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Package: MEIMS.rar [view]
Upload User: ah_jiwei
Upload Date: 2022-07-24
Package Size: 54044k
Code Size: 10k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /*
- * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet -
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
- *
- *
- * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
- * choice:
- *
- * - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
- *
- *
- * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
- *
- *
- * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
- *
- *
- * == END LICENSE ==
- *
- * Handles styles in a give document.
- */
- var FCKStyles = FCK.Styles =
- {
- _Callbacks : {},
- _ObjectStyles : {},
- ApplyStyle : function( style )
- {
- if ( typeof style == 'string' )
- style = this.GetStyles()[ style ] ;
- if ( style )
- {
- if ( style.GetType() == FCK_STYLE_OBJECT )
- style.ApplyToObject( FCKSelection.GetSelectedElement() ) ;
- else
- style.ApplyToSelection( FCK.EditorWindow ) ;
- FCK.Events.FireEvent( 'OnSelectionChange' ) ;
- }
- },
- RemoveStyle : function( style )
- {
- if ( typeof style == 'string' )
- style = this.GetStyles()[ style ] ;
- if ( style )
- {
- style.RemoveFromSelection( FCK.EditorWindow ) ;
- FCK.Events.FireEvent( 'OnSelectionChange' ) ;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Defines a callback function to be called when the current state of a
- * specific style changes.
- */
- AttachStyleStateChange : function( styleName, callback, callbackOwner )
- {
- var callbacks = this._Callbacks[ styleName ] ;
- if ( !callbacks )
- callbacks = this._Callbacks[ styleName ] = [] ;
- callbacks.push( [ callback, callbackOwner ] ) ;
- },
- CheckSelectionChanges : function()
- {
- var startElement = FCKSelection.GetBoundaryParentElement( true ) ;
- if ( !startElement )
- return ;
- // Walks the start node parents path, checking all styles that are being listened.
- var path = new FCKElementPath( startElement ) ;
- var styles = this.GetStyles() ;
- for ( var styleName in styles )
- {
- var callbacks = this._Callbacks[ styleName ] ;
- if ( callbacks )
- {
- var style = styles[ styleName ] ;
- var state = style.CheckActive( path ) ;
- if ( style._LastState != state )
- {
- style._LastState = state ;
- for ( var i = 0 ; i < callbacks.length ; i++ )
- {
- var callback = callbacks[i][0] ;
- var callbackOwner = callbacks[i][1] ;
- callbackOwner || window, styleName, state ) ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- CheckStyleInSelection : function( styleName )
- {
- return false ;
- },
- _GetRemoveFormatTagsRegex : function ()
- {
- var regex = new RegExp( '^(?:' + FCKConfig.RemoveFormatTags.replace( /,/g,'|' ) + ')$', 'i' ) ;
- return (this._GetRemoveFormatTagsRegex = function()
- {
- return regex ;
- })
- && regex ;
- },
- /**
- * Remove all styles from the current selection.
- * TODO:
- * - This is almost a duplication of FCKStyle.RemoveFromRange. We should
- * try to merge things.
- */
- RemoveAll : function()
- {
- var range = new FCKDomRange( FCK.EditorWindow ) ;
- range.MoveToSelection() ;
- if ( range.CheckIsCollapsed() )
- return ;
- // Expand the range, if inside inline element boundaries.
- range.Expand( 'inline_elements' ) ;
- // Get the bookmark nodes.
- // Bookmark the range so we can re-select it after processing.
- var bookmark = range.CreateBookmark( true ) ;
- // The style will be applied within the bookmark boundaries.
- var startNode = range.GetBookmarkNode( bookmark, true ) ;
- var endNode = range.GetBookmarkNode( bookmark, false ) ;
- range.Release( true ) ;
- var tagsRegex = this._GetRemoveFormatTagsRegex() ;
- // We need to check the selection boundaries (bookmark spans) to break
- // the code in a way that we can properly remove partially selected nodes.
- // For example, removing a <b> style from
- // <b>This is [some text</b> to show <b>the] problem</b>
- // ... where [ and ] represent the selection, must result:
- // <b>This is </b>[some text to show the]<b> problem</b>
- // The strategy is simple, we just break the partial nodes before the
- // removal logic, having something that could be represented this way:
- // <b>This is </b>[<b>some text</b> to show <b>the</b>]<b> problem</b>
- // Let's start checking the start boundary.
- var path = new FCKElementPath( startNode ) ;
- var pathElements = path.Elements ;
- var pathElement ;
- for ( var i = 1 ; i < pathElements.length ; i++ )
- {
- pathElement = pathElements[i] ;
- if ( pathElement == path.Block || pathElement == path.BlockLimit )
- break ;
- // If this element can be removed (even partially).
- if ( tagsRegex.test( pathElement.nodeName ) )
- FCKDomTools.BreakParent( startNode, pathElement, range ) ;
- }
- // Now the end boundary.
- path = new FCKElementPath( endNode ) ;
- pathElements = path.Elements ;
- for ( var i = 1 ; i < pathElements.length ; i++ )
- {
- pathElement = pathElements[i] ;
- if ( pathElement == path.Block || pathElement == path.BlockLimit )
- break ;
- elementName = pathElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() ;
- // If this element can be removed (even partially).
- if ( tagsRegex.test( pathElement.nodeName ) )
- FCKDomTools.BreakParent( endNode, pathElement, range ) ;
- }
- // Navigate through all nodes between the bookmarks.
