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Package: [view]
Upload User: romrleung
Upload Date: 2022-05-23
Package Size: 18897k
Code Size: 39k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
- /* Sorts a database */
- #include "mysql_priv.h"
- #ifdef HAVE_STDDEF_H
- #include <stddef.h> /* for macro offsetof */
- #endif
- #include <m_ctype.h>
- #include "sql_sort.h"
- #ifndef THREAD
- #endif
- /* How to write record_ref. */
- #define WRITE_REF(file,from)
- if (my_b_write((file),(byte*) (from),param->ref_length))
- /* functions defined in this file */
- static char **make_char_array(register uint fields, uint length, myf my_flag);
- static BUFFPEK *read_buffpek_from_file(IO_CACHE *buffer_file, uint count);
- static ha_rows find_all_keys(SORTPARAM *param,SQL_SELECT *select,
- uchar * *sort_keys, IO_CACHE *buffer_file,
- IO_CACHE *tempfile,IO_CACHE *indexfile);
- static int write_keys(SORTPARAM *param,uchar * *sort_keys,
- uint count, IO_CACHE *buffer_file, IO_CACHE *tempfile);
- static void make_sortkey(SORTPARAM *param,uchar *to, byte *ref_pos);
- static int merge_index(SORTPARAM *param,uchar *sort_buffer,
- BUFFPEK *buffpek,
- uint maxbuffer,IO_CACHE *tempfile,
- IO_CACHE *outfile);
- static bool save_index(SORTPARAM *param,uchar **sort_keys, uint count);
- static uint sortlength(SORT_FIELD *sortorder, uint s_length,
- bool *multi_byte_charset);
- static SORT_ADDON_FIELD *get_addon_fields(THD *thd, Field **ptabfield,
- uint sortlength, uint *plength);
- static void unpack_addon_fields(struct st_sort_addon_field *addon_field,
- byte *buff);
- /*
- Sort a table
- filesort()
- table Table to sort
- sortorder How to sort the table
- s_length Number of elements in sortorder
- select condition to apply to the rows
- special Not used.
- (This could be used to sort the rows pointed on by
- select->file)
- examined_rows Store number of examined rows here
- Creates a set of pointers that can be used to read the rows
- in sorted order. This should be done with the functions
- in
- Before calling filesort, one must have done
- table->file->info(HA_STATUS_VARIABLE)
- # Number of rows
- examined_rows will be set to number of examined rows
- The result set is stored in table->io_cache or
- table->record_pointers
- */
- ha_rows filesort(THD *thd, TABLE *table, SORT_FIELD *sortorder, uint s_length,
- SQL_SELECT *select, ha_rows max_rows, ha_rows *examined_rows)
- {
- int error;
- ulong memavl, min_sort_memory;
- uint maxbuffer;
- BUFFPEK *buffpek;
- ha_rows records= HA_POS_ERROR;
- uchar **sort_keys;
- IO_CACHE tempfile, buffpek_pointers, *selected_records_file, *outfile;
- SORTPARAM param;
- bool multi_byte_charset;
- DBUG_ENTER("filesort");
- DBUG_EXECUTE("info",TEST_filesort(sortorder,s_length););
- DBUG_PUSH(""); /* No DBUG here */
- #endif
- outfile= table->sort.io_cache;
- my_b_clear(&tempfile);
- my_b_clear(&buffpek_pointers);
- buffpek=0;
- sort_keys= (uchar **) NULL;
- error= 1;
- bzero((char*) ¶m,sizeof(param));
- param.sort_length= sortlength(sortorder, s_length, &multi_byte_charset);
- param.ref_length= table->file->ref_length;
- param.addon_field= 0;
- param.addon_length= 0;
- if (!(table->tmp_table || table->fulltext_searched))
- {
- /*
- Get the descriptors of all fields whose values are appended
- to sorted fields and get its total length in param.spack_length.
- */
- param.addon_field= get_addon_fields(thd, table->field,
- param.sort_length,
- ¶m.addon_length);
- }
- table->sort.addon_buf= 0;
- table->sort.addon_length= param.addon_length;
- table->sort.addon_field= param.addon_field;
- table->sort.unpack= unpack_addon_fields;
- if (param.addon_field)
- {
- param.res_length= param.addon_length;
- if (!(table->sort.addon_buf= (byte *) my_malloc(param.addon_length,
- MYF(MY_WME))))
- goto err;
- }
- else
- {
- param.res_length= param.ref_length;
- /*
- The reference to the record is considered
- as an additional sorted field
- */
- param.sort_length+= param.ref_length;
- }
- param.rec_length= param.sort_length+param.addon_length;
- param.max_rows= max_rows;
- if (select && select->quick)
- {
- statistic_increment(filesort_range_count, &LOCK_status);
- }
- else
- {
- statistic_increment(filesort_scan_count, &LOCK_status);
- }
- if (select && select->quick && select->quick->records > 0L)
- {
- records=min((ha_rows) (select->quick->records*2+EXTRA_RECORDS*2),
- table->file->records)+EXTRA_RECORDS;
- selected_records_file=0;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- records= table->file->estimate_rows_upper_bound();
- /*
- If number of records is not known, use as much of sort buffer
- as possible.
- */
- if (records == HA_POS_ERROR)
- records--; // we use 'records+1' below.
