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Package: wattcp.rar [view]
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TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
- /*
- * LPR - dump job to printer
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1991 Erick Engelke
- *
- * Portions Copyright (C) 1990, National Center for Supercomputer Applications
- * and portions copyright (c) 1990, Clarkson University
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it, but you may not sell it.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
- * merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
- *
- * Erick Engelke or via E-Mail
- * Faculty of Engineering
- * University of Waterloo
- * 200 University Ave.,
- * Waterloo, Ont., Canada
- * N2L 3G1
- *
- *
- * The following notes on control and data files were obtained from Clarkson's
- * CUTE project.
- *
- *
- * Control File: format is the first character in the line is a command,
- * the rest of the line is the argument. Also note lowercase letters
- * denote the data file names (of various types).
- *
- * currently valid commands are:
- *
- * J -- "job name" on banner page
- * C -- "class name" on banner page
- * L -- "literal" user's name to print on banner
- * T -- "title" for pr
- * H -- "host name" of machine where lpr was done
- * P -- "person" user's login name
- * I -- "indent" amount to indent output
- * f -- "file name" name of text file to print
- * l -- "file name" text file with control chars
- * p -- "file name" text file to print with pr(1)
- * t -- "file name" troff(1) file to print
- * n -- "file name" ditroff(1) file to print
- * d -- "file name" dvi file to print
- * g -- "file name" plot(1G) file to print
- * v -- "file name" plain raster file to print (impress)
- * c -- "file name" cifplot file to print
- * 1 -- "R font file" for troff
- * 2 -- "I font file" for troff
- * 3 -- "B font file" for troff
- * 4 -- "S font file" for troff
- * N -- "name" of file (used by lpq)
- * U -- "unlink" name of file to remove
- * (after we print it. (Pass 2 only)).
- * M -- "mail" to user when done printing
- *
- * Currently it looks like only a lowercase filename and U command are
- * necessary. However one should also include J, L, H, and P.
- *
- * In general the lpd program doesn't care what the data file looks like.
- * It should however be of the type specified in the control file
- * otherwise it will probably print incorrectly.
- *
- * The format is ?fA<number><hostname>. ? is either c for control or d
- * for data files. Number is a 3 digit number (0 padded) used for job
- * number information. Hostname is the name of the originating host and
- * had best be equal to whatever shows up in the from field when a
- * connection is opened (ie probably should be the "real" hostname).
- * Currently all of these must be used as the program has them compiled in
- * (by stupid use of pointers). I may change this in time but currently
- * it is the law if you want everything to work (some things will work
- * just fine without it, queueing a file just wants names, showing the
- * queue expects a number to start in the fourth position, deleting a file
- * expects the hostname to start in the 7th position and go to the end of
- * the filename.
- *
- * default userid = server = "UNKNOWN";
- *
- * get's sequence file from getenv( "SEQUENCE" )
- * else "SEQUENCE.LPR"
- *
- * if ( ( title = getenv( "TITLE" )) == NULL )
- * title = "stdprn";
- * if ( ( jobname = getenv( "JOBNAME" )) == NULL )
- * jobname = "job_name";
- * if ( ( class = getenv("CLASS")) == NULL )
