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Package: [view]
Upload User: romrleung
Upload Date: 2022-05-23
Package Size: 18897k
Code Size: 26k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /*-
- * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1997-2002
- * Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
- */
- #include "db_config.h"
- #ifndef lint
- static const char revid[] = "$Id: java_util.c,v 11.49 2002/09/13 03:09:30 mjc Exp $";
- #endif /* not lint */
- #include <jni.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include "db_int.h"
- #include "java_util.h"
- #ifdef DB_WIN32
- #define sys_errlist _sys_errlist
- #define sys_nerr _sys_nerr
- #endif
- const char * const name_DB = "Db";
- const char * const name_DB_BTREE_STAT = "DbBtreeStat";
- const char * const name_DBC = "Dbc";
- const char * const name_DB_DEADLOCK_EX = "DbDeadlockException";
- const char * const name_DB_ENV = "DbEnv";
- const char * const name_DB_EXCEPTION = "DbException";
- const char * const name_DB_HASH_STAT = "DbHashStat";
- const char * const name_DB_LOCK = "DbLock";
- const char * const name_DB_LOCK_STAT = "DbLockStat";
- const char * const name_DB_LOCKNOTGRANTED_EX = "DbLockNotGrantedException";
- const char * const name_DB_LOGC = "DbLogc";
- const char * const name_DB_LOG_STAT = "DbLogStat";
- const char * const name_DB_LSN = "DbLsn";
- const char * const name_DB_MEMORY_EX = "DbMemoryException";
- const char * const name_DB_MPOOL_FSTAT = "DbMpoolFStat";
- const char * const name_DB_MPOOL_STAT = "DbMpoolStat";
- const char * const name_DB_PREPLIST = "DbPreplist";
- const char * const name_DB_QUEUE_STAT = "DbQueueStat";
- const char * const name_DB_REP_STAT = "DbRepStat";
- const char * const name_DB_RUNRECOVERY_EX = "DbRunRecoveryException";
- const char * const name_DBT = "Dbt";
- const char * const name_DB_TXN = "DbTxn";
- const char * const name_DB_TXN_STAT = "DbTxnStat";
- const char * const name_DB_TXN_STAT_ACTIVE = "DbTxnStat$Active";
- const char * const name_DB_UTIL = "DbUtil";
- const char * const name_DbAppendRecno = "DbAppendRecno";
- const char * const name_DbBtreeCompare = "DbBtreeCompare";
- const char * const name_DbBtreePrefix = "DbBtreePrefix";
- const char * const name_DbDupCompare = "DbDupCompare";
- const char * const name_DbEnvFeedback = "DbEnvFeedback";
- const char * const name_DbErrcall = "DbErrcall";
- const char * const name_DbHash = "DbHash";
- const char * const name_DbLockRequest = "DbLockRequest";
- const char * const name_DbFeedback = "DbFeedback";
- const char * const name_DbRecoveryInit = "DbRecoveryInit";
- const char * const name_DbRepTransport = "DbRepTransport";
- const char * const name_DbSecondaryKeyCreate = "DbSecondaryKeyCreate";
- const char * const name_DbTxnRecover = "DbTxnRecover";
- const char * const name_RepElectResult = "DbEnv$RepElectResult";
- const char * const name_RepProcessMessage = "DbEnv$RepProcessMessage";
- const char * const string_signature = "Ljava/lang/String;";
- jfieldID fid_Dbt_data;
- jfieldID fid_Dbt_offset;
- jfieldID fid_Dbt_size;
- jfieldID fid_Dbt_ulen;
- jfieldID fid_Dbt_dlen;
- jfieldID fid_Dbt_doff;
- jfieldID fid_Dbt_flags;
- jfieldID fid_Dbt_private_dbobj_;
- jfieldID fid_Dbt_must_create_data;
- jfieldID fid_DbLockRequest_op;
- jfieldID fid_DbLockRequest_mode;
- jfieldID fid_DbLockRequest_timeout;
- jfieldID fid_DbLockRequest_obj;
- jfieldID fid_DbLockRequest_lock;
- jfieldID fid_RepProcessMessage_envid;
- /****************************************************************
- *
- * Utility functions used by "glue" functions.
- */
- /*
- * Do any one time initialization, especially initializing any
- * unchanging methodIds, fieldIds, etc.
