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Package: wattcp.rar [view]
Upload User: better800
Upload Date: 2022-06-13
Package Size: 1853k
Code Size: 15k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
- #include <copyright.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <tcp.h>
- /* domain name server protocol
- *
- * This portion of the code needs some major work. I ported it (read STOLE IT)
- * from NCSA and lost about half the code somewhere in the process.
- *
- * Note, this is a user level process. We include <tcp.h> not <wattcp.h>
- *
- * 0.2 : Apr 24, 1991 - use substring portions of domain
- * 0.1 : Mar 18, 1991 - improved the trailing domain list
- * 0.0 : Feb 19, 1991 - pirated by Erick Engelke
- * -1.0 : - NCSA code
- */
- /* These next 'constants' are loaded from WATTCP.CFG file */
- extern char *def_domain;
- extern char *loc_domain; /* current subname to be used by the domain system */
- extern longword def_nameservers[ MAX_NAMESERVERS ];
- extern int _last_nameserver;
- extern word _domaintimeout = 0;
- static longword timeoutwhen;
- /*
- longword def_nameserver;
- longword def2_nameserver;
- */
- static udp_Socket *dom_sock;
- #define DOMSIZE 512 /* maximum domain message size to mess with */
- /*
- * Header for the DOMAIN queries
- * We are the poor slobs who are incompatible with the world's byte order
- */
- struct dhead {
- word ident, /* unique identifier */
- flags,
- qdcount, /* question section, # of entries */
- ancount, /* answers, how many */
- nscount, /* count of name server RRs */
- arcount; /* number of "additional" records */
- };
- /*
- * flag masks for the flags field of the DOMAIN header
- */
- #define DQR 0x8000 /* query = 0, response = 1 */
- #define DOPCODE 0x7100 /* opcode, see below */
- #define DAA 0x0400 /* Authoritative answer */
- #define DTC 0x0200 /* Truncation, response was cut off at 512 */
- #define DRD 0x0100 /* Recursion desired */
- #define DRA 0x0080 /* Recursion available */
- #define DRCODE 0x000F /* response code, see below */
- /* opcode possible values: */
- #define DOPQUERY 0 /* a standard query */
- #define DOPIQ 1 /* an inverse query */
- #define DOPCQM 2 /* a completion query, multiple reply */
- #define DOPCQU 3 /* a completion query, single reply */
- /* the rest reserved for future */
- /* legal response codes: */
- #define DROK 0 /* okay response */
- #define DRFORM 1 /* format error */
- #define DRFAIL 2 /* their problem, server failed */
- #define DRNAME 3 /* name error, we know name doesn't exist */
- #define DRNOPE 4 /* no can do request */
- #define DRNOWAY 5 /* name server refusing to do request */
- #define DTYPEA 1 /* host address resource record (RR) */
- #define DTYPEPTR 12 /* a domain name ptr */
- #define DIN 1 /* ARPA internet class */
- #define DWILD 255 /* wildcard for several of the classifications */
- /*
- * a resource record is made up of a compressed domain name followed by
- * this structure. All of these ints need to be byteswapped before use.
- */
- struct rrpart {
- word rtype, /* resource record type = DTYPEA */
- rclass; /* RR class = DIN */
- longword ttl; /* time-to-live, changed to 32 bits */
- word rdlength; /* length of next field */
- byte rdata[DOMSIZE]; /* data field */
- };
- /*
- * data for domain name lookup
- */
- static struct useek {
- struct dhead h;
- byte x[DOMSIZE];
- } *question;
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* packdom
- * pack a regular text string into a packed domain name, suitable
- * for the name server.
- *
- * returns length
- */
- static packdom(dst,src)
- char *src,*dst;
- {
- char *p,*q,*savedst;
- int i,dotflag,defflag;
- p = src;
- dotflag = defflag = 0;
- savedst = dst;
- do { /* copy whole string */
- *dst = 0;
- q = dst + 1;
- while (*p && (*p != '.'))
