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Package: wattcp.rar [view]
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TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
- /*
- *
- * BOOTP - Boot Protocol (RFC 854)
- *
- * These extensions get called if _bootphost is set to an IP address or
- * to 0xffffffff.
- *
- * Version
- *
- * 0.4 : May 11, 1999 : S. Lawson - added DHCP
- * 0.3 : Feb 1, 1992 : J. Dent - patched up various things
- * 0.2 : May 22, 1991 : E.J. Sutcliffe - added RFC_1048 vendor fields
- * 0.1 : May 9, 1991 : E. Engelke - made part of the library
- * 0.0 : May 3, 1991 : E. Engelke - original program as an application
- *
- */
- #include <copyright.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <wattcp.h>
- #include <mem.h>
- #include <bootp.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <string.h> // S. Lawson
- /* global variables */
- longword _bootphost = 0xffffffffL;
- longword _dhcphost = 0xffffffffL; // S. Lawson
- word _bootptimeout = 30;
- word _bootpon = 0;
- static longword dhcp_life; // S. Lawson
- static char dhcp_seen, dhcp_bind; // S. Lawson
- static char got_ns, got_gw, got_cy; // S. Lawson
- static udp_Socket bsock; // S. Lawson
- // S. Lawson - we now use these
- char *getdomainname( char *name, int length );
- char *setdomainname( char *string );
- char *sethostname( char *name );
- #define VM_RFC1048 0x63825363L /* I think this is correct */
- /*
- * _dobootpc - Checks global variables _bootptimeout, _bootphost
- * if no host specified, the broadcast address
- * returns 0 on success and sets ip address
- */
- int _dobootp( void )
- {
- // S. Lawson - moved udp_Socket bsock;
- extern char defaultdomain[]; // S. Lawson - in pcconfig.c
- longword sendtimeout, bootptimeout;
- word magictimeout;
- word len, templen;
- struct bootp sendbootp; /* outgoing data */
- struct bootp _bootp; /* incoming data */
- int status;
- longword xid;
- unsigned char *p ,*t; // R. Whitby - uncomment *t
- longword *l; // S. Lawson
- /*
- const char dhcp_opt[]={DHCP_VN_TYPE,1,DHCP_TY_REQ,DHCP_VN_OPTS,6,1,
- 3,6,42,12,15,0}; */ /* S. Lawson - keep even! */
- const char dhcp_opt[]={DHCP_VN_OPTS,6,1,3,6,42,12,15,0}; /* Shaun Jackman 2000/3/10 */
- // if ( _pktdevclass == PD_SLIP ) return( -1 );
- /* We must get Waterloo TCP to use IP address 0 for sending */
- xid = set_timeout(1); /* random... well, actually time based */
- my_ip_addr = 0;
- dhcp_seen=dhcp_bind=0; // S. Lawson
- got_ns=got_gw=got_cy=0; // S. Lawson
- if (!udp_open( &bsock, IPPORT_BOOTPC, _bootphost, IPPORT_BOOTPS, NULL )) {
- outs("nrUnable to resolve bootp servernr");
- return( -1 );
- }
- bootptimeout = set_timeout( _bootptimeout );
- magictimeout = (xid & 7) + 7; /* between 7 and 14 seconds */
- memset( &sendbootp, 0, sizeof( struct bootp ));
- sendbootp.bp_op = BOOTREQUEST;
- sendbootp.bp_htype = _pktdevclass;
- /* Copy into position the Magic Number used by Bootp */
- /* avoid static storage and pushf/call assembler instructions */
- *(longword *)(&sendbootp.bp_vend) = intel(VM_RFC1048);
- // S. Lawson - append DHCPDISCOVER to vendor field. I'm expecting that
- // a BOOTP server configured with this machines MAC address will simply
- // ignore it and answer anyway, possibly a bad assumption?
- p=&sendbootp.bp_vend[4];
- *p++=DHCP_VN_TYPE;
- *p++=1;
- *p++=DHCP_TY_DSC;
- *p=255;
- if (_pktdevclass == PD_ETHER) sendbootp.bp_hlen = 6;
- sendbootp.bp_xid = xid;
- sendbootp.bp_secs = intel16( 1 );
- // movmem( &_eth_addr, &sendbootp.bp_chaddr, sizeof(eth_address));
- // 94.11.19 ??
