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Package: BattleTank1.0.rar [view]
Upload User: jhzhutan
Upload Date: 2021-03-28
Package Size: 374k
Code Size: 10k
Shot Game
Development Platform:
- //this class decode the instruction-string from the server program, then translate the string to real instructions that is
- //readable by the client program
- public class instructionHandler{
- public static void handleInstruction(ClientModel gameModel, String instruction){
- if(instruction.length() == 0)
- return;
- int i = 0;
- while(i < instruction.length()){
- String perInstruction = "";
- //instructions are seperated by ";" inside the instruction-string
- while(!instruction.substring(i, i+1).equals(";")){
- perInstruction+=instruction.substring(i, i+1);
- i++;
- }
- //instruction start with "L" is to load a level, the number followed by "L" is the level index
- if(perInstruction.substring(0,1).equals("L")){
- level.loadLevel(gameModel, Integer.parseInt(perInstruction.substring(1,2)));
- return;
- }
- //instruction start with "w" means some thing has changed in a wall object, (i.e the wall has just been damaged)
- if(perInstruction.substring(0,1).equals("w")){
- int xPos = 0; int yPos = 0; boolean[] shape = new boolean[16];
- String temp = "";
- int j = 1;
- //get x position of the wall
- while(!perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals(",")){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- j++;
- xPos = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //get y position of the wall
- temp = "";
- while(!perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals(",")){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- j++;
- yPos = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //get the detailed border of the wall
- for(int k = 0; k < 16; k++){
- if(perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals("1"))
- shape[k] = true;
- else
- shape[k] = false;
- j++;
- }
- //perform the instructions
- for(int k = 0; k < gameModel.drawingList.length; k++){
- if(gameModel.drawingList[k] != null){
- if(gameModel.drawingList[k].getxPos() == xPos && gameModel.drawingList[k].getyPos() == yPos){
- wall tempWall = new wall(xPos, yPos, 4, gameModel);
- tempWall.shape = shape;
- gameModel.drawingList[k] = tempWall;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //instruction start with "s" means some thing has changed in a Steelwall object, (i.e the Steelwall has just been damaged)
- if(perInstruction.substring(0,1).equals("s")){
- int xPos = 0; int yPos = 0; boolean[] shape = new boolean[4];
- String temp = "";
- int j = 1;
- //get x position of the Steelwall
- while(!perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals(",")){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- j++;
- xPos = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //get y position of the Steelwall
- temp = "";
- while(!perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals(",")){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- j++;
- yPos = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //get the detailed border of the Steelwall
- for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++){
- if(perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals("1"))
- shape[k] = true;
- else
- shape[k] = false;
- j++;
- }
- //perform the instructions
- for(int k = 0; k < gameModel.drawingList.length; k++){
- if(gameModel.drawingList[k] != null){
- if(gameModel.drawingList[k].getxPos() == xPos && gameModel.drawingList[k].getyPos() == yPos){
- Steelwall tempWall = new Steelwall(xPos, yPos, 4, gameModel);
- tempWall.shape = shape;
- gameModel.drawingList[k] = tempWall;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //instruction start with "b" means base has been destroyed
- if(perInstruction.substring(0,1).equals("b")){
- gameModel.drawingList[4] = new normalObject(260, 498, gameModel, "base", 1);
- }
- //instruction start with "n" indicates normal objects, such as tanks, powerUp symbols
- if(perInstruction.substring(0,1).equals("n")){
- int xPos = 0; int yPos = 0; int textureIndex = -1;
- String temp = "";
- int j = 1;
- //get x position of the object
- while(!perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals(",")){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- j++;
- xPos = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //get y position of the object
- temp = "";
- while(!perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals(",")){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- j++;
- yPos = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //get texture index of the object
- temp = "";
- while(j < perInstruction.length()){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- textureIndex = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //perform instruction;
- gameModel.addActor(new normalObject(xPos, yPos, gameModel, "normal", textureIndex));
- }
- //instruction start with "t" indicates bullet
- if(perInstruction.substring(0,1).equals("t")){
- int xPos = 0; int yPos = 0; int direction = -1;
- String temp = "";
- int j = 1;
- //get x position of the bullet
- while(!perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals(",")){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- j++;
