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Package: [view]
Upload User: romrleung
Upload Date: 2022-05-23
Package Size: 18897k
Code Size: 4k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- #
- # Test problem with characters < ' ' at end of strings (Bug #3152)
- #
- -- source include/
- --disable_warnings
- drop table if exists t1;
- --enable_warnings
- -- source include/
- #
- # Test MyISAM tables.
- #
- create table t1 (text1 varchar(32) not NULL, KEY key1 (text1));
- insert into t1 values ('teststring'), ('nothing'), ('teststringt');
- check table t1;
- select * from t1 ignore key (key1) where text1='teststring' or text1 like 'teststring_%';
- select * from t1 where text1='teststring' or text1 like 'teststring_%';
- select * from t1 where text1='teststring' or text1 > 'teststringt';
- select * from t1 order by text1;
- explain select * from t1 order by text1;
- alter table t1 modify text1 char(32) binary not null;
- check table t1;
- select * from t1 ignore key (key1) where text1='teststring' or text1 like 'teststring_%';
- select concat('|', text1, '|') from t1 where text1='teststring' or text1 like 'teststring_%';
- select concat('|', text1, '|') from t1 where text1='teststring' or text1 > 'teststringt';
- select text1, length(text1) from t1 order by text1;
- select text1, length(text1) from t1 order by binary text1;
- alter table t1 modify text1 blob not null, drop key key1, add key key1 (text1(20));
- insert into t1 values ('teststring ');
- select concat('|', text1, '|') from t1 order by text1;
- select concat('|', text1, '|') from t1 where text1='teststring' or text1 > 'teststringt';
- select concat('|', text1, '|') from t1 where text1='teststring';
- select concat('|', text1, '|') from t1 where text1='teststring ';
- alter table t1 modify text1 text not null, pack_keys=1;
- select concat('|', text1, '|') from t1 where text1='teststring';
- select concat('|', text1, '|') from t1 where text1='teststring ';
- explain select concat('|', text1, '|') from t1 where text1='teststring ';
- select * from t1 where text1 like 'teststring_%';
- select * from t1 where text1='teststring' or text1 like 'teststring_%';
- select concat('|', text1, '|') from t1 where text1='teststring' or text1 > 'teststringt';
- select concat('|', text1, '|') from t1 order by text1;
- drop table t1;
- create table t1 (text1 varchar(32) not NULL, KEY key1 (text1)) pack_keys=0;
- insert into t1 values ('teststring'), ('nothing'), ('teststringt');
- select * from t1 where text1='teststring' or text1 like 'teststring_%';
- select * from t1 where text1='teststring' or text1 >= 'teststringt';
- drop table t1;
- # Test HEAP tables (with BTREE keys)
- create table t1 (text1 varchar(32) not NULL, KEY key1 using BTREE (text1)) engine=heap;
- insert into t1 values ('teststring'), ('nothing'), ('teststringt');
- select * from t1 ignore key (key1) where text1='teststring' or text1 like 'teststring_%';
- select * from t1 where text1='teststring' or text1 like 'teststring_%';
- select * from t1 where text1='teststring' or text1 >= 'teststringt';
- select * from t1 order by text1;
- explain select * from t1 order by text1;
- alter table t1 modify text1 char(32) binary not null;
- select * from t1 order by text1;
- drop table t1;
- #
- # Test InnoDB tables
- #
- create table t1 (text1 varchar(32) not NULL, KEY key1 (text1)) engine=innodb;
- insert into t1 values ('teststring'), ('nothing'), ('teststringt');
- check table t1;
- select * from t1 where text1='teststring' or text1 like 'teststring_%';
- select * from t1 where text1='teststring' or text1 > 'teststringt';
- select * from t1 order by text1;
- explain select * from t1 order by text1;
- alter table t1 modify text1 char(32) binary not null;
- select * from t1 order by text1;
- alter table t1 modify text1 blob not null, drop key key1, add key key1 (text1(20));
- insert into t1 values ('teststring ');
- select concat('|', text1, '|') from t1 order by text1;
- alter table t1 modify text1 text not null, pack_keys=1;
- select * from t1 where text1 like 'teststring_%';
- # The following gives wrong result in InnoDB
- select text1, length(text1) from t1 where text1='teststring' or text1 like 'teststring_%';
- select text1, length(text1) from t1 where text1='teststring' or text1 >= 'teststringt';
- select concat('|', text1, '|') from t1 order by text1;
- drop table t1;
- # End of 4.1 tests