- movmem( &_eth_addr, sendbootp.bp_chaddr, sizeof(eth_address));
- while ( 1 ) {
- sock_fastwrite( (sock_type*)&bsock, (byte *)&sendbootp, sizeof( struct bootp ));
- sendbootp.bp_secs = intel16( intel16( sendbootp.bp_secs ) + magictimeout ); /* for next time */
- sendtimeout = set_timeout( magictimeout += (xid >> 5) & 7 );
- while ( !chk_timeout( sendtimeout )) {
- if (chk_timeout( bootptimeout))
- goto give_up;
- kbhit();
- sock_tick( (sock_type*)&bsock, &status );
- status = status; /* get rid of warning */
- if ((len = sock_dataready( (sock_type*)&bsock)) != 0 ) {
- /* got a response, lets consider it */
- templen = sock_fastread( (sock_type*)&bsock, (byte *)&_bootp, sizeof( struct bootp ));
- // S. Lawson - vendor area increased (bootp: 64, dhcp: 312)
- // if ( templen < sizeof( struct bootp )) {
- if ( templen < sizeof( struct bootp ) - (312-64) ) {
- /* too small, not a bootp packet */
- memset( &_bootp, 0, sizeof( struct bootp ));
- continue;
- }
- /* we must see if this is for us */
- if (_bootp.bp_xid != sendbootp.bp_xid) {
- memset( &_bootp, 0, sizeof( struct bootp ));
- continue;
- }
- /* we must have found it */
- my_ip_addr = intel( _bootp.bp_yiaddr );
- // S. Lawson - just in case
- if (!my_ip_addr) {
- outs("Rejecting zero addressrn");
- memset( &_bootp, 0, sizeof( struct bootp ));
- continue;
- }
- dhcp_seen = 0; // S. Lawson
- dhcp_life=0L; // S. Lawson
- if ( intel( *(longword*)(&_bootp.bp_vend)) == VM_RFC1048 ) {
- /*RFC1048 complient BOOTP vendor field */
- /* Based heavily on NCSA Telnet BOOTP */
- p = &_bootp.bp_vend[4]; /* Point just after vendor field */
- // S. Lawson - vendor area increased for dhcp (bootp: 64, dhcp: 312)
- // while ((*p!=255) && (p <= &_bootp.bp_vend[63])) {
- while ((*p!=255) && (p <= &_bootp.bp_vend[311])) {
- switch(*p) {
- case 0: /* Nop Pad character */
- p++;
- break;
- case 1: /* Subnet Mask */
- sin_mask = intel( *(longword *)( &p[2] ));
- /* and fall through */
- case 2: /* Time offset */
- p += *(p+1) + 2;
- break;
- case 3: /* gateways */
- /* only add first */
- if (!got_gw) // S. Lawson
- _arp_add_gateway( NULL,
- intel( *(longword*)(&p[2])));
- p +=*(p+1)+2;
- got_gw=1; // S. Lawson
- break;
- /* and fall through */
- case 4: /*time servers */
- /* fall through */
- case 5: /* IEN=116 name server */
- p +=*(p+1)+2;
- break;
- case 6: /* Domain Name Servers (BIND) */
- if (!got_ns) // S. Lawson
- for ( len = 0; len < *(p+1) ; len += 4 )
- _add_server( &_last_nameserver,
- MAX_NAMESERVERS, def_nameservers,
- intel( *(longword*)(&p[2+len])));
- got_ns=1; // S. Lawson
- /* and fall through */
- case 7: /* log server */
- p += *(p+1)+2;
- break;
- case 8: /* cookie server */
- if (!got_cy) // S. Lawson
- for ( len = 0; len < *(p+1) ; len += 4 )
- _add_server( &_last_cookie, MAX_COOKIES,
- _cookie, intel( *(longword*)(&p[2+len])));
- /* and fall through */
- p +=*(p+1)+2;
- got_cy=1; // S. Lawson
- break;
- case 9: /* lpr server */
- case 10: /* impress server */
- case 11: /* rlp server */
- p +=*(p+1)+2;
- break;
- #ifdef NOTUSED // R. Whitby - handle bootp/dhcp setting of domain name too
- case 12: /* Client Hostname */
- movmem( &p[2] , _hostname, MAX_STRING );
- /* bootpfix - 94.09.30 */
- /* hostname field is *not* null terminated; need to use
- length byte. Extra bytes used to be tacked on the
- end, usually just a single 0xFF char (the end tag).
