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Package: MEIMS.rar [view]
Upload User: ah_jiwei
Upload Date: 2022-07-24
Package Size: 54044k
Code Size: 18k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /*
- * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet -
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
- *
- *
- * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
- * choice:
- *
- * - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
- *
- *
- * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
- *
- *
- * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
- *
- *
- * == END LICENSE ==
- *
- * Malay language file.
- */
- var FCKLang =
- {
- // Language direction : "ltr" (left to right) or "rtl" (right to left).
- Dir : "ltr",
- ToolbarCollapse : "Collapse Toolbar",
- ToolbarExpand : "Expand Toolbar",
- // Toolbar Items and Context Menu
- Save : "Simpan",
- NewPage : "Helaian Baru",
- Preview : "Prebiu",
- Cut : "Potong",
- Copy : "Salin",
- Paste : "Tampal",
- PasteText : "Tampal sebagai Text Biasa",
- PasteWord : "Tampal dari Word",
- Print : "Cetak",
- SelectAll : "Pilih Semua",
- RemoveFormat : "Buang Format",
- InsertLinkLbl : "Sambungan",
- InsertLink : "Masukkan/Sunting Sambungan",
- RemoveLink : "Buang Sambungan",
- Anchor : "Masukkan/Sunting Pautan",
- AnchorDelete : "Remove Anchor", //MISSING
- InsertImageLbl : "Gambar",
- InsertImage : "Masukkan/Sunting Gambar",
- InsertFlashLbl : "Flash", //MISSING
- InsertFlash : "Insert/Edit Flash", //MISSING
- InsertTableLbl : "Jadual",
- InsertTable : "Masukkan/Sunting Jadual",
- InsertLineLbl : "Garisan",
- InsertLine : "Masukkan Garisan Membujur",
- InsertSpecialCharLbl: "Huruf Istimewa",
- InsertSpecialChar : "Masukkan Huruf Istimewa",
- InsertSmileyLbl : "Smiley",
- InsertSmiley : "Masukkan Smiley",
- About : "Tentang FCKeditor",
- Bold : "Bold",
- Italic : "Italic",
- Underline : "Underline",
- StrikeThrough : "Strike Through",
- Subscript : "Subscript",
- Superscript : "Superscript",
- LeftJustify : "Jajaran Kiri",
- CenterJustify : "Jajaran Tengah",
- RightJustify : "Jajaran Kanan",
- BlockJustify : "Jajaran Blok",
- DecreaseIndent : "Kurangkan Inden",
- IncreaseIndent : "Tambahkan Inden",
- Blockquote : "Blockquote", //MISSING
- Undo : "Batalkan",
- Redo : "Ulangkan",
- NumberedListLbl : "Senarai bernombor",
- NumberedList : "Masukkan/Sunting Senarai bernombor",
- BulletedListLbl : "Senarai tidak bernombor",
- BulletedList : "Masukkan/Sunting Senarai tidak bernombor",
- ShowTableBorders : "Tunjukkan Border Jadual",
- ShowDetails : "Tunjukkan Butiran",
- Style : "Stail",
- FontFormat : "Format",
- Font : "Font",
- FontSize : "Saiz",
- TextColor : "Warna Text",
- BGColor : "Warna Latarbelakang",
- Source : "Sumber",
- Find : "Cari",
- Replace : "Ganti",
- SpellCheck : "Semak Ejaan",
- UniversalKeyboard : "Papan Kekunci Universal",
- PageBreakLbl : "Page Break", //MISSING
- PageBreak : "Insert Page Break", //MISSING
- Form : "Borang",
- Checkbox : "Checkbox",
- RadioButton : "Butang Radio",
- TextField : "Text Field",
- Textarea : "Textarea",
