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Package: GDIUSE.rar [view]
Upload User: jinlangri
Upload Date: 2022-07-17
Package Size: 10774k
Code Size: 18k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Module Name:
- *
- * GdiplusTypes.h
- *
- * Abstract:
- *
- * Basic types used by GDI+
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- #ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_175866
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // LIB version initialization functions
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef VOID (__cdecl *DEBUGEVENTFUNCTION)(INT level, CHAR *message);
- extern "C" BOOL __stdcall InitializeGdiplus(DEBUGEVENTFUNCTION);
- extern "C" VOID __stdcall UninitializeGdiplus();
- #endif
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Callback functions
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- extern "C" {
- typedef BOOL (CALLBACK * ImageAbort)(VOID *);
- typedef ImageAbort DrawImageAbort;
- typedef ImageAbort GetThumbnailImageAbort;
- }
- // Callback for EnumerateMetafile methods. The parameters are:
- // recordType WMF, EMF, or EMF+ record type
- // flags (always 0 for WMF/EMF records)
- // dataSize size of the record data (in bytes), or 0 if no data
- // data pointer to the record data, or NULL if no data
- // callbackData pointer to callbackData, if any
- // This method can then call Metafile::PlayRecord to play the
- // record that was just enumerated. If this method returns
- // FALSE, the enumeration process is aborted. Otherwise, it continues.
- extern "C" {
- typedef BOOL (CALLBACK * EnumerateMetafileProc)(EmfPlusRecordType,UINT,UINT,const BYTE*,VOID*);
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Primitive data types
- //
- // NOTE:
- // Types already defined in standard header files:
- // INT8
- // UINT8
- // INT16
- // UINT16
- // INT32
- // UINT32
- // INT64
- // UINT64
- //
- // Avoid using the following types:
- // LONG - use INT
- // ULONG - use UINT
- // DWORD - use UINT32
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef float REAL;
- #define REAL_MAX FLT_MAX
- #define REAL_MIN FLT_MIN
- #define REAL_TOLERANCE (FLT_MIN * 100)
- #define REAL_EPSILON 1.192092896e-07F /* FLT_EPSILON */
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Forward declarations of various internal classes
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class Size;
- class SizeF;
- class Point;
- class PointF;
- class Rect;
- class RectF;
- class CharacterRange;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Return values from any GDI+ API
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- enum Status
- {
- Ok = 0,
- GenericError = 1,
- InvalidParameter = 2,
- OutOfMemory = 3,
- ObjectBusy = 4,
- InsufficientBuffer = 5,
- NotImplemented = 6,
- Win32Error = 7,
- WrongState = 8,
- Aborted = 9,
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_135429
- FileNotFound = 10,
- ValueOverflow = 11,
- AccessDenied = 12,
- UnknownImageFormat = 13,
- FontFamilyNotFound = 14,
- FontStyleNotFound = 15,
- NotTrueTypeFont = 16,
- #else
- NotFound = 10,
- ValueOverflow = 11,
- #endif
- UnsupportedGdiplusVersion = 17,
- GdiplusNotInitialized
- };
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Represents a dimension in a 2D coordinate system
- // (floating-point coordinates)
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class SizeF
- {
- public:
- // Default constructor
- SizeF()
- {
- Width = Height = 0.0f;
- }
- SizeF(IN const SizeF& size)
- {
- Width = size.Width;
- Height = size.Height;
- }
- SizeF(IN REAL width,
- IN REAL height)
- {
- Width = width;
- Height = height;
- }
- SizeF operator+(IN const SizeF& sz) const
- {
- return SizeF(Width + sz.Width,
- Height + sz.Height);
- }
- SizeF operator-(IN const SizeF& sz) const
- {
- return SizeF(Width - sz.Width,
- Height - sz.Height);
- }
- BOOL Equals(IN const SizeF& sz) const
- {
- return (Width == sz.Width) && (Height == sz.Height);
- }
- BOOL Empty() const
- {
- return (Width == 0.0f && Height == 0.0f);
- }
- public:
- REAL Width;
- REAL Height;
- };
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Represents a dimension in a 2D coordinate system
- // (integer coordinates)
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class Size
- {
- public:
- // Default constructor
- Size()
- {
- Width = Height = 0;
- }
- Size(IN const Size& size)