- * class = server
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include <tcp.h>
- #define SHORT_LIST 3
- #define LONG_LIST 4
- #define MFCF_COUNT 5
- char *mfcf[MFCF_COUNT];
- #define LPQ_PORT 515
- #define LOCAL_PORT 722
- char *seqwhere;
- word getsequence( void )
- {
- static word oldseq = 0;
- FILE *f;
- if ( ! oldseq ) {
- /* must look to disk for an old sequence number */
- if ( (f = fopen( seqwhere, "rt" )) != NULL ) {
- fscanf( f, "%u", &oldseq );
- fclose( f );
- }
- }
- oldseq = ( oldseq + 1 ) % 1000;
- if ( (f = fopen( seqwhere, "wt" )) != NULL ) {
- fprintf( f, "%u", oldseq );
- fclose( f );
- }
- return( oldseq );
- }
- int lpr( char *localhostname, char *printer, char *rhostname, char *filename,
- char *title, char *jobname, char *class, char *username, char *servername )
- {
- static tcp_Socket socketdata;
- tcp_Socket *s;
- longword filesize;
- longword host;
- int status = 0;
- int connected = 0;
- int completed = 0;
- int localport;
- word seqnum, i;
- static char buffer[ 1024 ];
- char *b2;
- char remotename[ 80 ];
- static char cmdfile[ 1024 ];
- longword remaining;
- word found;
- FILE *f;
- if (( *class == 0 ) || (*class == ' ')) class = NULL;
- for ( i = 0; i < MFCF_COUNT ; ++i ) {
- if ( mfcf[ i ] )
- printf("Extra option: %sn", mfcf[i] );
- }
- if ( (f = fopen( filename, "rb")) == NULL ) {
- printf("Unable to open file '%s'n", filename );
- return( 3 );
- }
- sock_init();
- s = &socketdata;
- if (!(host = resolve( rhostname ))) {
- printf( "lpq: unknown host %sn",rhostname);
- return(1);
- }
- localport = 255 + (MsecClock() & 255);
- if ( !tcp_open( s, localport, host, LPQ_PORT, NULL)) {
- printf("Unable to open socket.");
- tcp_shutdown();
- return(1);
- }
- printf( "connecting...r");
- sock_wait_established( s, sock_delay, NULL, &status );
- connected = 1;
- printf("connection establishedn");
- /* is there an opening message - non-standard but possible */
- if (sock_dataready( s )) {
- sock_fastread( s, buffer, sizeof( buffer ));
- sock_tick( s, &status ); /* in case above message closed port */
- }
- /* use ipnumber/time */
- seqnum = getsequence();
- sprintf(remotename,"fA%03u%s", seqnum, localhostname );
- /* we are connected */
- sprintf( buffer, "2%sn", printer ); /* select a printer */
- sock_puts( s, buffer );
- /* state #2 */
- sock_wait_input( s, sock_delay, NULL, &status );
- sock_fastread( s, buffer, sizeof( buffer ));
- switch (*buffer) {
- case 0 : break;
- case 1 : printf("Printer '%s' is not availablen", printer);
- goto close_it;
- default: rip( buffer );
- printf("ERROR: %sn", buffer);
- goto close_it;
- }
- /* printer is accepted, printing file */
- filesize = filelength( fileno( f ));
- sprintf( buffer, "3%ld d%sn", filesize, remotename );
- sock_puts( s , buffer );
- sock_wait_input( s, sock_delay, NULL, &status );
- /* state 3, reply from filename */
- sock_fastread( s, buffer, sizeof( buffer ));
- switch (*buffer) {
- case 0: break;
- case 1: printf("remote host complains of bad connection");
- goto close_it;
- case 2: puts("remote host out of storage space");
- goto close_it;
- }
- /* dump file */
- remaining = filesize;
- do {
- cprintf("Transferred: %lu %c r",
- ((filesize - remaining + 1L)*100L)/(filesize+1), 37 );
- backgroundon();
- if ( (found = fread( buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), f)) == 0 )
- break;
- backgroundoff();
- sock_write( s, buffer, found );
- sock_tick( s , &status );
- if (sock_dataready( s )) {
- puts("LPR: interrupted on transfer...");
- goto close_it;
- }
- } while ( (remaining -= (longword)found) > 0 );
- sock_putc( s, 0 );
