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- /**
- * @file llstring_test.cpp
- * @author Adroit, Steve Linden, Tofu Linden
- * @date 2006-12-24
- * @brief Test cases of llstring.cpp
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewergpl$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- *
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
- * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
- * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of
- * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
- * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
- * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
- * online at
- *
- *
- * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
- * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
- * and agree to abide by those obligations.
- *
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
- #include "linden_common.h"
- #include "../test/lltut.h"
- #include "../llstring.h"
- namespace tut
- {
- struct string_index
- {
- };
- typedef test_group<string_index> string_index_t;
- typedef string_index_t::object string_index_object_t;
- tut::string_index_t tut_string_index("string_test");
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<1>()
- {
- std::string llstr1;
- ensure("Empty std::string", (llstr1.size() == 0) && llstr1.empty());
- std::string llstr2("Hello");
- ensure("std::string = Hello", (!strcmp(llstr2.c_str(), "Hello")) && (llstr2.size() == 5) && !llstr2.empty());
- std::string llstr3(llstr2);
- ensure("std::string = std::string(std::string)", (!strcmp(llstr3.c_str(), "Hello")) && (llstr3.size() == 5) && !llstr3.empty());
- std::string str("Hello World");
- std::string llstr4(str, 6);
- ensure("std::string = std::string(s, size_type pos, size_type n = npos)", (!strcmp(llstr4.c_str(), "World")) && (llstr4.size() == 5) && !llstr4.empty());
- std::string llstr5(str, str.size());
- ensure("std::string = std::string(s, size_type pos, size_type n = npos)", (llstr5.size() == 0) && llstr5.empty());
- std::string llstr6(5, 'A');
- ensure("std::string = std::string(count, c)", (!strcmp(llstr6.c_str(), "AAAAA")) && (llstr6.size() == 5) && !llstr6.empty());
- std::string llstr7("Hello World", 5);
- ensure("std::string(s, n)", (!strcmp(llstr7.c_str(), "Hello")) && (llstr7.size() == 5) && !llstr7.empty());
- std::string llstr8("Hello World", 6, 5);
- ensure("std::string(s, n, count)", (!strcmp(llstr8.c_str(), "World")) && (llstr8.size() == 5) && !llstr8.empty());
- std::string llstr9("Hello World", sizeof("Hello World")-1, 5); // go past end
- ensure("std::string(s, n, count) goes past end", (llstr9.size() == 0) && llstr9.empty());
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<3>()
- {
- std::string str("Len=5");
- ensure("isValidIndex failed", LLStringUtil::isValidIndex(str, 0) == TRUE &&
- LLStringUtil::isValidIndex(str, 5) == TRUE &&
- LLStringUtil::isValidIndex(str, 6) == FALSE);
- std::string str1;
- ensure("isValidIndex failed fo rempty string", LLStringUtil::isValidIndex(str1, 0) == FALSE);
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<4>()
- {
- std::string str_val(" Testing the extra whitespaces ");
- LLStringUtil::trimHead(str_val);
- ensure_equals("1: trimHead failed", str_val, "Testing the extra whitespaces ");
- std::string str_val1("ntrn Testing the extra whitespaces ");
- LLStringUtil::trimHead(str_val1);
- ensure_equals("2: trimHead failed", str_val1, "Testing the extra whitespaces ");
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<5>()
- {
- std::string str_val(" Testing the extra whitespaces ");
- LLStringUtil::trimTail(str_val);
- ensure_equals("1: trimTail failed", str_val, " Testing the extra whitespaces");
- std::string str_val1("n Testing the extra whitespaces ntrn ");
- LLStringUtil::trimTail(str_val1);
- ensure_equals("2: trimTail failed", str_val1, "n Testing the extra whitespaces");
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<6>()
- {
- std::string str_val(" t r Testing the extra rn whitespaces n t ");
- LLStringUtil::trim(str_val);
- ensure_equals("1: trim failed", str_val, "Testing the extra rn whitespaces");
