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Package: MEIMS.rar [view]
Upload User: ah_jiwei
Upload Date: 2022-07-24
Package Size: 54044k
Code Size: 7k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """
- * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet -
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
- *
- *
- * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
- * choice:
- *
- * - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
- *
- *
- * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
- *
- *
- * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
- *
- *
- * == END LICENSE ==
- *
- * Configuration file for the File Manager Connector for Python
- """
- # INSTALLATION NOTE: You must set up your server enviroment accordingly to run
- # python scripts. This connector requires Python 2.4 or greater.
- #
- # Supported operation modes:
- # * WSGI (recommended): You'll need apache + mod_python + modpython_gateway
- # or any web server capable of the WSGI python standard
- # * Plain Old CGI: Any server capable of running standartd python scripts
- # (although mod_python is recommended for performance)
- # This was the previous connector version operation mode
- #
- # If you're using Apache web server, replace the htaccess.txt to to .htaccess,
- # and set the proper options and paths.
- # For WSGI and mod_python, you may need to download modpython_gateway from:
- # and copy it in this
- # directory.
- # SECURITY: You must explicitelly enable this "connector". (Set it to "True").
- # WARNING: don't just set "ConfigIsEnabled = True", you must be sure that only
- # authenticated users can access this file or use some kind of session checking.
- Enabled = False
- # Path to user files relative to the document root.
- UserFilesPath = '/userfiles/'
- # Fill the following value it you prefer to specify the absolute path for the
- # user files directory. Usefull if you are using a virtual directory, symbolic
- # link or alias. Examples: 'C:\MySite\userfiles\' or '/root/mysite/userfiles/'.
- # Attention: The above 'UserFilesPath' must point to the same directory.
- # WARNING: GetRootPath may not work in virtual or mod_python configurations, and
- # may not be thread safe. Use this configuration parameter instead.
- UserFilesAbsolutePath = ''
- # Due to security issues with Apache modules, it is reccomended to leave the
- # following setting enabled.
- ForceSingleExtension = True
- # What the user can do with this connector
- ConfigAllowedCommands = [ 'QuickUpload', 'FileUpload', 'GetFolders', 'GetFoldersAndFiles', 'CreateFolder' ]
- # Allowed Resource Types
- ConfigAllowedTypes = ['File', 'Image', 'Flash', 'Media']
- # Do not touch this 3 lines, see "Configuration settings for each Resource Type"
- AllowedExtensions = {}; DeniedExtensions = {};
- FileTypesPath = {}; FileTypesAbsolutePath = {};
- QuickUploadPath = {}; QuickUploadAbsolutePath = {};
- # Configuration settings for each Resource Type
- #
- # - AllowedExtensions: the possible extensions that can be allowed.
- # If it is empty then any file type can be uploaded.
- # - DeniedExtensions: The extensions that won't be allowed.
- # If it is empty then no restrictions are done here.
- #
- # For a file to be uploaded it has to fullfil both the AllowedExtensions
- # and DeniedExtensions (that's it: not being denied) conditions.
- #
- # - FileTypesPath: the virtual folder relative to the document root where
- # these resources will be located.
- # Attention: It must start and end with a slash: '/'
- #
- # - FileTypesAbsolutePath: the physical path to the above folder. It must be
- # an absolute path.
- # If it's an empty string then it will be autocalculated.
- # Usefull if you are using a virtual directory, symbolic link or alias.
- # Examples: 'C:\MySite\userfiles\' or '/root/mysite/userfiles/'.
- # Attention: The above 'FileTypesPath' must point to the same directory.
- # Attention: It must end with a slash: '/'
- #
- #
- # - QuickUploadPath: the virtual folder relative to the document root where
- # these resources will be uploaded using the Upload tab in the resources
- # dialogs.
- # Attention: It must start and end with a slash: '/'
- #
- # - QuickUploadAbsolutePath: the physical path to the above folder. It must be
- # an absolute path.
- # If it's an empty string then it will be autocalculated.
- # Usefull if you are using a virtual directory, symbolic link or alias.
- # Examples: 'C:\MySite\userfiles\' or '/root/mysite/userfiles/'.
- # Attention: The above 'QuickUploadPath' must point to the same directory.
- # Attention: It must end with a slash: '/'
- AllowedExtensions['File'] = ['7z','aiff','asf','avi','bmp','csv','doc','fla','flv','gif','gz','gzip','jpeg','jpg','mid','mov','mp3','mp4','mpc','mpeg','mpg','ods','odt','pdf','png','ppt','pxd','qt','ram','rar','rm','rmi','rmvb','rtf','sdc','sitd','swf','sxc','sxw','tar','tgz','tif','tiff','txt','vsd','wav','wma','wmv','xls','xml','zip']
- DeniedExtensions['File'] = []
- FileTypesPath['File'] = UserFilesPath + 'file/'
- FileTypesAbsolutePath['File'] = (not UserFilesAbsolutePath == '') and (UserFilesAbsolutePath + 'file/') or ''
- QuickUploadPath['File'] = FileTypesPath['File']
- QuickUploadAbsolutePath['File'] = FileTypesAbsolutePath['File']
- AllowedExtensions['Image'] = ['bmp','gif','jpeg','jpg','png','psd','tif','tiff']
- DeniedExtensions['Image'] = []
- FileTypesPath['Image'] = UserFilesPath + 'image/'
- FileTypesAbsolutePath['Image'] = (not UserFilesAbsolutePath == '') and UserFilesAbsolutePath + 'image/' or ''
- QuickUploadPath['Image'] = FileTypesPath['Image']
- QuickUploadAbsolutePath['Image']= FileTypesAbsolutePath['Image']
- AllowedExtensions['Flash'] = ['swf','fla']
- DeniedExtensions['Flash'] = []
- FileTypesPath['Flash'] = UserFilesPath + 'flash/'
- FileTypesAbsolutePath['Flash'] = ( not UserFilesAbsolutePath == '') and UserFilesAbsolutePath + 'flash/' or ''
- QuickUploadPath['Flash'] = FileTypesPath['Flash']
- QuickUploadAbsolutePath['Flash']= FileTypesAbsolutePath['Flash']
- AllowedExtensions['Media'] = ['aiff','asf','avi','bmp','fla', 'flv','gif','jpeg','jpg','mid','mov','mp3','mp4','mpc','mpeg','mpg','png','qt','ram','rm','rmi','rmvb','swf','tif','tiff','wav','wma','wmv']
- DeniedExtensions['Media'] = []
- FileTypesPath['Media'] = UserFilesPath + 'media/'
- FileTypesAbsolutePath['Media'] = ( not UserFilesAbsolutePath == '') and UserFilesAbsolutePath + 'media/' or ''
- QuickUploadPath['Media'] = FileTypesPath['Media']
- QuickUploadAbsolutePath['Media']= FileTypesAbsolutePath['Media']