- {
- Width = size.Width;
- Height = size.Height;
- }
- Size(IN INT width,
- IN INT height)
- {
- Width = width;
- Height = height;
- }
- Size operator+(IN const Size& sz) const
- {
- return Size(Width + sz.Width,
- Height + sz.Height);
- }
- Size operator-(IN const Size& sz) const
- {
- return Size(Width - sz.Width,
- Height - sz.Height);
- }
- BOOL Equals(IN const Size& sz) const
- {
- return (Width == sz.Width) && (Height == sz.Height);
- }
- BOOL Empty() const
- {
- return (Width == 0 && Height == 0);
- }
- public:
- INT Width;
- INT Height;
- };
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Represents a location in a 2D coordinate system
- // (floating-point coordinates)
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class PointF
- {
- public:
- PointF()
- {
- X = Y = 0.0f;
- }
- PointF(IN const PointF &point)
- {
- X = point.X;
- Y = point.Y;
- }
- PointF(IN const SizeF &size)
- {
- X = size.Width;
- Y = size.Height;
- }
- PointF(IN REAL x,
- IN REAL y)
- {
- X = x;
- Y = y;
- }
- PointF operator+(IN const PointF& point) const
- {
- return PointF(X + point.X,
- Y + point.Y);
- }
- PointF operator-(IN const PointF& point) const
- {
- return PointF(X - point.X,
- Y - point.Y);
- }
- BOOL Equals(IN const PointF& point)
- {
- return (X == point.X) && (Y == point.Y);
- }
- public:
- };
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Represents a location in a 2D coordinate system
- // (integer coordinates)
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class Point
- {
- public:
- Point()
- {
- X = Y = 0;
- }
- Point(IN const Point &point)
- {
- X = point.X;
- Y = point.Y;
- }
- Point(IN const Size &size)
- {
- X = size.Width;
- Y = size.Height;
- }
- Point(IN INT x,
- IN INT y)
- {
- X = x;
- Y = y;
- }
- Point operator+(IN const Point& point) const
- {
- return Point(X + point.X,
- Y + point.Y);
- }
- Point operator-(IN const Point& point) const
- {
- return Point(X - point.X,
- Y - point.Y);
- }
- BOOL Equals(IN const Point& point)
- {
- return (X == point.X) && (Y == point.Y);
- }
- public:
- INT X;
- INT Y;
- };
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Represents a rectangle in a 2D coordinate system
- // (floating-point coordinates)
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class RectF
- {
- public:
- // Default constructor
- RectF()
- {
- X = Y = Width = Height = 0.0f;
- }
- RectF(IN REAL x,
- IN REAL y,
- IN REAL width,
- IN REAL height)
- {
- X = x;
- Y = y;
- Width = width;
- Height = height;
- }
- RectF(IN const PointF& location,
- IN const SizeF& size)
- {
- X = location.X;
- Y = location.Y;
- Width = size.Width;
- Height = size.Height;
- }
- RectF* Clone() const
- {
- return new RectF(X, Y, Width, Height);
- }
- VOID GetLocation(OUT PointF* point) const
- {
- point->X = X;
- point->Y = Y;
- }
- VOID GetSize(OUT SizeF* size) const
- {
- size->Width = Width;
- size->Height = Height;
- }
- VOID GetBounds(OUT RectF* rect) const
- {
- rect->X = X;
- rect->Y = Y;
- rect->Width = Width;
- rect->Height = Height;
- }
- // Return the left, top, right, and bottom
- // coordinates of the rectangle
- REAL GetLeft() const
- {
- return X;
- }
- REAL GetTop() const
- {
- return Y;
- }
- REAL GetRight() const
- {
- return X+Width;
- }
- REAL GetBottom() const
- {
- return Y+Height;
- }
- // Determine if the rectangle is empty
- BOOL IsEmptyArea() const
- {
- return (Width <= REAL_EPSILON) || (Height <= REAL_EPSILON);
- }
- BOOL Equals(IN const RectF & rect) const
- {
- return X == rect.X &&
- Y == rect.Y &&
- Width == rect.Width &&
- Height == rect.Height;
- }
- BOOL Contains(IN REAL x,
- IN REAL y) const
- {
- return x >= X && x < X+Width &&
- y >= Y && y < Y+Height;
- }
- BOOL Contains(IN const PointF& pt) const
- {
- return Contains(pt.X, pt.Y);
- }
- BOOL Contains(IN const RectF& rect) const
- {
- return (X <= rect.X) && (rect.GetRight() <= GetRight()) &&
- (Y <= rect.Y) && (rect.GetBottom() <= GetBottom());
- }
- VOID Inflate(IN REAL dx,
- IN REAL dy)
- {
- X -= dx;
- Y -= dy;
- Width += 2*dx;
- Height += 2*dy;
- }
- VOID Inflate(IN const PointF& point)
- {
- Inflate(point.X, point.Y);
- }
- // Intersect the current rect with the specified object
- BOOL Intersect(IN const RectF& rect)
- {
- return Intersect(*this, *this, rect);
- }
- // Intersect rect a and b and save the result into c
- // Notice that c may be the same object as a or b.
