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Package: [view]
Upload User: romrleung
Upload Date: 2022-05-23
Package Size: 18897k
Code Size: 47k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- /* ***************************************************
- Perform benchmark of:
- insert
- read
- scan read
- update
- scan update
- read
- scan delete
- verify delete
- Arguments:
- -f Location of Ndb.cfg file, default Ndb.cfg
- -t Number of threads to start, default 1
- -o Number of operations per loop, default 500 -l Number of loops to run, default 1, 0=infinite
- -a Number of attributes, default 25
- -c Number of tables, default 1
- -s Size of each attribute, default 1
- -stdtables Use standard table names
- -no_table_create Don't create tables in db
- -sleep Sleep a number of seconds before running the test, this
- can be used so that another flexBench hav etome to create tables
- -p Parallellism to use 1-32, default:1
- -abort <number> Test scan abort after a number of tuples
- -h Print help text
- -no_scan_update Don't do scan updates
- -no_scan_delete Don't do scan deletes
- Returns:
- NDBT_OK - Test passed
- NDBT_FAILED - Test failed
- Revision history:
- 1.12 020222 epesson: Rewritten to use NDBT. Major bugs fixed
- * *************************************************** */
- #include "NdbApi.hpp"
- #include <NdbThread.h>
- #include <NdbSleep.h>
- #include <NdbTick.h>
- #include <NdbOut.hpp>
- #include <NdbTimer.hpp>
- #include <NdbMain.h>
- #include <NdbTest.hpp>
- #include <NDBT_Error.hpp>
- #include <NdbSchemaCon.hpp>
- #define PKSIZE 1
- #define FOREVER 1
- #define MAXSTRLEN 16
- #define MAXATTR 64
- #define MAXTABLES 64
- #define MAXTHREADS 256
- #define MAXATTRSIZE 64
- enum StartType {
- stIdle,
- stInsert,
- stRead,
- stScanRead,
- stUpdate,
- stScanUpdate,
- stDelete,
- stVerifyDelete,
- stScanDelete,
- stStop,
- stLast} ;
- struct ThreadNdb
- {
- int ThreadNo;
- NdbThread* threadLife;
- StartType threadStart;
- int threadResult;
- int threadReady;
- };
- extern "C" void* flexScanThread(void*);
- static int setAttrNames(void);
- static int setTableNames(void);
- static int createTables(Ndb* pMyNdb);
- static void sleepBeforeStartingTest(int seconds);
- static int readArguments(int argc, const char** argv);
- static void setAttrValues(int* attrValue,
- int* readValue,
- int Offset);
- static int insertRows(Ndb* pNdb, int* pkValue, int* attrValue, StartType tType);
- static int readRows(Ndb* pNdb, int* pkValue, int* readValue);
- static int deleteRows(Ndb* pNdb, int* pkValue);
- static int scanReadRows(Ndb* pNdb, int* readValue);
- static int scanUpdateRows(Ndb* pNdb, int* readValue, int* attrValue);
- static int scanDeleteRows(Ndb* pNdb, int* readValue);
- static int verifyDeleteRows(Ndb* pNdb, int* pkValue, int* readValue);
- static void Compare(int* attrValue, int* readValue);
- static void UpdateArray(int *attrValue);
- static int tNoOfThreads = 1;
- static int tNoOfAttributes = 25;
- static int tNoOfTables = 1;
- static int tAttributeSize = 1;
- static int tNodeId = 0;
- static int tNoOfOperations = 500;
- static int tNoOfLoops = 1;
- static int tAbortAfter = 0;
- static int tParallellism = 1;
- static char tableName[MAXTABLES][MAXSTRLEN];
- static char attrName[MAXATTR][MAXSTRLEN];
- static unsigned int tSleepTime = 0;
- static int theStdTableNameFlag = 0;
- static int theTableCreateFlag = 0;
- static int theScanAbortTestFlag = 0;
- static int theNoScanUpdateFlag = 0;
- static int theNoScanDeleteFlag = 0;
- //flexScanErrorData = new ErrorData;
- ErrorData * flexScanErrorData;
- NdbError * anerror;
- //static errorData theErrorData;
- //static unsigned int tErrorCounter[6000];
- #define START_TIMER { NdbTimer timer; timer.doStart();
- #define STOP_TIMER timer.doStop();
- #define PRINT_TIMER(text, trans, opertrans) timer.printTransactionStatistics(text, trans, opertrans); };
- static void UpdateArray(int *attrValue)
- {
- int tableCount = 0;
- int attrCount = 0;
- int opCount = 0;
- int sizeCount = 0;
- int* pValue = attrValue;
- for (tableCount = 0; tableCount < tNoOfTables; tableCount++) {
- for (attrCount = 0; attrCount < tNoOfAttributes-1; attrCount++) {
- for (opCount = 0; opCount < tNoOfOperations; opCount++) {
- for (sizeCount = 0; sizeCount < tAttributeSize; sizeCount++) {
- // Update value in array
- (*pValue)++;
- //ndbout << "attrValue[" << tableCount*tNoOfAttributes*tNoOfOperations*tAttributeSize +
- //attrCount*tNoOfOperations*tAttributeSize + opCount*tAttributeSize + sizeCount <<
- //"] = " << attrValue[tableCount*tNoOfAttributes*tNoOfOperations*tAttributeSize +
- //attrCount*tNoOfOperations*tAttributeSize + opCount*tAttributeSize + sizeCount] << endl;
- // Increment pointer
- pValue++;
- } // sizeCount
- } // for opCount
- } // for attrCount
- } // for tableCount
- } // Update
- static void Compare(int* attrValue, int* readValue)
- {
- int tableCount = 0;
- int attrCount = 0;
- int OpCount = 0;
- int first = 0;
- for (tableCount = 0; tableCount < tNoOfTables; tableCount++) {
- for (attrCount = 0; attrCount < tNoOfAttributes-1; attrCount++) {
- for (OpCount = 0; OpCount < tNoOfOperations; OpCount++) {
- if (memcmp(&(attrValue[tableCount*(tNoOfAttributes-1)*tNoOfOperations +
- attrCount*tNoOfOperations + OpCount]),
- &(readValue[tableCount*(tNoOfAttributes-1)*tNoOfOperations +
- attrCount*tNoOfOperations + OpCount]),
- tAttributeSize) != 0) {
- // Values mismatch
- if (first == 0) {
- //ndbout << "Read and set values differ for:" << endl;
- first = 1;
- ndbout << "Mismatch found.";
- } // if
- // Comparision of values after scan update is meaningless right now
- //ndbout << " table " << tableName[tableCount] <<
- //" - attr " << attrName[attrCount+1];
- //for (sizeCount = 0; sizeCount < tAttributeSize; sizeCount++) {
- //ndbout << ": set " <<
- //attrValue[tableCount*(tNoOfAttributes-1)*tNoOfOperations*tAttributeSize +
- //attrCount*tNoOfOperations*tAttributeSize +
- //tNoOfOperations*tAttributeSize + sizeCount] << " read " <<
- //readValue[tableCount*(tNoOfAttributes-1)*tNoOfOperations*tAttributeSize +
