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TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
- #define OLD 1 /* new changes not complete */
- /*
- * TCPPORT - make tcp connections from virtual serial ports
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Erick Engelke
- * Portions Copyright (C) 1991, Trustees of Columbia University
- * in the City of New York. Permission is granted to any
- * individual or institution to use, copy, or redistribute
- * this software as long as it is not sold for profit, provided
- * this copyright notice is retained.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
- * merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
- *
- * Authors:
- * Erick Engelke (,
- * Engineering Computing, University of Waterloo.
- * Bruce Campbell (,
- * Engineering Computing, University of Waterloo
- * Frank da Cruz (, FDCCU@CUVMA.BITNET),
- * Columbia University Center for Computing Activities.
- *
- * 1.00 - May 13, 1991 : E. Engelke - stole negotiations from Frank's
- * & F. Da Cruz telnet portion of C-KERMIT
- * 0.04 - May 7, 1991 : E. Engelke - got echo/no echo working
- * 0.03 - Apr 24, 1991 : E. Engelke - hacked terminal negotiation
- * 0.02 - Mar 24, 1991 : E. Engelke - convert r to n for UNIX compatibility
- * 0.01 - Feb , 1991 : E. Engelke - converted Bruce's program to TCP
- * - 1.00 - : B. Campbell- created original program
- *
- * To force a particular terminal type, set the environment variable
- * tcpterm to something like vt102, vt100, etc.
- *
- * To decrease the size of the executable I have used outs rather than
- * printf. outs is used by the Waterloo TCP kernal for displaying error
- * messages through the BIOS services.
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <mem.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <tcp.h>
- typedef struct stk {
- word bp,di,si,ds,es,dx,cx,bx,ax,ip,cs,flgs;
- };
- extern outhexes( byte far *p, int n );
- #define IAC 255
- #define DONT 254
- #define DO 253
- #define WONT 252
- #define WILL 251
- #define SB 250
- #define BREAK 243
- #define SE 240
- #define TELOPT_ECHO 1
- #define TELOPT_SGA 3
- #define TELOPT_STATUS 5
- #define TELOPT_TTYPE 24
- #define NTELOPTS 24
- #define TCPTERM "TCPTERM" /* environment variable */
- char termtype[ 32 ]; /* from the environment, used in negotiations */
- int echo = 1; /* default on, but hate it */
- #define TRANSMIT_TICKS 1 /* do the transmit after this many ticks */
- #define TRANSMIT_BUF_SIZE 4096
- #define TRANSMIT_MAX 256 /* most to transmit at a time */
- #define RECEIVE_TICKS 1
- #define RECEIVE_BUF_SIZE 4096
- extern unsigned long rdvct();
- extern unsigned long get_general();
- void far serial_2();
- void far serial_t();
- unsigned char transmit_buffer[ TRANSMIT_BUF_SIZE ];
- unsigned char receive_buffer[ RECEIVE_BUF_SIZE ];
- unsigned int tran_in = 0;
- unsigned int tran_out = 0;
- unsigned int rec_in = 0;
- unsigned int rec_out = 0;
- int transmit_clock = TRANSMIT_TICKS;
- int receive_clock = RECEIVE_TICKS;
- void interrupt far (*old14)(void);
- void interrupt far (*old8)(void);
- word oldsp, oldss;
- char stack[ 8192 ];
- char bigbuf[ 8192 ]; /* used to speed up tcp recvs */
- longword host;
- tcp_Socket *s, socketdata;
- int moved_vectors = 0;
- int sock_status = 0;
- int sem_stack = 0;
- struct stk far *stkptr;
- longword recvtimeout;
- /* TCP/IP Telnet negotiation support code */
- static int sgaflg = 0; /* telnet SGA flag */
- #ifndef TELCMDS
- char *telcmds[] = {
- "SE", "NOP", "DMARK", "BRK", "IP", "AO", "AYT", "EC",
- "EL", "GA", "SB", "WILL", "WONT", "DO", "DONT", "IAC",
- };
- #endif /* TELCMDS */
- char *telopts[] = {
- };
- int ntelopts = sizeof(telopts) / sizeof(char *);
- /*
- * prototypes
- */
- void do_reception(void);
- int do_transmission(void);
- int ttinc( int fast );
- int tn_sttyp(void);
- unsigned sytek_int( unsigned ax /*, unsigned dx */ );
- /*
- * send_iac - send interupt character and pertanent stuff
- * - return 0 on success
- */
- int send_iac( char cmd, char opt)
- {
- byte io_data[3];
- io_data[0] = IAC;
- io_data[1] = cmd;
- io_data[2] = opt;
- sock_fastwrite( s, io_data, 3 );
- return( !tcp_tick( s ));
- }
- /* Initialize a telnet connection. */
- /* Returns -1 on error, 0 is ok */
- int tn_ini( void )
- {
- sgaflg = 0; /* SGA flag starts out this way. */
- if (send_iac( WILL, TELOPT_TTYPE )) return( -1 );
- if (send_iac( DO, TELOPT_SGA )) return( -1 );
- /*
- * The ECHO negotiations are not necessary for talking to full-duplex
- * systems, and they don't seem to do any good when sent to half-duplex
- * ones -- they still refuse to echo, and what's worse, they get into
- * prolonged negotiation loops. Real telnet sends only the two above
- * at the beginning of a connection.