- static BOOL Intersect(OUT RectF& c,
- IN const RectF& a,
- IN const RectF& b)
- {
- REAL right = min(a.GetRight(), b.GetRight());
- REAL bottom = min(a.GetBottom(), b.GetBottom());
- REAL left = max(a.GetLeft(), b.GetLeft());
- REAL top = max(a.GetTop(), b.GetTop());
- c.X = left;
- c.Y = top;
- c.Width = right - left;
- c.Height = bottom - top;
- return !c.IsEmptyArea();
- }
- // Determine if the specified rect intersects with the
- // current rect object.
- BOOL IntersectsWith(IN const RectF& rect) const
- {
- return (GetLeft() < rect.GetRight() &&
- GetTop() < rect.GetTop() &&
- GetRight() > rect.GetLeft() &&
- GetBottom() > rect.GetTop());
- }
- static BOOL Union(OUT RectF& c,
- IN const RectF& a,
- IN const RectF& b)
- {
- REAL right = max(a.GetRight(), b.GetRight());
- REAL bottom = max(a.GetBottom(), b.GetBottom());
- REAL left = min(a.GetLeft(), b.GetLeft());
- REAL top = min(a.GetTop(), b.GetTop());
- c.X = left;
- c.Y = top;
- c.Width = right - left;
- c.Height = bottom - top;
- return !c.IsEmptyArea();
- }
- VOID Offset(IN const PointF& point)
- {
- Offset(point.X, point.Y);
- }
- VOID Offset(IN REAL dx,
- IN REAL dy)
- {
- X += dx;
- Y += dy;
- }
- public:
- REAL Width;
- REAL Height;
- };
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Represents a rectangle in a 2D coordinate system
- // (integer coordinates)
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class Rect
- {
- public:
- // Default constructor
- Rect()
- {
- X = Y = Width = Height = 0;
- }
- Rect(IN INT x,
- IN INT y,
- IN INT width,
- IN INT height)
- {
- X = x;
- Y = y;
- Width = width;
- Height = height;
- }
- Rect(IN const Point& location,
- IN const Size& size)
- {
- X = location.X;
- Y = location.Y;
- Width = size.Width;
- Height = size.Height;
- }
- Rect* Clone() const
- {
- return new Rect(X, Y, Width, Height);
- }
- VOID GetLocation(OUT Point* point) const
- {
- point->X = X;
- point->Y = Y;
- }
- VOID GetSize(OUT Size* size) const
- {
- size->Width = Width;
- size->Height = Height;
- }
- VOID GetBounds(OUT Rect* rect) const
- {
- rect->X = X;
- rect->Y = Y;
- rect->Width = Width;
- rect->Height = Height;
- }
- // Return the left, top, right, and bottom
- // coordinates of the rectangle
- INT GetLeft() const
- {
- return X;
- }
- INT GetTop() const
- {
- return Y;
- }
- INT GetRight() const
- {
- return X+Width;
- }
- INT GetBottom() const
- {
- return Y+Height;
- }
- // Determine if the rectangle is empty
- BOOL IsEmptyArea() const
- {
- return (Width <= 0) || (Height <= 0);
- }
- BOOL Equals(IN const Rect & rect) const
- {
- return X == rect.X &&
- Y == rect.Y &&
- Width == rect.Width &&
- Height == rect.Height;
- }
- BOOL Contains(IN INT x,
- IN INT y) const
- {
- return x >= X && x < X+Width &&
- y >= Y && y < Y+Height;
- }
