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- /******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2003 STMicroelectronics ********************
- * File Name : i2c.c
- * Author : MCD Application Team
- * Date First Issued : 09/05/2003
- * Description : This file provides Code sources I2C functions
- ********************************************************************************
- * History:
- * 01/01/2004 : V1.2
- * 14/07/2004 : V1.3
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include "i2c.h"
- #include "rccu.h"
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Function Name : I2C_Init
- * Description : Initializes I2C peripheral control and registers to their
- * default reset values.
- * Input : I2Cx ( I2C0 or I2C1 )
- * Return : None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- void I2C_Init (I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx)
- {
- //Initialize all the register of the specified I2C passed as parameter
- I2Cx->CR=0x0;
- I2Cx->CCR=0x0;
- I2Cx->ECCR=0x0;
- I2Cx->OAR1=0x0;
- I2Cx->OAR2=0x20;
- (void)I2Cx->SR1;
- (void)I2Cx->SR2;
- I2Cx->DR=0x0;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Function Name : I2C_OnOffConfig
- * Description : Enables or disables I2C peripheral.
- * Input : I2Cx ( I2C0 or I2C1 )
- * condition(ENABLE or DISABLE).
- * Return : None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- void I2C_OnOffConfig (I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, FunctionalState NewState)
- {
- if (NewState == ENABLE)
- {
- // Enable the I2C selected by setting twice the PE bit on the CR register
- I2Cx->CR |= I2C_PESET_Mask;
- I2Cx->CR |= I2C_PESET_Mask;
- }
- else
- // Disable the I2C selected
- I2Cx->CR &= ~I2C_PESET_Mask;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Function Name : I2C_FlagStatus
- * Description : Checks whether any I2C Flag is set or not.
- * Input : I2Cx ( I2C0 or I2C1 )
- * Access(DIRECT or INDIRECT)
- * Flag : the flag to be read
- * input 4: an (u8) variable needed in the case
- * of the INDIRECT access
- * Return : the NewState of the Flag (SET or RESET).
- *******************************************************************************/
- FlagStatus I2C_FlagStatus (I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, RegisterAccess Access, I2C_Flags Flag, ...)
- {
- u16 Tmp;
- if (Access == DIRECT)
- // Store in Tmp variable the register where is located the flag
- Tmp = I2C_GetStatus(I2Cx)&Flag;
- else
- //Get the fourth register
- Tmp = ((u16)*((u32 *)&Flag + sizeof(Flag)))&Flag;
- //Return the Flag NewState
- return Tmp != 0 ? SET : RESET;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Function Name : I2C_FlagClear
- * Description : Clears the I2C Flag passed as a parameter
- * Input : I2Cx ( I2C0 or I2C1 )
- * Flag : the flag to be read
- * input3: an (u8) parameter needed in the case that the flag
- * to be cleared need a write in one register
- * Return : None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- void I2C_FlagClear (I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, I2C_Flags Flag, ...)
- {
- u8 Tmp = (u8)*((u32 *)&Flag + sizeof(Flag));
- if (Flag==I2C_ADD10 || Flag==I2C_EVF || Flag==I2C_BERR || Flag==I2C_ARLO ||
- Flag==I2C_STOPF || Flag==I2C_AF || Flag==I2C_ENDAD)
- //flags that need a read of the SR2 register to be cleared
- {
- // Read the SR2 register
- (void)I2Cx->SR2;
- // Two flags need a second step to be cleared
- switch (Flag)
- {
- case I2C_ADD10: I2Cx->DR = Tmp; break;
- case I2C_ENDAD: I2Cx->CR|=0x20; break;
- }
- }
- else if (Flag==I2C_SB || Flag==I2C_ADSL || Flag==I2C_BTF || Flag==I2C_TRA)
- //flags that need a read of the SR1 register to be cleared
- {
- // Read the SR1 register
- (void)I2Cx->SR1;
- if (Flag==I2C_SB) I2Cx->DR=Tmp;
- else if (Flag==I2C_BTF || Flag==I2C_TRA) (void)I2Cx->DR;
- }
- else if ( Flag==I2C_M_SL || Flag==I2C_GCAL)
- //flags that need the PE bit to be cleared
- {
- I2C_OnOffConfig (I2Cx, DISABLE);
- I2C_OnOffConfig (I2Cx, ENABLE);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Function Name : I2C_SpeedConfig
- * Description : Selects I2C clock speed and configures its corresponding mode.