- */
- void one_time_init(JNIEnv *jnienv)
- {
- jclass cl;
- if ((cl = get_class(jnienv, name_DBT)) == NULL)
- return; /* An exception has been posted. */
- fid_Dbt_data = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, cl, "data", "[B");
- fid_Dbt_offset = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, cl, "offset", "I");
- fid_Dbt_size = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, cl, "size", "I");
- fid_Dbt_ulen = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, cl, "ulen", "I");
- fid_Dbt_dlen = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, cl, "dlen", "I");
- fid_Dbt_doff = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, cl, "doff", "I");
- fid_Dbt_flags = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, cl, "flags", "I");
- fid_Dbt_must_create_data = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, cl,
- "must_create_data", "Z");
- fid_Dbt_private_dbobj_ =
- (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, cl, "private_dbobj_", "J");
- if ((cl = get_class(jnienv, name_DbLockRequest)) == NULL)
- return; /* An exception has been posted. */
- fid_DbLockRequest_op = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, cl, "op", "I");
- fid_DbLockRequest_mode = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, cl, "mode", "I");
- fid_DbLockRequest_timeout =
- (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, cl, "timeout", "I");
- fid_DbLockRequest_obj = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, cl, "obj",
- "Lcom/sleepycat/db/Dbt;");
- fid_DbLockRequest_lock = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, cl, "lock",
- "Lcom/sleepycat/db/DbLock;");
- if ((cl = get_class(jnienv, name_RepProcessMessage)) == NULL)
- return; /* An exception has been posted. */
- fid_RepProcessMessage_envid =
- (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, cl, "envid", "I");
- }
- /*
- * Get the private data from a Db* object that points back to a C DB_* object.
- * The private data is stored in the object as a Java long (64 bits),
- * which is long enough to store a pointer on current architectures.
- */
- void *get_private_dbobj(JNIEnv *jnienv, const char *classname,
- jobject obj)
- {
- jclass dbClass;
- jfieldID id;
- long_to_ptr lp;
- if (!obj)
- return (0);
- if ((dbClass = get_class(jnienv, classname)) == NULL)
- return (NULL); /* An exception has been posted. */
- id = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, dbClass, "private_dbobj_", "J");
- lp.java_long = (*jnienv)->GetLongField(jnienv, obj, id);
- return (lp.ptr);
- }
- /*
- * Set the private data in a Db* object that points back to a C DB_* object.
- * The private data is stored in the object as a Java long (64 bits),
- * which is long enough to store a pointer on current architectures.
- */
- void set_private_dbobj(JNIEnv *jnienv, const char *classname,
- jobject obj, void *value)
- {
- long_to_ptr lp;
- jclass dbClass;
- jfieldID id;
- lp.java_long = 0; /* no junk in case sizes mismatch */
- lp.ptr = value;
- if ((dbClass = get_class(jnienv, classname)) == NULL)
- return; /* An exception has been posted. */
- id = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, dbClass, "private_dbobj_", "J");
- (*jnienv)->SetLongField(jnienv, obj, id, lp.java_long);
- }
- /*
- * Get the private data in a Db/DbEnv object that holds additional 'side data'.
- * The private data is stored in the object as a Java long (64 bits),
- * which is long enough to store a pointer on current architectures.
- */
- void *get_private_info(JNIEnv *jnienv, const char *classname,
- jobject obj)
- {
- jclass dbClass;
- jfieldID id;
- long_to_ptr lp;
- if (!obj)
- return (NULL);
- if ((dbClass = get_class(jnienv, classname)) == NULL)
- return (NULL); /* An exception has been posted. */
- id = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, dbClass, "private_info_", "J");
- lp.java_long = (*jnienv)->GetLongField(jnienv, obj, id);
- return (lp.ptr);
- }
- /*
- * Set the private data in a Db/DbEnv object that holds additional 'side data'.
- * The private data is stored in the object as a Java long (64 bits),
- * which is long enough to store a pointer on current architectures.
- */
- void set_private_info(JNIEnv *jnienv, const char *classname,
- jobject obj, void *value)
- {
- long_to_ptr lp;
- jclass dbClass;
- jfieldID id;
- lp.java_long = 0; /* no junk in case sizes mismatch */
- lp.ptr = value;
- if ((dbClass = get_class(jnienv, classname)) == NULL)
- return; /* An exception has been posted. */
- id = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, dbClass, "private_info_", "J");
- (*jnienv)->SetLongField(jnienv, obj, id, lp.java_long);
- }
- /*
- * Given a non-qualified name (e.g. "foo"), get the class handle
- * for the fully qualified name (e.g. "")
- */
- jclass get_class(JNIEnv *jnienv, const char *classname)
- {
- /*
- * Note: PERFORMANCE: It should be possible to cache jclass's.