- BOOL Contains(IN const Point& pt) const
- {
- return Contains(pt.X, pt.Y);
- }
- BOOL Contains(IN Rect& rect) const
- {
- return (X <= rect.X) && (rect.GetRight() <= GetRight()) &&
- (Y <= rect.Y) && (rect.GetBottom() <= GetBottom());
- }
- VOID Inflate(IN INT dx,
- IN INT dy)
- {
- X -= dx;
- Y -= dy;
- Width += 2*dx;
- Height += 2*dy;
- }
- VOID Inflate(IN const Point& point)
- {
- Inflate(point.X, point.Y);
- }
- // Intersect the current rect with the specified object
- BOOL Intersect(IN const Rect& rect)
- {
- return Intersect(*this, *this, rect);
- }
- // Intersect rect a and b and save the result into c
- // Notice that c may be the same object as a or b.
- static BOOL Intersect(OUT Rect& c,
- IN const Rect& a,
- IN const Rect& b)
- {
- INT right = min(a.GetRight(), b.GetRight());
- INT bottom = min(a.GetBottom(), b.GetBottom());
- INT left = max(a.GetLeft(), b.GetLeft());
- INT top = max(a.GetTop(), b.GetTop());
- c.X = left;
- c.Y = top;
- c.Width = right - left;
- c.Height = bottom - top;
- return !c.IsEmptyArea();
- }
- // Determine if the specified rect intersects with the
- // current rect object.
- BOOL IntersectsWith(IN const Rect& rect) const
- {
- return (GetLeft() < rect.GetRight() &&
- GetTop() < rect.GetTop() &&
- GetRight() > rect.GetLeft() &&
- GetBottom() > rect.GetTop());
- }
- static BOOL Union(OUT Rect& c,
- IN const Rect& a,
- IN const Rect& b)
- {
- INT right = max(a.GetRight(), b.GetRight());
- INT bottom = max(a.GetBottom(), b.GetBottom());
- INT left = min(a.GetLeft(), b.GetLeft());
- INT top = min(a.GetTop(), b.GetTop());
- c.X = left;
- c.Y = top;
- c.Width = right - left;
- c.Height = bottom - top;
- return !c.IsEmptyArea();
- }
- VOID Offset(IN const Point& point)
- {
- Offset(point.X, point.Y);
- }
- VOID Offset(IN INT dx,
- IN INT dy)
- {
- X += dx;
- Y += dy;
- }
- public:
- INT X;
- INT Y;
- INT Width;
- INT Height;
- };
- // A user must mange memory for PathData.
- class PathData
- {
- public:
- PathData()
- {
- Count = 0;
- Points = NULL;
- Types = NULL;
- }
- ~PathData()
- {
- if (Points != NULL)
- {
- delete Points;
- }
- if (Types != NULL)
- {
- delete Types;
- }
- }
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
- private:
- PathData(const PathData &);
- PathData& operator=(const PathData &);
- #endif
- public:
- INT Count;
- PointF* Points;
- BYTE* Types;
- };
- //-----------------------------
- // text character range
- //-----------------------------
- class CharacterRange
- {
- public:
- CharacterRange(
- INT first,
- INT length
- ) :
- First (first),
- Length (length)
- {}
- CharacterRange() : First(0), Length(0)
- {}
- CharacterRange & operator = (const CharacterRange &rhs)
- {
- First = rhs.First;
- Length = rhs.Length;
- return *this;
- }
- INT First;
- INT Length;
- };
- #endif // !_GDIPLUSTYPES_HPP