- selected_records_file= 0;
- }
- if (multi_byte_charset &&
- !(param.tmp_buffer=my_malloc(param.sort_length,MYF(MY_WME))))
- goto err;
- memavl= thd->variables.sortbuff_size;
- min_sort_memory= max(MIN_SORT_MEMORY, param.sort_length*MERGEBUFF2);
- while (memavl >= min_sort_memory)
- {
- ulong old_memavl;
- ulong keys= memavl/(param.rec_length+sizeof(char*));
- param.keys=(uint) min(records+1, keys);
- if ((sort_keys= (uchar **) make_char_array(param.keys, param.rec_length,
- MYF(0))))
- break;
- old_memavl=memavl;
- if ((memavl=memavl/4*3) < min_sort_memory && old_memavl > min_sort_memory)
- memavl= min_sort_memory;
- }
- if (memavl < min_sort_memory)
- {
- thd->variables.sortbuff_size);
- goto err;
- }
- if (open_cached_file(&buffpek_pointers,mysql_tmpdir,TEMP_PREFIX,
- goto err;
- param.keys--; /* TODO: check why we do this */
- param.sort_form= table;
- param.end=(param.local_sortorder=sortorder)+s_length;
- if ((records=find_all_keys(¶m,select,sort_keys, &buffpek_pointers,
- &tempfile, selected_records_file)) ==
- goto err;
- maxbuffer= (uint) (my_b_tell(&buffpek_pointers)/sizeof(*buffpek));
- if (maxbuffer == 0) // The whole set is in memory
- {
- if (save_index(¶m,sort_keys,(uint) records))
- goto err;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(buffpek=read_buffpek_from_file(&buffpek_pointers, maxbuffer)))
- goto err;
- close_cached_file(&buffpek_pointers);
- /* Open cached file if it isn't open */
- if (! my_b_inited(outfile) &&
- open_cached_file(outfile,mysql_tmpdir,TEMP_PREFIX,READ_RECORD_BUFFER,
- goto err;
- reinit_io_cache(outfile,WRITE_CACHE,0L,0,0);
- /*
- Use also the space previously used by string pointers in sort_buffer
- for temporary key storage.
- */
- param.keys=((param.keys*(param.rec_length+sizeof(char*))) /
- param.rec_length-1);
- maxbuffer--; // Offset from 0
- if (merge_many_buff(¶m,(uchar*) sort_keys,buffpek,&maxbuffer,
- &tempfile))
- goto err;
- if (flush_io_cache(&tempfile) ||
- reinit_io_cache(&tempfile,READ_CACHE,0L,0,0))
- goto err;
- if (merge_index(¶m,(uchar*) sort_keys,buffpek,maxbuffer,&tempfile,
- outfile))
- goto err;
- }
- if (records > param.max_rows)
- records=param.max_rows;
- error =0;
- err:
- if (param.tmp_buffer)
- x_free(param.tmp_buffer);
- x_free((gptr) sort_keys);
- x_free((gptr) buffpek);
- close_cached_file(&tempfile);
- close_cached_file(&buffpek_pointers);
- if (my_b_inited(outfile))
- {
- if (flush_io_cache(outfile))
- error=1;
- {
- my_off_t save_pos=outfile->pos_in_file;
- /* For following reads */
- if (reinit_io_cache(outfile,READ_CACHE,0L,0,0))
- error=1;
- outfile->end_of_file=save_pos;
- }
- }
- if (error)
- else
- statistic_add(filesort_rows, (ulong) records, &LOCK_status);
- *examined_rows= param.examined_rows;
- DBUG_POP(); /* Ok to DBUG */
- #endif
- DBUG_PRINT("exit",("records: %ld",records));
- DBUG_RETURN(error ? HA_POS_ERROR : records);
- } /* filesort */
- void filesort_free_buffers(TABLE *table)
- {
- if (table->sort.record_pointers)
- {
- my_free((gptr) table->sort.record_pointers,MYF(0));
- table->sort.record_pointers=0;
- }
- if (table->sort.addon_buf)
- {
- my_free((char *) table->sort.addon_buf, MYF(0));
- my_free((char *) table->sort.addon_field, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
- table->sort.addon_buf=0;
- table->sort.addon_field=0;
- }
- }
- /* Make a array of string pointers */
- static char **make_char_array(register uint fields, uint length, myf my_flag)
- {
- register char **pos;
- char **old_pos,*char_pos;
- DBUG_ENTER("make_char_array");
- if ((old_pos= (char**) my_malloc((uint) fields*(length+sizeof(char*)),
- my_flag)))
- {
- pos=old_pos; char_pos=((char*) (pos+fields)) -length;
- while (fields--) *(pos++) = (char_pos+= length);
- }
- DBUG_RETURN(old_pos);
- } /* make_char_array */
- /* Read 'count' number of buffer pointers into memory */
- static BUFFPEK *read_buffpek_from_file(IO_CACHE *buffpek_pointers, uint count)
- {
- ulong length;
- BUFFPEK *tmp;
- DBUG_ENTER("read_buffpek_from_file");
- tmp=(BUFFPEK*) my_malloc(length=sizeof(BUFFPEK)*count, MYF(MY_WME));
- if (tmp)
- {
- if (reinit_io_cache(buffpek_pointers,READ_CACHE,0L,0,0) ||
- my_b_read(buffpek_pointers, (byte*) tmp, length))
- {
- my_free((char*) tmp, MYF(0));
- tmp=0;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Search after sort_keys and write them into tempfile.
