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Package: GDIUSE.rar [view]
Upload User: jinlangri
Upload Date: 2022-07-17
Package Size: 10774k
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Visual C++
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Module Name:
- *
- * GdiplusBrush.h
- *
- * Abstract:
- *
- * Brush API related declarations
- *
- **************************************************************************/
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Abstract base class for various brush types
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class GraphicsPath;
- class Brush : public GdiplusBase
- {
- public:
- friend class Pen;
- friend class Graphics;
- virtual ~Brush()
- {
- DllExports::GdipDeleteBrush(nativeBrush);
- }
- virtual Brush* Clone() const
- {
- GpBrush *brush = NULL;
- SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCloneBrush(nativeBrush, &brush));
- Brush *newBrush = new Brush(brush, lastResult);
- if (newBrush == NULL)
- {
- DllExports::GdipDeleteBrush(brush);
- }
- return newBrush;
- }
- BrushType GetType() const
- {
- BrushType type = static_cast<BrushType>(-1);
- SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetBrushType(nativeBrush, &type));
- return type;
- }
- Status GetLastStatus() const
- {
- Status lastStatus = lastResult;
- lastResult = Ok;
- return lastStatus;
- }
- protected:
- Brush()
- {
- SetStatus(NotImplemented);
- }
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
- private:
- Brush(const Brush& brush);
- Brush& operator=(const Brush& brush);
- protected:
- #else
- Brush(const Brush& brush)
- {
- brush;
- SetStatus(NotImplemented);
- }
- Brush& operator=(const Brush& brush)
- {
- brush;
- SetStatus(NotImplemented);
- return *this;
- }
- #endif
- Brush(GpBrush* nativeBrush, Status status)
- {
- lastResult = status;
- SetNativeBrush(nativeBrush);
- }
- VOID SetNativeBrush(GpBrush* nativeBrush)
- {
- this->nativeBrush = nativeBrush;
- }
- Status SetStatus(Status status) const
- {
- if (status != Ok)
- return (lastResult = status);
- else
- return status;
- }
- GpBrush* nativeBrush;
- mutable Status lastResult;
- };
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Represent solid fill brush object
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class SolidBrush : public Brush
- {
- public:
- friend class Pen;
- SolidBrush(IN const Color& color)
- {
- GpSolidFill *brush = NULL;
- lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateSolidFill(color.GetValue(), &brush);
- SetNativeBrush(brush);
- }
- Status GetColor(OUT Color* color) const
- {
- ARGB argb;
- if (color == NULL)
- {
- return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
- }
- SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetSolidFillColor((GpSolidFill*)nativeBrush,
- &argb));
- *color = Color(argb);
- return lastResult;
- }
- Status SetColor(IN const Color& color)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetSolidFillColor((GpSolidFill*)nativeBrush,
- color.GetValue()));
- }
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
- private:
- SolidBrush(const SolidBrush &);
- SolidBrush& operator=(const SolidBrush &);
- #endif
- protected:
- SolidBrush()
- {
- }
- };
- class TextureBrush : public Brush
- {
- public:
- friend class Pen;
- TextureBrush(IN Image* image,
- IN WrapMode wrapMode = WrapModeTile)
- {
- GpTexture *texture = NULL;
- lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateTexture(
- image->nativeImage,
- wrapMode, &texture);
- SetNativeBrush(texture);
- }
- // When creating a texture brush from a metafile image, the dstRect
- // is used to specify the size that the metafile image should be
- // rendered at in the device units of the destination graphics.
- // It is NOT used to crop the metafile image, so only the width
- // and height values matter for metafiles.
- TextureBrush(IN Image* image,
- IN WrapMode wrapMode,
- IN const RectF &dstRect)
- {
- GpTexture *texture = NULL;
- lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateTexture2(
- image->nativeImage,
- wrapMode,
- dstRect.X,
- dstRect.Y,
- dstRect.Width,
- dstRect.Height,
- &texture);
- SetNativeBrush(texture);
- }
- // When creating a texture brush from a metafile image, the dstRect
- // is used to specify the size that the metafile image should be
- // rendered at in the device units of the destination graphics.
- // It is NOT used to crop the metafile image, so only the width
- // and height values matter for metafiles.
- TextureBrush(IN Image *image,
- IN const RectF &dstRect,
- IN const ImageAttributes *imageAttributes = NULL)
- {
- GpTexture *texture = NULL;
- lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateTextureIA(
- image->nativeImage,
- (imageAttributes)?imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr:NULL,
- dstRect.X,
- dstRect.Y,
- dstRect.Width,
- dstRect.Height,
- &texture
- );
- SetNativeBrush(texture);
- }
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_145138
- TextureBrush(IN Image *image,
- IN const Rect &dstRect,
- IN const ImageAttributes *imageAttributes = NULL)
- {
- GpTexture *texture = NULL;
- lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateTextureIAI(
- image->nativeImage,
- (imageAttributes)?imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr:NULL,
- dstRect.X,
- dstRect.Y,
- dstRect.Width,
- dstRect.Height,
- &texture
- );
- SetNativeBrush(texture);
- }
- #endif
- // When creating a texture brush from a metafile image, the dstRect
- // is used to specify the size that the metafile image should be
- // rendered at in the device units of the destination graphics.
