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Package: MEIMS.rar [view]
Upload User: ah_jiwei
Upload Date: 2022-07-24
Package Size: 54044k
Code Size: 17k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- var FCKDragTableHandler =
- {
- "_DragState" : 0,
- "_LeftCell" : null,
- "_RightCell" : null,
- "_MouseMoveMode" : 0, // 0 - find candidate cells for resizing, 1 - drag to resize
- "_ResizeBar" : null,
- "_OriginalX" : null,
- "_MinimumX" : null,
- "_MaximumX" : null,
- "_LastX" : null,
- "_TableMap" : null,
- "_IsInsideNode" : function( w, domNode, pos )
- {
- var myCoords = FCKTools.GetWindowPosition( w, domNode ) ;
- var xMin = myCoords.x ;
- var yMin = myCoords.y ;
- var xMax = parseInt( xMin, 10 ) + parseInt( domNode.offsetWidth, 10 ) ;
- var yMax = parseInt( yMin, 10 ) + parseInt( domNode.offsetHeight, 10 ) ;
- if ( pos.x >= xMin && pos.x <= xMax && pos.y >= yMin && pos.y <= yMax )
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- "_GetBorderCells" : function( w, tableNode, tableMap, mouse )
- {
- // Enumerate all the cells in the table.
- var cells = [] ;
- for ( var i = 0 ; i < tableNode.rows.length ; i++ )
- {
- var r = tableNode.rows[i] ;
- for ( var j = 0 ; j < r.cells.length ; j++ )
- cells.push( r.cells[j] ) ;
- }
- if ( cells.length < 1 )
- return null ;
- // Get the cells whose right or left border is nearest to the mouse cursor's x coordinate.
- var minRxDist = null ;
- var lxDist = null ;
- var minYDist = null ;
- var rbCell = null ;
- var lbCell = null ;
- for ( var i = 0 ; i < cells.length ; i++ )
- {
- var pos = FCKTools.GetWindowPosition( w, cells[i] ) ;
- var rightX = pos.x + parseInt( cells[i].clientWidth, 10 ) ;
- var rxDist = mouse.x - rightX ;
- var yDist = mouse.y - ( pos.y + ( cells[i].clientHeight / 2 ) ) ;
- if ( minRxDist == null ||
- ( Math.abs( rxDist ) <= Math.abs( minRxDist ) &&
- ( minYDist == null || Math.abs( yDist ) <= Math.abs( minYDist ) ) ) )
- {
- minRxDist = rxDist ;
- minYDist = yDist ;
- rbCell = cells[i] ;
- }
- }
- /*
- var rowNode = FCKTools.GetElementAscensor( rbCell, "tr" ) ;
- var cellIndex = rbCell.cellIndex + 1 ;
- if ( cellIndex >= rowNode.cells.length )
- return null ;
- lbCell = rowNode.cells.item( cellIndex ) ;
- */
- var rowIdx = rbCell.parentNode.rowIndex ;
- var colIdx = FCKTableHandler._GetCellIndexSpan( tableMap, rowIdx, rbCell ) ;
- var colSpan = isNaN( rbCell.colSpan ) ? 1 : rbCell.colSpan ;
- lbCell = tableMap[rowIdx][colIdx + colSpan] ;
- if ( ! lbCell )
- return null ;
- // Abort if too far from the border.
- lxDist = mouse.x - FCKTools.GetWindowPosition( w, lbCell ).x ;
- if ( lxDist < 0 && minRxDist < 0 && minRxDist < -2 )
- return null ;
- if ( lxDist > 0 && minRxDist > 0 && lxDist > 3 )
- return null ;
- return { "leftCell" : rbCell, "rightCell" : lbCell } ;
- },
- "_GetResizeBarPosition" : function()
- {
- var row = FCKTools.GetElementAscensor( this._RightCell, "tr" ) ;
- return FCKTableHandler._GetCellIndexSpan( this._TableMap, row.rowIndex, this._RightCell ) ;
- },
- "_ResizeBarMouseDownListener" : function( evt )
- {
- if ( ! evt )
- evt = window.event ;
- if ( FCKDragTableHandler._LeftCell )
- FCKDragTableHandler._MouseMoveMode = 1 ;
- if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
- FCKDragTableHandler._ResizeBar.filters.item("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha").opacity = 50 ;
- else
- = 0.5 ;
- FCKDragTableHandler._OriginalX = evt.clientX ;
- // Calculate maximum and minimum x-coordinate delta.