- *q++ = *p++;
- i = p - src;
- if (i > 0x3f)
- return(-1);
- *dst = i;
- *q = 0;
- if (*p) { /* update pointers */
- dotflag = 1;
- src = ++p;
- dst = q;
- }
- else if (!dotflag && !defflag && loc_domain) {
- p = loc_domain; /* continue packing with default */
- defflag = 1;
- src = p;
- dst = q;
- }
- }
- while (*p);
- q++;
- return(q-savedst); /* length of packed string */
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* unpackdom
- * Unpack a compressed domain name that we have received from another
- * host. Handles pointers to continuation domain names -- buf is used
- * as the base for the offset of any pointer which is present.
- * returns the number of bytes at src which should be skipped over.
- * Includes the NULL terminator in its length count.
- */
- static unpackdom(dst,src,buf)
- char *src,*dst,buf[];
- {
- int i,j,retval;
- char *savesrc;
- savesrc = src;
- retval = 0;
- while (*src) {
- j = *src;
- while ((j & 0xC0) == 0xC0) {
- if (!retval)
- retval = src-savesrc+2;
- src++;
- src = &buf[(j & 0x3f)*256+*src]; /* pointer dereference */
- j = *src;
- }
- src++;
- for (i=0; i < (j & 0x3f) ; i++)
- *dst++ = *src++;
- *dst++ = '.';
- }
- *(--dst) = 0; /* add terminator */
- src++; /* account for terminator on src */
- if (!retval)
- retval = src-savesrc;
- return(retval);
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* sendom
- * put together a domain lookup packet and send it
- * uses port 53
- * num is used as identifier
- */
- static sendom(s,towho,num)
- char *s;
- longword towho;
- word num;
- {
- word i,ulen;
- byte *psave,*p;
- psave = (byte*)&(question->x);
- i = packdom(&(question->x),s);
- p = &(question->x[i]);
- *p++ = 0; /* high byte of qtype */
- *p++ = DTYPEA; /* number is < 256, so we know high byte=0 */
- *p++ = 0; /* high byte of qclass */
- *p++ = DIN; /* qtype is < 256 */
- question->h.ident = intel16(num);
- ulen = sizeof(struct dhead)+(p-psave);
- udp_open( dom_sock, 997, towho, 53, NULL ); /* divide err */
- sock_write( dom_sock, question, ulen );
- return( ulen);
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* senrdom
- * put together a reverse domain lookup packet and send it
- * uses port 53
- * num is used as identifier
- */
- static sendrdom(char *s, longword towhom, word num )
- {
- word i,ulen;
- byte *psave,*p;
- psave = (byte*)&(question->x);
- i = packdom(&(question->x),s);
- p = &(question->x[i]);
- *p++ = 0; /* high byte of qtype */
- *p++ = DTYPEA; /* want host address */
- *p++ = 0; /* high byte of qclass */
- *p++ = DIN; /* qtype is < 256 */
- question->h.ident = intel16(num);
- ulen = sizeof(struct dhead)+(p-psave);
- udp_open( dom_sock, 997, towho, 53, NULL ); /* divide err */
- sock_write( dom_sock, question, ulen );
- return( ulen);
- }
- static int countpaths(pathstring)
- char *pathstring;
- {
- int count = 0;
- char *p;
- for(p=pathstring; (*p != 0) || (*(p+1) != 0); p++) {
- if(*p == 0)
- count++;
- }
- return(++count);
- }
- static char *getpath(pathstring,whichone)
- char *pathstring; /* the path list to search */
- int whichone; /* which path to get, starts at 1 */
- {
- char *retval;
- if(whichone > countpaths(pathstring))
- return(NULL);
- whichone--;
- for(retval = pathstring;whichone ; retval++ ) {
- if(*retval == 0)
- whichone--;
- }
- return(retval);
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* ddextract
- * extract the ip number from a response message.