- find_all_keys()
- param Sorting parameter
- select Use this to get source data
- sort_keys Array of pointers to sort key + addon buffers.
- buffpek_pointers File to write BUFFPEKs describing sorted segments
- in tempfile.
- tempfile File to write sorted sequences of sortkeys to.
- indexfile If !NULL, use it for source data (contains rowids)
- Basic idea:
- while (get_next_sortkey())
- {
- if (no free space in sort_keys buffers)
- {
- sort sort_keys buffer;
- dump sorted sequence to 'tempfile';
- dump BUFFPEK describing sequence location into 'buffpek_pointers';
- }
- put sort key into 'sort_keys';
- }
- if (sort_keys has some elements && dumped at least once)
- sort-dump-dump as above;
- else
- don't sort, leave sort_keys array to be sorted by caller.
- All produced sequences are guaranteed to be non-empty.
- Number of records written on success.
- HA_POS_ERROR on error.
- */
- static ha_rows find_all_keys(SORTPARAM *param, SQL_SELECT *select,
- uchar **sort_keys,
- IO_CACHE *buffpek_pointers,
- IO_CACHE *tempfile, IO_CACHE *indexfile)
- {
- int error,flag,quick_select;
- uint idx,indexpos,ref_length;
- byte *ref_pos,*next_pos,ref_buff[MAX_REFLENGTH];
- my_off_t record;
- TABLE *sort_form;
- volatile my_bool *killed= ¤t_thd->killed;
- handler *file;
- DBUG_ENTER("find_all_keys");
- DBUG_PRINT("info",("using: %s",(select?select->quick?"ranges":"where":"every row")));
- idx=indexpos=0;
- error=quick_select=0;
- sort_form=param->sort_form;
- file=sort_form->file;
- ref_length=param->ref_length;
- ref_pos= ref_buff;
- quick_select=select && select->quick;
- record=0;
- flag= ((!indexfile && file->table_flags() & HA_REC_NOT_IN_SEQ)
- || quick_select);
- if (indexfile || flag)
- ref_pos= &file->ref[0];
- next_pos=ref_pos;
- if (! indexfile && ! quick_select)
- {
- file->reset(); // QQ; Shouldn't be needed
- if (sort_form->key_read) // QQ Can be removed after the reset
- file->extra(HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD); // QQ is removed
- next_pos=(byte*) 0; /* Find records in sequence */
- file->ha_rnd_init(1);
- file->extra_opt(HA_EXTRA_CACHE,
- current_thd->variables.read_buff_size);
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- if (quick_select)
- {
- if ((error=select->quick->get_next()))
- break;
- file->position(sort_form->record[0]);
- }
- else /* Not quick-select */
- {
- if (indexfile)
- {
- if (my_b_read(indexfile,(byte*) ref_pos,ref_length)) /* purecov: deadcode */
- {
- error= my_errno ? my_errno : -1; /* Abort */
- break;
- }
- error=file->rnd_pos(sort_form->record[0],next_pos);
- }
- else
- {
- error=file->rnd_next(sort_form->record[0]);
- if (!flag)
- {
- ha_store_ptr(ref_pos,ref_length,record); // Position to row
- record+=sort_form->db_record_offset;
- }
- else if (!error)
- file->position(sort_form->record[0]);
- }
- if (error && error != HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED)
- break;
- }
- if (*killed)
- {
- DBUG_PRINT("info",("Sort killed by user"));
- if (!indexfile && !quick_select)
- {
- (void) file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE);
- file->ha_rnd_end();
- }
- DBUG_RETURN(HA_POS_ERROR); /* purecov: inspected */
- }
- if (error == 0)
- param->examined_rows++;
- if (error == 0 && (!select || select->skip_record() == 0))
- {
- if (idx == param->keys)
- {
- if (write_keys(param,sort_keys,idx,buffpek_pointers,tempfile))
- idx=0;
- indexpos++;
- }
- make_sortkey(param,sort_keys[idx++],ref_pos);
- }
- else
- file->unlock_row();
- }
- (void) file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE); /* End cacheing of records */
- if (!next_pos)
- file->ha_rnd_end();
- DBUG_PRINT("test",("error: %d indexpos: %d",error,indexpos));
- if (error != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE)
- {
- file->print_error(error,MYF(ME_ERROR | ME_WAITTANG)); /* purecov: inspected */
- DBUG_RETURN(HA_POS_ERROR); /* purecov: inspected */
- }
- if (indexpos && idx &&
- write_keys(param,sort_keys,idx,buffpek_pointers,tempfile))
- DBUG_RETURN(HA_POS_ERROR); /* purecov: inspected */
- DBUG_RETURN(my_b_inited(tempfile) ?
- (ha_rows) (my_b_tell(tempfile)/param->rec_length) :
- idx);
- } /* find_all_keys */
- /*
- Sort the buffer and write:
- 1) the sorted sequence to tempfile
- 2) a BUFFPEK describing the sorted sequence position to buffpek_pointers
- (was: Skriver en buffert med nycklar till filen)
- write_keys()
- param Sort parameters
- sort_keys Array of pointers to keys to sort
- count Number of elements in sort_keys array
- buffpek_pointers One 'BUFFPEK' struct will be written into this file.