- //attrCount*tNoOfOperations*tAttributeSize +
- //tNoOfOperations*tAttributeSize + sizeCount] << endl;
- //} // for
- } // if
- } // for OpCount
- } // for attrCount
- } // for tableCount
- // A final pretty-print
- if (first == 1) {
- ndbout << endl;
- } // if
- } // Compare
- static void printInfo()
- {
- ndbout << endl << "FLEXSCAN - Starting normal mode" << endl;
- ndbout << "Perform benchmark of insert, update and delete transactions"<< endl;
- ndbout << " NdbAPI node with id = " << tNodeId << endl;
- ndbout << " " << tNoOfThreads << " thread(s) " << endl;
- ndbout << " " << tNoOfLoops << " iterations " << endl;
- ndbout << " " << tNoOfTables << " table(s) and " << 1 << " operation(s) per transaction "
- << endl;
- ndbout << " " << tNoOfAttributes << " attributes per table incl. pk" << endl;
- ndbout << " " << tNoOfOperations << " transaction(s) per thread and round " << endl;
- if (theScanAbortTestFlag == 1) {
- ndbout << " Scan abort test after " << tAbortAfter << " tuples" << endl;
- } // if
- ndbout << " " << tParallellism << " parallellism in scans" << endl;
- ndbout << " " << tAttributeSize << " is the number of 32 bit words per attribute " <<
- endl << endl;
- } // printInfo
- static void tellThreads(ThreadNdb *threadArrayP, StartType what)
- {
- int i = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++)
- threadArrayP[i].threadStart = what;
- } // tellThreads
- static void waitForThreads(ThreadNdb *threadArrayP)
- {
- int i = 0;
- int cont = 1;
- while (cont == 1){
- NdbSleep_MilliSleep(10);
- cont = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++) {
- if (threadArrayP[i].threadReady == 0) {
- // ndbout << "Main is reporting thread " << i << " not ready" << endl;
- cont = 1;
- } // if
- } // for
- } // while
- } // waitForThreads
- static void resetThreads(ThreadNdb *threadArrayP)
- {
- int i = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++) {
- threadArrayP[i].threadReady = 0;
- threadArrayP[i].threadResult = 0;
- threadArrayP[i].threadStart = stIdle;
- //ndbout << "threadStart[" << i << "]=" <<
- //threadArrayP[i].threadStart << endl;
- } // for
- } // resetThreads
- static int checkThreadResults(ThreadNdb *threadArrayP, char *action)
- {
- int i = 0;
- int retValue = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads; i++) {
- if (threadArrayP[i].threadResult != 0) {
- ndbout << "Thread " << i << " reported fatal error "
- << threadArrayP[i].threadResult << " during " << action << endl;
- retValue = -1;
- break;
- } // if
- } // for
- return(retValue);
- } // checkThreadResults
- NDB_COMMAND(flexScan, "flexScan", "flexScan", "flexScan", 65535)
- {
- ndb_init();
- ThreadNdb* pThreads = NULL;
- Ndb* pMyNdb = NULL;
- int tLoops = 0;
- int check = 0;
- int returnValue = NDBT_OK;
- int every2ndScanDelete = 0; // Switch between scan delete and normal delete
- flexScanErrorData = new ErrorData;
- flexScanErrorData->resetErrorCounters();
- if (readArguments(argc, argv) != 0) {
- ndbout << "Wrong arguments to flexScan" << endl;
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_WRONGARGS);
- } // if
- /* print Setting */
- flexScanErrorData->printSettings(ndbout);
- check = setAttrNames();
- if (check != 0) {
- ndbout << "Couldn't set attribute names" << endl;
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_FAILED);
- } // if
- check = setTableNames();
- if (check != 0) {
- ndbout << "Couldn't set table names" << endl;
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_FAILED);
- } // if
- pMyNdb = new Ndb ("TEST_DB");
- pMyNdb->init();
- tNodeId = pMyNdb->getNodeId();
- printInfo();
- NdbThread_SetConcurrencyLevel(tNoOfThreads + 2);
- //NdbThread_SetConcurrencyLevel(tNoOfThreads + 8);
- pThreads = new ThreadNdb[tNoOfThreads];
- if (pMyNdb->waitUntilReady(10000) != 0) {
- ndbout << "NDB is not ready" << endl << "Benchmark failed" << endl;
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- } // if
- else {
- if (createTables(pMyNdb) != 0) {
- ndbout << "Could not create tables" << endl;
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- } // if
- else {
- sleepBeforeStartingTest(tSleepTime);
- resetThreads(pThreads);
- // Create threads
- for (int i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++){
- pThreads[i].ThreadNo = i;
- // Ignore the case that thread creation may fail
- pThreads[i].threadLife = NdbThread_Create(flexScanThread,
- (void**)&pThreads[i],
- 327680,
- "flexScanThread", NDB_THREAD_PRIO_LOW);
- if (pThreads[i].threadLife == NULL) {
- ndbout << "Could not create thread " << i << endl;
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- // Use the number of threads that were actually created
- tNoOfThreads = i;
- break; // break for loop
- } // if
- } // for
- waitForThreads(pThreads);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreads, "init") != 0) {
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- } // if
- if (returnValue == NDBT_OK) {
- ndbout << "All threads started" << endl;
- while (FOREVER) {
- resetThreads(pThreads);
- if ((tNoOfLoops != 0) && (tNoOfLoops <= tLoops)) {
- break;
- } // if
- // Insert
- tellThreads(pThreads, stInsert);
- waitForThreads(pThreads);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreads, "insert") != 0) {
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- } // if
- PRINT_TIMER("insert", tNoOfOperations*tNoOfThreads, tNoOfTables);
- resetThreads(pThreads);
- // Read
- tellThreads(pThreads, stRead);
- waitForThreads(pThreads);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreads, "read") != 0) {
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- } // if
- PRINT_TIMER("read", tNoOfOperations*tNoOfThreads, tNoOfTables);
- resetThreads(pThreads);
- // Update
- tellThreads(pThreads, stUpdate);
- waitForThreads(pThreads);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreads, "update") != 0) {
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- } // if
- PRINT_TIMER("update", tNoOfOperations*tNoOfThreads, tNoOfTables);
- resetThreads(pThreads);