- var borderIndex = FCKDragTableHandler._GetResizeBarPosition() ;
- var offset = FCKTools.GetDocumentPosition( window, FCK.EditingArea.IFrame ) ;
- var table = FCKTools.GetElementAscensor( FCKDragTableHandler._LeftCell, "table" );
- var minX = null ;
- var maxX = null ;
- for ( var r = 0 ; r < FCKDragTableHandler._TableMap.length ; r++ )
- {
- var leftCell = FCKDragTableHandler._TableMap[r][borderIndex - 1] ;
- var rightCell = FCKDragTableHandler._TableMap[r][borderIndex] ;
- var leftPosition = FCKTools.GetWindowPosition( FCK.EditorWindow, leftCell ) ;
- var rightPosition = FCKTools.GetWindowPosition( FCK.EditorWindow, rightCell ) ;
- var leftPadding = FCKDragTableHandler._GetCellPadding( table, leftCell ) ;
- var rightPadding = FCKDragTableHandler._GetCellPadding( table, rightCell ) ;
- if ( minX == null || leftPosition.x + leftPadding > minX )
- minX = leftPosition.x + leftPadding ;
- if ( maxX == null || rightPosition.x + rightCell.clientWidth - rightPadding < maxX )
- maxX = rightPosition.x + rightCell.clientWidth - rightPadding ;
- }
- FCKDragTableHandler._MinimumX = minX + offset.x ;
- FCKDragTableHandler._MaximumX = maxX + offset.x ;
- FCKDragTableHandler._LastX = null ;
- },
- "_ResizeBarMouseUpListener" : function( evt )
- {
- if ( ! evt )
- evt = window.event ;
- FCKDragTableHandler._MouseMoveMode = 0 ;
- FCKDragTableHandler._HideResizeBar() ;
- if ( FCKDragTableHandler._LastX == null )
- return ;
- // Calculate the delta value.
- var deltaX = FCKDragTableHandler._LastX - FCKDragTableHandler._OriginalX ;
- // Then, build an array of current column width values.
- // This algorithm can be very slow if the cells have insane colSpan values. (e.g. colSpan=1000).
- var table = FCKTools.GetElementAscensor( FCKDragTableHandler._LeftCell, "table" ) ;
- var colArray = [] ;
- var tableMap = FCKDragTableHandler._TableMap ;
- for ( var i = 0 ; i < tableMap.length ; i++ )
- {
- for ( var j = 0 ; j < tableMap[i].length ; j++ )
- {
- var cell = tableMap[i][j] ;
- var width = FCKDragTableHandler._GetCellWidth( table, cell ) ;
- var colSpan = isNaN( cell.colSpan) ? 1 : cell.colSpan ;
- if ( colArray.length <= j )
- colArray.push( { width : width / colSpan, colSpan : colSpan } ) ;
- else
- {
- var guessItem = colArray[j] ;
- if ( guessItem.colSpan > colSpan )
- {
- guessItem.width = width / colSpan ;
- guessItem.colSpan = colSpan ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Find out the equivalent column index of the two cells selected for resizing.
- colIndex = FCKDragTableHandler._GetResizeBarPosition() ;
- // Note that colIndex must be at least 1 here, so it's safe to subtract 1 from it.
- colIndex-- ;
- // Modify the widths in the colArray according to the mouse coordinate delta value.
- colArray[colIndex].width += deltaX ;
- colArray[colIndex + 1].width -= deltaX ;
- // Clear all cell widths, delete all <col> elements from the table.
- for ( var r = 0 ; r < table.rows.length ; r++ )
- {
- var row = table.rows.item( r ) ;
- for ( var c = 0 ; c < row.cells.length ; c++ )
- {
- var cell = row.cells.item( c ) ;
- cell.width = "" ;
- = "" ;
- }
- }
- var colElements = table.getElementsByTagName( "col" ) ;
- for ( var i = colElements.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
- colElements[i].parentNode.removeChild( colElements[i] ) ;
- // Set new cell widths.