- * If we do a NewGlobalRef on each one, we can keep them
- * around in a table. A jclass is a jobject, and
- * since NewGlobalRef returns a jobject, it isn't
- * technically right, but it would likely work with
- * most implementations. Possibly make it configurable.
- */
- char fullname[128];
- (void)snprintf(fullname, sizeof(fullname),
- "%s%s", DB_PACKAGE_NAME, classname);
- return ((*jnienv)->FindClass(jnienv, fullname));
- }
- /*
- * Given a fully qualified name (e.g. "java.util.Hashtable")
- * return the jclass object. If it can't be found, an
- * exception is raised and NULL is return.
- * This is appropriate to be used for classes that may
- * not be present.
- */
- jclass get_fully_qualified_class(JNIEnv *jnienv, const char *classname)
- {
- jclass result;
- result = ((*jnienv)->FindClass(jnienv, classname));
- if (result == NULL) {
- jclass cnfe;
- char message[1024];
- cnfe = (*jnienv)->FindClass(jnienv,
- "java/lang/ClassNotFoundException");
- strncpy(message, classname, sizeof(message));
- strncat(message, ": class not found", sizeof(message));
- (*jnienv)->ThrowNew(jnienv, cnfe, message);
- }
- return (result);
- }
- /*
- * Set an individual field in a Db* object.
- * The field must be a DB object type.
- */
- void set_object_field(JNIEnv *jnienv, jclass class_of_this,
- jobject jthis, const char *object_classname,
- const char *name_of_field, jobject obj)
- {
- char signature[512];
- jfieldID id;
- (void)snprintf(signature, sizeof(signature),
- "L%s%s;", DB_PACKAGE_NAME, object_classname);
- id = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(
- jnienv, class_of_this, name_of_field, signature);
- (*jnienv)->SetObjectField(jnienv, jthis, id, obj);
- }
- /*
- * Set an individual field in a Db* object.
- * The field must be an integer type.
- */
- void set_int_field(JNIEnv *jnienv, jclass class_of_this,
- jobject jthis, const char *name_of_field, jint value)
- {
- jfieldID id =
- (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, class_of_this, name_of_field, "I");
- (*jnienv)->SetIntField(jnienv, jthis, id, value);
- }
- /*
- * Set an individual field in a Db* object.
- * The field must be an integer type.
- */
- void set_long_field(JNIEnv *jnienv, jclass class_of_this,
- jobject jthis, const char *name_of_field, jlong value)
- {
- jfieldID id = (*jnienv)->GetFieldID(jnienv, class_of_this,
- name_of_field, "J");
- (*jnienv)->SetLongField(jnienv, jthis, id, value);
- }
- /*
- * Set an individual field in a Db* object.
- * The field must be an integer type.
- */
- void set_lsn_field(JNIEnv *jnienv, jclass class_of_this,
- jobject jthis, const char *name_of_field, DB_LSN value)
- {
- set_object_field(jnienv, class_of_this, jthis, name_DB_LSN,
- name_of_field, get_DbLsn(jnienv, value));
- }
- /*
- * Report an exception back to the java side.
- */
- void report_exception(JNIEnv *jnienv, const char *text,
- int err, unsigned long expect_mask)
- {
- jstring textString;
- jclass dbexcept;
- jclass javaexcept;
- jthrowable obj;
- textString = NULL;
- dbexcept = NULL;
- javaexcept = NULL;
- switch (err) {
- /*
- * DB_JAVA_CALLBACK is returned by
- * dbji_call_append_recno() (the append_recno callback)
- * when the Java version of the callback has thrown
- * an exception, and we want to pass the exception on.
- * The exception has already been thrown, we
- * don't want to throw a new one.
- */
- break;
- case ENOENT:
- /*
- * In this case there is a corresponding
- * standard java exception type that we'll use.
- * First we make sure that the calling function
- * expected this kind of error, if not we give
- * an 'internal error' DbException, since
- * we must not throw an exception type that isn't
- * declared in the signature.
- *
- * We'll make this a little more general if/when
- * we add more java standard exceptions.
