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Package: MEIMS.rar [view]
Upload User: ah_jiwei
Upload Date: 2022-07-24
Package Size: 54044k
Code Size: 18k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- #####
- # FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet -
- # Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
- #
- #
- # Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
- # choice:
- #
- # - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
- #
- #
- # - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
- #
- #
- # - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
- #
- #
- # == END LICENSE ==
- #
- # This is the File Manager Connector for Perl.
- #####
- # image data save dir
- $img_dir = './temp/';
- # File size max(unit KB)
- $MAX_CONTENT_SIZE = 30000;
- # Filelock (1=use,0=not use)
- $PM{'flock'} = '1';
- # upload Content-Type list
- 'image/(x-)?png' => 'png', # PNG image
- 'image/p?jpe?g' => 'jpg', # JPEG image
- 'image/gif' => 'gif', # GIF image
- 'image/x-xbitmap' => 'xbm', # XBM image
- 'image/(x-(MS-)?)?bmp' => 'bmp', # Windows BMP image
- 'image/pict' => 'pict', # Macintosh PICT image
- 'image/tiff' => 'tif', # TIFF image
- 'application/pdf' => 'pdf', # PDF image
- 'application/x-shockwave-flash' => 'swf', # Shockwave Flash
- 'video/(x-)?msvideo' => 'avi', # Microsoft Video
- 'video/quicktime' => 'mov', # QuickTime Video
- 'video/mpeg' => 'mpeg', # MPEG Video
- 'video/x-mpeg2' => 'mpv2', # MPEG2 Video
- 'audio/(x-)?midi?' => 'mid', # MIDI Audio
- 'audio/(x-)?wav' => 'wav', # WAV Audio
- 'audio/basic' => 'au', # ULAW Audio
- 'audio/mpeg' => 'mpga', # MPEG Audio
- 'application/(x-)?zip(-compressed)?' => 'zip', # ZIP Compress
- 'text/html' => 'html', # HTML
- 'text/plain' => 'txt', # TEXT
- '(?:application|text)/(?:rtf|richtext)' => 'rtf', # RichText
- 'application/msword' => 'doc', # Microsoft Word
- 'application/' => 'xls', # Microsoft Excel
- ''
- );
- # Upload is permitted.
- # A regular expression is possible.
- 'png' => 'PNG image',
- 'p?jpe?g|jpe|jfif|pjp' => 'JPEG image',
- 'gif' => 'GIF image',
- 'xbm' => 'XBM image',
- 'bmp|dib|rle' => 'Windows BMP image',
- 'pi?ct' => 'Macintosh PICT image',
- 'tiff?' => 'TIFF image',
- 'pdf' => 'PDF image',
- 'swf' => 'Shockwave Flash',
- 'avi' => 'Microsoft Video',
- 'moo?v|qt' => 'QuickTime Video',
- 'm(p(e?gv?|e|v)|1v)' => 'MPEG Video',
- 'mp(v2|2v)' => 'MPEG2 Video',
- 'midi?|kar|smf|rmi|mff' => 'MIDI Audio',
- 'wav' => 'WAVE Audio',
- 'au|snd' => 'ULAW Audio',
- 'mp(e?ga|2|a|3)|abs' => 'MPEG Audio',
- 'zip' => 'ZIP Compress',
- 'lzh' => 'LZH Compress',
- 'cab' => 'CAB Compress',
- 'd?html?' => 'HTML',
- 'rtf|rtx' => 'RichText',
- 'txt|text' => 'Text',
- ''
- );
- # sjis or euc
- my $CHARCODE = 'sjis';
- ##############################################################################
- # Summary
- #
- # Form Read input
- #
- # Parameters
- # Returns
- # Memo
- ##############################################################################
- sub read_input
- {
- eval("use File::Copy;");
- eval("use File::Path;");
- my ($FORM) = @_;
- mkdir($img_dir,0777);
- chmod(0777,$img_dir);
- undef $img_data_exists;
- undef @NEWFNAMES;
- if($ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} > 10000000 || $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} > $MAX_CONTENT_SIZE * 1024) {
- &upload_error(
- 'Size Error',
- sprintf(
- "Transmitting size is too large.MAX <strong>%d KB</strong> Now Size <strong>%d KB</strong>(<strong>%d bytes</strong> Over)",
- int($ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} / 1024),
- )
- );
- }
- my $Buffer;
- if($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ /multipart/form-data/) {
- # METHOD POST only
- return unless($ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
- binmode(STDIN);
- # STDIN A pause character is detected.'(MacIE3.0 boundary of $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} cannot be trusted.)