- * Input : I2Cx ( I2C0 or I2C1 )
- * Clock: I2C expected clock in Hertz.
- * Return : None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- void I2C_SpeedConfig (I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, u32 Clock)
- {
- u32 FCLK;
- u16 result;
- // Get the FCLK frequency using the RCCU library
- FCLK = RCCU_FrequencyValue ( RCCU_FCLK );
- // Test on speed mode
- // Update the CCR and ECCR are updated
- if (Clock <=100000)
- // Standard mode selected
- {
- result = ((FCLK/Clock)/2)-7;
- //Clear FM/SM bit
- I2Cx->CCR=result &0x7f;
- }
- else if (Clock <=400000)
- {
- // Fast mode selected
- result = ((FCLK/Clock)/3)-9;
- //set FM/SM bit
- I2Cx->CCR=result |0x80;
- }
- I2Cx->ECCR= result >>7;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Function Name : I2C_AddressConfig
- * Description : Defines the I2C bus address of the interface.
- * Input : I2Cx ( I2C0 or I2C1 ).
- * Address: an u16 parameter indicating the address
- * of the interface.
- * Mode (I2C_Mode10,I2C_Mode7).
- * Return : None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- void I2C_AddressConfig (I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, u16 Address, I2C_Addressing Mode)
- {
- //Update OAR1 bit[7:1] by the lowest byte of address
- I2Cx->OAR1 = (u8)Address;
- if (Mode == I2C_Mode10)
- //Update Add8 and add9 bits in OAR2
- I2Cx->OAR2 |= (Address & 0x0300)>>7;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Function Name : I2C_FCLKConfig
- * Description : Configures frequency bits according to RCLK frequency.
- * the I2C selected must be disabled
- * Input : I2Cx ( I2C0 or I2C1 )
- * Return : None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- void I2C_FCLKConfig (I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx)
- {
- u32 FCLK;
- // Get the FCLK frequency using the RCCU library
- FCLK = RCCU_FrequencyValue ( RCCU_FCLK );
- // Test the value of the FCLK and affect FR0,FR1&FR2 of the OAR2 register
- if (FCLK > 5000000)
- {
- if (FCLK <10000000)
- I2Cx->OAR2 |= 0x00;
- else if (FCLK <16670000)
- I2Cx->OAR2 |= 0x20;
- else if (FCLK < 26670000)
- I2Cx->OAR2 |= 0x40;
- else if (FCLK <40000000)
- I2Cx->OAR2 |= 0x60;
- else if (FCLK < 53330000)
- I2Cx->OAR2 |= 0x80;
- else if (FCLK < 66000000)
- I2Cx->OAR2 |= 0xA0;
- else if (FCLK <80000000)
- I2Cx->OAR2 |= 0xC0;
- else if (FCLK <100000000)
- I2Cx->OAR2 |= 0xE0;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Function Name : I2C_AddressSend
- * Description : Transmits the address byte to select the slave device.
- * Input : I2Cx ( I2C0 or I2C1 )
- * Address: an u16 parameter indicating the slave address
- * Mode (I2C_Mode10,I2C_Mode7).
- * Direction (I2C_RX,I2C_TX).
- * Return : None.
- ********************************************************************************/
- void I2C_AddressSend (I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, u16 Address, I2C_Addressing Mode, I2C_Direction Direction)
- {
- if (Mode == I2C_Mode10 )
- //10 bit addressing mode
- {
- // Update the DR register by generated header
- I2Cx->DR = ((Address>>7)|0xf0)&0xfe;
- //Wait till I2C_ADD10 flag is set
- while ((I2Cx->SR1&0x40)==0);
- //clear I2C_ADD10 flag
- (void)I2Cx->SR2;
- I2Cx->DR=(u8)Address;
- //Test on the direction to define the read/write bit
- if (Direction == I2C_RX)
- {
- //Wait till I2C_ENDAD flag is set
- while ((I2Cx->SR2&0x20)==0);
- I2Cx->CR|=0x20;
- //Repeated START Generate
- I2C_STARTGenerate (I2Cx, ENABLE);
- //Test on SB flag status
- while ((I2Cx->SR1&0x01)==0);
- I2Cx->DR = ((Address>>7)|0xf1);
- }
- }
- else
- // 7 bit addressing mode
- {
- if (Direction == I2C_RX) Address|=0x01; else Address&=~0x01;
- I2Cx->DR=(u8)Address;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Function Name : I2C_ByteSend
- * Description : Send a single byte of data.
