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Package: wattcp.rar [view]
Upload User: better800
Upload Date: 2022-06-13
Package Size: 1853k
Code Size: 8k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
- #include <copyright.h>
- #include <wattcp.h>
- #include <mem.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- /*
- * ICMP - RFC 792 & 1122
- */
- static char *unreach[] = {
- "Network Unreachable",
- "Host Unreachable",
- "Protocol Unreachable",
- "Port Unreachable",
- // R. Whitby
- "Fragmentation Needed and DF set",
- "Source Route Failed",
- "Destination Network Unknown",
- "Destination Host Unknown",
- "Source Host Isolated",
- "Destination Network Prohibited",
- "Destination Host Prohibited",
- "Network TOS Unreachable",
- "Host TOS Unreachable" };
- static char *exceed[] = {
- // R. Whitby
- "TTL Exceeded in Transit",
- "Fragment Reassembly Time Exceeded" };
- static char *redirect[] = {
- "Redirect for Network",
- "Redirect for Host",
- "Redirect for TOS and Network",
- "Redirect for TOS and Host" };
- /* constants */
- #include <icmp.h>
- // R. Whitby
- extern void (*_dbugxmit)( sock_type *s, in_Header *inp, void *phdr,
- unsigned line );
- extern void (*_dbugrecv)( sock_type *s, in_Header *inp, void *phdr,
- unsigned line );
- static word icmp_id = 0;
- static longword ping_hcache = 0; /* host */
- static longword ping_tcache = 0; /* time */
- static longword ping_number = 0;
- extern word multihomes;
- /* handler called in icmp_handler if this isn't null */
- static icmp_handler_type user_icmp_handler = NULL;
- longword _chk_ping( longword host, longword *ptr )
- {
- if ( ping_hcache == host ) {
- ping_hcache = 0xffffffffL;
- *ptr = ping_number;
- return( ping_tcache );
- }
- return( 0xffffffffL );
- }
- static void icmp_print( icmp_pkt *icmp, char *msg )
- {
- icmp=icmp; // get rid of warning
- // outs("nrICMP: ");
- // outs( msg );
- // outs("nr");
- }
- #ifdef NOTUSED // R. Whitby
- /*
- *
- */
- static struct _pkt *icmp_Format( longword destip )
- {
- eth_address dest;
- /* char *temp; */
- /* we use arp rather than supplied hardware address */
- /* after first ping this will still be in cache */
- if ( !_arp_resolve( destip , &dest, 0 ))
- return( NULL ); /* unable to find address */
- return( (struct _pkt*)_eth_formatpacket( &dest, 8 )); /* &dest okay? */
- }
- #endif // R. Whitby
- /*
- * icmp_Reply - format and send a reply packet
- * - note that src and dest are NETWORK order not host!!!!
- */
- static void icmp_Reply( struct _pkt *p, longword src, longword dest, int icmp_length )
- {
- in_Header *ip;
- icmp_pkt *icmp;
- ip = &p->in;
- memset( ip, 0, sizeof( in_Header ));
- icmp = &p->icmp;
- /* finish the icmp checksum portion */
- icmp->unused.checksum = 0;
- icmp->unused.checksum = ~checksum( icmp, icmp_length );
- /* encapsulate into a nice ip packet */
- ip->ver = 4;
- ip->hdrlen = 5;
- ip->length = intel16( sizeof( in_Header ) + icmp_length);
- ip->tos = 0;
- ip->identification = intel16( icmp_id ++); /* not using ip id */
- // ip->frag = 0;
- ip->ttl = 250;
- ip->proto = ICMP_PROTO;
- ip->checksum = 0;
- ip->source = src;
- ip->destination = dest;
- ip->checksum = ~ checksum( ip, sizeof( in_Header ));
- if (_dbugxmit) (*_dbugxmit)( NULL, ip, icmp, 0); // R. Whitby
- _eth_send( intel16( ip->length ));
- }
- // S. Lawson - send ICMP port unreachable
- void icmp_Unreach(in_Header *ip) {
- icmp_pkt *icmp;
- struct _pkt *pkt;
- word len;
- len = in_GetHdrlenBytes(ip)+8;
- pkt = (struct _pkt*)(_eth_formatpacket( _eth_hardware((byte*)ip), 8));
- icmp = &pkt->icmp;
- icmp->unused.type = ICMPTYPE_UNREACHABLE;
- icmp->unused.code = ICMP_UNREACH_PORT;
- icmp->unused.unused = 0L;
- movmem(ip, &icmp->unused.ip, len);
- icmp_Reply( pkt,ip->destination, ip->source, 8+len );
- }
- // S. Lawson - BC 2.0 doesn't have the underscore variety
- #ifndef _disable
- #define _disable disable
- #define _enable enable
- #endif
- /*
- * Register the user ICMP handler. Only one at a time...
