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GPS develop
Development Platform:
- %EASY6E We compute a baseline from C/A code and phase observations.
- % The code does not handle
- % 1. cycle slips and
- % 2. outliers.
- % In contrast to EASY5, we now use an extended Kalman filter for the
- % estimation. The present code is no real RTK code as all computational
- % steps do not happen on an epoch-by-epoch basis
- %
- % The filter uses e(ponentially) age-weighting of old data.
- % Reference:
- % Kailath, Thomas & Ali H. Sayed & Babak Hassibi (2000): Linear Estimation.
- % Prentice Hall. Pages 68--69
- %Kai Borre 27-07-2002
- %Copyright (c) by Kai Borre
- %$Revision: 1.0 $ $Date: 2002/07/27 $
- % Initial computations of constants
- v_light = 299792458; % vacuum speed of light m/s
- f1 = 154*10.23E6; % L1 frequency Hz
- f2 = 120*10.23E6; % L2 frequency Hz
- lambda1 = v_light/f1; % wavelength on L1: .19029367 m
- lambda2 = v_light/f2; % wavelength on L2: .244210213 m
- % Read RINEX ephemerides file and convert to internal Matlab format
- rinexe('SITE247J.01N','eph.dat');
- Eph = get_eph('eph.dat');
- % We identify the master observation file and open it
- ofile1 = 'SITE247J.01O';
- fid1 = fopen(ofile1,'rt');
- [Obs_types1, ant_delta1, ifound_types1, eof11] = anheader(ofile1);
- NoObs_types1 = size(Obs_types1,2)/2;
- % We start by estimating the master position
- [time1, dt1, sats1, eof1] = fepoch_0(fid1);
- NoSv1 = size(sats1, 1);
- m = NoSv1;
- obs1raw = grabdata(fid1, NoSv1, NoObs_types1);
- i = fobs_typ(Obs_types1,'C1'); % We use C/A pseudoranges
- [X_i, el] = recpo_ls(obs1raw(:,i), sats1, time1, Eph);
- [phi_i,lambda_i,h_i] = togeod(6378137,298.257223563,X_i(1),X_i(2),X_i(3));
- % We close all files to ensure that the next reading starts
- % at the top of the observation files
- fclose all;
- % Finding columns in Eph for each SV
- for t = 1:m
- col_Eph(t) = find_eph(Eph,sats1(t),time1);
- end
- % Computation of elevation angle to all SVs.
- all_sats1 = sats1;
- % Delete Sv with elevation smaller than 10 degrees
- sats1(el<10) = [];
- del_sat = setdiff(all_sats1,sats1);
- no_del_sat = [];
- for t = 1:length(del_sat)
- no_dels = find(del_sat(t) == all_sats1);
- no_del_sat = [no_del_sat; no_dels];
- end
- No_del_sat = length(no_del_sat);
- % Selecting reference SV. We take the SV with largest elevation
- [y,ind] = max(el);
- refsv = sats1(ind);
- ofile1 = 'SITE247J.01O';
- fid1 = fopen(ofile1,'rt');
- ofile2 = 'SITE24~1.01O';
- fid2 = fopen(ofile2,'rt');
- % We start reading both observation files
- [Obs_types1, ant_delta1, ifound_types1, eof11] = anheader(ofile1);
- NoObs_types1 = size(Obs_types1,2)/2;
- obsstr = ['P1';'P2';'L1';'L2'];
- Oc = [];
- for t = 1:4
- oc = strmatch(obsstr(t,:),strvcat('C1','P1','P2','L1','L2'),'exact');
- Oc = [Oc oc];
- end
- [Obs_types2, ant_delta2, ifound_types2, eof12] = anheader(ofile2);
- NoObs_types2 = size(Obs_types2,2)/2;
- % Computation of covariance matrix Sigma for double differenced observations
- m1 = m-No_del_sat; % original number of SVs - deleted SVs due to low elevations
- D = [ones(m1,1) -eye(m1) -ones(m1,1) eye(m1)];
- Sigma = D*D';
- X = zeros(3+2*m1,1); % coord.diff., N1, N2
- N = zeros(3+2*m1,3+2*m1); % initialization of normals
- rs = zeros(3+2*m1,1); % initialization of right side
- X_a = [];
- X_j = X_i(1:3,1);
- refrow = find(refsv == sats1);
- % We process three epochs for estimating ambiguities; the present data evidently
- % need three or more epochs for getting reliable estimates of the float ambiguities
- for q = 1:6
- X_j = X_i(1:3,1)+X(1:3,1);
- [time1, dt1, sats1, eof1] = fepoch_0(fid1);
- [time2, dt2, sats2, eof2] = fepoch_0(fid2);
- if time1 ~= time2
- disp('Epochs do not correspond in time')
- break
- end;
- time = time1;
- NoSv1 = size(sats1,1);
- NoSv2 = size(sats2,1);
- obsm = grabdata(fid1, NoSv1, NoObs_types1);
- obsr = grabdata(fid2, NoSv2, NoObs_types2);
- obs1 = obsm(:,Oc); % P1 P2 Phi1 Phi2
- % Reordering of rows in obsr to correspond to obsm
- for s = 1:NoSv1
- Ind = find(sats1(s) == sats2(:));
- obs2(s,:) = obsr(Ind,Oc);
- end
- % Computing rho for refsv
- [tcorr,rhok_j,Xk_ECF] = get_rho(time, obs2(refrow,1), Eph(:,col_Eph(refrow)), X_j);
- [tcorr,rhok_i,Xk_ECF] = get_rho(time, obs1(refrow,1), Eph(:,col_Eph(refrow)), X_i);
- tt = 0;
- A1 = [];
- t0 = 1:NoSv1;
- t1 = setdiff(t0,no_del_sat); % we delete the low satellites
- for t = t1
- tt = tt+1;
- [tcorr,rhol_j,Xl_ECF] = get_rho(time,obs2(t,1), Eph(:,col_Eph(t)), X_j);
- [tcorr,rhol_i,Xl_ECF] = get_rho(time,obs1(t,1), Eph(:,col_Eph(t)), X_i);
- A0 = [(Xk_ECF(1)-X_j(1))/rhok_j - (Xl_ECF(1)-X_j(1))/rhol_j ...
