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Package: MEIMS.rar [view]
Upload User: ah_jiwei
Upload Date: 2022-07-24
Package Size: 54044k
Code Size: 10k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="Yes">
- <!---
- * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet -
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
- *
- *
- * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
- * choice:
- *
- * - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
- *
- *
- * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
- *
- *
- * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
- *
- *
- * == END LICENSE ==
- *
- * This is the "File Uploader" for ColdFusion 5.
- * Based on connector.cfm by Mark Woods (
- *
- * Note:
- * FCKeditor requires that the connector responds with UTF-8 encoded XML.
- * As ColdFusion 5 does not fully support UTF-8 encoding, we force ASCII
- * file and folder names in this connector to allow CF5 send a UTF-8
- * encoded response - code points under 127 in UTF-8 are stored using a
- * single byte, using the same encoding as ASCII, which is damn handy.
- * This is all grand for the English speakers, like meself, but I dunno
- * how others are gonna take to it. Well, the previous version of this
- * connector already did this with file names and nobody seemed to mind,
- * so fingers-crossed nobody will mind their folder names being munged too.
- *
- --->
- <cfparam name="url.command" default="QuickUpload">
- <cfparam name="url.type" default="File">
- <cfparam name="url.currentFolder" default="/">
- <cfif not isDefined("config_included")>
- <cfinclude template="config.cfm">
- </cfif>
- <cfscript>
- function SendUploadResults(errorNumber, fileUrl, fileName, customMsg)
- {
- WriteOutput('<script type="text/javascript">');
- WriteOutput('window.parent.OnUploadCompleted(' & errorNumber & ', "' & JSStringFormat(fileUrl) & '", "' & JSStringFormat(fileName) & '", "' & JSStringFormat(customMsg) & '");' );
- WriteOutput('</script>');
- }
- </cfscript>
- <cfif NOT config.enabled>
- <cfset SendUploadResults(1, "", "", "This file uploader is disabled. Please check the ""editor/filemanager/connectors/cfm/config.cfm"" file")>
- <cfabort>
- </cfif>
- <cfif isDefined("Config.ConfigAllowedCommands") and not ListFind(Config.ConfigAllowedCommands, url.command)>
- <cfset SendUploadResults(1, "", "", "The """ & url.command & """ command isn't allowed")>
- <cfabort>
- </cfif>
- <cfif isDefined("Config.ConfigAllowedTypes") and not ListFind(Config.ConfigAllowedTypes, url.type)>
- <cfset SendUploadResults(1, "", "", "The """ & url.type & """ type isn't allowed")>
- <cfabort>
- </cfif>
- <cfif find( "..", url.currentFolder)>
- <cfset SendUploadResults(102)>
- <cfabort>
- </cfif>
- <cfscript>
- userFilesPath = config.userFilesPath;
- if ( userFilesPath eq "" ) {
- userFilesPath = "/userfiles/";
- }
- // make sure the user files path is correctly formatted
- userFilesPath = replace(userFilesPath, "", "/", "ALL");
- userFilesPath = replace(userFilesPath, '//', '/', 'ALL');
- if ( right(userFilesPath,1) NEQ "/" ) {
- userFilesPath = userFilesPath & "/";
- }
- if ( left(userFilesPath,1) NEQ "/" ) {
- userFilesPath = "/" & userFilesPath;
- }
- // make sure the current folder is correctly formatted
- url.currentFolder = replace(url.currentFolder, "", "/", "ALL");
- url.currentFolder = replace(url.currentFolder, '//', '/', 'ALL');
- if ( right(url.currentFolder,1) neq "/" ) {
- url.currentFolder = url.currentFolder & "/";
- }
- if ( left(url.currentFolder,1) neq "/" ) {
- url.currentFolder = "/" & url.currentFolder;
- }
- if (find("/",getBaseTemplatePath())) {
- fs = "/";
- } else {
- fs = "";
- }
- // Get the base physical path to the web root for this application. The code to determine the path automatically assumes that
- // the "FCKeditor" directory in the http request path is directly off the web root for the application and that it's not a
- // virtual directory or a symbolic link / junction. Use the serverPath config setting to force a physical path if necessary.
