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Package: MEIMS.rar [view]
Upload User: ah_jiwei
Upload Date: 2022-07-24
Package Size: 54044k
Code Size: 14k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /*
- * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet -
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
- *
- *
- * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
- * choice:
- *
- * - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
- *
- *
- * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
- *
- *
- * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
- *
- *
- * == END LICENSE ==
- *
- * Defines the FCKXHtml object, responsible for the XHTML operations.
- */
- var FCKXHtml = new Object() ;
- FCKXHtml.CurrentJobNum = 0 ;
- FCKXHtml.GetXHTML = function( node, includeNode, format )
- {
- FCKDomTools.CheckAndRemovePaddingNode( node.ownerDocument, FCKConfig.EnterMode ) ;
- FCKXHtmlEntities.Initialize() ;
- // Set the correct entity to use for empty blocks.
- this._NbspEntity = ( FCKConfig.ProcessHTMLEntities? 'nbsp' : '#160' ) ;
- // Save the current IsDirty state. The XHTML processor may change the
- // original HTML, dirtying it.
- var bIsDirty = FCK.IsDirty() ;
- // Special blocks are blocks of content that remain untouched during the
- // process. It is used for SCRIPTs and STYLEs.
- FCKXHtml.SpecialBlocks = new Array() ;
- // Create the XML DOMDocument object.
- this.XML = FCKTools.CreateXmlObject( 'DOMDocument' ) ;
- // Add a root element that holds all child nodes.
- this.MainNode = this.XML.appendChild( this.XML.createElement( 'xhtml' ) ) ;
- FCKXHtml.CurrentJobNum++ ;
- // var dTimer = new Date() ;
- if ( includeNode )
- this._AppendNode( this.MainNode, node ) ;
- else
- this._AppendChildNodes( this.MainNode, node, false ) ;
- // Get the resulting XHTML as a string.
- var sXHTML = this._GetMainXmlString() ;
- // alert( 'Time: ' + ( ( ( new Date() ) - dTimer ) ) + ' ms' ) ;
- this.XML = null ;
- // Safari adds xmlns="" to the root node (#963)
- if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsSafari )
- sXHTML = sXHTML.replace( /^<xhtml.*?>/, '<xhtml>' ) ;
- // Strip the "XHTML" root node.
- sXHTML = sXHTML.substr( 7, sXHTML.length - 15 ).Trim() ;
- // Add a space in the tags with no closing tags, like <br/> -> <br />
- sXHTML = sXHTML.replace( FCKRegexLib.SpaceNoClose, ' />');
- if ( FCKConfig.ForceSimpleAmpersand )
- sXHTML = sXHTML.replace( FCKRegexLib.ForceSimpleAmpersand, '&' ) ;
- if ( format )
- sXHTML = FCKCodeFormatter.Format( sXHTML ) ;
- // Now we put back the SpecialBlocks contents.
- for ( var i = 0 ; i < FCKXHtml.SpecialBlocks.length ; i++ )
- {
- var oRegex = new RegExp( '___FCKsi___' + i ) ;
- sXHTML = sXHTML.replace( oRegex, FCKXHtml.SpecialBlocks[i] ) ;
- }
- // Replace entities marker with the ampersand.
- sXHTML = sXHTML.replace( FCKRegexLib.GeckoEntitiesMarker, '&' ) ;
- // Restore the IsDirty state if it was not dirty.
- if ( !bIsDirty )
- FCK.ResetIsDirty() ;
- FCKDomTools.EnforcePaddingNode( FCKTools.GetElementDocument( node ), FCKConfig.EnterMode ) ;
- return sXHTML ;
- }
- FCKXHtml._AppendAttribute = function( xmlNode, attributeName, attributeValue )
- {
- try
- {
- if ( attributeValue == undefined || attributeValue == null )
- attributeValue = '' ;
- else if ( attributeValue.replace )
- {
- if ( FCKConfig.ForceSimpleAmpersand )
- attributeValue = attributeValue.replace( /&/g, '___FCKAmp___' ) ;
- // Entities must be replaced in the attribute values.
- attributeValue = attributeValue.replace( FCKXHtmlEntities.EntitiesRegex, FCKXHtml_GetEntity ) ;
- }
- // Create the attribute.
