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TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
- #ifndef _wattcp_wattcp_h
- #define _wattcp_wattcp_h
- /*
- * Are we compiling the kernel?
- * or an application using the kernel?
- */
- #if !defined(__WATTCP_USER__)
- #define __WATTCP_KERNEL__
- #endif
- /*
- * Note that some stuff is not available to user applications.
- * This is generally detail you shouldn't need to worry about,
- * and best stay away from to preserve the kernel integrity.
- * Note also that there is a lot of other stuff that should probably
- * be protected but isn't.
- */
- #define WATTCPH
- /* these are visible for select.c routine return values */
- #define SOCKCLOSED 4
- #if defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__)
- #define IP_TYPE 0x0008
- /*
- #define DEBUG
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <elib.h>
- #define MAX_GATE_DATA 12
- #define MAX_STRING 50 /* most strings are limited */
- #endif /* defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__) */
- #define MAX_NAMESERVERS 10
- #define MAX_COOKIES 10
- #if defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__)
- #define MAXVJSA 1440 /* 10 s */
- #define MAXVJSD 360 /* 10 s */
- #define SAFETYTCP 0x538f25a3L
- #define SAFETYUDP 0x3e45e154L
- #define TRUE 1
- #define true TRUE
- #define FALSE 0
- #define false FALSE
- #define EL_INUSE 0x0001
- #define EL_DELAY 0x0002
- #define EL_TCP 0x0004
- #define EL_SERVER 0x0008
- #define EL_ASCII 0x0010
- #define EL_NEVER 0x0020
- /* These are Ethernet protocol numbers but I use them for other things too */
- #define UDP_PROTO 0x11
- #define TCP_PROTO 0x06
- #define ICMP_PROTO 0x01
- #endif /* defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__) */
- #define TCP_MODE_BINARY 0 /* default mode */
- #define TCP_MODE_ASCII 1
- #define UDP_MODE_CHK 0 /* default to having checksums */
- #define UDP_MODE_NOCHK 2 /* turn off checksums */
- #define TCP_MODE_NAGLE 0 /* Nagle algorithm */
- #define TCP_MODE_NONAGLE 4
- typedef unsigned long longword; /* 32 bits */
- typedef unsigned short word; /* 16 bits */
- typedef unsigned char byte; /* 8 bits */
- typedef struct { byte eaddr[6]; } eth_address; // 94.11.19 -- made an array
- #if defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__)
- /* undesirable */
- extern longword MsecClock();
- #define clock_ValueRough() MsecClock()
- #define TICKS_SEC 18
- #define checksum( p, len) inchksum( p, len )
- #define PD_ETHER 1
- #define PD_SLIP 6
- extern word sock_inactive; /* in pcbootp.c */
- extern word _pktdevclass;
- extern word _mss;
- extern word _bootptimeout; /* in pcbootp.c */
- extern longword _bootphost; /* in pcbootp.c */
- extern word _bootpon;
- /* The Ethernet header */
- typedef struct {
- eth_address destination;
- eth_address source;
- word type;
- } eth_Header;
- /* The Internet Header: */
- typedef struct {
- unsigned hdrlen : 4;
- unsigned ver : 4;
- byte tos;
- word length;
- word identification;
- word frags;
- byte ttl;
- byte proto;
- word checksum;
- longword source;
- longword destination;
- } in_Header;
- #define in_GetVersion(ip) ( (ip)->ver )
- #define in_GetHdrlen(ip) ( (ip)->hdrlen ) /* 32 bit word size */
- #define in_GetHdrlenBytes(ip) ( in_GetHdrlen(ip) << 2 ) /* 8 bit byte size */
- #define in_GetTos(ip) ( (ip)->tos)
- #define in_GetTTL(ip) ((ip)->ttl)
- #define in_GetProtocol(ip) ((ip)->proto )
- typedef struct {
- word srcPort;
- word dstPort;
- word length;
- word checksum;
- } udp_Header;
- #define UDP_LENGTH ( sizeof( udp_Header ))
- typedef struct {
- word srcPort;
- word dstPort;
- longword seqnum;
- longword acknum;
- word flags;
- word window;
- word checksum;
- word urgentPointer;
- } tcp_Header;
- #define tcp_FlagFIN 0x0001
- #define tcp_FlagSYN 0x0002
- #define tcp_FlagRST 0x0004
- #define tcp_FlagPUSH 0x0008
- #define tcp_FlagACK 0x0010
- #define tcp_FlagURG 0x0020
- #define tcp_FlagDO 0xF000
- #define tcp_GetDataOffset(tp) (intel16((tp)->flags) >> 12)
- #endif /* defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__) */
- /* The TCP/UDP Pseudo Header */
- typedef struct {
- longword src;
- longword dst;
- byte mbz;
- byte protocol;
- word length;
- word checksum;
- } tcp_PseudoHeader;
- /* A datahandler for tcp or udp sockets */
- typedef int (*dataHandler_t)( void *s, byte *data, int len, tcp_PseudoHeader *pseudohdr, void *protohdr );
- /* A socket function for delay routines */
- typedef int (*sockfunct_t)( void *s );
- #if defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__)
- /*
- * TCP states, from tcp manual.
