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GPS develop
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- function [H, Qaj] = unidecor(example)
- %UNIDECOR Computes a decorrelating transformation as described in
- % Liu et al. (1999) A new approach to GPS ambiguity
- % decorrelation, Journal of Geodesy, vol 73: 478-490
- % Qa......: ambiguity covarinace matrix
- % dim.....: dimension of ambiguity covariance matrix
- % H.......: decorrelating transformation
- % Qaj.....: ambiguity correlation matrix in iteration j
- % Hj......: decorrelating transformation in iteration j
- % Lj......: permutation matrix
- % Kj......: lower diagonal matrix, with one column
- % of coefficients of the L-matrix of the
- % LDL'-decomposition
- % Final transformation and decorrelated covariance matrix are
- % stored in H and Qaj
- % Three examples of ambiguity covariance
- % matrices, mentioned in the paper
- % specify covariance matrix by using the "example"-variable
- %Written by Niels Jonkman
- %November 1999
- if example == 1
- Qa = [80.0 9.75 27.8;
- 9.75 1.25 3.45;
- 27.8 3.45 10.0];
- elseif example == 2
- Qa = [81.708 34.09 75.934 78.342 94.720 146.448;
- 34.090 19.611 31.422 34.344 49.839 64.905;
- 75.934 31.422 70.641 72.615 87.351 135.801;
- 78.342 34.344 72.615 76.029 94.675 141.869;
- 94.720 49.839 87.351 94.675 131.472 177.552;
- 146.448 64.905 135.801 141.869 177.552 265.416];
- else
- Qa = [35.366 40.078 32.142 43.475 42.154 31.859 36.369 39.035 42.985 41.515 45.805 40.521;
- 40.078 45.830 36.807 49.742 47.882 36.161 40.784 44.697 48.435 46.933 52.121 45.521;
- 32.142 36.807 30.163 40.284 39.284 29.866 32.807 36.167 38.885 37.503 41.834 36.410;
- 43.475 49.742 40.284 56.096 53.512 39.783 44.399 48.693 52.019 51.001 56.903 49.695;
- 42.154 47.882 39.284 53.512 53.400 39.476 44.710 46.956 51.463 49.903 55.093 48.131;
- 31.859 36.161 29.866 39.783 39.476 30.295 33.573 35.344 38.779 37.203 42.310 36.344;
- 36.369 40.784 32.807 44.399 44.710 33.573 41.148 38.815 44.450 42.904 46.782 41.726;
- 39.035 44.697 36.167 48.693 46.956 35.344 38.815 44.307 47.326 45.624 50.415 44.099;
- 42.985 48.435 38.885 52.019 51.463 38.779 44.450 47.326 53.096 50.840 55.776 49.417;
- 41.515 46.933 37.503 51.001 49.903 37.203 42.904 45.624 50.840 49.216 53.950 47.831;
- 45.805 52.121 41.834 56.903 55.093 42.310 46.782 50.415 55.776 53.950 64.832 52.595;
- 40.521 45.521 36.410 49.695 48.131 36.344 41.726 44.099 49.417 47.831 52.595 47.218];
- end
- t = cputime;
- %%for q = 1:1000
- % initialization
- % Hj is intialized as a matrix of ones rather than as
- % a unit matrix, in order to get the iteration going
- dim = length(Qa);
- H = eye(dim);
- Hj = ones(dim);
- Qaj = Qa;
- % iterate the HL-processes until the
- % Hj-matrix equals a unit matrix
- while ~isempty(find(Hj-eye(dim)))
- % initialization
- Hj = eye(dim);
- % HL-process
- for i = 1:1:dim-1
- % initialization
- Lj = eye(dim);
- Kj = eye(dim);
- % determine the index of the largest
- % diagonal element of the vc-matrix
- swapindex = find(diag(Qaj) == min(diag(Qaj(i:dim,i:dim))));
- % build permutation matrix
- Lj(i,i) = 0;
- Lj(swapindex,swapindex) = 0;
- Lj(i,swapindex) = 1;
- Lj(swapindex,i) = 1;
- % permutate covariance matrix
- Qaj = Lj*Qaj*Lj';
- % determine column i of L-matrix in
- % LDL'-decomposition and store in matrix Kj
- Kj(i+1:dim,i) = -Qaj(i+1:dim,i)/Qaj(i,i);
- % apply transformation
- Qaj = Kj*Qaj*Kj';
- % determine "float" transformation matrix
- Hj = Kj*Lj*Hj;
- end;
- % round the "float" transformation matrix
- Hj = round(Hj);
- % determine transformation matrix after iteration j
- H = Hj*H;
- % apply transformation
- Qaj = H*Qa*H';
- end;
- %% end
- cputime-t
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end unidecor.m %%%%%%%%%%%%%