- */
- if (send_iac(WONT,TELOPT_ECHO)) return( -1 ); /* I won't echo. */
- if (send_iac(DO,TELOPT_ECHO)) return( -1 ); /* Please, you echo. */
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * Process in-band Telnet negotiation characters from the remote host.
- * Call with the telnet IAC character and the current duplex setting
- * (0 = remote echo, 1 = local echo).
- * Returns:
- * 0 on success
- * -1 on failure (= internal or i/o error)
- */
- #define TSBUFSIZ 41
- char sb[TSBUFSIZ]; /* Buffer for subnegotiations */
- int tn_doop(int c)
- {
- int x, y, n, flag;
- x = ttinc(0) & 0xff; /* Read command character */
- switch (x) {
- case TELOPT_ECHO: /* ECHO negotiation. */
- if (c == WILL) { /* Host says it will echo. */
- if (echo) { /* Only reply if change required */
- echo = 0;
- if (send_iac(DO,x)) /* Please do. */
- return(-1);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- if (c == WONT) { /* Host says it won't echo. */
- if (!echo) { /* If I'm not echoing already */
- if (send_iac(DONT,x)) /* agree to echo. */
- return(-1);
- echo = 1;
- }
- return(0);
- }
- if (c == DO) { /* Host wants me to echo */
- if (send_iac(WONT,x)) /* I say I won't, */
- return(-1);
- if (send_iac(DO,x)) /* and ask the host to echo. */
- return(-1);
- echo = 0;
- return( 0 );
- }
- if (c == DONT) { /* Host wants me not to echo */
- if (send_iac(WONT,x)) /* I say I won't. */
- return(-1);
- echo = 0;
- return( 0 );
- }
- return(0);
- case TELOPT_SGA: /* Suppress Go-Ahead */
- if (c == WONT) { /* Host says it won't. */
- sgaflg = 1; /* Remember. */
- if (!echo) { /* If we're not echoing, */
- if (send_iac(DONT,x)) /* acknowledge, */
- return(-1);
- echo = 1; /* and switch to local echo. */
- }
- }
- if (c == WILL) { /* Host says it will. */
- sgaflg = 0; /* Remember. */
- if (echo) { /* If I'm echoing now, */
- if (send_iac(DO,x)) /* this is a change, so ACK. */
- return(-1);
- if (send_iac(DO,TELOPT_ECHO)) /* Request remote echo */
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- return(0);
- case TELOPT_TTYPE: /* Terminal Type */
- switch (c) {
- case DO: /* DO terminal type. */
- if (send_iac(WILL,x)) /* Say I'll send it if asked. */
- return(-1);
- return(0);
- /* enter subnegociations */
- case SB:
- n = flag = 0; /* Flag for when done reading SB */
- while (n < TSBUFSIZ) { /* Loop looking for IAC SE */
- if ((y = ttinc(0)) < 0)
- return(-1);
- y &= 0xff; /* Make sure it's just 8 bits. */
- sb[n++] = y; /* Save what we got in buffer. */
- if (y == IAC) { /* If this is an IAC */
- flag = 1; /* set the flag. */
- } else { /* Otherwise, */
- if (flag && y == SE) /* if this is SE which immediately */
- break; /* follows IAC, we're done. */
- else flag = 0; /* Otherwise turn off flag. */
- }
- }
- if (!flag)
- return(-1); /* Make sure we got a valid SB */
- if ( *sb == 1 ) {
- if ( tn_sttyp() )
- return(-1);
- };
- default: /* Others, ignore */
- return(0);
- }
- default: /* All others: refuse */
- switch(c) {
- case WILL: /* You will? */
- if (send_iac(DONT,x)) /* Please don't. */
- return(-1);
- break;
- case DO: /* You want me to? */
- if (send_iac(WONT,x)) /* I won't. */
- return(-1);
- if (send_iac(DONT,x)) /* Don't you either. */
- return(-1);
- break;
- case DONT: /* (fall thru...) */
- if (send_iac(WONT,x)) /* I won't. */
- return(-1);
- case WONT: /* You won't? */
- break; /* Good. */
- }
- return(0);
- }
- }
- /*
- * serial port portion
- *
- */
- /* Telnet send terminal type */
- /* Returns -1 on error, 0 on success */
- int tn_sttyp(void)