- * Input : I2Cx ( I2C0 or I2C1 )
- * Data : the byte to be sent to the slave
- * Return : None.
- *******************************************************************************/
- void I2C_ByteSend (I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, u8 Data)
- {
- //Wait until the I2C_BTF bit is set
- while ((I2Cx->SR1 & 0x08)==0);
- //Write in the DR register the byte to be sent
- I2Cx->DR = Data;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Function Name : I2C_BufferSend
- * Description : Send data from a buffer whose number of bytes is known
- * Input : I2Cx ( I2C0 or I2C1 )
- * PtrToBuffer :pointer to the byte of buffer to be transmitted.
- * NbOfBytes:Number of byte of the buffer
- * Return : I2C_Tx_Status :transmission status (I2C_TX_AF, I2C_TX_ARLO,
- *******************************************************************************/
- I2C_Tx_Status I2C_BufferSend (I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, u8 *PtrToBuffer, u8 NbOfBytes)
- {
- u8 Interruption_Status;
- u8 SentBytes;
- u8 error;
- I2C_Tx_Status I2C_TXTMP;
- //Test of the interrupt status
- Interruption_Status=0;
- Interruption_Status=I2Cx->CR & 0x01;
- I2C_ITConfig (I2Cx, DISABLE);
- //Wait till I2C_BTF bit is set
- while ((I2Cx->SR1 & 0x08 )==0);
- SentBytes=0;
- while (SentBytes<NbOfBytes)
- {
- I2Cx->DR= *(PtrToBuffer+SentBytes);
- //Wait till I2C_BTF bit is set or error detected
- do
- error = I2Cx->SR2 & 0x16;
- while ((I2Cx->SR1 & 0x08)==0 && error==0);
- // In case of error exit
- if (error) break;
- // increment SentBytes counter
- SentBytes++;
- }
- if (error)
- {
- if (error & 0x10)
- // I2C_TX_AF if Acknowledge failure is detected
- if (error & 0x02)
- //I2C_TX_ARLO if the ARLO bit is set in the SR2 register
- if (error & 0x04)
- // I2C_TX_BERR if the BERR bit is set in the SR2 register
- }
- else
- //I2C_TX_DATA_OK to show that the buffer is well sent
- //Restore the interrupt status
- if (Interruption_Status==1)
- I2C_ITConfig (I2Cx, ENABLE);
- return I2C_TXTMP;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Function Name : I2C_StringSend
- * Description : Send data from a buffer
- * Input : I2Cx ( I2C0 or I2C1 )
- * PtrToBuffer :pointer to the byte of string to be transmitted.
- * Return : I2C_Tx_Status :transmission status (I2C_TX_AF, I2C_TX_ARLO,
- *******************************************************************************/
- I2C_Tx_Status I2C_StringSend (I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, char *PtrToString)
- {
- u8 NbOfBytes=0;
- // count the number of byte composing the string passed as parameter.
- while (*(PtrToString+NbOfBytes)!= '')
- NbOfBytes++;
- // call I2C_BufferSend function to execute the send part
- return I2C_BufferSend (I2Cx,(u8 *)PtrToString,NbOfBytes);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Function Name : I2C_TransmissionStatus
- * Description : Report the NewState of the transmission
- * Input : I2Cx ( I2C0 or I2C1 )
- * Return : I2C_Tx_Status :transmission status (I2C_TX_NO, I2C_TX_SB,
- *******************************************************************************/
- I2C_Tx_Status I2C_TransmissionStatus (I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx)
- {
- u8 SR1value;
- u8 SR2value;
- I2C_Tx_Status NewState;
- SR1value = I2Cx->SR1;
- SR2value = I2Cx->SR2;
- if ((I2Cx->SR1&0x10)==0)
- NewState=I2C_TX_NO;
- else if (I2Cx->SR1&0x01)
- //I2C_SB bit is set
- NewState=I2C_TX_SB;
- else if ((SR2value & 0x10)&&(I2Cx->CR&0x04))
- //I2C_ACK &I2C_AF are both set
- NewState=I2C_TX_AF;
- else if (SR2value & 0x04)
- //I2C_ARLO is set in multimaster mode
- NewState=I2C_TX_ARLO;
- else if (SR2value & 0x02)
- //I2C_BERR bit is set
- NewState=I2C_TX_BERR;
- else if ((SR1value & 0x80)&& (I2Cx->SR2&0x20))
- //I2C_EVF and I2C_ENDAD are both set
- NewState=I2C_TX_ADD_OK;
- else if ((I2Cx->SR1&0x20)&& (I2Cx->SR1&0x08))
- //I2C_TRA and I2C_BTF are both set
- NewState=I2C_TX_DATA_OK;
- else
- NewState=I2C_TX_ONGOING;
- return NewState;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Function Name : I2C_ByteReceive
- * Description : Returns the received byte.