- The BUFFPEK::{file_pos, count} will indicate where
- the sorted data was stored.
- tempfile The sorted sequence will be written into this file.
- 0 OK
- 1 Error
- */
- static int
- write_keys(SORTPARAM *param, register uchar **sort_keys, uint count,
- IO_CACHE *buffpek_pointers, IO_CACHE *tempfile)
- {
- uint sort_length, rec_length;
- uchar **end;
- BUFFPEK buffpek;
- DBUG_ENTER("write_keys");
- sort_length= param->sort_length;
- rec_length= param->rec_length;
- #ifdef MC68000
- quicksort(sort_keys,count,sort_length);
- #else
- my_string_ptr_sort((gptr) sort_keys, (uint) count, sort_length);
- #endif
- if (!my_b_inited(tempfile) &&
- open_cached_file(tempfile, mysql_tmpdir, TEMP_PREFIX, DISK_BUFFER_SIZE,
- goto err; /* purecov: inspected */
- buffpek.file_pos= my_b_tell(tempfile);
- if ((ha_rows) count > param->max_rows)
- count=(uint) param->max_rows; /* purecov: inspected */
- buffpek.count=(ha_rows) count;
- for (end=sort_keys+count ; sort_keys != end ; sort_keys++)
- if (my_b_write(tempfile, (byte*) *sort_keys, (uint) rec_length))
- goto err;
- if (my_b_write(buffpek_pointers, (byte*) &buffpek, sizeof(buffpek)))
- goto err;
- err:
- } /* write_keys */
- /* makes a sort-key from record */
- static void make_sortkey(register SORTPARAM *param,
- register uchar *to, byte *ref_pos)
- {
- reg3 Field *field;
- reg1 SORT_FIELD *sort_field;
- reg5 uint length;
- for (sort_field=param->local_sortorder ;
- sort_field != param->end ;
- sort_field++)
- {
- bool maybe_null=0;
- if ((field=sort_field->field))
- { // Field
- if (field->maybe_null())
- {
- if (field->is_null())
- {
- if (sort_field->reverse)
- bfill(to,sort_field->length+1,(char) 255);
- else
- bzero((char*) to,sort_field->length+1);
- to+= sort_field->length+1;
- continue;
- }
- else
- *to++=1;
- }
- field->sort_string((char*) to,sort_field->length);
- }
- else
- { // Item
- Item *item=sort_field->item;
- switch (sort_field->result_type) {
- {
- CHARSET_INFO *cs=item->collation.collation;
- char fill_char= ((cs->state & MY_CS_BINSORT) ? (char) 0 : ' ');
- if ((maybe_null=item->maybe_null))
- *to++=1;
- /* All item->str() to use some extra byte for end null.. */
- String tmp((char*) to,sort_field->length+4,cs);
- String *res=item->val_str(&tmp);
- if (!res)
- {
- if (item->maybe_null)
- bzero((char*) to-1,sort_field->length+1);
- else
- {
- DBUG_PRINT("warning",
- ("Got null on something that shouldn't be null"));
- bzero((char*) to,sort_field->length); // Avoid crash
- }
- break;
- }
- length=res->length();
- int diff=(int) (sort_field->length-length);
- if (diff < 0)
- {
- diff=0; /* purecov: inspected */
- length=sort_field->length;
- }
- if (sort_field->need_strxnfrm)
- {
- char *from=(char*) res->ptr();
- if ((unsigned char *)from == to)
- {
- set_if_smaller(length,sort_field->length);
- memcpy(param->tmp_buffer,from,length);
- from=param->tmp_buffer;
- }
- uint tmp_length=my_strnxfrm(cs,to,sort_field->length,
- (unsigned char *) from, length);
- DBUG_ASSERT(tmp_length == sort_field->length);
- }
- else
- {
- my_strnxfrm(cs,(uchar*)to,length,(const uchar*)res->ptr(),length);
- cs->cset->fill(cs, (char *)to+length,diff,fill_char);
- }
- break;
- }
- case INT_RESULT:
- {
- longlong value=item->val_int();
- if ((maybe_null=item->maybe_null))
- *to++=1; /* purecov: inspected */
- if (item->null_value)
- {
- if (item->maybe_null)
- bzero((char*) to-1,sort_field->length+1);
- else
- {
- DBUG_PRINT("warning",
- ("Got null on something that shouldn't be null"));
- bzero((char*) to,sort_field->length);
- }
- break;
- }
- to[7]= (uchar) value;
- to[6]= (uchar) (value >> 8);
- to[5]= (uchar) (value >> 16);
- to[4]= (uchar) (value >> 24);
- to[3]= (uchar) (value >> 32);
- to[2]= (uchar) (value >> 40);
- to[1]= (uchar) (value >> 48);
- if (item->unsigned_flag) /* Fix sign */
- to[0]= (uchar) (value >> 56);
- else
- to[0]= (uchar) (value >> 56) ^ 128; /* Reverse signbit */
- #else
- to[3]= (uchar) value;
- to[2]= (uchar) (value >> 8);
- to[1]= (uchar) (value >> 16);
- if (item->unsigned_flag) /* Fix sign */
- to[0]= (uchar) (value >> 24);
- else
- to[0]= (uchar) (value >> 24) ^ 128; /* Reverse signbit */
- #endif
- break;
- }
- {
- double value=item->val();
- if ((maybe_null=item->null_value))
- {
- bzero((char*) to,sort_field->length+1);
- to++;
- break;
- }
- if ((maybe_null=item->maybe_null))
- *to++=1;
- change_double_for_sort(value,(byte*) to);
- break;
- }
- case ROW_RESULT:
- default:
- // This case should never be choosen
- break;
- }
- }
- if (sort_field->reverse)
- { /* Revers key */
- if (maybe_null)
- to[-1]= ~to[-1];
- length=sort_field->length;
- while (length--)
- {
- *to = (uchar) (~ *to);
- to++;
- }
- }
- else
- to+= sort_field->length;
- }
- if (param->addon_field)
- {
- /*
- Save field values appended to sorted fields.