- var processedCells = [] ;
- for ( var i = 0 ; i < tableMap.length ; i++ )
- {
- for ( var j = 0 ; j < tableMap[i].length ; j++ )
- {
- var cell = tableMap[i][j] ;
- if ( cell._Processed )
- continue ;
- if ( tableMap[i][j-1] != cell )
- cell.width = colArray[j].width ;
- else
- cell.width = parseInt( cell.width, 10 ) + parseInt( colArray[j].width, 10 ) ;
- if ( tableMap[i][j+1] != cell )
- {
- processedCells.push( cell ) ;
- cell._Processed = true ;
- }
- }
- }
- for ( var i = 0 ; i < processedCells.length ; i++ )
- {
- if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
- processedCells[i].removeAttribute( '_Processed' ) ;
- else
- delete processedCells[i]._Processed ;
- }
- FCKDragTableHandler._LastX = null ;
- },
- "_ResizeBarMouseMoveListener" : function( evt )
- {
- if ( ! evt )
- evt = window.event ;
- if ( FCKDragTableHandler._MouseMoveMode == 0 )
- return FCKDragTableHandler._MouseFindHandler( FCK, evt ) ;
- else
- return FCKDragTableHandler._MouseDragHandler( FCK, evt ) ;
- },
- // Calculate the padding of a table cell.
- // It returns the value of paddingLeft + paddingRight of a table cell.
- // This function is used, in part, to calculate the width parameter that should be used for setting cell widths.
- // The equation in question is clientWidth = paddingLeft + paddingRight + width.
- // So that width = clientWidth - paddingLeft - paddingRight.
- // The return value of this function must be pixel accurate acorss all supported browsers, so be careful if you need to modify it.
- "_GetCellPadding" : function( table, cell )
- {
- var attrGuess = parseInt( table.cellPadding, 10 ) * 2 ;
- var cssGuess = null ;
- if ( typeof( window.getComputedStyle ) == "function" )
- {
- var styleObj = window.getComputedStyle( cell, null ) ;
- cssGuess = parseInt( styleObj.getPropertyValue( "padding-left" ), 10 ) +
- parseInt( styleObj.getPropertyValue( "padding-right" ), 10 ) ;
- }
- else
- cssGuess = parseInt( cell.currentStyle.paddingLeft, 10 ) + parseInt (cell.currentStyle.paddingRight, 10 ) ;
- var cssRuntime = ;
- if ( isFinite( cssRuntime ) )
- cssGuess = parseInt( cssRuntime, 10 ) * 2 ;
- else
- {
- cssRuntime = ;
- if ( isFinite( cssRuntime ) )
- cssGuess = parseInt( cssRuntime, 10 ) ;
- cssRuntime = ;
- if ( isFinite( cssRuntime ) )
- cssGuess += parseInt( cssRuntime, 10 ) ;
- }
- attrGuess = parseInt( attrGuess, 10 ) ;
- cssGuess = parseInt( cssGuess, 10 ) ;
- if ( isNaN( attrGuess ) )
- attrGuess = 0 ;
- if ( isNaN( cssGuess ) )
- cssGuess = 0 ;
- return Math.max( attrGuess, cssGuess ) ;
- },
- // Calculate the real width of the table cell.
- // The real width of the table cell is the pixel width that you can set to the width attribute of the table cell and after
- // that, the table cell should be of exactly the same width as before.
- // The real width of a table cell can be calculated as:
- // width = clientWidth - paddingLeft - paddingRight.
- "_GetCellWidth" : function( table, cell )
- {
- var clientWidth = cell.clientWidth ;
- if ( isNaN( clientWidth ) )
- clientWidth = 0 ;
- return clientWidth - this._GetCellPadding( table, cell ) ;
- },
- "MouseMoveListener" : function( FCK, evt )
- {
- if ( FCKDragTableHandler._MouseMoveMode == 0 )
- return FCKDragTableHandler._MouseFindHandler( FCK, evt ) ;
- else
- return FCKDragTableHandler._MouseDragHandler( FCK, evt ) ;
- },
- "_MouseFindHandler" : function( FCK, evt )
- {
- if ( FCK.MouseDownFlag )
- return ;
- var node = evt.srcElement || ;
- try
- {
- if ( ! node || node.nodeType != 1 )
- {
- this._HideResizeBar() ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- catch ( e )
- {
- this._HideResizeBar() ;
- return ;
- }
- // Since this function might be called from the editing area iframe or the outer fckeditor iframe,
- // the mouse point coordinates from evt.clientX/Y can have different reference points.
