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  2. <%
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  6. <%
  7. if session("rank")>2 then
  8. call Msgbox("对不起,您的权限不够!","Back","None")
  9. response.End
  10. end if
  11. %>
  12. <%
  13. '添加产品
  14. If NOT IsEmpty (request("AddProSubmit")) then
  15. dim productdate,discount
  16. discount=round(request("price2")/request("price1"),2)
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  18. productdate=trim(request("productdateyear"))&"年"&trim(request("productdatemonth"))&"月"
  19. else
  20. productdate=""
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  60. end if
  61. if request("detail")<>"" then
  62. rs("desc")=htmlencode2(strvalue(request("detail") ,100))
  63. end if
  64. '是否推荐产品
  65. if request("recommend")=1 then  
  66. rs("recommend")=1
  67. else
  68. rs("recommend")=0
  69. end if
  70. rs.Update
  71. rs.Close
  72. set rs=nothing
  73. call MsgBox("添加成功!","GoUrl","addpro.asp")
  74. response.End
  75. end if
  76. %>
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  80. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
  81. <title>406网络书店</title>
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  91. var onecount;
  92. onecount=0;
  93. subcat = new Array();
  94. <%
  95. '读取分类字段赋给JS数组
  96. dim count
  97. set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
  98. "select * from sorts order by sortsorder ",conn,1,1
  99. count = 0
  100. do while not rs.eof 
  101. %>
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  103. <%
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  105.         rs.movenext
  106.         loop
  107.         rs.close
  108. %>
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  110. function changelocation(locationid)
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  113.     var locationid=locationid;
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  118.             { 
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  126.           <td width="18"><img src="../images/w.gif" width="18" height="18"></td>
  127.           <td width="66" style="color:#415373">添加商品</td>
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  131.           <tr>
  132.             <td> <span class="redfont">*</span>选择分类:</td>
  133.             <td colspan="2">
  134. <%
  135. "select * from category order by categoryorder",conn,1,1
  136. if rs.eof and rs.bof then
  137. call MsgBox("请先添加分类!","Back","None")
  138. response.end
  139. else
  140. %>
  141.               <select name="categoryid" size="1" id="select2" onChange="changelocation(document.myform.categoryid.options[document.myform.categoryid.selectedIndex].value)">
  142.                 <option selected value="<%=rs("categoryid")%>"><%=trim(rs("category"))%></option>
  143. <%      
  144.  dim selclass
  145.  selclass=rs("categoryid")
  146.  rs.movenext
  147.  do while not rs.eof
  148. %>
  149.                 <option value="<%=rs("categoryid")%>"><%=trim(rs("category"))%></option>
  150.                 <%
  151.  rs.movenext
  152.  loop
  153. end if
  154. rs.close
  155. %>
  156.               </select>
  157.       小类:
  158.       <select name="sortsid">
  159. <%
  160. "select * from sorts where categoryid="&selclass ,conn,1,1
  161. if not(rs.eof and rs.bof) then
  162. %>
  163.         <option value="<%=rs("sortsid")%>" selected><%=rs("sorts")%></option>
  164.         <% rs.movenext
  165. do while not rs.eof
  166. %>
  167.         <option value="<%=rs("sortsid")%>"><%=rs("sorts")%></option>
  168. <%
  169. rs.movenext
  170. loop
  171. end if
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  173.         set rs = nothing
  174.         conn.Close
  175.         set conn = nothing
  176. %>
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  178.             </td>
  179.           </tr>
  180.           <tr>
  181.             <td><span class="redfont">*</span>书名:</td>
  182.             <td colspan="2">
  183.               <input name="name" type="text" id="name" size="30">
  184.             </td>
  185.           </tr>
  186.           <tr>
  187.             <td><span class="redfont">*</span>作者:</td>
  188.             <td colspan="2"><input name="author" type="text" id="author" size="20"></td>
  189.           </tr>
  190.           <tr>
  191.             <td><span class="redfont">*</span>出 版 社:              </td>
