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GPS develop
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- function [N,E,U] = wgs2utm(X,Y,Z,zone);
- %WGS2UTM Transformation of (X,Y,Z) in WGS 1984
- % to (N,E,U) in UTM, zone 'zone'
- % Written by Kai Borre
- % November 1994, revised December 22, 1995
- %This implementation is based upon
- %O. Andersson & K. Poder (1981) Koordinattransformationer
- % ved Geodae{}tisk Institut. Landinspektoe{}ren
- % Vol. 30: 552--571 and Vol. 31: 76
- %An excellent, general reference (KW) is
- %R. Koenig & K.H. Weise (1951) Mathematische Grundlagen der
- % h"oheren Geod"asie und Kartographie.
- % Erster Band, Springer Verlag
- %Explanation of variables used:
- % f flattening of ellipsoid
- % a semi major axis in m
- % m0 1 - scale at central meridian; for UTM 0.0004
- % Q_n normalized meridian quadrant
- % E0 Easting of central meridian
- % L0 Longitude of central meridian
- % bg constants for ellipsoidal geogr. to spherical geogr.
- % gb constants for spherical geogr. to ellipsoidal geogr.
- % gtu constants for ellipsoidal N, E to spherical N, E
- % utg constants for spherical N, E to ellipoidal N, E
- % tolutm tolerance for utm, 1.2E-10*meridian quadrant
- % tolgeo tolerance for geographical, 0.00040 second of arc
- % B, L refer to latitude and longitude. Southern latitude is negative
- % International ellipsoid of 1924, valid for ED50
- a = 6378388;
- f = 1/297;
- ex2 = (2-f)*f/((1-f)^2);
- c = a*sqrt(1+ex2);
- vec = [X; Y; Z-4.5];
- alpha = .756e-6;
- R = [ 1 -alpha 0;
- alpha 1 0;
- 0 0 1];
- trans = [89.5; 93.8; 127.6];
- scale = 0.9999988;
- v = scale*R*vec+trans; % coordinate vector in ED50
- L = atan2(v(2),v(1));
- N1 = 6395000; % preliminary value
- B = atan2(v(3)/((1-f)^2*N1), norm(v(1:2))/N1); % preliminary value
- U = 0.1; oldU = 0;
- while abs(U-oldU) > 1.e-4
- oldU = U;
- N1 = c/sqrt(1+ex2*(cos(B))^2);
- B = atan2(v(3)/((1-f)^2*N1+U), norm(v(1:2))/(N1+U) );
- %preliminary value
- %B = atan(v(3)/(norm(v(1:2))*(1-(2-f)*f*N1/(N1+U))));
- U = norm(v(1:2))/cos(B)-N1;
- end
- %Normalized meridian quadrant, KW p. 50 (96), p. 19 (38b), p. 5 (21)
- m0 = 0.0004;
- n = f/(2-f);
- m = n^2*(1/4+n*n/64);
- w = (a*(-n-m0+m*(1-m0)))/(1+n);
- Q_n = a+w;
- %Easting and longitude of central meridian
- E0 = 500000;
- L0 = (zone-30)*6-3;
- %Check tolerance for reverse transformation
- tolutm = pi/2*1.2e-10*Q_n;
- tolgeo = 0.000040;
- %Coefficients of trigonometric series
- %ellipsoidal to spherical geographical, KW p. 186--187, (51)-(52)
- % bg[1] = n*(-2 + n*(2/3 + n*(4/3 + n*(-82/45))));
- % bg[2] = n^2*(5/3 + n*(-16/15 + n*(-13/9)));
- % bg[3] = n^3*(-26/15 + n*34/21);
- % bg[4] = n^4*1237/630;
- %spherical to ellipsoidal geographical, KW p. 190--191, (61)-(62)
- % gb[1] = n*(2 + n*(-2/3 + n*(-2 + n*116/45)));
- % gb[2] = n^2*(7/3 + n*(-8/5 + n*(-227/45)));
- % gb[3] = n^3*(56/15 + n*(-136/35));
- % gb[4] = n^4*4279/630;
- %spherical to ellipsoidal N, E, KW p. 196, (69)
- % gtu[1] = n*(1/2 + n*(-2/3 + n*(5/16 + n*41/180)));
- % gtu[2] = n^2*(13/48 + n*(-3/5 + n*557/1440));
- % gtu[3] = n^3*(61/240 + n*(-103/140));
- % gtu[4] = n^4*49561/161280;
- %ellipsoidal to spherical N, E, KW p. 194, (65)
- % utg[1] = n*(-1/2 + n*(2/3 + n*(-37/96 + n*1/360)));
- % utg[2] = n^2*(-1/48 + n*(-1/15 + n*437/1440));
- % utg[3] = n^3*(-17/480 + n*37/840);
- % utg[4] = n^4*(-4397/161280);
- %With f = 1/297 we get
- bg = [-3.37077907e-3;
- 4.73444769e-6;
- -8.29914570e-9;
- 1.58785330e-11];
- gb = [ 3.37077588e-3;
- 6.62769080e-6;
- 1.78718601e-8;
- 5.49266312e-11];
- gtu = [ 8.41275991e-4;
- 7.67306686e-7;
- 1.21291230e-9;
- 2.48508228e-12];
- utg = [-8.41276339e-4;
- -5.95619298e-8;
- -1.69485209e-10;
- -2.20473896e-13];
- %Ellipsoidal latitude, longitude to spherical latitude, longitude
- neg_geo = 'FALSE';
- if B < 0
- neg_geo = 'TRUE ';
- end;
- Bg_r = abs(B);
- [res_clensin] = clsin(bg,4,2*Bg_r);
- Bg_r = Bg_r+res_clensin;
- L0 = L0*pi/180;
- Lg_r = L-L0;
- %Spherical latitude, longitude to complementary spherical latitude
- % i.e. spherical N, E
- cos_BN = cos(Bg_r);
- Np = atan2(sin(Bg_r), cos(Lg_r)*cos_BN);
- Ep = atanh(sin(Lg_r)*cos_BN);
- %Spherical normalized N, E to ellipsoidal N, E
- Np = 2*Np;
- Ep = 2*Ep;
- [dN,dE] = clksin(gtu,4,Np,Ep);
- Np = Np/2;
- Ep = Ep/2;
- Np = Np+dN;
- Ep = Ep+dE;
- N = Q_n*Np;
- E = Q_n*Ep+E0;
- if neg_geo == 'TRUE '
- N = -N+20000000;
- end;
- %fprintf(['Cartesian coordinates (WGS84) transformed to' ...
- % ' UTM zone %2.0fn'], zone);
- %fprintf('X = %12.3f, Y = %12.3f, Z=%12.3fn', X, Y, Z);
- %fprintf('N = %12.3f, E = %12.3f, U=%12.3fn', N, E, U);
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end wgs2utm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%