- // We need to resolve the mouse pointer position relative to the editing area iframe.
- var mouseX = evt.clientX ;
- var mouseY = evt.clientY ;
- if ( node.ownerDocument == document )
- {
- var offset = FCKTools.GetDocumentPosition( window, FCK.EditingArea.IFrame ) ;
- mouseX -= offset.x ;
- mouseY -= offset.y ;
- }
- if ( this._ResizeBar && this._LeftCell )
- {
- var leftPos = FCKTools.GetWindowPosition( FCK.EditorWindow, this._LeftCell ) ;
- var rightPos = FCKTools.GetWindowPosition( FCK.EditorWindow, this._RightCell ) ;
- var rxDist = mouseX - ( leftPos.x + this._LeftCell.clientWidth ) ;
- var lxDist = mouseX - rightPos.x ;
- var inRangeFlag = false ;
- if ( lxDist >= 0 && rxDist <= 0 )
- inRangeFlag = true ;
- else if ( rxDist > 0 && lxDist <= 3 )
- inRangeFlag = true ;
- else if ( lxDist < 0 && rxDist >= -2 )
- inRangeFlag = true ;
- if ( inRangeFlag )
- {
- this._ShowResizeBar( FCK.EditorWindow,
- FCKTools.GetElementAscensor( this._LeftCell, "table" ),
- { "x" : mouseX, "y" : mouseY } ) ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- var tagName = node.tagName.toLowerCase() ;
- if ( tagName != "table" && tagName != "td" && tagName != "th" )
- {
- if ( this._LeftCell )
- this._LeftCell = this._RightCell = this._TableMap = null ;
- this._HideResizeBar() ;
- return ;
- }
- node = FCKTools.GetElementAscensor( node, "table" ) ;
- var tableMap = FCKTableHandler._CreateTableMap( node ) ;
- var cellTuple = this._GetBorderCells( FCK.EditorWindow, node, tableMap, { "x" : mouseX, "y" : mouseY } ) ;
- if ( cellTuple == null )
- {
- if ( this._LeftCell )
- this._LeftCell = this._RightCell = this._TableMap = null ;
- this._HideResizeBar() ;
- }
- else
- {
- this._LeftCell = cellTuple["leftCell"] ;
- this._RightCell = cellTuple["rightCell"] ;
- this._TableMap = tableMap ;
- this._ShowResizeBar( FCK.EditorWindow,
- FCKTools.GetElementAscensor( this._LeftCell, "table" ),
- { "x" : mouseX, "y" : mouseY } ) ;
- }
- },
- "_MouseDragHandler" : function( FCK, evt )
- {
- var mouse = { "x" : evt.clientX, "y" : evt.clientY } ;
- // Convert mouse coordinates in reference to the outer iframe.
- var node = evt.srcElement || ;
- if ( node.ownerDocument == FCK.EditorDocument )
- {
- var offset = FCKTools.GetDocumentPosition( window, FCK.EditingArea.IFrame ) ;
- mouse.x += offset.x ;
- mouse.y += offset.y ;
- }
- // Calculate the mouse position delta and see if we've gone out of range.
