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Package: MEIMS.rar [view]
Upload User: ah_jiwei
Upload Date: 2022-07-24
Package Size: 54044k
Code Size: 8k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /*
- * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet -
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
- *
- *
- * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
- * choice:
- *
- * - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
- *
- *
- * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
- *
- *
- * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
- *
- *
- * == END LICENSE ==
- *
- * Creates and initializes the FCKConfig object.
- */
- var FCKConfig = FCK.Config = new Object() ;
- /*
- For the next major version (probably 3.0) we should move all this stuff to
- another dedicated object and leave FCKConfig as a holder object for settings only).
- */
- // Editor Base Path
- if ( document.location.protocol == 'file:' )
- {
- FCKConfig.BasePath = decodeURIComponent( document.location.pathname.substr(1) ) ;
- FCKConfig.BasePath = FCKConfig.BasePath.replace( /\/gi, '/' ) ;
- // The way to address local files is different according to the OS.
- // In Windows it is file:// but in MacOs it is file:/// so let's get it automatically
- var sFullProtocol = document.location.href.match( /^(file:/{2,3})/ )[1] ;
- // #945 Opera does strange things with files loaded from the disk, and it fails in Mac to load xml files
- if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsOpera )
- sFullProtocol += 'localhost/' ;
- FCKConfig.BasePath = sFullProtocol + FCKConfig.BasePath.substring( 0, FCKConfig.BasePath.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1) ;
- FCKConfig.FullBasePath = FCKConfig.BasePath ;
- }
- else
- {
- FCKConfig.BasePath = document.location.pathname.substring( 0, document.location.pathname.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1) ;
- FCKConfig.FullBasePath = document.location.protocol + '//' + + FCKConfig.BasePath ;
- }
- FCKConfig.EditorPath = FCKConfig.BasePath.replace( /editor/$/, '' ) ;
- // There is a bug in Gecko. If the editor is hidden on startup, an error is
- // thrown when trying to get the screen dimensions.
- try
- {
- FCKConfig.ScreenWidth = screen.width ;
- FCKConfig.ScreenHeight = screen.height ;
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- FCKConfig.ScreenWidth = 800 ;
- FCKConfig.ScreenHeight = 600 ;
- }
- // Override the actual configuration values with the values passed throw the
- // hidden field "<InstanceName>___Config".
- FCKConfig.ProcessHiddenField = function()
- {
- this.PageConfig = new Object() ;
- // Get the hidden field.
- var oConfigField = window.parent.document.getElementById( FCK.Name + '___Config' ) ;
- // Do nothing if the config field was not defined.
- if ( ! oConfigField ) return ;
- var aCouples = oConfigField.value.split('&') ;
- for ( var i = 0 ; i < aCouples.length ; i++ )
- {
- if ( aCouples[i].length == 0 )
- continue ;
- var aConfig = aCouples[i].split( '=' ) ;
- var sKey = decodeURIComponent( aConfig[0] ) ;
- var sVal = decodeURIComponent( aConfig[1] ) ;
- if ( sKey == 'CustomConfigurationsPath' ) // The Custom Config File path must be loaded immediately.
- FCKConfig[ sKey ] = sVal ;
- else if ( sVal.toLowerCase() == "true" ) // If it is a boolean TRUE.
- this.PageConfig[ sKey ] = true ;
- else if ( sVal.toLowerCase() == "false" ) // If it is a boolean FALSE.
- this.PageConfig[ sKey ] = false ;
- else if ( sVal.length > 0 && !isNaN( sVal ) ) // If it is a number.
- this.PageConfig[ sKey ] = parseInt( sVal, 10 ) ;
- else // In any other case it is a string.
- this.PageConfig[ sKey ] = sVal ;
- }
- }
- function FCKConfig_LoadPageConfig()
- {
- var oPageConfig = FCKConfig.PageConfig ;
- for ( var sKey in oPageConfig )
- FCKConfig[ sKey ] = oPageConfig[ sKey ] ;
- }
- function FCKConfig_PreProcess()
- {
- var oConfig = FCKConfig ;
- // Force debug mode if fckdebug=true in the QueryString (main page).
- if ( oConfig.AllowQueryStringDebug )
- {
- try
- {
- if ( (/fckdebug=true/i).test( ) )
- oConfig.Debug = true ;
- }
- catch (e) { /* Ignore it. Much probably we are inside a FRAME where the "top" is in another domain (security error). */ }
- }
- // Certifies that the "PluginsPath" configuration ends with a slash.
