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  1. Simulator report for count23
  2. Wed Mar 04 15:48:16 2009
  3. Quartus II Version 7.2 Build 151 09/26/2007 SJ Full Version
  4. ---------------------
  5. ; Table of Contents ;
  6. ---------------------
  7.   1. Legal Notice
  8.   2. Simulator Summary
  9.   3. Simulator Settings
  10.   4. Simulation Waveforms
  11.   5. Coverage Summary
  12.   6. Complete 1/0-Value Coverage
  13.   7. Missing 1-Value Coverage
  14.   8. Missing 0-Value Coverage
  15.   9. Simulator INI Usage
  16.  10. Simulator Messages
  17. ----------------
  18. ; Legal Notice ;
  19. ----------------
  20. Copyright (C) 1991-2007 Altera Corporation
  21. Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions 
  22. and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic 
  23. functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing 
  24. (including device programming or simulation files), and any 
  25. associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
  26. to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License 
  27. Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License 
  28. Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, 
  29. without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of 
  30. programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by 
  31. Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the 
  32. applicable agreement for further details.
  33. +--------------------------------------------+
  34. ; Simulator Summary                          ;
  35. +-----------------------------+--------------+
  36. ; Type                        ; Value        ;
  37. +-----------------------------+--------------+
  38. ; Simulation Start Time       ; 0 ps         ;
  39. ; Simulation End Time         ; 1.0 us       ;
  40. ; Simulation Netlist Size     ; 28 nodes     ;
  41. ; Simulation Coverage         ;      68.57 % ;
  42. ; Total Number of Transitions ; 1619         ;
  43. ; Simulation Breakpoints      ; 0            ;
  44. ; Family                      ; Stratix II   ;
  45. ; Device                      ; EP2S15F484C3 ;
  46. +-----------------------------+--------------+
  47. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  48. ; Simulator Settings                                                                                                       ;
  49. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+---------------+
  50. ; Option                                                                                     ; Setting     ; Default Value ;
  51. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+---------------+
  52. ; Simulation mode                                                                            ; Timing      ; Timing        ;
  53. ; Start time                                                                                 ; 0 ns        ; 0 ns          ;
  54. ; Simulation results format                                                                  ; CVWF        ;               ;
  55. ; Vector input source                                                                        ; count23.vwf ;               ;
  56. ; Add pins automatically to simulation output waveforms                                      ; On          ; On            ;
  57. ; Check outputs                                                                              ; Off         ; Off           ;
  58. ; Report simulation coverage                                                                 ; On          ; On            ;
  59. ; Display complete 1/0 value coverage report                                                 ; On          ; On            ;
  60. ; Display missing 1-value coverage report                                                    ; On          ; On            ;
  61. ; Display missing 0-value coverage report                                                    ; On          ; On            ;
  62. ; Detect setup and hold time violations                                                      ; Off         ; Off           ;
  63. ; Detect glitches                                                                            ; Off         ; Off           ;
  64. ; Disable timing delays in Timing Simulation                                                 ; Off         ; Off           ;
  65. ; Generate Signal Activity File                                                              ; Off         ; Off           ;
  66. ; Generate VCD File for PowerPlay Power Analyzer                                             ; Off         ; Off           ;
  67. ; Group bus channels in simulation results                                                   ; Off         ; Off           ;
  68. ; Preserve fewer signal transitions to reduce memory requirements                            ; On          ; On            ;
  69. ; Trigger vector comparison with the specified mode                                          ; INPUT_EDGE  ; INPUT_EDGE    ;
  70. ; Disable setup and hold time violations detection in input registers of bi-directional pins ; Off         ; Off           ;
  71. ; Overwrite Waveform Inputs With Simulation Outputs                                          ; Off         ;               ;
  72. ; Perform Glitch Filtering in Timing Simulation                                              ; Auto        ; Auto          ;
  73. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+---------------+
  74. +----------------------+
  75. ; Simulation Waveforms ;
  76. +----------------------+
  77. Waveform report data cannot be output to ASCII.
  78. Please use Quartus II to view the waveform report data.
  79. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
  80. ; Coverage Summary                                                   ;
  81. +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------+
  82. ; Type                                                ; Value        ;
  83. +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------+
  84. ; Total coverage as a percentage                      ;      68.57 % ;
  85. ; Total nodes checked                                 ; 28           ;
  86. ; Total output ports checked                          ; 35           ;
  87. ; Total output ports with complete 1/0-value coverage ; 24           ;
  88. ; Total output ports with no 1/0-value coverage       ; 11           ;
  89. ; Total output ports with no 1-value coverage         ; 11           ;
  90. ; Total output ports with no 0-value coverage         ; 11           ;