- (Xk_ECF(2)-X_j(2))/rhok_j - (Xl_ECF(2)-X_j(2))/rhol_j ...
- (Xk_ECF(3)-X_j(3))/rhok_j - (Xl_ECF(3)-X_j(3))/rhol_j];
- A1 = [A1; A0];
- Phi1 = (obs1(refrow,3)-obs1(t,3)-obs2(refrow,3)+obs2(t,3))*lambda1;
- Phi2 = (obs1(refrow,4)-obs1(t,4)-obs2(refrow,4)+obs2(t,4))*lambda2;
- b(tt,:) = Phi1-lambda1*X(3+tt,1);
- b(m1+tt,:) = Phi2-lambda2*X(3+m1+tt,1);
- bk(tt,:) = rhok_i-rhok_j-rhol_i+rhol_j;
- bk(m1+tt,:) = rhok_i-rhok_j-rhol_i+rhol_j;
- end;
- A_modi = eye(m1); % modified coefficient matrix
- col = find(refsv == sats1); % find column for reference PRN
- A_modi(:,col) = -ones(m1,1);
- A_aug = [A1 lambda1*A_modi 0*eye(m1); A1 0*eye(m1) lambda2*A_modi];
- N = N+A_aug'*kron(eye(2),Sigma)*A_aug;
- rs = rs+A_aug'*kron(eye(2),Sigma)*(b-bk);
- end %q
- PP = pinv(N);
- % X contains the three preliminary baseline components and the float ambiguities
- X = PP*rs;
- % Estimation of ambiguities by means of the Lambda method
- [a,sqnorm,Sigma_afixed,Z] = lambda2(X(4:4+2*m1-1,1),PP(4:4+2*m1-1,4:4+2*m1-1));
- % Correcting baseline vector as consequence of changing float ambiguities to fixed ones
- X(1:3,1) = X(1:3,1)-PP(1:3,4:4+2*m1-1)*inv(PP(4:4+2*m1-1,4:4+2*m1-1))*...
- (X(4:4+2*m1-1,1)-a(:,1)); %select first set of candidates
- X(4:4+2*m1-1,1) = a(:,1);
- fprintf('n N1 for PRN %3.0f: %3.0f',[sats1(t1)'; a(1:m1,1)'])
- fprintf('n')
- fprintf('n N2 for PRN %3.0f: %3.0f',[sats1(t1)'; a(m1+1:2*m1,1)'])
- % We close and reopen all files in order to start reading at a known position
- fclose all;
- ofile1 = 'SITE247J.01O';
- fid1 = fopen(ofile1,'rt');
- ofile2 = 'SITE24~1.01O';
- fid2 = fopen(ofile2,'rt');
- % Setting covariances for the Kalman filter; the state vector contains (x,y,z)
- P = eye(3); % covariances of state vector
- Q = 0.05^2*eye(3); % covariances of system
- R = 0.005^2*kron(eye(2),inv(Sigma)); % covariances of observations
- % In ofile2 we substitute empty observations with NaN's to obtain 22 valid epochs
- qend = 22;
- % Preliminary estimate of baseline components
- x = X(1:3,1);
- x_acc = [];
- delta_x = zeros(3,1);
- for q = 1:qend
- X_j = X_i(1:3,1)+x;
- [phi_j,lambda_j,h_j] = togeod(6378137,298.257223563,X_j(1),X_j(2),X_j(3));
- [time1, dt1, sats1, eof1] = fepoch_0(fid1);
- [time2, dt2, sats2, eof2] = fepoch_0(fid2);
- if time1 ~= time2
- disp('Epochs do not correspond in time')
- break
- end;
- time = time1;
- NoSv1 = size(sats1,1);
- NoSv2 = size(sats2,1);
- obsm = grabdata(fid1, NoSv1, NoObs_types1);
- obsr = grabdata(fid2, NoSv2, NoObs_types2);
- obs1 = obsm(:,Oc); % P1 P2 Phi1 Phi2
- % Reordering of rows in obsr to correspond to obsm
- for s = 1:m
- Ind = find(sats1(s) == sats2(:));
- obs2(s,:) = obsr(Ind,Oc);
- end
- % Computing rho for refsv
- [tcorr,rhok_j,Xk_ECF] = get_rho(time, obs2(1,1), Eph(:,col_Eph(1)), X_j);
- [tcorr,rhok_i,Xk_ECF] = get_rho(time, obs1(1,1), Eph(:,col_Eph(1)), X_i);
- tt = 0;
- A = zeros(2*m1,3);
- for t = t1
- tt = tt+1;
- [tcorr,rhol_j,Xl_ECF] = get_rho(time,obs2(t,1), Eph(:,col_Eph(t)), X_j);
- [tcorr,rhol_i,Xl_ECF] = get_rho(time,obs1(t,1), Eph(:,col_Eph(t)), X_i);
- A0 = [(Xk_ECF(1)-X_j(1))/rhok_j - (Xl_ECF(1)-X_j(1))/rhol_j ...