- // Scan read
- tellThreads(pThreads, stScanRead);
- waitForThreads(pThreads);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreads, "scanread") != 0) {
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- } // if
- PRINT_TIMER("scanread", tNoOfTables*tNoOfThreads, 1);
- resetThreads(pThreads);
- // Update
- tellThreads(pThreads, stUpdate);
- waitForThreads(pThreads);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreads, "update") != 0) {
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- } // if
- PRINT_TIMER("update", tNoOfOperations*tNoOfThreads, tNoOfTables);
- resetThreads(pThreads);
- // Read
- tellThreads(pThreads, stRead);
- waitForThreads(pThreads);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreads, "read") != 0) {
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- } // if
- PRINT_TIMER("read", tNoOfOperations*tNoOfThreads, tNoOfTables);
- resetThreads(pThreads);
- // Only do scan update if told to do so
- if (theNoScanUpdateFlag == 0) {
- // Scan update
- tellThreads(pThreads, stScanUpdate);
- waitForThreads(pThreads);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreads, "scanupdate") != 0) {
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- } // if
- PRINT_TIMER("scanupdate", tNoOfTables*tNoOfThreads, 1);
- resetThreads(pThreads);
- // Read
- tellThreads(pThreads, stRead);
- // tellThreads(pThreads, stScanRead);
- waitForThreads(pThreads);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreads, "read") != 0) {
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- } // if
- PRINT_TIMER("read", tNoOfOperations*tNoOfThreads, tNoOfTables);
- resetThreads(pThreads);
- } // if theNoScanUpdateFlag
- // Shift between delete and scan delete
- if ((every2ndScanDelete % 2 == 0) || (theNoScanDeleteFlag == 1)){
- // Delete
- tellThreads(pThreads, stDelete);
- waitForThreads(pThreads);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreads, "delete") != 0) {
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- } // if
- PRINT_TIMER("delete", tNoOfOperations*tNoOfThreads, tNoOfTables);
- resetThreads(pThreads);
- } // if
- else {
- resetThreads(pThreads); // Scan delete
- tellThreads(pThreads, stScanDelete);
- waitForThreads(pThreads);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreads, "scandelete") != 0) {
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- } // if
- PRINT_TIMER("scandelete", tNoOfTables*tNoOfThreads, 1);
- resetThreads(pThreads);
- } // else
- every2ndScanDelete++;
- resetThreads(pThreads); // Verify delete
- tellThreads(pThreads, stVerifyDelete);
- waitForThreads(pThreads);
- if (checkThreadResults(pThreads, "verifydelete") != 0) {
- returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
- break;
- } // if
- PRINT_TIMER("verifydelete", tNoOfOperations*tNoOfThreads*tNoOfTables, 1);
- resetThreads(pThreads);
- ndbout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl;
- tLoops++;
- } // while
- } // if
- } // else
- } // else
- // Stop threads in a nice way
- tellThreads(pThreads, stStop);
- waitForThreads(pThreads);
- // Clean up
- delete [] pThreads;
- delete pMyNdb;
- flexScanErrorData->printErrorCounters(ndbout);
- if (returnValue == NDBT_OK) {
- ndbout << endl << "Benchmark completed successfully" << endl;
- } // if
- else {
- ndbout << endl << "Benchmark failed" << endl;
- } // else
- // Exit via NDBT
- return NDBT_ProgramExit(returnValue);;
- } // main
- void*
- flexScanThread(void* ThreadData)
- {
- ThreadNdb* pThreadData = (ThreadNdb*)ThreadData;
- unsigned int thread_no = pThreadData->ThreadNo;
- unsigned int thread_base = (thread_no * 2000000) + (tNodeId * 26000);
- int tThreadResult = 0;
- Ndb* MyNdb = NULL;
- int check = 0;
- StartType tType = stLast;
- int* pkValue = NULL;
- int* attrValue = NULL;
- int* readValue = NULL;
- int AllocSize = 0;
- AllocSize = tNoOfTables * (tNoOfAttributes-1) * tNoOfOperations *
- tAttributeSize * sizeof(int);
- attrValue = (int*)malloc(AllocSize);
- readValue = (int*)malloc(AllocSize);
- pkValue = (int*)malloc(tNoOfOperations * sizeof(int));
- if ((attrValue == NULL) || (readValue == NULL) || (pkValue == NULL)) {
- tThreadResult = 98;
- pThreadData->threadStart = stIdle;
- } // if
- setAttrValues(attrValue, readValue, thread_base);
- MyNdb = new Ndb( "TEST_DB" );
- MyNdb->init();
- if (MyNdb->waitUntilReady(10000) != 0) {
- tThreadResult = 99;
- pThreadData->threadStart = stIdle;
- } // if
- // Set primary key value, same for all tables
- for (int c = 0; c < tNoOfOperations; c++) {
- pkValue[c] = (int)(c + thread_base);
- } // for
- while (FOREVER) {
- pThreadData->threadResult = tThreadResult;
- pThreadData->threadReady = 1;
- while (pThreadData->threadStart == stIdle) {
- NdbSleep_MilliSleep(10);
- } // while
- // Check if signal to exit is received
- if (pThreadData->threadStart >= stStop){
- pThreadData->threadReady = 1;
- break;
- } // if
- tType = pThreadData->threadStart;
- pThreadData->threadStart = stIdle;
- switch (tType) {
- case stInsert:
- check = insertRows(MyNdb, pkValue, attrValue, tType);
- break;
- case stRead:
- check = readRows(MyNdb, pkValue, readValue);
- Compare(attrValue, readValue);
- break;
- case stUpdate:
- UpdateArray(attrValue);
- check = insertRows(MyNdb, pkValue, attrValue, tType);
- break;
- case stScanRead:
- //check = readRows(MyNdb, pkValue, readValue);
- check = scanReadRows(MyNdb, readValue);
- Compare(attrValue, readValue);
- break;
- case stScanUpdate:
- UpdateArray(attrValue);
- //tType = stUpdate;
- //check = insertRows(MyNdb, pkValue, attrValue, tType);
- check = scanUpdateRows(MyNdb, readValue, attrValue);
- break;
- case stDelete:
- check = deleteRows(MyNdb, pkValue);
- break;
- case stScanDelete:
- check = scanDeleteRows(MyNdb, readValue);
- break;
- case stVerifyDelete:
- check = verifyDeleteRows(MyNdb, pkValue, readValue);
- break;
- default:
- ndbout << "tType is " << tType << endl;
- assert(false);
- break;
- } // switch
- tThreadResult = check;
- if (tThreadResult != 0) {
- // Check if error is fatak or not
- } // if