- // It is NOT used to crop the metafile image, so only the width
- // and height values matter for metafiles.
- TextureBrush(
- IN Image* image,
- IN WrapMode wrapMode,
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_145138
- const IN Rect &dstRect
- #else
- IN Rect &dstRect
- #endif
- )
- {
- GpTexture *texture = NULL;
- lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateTexture2I(
- image->nativeImage,
- wrapMode,
- dstRect.X,
- dstRect.Y,
- dstRect.Width,
- dstRect.Height,
- &texture);
- SetNativeBrush(texture);
- }
- // When creating a texture brush from a metafile image, the dstRect
- // is used to specify the size that the metafile image should be
- // rendered at in the device units of the destination graphics.
- // It is NOT used to crop the metafile image, so only the width
- // and height values matter for metafiles.
- TextureBrush(IN Image* image,
- IN WrapMode wrapMode,
- IN REAL dstX,
- IN REAL dstY,
- IN REAL dstWidth,
- IN REAL dstHeight)
- {
- GpTexture *texture = NULL;
- lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateTexture2(
- image->nativeImage,
- wrapMode,
- dstX,
- dstY,
- dstWidth,
- dstHeight,
- &texture);
- SetNativeBrush(texture);
- }
- // When creating a texture brush from a metafile image, the dstRect
- // is used to specify the size that the metafile image should be
- // rendered at in the device units of the destination graphics.
- // It is NOT used to crop the metafile image, so only the width
- // and height values matter for metafiles.
- TextureBrush(IN Image* image,
- IN WrapMode wrapMode,
- IN INT dstX,
- IN INT dstY,
- IN INT dstWidth,
- IN INT dstHeight)
- {
- GpTexture *texture = NULL;
- lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateTexture2I(
- image->nativeImage,
- wrapMode,
- dstX,
- dstY,
- dstWidth,
- dstHeight,
- &texture);
- SetNativeBrush(texture);
- }
- /**
- * Set/get brush transform
- */
- Status SetTransform(IN const Matrix* matrix)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetTextureTransform((GpTexture*)nativeBrush,
- matrix->nativeMatrix));
- }
- Status GetTransform(OUT Matrix* matrix) const
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetTextureTransform((GpTexture*)nativeBrush,
- matrix->nativeMatrix));
- }
- Status ResetTransform()
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipResetTextureTransform((GpTexture*)nativeBrush));
- }
- Status MultiplyTransform(IN const Matrix* matrix,
- IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipMultiplyTextureTransform((GpTexture*)nativeBrush,
- matrix->nativeMatrix,
- order));
- }
- Status TranslateTransform(IN REAL dx,
- IN REAL dy,
- IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateTextureTransform((GpTexture*)nativeBrush,
- dx, dy, order));
- }
- Status ScaleTransform(IN REAL sx,
- IN REAL sy,
- IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipScaleTextureTransform((GpTexture*)nativeBrush,
- sx, sy, order));
- }
- Status RotateTransform(IN REAL angle,
- IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipRotateTextureTransform((GpTexture*)nativeBrush,
- angle, order));
- }
- /**
- * Set/get brush wrapping mode
- */
- Status SetWrapMode(IN WrapMode wrapMode)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetTextureWrapMode((GpTexture*)nativeBrush,
- wrapMode));
- }
- WrapMode GetWrapMode() const
- {
- WrapMode wrapMode;
- SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetTextureWrapMode((GpTexture*)nativeBrush,
- &wrapMode));
- return wrapMode;
- }
- // Get texture brush attributes
- Image *GetImage() const
- {
- GpImage *image;
- SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetTextureImage((GpTexture *)nativeBrush,
- &image));
- Image *retimage = new Image(image, lastResult);
- if (retimage == NULL)
- {
- DllExports::GdipDisposeImage(image);
- }
- return retimage;
- }
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
- private:
- TextureBrush(const TextureBrush &);
- TextureBrush& operator=(const TextureBrush &);
- #endif
- protected:
- TextureBrush()
- {
- }
- };
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Represent line gradient brush object