- Technically should also probably make the
- _hostname buffer 256 chars long so we'll never
- truncate the name arbitrarily... see CMU bootpd. */
- if( *(p+1) < MAX_STRING ) {
- _hostname[ *(p+1) ] = '';
- } else _hostname[ MAX_STRING - 1 ] = '';
- p += *(p+1)+2;
- break;
- #else
- case 12: /* Client Hostname */
- len = *(++p);
- movmem(p+1, p, len); *(p+len) = 0;
- if ((t = strchr((char *)p, '.')) != 0) {
- *t++ = 0;
- if (!getdomainname(NULL, 0)) {
- strncpy(defaultdomain, (char *)t, MAX_STRING);
- defaultdomain[MAX_STRING-1] = 0;
- setdomainname(defaultdomain);
- }
- }
- strncpy(_hostname, (char *)p, MAX_STRING);
- _hostname[MAX_STRING-1] = 0;
- sethostname(_hostname);
- p += len+1;
- break;
- case 15: /* Client Domain */
- len = *(++p);
- if (!getdomainname(NULL, 0)) {
- movmem(p+1, p, len); *(p+len) = 0;
- strncpy(defaultdomain, (char *)p, MAX_STRING);
- defaultdomain[MAX_STRING-1] = 0;
- setdomainname(defaultdomain);
- }
- p += len+1;
- break;
- #endif
- // S. Lawson - handle DHCP type
- case DHCP_VN_TYPE:
- dhcp_seen=1;
- if (!dhcp_bind) {
- if (*(p+2)!=DHCP_TY_OFR) my_ip_addr=0L;
- } else {
- if (*(p+2)!=DHCP_TY_ACK) my_ip_addr=0L;
- }
- p += *(p+1)+2;
- break;
- // S. Lawson - handle server id
- _dhcphost=intel(*(longword*)(&p[2]));
- p += *(p+1)+2;
- break;
- // S. Lawson - handle lease expiration time
- case DHCP_VN_T2TIME:
- dhcp_life=intel(*(longword*)(&p[2]));
- p += *(p+1)+2;
- break;
- case 255:
- break;
- default:
- p +=*(p+1)+2;
- break;
- } /* end of switch */
- } /* end of while */
- }/* end of RFC_1048 if */
- if (dhcp_seen && my_ip_addr==0L) continue; // S. Lawson
- if (!dhcp_seen || dhcp_bind) // S. Lawson
- goto give_up;
- // S. Lawson - append DHCPREQUEST and server/offered IP
- // addresses to vendor field. We should get get a DHCPACK
- // in response
- dhcp_bind=1;
- p=&sendbootp.bp_vend[4];
- *p++=DHCP_VN_TYPE;
- *p++=1;
- *p++=DHCP_TY_REQ;
- movmem(dhcp_opt,p,sizeof(dhcp_opt));
- p+=sizeof(dhcp_opt);
- *p++=4;
- l=(longword *) p, *l++=intel(my_ip_addr), p=(char *) l;
- *p++=4;
- l=(longword *) p, *l++=intel(_dhcphost), p=(char *) l;
- *p=255;
- my_ip_addr=0L;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- give_up:
- sock_close( (sock_type *)&bsock );
- return (my_ip_addr == 0 ); /* return 0 on success */
- sock_err:
- /* major network error if UDP fails */
- sock_close( (sock_type *)&bsock );
- return( -1 );
- }
- // S. Lawson - countdown the DHCP lease, renew or expire it as needed (mostly
- // copied from above and trimmed down alot)
- int dhcp_expired(void) {
- static char nested=false;
- static char expired=false;
- static char sockopen=false;
- static longword timeout;
- static longword xid=0;
- static longword seconds=0, renew=0;
- longword ltime;
- word len;
- char acknak; // -1 NAK, 0 unseen, 1 ACK
- struct bootp _bootp;
- unsigned char *p;
- longword *l;
- // once expired, stop talking
- if (expired) return true;
- // skip if nested, not dhcp, or the lease is permanent
- if (nested || !dhcp_bind || dhcp_life==0xFFFFFFFF) return false;
- nested=true; // avoid tcp_tick() recursion
- // on first pass, init the renewal time and start the timer
- if (seconds==0) {
- renew=dhcp_life>>1; // renew at 1/2 lifetime
- if ((seconds=renew)>3600) seconds=3600;