- HiddenField : "Field Tersembunyi",
- Button : "Butang",
- SelectionField : "Field Pilihan",
- ImageButton : "Butang Bergambar",
- FitWindow : "Maximize the editor size", //MISSING
- ShowBlocks : "Show Blocks", //MISSING
- // Context Menu
- EditLink : "Sunting Sambungan",
- CellCM : "Cell", //MISSING
- RowCM : "Row", //MISSING
- ColumnCM : "Column", //MISSING
- InsertRowAfter : "Insert Row After", //MISSING
- InsertRowBefore : "Insert Row Before", //MISSING
- DeleteRows : "Buangkan Baris",
- InsertColumnAfter : "Insert Column After", //MISSING
- InsertColumnBefore : "Insert Column Before", //MISSING
- DeleteColumns : "Buangkan Lajur",
- InsertCellAfter : "Insert Cell After", //MISSING
- InsertCellBefore : "Insert Cell Before", //MISSING
- DeleteCells : "Buangkan Sel-sel",
- MergeCells : "Cantumkan Sel-sel",
- MergeRight : "Merge Right", //MISSING
- MergeDown : "Merge Down", //MISSING
- HorizontalSplitCell : "Split Cell Horizontally", //MISSING
- VerticalSplitCell : "Split Cell Vertically", //MISSING
- TableDelete : "Delete Table", //MISSING
- CellProperties : "Ciri-ciri Sel",
- TableProperties : "Ciri-ciri Jadual",
- ImageProperties : "Ciri-ciri Gambar",
- FlashProperties : "Flash Properties", //MISSING
- AnchorProp : "Ciri-ciri Pautan",
- ButtonProp : "Ciri-ciri Butang",
- CheckboxProp : "Ciri-ciri Checkbox",
- HiddenFieldProp : "Ciri-ciri Field Tersembunyi",
- RadioButtonProp : "Ciri-ciri Butang Radio",
- ImageButtonProp : "Ciri-ciri Butang Bergambar",
- TextFieldProp : "Ciri-ciri Text Field",
- SelectionFieldProp : "Ciri-ciri Selection Field",
- TextareaProp : "Ciri-ciri Textarea",
- FormProp : "Ciri-ciri Borang",
- FontFormats : "Normal;Telah Diformat;Alamat;Heading 1;Heading 2;Heading 3;Heading 4;Heading 5;Heading 6;Perenggan (DIV)",
- // Alerts and Messages
- ProcessingXHTML : "Memproses XHTML. Sila tunggu...",
- Done : "Siap",
- PasteWordConfirm : "Text yang anda hendak tampal adalah berasal dari Word. Adakah anda mahu membuang semua format Word sebelum tampal ke dalam text?",
- NotCompatiblePaste : "Arahan ini bole dilakukan jika anda mempuunyai Internet Explorer version 5.5 atau yang lebih tinggi. Adakah anda hendak tampal text tanpa membuang format Word?",
- UnknownToolbarItem : "Toolbar item tidak diketahui"%1"",
- UnknownCommand : "Arahan tidak diketahui "%1"",
- NotImplemented : "Arahan tidak terdapat didalam sistem",
- UnknownToolbarSet : "Set toolbar "%1" tidak wujud",
- NoActiveX : "Your browser's security settings could limit some features of the editor. You must enable the option "Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins". You may experience errors and notice missing features.", //MISSING
- BrowseServerBlocked : "The resources browser could not be opened. Make sure that all popup blockers are disabled.", //MISSING
- DialogBlocked : "It was not possible to open the dialog window. Make sure all popup blockers are disabled.", //MISSING
- // Dialogs
- DlgBtnOK : "OK",
- DlgBtnCancel : "Batal",
- DlgBtnClose : "Tutup",
- DlgBtnBrowseServer : "Browse Server",
- DlgAdvancedTag : "Advanced",