- { /* Send telnet terminal type. */
- char *ttn;
- int ttl; /* Name & length of terminal type. */
- ttn = termtype; /* we already got this from environment */
- if ((*ttn == 0) || ((ttl = strlen(ttn)) >= TSBUFSIZ)) {
- ttn = "UNKNOWN";
- ttl = 7;
- }
- ttn = strcpy(&sb[1],ttn); /* Copy to subnegotiation buffer */
- ttn = strchr( strupr(ttn), 0 );
- *sb = 0; /* 'is'... */
- *ttn++ = IAC;
- *ttn = SE;
- if (send_iac(SB,TELOPT_TTYPE)) /* Send: Terminal Type */
- return(-1);
- sock_fastwrite( s, sb, ttl+3 );
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * ttinc - destructively read a character from our buffer
- * - if fast = 0, never times out
- */
- int ttinc( int fast )
- {
- char ch;
- /* organized to reduce number of set_timeouts when data waiting */
- while ( rec_in == rec_out ) {
- if ( !tcp_tick( s )) {
- sock_status = 0;
- s = NULL;
- return( -1 );
- }
- /* do processing */
- kbhit();
- do_transmission();
- do_reception();
- if (fast) break;
- }
- ch = receive_buffer[ rec_out ];
- if ( ++rec_out >= RECEIVE_BUF_SIZE ) rec_out = 0;
- return( (word)(ch) & 0x00ff );
- }
- void interrupt ourhandler(unsigned bp /* , unsigned di, unsigned si, unsigned ds,
- unsigned es, unsigned dx, unsigned cx, unsigned bx, unsigned ax,
- unsigned ip, unsigned cs, unsigned flgs */) /* trailing parms not used */
- {
- stkptr = (struct stk far *)&bp;
- oldss = _SS;
- oldsp = _SP;
- _SS = FP_SEG(stack);
- _SP = FP_OFF(&stack[ sizeof( stack ) - 2 ]);
- stkptr->ax = sytek_int( stkptr->ax /*, stkptr->dx*/ );
- _SS = oldss;
- _SP = oldsp;
- }
- void stuff_char( char ch )
- {
- transmit_buffer[ tran_in ] = ch;
- tran_in = (tran_in + 1) % TRANSMIT_BUF_SIZE;
- }
- unsigned sytek_int( unsigned ax /*, unsigned dx */ )
- {
- unsigned char ah;
- unsigned char ch;
- /* int sent; */
- unsigned int status;
- if ( !s ) {
- return( 0x1000 ); /* timeout */
- }
- if (chk_timeout( recvtimeout )) {
- do_reception();
- recvtimeout = set_ttimeout( 2 ); /* 10 ms */
- }
- /* disable(); receive_clock = RECEIVE_TICKS; enable(); } */
- ah = ax >> 8;
- if( ah == 1 ) { /* send char in AL */
- ch = ax & 0x0FF;
- /* if (ch == 'r') ch = 'n'; */
- if( ((tran_in + 1) % TRANSMIT_BUF_SIZE) == tran_out ) {
- outs( "?tr_buf_full?" );
- status = 0x08000 | ch;
- } else {
- if ((ch == 'r') && echo ) stuff_char( 'n' );
- else stuff_char( ch );
- status = 0x06000 | ch;
- /* local echoing if requested */
- if ( echo ) {
- receive_buffer[ rec_in ] = ch;
- rec_in = (rec_in + 1) % RECEIVE_BUF_SIZE;
- if (ch == 'r') {
- receive_buffer[ rec_in ] = 'n';
- rec_in = (rec_in + 1) % RECEIVE_BUF_SIZE;
- }
- }
- }
- } else if( ah == 2 ) { /* receive char into AL */
- do {
- ch = 0;
- if( rec_in == rec_out )
- status = 0x08000;
- else {
- status = ch = (ttinc( 0 ) & 0xff);
- if ( ch == IAC ) {
- /* process this stuff */
- ch = ttinc( 0 );
- if ( ch == IAC ) ch = 0; /* let it pass through */
- else tn_doop(ch);
- }
- }
- } while ( ch == IAC );
- /* status = 0x0800; timeout */
- }
- else if( ah == 3 ) { /* get status */
- if( rec_in == rec_out )
- status = 0x06010;
- else {
- status = 0x06110;
- }
- } else if( ah == 0 ) { /* init port */
- status = 0x06010;
- } else {
- status = ax;
- outs( "?command_err?" );
- }
- /* here we do the io */
- if( transmit_clock <= 0 ) {
- do_transmission();
- disable();
- transmit_clock = TRANSMIT_TICKS;
- enable();
- }
- return( status );
- }
- void sytek_tick( void )
- {
- if( transmit_clock ) transmit_clock--;
- if( receive_clock ) receive_clock--;
- }
- void interrupt tcpport_tick( void )
- {
- (*old8)();