- else {
- continue;
- } // else
- } // while
- // Clean up
- delete MyNdb;
- if (attrValue != NULL) {
- free(attrValue);
- } //if
- if (readValue != NULL) {
- free(readValue);
- } // if
- if (pkValue != NULL) {
- free(pkValue);
- } // if
- return NULL; // thread exits
- } // flexScanThread
- static int setAttrNames()
- {
- int i = 0;
- int retVal = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < MAXATTR ; i++) {
- retVal = BaseString::snprintf(attrName[i], MAXSTRLEN, "COL%d", i);
- if (retVal < 0) {
- return(-1);
- } // if
- } // for
- return(0);
- } // setAttrNames
- static int setTableNames()
- {
- // Note! Uses only uppercase letters in table name's
- // so that we can look at the tables with SQL
- int i = 0;
- int retVal = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < MAXTABLES ; i++) {
- if (theStdTableNameFlag == 0) {
- retVal = BaseString::snprintf(tableName[i], MAXSTRLEN, "TAB%d_%d", i,
- (int)(NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond() / 1000));
- } // if
- else {
- retVal = BaseString::snprintf(tableName[i], MAXSTRLEN, "TAB%d", i);
- } // if else
- if (retVal < 0) {
- return(-1);
- } // if
- } // for
- return(0);
- } // setTableNames
- // Create Table and Attributes.
- static int createTables(Ndb* pMyNdb)
- {
- NdbSchemaCon *MySchemaTransaction = NULL;
- NdbSchemaOp *MySchemaOp = NULL;
- int i = 0;
- int j = 0;
- int check = 0;
- if (theTableCreateFlag == 0) {
- i = 0;
- do {
- i++;
- ndbout << endl << "Creating " << tableName[i - 1] << "..." << endl;
- MySchemaTransaction = NdbSchemaCon::startSchemaTrans(pMyNdb);
- if( MySchemaTransaction == NULL ) {
- return (-1);
- } // if
- MySchemaOp = MySchemaTransaction->getNdbSchemaOp();
- if( MySchemaOp == NULL ) {
- NdbSchemaCon::closeSchemaTrans(MySchemaTransaction);
- return (-1);
- } // if
- #if defined NDB_OSE || defined NDB_SOFTOSE
- check = MySchemaOp->createTable(tableName[i - 1],
- 8, // Table Size
- TupleKey, // Key Type
- 40, // Nr of Pages
- All,
- 6,
- 78,
- 80,
- 1,
- false);
- #else
- check = MySchemaOp->createTable(tableName[i - 1]
- ,8 // Table Size
- ,TupleKey // Key Type
- ,40); // Nr of Pages
- #endif
- if (check == -1) {
- NdbSchemaCon::closeSchemaTrans(MySchemaTransaction);
- return -1;
- } // if
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( (char*)attrName[0], TupleKey, 32, PKSIZE,
- UnSigned, MMBased, NotNullAttribute );
- if (check == -1) {
- NdbSchemaCon::closeSchemaTrans(MySchemaTransaction);
- return -1;
- } // if
- for (j = 1; j < tNoOfAttributes ; j++) {
- check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( (char*)attrName[j], NoKey, 32, tAttributeSize,
- UnSigned, MMBased, NotNullAttribute );
- if (check == -1) {
- NdbSchemaCon::closeSchemaTrans(MySchemaTransaction);
- return -1;
- } // if
- } // for
- if (MySchemaTransaction->execute() == -1) {
- ndbout << MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError().message << endl;
- ndbout << "Probably, " << tableName[i - 1] << " already exist" << endl;
- } // if
- NdbSchemaCon::closeSchemaTrans(MySchemaTransaction);
- } while (tNoOfTables > i);
- }
- return 0;
- } // createTables
- static void printUsage()
- {
- ndbout << "Usage of flexScan:" << endl;
- ndbout << "-f <path> Location of Ndb.cfg file, default: Ndb.cfg" << endl;
- ndbout << "-t <int> Number of threads to start, default 1" << endl;
- ndbout << "-o <int> Number of operations per loop, default 500" << endl;
- ndbout << "-l <int> Number of loops to run, default 1, 0=infinite" << endl;
- ndbout << "-a <int> Number of attributes, default 25" << endl;
- ndbout << "-c <int> Number of tables, default 1" << endl;
- ndbout << "-s <int> Size of each attribute, default 1" << endl;
- ndbout << "-stdtables Use standard table names" << endl;
- ndbout << "-no_table_create Don't create tables in db" << endl;
- ndbout << "-sleep <int> Sleep a number of seconds before running the test" << endl;
- ndbout << "-p <int> Parallellism to use 1-32, default:1" << endl;
- ndbout << "-abort <int> Test scan abort after a number of tuples" << endl;
- ndbout << "-no_scan_update Don't do scan updates" << endl;
- ndbout << "-no_scan_delete Don't do scan deletes" << endl;
- ndbout << "-h Print this text" << endl;
- // inputErrorArg();
- flexScanErrorData->printCmdLineArgs(ndbout);
- }
- static int readArguments(int argc, const char** argv)
- {
- int i = 1;
- int retValue = 0;
- int printFlag = 0;
- tNoOfThreads = 1; // Set default Value
- tNoOfTables = 1; // Default Value
- while (argc > 1) {
- if (strcmp(argv[i], "-t") == 0) {
- if (argv[i + 1] != NULL) {
- tNoOfThreads = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
- if ((tNoOfThreads < 1) || (tNoOfThreads > MAXTHREADS)) {
- retValue = -1;
- } // if
- } // if
- else {
- retValue = -1;
- } // else
- } // if
- else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0) {
- if (argv[i + 1] != NULL) {
- tNoOfOperations = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
- if (tNoOfOperations < 1) {
- retValue = -1;
- } // if
- } // if
- else {
- retValue = -1;
- } // else
- } // else if
- else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-a") == 0) {
- if (argv[i + 1] != NULL) {
- tNoOfAttributes = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
- if ((tNoOfAttributes < 2) || (tNoOfAttributes > MAXATTR)) {
- retValue = -1;
- } // if
- } // if
- else {
- retValue = -1;
- } // else
- } // else if
- else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0) {
- if (argv[i + 1] != NULL) {
- tNoOfTables = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if ((tNoOfTables < 1) || (tNoOfTables > MAXTABLES)) {
- retValue = -1;
- } // if
- } // if
- else {
- retValue = -1;
- } // else
- } // else if
- else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-l") == 0) {
- if (argv[i + 1] != NULL) {
- tNoOfLoops = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if ((tNoOfLoops < 0) || (tNoOfLoops > 100000)) {
- retValue = -1;
- } // if
- } // if
- else {
- retValue = -1;
- } // else
- } // else if