- * Note: close-wait state is bypassed by automatically closing a connection
- * when a FIN is received. This is easy to undo.
- */
- #define tcp_StateLISTEN 0 /* listening for connection */
- #define tcp_StateSYNSENT 1 /* syn sent, active open */
- #define tcp_StateSYNREC 2 /* syn received, synack+syn sent. */
- #define tcp_StateESTAB 3 /* established */
- #define tcp_StateESTCL 4 /* established, but will FIN */
- #define tcp_StateFINWT1 5 /* sent FIN */
- #define tcp_StateFINWT2 6 /* sent FIN, received FINACK */
- #define tcp_StateCLOSWT 7 /* received FIN waiting for close */
- #define tcp_StateCLOSING 8 /* sent FIN, received FIN (waiting for FINACK) */
- #define tcp_StateLASTACK 9 /* fin received, finack+fin sent */
- #define tcp_StateTIMEWT 10 /* dally after sending final FINACK */
- #define tcp_StateCLOSEMSL 11
- #define tcp_StateCLOSED 12 /* finack received */
- #define tcp_MaxBufSize 2048 /* maximum bytes to buffer on input */
- #endif
- #if defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__)
- /*
- * UDP socket definition
- */
- typedef struct _udp_socket {
- struct _udp_socket *next;
- word ip_type; /* always set to UDP_PROTO */
- char *err_msg; /* null when all is ok */
- char *usr_name;
- void (*usr_yield)( void );
- byte rigid;
- byte stress;
- word sock_mode; /* a logical OR of bits */
- longword usertimer; /* ip_timer_set, ip_timer_timeout */
- dataHandler_t dataHandler;
- eth_address hisethaddr; /* peer's ethernet address */
- longword hisaddr; /* peer's internet address */
- word hisport; /* peer's UDP port */
- longword myaddr;
- word myport;
- word locflags;
- int queuelen;
- byte *queue;
- int rdatalen; /* must be signed */
- word maxrdatalen;
- byte *rdata;
- byte rddata[ tcp_MaxBufSize + 1]; /* if dataHandler = 0, len == 512 */
- longword safetysig;
- } udp_Socket;
- #else /* __WATTCP_USER */
- /*
- * Don't give users access to the fields.
- */
- typedef struct {
- byte undoc[ 2200 ];
- } udp_Socket;
- #endif /* __WATTCP_USER__ */
- #if defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__)
- /*
- * TCP Socket definition
- */
- typedef struct _tcp_socket {
- struct _tcp_socket *next;
- word ip_type; /* always set to TCP_PROTO */
- char *err_msg;
- char *usr_name;
- void (*usr_yield)(void);
- byte rigid;
- byte stress;
- word sock_mode; /* a logical OR of bits */
- longword usertimer; /* ip_timer_set, ip_timer_timeout */
- dataHandler_t dataHandler; /* called with incoming data */
- eth_address hisethaddr; /* ethernet address of peer */
- longword hisaddr; /* internet address of peer */
- word hisport; /* tcp ports for this connection */
- longword myaddr;
- word myport;
- word locflags;
- int queuelen;
- byte *queue;
- int rdatalen; /* must be signed */
- word maxrdatalen;
- byte *rdata;
- byte rddata[tcp_MaxBufSize+1]; /* received data */
- longword safetysig;
- word state; /* connection state */
- longword acknum;
- longword seqnum; /* data ack'd and sequence num */
- long timeout; /* timeout, in milliseconds */
- byte unhappy; /* flag, indicates retransmitting segt's */
- byte recent; /* 1 if recently transmitted */
- word flags; /* tcp flags word for last packet sent */
- word window; /* other guy's window */
- int datalen; /* number of bytes of data to send */
- /* must be signed */
- int unacked; /* unacked data */
- byte cwindow; /* Van Jacobson's algorithm */
- byte wwindow;
- word vj_sa; /* VJ's alg, standard average */
- word vj_sd; /* VJ's alg, standard deviation */
- longword vj_last; /* last transmit time */
- word rto;
- byte karn_count; /* count of packets */
- byte tos; /* priority */
- /* retransmission timeout proceedure */
- /* these are in clock ticks */
- longword rtt_lasttran; /* last transmission time */
- longword rtt_smooth; /* smoothed round trip time */
- longword rtt_delay; /* delay for next transmission */
- longword rtt_time; /* time of next transmission */
- word mss;
- longword inactive_to; /* for the inactive flag */
- int sock_delay;
- byte data[tcp_MaxBufSize+1]; /* data to send */
- longword datatimer; /* EE 99.08.23 note broken connections */
- longword frag[2]; /* S. Lawson - handle one dropped segment */
- } tcp_Socket;
- #else /* __WATTCP_USER */
- /*
- * Don't give users access to the fields.