- */
- if ((expect_mask & EXCEPTION_FILE_NOT_FOUND) != 0) {
- javaexcept = (*jnienv)->FindClass(jnienv,
- "java/io/FileNotFoundException");
- }
- else {
- char errstr[1024];
- snprintf(errstr, sizeof(errstr),
- "internal error: unexpected errno: %s",
- text);
- textString = get_java_string(jnienv,
- errstr);
- dbexcept = get_class(jnienv,
- }
- break;
- dbexcept = get_class(jnienv,
- break;
- dbexcept = get_class(jnienv, name_DB_DEADLOCK_EX);
- break;
- default:
- dbexcept = get_class(jnienv, name_DB_EXCEPTION);
- break;
- }
- if (dbexcept != NULL) {
- if (textString == NULL)
- textString = get_java_string(jnienv, text);
- if ((obj = create_exception(jnienv, textString, err, dbexcept))
- != NULL)
- (*jnienv)->Throw(jnienv, obj);
- /* Otherwise, an exception has been posted. */
- }
- else if (javaexcept != NULL)
- (*jnienv)->ThrowNew(jnienv, javaexcept, text);
- else
- fprintf(stderr,
- "report_exception: failed to create an exceptionn");
- }
- /*
- * Report an exception back to the java side, for the specific
- * case of DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED, as more things are added to the
- * constructor of this type of exception.
- */
- void report_notgranted_exception(JNIEnv *jnienv, const char *text,
- db_lockop_t op, db_lockmode_t mode,
- jobject jdbt, jobject jlock, int index)
- {
- jstring textString;
- jclass dbexcept;
- jthrowable obj;
- jmethodID mid;
- if ((dbexcept = get_class(jnienv, name_DB_LOCKNOTGRANTED_EX)) == NULL)
- return; /* An exception has been posted. */
- textString = get_java_string(jnienv, text);
- mid = (*jnienv)->GetMethodID(jnienv, dbexcept, "<init>",
- "(Ljava/lang/String;II"
- "Lcom/sleepycat/db/Dbt;"
- "Lcom/sleepycat/db/DbLock;I)V");
- if ((obj = (jthrowable)(*jnienv)->NewObject(jnienv, dbexcept,
- mid, textString, op, mode, jdbt, jlock, index)) != NULL)
- (*jnienv)->Throw(jnienv, obj);
- else
- fprintf(stderr,
- "report_notgranted_exception: failed to create an exceptionn");
- }
- /*
- * Create an exception object and return it.
- * The given class must have a constructor that has a
- * constructor with args (java.lang.String text, int errno);
- * DbException and its subclasses fit this bill.
- */
- jobject create_exception(JNIEnv *jnienv, jstring text,
- int err, jclass dbexcept)
- {
- jthrowable obj;
- jmethodID mid;
- mid = (*jnienv)->GetMethodID(jnienv, dbexcept, "<init>",
- "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V");
- if (mid != NULL)
- obj = (jthrowable)(*jnienv)->NewObject(jnienv, dbexcept, mid,
- text, err);
- else {
- fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get exception init method ID!n");
- obj = NULL;
- }
- return (obj);
- }
- /*
- * Report an error via the errcall mechanism.
- */
- void report_errcall(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject errcall,
- jstring prefix, const char *message)
- {
- jmethodID id;
- jclass errcall_class;
- jstring msg;
- if ((errcall_class = get_class(jnienv, name_DbErrcall)) == NULL)
- return; /* An exception has been posted. */
- msg = get_java_string(jnienv, message);
- id = (*jnienv)->GetMethodID(jnienv, errcall_class,
- "errcall",
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V");
- if (id == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get errcall methodID!n");
- fprintf(stderr, "error: %sn", message);
- return;
- }
- (*jnienv)->CallVoidMethod(jnienv, errcall, id, prefix, msg);
- }
- /*
- * If the object is null, report an exception and return false (0),
- * otherwise return true (1).
- */
- int verify_non_null(JNIEnv *jnienv, void *obj)
- {
- if (obj == NULL) {
- report_exception(jnienv, "null object", EINVAL, 0);
- return (0);
- }
- return (1);
- }
- /*
- * If the error code is non-zero, report an exception and return false (0),
- * otherwise return true (1).
- */
- int verify_return(JNIEnv *jnienv, int err, unsigned long expect_mask)
- {
- if (err == 0)
- return (1);
- report_exception(jnienv, db_strerror(err), err, expect_mask);
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * Verify that there was no memory error due to undersized Dbt.