- DlgOpOther : "<Lain-lain>",
- DlgInfoTab : "Info", //MISSING
- DlgAlertUrl : "Please insert the URL", //MISSING
- // General Dialogs Labels
- DlgGenNotSet : "<tidak di set>",
- DlgGenId : "Id",
- DlgGenLangDir : "Arah Tulisan",
- DlgGenLangDirLtr : "Kiri ke Kanan (LTR)",
- DlgGenLangDirRtl : "Kanan ke Kiri (RTL)",
- DlgGenLangCode : "Kod Bahasa",
- DlgGenAccessKey : "Kunci Akses",
- DlgGenName : "Nama",
- DlgGenTabIndex : "Indeks Tab ",
- DlgGenLongDescr : "Butiran Panjang URL",
- DlgGenClass : "Kelas-kelas Stylesheet",
- DlgGenTitle : "Tajuk Makluman",
- DlgGenContType : "Jenis Kandungan Makluman",
- DlgGenLinkCharset : "Linked Resource Charset",
- DlgGenStyle : "Stail",
- // Image Dialog
- DlgImgTitle : "Ciri-ciri Imej",
- DlgImgInfoTab : "Info Imej",
- DlgImgBtnUpload : "Hantar ke Server",
- DlgImgURL : "URL",
- DlgImgUpload : "Muat Naik",
- DlgImgAlt : "Text Alternatif",
- DlgImgWidth : "Lebar",
- DlgImgHeight : "Tinggi",
- DlgImgLockRatio : "Tetapkan Nisbah",
- DlgBtnResetSize : "Saiz Set Semula",
- DlgImgBorder : "Border",
- DlgImgHSpace : "Ruang Melintang",
- DlgImgVSpace : "Ruang Menegak",
- DlgImgAlign : "Jajaran",
- DlgImgAlignLeft : "Kiri",
- DlgImgAlignAbsBottom: "Bawah Mutlak",
- DlgImgAlignAbsMiddle: "Pertengahan Mutlak",
- DlgImgAlignBaseline : "Garis Dasar",
- DlgImgAlignBottom : "Bawah",
- DlgImgAlignMiddle : "Pertengahan",
- DlgImgAlignRight : "Kanan",
- DlgImgAlignTextTop : "Atas Text",
- DlgImgAlignTop : "Atas",
- DlgImgPreview : "Prebiu",
- DlgImgAlertUrl : "Sila taip URL untuk fail gambar",
- DlgImgLinkTab : "Sambungan",
- // Flash Dialog
- DlgFlashTitle : "Flash Properties", //MISSING
- DlgFlashChkPlay : "Auto Play", //MISSING
- DlgFlashChkLoop : "Loop", //MISSING
- DlgFlashChkMenu : "Enable Flash Menu", //MISSING
- DlgFlashScale : "Scale", //MISSING
- DlgFlashScaleAll : "Show all", //MISSING
- DlgFlashScaleNoBorder : "No Border", //MISSING
- DlgFlashScaleFit : "Exact Fit", //MISSING
- // Link Dialog
- DlgLnkWindowTitle : "Sambungan",
- DlgLnkInfoTab : "Butiran Sambungan",
- DlgLnkTargetTab : "Sasaran",
- DlgLnkType : "Jenis Sambungan",
- DlgLnkTypeURL : "URL",
- DlgLnkTypeAnchor : "Pautan dalam muka surat ini",
- DlgLnkTypeEMail : "E-Mail",
- DlgLnkProto : "Protokol",
- DlgLnkProtoOther : "<lain-lain>",
- DlgLnkURL : "URL",
- DlgLnkAnchorSel : "Sila pilih pautan",
- DlgLnkAnchorByName : "dengan menggunakan nama pautan",
- DlgLnkAnchorById : "dengan menggunakan ID elemen",
- DlgLnkNoAnchors : "(Tiada pautan terdapat dalam dokumen ini)",
- DlgLnkEMail : "Alamat E-Mail",
- DlgLnkEMailSubject : "Subjek Mesej",
- DlgLnkEMailBody : "Isi Kandungan Mesej",
- DlgLnkUpload : "Muat Naik",
- DlgLnkBtnUpload : "Hantar ke Server",
- DlgLnkTarget : "Sasaran",
- DlgLnkTargetFrame : "<bingkai>",
- DlgLnkTargetPopup : "<tetingkap popup>",
- DlgLnkTargetBlank : "Tetingkap Baru (_blank)",
- DlgLnkTargetParent : "Tetingkap Parent (_parent)",
- DlgLnkTargetSelf : "Tetingkap yang Sama (_self)",
- DlgLnkTargetTop : "Tetingkap yang paling atas (_top)",
- DlgLnkTargetFrameName : "Nama Bingkai Sasaran",
- DlgLnkPopWinName : "Nama Tetingkap Popup",