- if ( !oConfig.PluginsPath.EndsWith('/') )
- oConfig.PluginsPath += '/' ;
- // EditorAreaCSS accepts a single path string, a list of paths separated by
- // a comma or and array of paths.
- // In the string cases, transform it in an array.
- if ( typeof( oConfig.EditorAreaCSS ) == 'string' )
- oConfig.EditorAreaCSS = oConfig.EditorAreaCSS.split(',') ;
- var sComboPreviewCSS = oConfig.ToolbarComboPreviewCSS ;
- if ( !sComboPreviewCSS || sComboPreviewCSS.length == 0 )
- oConfig.ToolbarComboPreviewCSS = oConfig.EditorAreaCSS ;
- else if ( typeof( sComboPreviewCSS ) == 'string' )
- oConfig.ToolbarComboPreviewCSS = [ sComboPreviewCSS ] ;
- }
- // Define toolbar sets collection.
- FCKConfig.ToolbarSets = new Object() ;
- // Defines the plugins collection.
- FCKConfig.Plugins = new Object() ;
- FCKConfig.Plugins.Items = new Array() ;
- FCKConfig.Plugins.Add = function( name, langs, path )
- {
- FCKConfig.Plugins.Items.AddItem( [name, langs, path] ) ;
- }
- // FCKConfig.ProtectedSource: object that holds a collection of Regular
- // Expressions that defined parts of the raw HTML that must remain untouched
- // like custom tags, scripts, server side code, etc...
- FCKConfig.ProtectedSource = new Object() ;
- // Generates a string used to identify and locate the Protected Tags comments.
- FCKConfig.ProtectedSource._CodeTag = (new Date()).valueOf() ;
- // Initialize the regex array with the default ones.
- FCKConfig.ProtectedSource.RegexEntries = [
- // First of any other protection, we must protect all comments to avoid
- // loosing them (of course, IE related).
- /<!--[sS]*?-->/g ,
- // Script tags will also be forced to be protected, otherwise IE will execute them.
- /<script[sS]*?</script>/gi,
- // <noscript> tags (get lost in IE and messed up in FF).
- /<noscript[sS]*?</noscript>/gi,
- // Protect <object> tags. See #359.
- /<object[sS]+?</object>/gi
- ] ;
- FCKConfig.ProtectedSource.Add = function( regexPattern )
- {
- this.RegexEntries.AddItem( regexPattern ) ;
- }
- FCKConfig.ProtectedSource.Protect = function( html )
- {
- var codeTag = this._CodeTag ;
- function _Replace( protectedSource )
- {
- var index = FCKTempBin.AddElement( protectedSource ) ;
- return '<!--{' + codeTag + index + '}-->' ;
- }
- for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.RegexEntries.length ; i++ )
- {
- html = html.replace( this.RegexEntries[i], _Replace ) ;
- }
- return html ;
- }
- FCKConfig.ProtectedSource.Revert = function( html, clearBin )
- {
- function _Replace( m, opener, index )
- {
- var protectedValue = clearBin ? FCKTempBin.RemoveElement( index ) : FCKTempBin.Elements[ index ] ;
- // There could be protected source inside another one.
- return FCKConfig.ProtectedSource.Revert( protectedValue, clearBin ) ;
- }
- var regex = new RegExp( "(<|<)!--\{" + this._CodeTag + "(\d+)\}--(>|>)", "g" ) ;
- return html.replace( regex, _Replace ) ;
- }
- // Returns a string with the attributes that must be appended to the body
- FCKConfig.GetBodyAttributes = function()
- {
- var bodyAttributes = '' ;
- // Add id and class to the body.
- if ( this.BodyId && this.BodyId.length > 0 )
- bodyAttributes += ' id="' + this.BodyId + '"' ;
- if ( this.BodyClass && this.BodyClass.length > 0 )
- bodyAttributes += ' class="' + this.BodyClass + '"' ;
- return bodyAttributes ;
- }
- // Sets the body attributes directly on the node
- FCKConfig.ApplyBodyAttributes = function( oBody )
- {
- // Add ID and Class to the body
- if ( this.BodyId && this.BodyId.length > 0 )
- = FCKConfig.BodyId ;
- if ( this.BodyClass && this.BodyClass.length > 0 )
- oBody.className += ' ' + FCKConfig.BodyClass ;
- }