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<7>()
- {
- std::string str("Second LindenLabs");
- LLStringUtil::truncate(str, 6);
- ensure_equals("1: truncate", str, "Second");
- // further truncate more than the length
- LLStringUtil::truncate(str, 0);
- ensure_equals("2: truncate", str, "");
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<8>()
- {
- std::string str_val("SecondLife Source");
- LLStringUtil::toUpper(str_val);
- ensure_equals("toUpper failed", str_val, "SECONDLIFE SOURCE");
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<9>()
- {
- std::string str_val("SecondLife Source");
- LLStringUtil::toLower(str_val);
- ensure_equals("toLower failed", str_val, "secondlife source");
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<10>()
- {
- std::string str_val("Second");
- ensure("1. isHead failed", LLStringUtil::isHead(str_val, "SecondLife Source") == TRUE);
- ensure("2. isHead failed", LLStringUtil::isHead(str_val, " SecondLife Source") == FALSE);
- std::string str_val2("");
- ensure("3. isHead failed", LLStringUtil::isHead(str_val2, "") == FALSE);
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<11>()
- {
- std::string str_val("Hello.nn Lindenlabs. n This is na simple test.n");
- std::string orig_str_val(str_val);
- LLStringUtil::addCRLF(str_val);
- ensure_equals("addCRLF failed", str_val, "Hello.rnrn Lindenlabs. rn This is rna simple test.rn");
- LLStringUtil::removeCRLF(str_val);
- ensure_equals("removeCRLF failed", str_val, orig_str_val);
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<12>()
- {
- std::string str_val("Hello.nnt t Lindenlabs. tt");
- std::string orig_str_val(str_val);
- LLStringUtil::replaceTabsWithSpaces(str_val, 1);
- ensure_equals("replaceTabsWithSpaces failed", str_val, "Hello.nn Lindenlabs. ");
- LLStringUtil::replaceTabsWithSpaces(orig_str_val, 0);
- ensure_equals("replaceTabsWithSpaces failed for 0", orig_str_val, "Hello.nn Lindenlabs. ");
- str_val = "tttt";
- LLStringUtil::replaceTabsWithSpaces(str_val, 0);
- ensure_equals("replaceTabsWithSpaces failed for all tabs", str_val, "");
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<13>()
- {
- std::string str_val("Hello.nnttrnLindenlabsX.");
- LLStringUtil::replaceNonstandardASCII(str_val, 'X');
- ensure_equals("replaceNonstandardASCII failed", str_val, "Hello.nnXXXnLindenlabsX.");
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<14>()
- {
- std::string str_val("Hello.ntrnABCDEFGHIABABAB");
- LLStringUtil::replaceChar(str_val, 'A', 'X');
- ensure_equals("1: replaceChar failed", str_val, "Hello.ntrnXBCDEFGHIXBXBXB");
- std::string str_val1("Hello.ntrnABCDEFGHIABABAB");
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<15>()
- {
- std::string str_val("Hello.nrt");
- ensure("containsNonprintable failed", LLStringUtil::containsNonprintable(str_val) == TRUE);
- str_val = "ABC ";
- ensure("containsNonprintable failed", LLStringUtil::containsNonprintable(str_val) == FALSE);
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<16>()
- {
- std::string str_val("Hello.nrt Again!");
- LLStringUtil::stripNonprintable(str_val);
- ensure_equals("stripNonprintable failed", str_val, "Hello. Again!");
- str_val = "rntt";
- LLStringUtil::stripNonprintable(str_val);
- ensure_equals("stripNonprintable resulting in empty string failed", str_val, "");
- str_val = "";
- LLStringUtil::stripNonprintable(str_val);
- ensure_equals("stripNonprintable of empty string resulting in empty string failed", str_val, "");
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<17>()
- {
- BOOL value;
- std::string str_val("1");
- ensure("convertToBOOL 1 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToBOOL(str_val, value) && value);
- str_val = "T";
- ensure("convertToBOOL T failed", LLStringUtil::convertToBOOL(str_val, value) && value);
- str_val = "t";
- ensure("convertToBOOL t failed", LLStringUtil::convertToBOOL(str_val, value) && value);
- str_val = "TRUE";
- ensure("convertToBOOL TRUE failed", LLStringUtil::convertToBOOL(str_val, value) && value);
- str_val = "True";
- ensure("convertToBOOL True failed", LLStringUtil::convertToBOOL(str_val, value) && value);