- DlgLnkPopWinFeat : "Ciri Tetingkap Popup",
- DlgLnkPopResize : "Saiz bolehubah",
- DlgLnkPopLocation : "Bar Lokasi",
- DlgLnkPopMenu : "Bar Menu",
- DlgLnkPopScroll : "Bar-bar skrol",
- DlgLnkPopStatus : "Bar Status",
- DlgLnkPopToolbar : "Toolbar",
- DlgLnkPopFullScrn : "Skrin Penuh (IE)",
- DlgLnkPopDependent : "Bergantungan (Netscape)",
- DlgLnkPopWidth : "Lebar",
- DlgLnkPopHeight : "Tinggi",
- DlgLnkPopLeft : "Posisi Kiri",
- DlgLnkPopTop : "Posisi Atas",
- DlnLnkMsgNoUrl : "Sila taip sambungan URL",
- DlnLnkMsgNoEMail : "Sila taip alamat e-mail",
- DlnLnkMsgNoAnchor : "Sila pilih pautan berkenaaan",
- DlnLnkMsgInvPopName : "The popup name must begin with an alphabetic character and must not contain spaces", //MISSING
- // Color Dialog
- DlgColorTitle : "Pilihan Warna",
- DlgColorBtnClear : "Nyahwarna",
- DlgColorHighlight : "Terang",
- DlgColorSelected : "Dipilih",
- // Smiley Dialog
- DlgSmileyTitle : "Masukkan Smiley",
- // Special Character Dialog
- DlgSpecialCharTitle : "Sila pilih huruf istimewa",
- // Table Dialog
- DlgTableTitle : "Ciri-ciri Jadual",
- DlgTableRows : "Barisan",
- DlgTableColumns : "Jaluran",
- DlgTableBorder : "Saiz Border",
- DlgTableAlign : "Penjajaran",
- DlgTableAlignNotSet : "<Tidak diset>",
- DlgTableAlignLeft : "Kiri",
- DlgTableAlignCenter : "Tengah",
- DlgTableAlignRight : "Kanan",
- DlgTableWidth : "Lebar",
- DlgTableWidthPx : "piksel-piksel",
- DlgTableWidthPc : "peratus",
- DlgTableHeight : "Tinggi",
- DlgTableCellSpace : "Ruangan Antara Sel",
- DlgTableCellPad : "Tambahan Ruang Sel",
- DlgTableCaption : "Keterangan",
- DlgTableSummary : "Summary", //MISSING
- // Table Cell Dialog
- DlgCellTitle : "Ciri-ciri Sel",
- DlgCellWidth : "Lebar",
- DlgCellWidthPx : "piksel-piksel",
- DlgCellWidthPc : "peratus",
- DlgCellHeight : "Tinggi",
- DlgCellWordWrap : "Mengulung Perkataan",
- DlgCellWordWrapNotSet : "<Tidak diset>",
- DlgCellWordWrapYes : "Ya",
- DlgCellWordWrapNo : "Tidak",
- DlgCellHorAlign : "Jajaran Membujur",
- DlgCellHorAlignNotSet : "<Tidak diset>",
- DlgCellHorAlignLeft : "Kiri",
- DlgCellHorAlignCenter : "Tengah",
- DlgCellHorAlignRight: "Kanan",
- DlgCellVerAlign : "Jajaran Menegak",
- DlgCellVerAlignNotSet : "<Tidak diset>",
- DlgCellVerAlignTop : "Atas",
- DlgCellVerAlignMiddle : "Tengah",
- DlgCellVerAlignBottom : "Bawah",
- DlgCellVerAlignBaseline : "Garis Dasar",
- DlgCellRowSpan : "Penggunaan Baris",
- DlgCellCollSpan : "Penggunaan Lajur",
- DlgCellBackColor : "Warna Latarbelakang",
- DlgCellBorderColor : "Warna Border",
- DlgCellBtnSelect : "Pilih...",
- // Find and Replace Dialog
- DlgFindAndReplaceTitle : "Find and Replace", //MISSING
- // Find Dialog
- DlgFindTitle : "Carian",
- DlgFindFindBtn : "Cari",
- DlgFindNotFoundMsg : "Text yang dicari tidak dijumpai.",
- // Replace Dialog
- DlgReplaceTitle : "Gantian",
- DlgReplaceFindLbl : "Perkataan yang dicari:",
- DlgReplaceReplaceLbl : "Diganti dengan:",
- DlgReplaceCaseChk : "Padanan case huruf",
- DlgReplaceReplaceBtn : "Ganti",
- DlgReplaceReplAllBtn : "Ganti semua",
- DlgReplaceWordChk : "Padana Keseluruhan perkataan",