- First null bit indicators are appended then field values follow.
- In this implementation we use fixed layout for field values -
- the same for all records.
- */
- SORT_ADDON_FIELD *addonf= param->addon_field;
- uchar *nulls= to;
- DBUG_ASSERT(addonf);
- bzero((char *) nulls, addonf->offset);
- to+= addonf->offset;
- for ( ; (field= addonf->field) ; addonf++)
- {
- if (addonf->null_bit && field->is_null())
- {
- nulls[addonf->null_offset]|= addonf->null_bit;
- #ifdef HAVE_purify
- bzero(to, addonf->length);
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- uchar *end= (uchar*) field->pack((char *) to, field->ptr);
- #ifdef HAVE_purify
- uint length= (uint) ((to + addonf->length) - end);
- DBUG_ASSERT((int) length >= 0);
- if (length)
- bzero(end, length);
- #endif
- }
- to+= addonf->length;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Save filepos last */
- memcpy((byte*) to, ref_pos, (size_s) param->ref_length);
- }
- return;
- }
- static bool save_index(SORTPARAM *param, uchar **sort_keys, uint count)
- {
- uint offset,res_length;
- byte *to;
- DBUG_ENTER("save_index");
- my_string_ptr_sort((gptr) sort_keys, (uint) count, param->sort_length);
- res_length= param->res_length;
- offset= param->rec_length-res_length;
- if ((ha_rows) count > param->max_rows)
- count=(uint) param->max_rows;
- if (!(to= param->sort_form->sort.record_pointers=
- (byte*) my_malloc(res_length*count, MYF(MY_WME))))
- DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: inspected */
- for (uchar **end= sort_keys+count ; sort_keys != end ; sort_keys++)
- {
- memcpy(to, *sort_keys+offset, res_length);
- to+= res_length;
- }
- }
- /* Merge buffers to make < MERGEBUFF2 buffers */
- int merge_many_buff(SORTPARAM *param, uchar *sort_buffer,
- BUFFPEK *buffpek, uint *maxbuffer, IO_CACHE *t_file)
- {
- register int i;
- IO_CACHE t_file2,*from_file,*to_file,*temp;
- BUFFPEK *lastbuff;
- DBUG_ENTER("merge_many_buff");
- if (*maxbuffer < MERGEBUFF2)
- DBUG_RETURN(0); /* purecov: inspected */
- if (flush_io_cache(t_file) ||
- open_cached_file(&t_file2,mysql_tmpdir,TEMP_PREFIX,DISK_BUFFER_SIZE,
- DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: inspected */
- from_file= t_file ; to_file= &t_file2;
- while (*maxbuffer >= MERGEBUFF2)
- {
- reinit_io_cache(from_file,READ_CACHE,0L,0,0);
- reinit_io_cache(to_file,WRITE_CACHE,0L,0,0);
- lastbuff=buffpek;
- for (i=0 ; i <= (int) *maxbuffer-MERGEBUFF*3/2 ; i+=MERGEBUFF)
- {
- if (merge_buffers(param,from_file,to_file,sort_buffer,lastbuff++,
- buffpek+i,buffpek+i+MERGEBUFF-1,0))
- break; /* purecov: inspected */
- }
- if (merge_buffers(param,from_file,to_file,sort_buffer,lastbuff++,
- buffpek+i,buffpek+ *maxbuffer,0))
- break; /* purecov: inspected */
- if (flush_io_cache(to_file))
- break; /* purecov: inspected */
- temp=from_file; from_file=to_file; to_file=temp;
- setup_io_cache(from_file);
- setup_io_cache(to_file);
- *maxbuffer= (uint) (lastbuff-buffpek)-1;
- }
- close_cached_file(to_file); // This holds old result
- if (to_file == t_file)
- {
- *t_file=t_file2; // Copy result file
- setup_io_cache(t_file);
- }
- DBUG_RETURN(*maxbuffer >= MERGEBUFF2); /* Return 1 if interrupted */
- } /* merge_many_buff */
- /* Read data to buffer */
- /* This returns (uint) -1 if something goes wrong */
- uint read_to_buffer(IO_CACHE *fromfile, BUFFPEK *buffpek,
- uint rec_length)
- {
- register uint count;
- uint length;
- if ((count=(uint) min((ha_rows) buffpek->max_keys,buffpek->count)))
- {
- if (my_pread(fromfile->file,(byte*) buffpek->base,
- (length= rec_length*count),buffpek->file_pos,MYF_RW))
- return((uint) -1); /* purecov: inspected */
- buffpek->key=buffpek->base;
- buffpek->file_pos+= length; /* New filepos */
- buffpek->count-= count;
- buffpek->mem_count= count;
- }
- return (count*rec_length);
- } /* read_to_buffer */
- /*
- Merge buffers to one buffer
- merge_buffers()
- param Sort parameter
- from_file File with source data (BUFFPEKs point to this file)
- to_file File to write the sorted result data.