- * If there is report a DbMemoryException, with the Dbt attached
- * and return false (0), otherwise return true (1).
- */
- int verify_dbt(JNIEnv *jnienv, int err, LOCKED_DBT *ldbt)
- {
- DBT *dbt;
- jobject exception;
- jstring text;
- jclass dbexcept;
- jmethodID mid;
- if (err != ENOMEM)
- return (1);
- dbt = &ldbt->javainfo->dbt;
- if (!F_ISSET(dbt, DB_DBT_USERMEM) || dbt->size <= dbt->ulen)
- return (1);
- /* Create/throw an exception of type DbMemoryException */
- if ((dbexcept = get_class(jnienv, name_DB_MEMORY_EX)) == NULL)
- return (1); /* An exception has been posted. */
- text = get_java_string(jnienv,
- "Dbt not large enough for available data");
- exception = create_exception(jnienv, text, ENOMEM, dbexcept);
- /* Attach the dbt to the exception */
- mid = (*jnienv)->GetMethodID(jnienv, dbexcept, "set_dbt",
- "(L" DB_PACKAGE_NAME "Dbt;)V");
- (*jnienv)->CallVoidMethod(jnienv, exception, mid, ldbt->jdbt);
- (*jnienv)->Throw(jnienv, exception);
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * Create an object of the given class, calling its default constructor.
- */
- jobject create_default_object(JNIEnv *jnienv, const char *class_name)
- {
- jmethodID id;
- jclass dbclass;
- if ((dbclass = get_class(jnienv, class_name)) == NULL)
- return (NULL); /* An exception has been posted. */
- id = (*jnienv)->GetMethodID(jnienv, dbclass, "<init>", "()V");
- return ((*jnienv)->NewObject(jnienv, dbclass, id));
- }
- /*
- * Convert an DB object to a Java encapsulation of that object.
- * Note: This implementation creates a new Java object on each call,
- * so it is generally useful when a new DB object has just been created.
- */
- jobject convert_object(JNIEnv *jnienv, const char *class_name, void *dbobj)
- {
- jobject jo;
- if (!dbobj)
- return (0);
- jo = create_default_object(jnienv, class_name);
- set_private_dbobj(jnienv, class_name, jo, dbobj);
- return (jo);
- }
- /*
- * Create a copy of the string
- */
- char *dup_string(const char *str)
- {
- int len;
- char *retval;
- int err;
- len = strlen(str) + 1;
- if ((err = __os_malloc(NULL, sizeof(char)*len, &retval)) != 0)
- return (NULL);
- strncpy(retval, str, len);
- return (retval);
- }
- /*
- * Create a java string from the given string
- */
- jstring get_java_string(JNIEnv *jnienv, const char* string)
- {
- if (string == 0)
- return (0);
- return ((*jnienv)->NewStringUTF(jnienv, string));
- }
- /*
- * Create a copy of the java string using __os_malloc.
- * Caller must free it.
- */
- char *get_c_string(JNIEnv *jnienv, jstring jstr)
- {
- const char *utf;
- char *retval;
- utf = (*jnienv)->GetStringUTFChars(jnienv, jstr, NULL);
- retval = dup_string(utf);
- (*jnienv)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jnienv, jstr, utf);
- return (retval);
- }
- /*
- * Convert a java object to the various C pointers they represent.
- */
- DB *get_DB(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject obj)
- {
- return ((DB *)get_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DB, obj));
- }
- DB_BTREE_STAT *get_DB_BTREE_STAT(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject obj)
- {
- return ((DB_BTREE_STAT *)
- get_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DB_BTREE_STAT, obj));
- }
- DBC *get_DBC(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject obj)
- {
- return ((DBC *)get_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DBC, obj));
- }
- DB_ENV *get_DB_ENV(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject obj)
- {
- return ((DB_ENV *)get_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DB_ENV, obj));
- }
- DB_ENV_JAVAINFO *get_DB_ENV_JAVAINFO(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject obj)
- {
- return ((DB_ENV_JAVAINFO *)get_private_info(jnienv, name_DB_ENV, obj));
- }
- DB_HASH_STAT *get_DB_HASH_STAT(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject obj)
- {
- return ((DB_HASH_STAT *)
- get_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DB_HASH_STAT, obj));
- }
- DB_JAVAINFO *get_DB_JAVAINFO(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject obj)
- {
- return ((DB_JAVAINFO *)get_private_info(jnienv, name_DB, obj));
- }
- DB_LOCK *get_DB_LOCK(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject obj)
- {
- return ((DB_LOCK *)get_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DB_LOCK, obj));
- }
- DB_LOGC *get_DB_LOGC(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject obj)
- {
- return ((DB_LOGC *)get_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DB_LOGC, obj));
- }
- DB_LOG_STAT *get_DB_LOG_STAT(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject obj)
- {
- return ((DB_LOG_STAT *)
- get_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DB_LOG_STAT, obj));
- }
- DB_LSN *get_DB_LSN(JNIEnv *jnienv, /* DbLsn */ jobject obj) {
- /*
- * DbLsns that are created from within java (new DbLsn()) rather
- * than from within C (get_DbLsn()) may not have a "private" DB_LSN
- * structure allocated for them yet. We can't do this in the
- * actual constructor (init_lsn()), because there's no way to pass
- * in an initializing value in, and because the get_DbLsn()/
- * convert_object() code path needs a copy of the pointer before
- * the constructor gets called. Thus, get_DbLsn() allocates and
- * fills a DB_LSN for the object it's about to create.