- * returns the appropriate status code and if the ip number is available,
- * copies it into mip
- */
- static longword ddextract(qp,mip)
- struct useek *qp;
- unsigned char *mip;
- {
- word i,j,nans,rcode;
- struct rrpart *rrp;
- byte *p,space[260];
- nans = intel16(qp->h.ancount); /* number of answers */
- rcode = DRCODE & intel16(qp->h.flags); /* return code for this message*/
- if (rcode > 0)
- return(rcode);
- if (nans > 0 && /* at least one answer */
- (intel16(qp->h.flags) & DQR)) { /* response flag is set */
- p = (byte *)&qp->x; /* where question starts */
- i = unpackdom(space,p,qp); /* unpack question name */
- /* spec defines name then QTYPE + QCLASS = 4 bytes */
- p += i+4;
- printf(" NAME : ? %sn", space );
- /*
- * at this point, there may be several answers. We will take the first
- * one which has an IP number. There may be other types of answers that
- * we want to support later.
- */
- while (nans-- > 0) { /* look at each answer */
- i = unpackdom(space,p,qp); /* answer name to unpack */
- /* n_puts(space);*/
- p += i; /* account for string */
- rrp = (struct rrpart *)p; /* resource record here */
- /*
- * check things which might not align on 68000 chip one byte at a time
- */
- if (!*p && *(p+1) == DTYPEA && /* correct type and class */
- !*(p+2) && *(p+3) == DIN) {
- movmem(rrp->rdata,mip,4); /* save IP # */
- return(0); /* successful return */
- }
- movmem(&rrp->rdlength,&j,2); /* 68000 alignment */
- p += 10+intel16(j); /* length of rest of RR */
- }
- }
- return(-1); /* generic failed to parse */
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* getdomain
- * Look at the results to see if our DOMAIN request is ready.
- * It may be a timeout, which requires another query.
- */
- static longword udpdom()
- {
- int i,uret;
- longword desired;
- uret = sock_fastread(dom_sock, question, sizeof(struct useek ));
- /* this does not happen */
- if (uret < 0) {
- /* netputevent(USERCLASS,DOMFAIL,-1); */
- return(-1);
- }
- /* num = intel16(question->h.ident); */ /* get machine number */
- /*
- * check to see if the necessary information was in the UDP response
- */
- i = ddextract(question, &desired);
- switch (i) {
- case 3: return(0); /* name does not exist */
- case 0: return(intel(desired)); /* we found the IP number */
- case -1:return( 0 ); /* strange return code from ddextract */
- default:return( 0 ); /* dunno */
- }
- }
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Sdomain
- * DOMAIN based name lookup
- * query a domain name server to get an IP number
- * Returns the machine number of the machine record for future reference.
- * Events generated will have this number tagged with them.
- * Returns various negative numbers on error conditions.
- *
- * if adddom is nonzero, add default domain
- */
- static longword Sdomain(mname, adddom, nameserver, timedout )
- char *mname;
- int adddom;
- longword nameserver;
- int *timedout; /* set to 1 on timeout */
- {
- char namebuff[512];
- int isaname;
- int domainsremaining;
- int status, i;
- longword response;
- isaname = !isaddr( mname );
- response = 0;
- *timedout = 1;
- if (!nameserver) { /* no nameserver, give up now */
- outs("No nameserver defined!nr");
- return(0);
- }
- while (*mname && *mname < 33) mname ++; /* kill leading spaces */
- if (!(*mname))
- return(0L);
- question->h.flags = intel16(DRD); /* use recursion */
- question->h.qdcount = 0;
- question->h.ancount = 0;
- question->h.nscount = 0;
- question->h.arcount = 0;
- qinit(); /* initialize some flag fields */
- strcpy( namebuff, mname );
- if ( isaname ) {
- /* forward lookup */
- /* only add these things if we are doing a real name */
- question->h.qdcount = intel16(1);
- if ( adddom ) {
- if(namebuff[strlen(namebuff)-1] != '.') { /* if no trailing dot */
- if(loc_domain) { /* there is a search list */
- domainsremaining = countpaths( loc_domain );
- strcat(namebuff,".");
- strcat(namebuff,getpath(loc_domain,1));
- }
- } else
- namebuff[ strlen(namebuff)-1] = 0; /* kill trailing dot */
- }
- } else {
- /* reverse lookup */
- question->h.ancount = intel16(1);
- }
- /*
- * This is not terribly good, but it attempts to use a binary
- * exponentially increasing delays.