- else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0) {
- if (argv[i + 1] != NULL) {
- tAttributeSize = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if ((tAttributeSize < 1) || (tAttributeSize > MAXATTRSIZE)) {
- retValue = -1;
- } // if
- } // if
- else {
- retValue = -1;
- } // else
- } // else if
- else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-no_table_create") == 0) {
- theTableCreateFlag = 1;
- argc++;
- i--;
- } // else if
- else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-stdtables") == 0) {
- theStdTableNameFlag = 1;
- argc++;
- i--;
- } // else if
- else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-sleep") == 0) {
- if (argv[i + 1] != NULL) {
- tSleepTime = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- if ((tSleepTime < 1) || (tSleepTime > 3600)) {
- retValue = -1;
- } // if
- } // if
- else {
- retValue = -1;
- } // else
- } // else if
- else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-abort") == 0) {
- // Test scan abort after a number of tuples
- theScanAbortTestFlag = 1;
- if (argv[i + 1] != NULL) {
- tAbortAfter = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
- } // if
- else {
- retValue = -1;
- } // else
- } // else if
- else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-p") == 0) {
- if (argv[i + 1] != NULL) {
- tParallellism = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
- if ((tParallellism < 1) || (tParallellism > 32)) {
- retValue = -1;
- } // if
- } // if
- else {
- retValue = -1;
- } // else
- } // else if
- else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) {
- printFlag = 1;
- argc++;
- i--;
- } // else if
- else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-no_scan_update") == 0) {
- theNoScanUpdateFlag = 1;
- argc++;
- i--;
- } // else if
- else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-no_scan_delete") == 0) {
- theNoScanDeleteFlag = 1;
- argc++;
- i--;
- } // else if
- else {
- retValue = -1;
- } // else
- argc -= 2;
- i = i + 2;
- }
- if ((retValue != 0) || (printFlag == 1)) {
- printUsage();
- } // if
- return(retValue);
- } // readArguments
- static void sleepBeforeStartingTest(int seconds)
- {
- if (seconds > 0) {
- ndbout << "Sleeping(" <<seconds << ")...";
- NdbSleep_SecSleep(seconds);
- ndbout << " done!" << endl;
- } // if
- } // sleepBeforeStartingTest
- static void setAttrValues(int* attrValue,
- int* readValue,
- int Offset)
- {
- int tableCount = 0;
- int attrCount = 0;
- int OpCount = 0;
- int attrSize = 0;
- int* pAttr = NULL;
- int* pRead = NULL;
- // Set attribute values in memory array
- for (tableCount = 0; tableCount < tNoOfTables; tableCount++) {
- for (attrCount = 0; attrCount < tNoOfAttributes-1; attrCount++) {
- for (OpCount = 0; OpCount < tNoOfOperations; OpCount++) {
- pAttr = &(attrValue[tableCount*(tNoOfAttributes-1)*tNoOfOperations +
- attrCount*tNoOfOperations + OpCount]);
- pRead = &(readValue[tableCount*(tNoOfAttributes-1)*tNoOfOperations +
- attrCount*tNoOfOperations + OpCount]);
- for (attrSize = 0; attrSize < tAttributeSize; attrSize++){
- *pAttr = (int)(Offset + tableCount + attrCount + OpCount + attrSize);
- //ndbout << "attrValue[" << tableCount*(tNoOfAttributes-1)*tNoOfOperations +
- //attrCount*tNoOfOperations + OpCount + attrSize << "] = " <<
- //attrValue[tableCount*(tNoOfAttributes-1)*tNoOfOperations +
- //attrCount*tNoOfOperations + OpCount + attrSize] << endl;
- *pRead = 0;
- pAttr++;
- pRead++;
- } // for attrSize
- } // for OpCount
- } // for attrCount
- } // for tableCount
- } // setAttrValues
- static int insertRows(Ndb* pNdb, // NDB object
- int* pkValue, // Primary key values
- int* attrValue, // Attribute values
- StartType tType)
- {
- int tResult = 0;
- int check = 0;
- int tableCount = 0;
- int attrCount = 0;
- NdbConnection* MyTransaction = NULL;
- NdbOperation* MyOperations[MAXTABLES] = {NULL};
- int opCount = 0;
- for (opCount = 0; opCount < tNoOfOperations; opCount++) {
- MyTransaction = pNdb->startTransaction();
- if (MyTransaction == NULL) {
- tResult = 1;
- } // if
- else {
- for (tableCount = 0; tableCount < tNoOfTables; tableCount++) {
- MyOperations[tableCount] =
- MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(tableName[tableCount]);
- if (MyOperations[tableCount] == NULL) {
- tResult = 2;
- // Break for tableCount loop
- break;
- } // if
- if (tType == stUpdate) {
- check = MyOperations[tableCount]->updateTuple();
- } // if
- else if (tType == stInsert) {
- check = MyOperations[tableCount]->insertTuple();
- } // else if
- else {
- assert(false);
- } // else
- if (check == -1) {
- tResult = 3;
- break;
- } // if
- check = MyOperations[tableCount]->equal((char*)attrName[0],
- (char*)&(pkValue[opCount]));
- if (check == -1) {
- tResult = 7;
- break;
- } // if
- for (attrCount = 0; attrCount < tNoOfAttributes - 1; attrCount++) {
- int Index = tableCount * (tNoOfAttributes - 1) * tNoOfOperations * tAttributeSize +
- attrCount * tNoOfOperations * tAttributeSize + opCount * tAttributeSize;
- check = MyOperations[tableCount]->
- setValue((char*)attrName[attrCount + 1],
- (char*)&(attrValue[Index]));
- if (check == -1) {
- tResult = 8;
- break; // break attrCount loop
- } // if
- } // for
- } // for tableCount
- // Execute transaction with insert one tuple in every table
- check = MyTransaction->execute(Commit);
- if (check == -1) {
- ndbout << MyTransaction->getNdbError().message << endl;
- // Add complete error handling here
- int retCode = flexScanErrorData->handleErrorCommon(MyTransaction->getNdbError());
- if (retCode == 1) {
- if (MyTransaction->getNdbError().code != 626 && MyTransaction->getNdbError().code != 630){
- ndbout_c("execute: %d, %d, %s", opCount, tType, MyTransaction->getNdbError().message);
- ndbout_c("Error code = %d", MyTransaction->getNdbError().code);}
- tResult = 20;
- } else if (retCode == 2) {
- ndbout << "4115 should not happen in flexBench" << endl;
- tResult = 20;
- } else if (retCode == 3) {
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // We are not certain if the transaction was successful or not.