- if( transmit_clock ) transmit_clock--;
- if( receive_clock ) receive_clock--;
- }
- void do_reception(void)
- {
- unsigned int maxtransfer;
- #ifdef OLD
- unsigned int newtransfer;
- int status;
- unsigned int chars_avail, i;
- #endif
- sock_tick( s, &status );
- #ifdef OLD
- if ( sock_dataready( s )) {
- if (rec_out > rec_in ) {
- /* we can fill intermediate portion of buffer */
- maxtransfer = rec_out - rec_in;
- } else {
- /* we fill end of buffer and leave start for next attempt */
- maxtransfer = RECEIVE_BUF_SIZE - rec_in;
- }
- if (maxtransfer) {
- rec_in += sock_fastread( s, &receive_buffer[ rec_in ], maxtransfer );
- if ( rec_in >= RECEIVE_BUF_SIZE )
- rec_in -= RECEIVE_BUF_SIZE;
- }
- }
- #else
- maxtransfer = RECEIVE_BUF_SIZE - rec_in;
- if (rec_out > rec_in) maxtransfer = rec_out - rec_in;
- maxtransfer = sock_recv( s, &receive_buffer[ rec_in ], maxtransfer );
- if (maxtransfer)
- rec_in = (rec_in + maxtransfer) % RECEIVE_BUF_SIZE ;
- #endif OLD
- /* return( 0 ); */
- return;
- sock_err:
- switch (status) {
- case 1 : outs("nr7[??Host closed connection??]nr");
- break;
- case-1 : outs("nr7[??Host reset connection??]nr");
- break;
- }
- s = NULL;
- sock_status = 0;
- }
- int do_transmission(void)
- {
- unsigned int send_chars;
- int status;
- if( tran_in == tran_out ) return(0);
- if( tran_in > tran_out )
- send_chars = tran_in - tran_out;
- else
- send_chars = TRANSMIT_BUF_SIZE - tran_out;
- if( send_chars > TRANSMIT_MAX ) send_chars = TRANSMIT_MAX;
- sock_flushnext( s );
- send_chars = sock_fastwrite( s, &transmit_buffer[ tran_out], send_chars );
- /* this only changes it by the number of bytes we have emptied out */
- tran_out = (tran_out + send_chars) % TRANSMIT_BUF_SIZE;
- return(0);
- }
- int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
- {
- /* int i; */
- int status = 0;
- char *temp;
- if (argc < 4 ) {
- outs("SERTN host port program optionsnr");
- exit(1);
- }
- sock_init();
- if (!( host = resolve( argv[1] ))) {
- outs( "Bad Hostnr" );
- exit(1);
- }
- if ( (temp = getenv( TCPTERM )) != NULL ) {
- /* deal with strncpy limitation */
- movmem( temp, termtype, sizeof( termtype ));
- termtype[ sizeof(termtype) -1 ] = 0;
- outs( termtype );
- outs("nr");
- } else
- strcpy(termtype, "UNKNOWN");
- s = &socketdata;
- if ( host == my_ip_addr ) {
- outs("Incomming sessions not");
- sock_wait_established( s, 0, NULL, &status );
- exit( -3 );
- }
- if (! tcp_open( s, 0, host, atoi( argv[2]), NULL )) {
- #ifndef OLD
- sock_recv_init( s, bigbuf, sizeof( bigbuf ), 0);
- #endif OLD
- outs( "Unable to opennr");
- exit(1);
- }
- sock_wait_established( s, sock_delay, NULL, &status );
- sock_mode( s, TCP_MODE_NAGLE );
- sock_status = 1; /* allow interrupts */
- /* move vectors */
- moved_vectors = 1;
- old8 = getvect( 0x08 );
- old14 = getvect( 0x014 );
- /*
- setvect( 0x08, (void interrupt (*)())serial_t );
- */
- setvect( 0x08, tcpport_tick );
- setvect( 0x014,ourhandler); /* was serial_2 */
- recvtimeout = set_ttimeout( 1 );
- outs("Running...");
- outs( argv[3] );
- outs( "nr");
- system( argv[ argc-1 ] );
- outs("Done, now closing sessionnr");
- setvect( 0x014, old14 );
- setvect( 0x08, old8 );
- moved_vectors = 0;
- if ( s ) {
- sock_close( s );
- sock_wait_closed( s, sock_delay, NULL, &status );
- }
- sock_err:
- switch (status) {
- case 1 : outs("");
- break;
- case -1: outs("Remote host reset connection.");
- break;
- }
- if (moved_vectors) {
- setvect( 0x014, old14 );
- setvect( 0x08, old8 );
- }
- exit( (status)? 2 : 0);
- return (0); /* not reached */
- }