- sort_buffer Buffer for data to store up to MERGEBUFF2 sort keys.
- lastbuff OUT Store here BUFFPEK describing data written to to_file
- Fb First element in source BUFFPEKs array
- Tb Last element in source BUFFPEKs array
- flag
- 0 - OK
- other - error
- */
- int merge_buffers(SORTPARAM *param, IO_CACHE *from_file,
- IO_CACHE *to_file, uchar *sort_buffer,
- BUFFPEK *lastbuff, BUFFPEK *Fb, BUFFPEK *Tb,
- int flag)
- {
- int error;
- uint rec_length,sort_length,res_length,offset;
- ulong maxcount;
- ha_rows max_rows,org_max_rows;
- my_off_t to_start_filepos;
- uchar *strpos;
- BUFFPEK *buffpek,**refpek;
- QUEUE queue;
- qsort2_cmp cmp;
- volatile my_bool *killed= ¤t_thd->killed;
- my_bool not_killable;
- DBUG_ENTER("merge_buffers");
- statistic_increment(filesort_merge_passes, &LOCK_status);
- if (param->not_killable)
- {
- killed= ¬_killable;
- not_killable= 0;
- }
- error=0;
- rec_length= param->rec_length;
- res_length= param->res_length;
- sort_length= param->sort_length;
- offset= rec_length-res_length;
- maxcount= (ulong) (param->keys/((uint) (Tb-Fb) +1));
- to_start_filepos= my_b_tell(to_file);
- strpos= (uchar*) sort_buffer;
- org_max_rows=max_rows= param->max_rows;
- /* The following will fire if there is not enough space in sort_buffer */
- DBUG_ASSERT(maxcount!=0);
- if (init_queue(&queue, (uint) (Tb-Fb)+1, offsetof(BUFFPEK,key), 0,
- (queue_compare) (cmp= get_ptr_compare(sort_length)),
- (void*) &sort_length))
- DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: inspected */
- for (buffpek= Fb ; buffpek <= Tb ; buffpek++)
- {
- buffpek->base= strpos;
- buffpek->max_keys= maxcount;
- strpos+= (uint) (error= (int) read_to_buffer(from_file, buffpek,
- rec_length));
- if (error == -1)
- goto err; /* purecov: inspected */
- buffpek->max_keys= buffpek->mem_count; // If less data in buffers than expected
- queue_insert(&queue, (byte*) buffpek);
- }
- if (param->unique_buff)
- {
- /*
- Called by Unique::get()
- Copy the first argument to param->unique_buff for unique removal.
- Store it also in 'to_file'.
- This is safe as we know that there is always more than one element
- in each block to merge (This is guaranteed by the Unique:: algorithm
- */
- buffpek= (BUFFPEK*) queue_top(&queue);
- memcpy(param->unique_buff, buffpek->key, rec_length);
- if (my_b_write(to_file, (byte*) buffpek->key, rec_length))
- {
- error=1; goto err; /* purecov: inspected */
- }
- buffpek->key+= rec_length;
- buffpek->mem_count--;
- if (!--max_rows)
- {
- error= 0; /* purecov: inspected */
- goto end; /* purecov: inspected */
- }
- queue_replaced(&queue); // Top element has been used
- }
- else
- cmp= 0; // Not unique
- while (queue.elements > 1)
- {
- if (*killed)
- {
- error= 1; goto err; /* purecov: inspected */
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- buffpek= (BUFFPEK*) queue_top(&queue);
- if (cmp) // Remove duplicates
- {
- if (!(*cmp)(&sort_length, &(param->unique_buff),
- (uchar**) &buffpek->key))
- goto skip_duplicate;
- memcpy(param->unique_buff, (uchar*) buffpek->key, rec_length);
- }
- if (flag == 0)
- {
- if (my_b_write(to_file,(byte*) buffpek->key, rec_length))
- {
- error=1; goto err; /* purecov: inspected */
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (my_b_write(to_file, (byte*) buffpek->key+offset, res_length))
- {
- error=1; goto err; /* purecov: inspected */
- }
- }
- if (!--max_rows)
- {
- error= 0; /* purecov: inspected */
- goto end; /* purecov: inspected */
- }
- skip_duplicate:
- buffpek->key+= rec_length;
- if (! --buffpek->mem_count)
- {
- if (!(error= (int) read_to_buffer(from_file,buffpek,
- rec_length)))
- {
- uchar *base= buffpek->base;
- ulong max_keys= buffpek->max_keys;
- VOID(queue_remove(&queue,0));
- /* Put room used by buffer to use in other buffer */
- for (refpek= (BUFFPEK**) &queue_top(&queue);
- refpek <= (BUFFPEK**) &queue_end(&queue);
- refpek++)
- {
- buffpek= *refpek;
- if (buffpek->base+buffpek->max_keys*rec_length == base)
- {
- buffpek->max_keys+= max_keys;
- break;
- }
- else if (base+max_keys*rec_length == buffpek->base)
- {
- buffpek->base= base;
- buffpek->max_keys+= max_keys;
- break;
- }
- }
- break; /* One buffer have been removed */
- }
- else if (error == -1)