- // We must reexecute but might very well find that the transaction
- // actually was updated. Updates and Reads are no problem here. Inserts
- // will not cause a problem if error code 630 arrives. Deletes will
- // not cause a problem if 626 arrives.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- /* What can we do here? */
- ndbout_c("execute: %s", MyTransaction->getNdbError().message);
- }//if(retCode == 3)
- } // if(check == -1)
- pNdb->closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- } // else
- } // for opCount
- return(tResult);
- } // insertRows
- static int readRows(Ndb* pNdb,
- int* pkValue,
- int* readValue)
- {
- int tResult = 0;
- int tableCount = 0;
- int attrCount = 0;
- int check = 0;
- NdbConnection* MyTransaction = NULL;
- NdbOperation* MyOperations[MAXTABLES] = {NULL};
- NdbRecAttr* tmp = NULL;
- int Value = 0;
- int Index = 0;
- int opCount = 0;
- for (opCount = 0; opCount < tNoOfOperations; opCount++) {
- MyTransaction = pNdb->startTransaction();
- if (MyTransaction == NULL) {
- tResult = 1;
- } // if
- else {
- for (tableCount = 0; tableCount < tNoOfTables; tableCount++) {
- MyOperations[tableCount] =
- MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(tableName[tableCount]);
- if (MyOperations[tableCount] == NULL) {
- tResult = 2;
- // Break for tableCount loop
- break;
- } // if
- check = MyOperations[tableCount]->readTuple();
- if (check == -1) {
- tResult = 3;
- break;
- } // if
- check = MyOperations[tableCount]->
- equal((char*)attrName[0], (char*)&(pkValue[opCount]));
- if (check == -1) {
- tResult = 7;
- break;
- } // if
- for (int attrCount = 0; attrCount < tNoOfAttributes - 1; attrCount++) {
- Index = tableCount * (tNoOfAttributes - 1) * tNoOfOperations * tAttributeSize +
- attrCount * tNoOfOperations * tAttributeSize + opCount * tAttributeSize;
- tmp = MyOperations[tableCount]->
- getValue((char*)attrName[attrCount + 1], (char*)&(readValue[Index]));
- if (tmp == NULL) {
- tResult = 9;
- break;
- } // if
- } // for attrCount
- } // for tableCount
- // Execute transaction reading one tuple in every table
- check = MyTransaction->execute(Commit);
- if (check == -1) {
- ndbout << MyTransaction->getNdbError().message << endl;
- // Add complete error handling here
- int retCode = flexScanErrorData->handleErrorCommon(MyTransaction->getNdbError());
- if (retCode == 1) {
- if (MyTransaction->getNdbError().code != 626 && MyTransaction->getNdbError().code != 630){
- ndbout_c("execute: %d, %s", opCount, MyTransaction ->getNdbError().message );
- ndbout_c("Error code = %d", MyTransaction->getNdbError().code );}
- tResult = 20;
- } else if (retCode == 2) {
- ndbout << "4115 should not happen in flexBench" << endl;
- tResult = 20;
- } else if (retCode == 3) {
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // We are not certain if the transaction was successful or not.