- // Paste Operations / Dialog
- PasteErrorCut : "Keselamatan perisian browser anda tidak membenarkan operasi suntingan text/imej. Sila gunakan papan kekunci (Ctrl+X).",
- PasteErrorCopy : "Keselamatan perisian browser anda tidak membenarkan operasi salinan text/imej. Sila gunakan papan kekunci (Ctrl+C).",
- PasteAsText : "Tampal sebagai text biasa",
- PasteFromWord : "Tampal dari perisian "Word"",
- DlgPasteMsg2 : "Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl+V</strong>) and hit <strong>OK</strong>.", //MISSING
- DlgPasteSec : "Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.", //MISSING
- DlgPasteIgnoreFont : "Ignore Font Face definitions", //MISSING
- DlgPasteRemoveStyles : "Remove Styles definitions", //MISSING
- DlgPasteCleanBox : "Clean Up Box", //MISSING
- // Color Picker
- ColorAutomatic : "Otomatik",
- ColorMoreColors : "Warna lain-lain...",
- // Document Properties
- DocProps : "Ciri-ciri dokumen",
- // Anchor Dialog
- DlgAnchorTitle : "Ciri-ciri Pautan",
- DlgAnchorName : "Nama Pautan",
- DlgAnchorErrorName : "Sila taip nama pautan",
- // Speller Pages Dialog
- DlgSpellNotInDic : "Tidak terdapat didalam kamus",
- DlgSpellChangeTo : "Tukarkan kepada",
- DlgSpellBtnIgnore : "Biar",
- DlgSpellBtnIgnoreAll : "Biarkan semua",
- DlgSpellBtnReplace : "Ganti",
- DlgSpellBtnReplaceAll : "Gantikan Semua",
- DlgSpellBtnUndo : "Batalkan",
- DlgSpellNoSuggestions : "- Tiada cadangan -",
- DlgSpellProgress : "Pemeriksaan ejaan sedang diproses...",
- DlgSpellNoMispell : "Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: Tiada salah ejaan",
- DlgSpellNoChanges : "Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: Tiada perkataan diubah",
- DlgSpellOneChange : "Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: Satu perkataan telah diubah",
- DlgSpellManyChanges : "Pemeriksaan ejaan siap: %1 perkataan diubah",
- IeSpellDownload : "Pemeriksa ejaan tidak dipasang. Adakah anda mahu muat turun sekarang?",
- // Button Dialog
- DlgButtonText : "Teks (Nilai)",
- DlgButtonType : "Jenis",
- DlgButtonTypeBtn : "Button", //MISSING
- DlgButtonTypeSbm : "Submit", //MISSING
- DlgButtonTypeRst : "Reset", //MISSING
- // Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs
- DlgCheckboxName : "Nama",
- DlgCheckboxValue : "Nilai",
- DlgCheckboxSelected : "Dipilih",
- // Form Dialog
- DlgFormName : "Nama",
- DlgFormAction : "Tindakan borang",
- DlgFormMethod : "Cara borang dihantar",
- // Select Field Dialog
- DlgSelectName : "Nama",
- DlgSelectValue : "Nilai",
- DlgSelectSize : "Saiz",
- DlgSelectLines : "garisan",
- DlgSelectChkMulti : "Benarkan pilihan pelbagai",
- DlgSelectOpAvail : "Pilihan sediada",
- DlgSelectOpText : "Teks",
- DlgSelectOpValue : "Nilai",
- DlgSelectBtnAdd : "Tambah Pilihan",
- DlgSelectBtnModify : "Ubah Pilihan",
- DlgSelectBtnUp : "Naik ke atas",
- DlgSelectBtnDown : "Turun ke bawah",
- DlgSelectBtnSetValue : "Set sebagai nilai terpilih",
- DlgSelectBtnDelete : "Padam",
- // Textarea Dialog
- DlgTextareaName : "Nama",
- DlgTextareaCols : "Lajur",
- DlgTextareaRows : "Baris",
- // Text Field Dialog