- goto err; /* purecov: inspected */
- }
- queue_replaced(&queue); /* Top element has been replaced */
- }
- }
- buffpek= (BUFFPEK*) queue_top(&queue);
- buffpek->base= sort_buffer;
- buffpek->max_keys= param->keys;
- /*
- As we know all entries in the buffer are unique, we only have to
- check if the first one is the same as the last one we wrote
- */
- if (cmp)
- {
- if (!(*cmp)(&sort_length, &(param->unique_buff), (uchar**) &buffpek->key))
- {
- buffpek->key+= rec_length; // Remove duplicate
- --buffpek->mem_count;
- }
- }
- do
- {
- if ((ha_rows) buffpek->mem_count > max_rows)
- { /* Don't write too many records */
- buffpek->mem_count= (uint) max_rows;
- buffpek->count= 0; /* Don't
- }
- max_rows-= buffpek->mem_count;
- if (flag == 0)
- {
- if (my_b_write(to_file,(byte*) buffpek->key,
- (rec_length*buffpek->mem_count)))
- {
- error= 1; goto err; /* purecov: inspected */
- }
- }
- else
- {
- register uchar *end;
- strpos= buffpek->key+offset;
- for (end= strpos+buffpek->mem_count*rec_length ;
- strpos != end ;
- strpos+= rec_length)
- {
- if (my_b_write(to_file, (byte *) strpos, res_length))
- {
- error=1; goto err;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- while ((error=(int) read_to_buffer(from_file,buffpek, rec_length))
- != -1 && error != 0);
- end:
- lastbuff->count= min(org_max_rows-max_rows, param->max_rows);
- lastbuff->file_pos= to_start_filepos;
- err:
- delete_queue(&queue);
- DBUG_RETURN(error);
- } /* merge_buffers */
- /* Do a merge to output-file (save only positions) */
- static int merge_index(SORTPARAM *param, uchar *sort_buffer,
- BUFFPEK *buffpek, uint maxbuffer,
- IO_CACHE *tempfile, IO_CACHE *outfile)
- {
- DBUG_ENTER("merge_index");
- if (merge_buffers(param,tempfile,outfile,sort_buffer,buffpek,buffpek,
- buffpek+maxbuffer,1))
- DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: inspected */
- } /* merge_index */
- /*
- Calculate length of sort key
- sortlength()
- sortorder Order of items to sort
- uint s_length Number of items to sort
- multi_byte_charset (out)
- Set to 1 if we are using multi-byte charset
- (In which case we have to use strxnfrm())
- sortorder->length is updated for each sort item
- sortorder->need_strxnfrm is set 1 if we have to use strxnfrm
- Total length of sort buffer in bytes
- */
- static uint
- sortlength(SORT_FIELD *sortorder, uint s_length, bool *multi_byte_charset)
- {
- reg2 uint length;
- THD *thd= current_thd;
- *multi_byte_charset= 0;
- length=0;
- for (; s_length-- ; sortorder++)
- {
- sortorder->need_strxnfrm= 0;
- if (sortorder->field)
- {
- if (sortorder->field->type() == FIELD_TYPE_BLOB)
- sortorder->length= thd->variables.max_sort_length;
- else
- {
- sortorder->length=sortorder->field->pack_length();
- if (use_strnxfrm((cs=sortorder->field->sort_charset())))
- {
- sortorder->need_strxnfrm= 1;
- *multi_byte_charset= 1;
- sortorder->length= sortorder->length*cs->strxfrm_multiply;
- }
- }
- if (sortorder->field->maybe_null())
- length++; // Place for NULL marker
- }
- else
- {
- switch ((sortorder->result_type=sortorder->item->result_type())) {
- sortorder->length=sortorder->item->max_length;
- if (use_strnxfrm((cs=sortorder->item->collation.collation)))
- {
- sortorder->length= sortorder->length*cs->strxfrm_multiply;
- sortorder->need_strxnfrm= 1;
- *multi_byte_charset= 1;
- }
- break;
- case INT_RESULT:
- sortorder->length=8; // Size of intern longlong
- #else
- sortorder->length=4;
- #endif
- break;
- sortorder->length=sizeof(double);
- break;
- case ROW_RESULT:
- default:
- // This case should never be choosen
- break;
- }
- if (sortorder->item->maybe_null)
- length++; // Place for NULL marker
- }
- set_if_smaller(sortorder->length, thd->variables.max_sort_length);
- length+=sortorder->length;
- }
- sortorder->field= (Field*) 0; // end marker
- DBUG_PRINT("info",("sort_length: %d",length));
- return length;
- }
- /*
- Get descriptors of fields appended to sorted fields and
- calculate its total length
- get_addon_fields()
- thd Current thread
- ptabfields Array of references to the table fields
- sortlength Total length of sorted fields
- plength out: Total length of appended fields
- The function first finds out what fields are used in the result set.
