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- /***********************************************************************
- *
- * This module is part of the XMLGUI system
- *
- * File name: XMLGUISyntax.cpp
- *
- * Creation date: [14 AUGUST 2002]
- *
- * Author(s): [Kolosenko Ruslan]
- *
- * Description: Initializes global structures describing XMLGUI syntax
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "XMLGUISyntax.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif
- // structure mapping common styles in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_CommonWindowStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("popup"), WS_POPUP},
- {_T("child"), WS_CHILD},
- {_T("minimize"), WS_MINIMIZE},
- {_T("visible"), WS_VISIBLE},
- {_T("disabled"), WS_DISABLED},
- {_T("clipsiblings"), WS_CLIPSIBLINGS},
- {_T("clipchildren"), WS_CLIPCHILDREN},
- {_T("maximize"), WS_MAXIMIZE},
- {_T("caption"), WS_CAPTION},
- {_T("border"), WS_BORDER},
- {_T("dlgframe"), WS_DLGFRAME},
- {_T("vscroll"), WS_VSCROLL},
- {_T("hscroll"), WS_HSCROLL},
- {_T("sysmenu"), WS_SYSMENU},
- {_T("thickframe"), WS_THICKFRAME},
- {_T("group"), WS_GROUP},
- {_T("tabstop"), WS_TABSTOP},
- {_T("minimizebox"), WS_MINIMIZEBOX},
- {_T("maximizebox"), WS_MAXIMIZEBOX},
- {_T("overlappedwindow"), WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW},
- {_T("popupwindow"), WS_POPUPWINDOW},
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping common extended styles in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_CommonWindowExStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("dlgmodalframe"), WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME},
- {_T("noparentnotify"), WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY},
- {_T("topmost"), WS_EX_TOPMOST},
- {_T("acceptfiles"), WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES},
- {_T("extransparent"), WS_EX_TRANSPARENT},
- #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
- {_T("mdichild"), WS_EX_MDICHILD},
- {_T("toolwindow"), WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW},
- {_T("windowedge"), WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE},
- {_T("clientedge"), WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE},
- {_T("excontexthelp"), WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP},
- {_T("exright"), WS_EX_RIGHT},
- {_T("exrtlreading"), WS_EX_RTLREADING},
- {_T("leftscrollbar"), WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR},
- {_T("controlparent"), WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT},
- {_T("staticedge"), WS_EX_STATICEDGE},
- {_T("appwindow"), WS_EX_APPWINDOW},
- {_T("exoverlappedwindow"),WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW},
- {_T("palettewindow"), WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW},
- #endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping dialog styles in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants for dialogs
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_DialogStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Windows style
- {_T("absalign"), DS_ABSALIGN},
- {_T("sysmodal"), DS_SYSMODAL},
- {_T("localedit"), DS_LOCALEDIT},
- {_T("setfont"), DS_SETFONT},
- {_T("modalframe"), DS_MODALFRAME},
- {_T("noidlemsg"), DS_NOIDLEMSG},
- {_T("setforeground"), DS_SETFOREGROUND},
- #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
- {_T("3dlook"), DS_3DLOOK},
- {_T("fixedsys"), DS_FIXEDSYS},
- {_T("nofailcreate"), DS_NOFAILCREATE},
- {_T("control"), DS_CONTROL},
- {_T("center"), DS_CENTER},
- {_T("centermouse"), DS_CENTERMOUSE},
- {_T("contexthelp"), DS_CONTEXTHELP},
- #endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for Static controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_StaticControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("center"), SS_CENTER},
- {_T("right"), SS_RIGHT},
- {_T("simple"), SS_SIMPLE},
- {_T("leftnowordwrap"), SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP},
- {_T("noprefix"), SS_NOPREFIX},
- #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
- {_T("notify"), SS_NOTIFY},
- {_T("sunken"), SS_SUNKEN},
- {_T("endellipsis"), SS_ENDELLIPSIS},