- */
- typedef struct {
- byte undoc[ 4300 ];
- } tcp_Socket;
- #endif /* __WATTCP_USER__ */
- #if defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__)
- /* sock_type used for socket io */
- typedef union {
- udp_Socket udp;
- tcp_Socket tcp;
- } sock_type;
- #else /* __WATTCP_USER__ */
- typedef void sock_type;
- #endif /* __WATTCP_USER__ */
- /* similar to UNIX */
- typedef struct sockaddr {
- word s_type;
- word s_port;
- longword s_ip;
- byte s_spares[6]; /* unused in TCP realm */
- } sockaddr;
- #define sockaddr_in sockaddr
- /*
- * TCP/IP system variables - do not change these since they
- * are not necessarily the source variables, instead use
- * ip_Init function
- */
- extern longword my_ip_addr;
- extern longword sin_mask; /* eg. 0xfffffe00L */
- extern word sock_delay;
- extern word sock_data_timeout; /* EE 99.08.23 */
- #if defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__)
- extern eth_address _eth_addr;
- extern eth_address _eth_brdcast;
- #endif
- #if defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__)
- /*
- * ARP definitions
- */
- #define arp_TypeEther 0x100 /* ARP type of Ethernet address */
- /* arp op codes */
- #define ARP_REQUEST 0x0100
- #define ARP_REPLY 0x0200
- /*
- * Arp header
- */
- typedef struct {
- word hwType;
- word protType;
- word hwProtAddrLen; // hw and prot addr len
- word opcode;
- eth_address srcEthAddr;
- longword srcIPAddr;
- eth_address dstEthAddr;
- longword dstIPAddr;
- } arp_Header;
- #if !defined(ETH_MSS) // S. Lawson - allow setting in makefile
- #define ETH_MSS 1500 // MSS for Ethernet
- #endif // S. Lawson
- byte *fragment( in_Header * ip );
- void timeout_frags( void );
- #endif
- /*
- * Ethernet interface -- pcsed.c
- */
- int _eth_init( void ); // S. Lawson
- byte *_eth_formatpacket( eth_address *eth_dest, word eth_type );
- int _eth_send( word len );
- void _eth_free( void *buf );
- byte *_eth_arrived( word *type_ptr );
- void _eth_release( void );
- #if defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__)
- extern void *_eth_hardware( byte *p );
- #endif
- /*
- * timers -- pctcp.c
- */
- void ip_timer_init( sock_type *s, int delayseconds );
- int ip_timer_expired( sock_type *s );
- longword MsecClock( void );
- /*
- * sock_init() -- initialize wattcp libraries -- sock_ini.c
- */
- void sock_init(void);
- int sock_init_noexit(void); // S. Lawson
- void sock_exit( void ); /* normally called via atexit() in sock_init() */
- /*
- * tcp_init/tcp_shutdown -- pctcp.c
- * - init/kill all tcp and lower services
- * - only call if you do not use sock_init
- */
- void tcp_shutdown(void);
- int tcp_init_noexit(void); // S. Lawson
- void tcp_init(void);
- void tcp_set_ports(word tcp_base, word udp_base); // S. Lawson
- void tcp_get_ports(word *tcp_base, word *udp_base); // S. Lawson
- /*
- * things you probably won't need to know about
- */
- /*
- * sock_debugdump -- sock_dbu.c
- * - dump some socket control block parameters
- * used for testing the kernal, not recommended
- */
- void sock_debugdump( sock_type *s );
- /*
- * tcp_config - read a configuration file
- * - if special path desired, call after sock_init()
- * - null reads path from executable
- * see sock_init();
- */
- int tcp_config( char *path );
- /* S. Lawson
- * tcp_config_file - sets the configuration filename
- * - null silently skips config file processing
- */
- void tcp_config_file( const char *fname );
- /*
- * tcp_tick - called periodically by user application in sock_wait_...