- var oXmlAtt = this.XML.createAttribute( attributeName ) ;
- oXmlAtt.value = attributeValue ;
- // Set the attribute in the node.
- xmlNode.attributes.setNamedItem( oXmlAtt ) ;
- }
- catch (e)
- {}
- }
- FCKXHtml._AppendChildNodes = function( xmlNode, htmlNode, isBlockElement )
- {
- var oNode = htmlNode.firstChild ;
- while ( oNode )
- {
- this._AppendNode( xmlNode, oNode ) ;
- oNode = oNode.nextSibling ;
- }
- // Trim block elements. This is also needed to avoid Firefox leaving extra
- // BRs at the end of them.
- if ( isBlockElement && htmlNode.tagName && htmlNode.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'pre' )
- {
- FCKDomTools.TrimNode( xmlNode ) ;
- if ( FCKConfig.FillEmptyBlocks )
- {
- var lastChild = xmlNode.lastChild ;
- if ( lastChild && lastChild.nodeType == 1 && lastChild.nodeName == 'br' )
- this._AppendEntity( xmlNode, this._NbspEntity ) ;
- }
- }
- // If the resulting node is empty.
- if ( xmlNode.childNodes.length == 0 )
- {
- if ( isBlockElement && FCKConfig.FillEmptyBlocks )
- {
- this._AppendEntity( xmlNode, this._NbspEntity ) ;
- return xmlNode ;
- }
- var sNodeName = xmlNode.nodeName ;
- // Some inline elements are required to have something inside (span, strong, etc...).
- if ( FCKListsLib.InlineChildReqElements[ sNodeName ] )
- return null ;
- // We can't use short representation of empty elements that are not marked
- // as empty in th XHTML DTD.
- if ( !FCKListsLib.EmptyElements[ sNodeName ] )
- xmlNode.appendChild( this.XML.createTextNode('') ) ;
- }
- return xmlNode ;
- }
- FCKXHtml._AppendNode = function( xmlNode, htmlNode )
- {
- if ( !htmlNode )
- return false ;
- switch ( htmlNode.nodeType )
- {
- // Element Node.
- case 1 :
- // If we detect a <br> inside a <pre> in Gecko, turn it into a line break instead.
- // This is a workaround for the Gecko bug here:
- if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko
- && htmlNode.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'br'
- && htmlNode.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'pre' )
- {
- var val = 'r' ;
- if ( htmlNode == htmlNode.parentNode.firstChild )
- val += 'r' ;
- return FCKXHtml._AppendNode( xmlNode, this.XML.createTextNode( val ) ) ;
- }
- // Here we found an element that is not the real element, but a
- // fake one (like the Flash placeholder image), so we must get the real one.
- if ( htmlNode.getAttribute('_fckfakelement') )
- return FCKXHtml._AppendNode( xmlNode, FCK.GetRealElement( htmlNode ) ) ;
- // Ignore bogus BR nodes in the DOM.
- if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko &&
- ( htmlNode.hasAttribute('_moz_editor_bogus_node') || htmlNode.getAttribute( 'type' ) == '_moz' ) )
- return false ;
- // This is for elements that are instrumental to FCKeditor and
- // must be removed from the final HTML.
- if ( htmlNode.getAttribute('_fcktemp') )
- return false ;
- // Get the element name.
- var sNodeName = htmlNode.tagName.toLowerCase() ;
- if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
- {
- // IE doens't include the scope name in the nodeName. So, add the namespace.
- if ( htmlNode.scopeName && htmlNode.scopeName != 'HTML' && htmlNode.scopeName != 'FCK' )
- sNodeName = htmlNode.scopeName.toLowerCase() + ':' + sNodeName ;
- }
- else
- {
- if ( sNodeName.StartsWith( 'fck:' ) )
- sNodeName = sNodeName.Remove( 0,4 ) ;
- }
- // Check if the node name is valid, otherwise ignore this tag.
- // If the nodeName starts with a slash, it is a orphan closing tag.
- // On some strange cases, the nodeName is empty, even if the node exists.
- if ( !FCKRegexLib.ElementName.test( sNodeName ) )
- return false ;
- // The already processed nodes must be marked to avoid then to be duplicated (bad formatted HTML).