- *
- * Since "new DbLsn()" may reasonably be passed as an argument to
- * functions such as DbEnv.log_put(), though, we need to make sure
- * that DB_LSN's get allocated when the object was created from
- * Java, too. Here, we lazily allocate a new private DB_LSN if
- * and only if it turns out that we don't already have one.
- *
- * The only exception is if the DbLsn object is a Java null
- * (in which case the jobject will also be NULL). Then a NULL
- * DB_LSN is legitimate.
- */
- DB_LSN *lsnp;
- int err;
- if (obj == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- lsnp = (DB_LSN *)get_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DB_LSN, obj);
- if (lsnp == NULL) {
- if ((err = __os_malloc(NULL, sizeof(DB_LSN), &lsnp)) != 0)
- return (NULL);
- memset(lsnp, 0, sizeof(DB_LSN));
- set_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DB_LSN, obj, lsnp);
- }
- return (lsnp);
- }
- DB_MPOOL_FSTAT *get_DB_MPOOL_FSTAT(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject obj)
- {
- return ((DB_MPOOL_FSTAT *)
- get_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DB_MPOOL_FSTAT, obj));
- }
- DB_MPOOL_STAT *get_DB_MPOOL_STAT(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject obj)
- {
- return ((DB_MPOOL_STAT *)
- get_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DB_MPOOL_STAT, obj));
- }
- DB_QUEUE_STAT *get_DB_QUEUE_STAT(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject obj)
- {
- return ((DB_QUEUE_STAT *)
- get_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DB_QUEUE_STAT, obj));
- }
- DB_TXN *get_DB_TXN(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject obj)
- {
- return ((DB_TXN *)get_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DB_TXN, obj));
- }
- DB_TXN_STAT *get_DB_TXN_STAT(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject obj)
- {
- return ((DB_TXN_STAT *)
- get_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DB_TXN_STAT, obj));
- }
- DBT *get_DBT(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject obj)
- {
- ji = (DBT_JAVAINFO *)get_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DBT, obj);
- if (ji == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- else
- return (&ji->dbt);
- }
- DBT_JAVAINFO *get_DBT_JAVAINFO(JNIEnv *jnienv, jobject obj)
- {
- return ((DBT_JAVAINFO *)get_private_dbobj(jnienv, name_DBT, obj));
- }
- /*
- * Convert a C pointer to the various Java objects they represent.
- */
- jobject get_DbBtreeStat(JNIEnv *jnienv, DB_BTREE_STAT *dbobj)
- {
- return (convert_object(jnienv, name_DB_BTREE_STAT, dbobj));
- }
- jobject get_Dbc(JNIEnv *jnienv, DBC *dbobj)
- {
- return (convert_object(jnienv, name_DBC, dbobj));
- }
- jobject get_DbHashStat(JNIEnv *jnienv, DB_HASH_STAT *dbobj)
- {
- return (convert_object(jnienv, name_DB_HASH_STAT, dbobj));
- }
- jobject get_DbLogc(JNIEnv *jnienv, DB_LOGC *dbobj)
- {
- return (convert_object(jnienv, name_DB_LOGC, dbobj));
- }
- jobject get_DbLogStat(JNIEnv *jnienv, DB_LOG_STAT *dbobj)
- {
- return (convert_object(jnienv, name_DB_LOG_STAT, dbobj));
- }
- /*
- * LSNs are different since they are really normally
- * treated as by-value objects. We actually create
- * a pointer to the LSN and store that, deleting it
- * when the LSN is GC'd.