- var currentNode = FCKDomTools.GetNextSourceNode( startNode, true, 1 ) ;
- while ( currentNode )
- {
- // If we have reached the end of the selection, stop looping.
- if ( currentNode == endNode )
- break ;
- // Cache the next node to be processed. Do it now, because
- // currentNode may be removed.
- var nextNode = FCKDomTools.GetNextSourceNode( currentNode, false, 1 ) ;
- // Remove elements nodes that match with this style rules.
- if ( tagsRegex.test( currentNode.nodeName ) )
- FCKDomTools.RemoveNode( currentNode, true ) ;
- currentNode = nextNode ;
- }
- range.SelectBookmark( bookmark ) ;
- FCK.Events.FireEvent( 'OnSelectionChange' ) ;
- },
- GetStyle : function( styleName )
- {
- return this.GetStyles()[ styleName ] ;
- },
- GetStyles : function()
- {
- var styles = this._GetStyles ;
- if ( !styles )
- {
- styles = this._GetStyles = FCKTools.Merge(
- this._LoadStylesCore(),
- this._LoadStylesCustom(),
- this._LoadStylesXml() ) ;
- }
- return styles ;
- },
- CheckHasObjectStyle : function( elementName )
- {
- return !!this._ObjectStyles[ elementName ] ;
- },
- _LoadStylesCore : function()
- {
- var styles = {};
- var styleDefs = FCKConfig.CoreStyles ;
- for ( var styleName in styleDefs )
- {
- // Core styles are prefixed with _FCK_.
- var style = styles[ '_FCK_' + styleName ] = new FCKStyle( styleDefs[ styleName ] ) ;
- style.IsCore = true ;
- }
- return styles ;
- },
- _LoadStylesCustom : function()
- {
- var styles = {};
- var styleDefs = FCKConfig.CustomStyles ;
- if ( styleDefs )
- {
- for ( var styleName in styleDefs )
- styles[ styleName ] = new FCKStyle( styleDefs[ styleName ] ) ;
- }
- return styles ;
- },
- _LoadStylesXml : function()
- {
- var styles = {};
- var stylesXmlPath = FCKConfig.StylesXmlPath ;
- if ( !stylesXmlPath || stylesXmlPath.length == 0 )
- return styles ;
- // Load the XML file into a FCKXml object.
- var xml = new FCKXml() ;
- xml.LoadUrl( stylesXmlPath ) ;
- var stylesXmlObj = FCKXml.TransformToObject( xml.SelectSingleNode( 'Styles' ) ) ;
- // Get the "Style" nodes defined in the XML file.
- var styleNodes = stylesXmlObj.$Style ;
- // Add each style to our "Styles" collection.
- for ( var i = 0 ; i < styleNodes.length ; i++ )
- {
- var styleNode = styleNodes[i] ;
- var element = ( styleNode.element || '' ).toLowerCase() ;
- if ( element.length == 0 )
- throw( 'The element name is required. Error loading "' + stylesXmlPath + '"' ) ;
- var styleDef = {
- Element : element,
- Attributes : {},
- Styles : {},
- Overrides : []
- } ;
- // Get the attributes defined for the style (if any).
- var attNodes = styleNode.$Attribute || [] ;
- // Add the attributes to the style definition object.
- for ( var j = 0 ; j < attNodes.length ; j++ )
- {
- styleDef.Attributes[ attNodes[j].name ] = attNodes[j].value ;
- }
- // Get the styles defined for the style (if any).
- var cssStyleNodes = styleNode.$Style || [] ;
- // Add the attributes to the style definition object.
- for ( j = 0 ; j < cssStyleNodes.length ; j++ )
- {
- styleDef.Styles[ cssStyleNodes[j].name ] = cssStyleNodes[j].value ;
- }
- // Load override definitions.
- var cssStyleOverrideNodes = styleNode.$Override ;
- if ( cssStyleOverrideNodes )
- {
- for ( j = 0 ; j < cssStyleOverrideNodes.length ; j++ )
- {
- var overrideNode = cssStyleOverrideNodes[j] ;
- var overrideDef =
- {
- Element : overrideNode.element
- } ;
- var overrideAttNode = overrideNode.$Attribute ;
- if ( overrideAttNode )
- {
- overrideDef.Attributes = {} ;
- for ( var k = 0 ; k < overrideAttNode.length ; k++ )
- {
- var overrideAttValue = overrideAttNode[k].value || null ;
- if ( overrideAttValue )
- {
- // Check if the override attribute value is a regular expression.
- var regexMatch = overrideAttValue && FCKRegexLib.RegExp.exec( overrideAttValue ) ;
- if ( regexMatch )
- overrideAttValue = new RegExp( regexMatch[1], regexMatch[2] || '' ) ;
- }
- overrideDef.Attributes[ overrideAttNode[k].name ] = overrideAttValue ;
- }
- }
- styleDef.Overrides.push( overrideDef ) ;
- }
- }
- var style = new FCKStyle( styleDef ) ;
- style.Name = || element ;
- if ( style.GetType() == FCK_STYLE_OBJECT )
- this._ObjectStyles[ element ] = true ;
- // Add the style to the "Styles" collection using it's name as the key.
- styles[ style.Name ] = style ;
- }
- return styles ;
- }
- } ;