- // So here, the "mark" is checked... if the element is Ok, then mark it.
- if ( htmlNode._fckxhtmljob && htmlNode._fckxhtmljob == FCKXHtml.CurrentJobNum )
- return false ;
- var oNode = this.XML.createElement( sNodeName ) ;
- // Add all attributes.
- FCKXHtml._AppendAttributes( xmlNode, htmlNode, oNode, sNodeName ) ;
- htmlNode._fckxhtmljob = FCKXHtml.CurrentJobNum ;
- // Tag specific processing.
- var oTagProcessor = FCKXHtml.TagProcessors[ sNodeName ] ;
- if ( oTagProcessor )
- oNode = oTagProcessor( oNode, htmlNode, xmlNode ) ;
- else
- oNode = this._AppendChildNodes( oNode, htmlNode, Boolean( FCKListsLib.NonEmptyBlockElements[ sNodeName ] ) ) ;
- if ( !oNode )
- return false ;
- xmlNode.appendChild( oNode ) ;
- break ;
- // Text Node.
- case 3 :
- if ( htmlNode.parentNode && htmlNode.parentNode.nodeName.IEquals( 'pre' ) )
- return this._AppendTextNode( xmlNode, htmlNode.nodeValue ) ;
- return this._AppendTextNode( xmlNode, htmlNode.nodeValue.ReplaceNewLineChars(' ') ) ;
- // Comment
- case 8 :
- // IE catches the <!DOTYPE ... > as a comment, but it has no
- // innerHTML, so we can catch it, and ignore it.
- if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && !htmlNode.innerHTML )
- break ;
- try { xmlNode.appendChild( this.XML.createComment( htmlNode.nodeValue ) ) ; }
- catch (e) { /* Do nothing... probably this is a wrong format comment. */ }
- break ;
- // Unknown Node type.
- default :
- xmlNode.appendChild( this.XML.createComment( "Element not supported - Type: " + htmlNode.nodeType + " Name: " + htmlNode.nodeName ) ) ;
- break ;
- }
- return true ;
- }
- // Append an item to the SpecialBlocks array and returns the tag to be used.
- FCKXHtml._AppendSpecialItem = function( item )
- {
- return '___FCKsi___' + FCKXHtml.SpecialBlocks.AddItem( item ) ;
- }
- FCKXHtml._AppendEntity = function( xmlNode, entity )
- {
- xmlNode.appendChild( this.XML.createTextNode( '#?-:' + entity + ';' ) ) ;
- }
- FCKXHtml._AppendTextNode = function( targetNode, textValue )
- {
- var bHadText = textValue.length > 0 ;
- if ( bHadText )
- targetNode.appendChild( this.XML.createTextNode( textValue.replace( FCKXHtmlEntities.EntitiesRegex, FCKXHtml_GetEntity ) ) ) ;
- return bHadText ;
- }
- // Retrieves a entity (internal format) for a given character.
- function FCKXHtml_GetEntity( character )
- {
- // We cannot simply place the entities in the text, because the XML parser
- // will translate & to &. So we use a temporary marker which is replaced
- // in the end of the processing.
- var sEntity = FCKXHtmlEntities.Entities[ character ] || ( '#' + character.charCodeAt(0) ) ;
- return '#?-:' + sEntity + ';' ;
- }
- // An object that hold tag specific operations.
- FCKXHtml.TagProcessors =
- {
- img : function( node, htmlNode )
- {
- // The "ALT" attribute is required in XHTML.
- if ( ! node.attributes.getNamedItem( 'alt' ) )
- FCKXHtml._AppendAttribute( node, 'alt', '' ) ;
- var sSavedUrl = htmlNode.getAttribute( '_fcksavedurl' ) ;
- if ( sSavedUrl != null )
- FCKXHtml._AppendAttribute( node, 'src', sSavedUrl ) ;
- return node ;
- },
- a : function( node, htmlNode )
- {
- // Firefox may create empty tags when deleting the selection in some special cases (SF-BUG 1556878).
- if ( htmlNode.innerHTML.Trim().length == 0 && ! )
- return false ;
- var sSavedUrl = htmlNode.getAttribute( '_fcksavedurl' ) ;
- if ( sSavedUrl != null )
- FCKXHtml._AppendAttribute( node, 'href', sSavedUrl ) ;
- // Anchors with content has been marked with an additional class, now we must remove it.
