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Package: celestia-1.6.0.tar.gz [view]
Upload User: center1979
Upload Date: 2022-07-26
Package Size: 50633k
Code Size: 6k
OpenGL program
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- //
- // C++ Implementation: dsooctree
- //
- // Description:
- //
- //
- // Author: Toti <root@totibox>, (C) 2005
- //
- // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
- //
- //
- #include <celengine/dsooctree.h>
- // The octree node into which a dso is placed is dependent on two properties:
- // its obsPosition and its luminosity--the fainter the dso, the deeper the node
- // in which it will reside. Each node stores an absolute magnitude; no child
- // of the node is allowed contain a dso brighter than this value, making it
- // possible to determine quickly whether or not to cull subtrees.
- bool dsoAbsoluteMagnitudePredicate(DeepSkyObject* const & _dso, const float absMag)
- {
- return _dso->getAbsoluteMagnitude() <= absMag;
- }
- bool dsoStraddlesNodesPredicate(const Point3d& cellCenterPos, DeepSkyObject* const & _dso, const float)
- {
- //checks if this dso's radius straddles child nodes
- float dsoRadius = _dso->getBoundingSphereRadius();
- Point3d dsoPos = _dso->getPosition();
- return abs(dsoPos.x - cellCenterPos.x) < dsoRadius ||
- abs(dsoPos.y - cellCenterPos.y) < dsoRadius ||
- abs(dsoPos.z - cellCenterPos.z) < dsoRadius;
- }
- double dsoAbsoluteMagnitudeDecayFunction(const double excludingFactor)
- {
- return excludingFactor + 0.5f;
- }
- template <>
- DynamicDSOOctree* DynamicDSOOctree::getChild(DeepSkyObject* const & _obj, const Point3d& cellCenterPos)
- {
- Point3d objPos = _obj->getPosition();
- int child = 0;
- child |= objPos.x < cellCenterPos.x ? 0 : XPos;
- child |= objPos.y < cellCenterPos.y ? 0 : YPos;
- child |= objPos.z < cellCenterPos.z ? 0 : ZPos;
- return _children[child];
- }
- template<> unsigned int DynamicDSOOctree::SPLIT_THRESHOLD = 10;
- template<> DynamicDSOOctree::LimitingFactorPredicate*
- DynamicDSOOctree::limitingFactorPredicate = dsoAbsoluteMagnitudePredicate;
- template<> DynamicDSOOctree::StraddlingPredicate*
- DynamicDSOOctree::straddlingPredicate = dsoStraddlesNodesPredicate;
- template<> DynamicDSOOctree::ExclusionFactorDecayFunction*
- DynamicDSOOctree::decayFunction = dsoAbsoluteMagnitudeDecayFunction;
- // total specialization of the StaticOctree template process*() methods for DSOs:
- template<>
- void DSOOctree::processVisibleObjects(DSOHandler& processor,
- const Point3d& obsPosition,
- const Planed* frustumPlanes,
- float limitingFactor,
- double scale) const
- {
- // See if this node lies within the view frustum
- // Test the cubic octree node against each one of the five
- // planes that define the infinite view frustum.
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- {
- const Planed* plane = frustumPlanes + i;
- double r = scale * (abs(plane->normal.x) +
- abs(plane->normal.y) +
- abs(plane->normal.z));
- if (plane->normal * Vec3d(cellCenterPos.x, cellCenterPos.y, cellCenterPos.z) - plane->d < -r)
- return;
- }
- // Compute the distance to node; this is equal to the distance to
- // the cellCenterPos of the node minus the boundingRadius of the node, scale * SQRT3.
- double minDistance = (obsPosition - cellCenterPos).length() - scale * DSOOctree::SQRT3;
- // Process the objects in this node
- double dimmest = minDistance > 0.0 ? astro::appToAbsMag((double) limitingFactor, minDistance) : 1000.0;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<nObjects; ++i)
- {
- DeepSkyObject* _obj = _firstObject[i];
- float absMag = _obj->getAbsoluteMagnitude();
- if (absMag < dimmest)
- {
- double distance = obsPosition.distanceTo(_obj->getPosition()) - _obj->getBoundingSphereRadius();
- float appMag = (float) ((distance >= 32.6167) ? astro::absToAppMag((double) absMag, distance) : absMag);
- if ( appMag < limitingFactor)
- processor.process(_obj, distance, absMag);
- }
- }
- // See if any of the objects in child nodes are potentially included
- // that we need to recurse deeper.
- if (minDistance <= 0.0 || astro::absToAppMag((double) exclusionFactor, minDistance) <= limitingFactor)
- // Recurse into the child nodes
- if (_children != NULL)
- for (int i=0; i<8; ++i)
- {
- _children[i]->processVisibleObjects(processor,
- obsPosition,
- frustumPlanes,
- limitingFactor,
- scale * 0.5f);
- }
- }
- template<>
- void DSOOctree::processCloseObjects(DSOHandler& processor,
- const Point3d& obsPosition,
- double boundingRadius,
- double scale) const
- {
- // Compute the distance to node; this is equal to the distance to
- // the cellCenterPos of the node minus the boundingRadius of the node, scale * SQRT3.
- double nodeDistance = (obsPosition - cellCenterPos).length() - scale * DSOOctree::SQRT3; //
- if (nodeDistance > boundingRadius)
- return;
- // At this point, we've determined that the cellCenterPos of the node is
- // close enough that we must check individual objects for proximity.
- // Compute distance squared to avoid having to sqrt for distance
- // comparison.
- double radiusSquared = boundingRadius * boundingRadius; //
- // Check all the objects in the node.
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<nObjects; ++i)
- {
- DeepSkyObject* _obj = _firstObject[i]; //
- if (obsPosition.distanceToSquared(_obj->getPosition()) < radiusSquared) //
- {
- float absMag = _obj->getAbsoluteMagnitude();
- double distance = obsPosition.distanceTo(_obj->getPosition()) - _obj->getBoundingSphereRadius();
- processor.process(_obj, distance, absMag);
- }
- }
- // Recurse into the child nodes
- if (_children != NULL)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
- {
- _children[i]->processCloseObjects(processor,
- obsPosition,
- boundingRadius,
- scale * 0.5f);
- }
- }
- }