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class LinearGradientBrush : public Brush
- {
- public:
- friend class Pen;
- LinearGradientBrush(IN const PointF& point1,
- IN const PointF& point2,
- IN const Color& color1,
- IN const Color& color2)
- {
- GpLineGradient *brush = NULL;
- lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateLineBrush(&point1,
- &point2,
- color1.GetValue(),
- color2.GetValue(),
- WrapModeTile,
- &brush);
- SetNativeBrush(brush);
- }
- LinearGradientBrush(IN const Point& point1,
- IN const Point& point2,
- IN const Color& color1,
- IN const Color& color2)
- {
- GpLineGradient *brush = NULL;
- lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateLineBrushI(&point1,
- &point2,
- color1.GetValue(),
- color2.GetValue(),
- WrapModeTile,
- &brush);
- SetNativeBrush(brush);
- }
- LinearGradientBrush(IN const RectF& rect,
- IN const Color& color1,
- IN const Color& color2,
- IN LinearGradientMode mode)
- {
- GpLineGradient *brush = NULL;
- lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateLineBrushFromRect(&rect,
- color1.GetValue(),
- color2.GetValue(),
- mode,
- WrapModeTile,
- &brush);
- SetNativeBrush(brush);
- }
- LinearGradientBrush(IN const Rect& rect,
- IN const Color& color1,
- IN const Color& color2,
- IN LinearGradientMode mode)
- {
- GpLineGradient *brush = NULL;
- lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectI(&rect,
- color1.GetValue(),
- color2.GetValue(),
- mode,
- WrapModeTile,
- &brush);
- SetNativeBrush(brush);
- }
- LinearGradientBrush(IN const RectF& rect,
- IN const Color& color1,
- IN const Color& color2,
- IN REAL angle,
- IN BOOL isAngleScalable = FALSE)
- {
- GpLineGradient *brush = NULL;
- lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectWithAngle(&rect,
- color1.GetValue(),
- color2.GetValue(),
- angle,
- isAngleScalable,
- WrapModeTile,
- &brush);
- SetNativeBrush(brush);
- }
- LinearGradientBrush(IN const Rect& rect,
- IN const Color& color1,
- IN const Color& color2,
- IN REAL angle,
- IN BOOL isAngleScalable = FALSE)
- {
- GpLineGradient *brush = NULL;
- lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectWithAngleI(&rect,
- color1.GetValue(),
- color2.GetValue(),
- angle,
- isAngleScalable,
- WrapModeTile,
- &brush);
- SetNativeBrush(brush);
- }
- // Get/set point attributes
- Status SetLinearPoints(IN const PointF& point1,
- IN const PointF& point2)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLinePoints((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
- &point1, &point2));
- }
- Status GetLinearPoints(OUT PointF* points) const
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLinePoints((GpLineGradient*) nativeBrush,
- points));
- }
- Status SetLinearPoints(IN const Point& point1,
- IN const Point& point2)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLinePointsI((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
- &point1, &point2));
- }
- Status GetLinearPoints(OUT Point* points) const
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLinePointsI((GpLineGradient*) nativeBrush,
- points));
- }
- // Get/set color attributes
- Status SetLinearColors(IN const Color& color1,
- IN const Color& color2)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLineColors((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
- color1.GetValue(),
- color2.GetValue()));
- }
- Status GetLinearColors(OUT Color* colors) const
- {
- ARGB argb[2];
- if (colors == NULL)
- {
- return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
- }
- SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLineColors((GpLineGradient*) nativeBrush, argb));
- if (lastResult == Ok)
- {
- // use bitwise copy operator for Color copy
- colors[0] = Color(argb[0]);
- colors[1] = Color(argb[1]);
- }
- return lastResult;
- }
- Status GetRectangle(OUT RectF* rect) const
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLineRect((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush, rect));
- }
- // integer version
- Status GetRectangle(OUT Rect* rect) const
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLineRectI((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush, rect));
- }
- // Gamma correction in interporlation.