- xPos = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //get y position of the bullet
- temp = "";
- while(!perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals(",")){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- j++;
- yPos = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //get direction of the bullet
- temp = "";
- while(j < perInstruction.length()){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- direction = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //perform instruction;
- gameModel.addActor(new bullet(xPos, yPos, gameModel, direction));
- }
- //instruction start with "o" indicates a bomb
- if(perInstruction.substring(0,1).equals("o")){
- int xPos = 0; int yPos = 0; int size = -1;
- String temp = "";
- int j = 1;
- //get x position of the bomb
- while(!perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals(",")){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- j++;
- xPos = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //get y position of the bomb
- temp = "";
- while(!perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals(",")){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- j++;
- yPos = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //get the size of the bomb
- temp = "";
- while(j < perInstruction.length()){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- if(temp.equals("small"))
- size = 1;
- else
- size = 0;
- //perform instruction;
- gameModel.addActor(new bomb(xPos, yPos, size, gameModel));
- }
- //instruction start with "i" indicates tank shield
- if(perInstruction.substring(0,1).equals("i")){
- int xPos = 0; int yPos = 0;
- String temp = "";
- int j = 1;
- //get x position of the shield
- while(!perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals(",")){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- j++;
- xPos = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //get y position of the shield
- temp = "";
- while(j < perInstruction. length()){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- yPos = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //perform instruction;
- gameModel.addActor(new shield(xPos, yPos, gameModel));
- }
- //instruction start with "p" indicates level and player information
- if(perInstruction.substring(0,1).equals("p")){
- //int P1Life, P2Life, P1Score, P2Score, EnemyLeft, LevelIndex;
- String temp = "";
- int j = 1;
- //get number of Enemy Left;
- while(!perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals(",")){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- j++;
- gameModel.view.mainPanel.EnemyLeft = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //get level Index
- temp = "";
- while(!perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals(",")){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- j++;
- gameModel.view.mainPanel.LevelIndex = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //get player 1's life amount
- temp = "";
- while(!perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals(",")){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- j++;
- gameModel.view.mainPanel.P1Life = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //get player 1's score
- temp = "";
- while(!perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals(",")){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- j++;
- gameModel.view.mainPanel.P1Score = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //get player 2's life amount
- temp = "";
- while(!perInstruction. substring(j, j+1).equals(",")){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- j++;
- gameModel.view.mainPanel.P2Life = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- //get player 2's score
- temp = "";
- while(j < perInstruction.length()){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- j++;
- gameModel.view.mainPanel.P2Score = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- }
- //instruction start with "g" indicates winning count number
- if(perInstruction.substring(0,1).equals("g")){
- String temp = "";
- int j = 1;
- //get number of Enemy Left;
- while(j < perInstruction.length()){
- temp+=perInstruction. substring(j, j+1);
- j++;
- }
- level.winningCount = Integer.parseInt(temp);
- }
- //instruction start with "m" indicates message from the server player
- if(perInstruction.substring(0,1).equals("m")){
- gameModel.addMessage("主机端玩家说:" + perInstruction.substring(1,perInstruction.length()));
- }
- //instruction start with "a" indicates game over
- if(perInstruction.substring(0,1).equals("a")){
- if(!gameModel.gameOver){
- gameModel.addMessage("GAME OVER ! 想再玩一次吗 ( y / n ) ?");
- gameModel.gameOver = true;
- }
- }
- //instruction start with "j" indicates server player want to play again
- if(perInstruction.substring(0,1).equals("j")){
- if(gameModel.gameOver)
- gameModel.serverVoteYes = true;
- }
- //instruction start with "x" indicates server player paused/unPaued the game
- if(perInstruction.substring(0,1).equals("x")){
- int temp = Integer.parseInt(perInstruction.substring(1,2));
- if(temp == 0){
- if(gameModel.gamePaused){
- gameModel.addMessage("主机端玩家取消了暂停");
- gameModel.gamePaused = false;
- }
- }else{
- if(!gameModel.gamePaused){
- gameModel.addMessage("主机端玩家暂停了游戏");
- gameModel.gamePaused = true;
- }
- }
- }
- i++;
- }
- }
- }