- {_T("pathellipsis"), SS_PATHELLIPSIS},
- {_T("wordellipsis"), SS_WORDELLIPSIS},
- #endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for Edit controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_EditControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("center"), ES_CENTER},
- {_T("right"), ES_RIGHT},
- {_T("multiline"), ES_MULTILINE},
- {_T("uppercase"), ES_UPPERCASE},
- {_T("lowercase"), ES_LOWERCASE},
- {_T("password"), ES_PASSWORD},
- {_T("autovscroll"), ES_AUTOVSCROLL},
- {_T("autohscroll"), ES_AUTOHSCROLL},
- {_T("nohidesel"), ES_NOHIDESEL},
- {_T("oemconvert"), ES_OEMCONVERT},
- {_T("readonly"), ES_READONLY},
- {_T("wantreturn"), ES_WANTRETURN},
- #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
- {_T("number"), ES_NUMBER},
- #endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for Button controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_ButtonControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("defpushbutton"), BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON},
- {_T("userbutton"), BS_USERBUTTON},
- {_T("ownerdraw"), BS_OWNERDRAW},
- #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
- {_T("icon"), BS_ICON},
- {_T("bitmap"), BS_BITMAP},
- {_T("left"), BS_LEFT},
- {_T("right"), BS_RIGHT},
- {_T("center"), BS_CENTER},
- {_T("top"), BS_TOP},
- {_T("bottom"), BS_BOTTOM},
- {_T("vcenter"), BS_VCENTER},
- {_T("multiline"), BS_MULTILINE},
- {_T("notify"), BS_NOTIFY},
- {_T("flat"), BS_FLAT},
- #endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for Check controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_CheckControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("checkbox"), BS_CHECKBOX},
- {_T("autocheckbox"), BS_AUTOCHECKBOX},
- {_T("3state"), BS_3STATE},
- {_T("auto3state"), BS_AUTO3STATE},
- {_T("lefttext"), BS_LEFTTEXT},
- #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
- {_T("icon"), BS_ICON},
- {_T("bitmap"), BS_BITMAP},
- {_T("left"), BS_LEFT},
- {_T("right"), BS_RIGHT},
- {_T("center"), BS_CENTER},
- {_T("top"), BS_TOP},
- {_T("bottom"), BS_BOTTOM},
- {_T("vcenter"), BS_VCENTER},
- {_T("pushlike"), BS_PUSHLIKE},
- {_T("multiline"), BS_MULTILINE},
- {_T("notify"), BS_NOTIFY},
- {_T("flat"), BS_FLAT},
- #endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for Radio controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_RadioControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("radiobutton"), BS_RADIOBUTTON},
- {_T("autoradiobutton"), BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON},
- {_T("lefttext"), BS_LEFTTEXT},
- #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
- {_T("icon"), BS_ICON},
- {_T("bitmap"), BS_BITMAP},
- {_T("left"), BS_LEFT},
- {_T("right"), BS_RIGHT},
- {_T("center"), BS_CENTER},
- {_T("top"), BS_TOP},
- {_T("bottom"), BS_BOTTOM},
- {_T("vcenter"), BS_VCENTER},
- {_T("pushlike"), BS_PUSHLIKE},
- {_T("multiline"), BS_MULTILINE},
- {_T("notify"), BS_NOTIFY},
- {_T("flat"), BS_FLAT},
- #endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for Group controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_GroupControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("groupbox"), BS_GROUPBOX},
- #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
- {_T("icon"), BS_ICON},
- {_T("bitmap"), BS_BITMAP},
- {_T("left"), BS_LEFT},
- {_T("right"), BS_RIGHT},
- {_T("center"), BS_CENTER},
- {_T("notify"), BS_NOTIFY},
- {_T("flat"), BS_FLAT},
- #endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for Combo controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_ComboControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("simple"), CBS_SIMPLE},
- {_T("dropdown"), CBS_DROPDOWN},
- {_T("dropdownlist"), CBS_DROPDOWNLIST},
- {_T("ownerdrawfixed"), CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED},
- {_T("ownerdrawvariable"), CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE},
- {_T("autohscroll"), CBS_AUTOHSCROLL},
- {_T("oemconvert"), CBS_OEMCONVERT},
- {_T("sort"), CBS_SORT},
- {_T("hasstrings"), CBS_HASSTRINGS},
- {_T("nointegralheight"), CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT},
- {_T("disablenoscroll"), CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL},