  192.             <td colspan="2">
  193.               <input name="mark" type="text" id="mark" size="30" ></td>
  194.           </tr>
  195.           <tr>
  196.             <td>装帧:</td>
  197.             <td colspan="2">
  198.               <input name="introduce" type="text" id="introduce" size="30" ></td>
  199.           </tr>
  200.           <tr>
  201.             <td><span class="redfont">*</span>出版日期:</td>
  202.             <td colspan="2">
  203.               <select name="productdateyear" id="productdateyear">
  204.                 <%dim i
  205. for i=year(now) to 1900 step -1
  206. response.write "<option value="&i&">"&i&"</option>"
  207. next
  208. %>
  209.               </select>
  210.               年
  211.               <select name="productdatemonth" id="productdatemonth">
  212.                 <%for i=1 to 12
  213. response.write "<option value="&i&">"&i&"</option>"
  214. next%>
  215.               </select>
  216.       月</td>
  217.           </tr>
  218.           <tr>
  219.             <td><span class="redfont">*</span>价格:              </td>
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  232.                 元<br> 
  233.               赠送积分:
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  237.                 分</td>
  238.           </tr>
  240.           <tr>
  241.             <td>开本:</td>
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  243.           </tr>
  244.           <tr>
  245.             <td>版次:</td>
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  249.           </tr>
  250.           <tr>
  251.             <td>页数:              </td>
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  256.           </tr>
  257.           <tr>
  258.             <td><span class="redfont">*</span>ISBN:</td>
  259.             <td colspan="2"><input name="type" type="text" id="type2" size="30"></td>
  260.           </tr>
  261.           <tr>
  262.             <td><span class="redfont">*</span>商品图片:              </td>
  263.             <td colspan="2">
  264.               <input name="pic" type="text" id="pic" size="30" VALUE="bookimages/emptybook.gif">
  265. &nbsp;
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  267.           </tr>
  268.           <tr>
  269.             <td>详细说明:</td>
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  272.             </td>
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  274.           <tr>
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  280.             <td colspan="3">
  281.                 <input name="recommend" type="checkbox" id="recommend" value="1">
  282.         推荐此商品
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  284. <script language="JavaScript">
  285. <!--
  286. function checkpro()
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  288.     if(checkspace( {
  290.     alert("请输入书名!");
  291. return false;
  292.   }
  293. if(checkspace( {
  295.     alert("请输入作者!");
  296. return false;
  297.   }
  298. if(checkspace(document.myform.mark.value)) {
  299. document.myform.mark.focus();
  300.     alert("请输入出版社!");
  301. return false;
  302.   }
  303. if(checkspace(document.myform.type.value)) {
  304. document.myform.type.focus();
  305.     alert("请输入ISBN!");
  306. return false;
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  309. document.myform.price1.focus();
  310.     alert("请输入市场价!");
  311. return false;
  312.   }
  313.     if(checkspace(document.myform.price2.value)||document.myform.price2.value==0) {
  314. document.myform.price2.focus();
  315.     alert("请输入会员价!");
  316. return false;
  317.   }
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  319. document.myform.vipprice.focus();
  320.     alert("请输入VIP价!");
  321. return false;
  322.   }
  323.      if(checkspace(document.myform.price1.value)) {
  324. document.myform.price1.focus();
  325.     alert("请输入商品市场价格!");
  326. return false;
  327.   }
  328.      if(checkspace(document.myform.price2.value)) {
  329. document.myform.price2.focus();
  330.     alert("请输入商品会员价格!");
  331. return false;
  332.   }
  333.       if(checkspace(document.myform.vipprice.value)) {
  334. document.myform.vipprice.focus();
  335.     alert("请输入VIP月会员商品价格!");
  336. return false;
  337.   }
  339. }
  340. function checkspace(checkstr) {
  341.   var str = '';
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