- // We must reexecute but might very well find that the transaction
- // actually was updated. Updates and Reads are no problem here. Inserts
- // will not cause a problem if error code 630 arrives. Deletes will
- // not cause a problem if 626 arrives.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- /* What can we do here? */
- ndbout_c("execute: %s", MyTransaction ->getNdbError().message );
- }//if(retCode == 3)
- } // if
- pNdb->closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- } // else
- } // for opCount
- return(tResult);
- } // readRows
- static int scanReadRows(Ndb* pNdb, int* readValue)
- {
- int tResult = 0;
- int tableCount = 0;
- int attrCount = 0;
- int check = 0;
- int countAbort = 0; // Counts loops until scan abort if requested
- NdbConnection* MyTransaction = NULL;
- NdbOperation* MyOperation = NULL;
- NdbRecAttr* tmp = NULL;
- for (tableCount = 0; tableCount < tNoOfTables; tableCount++) {
- MyTransaction = pNdb->startTransaction();
- if (MyTransaction == NULL) {
- tResult = 1;
- break;
- } // if
- MyOperation = MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(tableName[tableCount]);
- if (MyOperation == NULL) {
- tResult = 2;
- break;
- } // if
- check = MyOperation->openScanRead(tParallellism);
- if (check == -1) {
- tResult = 10;
- break;
- } // if
- for (int attrCount = 0; attrCount < tNoOfAttributes-1; attrCount++) {
- // Get all attributes
- tmp = MyOperation->
- getValue((char*)attrName[attrCount+1],
- (char*)&(readValue[tableCount*(tNoOfAttributes-1)*tNoOfOperations*tAttributeSize +
- attrCount*tNoOfOperations*tAttributeSize]));
- if (tmp == NULL) {
- tResult = 9;
- break;
- } // if
- } // for attrCount
- check = MyTransaction->executeScan();
- if (check == -1) {
- tResult = 12;
- break;
- } // if
- check = MyTransaction->nextScanResult();
- while (check == 0) {
- // Check if scan abort is requested
- if (theScanAbortTestFlag == 1) {
- if (countAbort == tAbortAfter) {
- MyTransaction->stopScan();
- ndbout << "scanread aborted on request after " << countAbort*tParallellism <<
- " tuples" << endl;
- break; // break while loop
- } // if
- countAbort++;
- } // if
- check = MyTransaction->nextScanResult();
- } // while
- pNdb->closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- } // for tableCount
- return(tResult);
- } // scanReadRows
- static int scanUpdateRows(Ndb* pNdb,
- int* readValue,
- int* attrValue)
- {
- int tResult = 0;
- int tableCount = 0;
- int attrCount = 0;
- int check = 0;
- int opCount = 0;
- NdbConnection* MyTransaction = NULL;
- NdbOperation* MyOperation = NULL;
- NdbConnection* MyTakeOverTrans = NULL;
- NdbOperation* MyTakeOverOp = NULL;
- NdbRecAttr* tTmp = NULL;
- for (tableCount = 0; tableCount < tNoOfTables; tableCount++) {
- MyTransaction = pNdb->startTransaction();
- if (MyTransaction == NULL) {
- tResult = 1;
- break; // break tableCount for loop
- } // if
- MyOperation = MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(tableName[tableCount]);
- if (MyOperation == NULL) {
- tResult = 2;
- break;
- } // if
- check = MyOperation->openScanExclusive(tParallellism);
- if (check == -1) {
- tResult = 11;
- break;
- } // if
- MyOperation->interpret_exit_ok();
- // Fetch all attributes
- for (int attrCount = 0; attrCount < tNoOfAttributes-1; attrCount++) {
- tTmp = MyOperation->
- getValue((char*)attrName[attrCount+1],
- (char*)&(readValue[tableCount*(tNoOfAttributes-1)*tNoOfOperations*tAttributeSize +
- attrCount*tNoOfOperations*tAttributeSize]));
- if (tTmp == NULL) {
- tResult = 9;
- break; // break for loop
- } // if
- } // for
- if (tResult != 0) {
- break; // break while loop also
- } // if
- check = MyTransaction->executeScan();
- if (check == -1) {
- tResult = 12;
- break;
- } // if
- check = MyTransaction->nextScanResult();
- opCount = 0;
- while (check == 0) {
- MyTakeOverTrans = pNdb->startTransaction();
- MyTakeOverOp = MyOperation->takeOverForUpdate(MyTakeOverTrans);
- for (attrCount = 0; attrCount < tNoOfAttributes-1; attrCount++) {
- check = MyTakeOverOp->setValue((char*)attrName[attrCount+1],
- (char*)&(attrValue[tableCount*(tNoOfAttributes-1)*tNoOfOperations*tAttributeSize +
- attrCount*tNoOfOperations*tAttributeSize + opCount*tAttributeSize]));
- } // for
- check = MyTakeOverTrans->execute(Commit);
- if (check == 0) {
- check = MyTransaction->nextScanResult();
- opCount++;
- } // if
- else {
- tResult = 95;
- /* MyTransaction, MyTakeOverTrans, Which one? */
- // Any further error handling?
- int retCode = flexScanErrorData->handleErrorCommon(MyTakeOverTrans->getNdbError());
- if (retCode == 1) {
- if (MyTakeOverTrans->getNdbError().code != 626 && MyTakeOverTrans->getNdbError().code != 630){
- ndbout_c("execute: %s", MyTakeOverTrans->getNdbError().message);
- ndbout_c("Error code = %d", MyTakeOverTrans->getNdbError().code);}
- tResult = 20;
- } else if (retCode == 2) {
- ndbout << "4115 should not happen in flexBench" << endl;
- tResult = 20;
- } else if (retCode == 3) {
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // We are not certain if the transaction was successful or not.
- // We must reexecute but might very well find that the transaction
- // actually was updated. Updates and Reads are no problem here. Inserts
- // will not cause a problem if error code 630 arrives. Deletes will
- // not cause a problem if 626 arrives.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- /* What can we do here? */
- ndbout_c("execute: %s", MyTakeOverTrans->getNdbError().message);
- }//if(retCode == 3)
- } // else
- pNdb->closeTransaction(MyTakeOverTrans);
- } // while
- pNdb->closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- } // for
- return(tResult);
- } // scanUpdateRows
- static int scanDeleteRows(Ndb* pNdb, int* readValue)
- {
- int tResult = 0;
- int tableCount = 0;
- int attrCount = 0;
- int check = 0;
- NdbRecAttr* tTmp = NULL;
- NdbConnection* MyTransaction = NULL;
- NdbOperation* MyOperation = NULL;
- NdbConnection* MyTakeOverTrans = NULL;
- NdbOperation* MyTakeOverOp = NULL;
- for (tableCount = 0; tableCount < tNoOfTables; tableCount++) {
- MyTransaction = pNdb->startTransaction();
- if (MyTransaction == NULL) {
- tResult = 1;
- break; // break tableCount for loop
- } // if
- MyOperation = MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(tableName[tableCount]);
- if (MyOperation == NULL) {
- tResult = 2;
- break;
- } // if
- check = MyOperation->openScanExclusive(tParallellism);
- if (check == -1) {
- tResult = 11;
- break;
- } // if
- MyOperation->interpret_exit_ok();
- for (int attrCount = 0; attrCount < tNoOfAttributes-1; attrCount++) {
- tTmp = MyOperation->
- getValue((char*)attrName[attrCount+1],
- (char*)&(readValue[tableCount*(tNoOfAttributes-1)*tNoOfOperations +
- attrCount*tNoOfOperations]));
- if (tTmp == NULL) {
- tResult = 9;
- break;
- } // if
- } // for
- check = MyTransaction->executeScan();
- if (check == -1) {
- tResult = 12;
- break;
- } // if
- check = MyTransaction->nextScanResult();
- while (check == 0) {
- MyTakeOverTrans = pNdb->startTransaction();
- MyTakeOverOp = MyOperation->takeOverForDelete(MyTakeOverTrans);
- check = MyTakeOverOp->deleteTuple();
- check = MyTakeOverTrans->execute(Commit);
- //Error handling here
- int retCode =flexScanErrorData->handleErrorCommon(MyTakeOverTrans->getNdbError());
- if (retCode == 1) {
- if (MyTakeOverTrans->getNdbError().code != 626 && MyTakeOverTrans->getNdbError().code != 630){
- ndbout_c("execute: %s", MyTakeOverTrans->getNdbError().message );
- ndbout_c("Error code = %d", MyTakeOverTrans->getNdbError().code );}
- tResult = 20;
- } else if (retCode == 2) {
- ndbout << "4115 should not happen in flexBench" << endl;
- tResult = 20;
- } else if (retCode == 3) {
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // We are not certain if the transaction was successful or not.