- /* check on status of this file */
- sock_wait_input( s, sock_delay, NULL, &status );
- sock_fastread( s, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- switch (*buffer) {
- case 0: break;
- default:puts("file was rejected");
- goto close_it; /* could retry */
- }
- sprintf( cmdfile, "H%sn" "P%sn" "C%sn" "L%sn",
- servername, /* eg "development" */
- username, /* eg "erick", */
- class ? class : servername, /* eg "NDSW or development", */
- username ); /* eg "erick" for on banner */
- for ( i = 0 ; i < MFCF_COUNT ; ++i ) {
- if ( mfcf[i] ) {
- strcat( cmdfile, mfcf[i] );
- strcat( cmdfile, "n" );
- }
- }
- b2 = strchr( cmdfile, 0 );
- sprintf( b2, "T%sn" "fd%sn" "N%sn" "Ud%sn" "J%sn",
- title, /* title */
- remotename, /* file processor */
- title, /* name */
- remotename,
- jobname
- );
- printf("nOptions:n%sn", cmdfile );
- sprintf( buffer, "2%d c%sn", strlen( cmdfile ), remotename );
- sock_puts( s , buffer );
- sock_flush( s );
- sock_wait_input( s, sock_delay, NULL, &status );
- sock_fastread( s, buffer, sizeof( buffer ));
- switch (*buffer) {
- case 0: break;
- case 1: puts("Bad connection");
- goto close_it;
- case 2: puts("Out of space on host");
- goto close_it;
- default:puts("Unknown error");
- goto close_it;
- }
- sock_puts( s, cmdfile );
- sock_putc( s, 0 );
- sock_flush( s );
- sock_wait_input( s, sock_delay, NULL, &status );
- sock_fastread( s, buffer, sizeof( buffer ));
- switch (*buffer) {
- case 0: puts("Completed - job accepted");
- completed = 1;
- sock_putc( s, 0 );
- sock_flush( s );
- break;
- default:puts("Control file rejected");
- status = 3;
- break;
- }
- /* all roads come here */
- close_it:
- sock_tick( s, &status); /* in case they sent reset */
- sock_close( s );
- sock_wait_closed( s, sock_delay, NULL, &status );
- sock_err:
- switch( status ) {
- case 1: break;
- case-1: printf("Remote host reset connectionnr");
- status = 3;
- break;
- }
- if (!connected)
- printf( "nrCould not get connected. Perhaps you were not in the /etc/hosts.lpd file!nr");
- return( !completed );
- }
- int main( int argc, char **argv )
- {
- char remotename[128];
- char *hostname;
- char *filename;
- char *printer;
- char *userid, *server;
- char *title, *jobname;
- char *rhostname;
- char *class;
- int status, i;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < MFCF_COUNT ; ++i ) {
- sprintf( remotename, "MFCF%u", i );
- mfcf[i] = getenv( remotename );
- if ( *mfcf[i] == 0 ) mfcf[i] = NULL;
- }
- userid = server = "UNKNOWN";
- if ((seqwhere = getenv( "SEQUENCE" )) == NULL )
- seqwhere = SEQFILE;
- if ( ( title = getenv( "TITLE" )) == NULL )
- title = "stdprn";
- if ( ( jobname = getenv( "JOBNAME" )) == NULL )
- jobname = "job_name";
- class = getenv("CLASS");
- puts("LPR using Waterloo TCP");
- switch (argc) {
- case 3:
- /* no printername */
- rhostname = argv[1];
- filename = argv[2];
- printer = "lp";
- break;
- case 6:
- /* whole thing */
- userid = argv[4];
- server = argv[5]; /* and continue on below */
- case 4:
- /* Hostname and printer */
- printer = argv[1];
- rhostname = argv[2];
- filename = argv[3];
- break;
- default:
- printf( "Usage: LPR [printer] host filename [userid server]");
- exit(1);
- }
- hostname = gethostname( NULL, 0 );
- if ( !hostname || !*hostname ) {
- puts("You must define your hostname in the WATTCP.CFG file!");
- exit( 3 );
- }
- strlwr( hostname );
- strlwr( userid );
- strlwr( server );
- /* 94.11.19 -- removed extra parms */
- status = lpr( hostname, printer, rhostname, filename, title, jobname,
- class, userid, server /*, MFCF_COUNT, mfcf*/ );
- return( status ? 3 : 0 );
- }