- if ( mouse.x >= this._MaximumX - 5 )
- mouse.x = this._MaximumX - 5 ;
- if ( mouse.x <= this._MinimumX + 5 )
- mouse.x = this._MinimumX + 5 ;
- var docX = mouse.x + FCKTools.GetScrollPosition( window ).X ;
- = ( docX - this._ResizeBar.offsetWidth / 2 ) + "px" ;
- this._LastX = mouse.x ;
- },
- "_ShowResizeBar" : function( w, table, mouse )
- {
- if ( this._ResizeBar == null )
- {
- this._ResizeBar = document.createElement( "div" ) ;
- var paddingBar = this._ResizeBar ;
- var paddingStyles = { 'position' : 'absolute', 'cursor' : 'e-resize' } ;
- if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
- paddingStyles.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=10,enabled=true)" ;
- else
- paddingStyles.opacity = 0.10 ;
- FCKDomTools.SetElementStyles( paddingBar, paddingStyles ) ;
- document.body.appendChild( paddingBar ) ;
- FCKTools.AddEventListener( paddingBar, "mousemove", this._ResizeBarMouseMoveListener ) ;
- FCKTools.AddEventListener( paddingBar, "mousedown", this._ResizeBarMouseDownListener ) ;
- FCKTools.AddEventListener( document, "mouseup", this._ResizeBarMouseUpListener ) ;
- FCKTools.AddEventListener( FCK.EditorDocument, "mouseup", this._ResizeBarMouseUpListener ) ;
- // IE doesn't let the tranparent part of the padding block to receive mouse events unless there's something inside.
- // So we need to create a spacer image to fill the block up.
- var filler = document.createElement( "img" ) ;
- filler.border = 0 ;
- filler.src = FCKConfig.BasePath + "images/spacer.gif" ;
- = "absolute" ;
- paddingBar.appendChild( filler ) ;
- // Disable drag and drop, and selection for the filler image.
- var disabledListener = function( evt )
- {
- if ( ! evt )
- evt = window.event ;
- if ( evt.preventDefault )
- evt.preventDefault() ;
- else
- evt.returnValue = false ;
- }
- FCKTools.AddEventListener( filler, "dragstart", disabledListener ) ;
- FCKTools.AddEventListener( filler, "selectstart", disabledListener ) ;
- }
- var paddingBar = this._ResizeBar ;
- var offset = FCKTools.GetDocumentPosition( window, FCK.EditingArea.IFrame ) ;
- var tablePos = FCKTools.GetWindowPosition( w, table ) ;
- var barHeight = table.offsetHeight ;
- var barTop = offset.y + tablePos.y ;
- // Do not let the resize bar intrude into the toolbar area.
- if ( tablePos.y < 0 )
- {
- barHeight += tablePos.y ;
- barTop -= tablePos.y ;
- }
- var bw = parseInt( table.border, 10 ) ;
- if ( isNaN( bw ) )
- bw = 0 ;
- var cs = parseInt( table.cellSpacing, 10 ) ;
- if ( isNaN( cs ) )
- cs = 0 ;
- var barWidth = Math.max( bw+100, cs+100 ) ;
- var paddingStyles =
- {
- 'top' : barTop + 'px',
- 'height' : barHeight + 'px',
- 'width' : barWidth + 'px',
- 'left' : ( offset.x + mouse.x + FCKTools.GetScrollPosition( w ).X - barWidth / 2 ) + 'px'
- } ;
- if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
- paddingBar.filters.item("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha").opacity = 10 ;
- else
- paddingStyles.opacity = 0.1 ;
- FCKDomTools.SetElementStyles( paddingBar, paddingStyles ) ;
- var filler = paddingBar.getElementsByTagName( "img" )[0] ;
- FCKDomTools.SetElementStyles( filler,
- {
- width : paddingBar.offsetWidth + 'px',
- height : barHeight + 'px'
- } ) ;
- barWidth = Math.max( bw, cs, 3 ) ;
- var visibleBar = null ;
- if ( paddingBar.getElementsByTagName( "div" ).length < 1 )
- {
- visibleBar = document.createElement( "div" ) ;
- paddingBar.appendChild( visibleBar ) ;
- }
- else
- visibleBar = paddingBar.getElementsByTagName( "div" )[0] ;
- FCKDomTools.SetElementStyles( visibleBar,
- {
- position : 'absolute',
- backgroundColor : 'blue',
- width : barWidth + 'px',
- height : barHeight + 'px',
- left : '50px',
- top : '0px'
- } ) ;
- },
- "_HideResizeBar" : function()
- {
- if ( this._ResizeBar )
- // IE bug: display : none does not hide the resize bar for some reason.
- // so set the position to somewhere invisible.
- FCKDomTools.SetElementStyles( this._ResizeBar,
- {
- top : '-100000px',
- left : '-100000px'
- } ) ;
- }
- };
- FCK.Events.AttachEvent( "OnMouseMove", FCKDragTableHandler.MouseMoveListener ) ;