- */
- for ( i = 2; i < 17; i *= 2) {
- if ( isaname ) sendom(namebuff,nameserver, 0xf001); /* try UDP */
- else sendrdom( namebuff, nameserver, 0xf001 );
- ip_timer_init( dom_sock, i );
- do {
- kbhit();
- tcp_tick( dom_sock );
- if (ip_timer_expired( dom_sock )) break;
- if ( watcbroke ) {
- break;
- }
- if (chk_timeout( timeoutwhen ))
- break;
- if ( sock_dataready( dom_sock )) *timedout = 0;
- } while ( *timedout );
- if ( !*timedout ) break; /* got an answer */
- }
- if ( !*timedout )
- response = udpdom(); /* process the received data */
- sock_close( dom_sock );
- return( response );
- }
- /*
- * nextdomain - given domain and count = 0,1,2,..., return next larger
- * domain or NULL when no more are available
- */
- static char *nextdomain( char *domain, int count )
- {
- char *p;
- int i;
- p = domain;
- for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- p = strchr( p, '.' );
- if (!p) return( NULL );
- ++p;
- }
- return( p );
- }
- /*
- * newresolve()
- * convert domain name -> address resolution.
- * returns 0 if name is unresolvable right now
- */
- longword newresolve(name)
- char *name;
- {
- longword ip_address, temp;
- int count, i;
- byte timeout[ MAX_NAMESERVERS ];
- struct useek qp; /* temp buffer */
- udp_Socket ds; /* temp buffer */
- word oldhndlcbrk;
- question = &qp;
- dom_sock = &ds;
- if (!name) return( 0 );
- rip( name );
- if (!_domaintimeout) _domaintimeout = sock_delay << 2;
- timeoutwhen = set_timeout( _domaintimeout );
- count = 0;
- memset( &timeout, 0, sizeof( timeout ));
- oldhndlcbrk = wathndlcbrk;
- wathndlcbrk = 1; /* enable special interrupt mode */
- watcbroke = 0;
- do {
- if (!(loc_domain = nextdomain( def_domain, count )))
- count = -1; /* use default name */
- for ( i = 0; i < _last_nameserver ; ++i ) {
- if (!timeout[i])
- if (ip_address = Sdomain( name , count != -1 ,
- def_nameservers[i], &timeout[i] ))
- break; /* got name, bail out of loop */
- }
- if (count == -1) break;
- count++;
- } while (!ip_address);
- watcbroke = 0; /* always clean up */
- wathndlcbrk = oldhndlcbrk;
- return( ip_address );
- }
- main(int argc, char **argv )
- {
- char *name;
- longword host;
- int status,i;
- char buffer[ 20];
- if (argc < 2) {
- puts("HOST hostname");
- exit(3);
- }
- sock_init();
- for ( i = 1 ; i < argc ; ++i ) {
- if ((*argv[i] == '/') || (*argv[i] == '-' )) {
- }
- else {
- name = strdup( argv[i] );
- printf("resolving "%s"...", name );
- host = newresolve( name );
- printf("r");
- clreol();
- }
- }
- if ( host ) {
- printf("r");
- clreol();
- printf("%s : %sn", name, inet_ntoa( buffer , host ));
- }
- exit( host ? 0 : 1 );
- }
- /* udpdom && ddextract(question, &desired); */