- my $Boundary = <STDIN>;
- $Boundary =~ s/x0Dx0A//;
- $Boundary = quotemeta($Boundary);
- while(<STDIN>) {
- if(/^s*Content-Disposition:/i) {
- my($name,$ContentType,$FileName);
- # form data get
- if(/bname="([^"]+)"/i || /bname=([^s:;]+)/i) {
- $name = $1;
- $name =~ tr/+/ /;
- $name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
- &Encode($name);
- }
- if(/bfilename="([^"]*)"/i || /bfilename=([^s:;]*)/i) {
- $FileName = $1 || 'unknown';
- }
- # head read
- while(<STDIN>) {
- last if(! /w/);
- if(/^s*Content-Type:s*"([^"]+)"/i || /^s*Content-Type:s*([^s:;]+)/i) {
- $ContentType = $1;
- }
- }
- # body read
- $value = "";
- while(<STDIN>) {
- last if(/^$Boundary/o);
- $value .= $_;
- };
- $lastline = $_;
- $value =~s /x0Dx0A$//;
- if($value ne '') {
- if($FileName || $ContentType) {
- $img_data_exists = 1;
- (
- $FileName, #
- $Ext, #
- $Length, #
- $ImageWidth, #
- $ImageHeight, #
- $ContentName #
- ) = &CheckContentType($value,$FileName,$ContentType);
- $FORM{$name} = $FileName;
- $new_fname = $FileName;
- push(@NEWFNAME_DATA,"$FileNamet$Extt$Lengtht$ImageWidtht$ImageHeightt$ContentName");
- # Multi-upload correspondence
- push(@NEWFNAMES,$new_fname);
- open(OUT,">$img_dir/$new_fname");
- binmode(OUT);
- eval "flock(OUT,2);" if($PM{'flock'} == 1);
- print OUT $value;
- eval "flock(OUT,8);" if($PM{'flock'} == 1);
- close(OUT);
- } elsif($name) {
- $value =~ tr/+/ /;
- $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
- &Encode($value,'trans');
- $FORM{$name} .= "" if(defined($FORM{$name}));
- $FORM{$name} .= $value;
- }
- }
- };
- last if($lastline =~ /^$Boundary--/o);
- }
- } elsif($ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}) {
- read(STDIN,$Buffer,$ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
- }
- foreach(split(/&/,$Buffer),split(/&/,$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'})) {
- my($name, $value) = split(/=/);
- $name =~ tr/+/ /;
- $name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
- $value =~ tr/+/ /;
- $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
- &Encode($name);
- &Encode($value,'trans');
- $FORM{$name} .= "" if(defined($FORM{$name}));
- $FORM{$name} .= $value;
- }
- }
- ##############################################################################
- # Summary
- #
- # CheckContentType
- #
- # Parameters
- # Returns
- # Memo
- ##############################################################################
- sub CheckContentType
- {
- my($DATA,$FileName,$ContentType) = @_;
- my($Ext,$ImageWidth,$ImageHeight,$ContentName,$Infomation);
- my $DataLength = length($$DATA);
- # An unknown file type
- $_ = $ContentType;
- my $UnknownType = (
- !$_
- || /^application/(x-)?macbinary$/i
- || /^application/applefile$/i
- || /^application/octet-stream$/i
- || /^text/plane$/i
- || /^x-unknown-content-type/i
- );
- # MacBinary(Mac Unnecessary data are deleted.)
- if($UnknownType || $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ /Macintosh|Mac_/) {
- if($DataLength > 128 && !unpack("C",substr($$DATA,0,1)) && !unpack("C",substr($$DATA,74,1)) && !unpack("C",substr($$DATA,82,1)) ) {
- my $MacBinary_ForkLength = unpack("N", substr($$DATA, 83, 4)); # ForkLength Get
- my $MacBinary_FileName = quotemeta(substr($$DATA, 2, unpack("C",substr($$DATA, 1, 1))));
- if($MacBinary_FileName && $MacBinary_ForkLength && $DataLength >= $MacBinary_ForkLength + 128
- && ($FileName =~ /$MacBinary_FileName/i || substr($$DATA,102,4) eq 'mBIN')) { # DATA TOP 128byte MacBinary!!
- $$DATA = substr($$DATA,128,$MacBinary_ForkLength);
- my $ResourceLength = $DataLength - $MacBinary_ForkLength - 128;
- $DataLength = $MacBinary_ForkLength;
- }
- }
- }
- # A file name is changed into EUC.