- (Xk_ECF(2)-X_j(2))/rhok_j - (Xl_ECF(2)-X_j(2))/rhol_j ...
- (Xk_ECF(3)-X_j(3))/rhok_j - (Xl_ECF(3)-X_j(3))/rhol_j];
- A(tt,:) = A0;
- A(m1+tt,:) = A0;
- % Tropospheric correction using standard meteorological parameters
- %[az,el_ki,d] = topocent(X_i(1:3),Xk_ECF-X_i(1:3));
- %[az,el_li,d] = topocent(X_i(1:3),Xl_ECF-X_i(1:3));
- %[az,el_kj,d] = topocent(X_j(1:3),Xk_ECF-X_j(1:3));
- %[az,el_lj,d] = topocent(X_j(1:3),Xl_ECF-X_j(1:3));
- %el_ki, el_li, el_kj, el_lj
- %t_corr = tropo(sin(el_lj*pi/180),...
- % h_j*1.e-3,1013,293,50,0,0,0)...
- % -tropo(sin(el_li*pi/180),....
- % h_i*1.e-3,1013,293,50,0,0,0)...
- % -tropo(sin(el_kj*pi/180),...
- % h_j*1.e-3,1013,293,50,0,0,0)...
- % +tropo(sin(el_ki*pi/180),...
- % h_i*1.e-3,1013,293,50,0,0,0);
- Phi1 = (obs1(refrow,3)-obs1(t,3)-obs2(refrow,3)+obs2(t,3))*lambda1; %-t_corr;
- Phi2 = (obs1(refrow,4)-obs1(t,4)-obs2(refrow,4)+obs2(t,4))*lambda2; %-t_corr;
- b(tt,:) = Phi1-lambda1*a(tt,1);
- b(m1+tt,:) = Phi2-lambda2*a(m1+tt,1);
- bk(tt,:) = rhok_i-rhok_j-rhol_i+rhol_j;
- bk(m1+tt,:) = rhok_i-rhok_j-rhol_i+rhol_j;
- end; % t
- % Age weighting of old data, see Fagin.
- tau = .1; % The smaller tau is, the faster old observations are forgotten
- age_weight = exp(1/tau);
- %Extended Kalman filter, see pages 509--510 in Strang & Borre (1997): Linear
- % Algebra, Geodesy, and GPS, Wellesley-Cambridge Press
- P = P+Q;
- K = P*A'*inv(A*P*A'/age_weight+ R)/age_weight;
- x = x+K*(b-bk);
- P = (eye(3)-K*A)*P/age_weight;
- fprintf('nx: %8.3f m, y: %8.3f m, z: %8.3f mn',x(1),x(2),x(3))
- x_acc = [x_acc x];
- end %q
- % Transformation of geocentric baseline coordinates into topocentric coordinates
- for i = 1:qend
- [e(i),n(i),u(i)] = xyz2enu(phi_j,lambda_j,x_acc(1,i),x_acc(2,i),x_acc(3,i));
- end
- fprintf('nnBaseline Componentsn')
- fprintf('nX: %8.3f m, Y: %8.3f m, Z: %8.3f mn', ...
- x_acc(1,qend),x_acc(2,qend),x_acc(3,qend))
- fprintf('nE: %8.3f m, N: %8.3f m, U: %8.3f mn',mean(e),mean(n),mean(u))
- figure(1);
- plot_handles = plot(1:qend,(e-e(1))'*1000,'-',...
- 1:qend,(n-n(1))'*1000,'--',...
- 1:qend,(u-u(1))'*1000,'-.');
- set(gca,'fontsize',16)
- set(plot_handles,'linewidth',2)
- title('Estimates of Baseline Using Age-Weighting')
- ylabel('State Vector, Changes Relative to Initial Epoch [mm]')
- xlabel('Epochs [1 s interval]')
- legend('Easting','Northing','Upping')
- print -deps easy6e
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end easy6e.m %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%