- DlgTextName : "Nama",
- DlgTextValue : "Nilai",
- DlgTextCharWidth : "Lebar isian",
- DlgTextMaxChars : "Isian Maksimum",
- DlgTextType : "Jenis",
- DlgTextTypeText : "Teks",
- DlgTextTypePass : "Kata Laluan",
- // Hidden Field Dialog
- DlgHiddenName : "Nama",
- DlgHiddenValue : "Nilai",
- // Bulleted List Dialog
- BulletedListProp : "Ciri-ciri senarai berpeluru",
- NumberedListProp : "Ciri-ciri senarai bernombor",
- DlgLstStart : "Start", //MISSING
- DlgLstType : "Jenis",
- DlgLstTypeCircle : "Circle",
- DlgLstTypeDisc : "Disc", //MISSING
- DlgLstTypeSquare : "Square",
- DlgLstTypeNumbers : "Nombor-nombor (1, 2, 3)",
- DlgLstTypeLCase : "Huruf-huruf kecil (a, b, c)",
- DlgLstTypeUCase : "Huruf-huruf besar (A, B, C)",
- DlgLstTypeSRoman : "Nombor Roman Kecil (i, ii, iii)",
- DlgLstTypeLRoman : "Nombor Roman Besar (I, II, III)",
- // Document Properties Dialog
- DlgDocGeneralTab : "Umum",
- DlgDocBackTab : "Latarbelakang",
- DlgDocColorsTab : "Warna dan margin",
- DlgDocMetaTab : "Data Meta",
- DlgDocPageTitle : "Tajuk Muka Surat",
- DlgDocLangDir : "Arah Tulisan",
- DlgDocLangDirLTR : "Kiri ke Kanan (LTR)",
- DlgDocLangDirRTL : "Kanan ke Kiri (RTL)",
- DlgDocLangCode : "Kod Bahasa",
- DlgDocCharSet : "Enkod Set Huruf",
- DlgDocCharSetCE : "Central European", //MISSING
- DlgDocCharSetCT : "Chinese Traditional (Big5)", //MISSING
- DlgDocCharSetCR : "Cyrillic", //MISSING
- DlgDocCharSetGR : "Greek", //MISSING
- DlgDocCharSetJP : "Japanese", //MISSING
- DlgDocCharSetKR : "Korean", //MISSING
- DlgDocCharSetTR : "Turkish", //MISSING
- DlgDocCharSetUN : "Unicode (UTF-8)", //MISSING
- DlgDocCharSetWE : "Western European", //MISSING
- DlgDocCharSetOther : "Enkod Set Huruf yang Lain",
- DlgDocDocType : "Jenis Kepala Dokumen",
- DlgDocDocTypeOther : "Jenis Kepala Dokumen yang Lain",
- DlgDocIncXHTML : "Masukkan pemula kod XHTML",
- DlgDocBgColor : "Warna Latarbelakang",
- DlgDocBgImage : "URL Gambar Latarbelakang",
- DlgDocBgNoScroll : "Imej Latarbelakang tanpa Skrol",
- DlgDocCText : "Teks",
- DlgDocCLink : "Sambungan",
- DlgDocCVisited : "Sambungan telah Dilawati",
- DlgDocCActive : "Sambungan Aktif",
- DlgDocMargins : "Margin Muka Surat",
- DlgDocMaTop : "Atas",
- DlgDocMaLeft : "Kiri",
- DlgDocMaRight : "Kanan",
- DlgDocMaBottom : "Bawah",
- DlgDocMeIndex : "Kata Kunci Indeks Dokumen (dipisahkan oleh koma)",
- DlgDocMeDescr : "Keterangan Dokumen",
- DlgDocMeAuthor : "Penulis",
- DlgDocMeCopy : "Hakcipta",
- DlgDocPreview : "Prebiu",
- // Templates Dialog
- Templates : "Templat",
- DlgTemplatesTitle : "Templat Kandungan",
- DlgTemplatesSelMsg : "Sila pilih templat untuk dibuka oleh editor<br>(kandungan sebenar akan hilang):",
- DlgTemplatesLoading : "Senarai Templat sedang diproses. Sila Tunggu...",
- DlgTemplatesNoTpl : "(Tiada Templat Disimpan)",
- DlgTemplatesReplace : "Replace actual contents", //MISSING
- // About Dialog
- DlgAboutAboutTab : "Tentang",
- DlgAboutBrowserInfoTab : "Maklumat Perisian Browser",
- DlgAboutLicenseTab : "License", //MISSING
- DlgAboutVersion : "versi",
- DlgAboutInfo : "Untuk maklumat lanjut sila pergi ke"
- };