- # &jcode::convert($FileName,'euc',$FormCodeDefault);
- # &jcode::h2z_euc($FileName);
- $FileName =~ s/^.*\//; # Windows, Mac
- $FileName =~ s/^.*///; # UNIX
- $FileName =~ s/&/&/g;
- $FileName =~ s/"/"/g;
- $FileName =~ s/</</g;
- $FileName =~ s/>/>/g;
- #
- # if($CHARCODE ne 'euc') {
- # &jcode::convert($FileName,$CHARCODE,'euc');
- # }
- # An extension is extracted and it changes into a small letter.
- my $FileExt;
- if($FileName =~ /.(w+)$/) {
- $FileExt = $1;
- $FileExt =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
- }
- # Executable file detection (ban on upload)
- if($$DATA =~ /^MZ/) {
- $Ext = 'exe';
- }
- # text
- if(!$Ext && ($UnknownType || $ContentType =~ /^text//i || $ContentType =~ /^application/(?:rtf|richtext)$/i || $ContentType =~ /^image/x-xbitmap$/i)
- && ! $$DATA =~ /[00-06177377]/) {
- # $$DATA =~ s/x0Dx0A/n/g;
- # $$DATA =~ tr/x0Dx0A/nn/;
- #
- # if(
- # $$DATA =~ /<s*SCRIPT(?:.|n)*?>/i
- # || $$DATA =~ /<s*(?:.|n)*?bONLOADs*=(?:.|n)*?>/i
- # || $$DATA =~ /<s*(?:.|n)*?bONCLICKs*=(?:.|n)*?>/i
- # ) {
- # $Infomation = '(JavaScript contains)';
- # }
- # if($$DATA =~ /<s*TABLE(?:.|n)*?>/i
- # || $$DATA =~ /<s*BLINK(?:.|n)*?>/i
- # || $$DATA =~ /<s*MARQUEE(?:.|n)*?>/i
- # || $$DATA =~ /<s*OBJECT(?:.|n)*?>/i
- # || $$DATA =~ /<s*EMBED(?:.|n)*?>/i
- # || $$DATA =~ /<s*FRAME(?:.|n)*?>/i
- # || $$DATA =~ /<s*APPLET(?:.|n)*?>/i
- # || $$DATA =~ /<s*FORM(?:.|n)*?>/i
- # || $$DATA =~ /<s*(?:.|n)*?bSRCs*=(?:.|n)*?>/i
- # || $$DATA =~ /<s*(?:.|n)*?bDYNSRCs*=(?:.|n)*?>/i
- # ) {
- # $Infomation = '(the HTML tag which is not safe is included)';
- # }
- if($FileExt =~ /^txt$/i || $FileExt =~ /^cgi$/i || $FileExt =~ /^pl$/i) { # Text File
- $Ext = 'txt';
- } elsif($ContentType =~ /^text/html$/i || $FileExt =~ /html?/i || $$DATA =~ /<s*HTML(?:.|n)*?>/i) { # HTML File
- $Ext = 'html';
- } elsif($ContentType =~ /^image/x-xbitmap$/i || $FileExt =~ /^xbm$/i) { # XBM(x-BitMap) Image
- my $XbmName = $1;
- my ($XbmWidth, $XbmHeight);
- if($$DATA =~ /#defines*$XbmName_widths*(d+)/i) {
- $XbmWidth = $1;
- }
- if($$DATA =~ /#defines*$XbmName_heights*(d+)/i) {
- $XbmHeight = $1;
- }
- if($XbmWidth && $XbmHeight) {
- $Ext = 'xbm';
- $ImageWidth = $XbmWidth;
- $ImageHeight = $XbmHeight;
- }
- } else { #
- $Ext = 'txt';
- }
- }
- # image
- if(!$Ext && ($UnknownType || $ContentType =~ /^image//i)) {
- # PNG
- if($$DATA =~ /^x89PNGx0Dx0Ax1Ax0A/) {
- if(substr($$DATA, 12, 4) eq 'IHDR') {
- $Ext = 'png';
- ($ImageWidth, $ImageHeight) = unpack("N2", substr($$DATA, 16, 8));
- }
- } elsif($$DATA =~ /^GIF8(?:9|7)a/) { # GIF89a(modified), GIF89a, GIF87a
- $Ext = 'gif';
- ($ImageWidth, $ImageHeight) = unpack("v2", substr($$DATA, 6, 4));