- str_val = "true";
- ensure("convertToBOOL true failed", LLStringUtil::convertToBOOL(str_val, value) && value);
- str_val = "0";
- ensure("convertToBOOL 0 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToBOOL(str_val, value) && !value);
- str_val = "F";
- ensure("convertToBOOL F failed", LLStringUtil::convertToBOOL(str_val, value) && !value);
- str_val = "f";
- ensure("convertToBOOL f failed", LLStringUtil::convertToBOOL(str_val, value) && !value);
- str_val = "FALSE";
- ensure("convertToBOOL FASLE failed", LLStringUtil::convertToBOOL(str_val, value) && !value);
- str_val = "False";
- ensure("convertToBOOL False failed", LLStringUtil::convertToBOOL(str_val, value) && !value);
- str_val = "false";
- ensure("convertToBOOL false failed", LLStringUtil::convertToBOOL(str_val, value) && !value);
- str_val = "Tblah";
- ensure("convertToBOOL false failed", !LLStringUtil::convertToBOOL(str_val, value));
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<18>()
- {
- U8 value;
- std::string str_val("255");
- ensure("1: convertToU8 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToU8(str_val, value) && value == 255);
- str_val = "0";
- ensure("2: convertToU8 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToU8(str_val, value) && value == 0);
- str_val = "-1";
- ensure("3: convertToU8 failed", !LLStringUtil::convertToU8(str_val, value));
- str_val = "256"; // bigger than MAX_U8
- ensure("4: convertToU8 failed", !LLStringUtil::convertToU8(str_val, value));
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<19>()
- {
- S8 value;
- std::string str_val("127");
- ensure("1: convertToS8 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToS8(str_val, value) && value == 127);
- str_val = "0";
- ensure("2: convertToS8 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToS8(str_val, value) && value == 0);
- str_val = "-128";
- ensure("3: convertToS8 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToS8(str_val, value) && value == -128);
- str_val = "128"; // bigger than MAX_S8
- ensure("4: convertToS8 failed", !LLStringUtil::convertToS8(str_val, value));
- str_val = "-129";
- ensure("5: convertToS8 failed", !LLStringUtil::convertToS8(str_val, value));
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<20>()
- {
- S16 value;
- std::string str_val("32767");
- ensure("1: convertToS16 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToS16(str_val, value) && value == 32767);
- str_val = "0";
- ensure("2: convertToS16 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToS16(str_val, value) && value == 0);
- str_val = "-32768";
- ensure("3: convertToS16 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToS16(str_val, value) && value == -32768);
- str_val = "32768";
- ensure("4: convertToS16 failed", !LLStringUtil::convertToS16(str_val, value));
- str_val = "-32769";
- ensure("5: convertToS16 failed", !LLStringUtil::convertToS16(str_val, value));
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<21>()
- {
- U16 value;
- std::string str_val("65535"); //0xFFFF
- ensure("1: convertToU16 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToU16(str_val, value) && value == 65535);
- str_val = "0";
- ensure("2: convertToU16 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToU16(str_val, value) && value == 0);
- str_val = "-1";
- ensure("3: convertToU16 failed", !LLStringUtil::convertToU16(str_val, value));
- str_val = "65536";
- ensure("4: convertToU16 failed", !LLStringUtil::convertToU16(str_val, value));
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<22>()
- {
- U32 value;
- std::string str_val("4294967295"); //0xFFFFFFFF
- ensure("1: convertToU32 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToU32(str_val, value) && value == 4294967295UL);
- str_val = "0";
- ensure("2: convertToU32 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToU32(str_val, value) && value == 0);
- str_val = "4294967296";
- ensure("3: convertToU32 failed", !LLStringUtil::convertToU32(str_val, value));
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<23>()
- {
- S32 value;
- std::string str_val("2147483647"); //0x7FFFFFFF