- if ( len(config.serverPath) ) {
- serverPath = config.serverPath;
- if ( right(serverPath,1) neq fs ) {
- serverPath = serverPath & fs;
- }
- } else {
- serverPath = replaceNoCase(getBaseTemplatePath(),replace(cgi.script_name,"/",fs,"all"),"") & replace(userFilesPath,"/",fs,"all");
- }
- rootPath = left( serverPath, Len(serverPath) - Len(userFilesPath) ) ;
- </cfscript>
- <cfif url.command eq "QuickUpload">
- <cfset resourceTypeUrl = rereplace( replace( Config.QuickUploadPath[url.type], fs, "/", "all"), "/$", "") >
- <cfif isDefined( "Config.QuickUploadAbsolutePath" )
- and structkeyexists( Config.QuickUploadAbsolutePath, url.type )
- and Len( Config.QuickUploadAbsolutePath[url.type] )>
- <cfset userFilesServerPath = Config.QuickUploadAbsolutePath[url.type] & url.currentFolder>
- <cfelse>
- <cftry>
- <cfset userFilesServerPath = expandpath( resourceTypeUrl ) & url.currentFolder>
- <!--- Catch: Parameter 1 of function ExpandPath must be a relative path --->
- <cfcatch type="any">
- <cfset userFilesServerPath = rootPath & Config.QuickUploadPath[url.type] & url.currentFolder>
- </cfcatch>
- </cftry>
- </cfif>
- <cfelse>
- <cfset resourceTypeUrl = rereplace( replace( Config.FileTypesPath[url.type], fs, "/", "all"), "/$", "") >
- <cfif isDefined( "Config.FileTypesAbsolutePath" )
- and structkeyexists( Config.FileTypesAbsolutePath, url.type )
- and Len( Config.FileTypesAbsolutePath[url.type] )>
- <cfset userFilesServerPath = Config.FileTypesAbsolutePath[url.type] & url.currentFolder>
- <cfelse>
- <cftry>
- <cfset userFilesServerPath = expandpath( resourceTypeUrl ) & url.currentFolder>
- <!--- Catch: Parameter 1 of function ExpandPath must be a relative path --->
- <cfcatch type="any">
- <cfset userFilesServerPath = rootPath & Config.FileTypesPath[url.type] & url.currentFolder>
- </cfcatch>
- </cftry>
- </cfif>
- </cfif>
- <cfset userFilesServerPath = replace( userFilesServerPath, "/", fs, "all" ) >
- <!--- get rid of double directory separators --->
- <cfset userFilesServerPath = replace( userFilesServerPath, fs & fs, fs, "all") >
- <!--- create resource type directory if not exists --->
- <cfset resourceTypeDirectory = left( userFilesServerPath, Len(userFilesServerPath) - Len(url.currentFolder) )>
- <cfif not directoryexists( resourceTypeDirectory )>
- <cfset currentPath = "">
- <cftry>
- <cfloop list="#resourceTypeDirectory#" index="name" delimiters="#fs#">
- <cfif currentPath eq "" and fs eq "">
- <!--- Without checking this, we would have in Windows C: --->
- <cfif not directoryExists(name)>
- <cfdirectory action="create" directory="#name#" mode="755">
- </cfif>
- <cfelse>
- <cfif not directoryExists(currentPath & fs & name)>
- <cfdirectory action="create" directory="#currentPath##fs##name#" mode="755">
- </cfif>
- </cfif>
- <cfif fs eq "" and currentPath eq "">
- <cfset currentPath = name>
- <cfelse>
- <cfset currentPath = currentPath & fs & name>
- </cfif>
- </cfloop>
- <cfcatch type="any">
- <!--- this should only occur as a result of a permissions problem --->
- <cfset SendUploadResults(103)>
- <cfabort>
- </cfcatch>
- </cftry>
- </cfif>
- <cfset currentFolderPath = userFilesServerPath>