- * Input : I2Cx ( I2C0 or I2C1 )
- * Return : the byte received
- *******************************************************************************/
- u8 I2C_ByteReceive (I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx)
- {
- //Wait till I2C_BTF bit is set
- while ((I2Cx->SR1 & 0x08)==0);
- return I2Cx->DR;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Function Name : I2C_BufferReceive
- * Description : received a buffer. and return the status of error.
- * Input : I2Cx ( I2C0 or I2C1 )
- * PtrToBuffer :pointer to the byte of buffer received.
- * NbOfBytes:Number of byte to be received
- * Return : I2C_Rx_Status:the NewState of the reception (,I2C_RX_AF,
- *******************************************************************************/
- I2C_Rx_Status I2C_BufferReceive (I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, u8 *PtrToBuffer, u8 NbOfBytes)
- {
- u8 Interruption_Status;
- u8 ReceivedBytes;
- u8 error;
- I2C_Rx_Status I2C_RXTMP;
- //Test of the interrupt status
- Interruption_Status=0;
- Interruption_Status=I2Cx->CR & 0x01;
- I2C_ITConfig (I2Cx, DISABLE);
- ReceivedBytes=0;
- while (ReceivedBytes<NbOfBytes)
- {
- do
- error = I2Cx->SR2 & 0x16;
- while ((I2Cx->SR1 & 0x08)==0 && !error);
- if (error==0)
- // No error detected
- {
- *(PtrToBuffer+ReceivedBytes) = I2Cx->DR;
- ReceivedBytes++;
- }
- else break;
- }
- if (error)
- {
- if (error & 0x10)
- // I2C_RX_AF if Acknowledge failure is detected
- else if (error & 0x02)
- // I2C_RX_ARLO if the ARLO bit is set in the SR2 register
- else if (error & 0x04)
- // I2C_RX_BERR if the BERR bit is set in the SR2 register
- }
- else
- //I2C_RX_DATA_OK to show that the buffer is well sent
- //Restore the interrupt status
- if (Interruption_Status==1)
- I2C_ITConfig (I2Cx, ENABLE);
- return I2C_RXTMP;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Function Name :I2C_ReceptionStatus
- * Description : Report the reception NewState.
- * Input : I2Cx ( I2C0 or I2C1 )
- * Return : I2C_Rx_Status:the NewState of the reception ( I2C_RX_NO,
- *******************************************************************************/
- I2C_Rx_Status I2C_ReceptionStatus (I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx)
- {
- u8 SR1value;
- u8 SR2value;
- I2C_Rx_Status NewState;
- SR1value= I2Cx->SR1;
- SR2value= I2Cx->SR2;
- if ((I2Cx->SR1&0x10) == 0)
- NewState=I2C_RX_NO;
- else if (I2Cx->SR1&0x01)
- //I2C_SB bit is set
- NewState=I2C_RX_SB;
- else if ((SR2value & 0x10) && (I2Cx->CR&0x04))
- //I2C_ACK &I2C_AF are both set
- NewState=I2C_RX_AF;
- else if (SR2value & 0x04)
- //I2C_ARLO is set
- NewState=I2C_RX_ARLO;
- else if (SR2value & 0x02)
- //I2C_BERR bit is set
- NewState=I2C_RX_BERR;
- else if ((SR1value & 0x80) && (I2Cx->SR1&0x08)==0)
- //2C_EVF is set & I2C_BTF is not set
- NewState=I2C_RX_ADD_OK;
- else if ((I2Cx->SR1&0x20)==0 && (I2Cx->SR1&0x08))
- //II2C_TRA is cleared & I2C_BTF is set
- NewState=I2C_RX_DATA_OK;
- else
- NewState=I2C_RX_ONGOING;
- return NewState;
- }
- /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2003 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/