- #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
- {_T("uppercase"), CBS_UPPERCASE},
- {_T("lowercase"), CBS_LOWERCASE},
- #endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for List controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_ListControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("notify"), LBS_NOTIFY},
- {_T("sort"), LBS_SORT},
- {_T("noredraw"), LBS_NOREDRAW},
- {_T("multiplesel"), LBS_MULTIPLESEL},
- {_T("ownerdrawfixed"), LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED},
- {_T("ownerdrawvariable"), LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE},
- {_T("hasstrings"), LBS_HASSTRINGS},
- {_T("usetabstops"), LBS_USETABSTOPS},
- {_T("nointegralheight"), LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT},
- {_T("multicolumn"), LBS_MULTICOLUMN},
- {_T("wantkeyboardinput") ,LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT},
- {_T("extendedsel"), LBS_EXTENDEDSEL},
- {_T("disablenoscroll"), LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL},
- {_T("nodata"), LBS_NODATA},
- #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
- {_T("nosel"), LBS_NOSEL},
- #endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */
- {_T("standard"), LBS_STANDARD},
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for Picture controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_PictureControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("icon"), SS_ICON},
- {_T("blackrect"), SS_BLACKRECT},
- {_T("grayrect"), SS_GRAYRECT},
- {_T("whiterect"), SS_WHITERECT},
- {_T("blackframe"), SS_BLACKFRAME},
- {_T("grayframe"), SS_GRAYFRAME},
- {_T("whiteframe"), SS_WHITEFRAME},
- {_T("useritem"), SS_USERITEM},
- #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
- {_T("ownerdraw"), SS_OWNERDRAW},
- {_T("bitmap"), SS_BITMAP},
- {_T("enhmetafile"), SS_ENHMETAFILE},
- {_T("etchedhorz"), SS_ETCHEDHORZ},
- {_T("etchedvert"), SS_ETCHEDVERT},
- {_T("etchedframe"), SS_ETCHEDFRAME},
- {_T("typemask"), SS_TYPEMASK},
- {_T("notify"), SS_NOTIFY},
- {_T("centerimage"), SS_CENTERIMAGE},
- {_T("rightjust"), SS_RIGHTJUST},
- {_T("realsizeimage"), SS_REALSIZEIMAGE},
- {_T("sunken"), SS_SUNKEN},
- #endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for ListEx controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_ListExControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("report"), LVS_REPORT},
- {_T("smallicon"), LVS_SMALLICON},
- {_T("list"), LVS_LIST},
- {_T("singlesel"), LVS_SINGLESEL},
- {_T("showselalways"), LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS},
- {_T("sortascending"), LVS_SORTASCENDING},
- {_T("sortdescending"), LVS_SORTDESCENDING},
- {_T("shareimagelists"), LVS_SHAREIMAGELISTS},
- {_T("nolabelwrap"), LVS_NOLABELWRAP},
- {_T("autoarrange"), LVS_AUTOARRANGE},
- {_T("editlabels"), LVS_EDITLABELS},
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- {_T("ownerdata"), LVS_OWNERDATA},
- #endif /* _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 */
- {_T("noscroll"), LVS_NOSCROLL},
- {_T("typestylemask"), LVS_TYPESTYLEMASK},
- {_T("alignleft"), LVS_ALIGNLEFT},
- {_T("alignmask"), LVS_ALIGNMASK},
- {_T("ownerdrawfixed"), LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED},
- {_T("nocolumnheader"), LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER},
- {_T("nosortheader"), LVS_NOSORTHEADER},
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping extended styles for ListEx controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_ListExControlExStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("gridlines"), LVS_EX_GRIDLINES},
- {_T("subitemimages"), LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES},
- {_T("checkboxes"), LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES},
- {_T("trackselect"), LVS_EX_TRACKSELECT},
- {_T("headerdragdrop"), LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP},
- {_T("fullrowselect"), LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT},
- {_T("oneclickactivate"), LVS_EX_ONECLICKACTIVATE},
- {_T("twoclickactivate"), LVS_EX_TWOCLICKACTIVATE},
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400)