- <cfset resourceType = url.type>
- <cfset fileName = "">
- <cfset fileExt = "">
- <!--- Can be overwritten. The last value will be sent with the result --->
- <cfset customMsg = "">
- <cftry>
- <!--- first upload the file with an unique filename --->
- <cffile action="upload"
- fileField="NewFile"
- destination="#currentFolderPath#"
- nameConflict="makeunique"
- mode="644"
- attributes="normal">
- <cfif cffile.fileSize EQ 0>
- <cfthrow>
- </cfif>
- <cfset lAllowedExtensions = config.allowedExtensions[#resourceType#]>
- <cfset lDeniedExtensions = config.deniedExtensions[#resourceType#]>
- <cfif ( len(lAllowedExtensions) and not listFindNoCase(lAllowedExtensions,cffile.ServerFileExt) )
- or ( len(lDeniedExtensions) and listFindNoCase(lDeniedExtensions,cffile.ServerFileExt) )>
- <cfset errorNumber = "202">
- <cffile action="delete" file="#cffile.ServerDirectory##fs##cffile.ServerFile#">
- <cfelse>
- <cfscript>
- errorNumber = 0;
- fileName = cffile.ClientFileName ;
- fileExt = cffile.ServerFileExt ;
- fileExisted = false ;
- // munge filename for html download. Only a-z, 0-9, _, - and . are allowed
- if( reFind("[^A-Za-z0-9_-.]", fileName) ) {
- fileName = reReplace(fileName, "[^A-Za-z0-9-.]", "_", "ALL");
- fileName = reReplace(fileName, "_{2,}", "_", "ALL");
- fileName = reReplace(fileName, "([^_]+)_+$", "1", "ALL");
- fileName = reReplace(fileName, "$_([^_]+)$", "1", "ALL");
- }
- // remove additional dots from file name
- if( isDefined("Config.ForceSingleExtension") and Config.ForceSingleExtension )
- fileName = replace( fileName, '.', "_", "all" ) ;
- // When the original filename already exists, add numbers (0), (1), (2), ... at the end of the filename.
- if( compare( cffile.ServerFileName, fileName ) ) {
- counter = 0;
- tmpFileName = fileName;
- while( fileExists("#currentFolderPath##fileName#.#fileExt#") ) {
- fileExisted = true ;
- counter = counter + 1 ;
- fileName = tmpFileName & '(#counter#)' ;
- }
- }
- </cfscript>
- <!--- Rename the uploaded file, if neccessary --->
- <cfif compare(cffile.ServerFileName,fileName)>
- <cfif fileExisted>
- <cfset errorNumber = "201">
- </cfif>
- <cffile
- action="rename"
- source="#currentFolderPath##cffile.ServerFileName#.#cffile.ServerFileExt#"
- destination="#currentFolderPath##fileName#.#fileExt#"
- mode="644"
- attributes="normal">
- </cfif>
- </cfif>
- <cfcatch type="any">
- <cfset errorNumber = "1">
- <cfset customMsg = cfcatch.message >
- </cfcatch>
- </cftry>
- <cfif errorNumber EQ 0>
- <!--- file was uploaded succesfully --->
- <cfset SendUploadResults(errorNumber, '#resourceTypeUrl##url.currentFolder##fileName#.#fileExt#', "", "")>
- <cfabort>
- <cfelseif errorNumber EQ 201>
- <!--- file was changed (201), submit the new filename --->
- <cfset SendUploadResults(errorNumber, '#resourceTypeUrl##url.currentFolder##fileName#.#fileExt#', replace( fileName & "." & fileExt, "'", "'", "ALL"), customMsg)>
- <cfabort>
- <cfelse>
- <!--- An error occured(202). Submit only the error code and a message (if available). --->
- <cfset SendUploadResults(errorNumber, '', '', customMsg)>
- <cfabort>
- </cfif>