  91. +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------+
  92. The following table displays output ports that toggle between 1 and 0 during simulation.
  93. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
  94. ; Complete 1/0-Value Coverage                                        ;
  95. +------------------------+------------------------+------------------+
  96. ; Node Name              ; Output Port Name       ; Output Port Type ;
  97. +------------------------+------------------------+------------------+
  98. ; |count23|count[0]      ; |count23|count[0]      ; regout           ;
  99. ; |count23|count[1]      ; |count23|count[1]      ; regout           ;
  100. ; |count23|count[2]      ; |count23|count[2]      ; regout           ;
  101. ; |count23|count[3]      ; |count23|count[3]      ; regout           ;
  102. ; |count23|count[4]      ; |count23|count[4]      ; regout           ;
  103. ; |count23|Add0~121      ; |count23|Add0~121      ; sumout           ;
  104. ; |count23|Add0~121      ; |count23|Add0~122      ; cout             ;
  105. ; |count23|Add0~125      ; |count23|Add0~125      ; sumout           ;
  106. ; |count23|Add0~125      ; |count23|Add0~126      ; cout             ;
  107. ; |count23|Add0~129      ; |count23|Add0~129      ; sumout           ;
  108. ; |count23|Add0~129      ; |count23|Add0~130      ; cout             ;
  109. ; |count23|Add0~133      ; |count23|Add0~133      ; sumout           ;
  110. ; |count23|Add0~133      ; |count23|Add0~134      ; cout             ;
  111. ; |count23|Add0~137      ; |count23|Add0~137      ; sumout           ;
  112. ; |count23|Add0~137      ; |count23|Add0~138      ; cout             ;
  113. ; |count23|LessThan0~107 ; |count23|LessThan0~107 ; combout          ;
  114. ; |count23|LessThan0~108 ; |count23|LessThan0~108 ; combout          ;
  115. ; |count23|count23[0]    ; |count23|count23[0]    ; padio            ;
  116. ; |count23|count23[1]    ; |count23|count23[1]    ; padio            ;
  117. ; |count23|count23[2]    ; |count23|count23[2]    ; padio            ;
  118. ; |count23|count23[3]    ; |count23|count23[3]    ; padio            ;
  119. ; |count23|count23[4]    ; |count23|count23[4]    ; padio            ;
  120. ; |count23|ck            ; |count23|ck~corein     ; combout          ;
  121. ; |count23|ck~clkctrl    ; |count23|ck~clkctrl    ; outclk           ;
  122. +------------------------+------------------------+------------------+
  123. The following table displays output ports that do not toggle to 1 during simulation.
  124. +--------------------------------------------------------------+
  125. ; Missing 1-Value Coverage                                     ;
  126. +---------------------+---------------------+------------------+
  127. ; Node Name           ; Output Port Name    ; Output Port Type ;
  128. +---------------------+---------------------+------------------+
  129. ; |count23|count[5]   ; |count23|count[5]   ; regout           ;
  130. ; |count23|count[6]   ; |count23|count[6]   ; regout           ;
  131. ; |count23|count[7]   ; |count23|count[7]   ; regout           ;
  132. ; |count23|Add0~141   ; |count23|Add0~141   ; sumout           ;
  133. ; |count23|Add0~141   ; |count23|Add0~142   ; cout             ;
  134. ; |count23|Add0~145   ; |count23|Add0~145   ; sumout           ;
  135. ; |count23|Add0~145   ; |count23|Add0~146   ; cout             ;
  136. ; |count23|Add0~149   ; |count23|Add0~149   ; sumout           ;
  137. ; |count23|count23[5] ; |count23|count23[5] ; padio            ;
  138. ; |count23|count23[6] ; |count23|count23[6] ; padio            ;
  139. ; |count23|count23[7] ; |count23|count23[7] ; padio            ;
  140. +---------------------+---------------------+------------------+
  141. The following table displays output ports that do not toggle to 0 during simulation.
  142. +--------------------------------------------------------------+
  143. ; Missing 0-Value Coverage                                     ;
  144. +---------------------+---------------------+------------------+
  145. ; Node Name           ; Output Port Name    ; Output Port Type ;
  146. +---------------------+---------------------+------------------+
  147. ; |count23|count[5]   ; |count23|count[5]   ; regout           ;
  148. ; |count23|count[6]   ; |count23|count[6]   ; regout           ;
  149. ; |count23|count[7]   ; |count23|count[7]   ; regout           ;
  150. ; |count23|Add0~141   ; |count23|Add0~141   ; sumout           ;
  151. ; |count23|Add0~141   ; |count23|Add0~142   ; cout             ;
  152. ; |count23|Add0~145   ; |count23|Add0~145   ; sumout           ;
  153. ; |count23|Add0~145   ; |count23|Add0~146   ; cout             ;
  154. ; |count23|Add0~149   ; |count23|Add0~149   ; sumout           ;
  155. ; |count23|count23[5] ; |count23|count23[5] ; padio            ;
  156. ; |count23|count23[6] ; |count23|count23[6] ; padio            ;
  157. ; |count23|count23[7] ; |count23|count23[7] ; padio            ;
  158. +---------------------+---------------------+------------------+
  159. +---------------------+
  160. ; Simulator INI Usage ;
  161. +--------+------------+
  162. ; Option ; Usage      ;
  163. +--------+------------+
  164. +--------------------+
  165. ; Simulator Messages ;
  166. +--------------------+
  167. Info: *******************************************************************
  168. Info: Running Quartus II Simulator
  169.     Info: Version 7.2 Build 151 09/26/2007 SJ Full Version
  170.     Info: Processing started: Wed Mar 04 15:48:14 2009
  171. Info: Command: quartus_sim --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off count23 -c count23
  172. Info: Using vector source file "C:/Users/QY/Desktop/VHDL/count23/count23.vwf"
  173. Info: Option to preserve fewer signal transitions to reduce memory requirements is enabled
  174.     Info: Simulation has been partitioned into sub-simulations according to the maximum transition count determined by the engine. Transitions from memory will be flushed out to disk at the end of each sub-simulation to reduce memory requirements.
  175. Info: Simulation partitioned into 1 sub-simulations
  176. Info: Simulation coverage is      68.57 %
  177. Info: Number of transitions in simulation is 1619
  178. Info: Quartus II Simulator was successful. 0 errors, 0 warnings
  179.     Info: Allocated 126 megabytes of memory during processing
  180.     Info: Processing ended: Wed Mar 04 15:48:16 2009
  181.     Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:02