- Then it calculates the length of the buffer to store the values of
- these fields together with the value of sort values.
- If the calculated length is not greater than max_length_for_sort_data
- the function allocates memory for an array of descriptors containing
- layouts for the values of the non-sorted fields in the buffer and
- fills them.
- The null bits for the appended values are supposed to be put together
- and stored the buffer just ahead of the value of the first field.
- Pointer to the layout descriptors for the appended fields, if any
- NULL - if we do not store field values with sort data.
- */
- get_addon_fields(THD *thd, Field **ptabfield, uint sortlength, uint *plength)
- {
- Field **pfield;
- Field *field;
- uint length= 0;
- uint fields= 0;
- uint null_fields= 0;
- /*
- If there is a reference to a field in the query add it
- to the the set of appended fields.
- Note for future refinement:
- This this a too strong condition.
- Actually we need only the fields referred in the
- result set. And for some of them it makes sense to use
- the values directly from sorted fields.
- */
- *plength= 0;
- /*
- The following statement is added to avoid sorting in alter_table.
- The fact is the filter 'field->query_id != thd->query_id'
- doesn't work for alter table
- */
- if (thd->lex->sql_command != SQLCOM_SELECT)
- return 0;
- for (pfield= ptabfield; (field= *pfield) ; pfield++)
- {
- if (field->query_id != thd->query_id)
- continue;
- if (field->flags & BLOB_FLAG)
- return 0;
- length+= field->max_packed_col_length(field->pack_length());
- if (field->maybe_null())
- null_fields++;
- fields++;
- }
- if (!fields)
- return 0;
- length+= (null_fields+7)/8;
- if (length+sortlength > thd->variables.max_length_for_sort_data ||
- !(addonf= (SORT_ADDON_FIELD *) my_malloc(sizeof(SORT_ADDON_FIELD)*
- (fields+1), MYF(MY_WME))))
- return 0;
- *plength= length;
- length= (null_fields+7)/8;
- null_fields= 0;
- for (pfield= ptabfield; (field= *pfield) ; pfield++)
- {
- if (field->query_id != thd->query_id)
- continue;
- addonf->field= field;
- addonf->offset= length;
- if (field->maybe_null())
- {
- addonf->null_offset= null_fields/8;
- addonf->null_bit= 1<<(null_fields & 7);
- null_fields++;
- }
- else
- {
- addonf->null_offset= 0;
- addonf->null_bit= 0;
- }
- addonf->length= field->max_packed_col_length(field->pack_length());
- length+= addonf->length;
- addonf++;
- }
- addonf->field= 0; // Put end marker
- DBUG_PRINT("info",("addon_length: %d",length));
- return (addonf-fields);
- }
- /*
- Copy (unpack) values appended to sorted fields from a buffer back to
- their regular positions specified by the Field::ptr pointers.
- unpack_addon_fields()
- addon_field Array of descriptors for appended fields
- buff Buffer which to unpack the value from
- The function is supposed to be used only as a callback function
- when getting field values for the sorted result set.
- void.
- */
- static void
- unpack_addon_fields(struct st_sort_addon_field *addon_field, byte *buff)
- {
- Field *field;
- SORT_ADDON_FIELD *addonf= addon_field;
- for ( ; (field= addonf->field) ; addonf++)
- {
- if (addonf->null_bit && (addonf->null_bit & buff[addonf->null_offset]))
- {
- field->set_null();
- continue;
- }
- field->set_notnull();
- field->unpack(field->ptr, (char *) buff+addonf->offset);
- }
- }
- /*
- ** functions to change a double or float to a sortable string
- ** The following should work for IEEE
- */
- #define DBL_EXP_DIG (sizeof(double)*8-DBL_MANT_DIG)
- void change_double_for_sort(double nr,byte *to)
- {
- uchar *tmp=(uchar*) to;
- if (nr == 0.0)
- { /* Change to zero string */
- tmp[0]=(uchar) 128;
- bzero((char*) tmp+1,sizeof(nr)-1);
- }
- else
- {
- memcpy_fixed(tmp,&nr,sizeof(nr));
- #else
- {
- uchar *ptr= (uchar*) &nr;
- tmp[0]= ptr[3]; tmp[1]=ptr[2]; tmp[2]= ptr[1]; tmp[3]=ptr[0];
- tmp[4]= ptr[7]; tmp[5]=ptr[6]; tmp[6]= ptr[5]; tmp[7]=ptr[4];
- #else
- tmp[0]= ptr[7]; tmp[1]=ptr[6]; tmp[2]= ptr[5]; tmp[3]=ptr[4];
- tmp[4]= ptr[3]; tmp[5]=ptr[2]; tmp[6]= ptr[1]; tmp[7]=ptr[0];
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- if (tmp[0] & 128) /* Negative */
- { /* make complement */
- uint i;
- for (i=0 ; i < sizeof(nr); i++)
- tmp[i]=tmp[i] ^ (uchar) 255;
- }
- else
- { /* Set high and move exponent one up */
- ushort exp_part=(((ushort) tmp[0] << 8) | (ushort) tmp[1] |
- (ushort) 32768);
- exp_part+= (ushort) 1 << (16-1-DBL_EXP_DIG);
- tmp[0]= (uchar) (exp_part >> 8);
- tmp[1]= (uchar) exp_part;
- }
- }
- }