- // We must reexecute but might very well find that the transaction
- // actually was updated. Updates and Reads are no problem here. Inserts
- // will not cause a problem if error code 630 arrives. Deletes will
- // not cause a problem if 626 arrives.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- /* What can we do here? */
- ndbout_c("execute: %s", MyTakeOverTrans->getNdbError().message );
- }//if(retCode == 3) End of error handling
- pNdb->closeTransaction(MyTakeOverTrans);
- check = MyTransaction->nextScanResult();
- } // while
- pNdb->closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- } // for tableCount
- return(tResult);
- } // scanDeleteRows
- static int deleteRows(Ndb* pNdb,
- int* pkValue)
- {
- int tResult = 0;
- NdbConnection* MyTransaction = NULL;
- int tableCount = 0;
- int opCount = 0;
- int check = 0;
- NdbOperation* MyOperations[MAXTABLES] = {NULL};
- for (opCount = 0; opCount < tNoOfOperations; opCount++) {
- MyTransaction = pNdb->startTransaction();
- if (MyTransaction == NULL) {
- tResult = 1;
- } // if
- else {
- for (tableCount = 0; tableCount < tNoOfTables; tableCount++) {
- MyOperations[tableCount] =
- MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(tableName[tableCount]);
- if (MyOperations[tableCount] == NULL) {
- tResult = 2;
- // Break for tableCount loop
- break;
- } // if
- check = MyOperations[tableCount]->deleteTuple();
- if (check == -1) {
- tResult = 3;
- break;
- } // if
- check = MyOperations[tableCount]->
- equal((char*)attrName[0], (char*)&(pkValue[opCount]));
- if (check == -1) {
- tResult = 7;
- break;
- } // if
- } // for tableCount
- // Execute transaction deleting one tuple in every table
- check = MyTransaction->execute(Commit);
- if (check == -1) {
- ndbout << MyTransaction->getNdbError().message << endl;
- // Add complete error handling here
- int retCode = flexScanErrorData->handleErrorCommon(MyTransaction->getNdbError());
- if (retCode == 1) {
- if (MyTransaction->getNdbError().code != 626 && MyTransaction->getNdbError().code != 630){
- ndbout_c("execute: %d, %s", opCount, MyTransaction->getNdbError().message );
- ndbout_c("Error code = %d", MyTransaction->getNdbError().code );}
- tResult = 20;
- } else if (retCode == 2) {
- ndbout << "4115 should not happen in flexBench" << endl;
- tResult = 20;
- } else if (retCode == 3) {
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // We are not certain if the transaction was successful or not.
- // We must reexecute but might very well find that the transaction
- // actually was updated. Updates and Reads are no problem here. Inserts
- // will not cause a problem if error code 630 arrives. Deletes will
- // not cause a problem if 626 arrives.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- /* What can we do here? */
- ndbout_c("execute: %s", MyTransaction->getNdbError().message );
- }//if(retCode == 3)
- } // if
- pNdb->closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- } // else
- } // for opCount
- return(tResult);
- } // deleteRows
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Name: verifyDeleteRows
- //
- // Purpose: Verifies that all tables are empty by reading every tuple
- // No deletions made here
- //
- // Returns: 'Standard' error codes
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////
- static int verifyDeleteRows(Ndb* pNdb,
- int* pkValue,
- int* readValue)
- {
- int tResult = 0;
- int tableCount = 0;
- int attrCount = 0;
- int check = 0;
- NdbConnection* MyTransaction = NULL;
- NdbOperation* MyOperations = NULL;
- NdbRecAttr* tmp = NULL;
- int Value = 0;
- int Index = 0;
- int opCount = 0;
- for (opCount = 0; opCount < tNoOfOperations; opCount++) {
- for (tableCount = 0; tableCount < tNoOfTables; tableCount++) {
- MyTransaction = pNdb->startTransaction();
- if (MyTransaction == NULL) {
- tResult = 1;
- } // if
- else {
- MyOperations =
- MyTransaction->getNdbOperation(tableName[tableCount]);
- if (MyOperations == NULL) {
- tResult = 2;
- // Break for tableCount loop
- break;
- } // if
- check = MyOperations->readTuple();
- if (check == -1) {
- tResult = 3;
- break;
- } // if
- check = MyOperations->
- equal((char*)attrName[0], (char*)&(pkValue[opCount]));
- if (check == -1) {
- tResult = 7;
- break;
- } // if
- for (int attrCount = 0; attrCount < tNoOfAttributes - 1; attrCount++) {
- Index = tableCount * (tNoOfAttributes - 1) * tNoOfOperations * tAttributeSize +
- attrCount * tNoOfOperations * tAttributeSize + opCount * tAttributeSize;
- tmp = MyOperations->
- getValue((char*)attrName[attrCount + 1], (char*)&(readValue[Index]));
- if (tmp == NULL) {
- tResult = 9;
- break;
- } // if
- } // for attrCount
- // Execute transaction reading one tuple in every table
- check = MyTransaction->execute(Commit);
- if ((check == -1) && (MyTransaction->getNdbError().code == 626)){
- // This is expected because everything should be deleted
- } // if
- else if (check == 0) {
- // We have found a tuple that should have been deleted
- ndbout << "tuple " << tableName[tableCount] << ":" <<
- opCount << " was never deleted" << endl;
- tResult = 97;
- } // else if
- else {
- // Unexpected error
- ndbout << "Unexpected error during delete" << endl;
- assert(false);
- } // else
- pNdb->closeTransaction(MyTransaction);
- } // else
- } // for tableCount
- } // for opCount
- return(tResult);
- } // verifyDeleteRows