- } elsif($$DATA =~ /^IIx2ax00x08x00x00x00/ || $$DATA =~ /^MMx00x2ax00x00x00x08/) { # TIFF
- $Ext = 'tif';
- } elsif($$DATA =~ /^BM/) { # BMP
- $Ext = 'bmp';
- } elsif($$DATA =~ /^xFFxD8xFF/ || $$DATA =~ /JFIF/) { # JPEG
- my $HeaderPoint = index($$DATA, "xFFxD8xFF", 0);
- my $Point = $HeaderPoint + 2;
- while($Point < $DataLength) {
- my($Maker, $MakerType, $MakerLength) = unpack("C2n",substr($$DATA,$Point,4));
- if($Maker != 0xFF || $MakerType == 0xd9 || $MakerType == 0xda) {
- last;
- } elsif($MakerType >= 0xC0 && $MakerType <= 0xC3) {
- $Ext = 'jpg';
- ($ImageHeight, $ImageWidth) = unpack("n2", substr($$DATA, $Point + 5, 4));
- if($HeaderPoint > 0) {
- $$DATA = substr($$DATA, $HeaderPoint);
- $DataLength = length($$DATA);
- }
- last;
- } else {
- $Point += $MakerLength + 2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # audio
- if(!$Ext && ($UnknownType || $ContentType =~ /^audio//i)) {
- # MIDI Audio
- if($$DATA =~ /^MThd/) {
- $Ext = 'mid';
- } elsif($$DATA =~ /^x2esnd/) { # ULAW Audio
- $Ext = 'au';
- } elsif($$DATA =~ /^RIFF/ || $$DATA =~ /^ID3/ && $$DATA =~ /RIFF/) {
- my $HeaderPoint = index($$DATA, "RIFF", 0);
- $_ = substr($$DATA, $HeaderPoint + 8, 8);
- if(/^WAVEfmt $/) {
- # WAVE
- if(unpack("V",substr($$DATA, $HeaderPoint + 16, 4)) == 16) {
- $Ext = 'wav';
- } else { # RIFF WAVE MP3
- $Ext = 'mp3';
- }
- } elsif(/^RMIDdata$/) { # RIFF MIDI
- $Ext = 'rmi';
- } elsif(/^RMP3data$/) { # RIFF MP3
- $Ext = 'rmp';
- }
- if($ContentType =~ /^audio//i) {
- $Infomation .= '(RIFF '. substr($$DATA, $HeaderPoint + 8, 4). ')';
- }
- }
- }
- # a binary file
- unless ($Ext) {
- # PDF image
- if($$DATA =~ /^%PDF/) {
- # Picture size is not measured.
- $Ext = 'pdf';
- } elsif($$DATA =~ /^FWS/) { # Shockwave Flash
- $Ext = 'swf';
- } elsif($$DATA =~ /^RIFF/ || $$DATA =~ /^ID3/ && $$DATA =~ /RIFF/) {
- my $HeaderPoint = index($$DATA, "RIFF", 0);
- $_ = substr($$DATA,$HeaderPoint + 8, 8);
- # AVI
- if(/^AVI LIST$/) {
- $Ext = 'avi';
- }
- if($ContentType =~ /^video//i) {
- $Infomation .= '(RIFF '. substr($$DATA, $HeaderPoint + 8, 4). ')';
- }
- } elsif($$DATA =~ /^PK/) { # ZIP Compress File
- $Ext = 'zip';
- } elsif($$DATA =~ /^MSCF/) { # CAB Compress File
- $Ext = 'cab';
- } elsif($$DATA =~ /^Rar!/) { # RAR Compress File
- $Ext = 'rar';
- } elsif(substr($$DATA, 2, 5) =~ /^-lh(d+|d)-$/) { # LHA Compress File
- $Infomation .= "(lh$1)";
- $Ext = 'lzh';
- } elsif(substr($$DATA, 325, 25) eq "Apple Video Media Handler" || substr($$DATA, 325, 30) eq "Apple x83x72x83x66x83x49x81x45x83x81x83x66x83x42x83x41x83x6Ex83x93x83x68x83x89") {
- # QuickTime
- $Ext = 'mov';
- }
- }
- # Header analysis failure
- unless ($Ext) {
- # It will be followed if it applies for the MIME type from the browser.
