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Package: [view]
Upload User: romrleung
Upload Date: 2022-05-23
Package Size: 18897k
Code Size: 6k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- #ifndef ODBC_CODEGEN_Code_base_hpp
- #define ODBC_CODEGEN_Code_base_hpp
- #include <set>
- #include <list>
- #include <vector>
- #include <common/common.hpp>
- #include <common/CodeTree.hpp>
- #include <common/DescArea.hpp>
- class Ctx;
- class ConnArea;
- class StmtArea;
- class DescArea;
- class DictCatalog;
- class DictSchema;
- class ResultArea;
- class ResultSet;
- class SpecRow;
- class Ndb;
- class NdbSchemaCon;
- class NdbConnection;
- class NdbOperation;
- class NdbScanFilter;
- class Plan_root;
- class Plan_table;
- class Plan_column;
- class Plan_expr;
- class Plan_expr_param;
- class Plan_pred;
- class Plan_dml_row;
- class Plan_dml_column;
- class Plan_ddl_column;
- class Plan_ddl_constr;
- class Plan_idx_column;
- class Exec_root;
- class Exec_base;
- class Exec_query;
- class Exec_expr;
- class Exec_expr_row;
- class Exec_expr_param;
- /**
- * @class Plan_base
- * @brief Base class for plan trees
- */
- class Plan_base : public PlanTree {
- public:
- Plan_base(Plan_root* root);
- virtual ~Plan_base() = 0;
- // get references to StmtArea via Plan_root
- StmtArea& stmtArea() const;
- DescArea& descArea(DescUsage u) const;
- ConnArea& connArea() const;
- // catalogs
- DictCatalog& dictCatalog() const;
- DictSchema& dictSchema() const;
- // ndb
- Ndb* ndbObject() const;
- NdbSchemaCon* ndbSchemaCon() const;
- NdbConnection* ndbConnection() const;
- // containers for Plan classes
- typedef std::vector<Plan_table*> TableVector;
- typedef std::vector<Plan_column*> ColumnVector;
- typedef std::vector<Plan_dml_column*> DmlColumnVector;
- typedef std::vector<Plan_ddl_column*> DdlColumnVector;
- typedef std::vector<Plan_ddl_constr*> DdlConstrVector;
- typedef std::vector<Plan_idx_column*> IdxColumnVector;
- typedef std::vector<Plan_expr*> ExprVector;
- typedef std::list<Plan_expr*> ExprList;
- typedef std::vector<ExprList> ExprListVector;
- typedef std::list<Plan_pred*> PredList;
- typedef std::set<Plan_table*> TableSet;
- typedef std::vector<Plan_expr_param*> ParamVector;
- // control area on the stack XXX needs to be designed
- struct Ctl {
- Ctl(Ctl* up);
- Ctl* m_up; // up the stack
- // analyze
- TableVector m_tableList; // resolve column names
- bool m_topand; // in top-level where clause
- bool m_extra; // anything but single pk=expr
- bool m_aggrok; // aggregate allowed
- bool m_aggrin; // within aggregate args
- bool m_const; // only constants in set clause
- PredList m_topcomp; // top level comparisons
- Plan_dml_row *m_dmlRow; // row type to convert to
- Plan_table* m_topTable; // top level table for interpreted progs
- bool m_having; // in having-predicate
- // codegen
- Exec_root* m_execRoot; // root of Exec tree
- const Exec_query* m_execQuery; // pass to column
- };
- // semantic analysis and optimization
- virtual Plan_base* analyze(Ctx& ctx, Ctl& ctl) = 0;
- // generate "executable" code
- virtual Exec_base* codegen(Ctx& ctx, Ctl& ctl) = 0;
- // misc
- virtual void print(Ctx& ctx) = 0;
- protected:
- Plan_root* m_root;
- void printList(Ctx& ctx, Plan_base* a[], unsigned n);
- };
- inline
- Plan_base::Plan_base(Plan_root* root) :
- m_root(root)
- {
- ctx_assert(m_root != 0);
- }
- inline
- Plan_base::Ctl::Ctl(Ctl* up) :
- m_up(up),
- m_tableList(1), // 1-based
- m_topand(false),
- m_extra(false),
- m_aggrok(false),
- m_aggrin(false),
- m_dmlRow(0),
- m_topTable(0),
- m_having(false),
- m_execRoot(0),
- m_execQuery(0)
- {
- }
- /**
- * @class Exec_base
- * @brief Base class for exec trees
- */
- class Exec_base : public ExecTree {
- public:
- class Code : public ExecTree::Code {
- public:
- virtual ~Code() = 0;
- };
- class Data : public ExecTree::Data {
- public:
- virtual ~Data() = 0;
- };
- Exec_base(Exec_root* root);
- virtual ~Exec_base() = 0;
- // get references to StmtArea via Exec_root
- virtual StmtArea& stmtArea() const;
- DescArea& descArea(DescUsage u) const;
- ConnArea& connArea() const;
- // catalogs
- DictSchema& dictSchema() const;
- // ndb
- Ndb* ndbObject() const;
- NdbSchemaCon* ndbSchemaCon() const;
- NdbConnection* ndbConnection() const;
- // containers for Exec classes
- typedef std::vector<Exec_expr*> ExprVector;
- typedef std::vector<Exec_expr_param*> ParamVector;
- // control area on the stack
- struct Ctl {
- Ctl(Ctl* up);
- Ctl* m_up; // up the stack
- const Exec_query* m_query; // pass Data
- ExprVector m_exprList; // pass Data
- NdbOperation* m_scanOp; // scan operation
- bool m_postEval; // for rownum
- unsigned m_groupIndex; // for group by
- bool m_groupInit; // first in group
- Exec_expr_row* m_sortRow; // from sort to group by
- NdbScanFilter* m_scanFilter; // scan filter
- };
- // allocate and deallocate Data instances
- virtual void alloc(Ctx& ctx, Ctl& ctl) = 0;
- virtual void close(Ctx& ctx) = 0;
- // set Code and Data
- void setCode(const Code& code);
- void setData(Data& data);
- // misc
- virtual void print(Ctx& ctx) = 0;
- protected:
- const Code* m_code;
- Data* m_data;
- Exec_root* m_root;
- void printList(Ctx& ctx, Exec_base* a[], unsigned n);
- };
- inline
- Exec_base::Exec_base(Exec_root* root) :
- m_code(0),
- m_data(0),
- m_root(root)
- {
- ctx_assert(m_root != 0);
- }
- inline void
- Exec_base::setCode(const Code& code)
- {
- ctx_assert(m_code == 0);
- m_code = &code;
- }
- inline void
- Exec_base::setData(Data& data)
- {
- ctx_assert(m_data == 0);
- m_data = &data;
- }
- inline
- Exec_base::Ctl::Ctl(Ctl* up) :
- m_up(up),
- m_scanOp(0),
- m_postEval(false),
- m_groupIndex(0),
- m_groupInit(false),
- m_sortRow(0),
- m_scanFilter(0)
- {
- }
- #endif