- {_T("flatsb"), LVS_EX_FLATSB},
- {_T("regional"), LVS_EX_REGIONAL},
- {_T("infotip"), LVS_EX_INFOTIP},
- {_T("underlinehot"), LVS_EX_UNDERLINEHOT},
- {_T("underlinecold"), LVS_EX_UNDERLINECOLD},
- {_T("multiworkareas"), LVS_EX_MULTIWORKAREAS},
- #endif /* _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping extended styles for ComboEx controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_ComboExControlExStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("noeditimage"), CBES_EX_NOEDITIMAGE},
- {_T("noeditimageindent"), CBES_EX_NOEDITIMAGEINDENT},
- {_T("pathwordbreakproc"), CBES_EX_PATHWORDBREAKPROC},
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400)
- {_T("nosizelimit"), CBES_EX_NOSIZELIMIT},
- {_T("casesensitive"), CBES_EX_CASESENSITIVE},
- #endif /* _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for Spin controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_SpinControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("wrap"), UDS_WRAP},
- {_T("setbuddyint"), UDS_SETBUDDYINT},
- {_T("alignright"), UDS_ALIGNRIGHT},
- {_T("alignleft"), UDS_ALIGNLEFT},
- {_T("autobuddy"), UDS_AUTOBUDDY},
- {_T("arrowkeys"), UDS_ARROWKEYS},
- {_T("horz"), UDS_HORZ},
- {_T("nothousands"), UDS_NOTHOUSANDS},
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- {_T("hottrack"), UDS_HOTTRACK},
- #endif /* _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for Scroll controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_ScrollControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("vert"), SBS_VERT},
- {_T("topalign"), SBS_TOPALIGN},
- {_T("leftalign"), SBS_LEFTALIGN},
- {_T("bottomalign"), SBS_BOTTOMALIGN},
- {_T("rightalign"), SBS_RIGHTALIGN},
- {_T("sizebox"), SBS_SIZEBOX},
- #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
- {_T("sizegrip"), SBS_SIZEGRIP},
- #endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for Tree controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_TreeControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("hasbuttons"), TVS_HASBUTTONS},
- {_T("haslines"), TVS_HASLINES},
- {_T("linesatroot"), TVS_LINESATROOT},
- {_T("editlabels"), TVS_EDITLABELS},
- {_T("disabledragdrop"), TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP},
- {_T("showselalways"), TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS},
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- {_T("rtlreading"), TVS_RTLREADING},
- {_T("notooltips"), TVS_NOTOOLTIPS},
- {_T("checkboxes"), TVS_CHECKBOXES},
- {_T("trackselect"), TVS_TRACKSELECT},
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400)
- {_T("singleexpand"), TVS_SINGLEEXPAND},
- {_T("infotip"), TVS_INFOTIP},
- {_T("fullrowselect"), TVS_FULLROWSELECT},
- {_T("noscroll"), TVS_NOSCROLL},
- {_T("nonevenheight"), TVS_NONEVENHEIGHT},
- #endif /* _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 */
- #endif /* _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for Tab controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_TabControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("buttons"), TCS_BUTTONS},
- {_T("multiline"), TCS_MULTILINE},
- {_T("fixedwidth"), TCS_FIXEDWIDTH},
- {_T("raggedright"), TCS_RAGGEDRIGHT},
- {_T("focusonbuttondown"), TCS_FOCUSONBUTTONDOWN},
- {_T("ownerdrawfixed"), TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED},
- {_T("tooltips"), TCS_TOOLTIPS},
- {_T("focusnever"), TCS_FOCUSNEVER},
- {_T("forceiconleft"), TCS_FORCEICONLEFT},
- {_T("forcelabelleft"), TCS_FORCELABELLEFT},
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- {_T("scrollopposite"), TCS_SCROLLOPPOSITE},
- {_T("bottom"), TCS_BOTTOM},
- {_T("right"), TCS_RIGHT},
- {_T("multiselect"), TCS_MULTISELECT},
- {_T("hottrack"), TCS_HOTTRACK},
- {_T("vertical"), TCS_VERTICAL},
- #endif /* _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 */
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400)
- {_T("flatbuttons"), TCS_FLATBUTTONS},
- #endif /* _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping extended styles for Tab controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_TabControlExStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400)
- {_T("flatseparators"), TCS_EX_FLATSEPARATORS},