- timeout=set_timeout((int) seconds);
- nested=false;
- return false;
- }
- // if the bootp socket is open, check for a response
- if (sockopen && (len = sock_dataready( (sock_type*)&bsock)) != 0 ) {
- memset( &_bootp, 0, sizeof( struct bootp ));
- len = sock_fastread( (sock_type*)&bsock, (byte *)&_bootp, sizeof( struct bootp ));
- // (312-64) gives size of original bootp packet - struct bigger for dhcp
- if ( len >= sizeof( struct bootp ) - (312-64) &&
- _bootp.bp_xid == xid &&
- my_ip_addr == intel( _bootp.bp_yiaddr ) &&
- intel( *(longword*)(&_bootp.bp_vend)) == VM_RFC1048 ) {
- acknak=0;
- ltime=0;
- p=&_bootp.bp_vend[4];
- while (*p!=255 && p<=&_bootp.bp_vend[311]) {
- switch(*p) {
- case 0: /* Nop Pad character */
- p++;
- break;
- case DHCP_VN_TYPE: /* DHCP type */
- if (*(p+2)==DHCP_TY_ACK) acknak=1;
- if (*(p+2)==DHCP_TY_NAK) acknak=-1;
- p += *(p+1)+2;
- break;
- case DHCP_VN_T2TIME: /* expiration time */
- ltime=intel(*(longword*)(&p[2]));
- p += *(p+1)+2;
- break;
- default:
- p +=*(p+1)+2;
- break;
- } /* end of switch */
- } /* end of while */
- if (acknak==-1) { // NAK!
- dhcp_life=renew=seconds=0; // fall through and expire
- } else if (acknak==1 && ltime) { // ACK!
- sock_close((sock_type*)&bsock);
- sockopen=false;
- dhcp_life=ltime;
- renew=dhcp_life>>1; // renew at 1/2 lifetime
- if ((seconds=renew)>3600) seconds=3600;
- timeout=set_timeout(seconds);
- nested=false;
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- // count down the timeout till it expires
- if (!chk_timeout(timeout)) {
- nested=false;
- return false;
- }
- // keep counting every hour (or less) till renewal time
- renew-=seconds;
- dhcp_life-=seconds;
- if (renew>0) {
- if ((seconds=renew)>3600) seconds=3600;
- timeout=set_timeout((int) seconds);
- nested=false;
- return false;
- }
- // expire if dhcp_life gets below 2 seconds
- if (dhcp_life<2) {
- outs("nrDHCP lease expired, network disablednr");
- if (sockopen) {
- sock_close((sock_type*)&bsock);
- sockopen=false;
- }
- // we really should should terminate all connections here
- expired=true;
- nested=false;
- return true;
- }
- // send out a DHCPREQUEST to renew the lease and restart timer
- if (!sockopen && !udp_open( &bsock, IPPORT_BOOTPC, _dhcphost, IPPORT_BOOTPS, NULL )) {
- outs("nrUnable to resolve dhcp servernr");
- } else {
- sockopen=true;
- memset( &_bootp, 0, sizeof( struct bootp ));
- _bootp.bp_op = BOOTREQUEST;
- _bootp.bp_htype = _pktdevclass;
- if (_pktdevclass == PD_ETHER) _bootp.bp_hlen = 6;
- _bootp.bp_ciaddr=intel(my_ip_addr);
- if (xid==0) xid=intel(my_ip_addr);
- _bootp.bp_xid = ++xid;
- _bootp.bp_secs = intel16( 1 );
- *(longword *)(&_bootp.bp_vend) = intel(VM_RFC1048);
- p=&_bootp.bp_vend[4];
- *p++=DHCP_VN_TYPE;
- *p++=1;
- *p++=DHCP_TY_REQ;
- *p++=0;
- *p++=4;
- l=(longword *) p, *l++=intel(my_ip_addr), p=(char *) l;
- *p++=4;
- l=(longword *) p, *l++=intel(_dhcphost), p=(char *) l;
- *p=255;
- movmem( &_eth_addr, _bootp.bp_chaddr, sizeof(eth_address));
- sock_fastwrite( (sock_type*)&bsock, (byte *)&_bootp, sizeof( struct bootp ));
- }
- renew=dhcp_life>>1; // renew at 1/2 lifetime
- if ((seconds=renew)>3600) seconds=3600;
- timeout=set_timeout(seconds);
- nested=false;
- return false;
- }