- foreach (keys %UPLOAD_CONTENT_TYPE_LIST) {
- next unless ($_);
- if($ContentType =~ /^$_$/i) {
- $ContentName = &CheckContentExt($Ext);
- if(
- grep {$_ eq $Ext;} (
- 'png',
- 'gif',
- 'jpg',
- 'xbm',
- 'tif',
- 'bmp',
- 'pdf',
- 'swf',
- 'mov',
- 'zip',
- 'cab',
- 'lzh',
- 'rar',
- 'mid',
- 'rmi',
- 'au',
- 'wav',
- 'avi',
- 'exe'
- )
- ) {
- $Infomation .= ' / Header analysis failure';
- }
- if($Ext ne $FileExt && &CheckContentExt($FileExt) eq $ContentName) {
- $Ext = $FileExt;
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- # a MIME type is unknown--It judges from an extension.
- unless ($Ext) {
- $ContentName = &CheckContentExt($FileExt);
- if($ContentName) {
- $Ext = $FileExt;
- $Infomation .= ' / MIME type is unknown('. $ContentType. ')';
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- # $ContentName = &CheckContentExt($Ext) unless($ContentName);
- # if($Ext && $ContentName) {
- # $ContentName .= $Infomation;
- # } else {
- # &upload_error(
- # 'Extension Error',
- # "$FileName A not corresponding extension ($Ext)<BR>The extension which can be responded ". join(',', sort values(%UPLOAD_EXT_LIST))
- # );
- # }
- # # SSI Tag Deletion
- # if($Ext =~ /.?html?/ && $$DATA =~ /<!/) {
- # foreach (
- # 'config',
- # 'echo',
- # 'exec',
- # 'flastmod',
- # 'fsize',
- # 'include'
- # ) {
- # $$DATA =~ s/#s*$_/#$_/ig
- # }
- # }
- return (
- $FileName,
- $Ext,
- int($DataLength / 1024 + 1),
- $ImageWidth,
- $ImageHeight,
- $ContentName
- );
- }
- ##############################################################################
- # Summary
- #
- # Extension discernment
- #
- # Parameters
- # Returns
- # Memo
- ##############################################################################
- sub CheckContentExt
- {
- my($Ext) = @_;
- my $ContentName;
- foreach (keys %UPLOAD_EXT_LIST) {
- next unless ($_);
- if($_ && $Ext =~ /^$_$/) {
- $ContentName = $UPLOAD_EXT_LIST{$_};
- last;
- }
- }
- return $ContentName;
- }
- ##############################################################################
- # Summary
- #
- # Form decode
- #
- # Parameters
- # Returns
- # Memo
- ##############################################################################
- sub Encode
- {
- my($value,$Trans) = @_;
- # my $FormCode = &jcode::getcode($value) || $FormCodeDefault;
- # $FormCodeDefault ||= $FormCode;
- #
- # if($Trans && $TRANS_2BYTE_CODE) {
- # if($FormCode ne 'euc') {
- # &jcode::convert($value, 'euc', $FormCode);
- # }
- # &jcode::tr(
- # $value,
- # "xA3xB0-xA3xB9xA3xC1-xA3xDAxA3xE1-xA3xFA",
- # '0-9A-Za-z'
- # );
- # if($CHARCODE ne 'euc') {
- # &jcode::convert($value,$CHARCODE,'euc');
- # }
- # } else {
- # if($CHARCODE ne $FormCode) {
- # &jcode::convert($value,$CHARCODE,$FormCode);
- # }
- # }
- # if($CHARCODE eq 'euc') {
- # &jcode::h2z_euc($value);
- # } elsif($CHARCODE eq 'sjis') {
- # &jcode::h2z_sjis($value);
- # }
- }
- ##############################################################################
- # Summary
- #
- # Error Msg
- #
- # Parameters
- # Returns
- # Memo
- ##############################################################################
- sub upload_error
- {
- local($error_message) = $_[0];
- local($error_message2) = $_[1];
- print "Content-type: text/htmlnn";
- print<<EOF;
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <TITLE>Error Message</TITLE></HEAD>
- <BODY>
- <table border="1" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="10">
- <TR bgcolor="#0000B0">
- <TD bgcolor="#0000B0" NOWRAP><font size="-1" color="white"><B>Error Message</B></font></TD>
- </TR>
- </table>
- <UL>
- <H4> $error_message </H4>
- $error_message2 <BR>
- </UL>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>
- &rm_tmp_uploaded_files; # Image Temporary deletion
- exit;
- }
- ##############################################################################
- # Summary
- #
- # Image Temporary deletion
- #
- # Parameters
- # Returns
- # Memo
- ##############################################################################
- sub rm_tmp_uploaded_files
- {
- if($img_data_exists == 1){
- sleep 1;
- foreach $fname_list(@NEWFNAMES) {
- if(-e "$img_dir/$fname_list") {
- unlink("$img_dir/$fname_list");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- 1;