- {_T("registerdrop"), TCS_EX_REGISTERDROP},
- #endif /* _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for DateTime controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_DateTimeControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("updown"), DTS_UPDOWN},
- {_T("shownone"), DTS_SHOWNONE},
- {_T("longdateformat"), DTS_LONGDATEFORMAT},
- {_T("timeformat"), DTS_TIMEFORMAT},
- {_T("appcanparse"), DTS_APPCANPARSE},
- {_T("rightalign"), DTS_RIGHTALIGN},
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for MonthCal controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_MonthCalControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("daystate"), MCS_DAYSTATE},
- {_T("multiselect"), MCS_MULTISELECT},
- {_T("weeknumbers"), MCS_WEEKNUMBERS},
- {_T("notoday"), MCS_NOTODAY},
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400)
- {_T("notodaycircle"), MCS_NOTODAYCIRCLE},
- #endif /* _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for Slider controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_SliderControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("autoticks"), TBS_AUTOTICKS},
- {_T("vert"), TBS_VERT},
- {_T("top"), TBS_TOP},
- {_T("left"), TBS_LEFT},
- {_T("both"), TBS_BOTH},
- {_T("noticks"), TBS_NOTICKS},
- {_T("enableselrange"), TBS_ENABLESELRANGE},
- {_T("fixedlength"), TBS_FIXEDLENGTH},
- {_T("nothumb"), TBS_NOTHUMB},
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- {_T("tooltips"), TBS_TOOLTIPS},
- #endif /* _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for Progress controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_ProgressControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- {_T("smooth"), PBS_SMOOTH},
- {_T("vertical"), PBS_VERTICAL},
- #endif /* _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping styles for Animate controls in string representation
- // to values of Windows style constants
- XMLGUIStylesValues g_AnimateControlStyles[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI style Window style
- {_T("center"), ACS_CENTER},
- {_T("transparent"), ACS_TRANSPARENT},
- {_T("autoplay"), ACS_AUTOPLAY},
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- {_T("timer"), ACS_TIMER},
- #endif /* _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 */
- {_T(""), 0} // terminating empty element
- };
- // structure mapping XMLGUI-style control class names to Windows class names,
- // class name ordinals, style constants and default window styles
- XMLGUIControlSyntax g_ControlsSyntax[] =
- {
- // XMLGUI Windows Class Styles Extended
- // class class ordinal constants styles constants
- // Default styles for the control
- {L"Static", L"Static", 0x0082, g_StaticControlStyles, NULL,
- 0},
- {L"Edit", L"Edit", 0x0081, g_EditControlStyles, NULL,
- {L"Button", L"Button", 0x0080, g_ButtonControlStyles, NULL,
- {L"Check", L"Button", 0x0080, g_CheckControlStyles, NULL,
- {L"Radio", L"Button", 0x0080, g_RadioControlStyles, NULL,
- {L"Group", L"Button", 0x0080, g_GroupControlStyles, NULL,
- {L"Combo", L"Combo", 0x0085, g_ComboControlStyles, NULL,
- {L"List", L"List", 0x0083, g_ListControlStyles, NULL,
- {L"Picture", L"Static", 0x0082, g_PictureControlStyles, NULL,
- 0},
- {L"ListEx", L"SysListView32", 0, g_ListExControlStyles, g_ListExControlExStyles,
- {L"ComboEx", L"ComboBoxEx32", 0, g_ComboControlStyles, g_ComboExControlExStyles,
- {L"Spin", L"msctls_updown32", 0, g_SpinControlStyles, NULL,
- {L"Scroll", L"ScrollBar", 0x0084, g_ScrollControlStyles, NULL,
- 0},
- {L"Tree", L"SysTreeView32", 0, g_TreeControlStyles, NULL,
- {L"Tab", L"SysTabControl32", 0, g_TabControlStyles, g_TabControlExStyles,
- 0},
- {L"DateTime", L"SysDateTimePick32",0, g_DateTimeControlStyles, NULL,
- {L"MonthCal", L"SysMonthCal32", 0, g_MonthCalControlStyles, NULL,
- {L"Slider", L"msctls_trackbar32",0, g_SliderControlStyles, NULL,
- {L"IPAddress",L"SysIPAddress32", 0, NULL, NULL,
- {L"Progress", L"msctls_progress32",0, g_ProgressControlStyles, NULL,
- {L"Animate", L"SysAnimate32", 0, g_AnimateControlStyles, NULL,
- {L"HotKey", L"msctls_hotkey32", 0, NULL, NULL,
- {L"", L"", 0, NULL, NULL,
- 0} // terminating empty element
- };