- */
- jobject get_DbLsn(JNIEnv *jnienv, DB_LSN dbobj)
- {
- DB_LSN *lsnp;
- int err;
- if ((err = __os_malloc(NULL, sizeof(DB_LSN), &lsnp)) != 0)
- return (NULL);
- memset(lsnp, 0, sizeof(DB_LSN));
- *lsnp = dbobj;
- return (convert_object(jnienv, name_DB_LSN, lsnp));
- }
- /*
- * Shared code for get_Dbt and get_const_Dbt.
- *
- * XXX
- * Currently we make no distinction in implementation of these
- * two kinds of Dbts, although in the future we may want to.
- * (It's probably easier to make the optimizations listed below
- * with readonly Dbts).
- *
- * Dbt's created via this function are only used for a short lifetime,
- * during callback functions. In the future, we should consider taking
- * advantage of this by having a pool of Dbt objects instead of creating
- * new ones each time. Because of multithreading, we may need an
- * arbitrary number. We might also have sharing of the byte arrays
- * used by the Dbts.
- */
- static jobject get_Dbt_shared(JNIEnv *jnienv, const DBT *dbt, int readonly,
- DBT_JAVAINFO **ret_info)
- {
- jobject jdbt;
- DBT_JAVAINFO *dbtji;
- COMPQUIET(readonly, 0);
- /* A NULL DBT should become a null Dbt. */
- if (dbt == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /*
- * Note that a side effect of creating a Dbt object
- * is the creation of the attached DBT_JAVAINFO object
- * (see the native implementation of Dbt.init())
- * A DBT_JAVAINFO object contains its own DBT.
- */
- jdbt = create_default_object(jnienv, name_DBT);
- dbtji = get_DBT_JAVAINFO(jnienv, jdbt);
- memcpy(&dbtji->dbt, dbt, sizeof(DBT));
- /*
- * Set the boolean indicator so that the Java side knows to
- * call back when it wants to look at the array. This avoids
- * needlessly creating/copying arrays that may never be looked at.
- */
- (*jnienv)->SetBooleanField(jnienv, jdbt, fid_Dbt_must_create_data, 1);
- (*jnienv)->SetIntField(jnienv, jdbt, fid_Dbt_size, dbt->size);
- if (ret_info != NULL)
- *ret_info = dbtji;
- return (jdbt);
- }
- /*
- * Get a writeable Dbt.
- *
- * Currently we're sharing code with get_const_Dbt.
- * It really shouldn't be this way, we have a DBT that we can
- * change, and have some mechanism for copying back
- * any changes to the original DBT.
- */
- jobject get_Dbt(JNIEnv *jnienv, DBT *dbt,
- DBT_JAVAINFO **ret_info)
- {
- return (get_Dbt_shared(jnienv, dbt, 0, ret_info));
- }
- /*
- * Get a Dbt that we promise not to change, or at least
- * if there are changes, they don't matter and won't get
- * seen by anyone.
- */
- jobject get_const_Dbt(JNIEnv *jnienv, const DBT *dbt,
- DBT_JAVAINFO **ret_info)
- {
- return (get_Dbt_shared(jnienv, dbt, 1, ret_info));
- }
- jobject get_DbMpoolFStat(JNIEnv *jnienv, DB_MPOOL_FSTAT *dbobj)
- {
- return (convert_object(jnienv, name_DB_MPOOL_FSTAT, dbobj));
- }
- jobject get_DbMpoolStat(JNIEnv *jnienv, DB_MPOOL_STAT *dbobj)
- {
- return (convert_object(jnienv, name_DB_MPOOL_STAT, dbobj));
- }
- jobject get_DbQueueStat(JNIEnv *jnienv, DB_QUEUE_STAT *dbobj)
- {
- return (convert_object(jnienv, name_DB_QUEUE_STAT, dbobj));
- }
- jobject get_DbTxn(JNIEnv *jnienv, DB_TXN *dbobj)
- {
- return (convert_object(jnienv, name_DB_TXN, dbobj));
- }
- jobject get_DbTxnStat(JNIEnv *jnienv, DB_TXN_STAT *dbobj)
- {
- return (convert_object(jnienv, name_DB_TXN_STAT, dbobj));
- }