- if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
- {
- // Buggy IE, doesn't copy the name of changed anchors.
- if ( )
- FCKXHtml._AppendAttribute( node, 'name', ) ;
- }
- node = FCKXHtml._AppendChildNodes( node, htmlNode, false ) ;
- return node ;
- },
- script : function( node, htmlNode )
- {
- // The "TYPE" attribute is required in XHTML.
- if ( ! node.attributes.getNamedItem( 'type' ) )
- FCKXHtml._AppendAttribute( node, 'type', 'text/javascript' ) ;
- node.appendChild( FCKXHtml.XML.createTextNode( FCKXHtml._AppendSpecialItem( htmlNode.text ) ) ) ;
- return node ;
- },
- style : function( node, htmlNode )
- {
- // The "TYPE" attribute is required in XHTML.
- if ( ! node.attributes.getNamedItem( 'type' ) )
- FCKXHtml._AppendAttribute( node, 'type', 'text/css' ) ;
- var cssText = htmlNode.innerHTML ;
- if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) // Bug #403 : IE always appends a rn to the beginning of StyleNode.innerHTML
- cssText = cssText.replace( /^(rn|n|r)/, '' ) ;
- node.appendChild( FCKXHtml.XML.createTextNode( FCKXHtml._AppendSpecialItem( cssText ) ) ) ;
- return node ;
- },
- pre : function ( node, htmlNode )
- {
- for ( var i = 0 ; i < htmlNode.childNodes.length ; i++ )
- {
- var item = htmlNode.childNodes[i] ;
- var val = item.nodeValue ;
- if ( item.nodeType == 3 && i == 0 )
- node.appendChild( FCKXHtml.XML.createTextNode( FCKXHtml._AppendSpecialItem( 'rn' + val ) ) ) ;
- else
- FCKXHtml._AppendNode( node, item ) ;
- }
- return node ;
- },
- title : function( node, htmlNode )
- {
- node.appendChild( FCKXHtml.XML.createTextNode( FCK.EditorDocument.title ) ) ;
- return node ;
- },
- // Fix nested <ul> and <ol>.
- ol : function( node, htmlNode, targetNode )
- {
- if ( htmlNode.innerHTML.Trim().length == 0 )
- return false ;
- var ePSibling = targetNode.lastChild ;
- if ( ePSibling && ePSibling.nodeType == 3 )
- ePSibling = ePSibling.previousSibling ;
- if ( ePSibling && ePSibling.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'LI' )
- {
- htmlNode._fckxhtmljob = null ;
- FCKXHtml._AppendNode( ePSibling, htmlNode ) ;
- return false ;
- }
- node = FCKXHtml._AppendChildNodes( node, htmlNode ) ;
- return node ;
- },
- span : function( node, htmlNode )
- {
- // Firefox may create empty tags when deleting the selection in some special cases (SF-BUG 1084404).
- if ( htmlNode.innerHTML.length == 0 )
- return false ;
- node = FCKXHtml._AppendChildNodes( node, htmlNode, false ) ;
- return node ;
- },
- // IE loses contents of iframes, and Gecko does give it back HtmlEncoded
- // Note: Opera does lose the content and doesn't provide it in the innerHTML string
- iframe : function( node, htmlNode )
- {
- var sHtml = htmlNode.innerHTML ;
- // Gecko does give back the encoded html
- if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsGecko )
- sHtml = FCKTools.HTMLDecode( sHtml );
- // Remove the saved urls here as the data won't be processed as nodes
- sHtml = sHtml.replace( /s_fcksavedurl="[^"]*"/g, '' ) ;
- node.appendChild( FCKXHtml.XML.createTextNode( FCKXHtml._AppendSpecialItem( sHtml ) ) ) ;
- return node ;
- },
- body : function( node, htmlNode )
- {
- node = FCKXHtml._AppendChildNodes( node, htmlNode, false ) ;
- // Remove spellchecker attributes added for Firefox when converting to HTML code (Bug #1351).
- node.removeAttribute( 'spellcheck' ) ;
- return node ;
- }
- } ;
- FCKXHtml.TagProcessors.ul = FCKXHtml.TagProcessors.ol ;