- * - returns 1 when our socket closes
- */
- int tcp_tick( sock_type *s );
- /*
- * Retransmitter - called periodically to perform tcp retransmissions
- * - normally called from tcp_tick, you have to be pretty
- * low down to use this one
- */
- void tcp_Retransmitter(void);
- /*
- * tcp_set_debug_state - set 1 or reset 0 - depends on what I have done
- */
- void tcp_set_debug_state( int x );
- /*
- * check for bugs -- pctcp.c
- */
- int tcp_checkfor( sock_type *t );
- /*
- * Timeout routines.
- */
- unsigned long set_timeout( unsigned int seconds );
- unsigned long set_ttimeout( unsigned int ticks );
- int chk_timeout( unsigned long timeout );
- /*
- * socket macros
- */
- /*
- * sock_wait_established()
- * - waits then aborts if timeout on s connection
- * sock_wait_input()
- * - waits for received input on s
- * - may not be valid input for sock_gets... check returned length
- * sock_tick()
- * - do tick and jump on abort
- * sock_wait_closed();
- * - discards all received data
- *
- * jump to sock_err with contents of *statusptr set to
- * 1 on closed
- * -1 on timeout
- *
- */
- int _ip_delay0( sock_type *s, int timeoutseconds, sockfunct_t fn, int *statusptr );
- int _ip_delay1( sock_type *s, int timeoutseconds, sockfunct_t fn, int *statusptr);
- int _ip_delay2( sock_type *s, int timeoutseconds, sockfunct_t fn, int *statusptr);
- #if defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__)
- #define set_mstimeout( x ) (set_timeout(0)+ (x / 55))
- #endif /* defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__) */
- #define sock_wait_established( s, seconds, fn, statusptr )
- if (_ip_delay0( s, seconds, fn, statusptr )) goto sock_err;
- #define sock_wait_input( s, seconds, fn , statusptr )
- if (_ip_delay1( s, seconds, fn, statusptr )) goto sock_err;
- #define sock_tick( s, statusptr )
- if ( !tcp_tick(s)) { *statusptr = 1 ; goto sock_err; }
- #define sock_wait_closed(s, seconds, fn, statusptr )
- if (_ip_delay2( s, seconds, fn, statusptr )) goto sock_err;
- /*
- * TCP or UDP specific stuff, must be used for open's and listens, but
- * sock stuff is used for everything else -- pctcp.c
- */
- int tcp_open( tcp_Socket *s, word lport, longword ina, word port, dataHandler_t datahandler );
- int udp_open( udp_Socket *s, word lport, longword ina, word port, dataHandler_t datahandler );
- int tcp_listen( tcp_Socket *s, word lport, longword ina, word port, dataHandler_t datahandler, word timeout );
- int tcp_established( tcp_Socket *s );
- /*
- * Clean up a string -- pctcp.c
- */
- char *rip( char *s);
- /*
- * Name service / name lookup routines -- udp_dom.c
- */
- longword resolve( char *name );
- longword resolve_fn( char *name, sockfunct_t fn ); // S. Lawson
- int reverse_addr_lookup( longword ipaddr, char *name );
- int reverse_addr_lookup_fn( longword ipaddr, char *name, sockfunct_t fn ); // S. Lawson
- /*
- * less general functions
- */
- longword intel( longword x );
- word intel16( word x );
- longword MsecClock( void );
- /*
- * Ctrl-break handling -- pc_cbrk.c
- */
- void tcp_cbrk( int mode );
- void outs( char far * string );
- #if defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__)
- /* icmp handler -- pcicmp.c */
- int icmp_handler( in_Header *ip );
- void icmp_Unreach( in_Header *ip); // S. Lawson
- #endif
- /*
- * ARP -- pcarp.c
- */
- #if defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__)
- void _arp_add_gateway( char *data, longword ip );
- int _arp_handler( arp_Header *in );
- #endif
- void _arp_register( longword use, longword instead_of );
- void _arp_tick( longword ip ); /* kernel only? */
- int _arp_resolve( longword ina, eth_address *ethap, int nowait );
- /*
- * Packet -- pcpkt.c
- *
- * These probably shouldn't be visible to user app code.