- Status SetGammaCorrection(IN BOOL useGammaCorrection)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLineGammaCorrection((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
- useGammaCorrection));
- }
- BOOL GetGammaCorrection() const
- {
- BOOL useGammaCorrection;
- SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLineGammaCorrection((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
- &useGammaCorrection));
- return useGammaCorrection;
- }
- INT GetBlendCount() const
- {
- INT count = 0;
- SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLineBlendCount((GpLineGradient*)
- nativeBrush,
- &count));
- return count;
- }
- Status SetBlend(IN const REAL* blendFactors,
- IN const REAL* blendPositions,
- IN INT count)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLineBlend((GpLineGradient*)
- nativeBrush,
- blendFactors,
- blendPositions,
- count));
- }
- Status GetBlend(OUT REAL* blendFactors,
- OUT REAL* blendPositions,
- IN INT count) const
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLineBlend((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
- blendFactors,
- blendPositions,
- count));
- }
- INT GetInterpolationColorCount() const
- {
- INT count = 0;
- SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLinePresetBlendCount((GpLineGradient*)
- nativeBrush,
- &count));
- return count;
- }
- Status SetInterpolationColors(IN const Color* presetColors,
- IN const REAL* blendPositions,
- IN INT count)
- {
- if ((count <= 0) || !presetColors)
- return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
- ARGB *argbs = (ARGB*) new BYTE[count*sizeof(ARGB)];
- if (argbs)
- {
- for (INT i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- argbs[i] = presetColors[i].GetValue();
- }
- Status status = SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLinePresetBlend(
- (GpLineGradient*) nativeBrush,
- argbs,
- blendPositions,
- count));
- delete [] argbs;
- return status;
- }
- else
- {
- return SetStatus(OutOfMemory);
- }
- }
- Status GetInterpolationColors(OUT Color* presetColors,
- OUT REAL* blendPositions,
- IN INT count) const
- {
- if ((count <= 0) || !presetColors)
- return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
- ARGB* argbs = (ARGB*) new BYTE[count*sizeof(ARGB)];
- if (!argbs)
- {
- return SetStatus(OutOfMemory);
- }
- Status status = SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLinePresetBlend((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
- argbs,
- blendPositions,
- count));
- if (status == Ok)
- {
- for (INT i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- presetColors[i] = Color(argbs[i]);
- }
- }
- delete [] argbs;
- return status;
- }
- Status SetBlendBellShape(IN REAL focus,
- IN REAL scale = 1.0)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLineSigmaBlend((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush, focus, scale));
- }
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_145135
- Status SetBlendTriangularShape(
- IN REAL focus,
- IN REAL scale = 1.0
- )
- #else
- Status SetBlendTrianglarShape(IN REAL focus,
- IN REAL scale = 1.0)
- #endif
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLineLinearBlend((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush, focus, scale));
- }
- /**
- * Set/get brush transform
- */
- Status SetTransform(IN const Matrix* matrix)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLineTransform((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
- matrix->nativeMatrix));
- }
- Status GetTransform(OUT Matrix *matrix) const
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLineTransform((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
- matrix->nativeMatrix));
- }
- Status ResetTransform()
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipResetLineTransform((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush));
- }
- Status MultiplyTransform(IN const Matrix* matrix,
- IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipMultiplyLineTransform((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
- matrix->nativeMatrix,
- order));
- }
- Status TranslateTransform(IN REAL dx,
- IN REAL dy,
- IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateLineTransform((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
- dx, dy, order));
- }
- Status ScaleTransform(IN REAL sx,
- IN REAL sy,
- IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipScaleLineTransform((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
- sx, sy, order));
- }
- Status RotateTransform(IN REAL angle,
- IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipRotateLineTransform((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
- angle, order));
- }
- /**
- * Set/get brush wrapping mode
- */
- Status SetWrapMode(IN WrapMode wrapMode)
- {
- return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLineWrapMode((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
- wrapMode));
- }
- WrapMode GetWrapMode() const
- {
- WrapMode wrapMode;
- SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLineWrapMode((GpLineGradient*)
- nativeBrush,
- &wrapMode));
- return wrapMode;
- }
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
- private:
- LinearGradientBrush(const LinearGradientBrush &);
- LinearGradientBrush& operator=(const LinearGradientBrush &);
- #endif
- protected:
- LinearGradientBrush()
- {
- }
- };
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // PathGradientBrush object is defined
- // in gdipluspath.h.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Represent hatch brush object
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class HatchBrush : public Brush
- {
- public:
- friend class Pen;
- // Constructors
- HatchBrush(IN HatchStyle hatchStyle,
- IN const Color& foreColor,
- IN const Color& backColor = Color())
- {
- GpHatch *brush = NULL;
- lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateHatchBrush(hatchStyle,
- foreColor.GetValue(),
- backColor.GetValue(),
- &brush);
- SetNativeBrush(brush);
- }
- HatchStyle GetHatchStyle() const
- {
- HatchStyle hatchStyle;
- SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetHatchStyle((GpHatch*)nativeBrush,
- &hatchStyle));
- return hatchStyle;
- }
- Status GetForegroundColor(OUT Color* color) const
- {
- ARGB argb;
- if (color == NULL)
- {
- return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
- }
- Status status = SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetHatchForegroundColor(
- (GpHatch*)nativeBrush,
- &argb));
- color->SetValue(argb);
- return status;
- }
- Status GetBackgroundColor(OUT Color *color) const
- {
- ARGB argb;
- if (color == NULL)
- {
- return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
- }
- Status status = SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetHatchBackgroundColor(
- (GpHatch*)nativeBrush,
- &argb));
- color->SetValue(argb);
- return status;
- }
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
- private:
- HatchBrush(const HatchBrush &);
- HatchBrush& operator=(const HatchBrush &);
- #endif
- protected:
- HatchBrush()
- {
- }
- };
- #endif