- * To disable user handler, call set_icmp_handler(NULL);
- */
- void set_icmp_handler( icmp_handler_type user_handler )
- {
- _disable();
- user_icmp_handler = user_handler;
- _enable();
- }
- int icmp_handler( in_Header *ip )
- {
- icmp_pkt *icmp, *newicmp;
- struct _pkt *pkt;
- int len, code;
- in_Header *ret;
- len = in_GetHdrlenBytes( ip );
- icmp = (icmp_pkt*)((byte *)ip + len);
- if (_dbugrecv) (*_dbugrecv)( NULL, ip, icmp, 0); // R. Whitby
- len = intel16( ip->length ) - len;
- if ( checksum( icmp, len ) != 0xffff ) {
- // R. Whitby outs("ICMP received with bad checksumnr");
- if (debug_on > 0) icmp_print(icmp, "Bad Checksum"); // R. Whitby
- return( 1 );
- }
- /*
- * If there's a user handler installed, call the user's handler;
- * return of anything but 0 and this handler will continue
- * processing the message after the user is done with it.
- * Otherwise, stop processing it now.
- */
- if( user_icmp_handler )
- {
- if( (user_icmp_handler)( ip ) == 0 ) /* don't continue processing? */
- return( 1 );
- }
- code = icmp->unused.code;
- ret = & (icmp->ip.ip);
- switch ( icmp->unused.type) {
- case 0 : /* icmp echo reply received */
- /* icmp_print( icmp, "received icmp echo receipt"); */
- if (debug_on > 0) icmp_print( icmp, "Echo Reply"); // R. Whitby
- /* check if we were waiting for it */
- ping_hcache = intel( ip->source );
- ping_tcache = set_timeout( 1 ) - *(longword *)(&icmp->echo.identifier );
- if (ping_tcache > 0xffffffffL)
- ping_tcache += 0x1800b0L;
- ping_number = *(longword*)( ((byte*)(&icmp->echo.identifier)) + 4 );
- /* do more */
- break;
- case 3 : /* destination unreachable message */
- // R. Whitby if (code < 6) {
- if (code < 13) { // R. Whitby
- icmp_print( icmp, unreach[ code ]);
- /* handle udp or tcp socket */
- if (ret->proto == TCP_PROTO)
- _tcp_cancel( ret, 1, unreach[ code ], 0 );
- if (ret->proto == UDP_PROTO)
- _udp_cancel( ret );
- }
- break;
- case 4 : /* source quench */
- if (debug_on > 0 ) icmp_print( icmp, "Source Quench");
- if (ret->proto == TCP_PROTO)
- _tcp_cancel( ret, 2, NULL, 0 );
- break;
- case 5 : /* redirect */
- if (code < 4) {
- if (ret->proto == TCP_PROTO)
- /* do it to some socket guy */
- _tcp_cancel( ret, 5, NULL, icmp->ip.ipaddr );
- if (debug_on > 0 ) icmp_print( icmp, redirect[ code ]);
- }
- break;
- case 8 : /* icmp echo request */
- /* icmp_print( icmp, "PING requested of us"); */
- if (debug_on > 0) icmp_print( icmp, "Echo Request"); // R. Whitby
- // don't reply if the request was made by ourselves
- // such as a problem with Etherslip pktdrvr
- if ( (longword) (intel(ip->destination) - my_ip_addr) > multihomes )
- return( 1 );
- // do arp and create packet
- /* format the packet with the request's hardware address */
- pkt = (struct _pkt*)(_eth_formatpacket( _eth_hardware((byte*)ip), 8));
- newicmp = &pkt->icmp;
- movmem( icmp, newicmp, len );
- newicmp->echo.type = 0;
- newicmp->echo.code = code;
- /* use supplied ip values in case we ever multi-home */
- /* note that ip values are still in network order */
- icmp_Reply( pkt,ip->destination, ip->source, len );
- /* icmp_print( newicmp, "PING reply sent"); */
- break;
- case 11 : /* time exceeded message */
- if (code < 2 ) {
- icmp_print( icmp, exceed[ code ]);
- if ((ret->proto == TCP_PROTO) && (code != 1))
- _tcp_cancel( ret, 1, NULL, 0 );
- }
- break;
- case 12 : /* parameter problem message */
- icmp_print( icmp, "IP Parameter Problem");
- break;
- // R. Whitby - added debug_on test to remaining cases
- case 13 : /* timestamp message */
- if (debug_on > 0) icmp_print( icmp, "Timestamp Request");
- /* send reply */
- break;
- case 14 : /* timestamp reply */
- if (debug_on > 0) icmp_print( icmp, "Timestamp Reply");
- /* should store */
- break;
- case 15 : /* info request */
- if (debug_on > 0) icmp_print( icmp,"Info Request");
- /* send reply */
- break;
- case 16 : /* info reply */
- if (debug_on > 0) icmp_print( icmp,"Info Reply");
- break;
- // R. Whitby
- default : /* unknown */
- if (debug_on > 0) icmp_print( icmp,"Unknown Type");
- break;
- }
- return( 1 );
- }