- */
- eth_address *_pkt_eth_init( void );
- int pkt_send( char *buffer, int length );
- void pkt_buf_wipe( void );
- void pkt_buf_release( char *ptr );
- void * pkt_received( void );
- void pkt_release( void );
- #if defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__)
- void _add_server( int *counter, int max, longword *array, longword value );
- extern word debug_on;
- #endif
- /*
- * pcbsd.c
- */
- int _chk_socket( sock_type *s );
- char *inet_ntoa( char *s, longword x );
- longword inet_addr( char *s );
- char *sockerr( sock_type *s );
- char *sockstate( sock_type *s );
- longword gethostid( void );
- longword sethostid( longword ip );
- word ntohs( word a );
- word htons( word a );
- longword ntohl( longword x );
- longword htonl( longword x );
- #if defined(__WATTCP_KERNEL__)
- void *_tcp_lookup( longword hisip, word hisport, word myport );
- void _tcp_cancel( in_Header *ip, int code, char *msg, longword dummyip );
- void _udp_cancel( in_Header *ip );
- int _dobootp(void);
- #endif
- /*
- * General socket I/O -- pctcp.c
- */
- word sock_mode( sock_type *, word); /* see TCP_MODE_... */
- void sock_abort( sock_type *);
- void tcp_sendsoon( tcp_Socket *s );
- int sock_fastwrite( sock_type *, byte *, int );
- int sock_write( sock_type *, byte *, int );
- int sock_read( sock_type *, byte *, int );
- int sock_fastread( sock_type *, byte *, int );
- int sock_gets( sock_type *, byte *, int );
- void sock_close( sock_type *s );
- byte sock_putc( sock_type *s, byte c );
- int sock_getc( sock_type *s );
- int sock_puts( sock_type *s, byte *dp );
- int sock_gets(sock_type *, byte *, int );
- int sock_setbuf( sock_type *s, byte *dp, int len );
- int sock_yield( tcp_Socket *s, void (*fn)( void ) );
- /*
- * s is the pointer to a udp or tcp socket
- */
- /*
- * Socket text output/input routines -- sock_prn.c
- */
- int sock_printf( sock_type *s, char *format, ... );
- int sock_scanf( sock_type *s, char *format, ... );
- /*
- * Misc. socket I/O -- pctcp.c
- */
- int sock_setbuf( sock_type *s, byte *dp, int len );
- int sock_enqueue( sock_type *s, byte *dp, int len );
- void sock_noflush( sock_type *s );
- void sock_flush( sock_type *s );
- void sock_flushnext( sock_type *s);
- int sock_dataready( sock_type *s );
- int sock_established( sock_type *s );
- void sock_sturdy( sock_type *s, int level );
- /*
- * Debug output -- pcdbug.c
- */
- void db_write( char *msg );
- void db_open( void );
- void db_close( void );
- void dbug_printf( char *, ... );
- void dbug_init( void );
- void dbug_init( void );
- /*
- * Socket Select -- select.c
- */
- int sock_sselect( sock_type *s, int waitstate );
- /*
- * recv routines -- pcrecv.c
- */
- int sock_recv_init( sock_type *s, void *space, word len );
- int sock_recv_from( sock_type *s, long *hisip, word *hisport, char *buffer, int len, word flags );
- int sock_recv( sock_type *s, char *buffer, int len, word flags );
- /*
- * bsd-similar stuff -- pcbuf.c
- */
- int sock_rbsize( sock_type *s );
- int sock_rbused( sock_type *s );
- int sock_rbleft( sock_type *s );
- int sock_tbsize( sock_type *s );
- int sock_tbused( sock_type *s );
- int sock_tbleft( sock_type *s );
- int sock_preread( sock_type *s, byte *dp, int len );
- /*
- * Name conversion stuff -- udp_nds.c
- */
- longword aton( char *text );
- int isaddr( char *text );
- /*
- * Configuration -- pcconfig.c
- */
- char *_inet_atoeth( char *src, byte *eth );
- void _add_server( int *counter, int max, longword *array, longword value );
- int tcp_config( char *path );
- /*
- * name domain constants
- */
- extern char *def_domain;
- extern longword def_nameservers[ MAX_NAMESERVERS ];
- extern word wathndlcbrk;
- extern word watcbroke;
- /* user initialization file */
- extern void (*usr_init)(char *name, char *value);
- extern int _survivebootp;
- extern int _last_cookie;
- extern longword _cookie[MAX_COOKIES];
- extern int _last_nameserver;
- extern char *_hostname;
- /*
- * Elib stuff
- */
- int isstring( char *string, unsigned stringlen ); /* isstring.c */
- #endif /* ndef _wattcp_wattcp_h */