Upload User: lzd18710
Upload Date: 2009-11-26
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Development Platform:

Visual Basic

  1. object Form1: TForm1
  2.   Left = 297
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  5.   Caption = 'Transaction Logs Reader'
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  26.     Caption = 
  27.       'This program is a demo for multi-thread. It start some backgroun' +
  28.       'd work threads to read the logs of BioClock Devices periodically' +
  29.       '.'
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  33.   object Label2: TLabel
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  38.     Caption = 'Read Period(S):'
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  46.     Caption = 'Logs:'
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  49.   object lblTimer: TLabel
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  63.   object memLogs: TMemo
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  69.       'Memo1')
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  73.   object spePeriod: TSpinEdit
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  83.     OnChange = spePeriodChange
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  85.   object btnCount: TButton
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  93.     OnClick = btnCountClick
  94.   end
  95.   object clbDevices: TCheckListBox
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  111.     Caption = 'Add Device'
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  114.   end
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  123.   end
  124.   object CheckBox1: TCheckBox
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  129.     Caption = 'Sync time when  start'
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  131.     OnClick = CheckBox1Click
  132.   end
  133.   object Timer1: TTimer
  134.     Enabled = False
  135.     OnTimer = Timer1Timer
  136.     Left = 240
  137.     Top = 72
  138.   end
  139. end