:char;var value:byte):boolean;
- function filterLine(InputData:string):string;
- protected
- public
- function EncodeData(InputData:string;var OutputData:string):Byte;
- function DecodeData(InputData:string;var OutputData:string):Byte;
- constructor Create;
- published
- property filterdecodeinput:boolean read ffilterdecodeinput write ffilterdecodeinput;
- end;
- const BASE64_OK = 0; // no errors, conversion successful
- BASE64_ERROR = 1; // unknown error (e.g. can't encode octet in input stream) -> error in implementation
- BASE64_INVALID = 2; // invalid characters in input string (may occur only when filterdecodeinput=false)
- BASE64_LENGTH = 3; // input data length is not a Base64 length (mod 4)
- BASE64_DATALEFT = 4; // too much input data left (receveived 'end of encoded data' but not end of input string)
- BASE64_PADDING = 5; // wrong padding (input data isn't closed with correct padding characters)
- procedure EncodeData64(var s:string);
- procedure DecodeData64(var s:string);
- function code64(s: string; encode: boolean): string;
- implementation
- function code64(s: string; encode: boolean): string;
- var
- Base64: TBase64;
- s2:string;
- begin
- Base64:=TBase64.Create;
- try
- if encode then
- Base64.EncodeData(s,s2)
- else
- Base64.DecodeData(s,s2);
- result := s2;
- finally
- Base64.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure EncodeData64(var s:string);
- var Base64:TBase64;
- s1:string;
- begin
- Base64:=TBase64.Create;
- try
- Base64.EncodeData(s,s1);
- s := s1;
- finally
- Base64.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DecodeData64(var s:string);
- var Base64:TBase64;
- s1:string;
- begin
- Base64:=TBase64.Create;
- try
- Base64.DecodeData(s,s1);
- s := s1;
- finally
- Base64.Free;
- end;
- end;
- const AlphabetLength = 64;
- Alphabet:string[AlphabetLength]='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
- Pad = '=';
- constructor TBase64.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- ffilterdecodeinput:=true;
- end;
- //******************************************************************
- // converts a value in the range of 0..AlphabetLength-1 to the
- // corresponding base64 alphabet representation
- // returns true if the value is in the alphabet range
- //******************************************************************
- function TBase64.ValueToCharacter(value:Byte;var character:char):boolean;
- begin
- Result:=true;
- if (value>AlphabetLength-1) then Result:=false
- else character:=Alphabet[value+1];
- end;
- //******************************************************************
- // converts a character to a value in the range of 0..AlphabetLength-1
- // returns true if the character exists in the alphabet
- //******************************************************************
- function TBase64.CharacterToValue(character:char;var value:byte):boolean;
- begin
- Result:=true;
- value:=Pos(character,Alphabet);
- if value=0 then Result:=false
- else value:=value-1;
- end;
- //******************************************************************
- // Encodes a string to its base64 representation in ASCII Format
- // returns BASE64_OK if conversion was done without errors
- //******************************************************************
- function TBase64.EncodeData(InputData:string;var OutputData:string):Byte;
- var i:integer;
- currentb,prevb:Byte;
- c:Byte;
- s:char;
- InputLength:integer;
- begin
- OutPutData:='';
- InputLength:=Length(InputData);
- i:=1;
- if (InputLength=0) then begin Result:=BASE64_OK;exit;end;
- repeat
- // process first group
- currentb:=ord(InputData[i]);
- i:=i+1;
- InputLength:=InputLength-1;
- c:=(currentb shr 2);
- if not ValueToCharacter(c,s) then begin Result:=BASE64_ERROR;exit;end;
- OutPutData:=OutPutData+s;
- prevb:=currentb;
- // process second group
- if InputLength=0 then currentb:=0
- else begin
- currentb:=ord(InputData[i]);
- i:=i+1;
- end;
- InputLength:=InputLength-1;
- c:=(prevb and $03) shl 4 + (currentb shr 4);
- if not ValueToCharacter(c,s) then begin Result:=BASE64_ERROR;exit;end;
- OutPutData:=OutPutData+s;
- prevb:=currentb;
- // process third group
- if InputLength<0 then s:=pad
- else
- begin
- if InputLength=0 then currentb:=0
- else begin
- currentb:=ord(InputData[i]);
- i:=i+1;
- end;
- InputLength:=InputLength-1;
- c:=(prevb and $0F) shl 2 + (currentb shr 6);
- if not ValueToCharacter(c,s) then begin Result:=BASE64_ERROR;exit;end;
- end;
- OutPutData:=OutPutData+s;
- // process fourth group
- if InputLength<0 then s:=pad
- else
- begin
- c:=(currentb and $3F);
- if not ValueToCharacter(c,s) then begin Result:=BASE64_ERROR;exit;end;
- end;
- OutPutData:=OutPutData+s;
- until InputLength<=0;
- result:=BASE64_OK;
- end;
- //******************************************************************
- // ignores all characters not in base64 alphabet
- // and returns the filtered string
- //******************************************************************
- function TBase64.filterLine(InputData:string):string;
- var f:byte;
- i:integer;
- begin
- result:='';
- for i:= 1 to Length(InputData) do
- if CharacterToValue(inputData[i],f) or (InputData[i]=Pad) then result:=Result+InputData[i];
- end;
- //******************************************************************
- // Decodes a base64 representation in ASCII format into a string
- // returns BASE64_OK if conversion was done without errors
- //******************************************************************
- function TBase64.DecodeData(InputData:string;var OutputData:string):Byte;
- var i:integer;
- InputLength:integer;
- currentb,prevb:Byte;
- c:Byte;
- s:char;
- begin
- if (InputData='') then begin result:=BASE64_OK;exit;end;
- OutPutData:='';
- if filterdecodeinput then InputData:=FilterLine(InputData);
- InputLength:=Length(InputData);
- if InputLength mod 4<>0 then begin Result:=BASE64_LENGTH;exit;end;
- i:=0;
- repeat
- // process first byte
- i:=i+1;s:=InputData[i]; if not CharacterToValue(s,currentb) then begin Result:=BASE64_INVALID;exit;end;
- i:=i+1;s:=InputData[i]; if not CharacterToValue(s,prevb) then begin Result:=BASE64_INVALID;exit;end;
- c:=(currentb shl 2)+(prevb shr 4);
- OutPutData:=OutPutData+chr(c);
- // process second Byte
- i:=i+1;s:=InputData[i];
- if s=pad then
- begin
- if (i<>InputLength-1) then begin Result:=BASE64_DATALEFT;exit;end // too much data left
- else if InputData[i+1]<>pad then begin Result:=BASE64_PADDING;exit;end; // last char has to be a pad
- end
- else
- begin
- if not CharacterToValue(s,currentb) then begin Result:=BASE64_INVALID;exit;end;
- c:=(prevb shl 4)+(currentb shr 2);
- OutPutData:=OutPutData+chr(c);
- end;
- // process third Byte
- i:=i+1;s:=InputData[i];
- if s=pad then
- begin
- if (i<>InputLength) then begin Result:=BASE64_DATALEFT;exit;end; // too much data Left
- end
- else
- begin
- if not CharacterToValue(s,prevb) then begin Result:=BASE64_INVALID;exit;end;
- c:=(currentb shl 6)+(prevb);
- OutPutData:=OutPutData+chr(c);
- end;
- until (i>=InputLength);
- result:=BASE64_OK;
- end;
- end.