- ensure("1: convertToS32 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToS32(str_val, value) && value == 2147483647);
- str_val = "0";
- ensure("2: convertToS32 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToS32(str_val, value) && value == 0);
- // Avoid "unary minus operator applied to unsigned type" warning on VC++. JC
- S32 min_val = -2147483647 - 1;
- str_val = "-2147483648";
- ensure("3: convertToS32 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToS32(str_val, value) && value == min_val);
- str_val = "2147483648";
- ensure("4: convertToS32 failed", !LLStringUtil::convertToS32(str_val, value));
- str_val = "-2147483649";
- ensure("5: convertToS32 failed", !LLStringUtil::convertToS32(str_val, value));
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<24>()
- {
- F32 value;
- std::string str_val("2147483647"); //0x7FFFFFFF
- ensure("1: convertToF32 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToF32(str_val, value) && value == 2147483647);
- str_val = "0";
- ensure("2: convertToF32 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToF32(str_val, value) && value == 0);
- /* Need to find max/min F32 values
- str_val = "-2147483648";
- ensure("3: convertToF32 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToF32(str_val, value) && value == -2147483648);
- str_val = "2147483648";
- ensure("4: convertToF32 failed", !LLStringUtil::convertToF32(str_val, value));
- str_val = "-2147483649";
- ensure("5: convertToF32 failed", !LLStringUtil::convertToF32(str_val, value));
- */
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<25>()
- {
- F64 value;
- std::string str_val("9223372036854775807"); //0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
- ensure("1: convertToF64 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToF64(str_val, value) && value == 9223372036854775807LL);
- str_val = "0";
- ensure("2: convertToF64 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToF64(str_val, value) && value == 0.0F);
- /* Need to find max/min F64 values
- str_val = "-2147483648";
- ensure("3: convertToF32 failed", LLStringUtil::convertToF32(str_val, value) && value == -2147483648);
- str_val = "2147483648";
- ensure("4: convertToF32 failed", !LLStringUtil::convertToF32(str_val, value));
- str_val = "-2147483649";
- ensure("5: convertToF32 failed", !LLStringUtil::convertToF32(str_val, value));
- */
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<26>()
- {
- const char* str1 = NULL;
- const char* str2 = NULL;
- ensure("1: compareStrings failed", LLStringUtil::compareStrings(str1, str2) == 0);
- str2 = "A";
- ensure("2: compareStrings failed", LLStringUtil::compareStrings(str1, str2) > 0);
- ensure("3: compareStrings failed", LLStringUtil::compareStrings(str2, str1) < 0);
- str1 = "A is smaller than B";
- str2 = "B is greater than A";
- ensure("4: compareStrings failed", LLStringUtil::compareStrings(str1, str2) < 0);
- str2 = "A is smaller than B";
- ensure("5: compareStrings failed", LLStringUtil::compareStrings(str1, str2) == 0);
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<27>()
- {
- const char* str1 = NULL;
- const char* str2 = NULL;
- ensure("1: compareInsensitive failed", LLStringUtil::compareInsensitive(str1, str2) == 0);
- str2 = "A";
- ensure("2: compareInsensitive failed", LLStringUtil::compareInsensitive(str1, str2) > 0);
- ensure("3: compareInsensitive failed", LLStringUtil::compareInsensitive(str2, str1) < 0);
- str1 = "A is equal to a";
- str2 = "a is EQUAL to A";
- ensure("4: compareInsensitive failed", LLStringUtil::compareInsensitive(str1, str2) == 0);
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<28>()
- {
- std::string lhs_str("PROgraM12files");
- std::string rhs_str("PROgram12Files");
- ensure("compareDict 1 failed", LLStringUtil::compareDict(lhs_str, rhs_str) < 0);
- ensure("precedesDict 1 failed", LLStringUtil::precedesDict(lhs_str, rhs_str) == TRUE);
- lhs_str = "PROgram12Files";
- rhs_str = "PROgram12Files";
- ensure("compareDict 2 failed", LLStringUtil::compareDict(lhs_str, rhs_str) == 0);
- ensure("precedesDict 2 failed", LLStringUtil::precedesDict(lhs_str, rhs_str) == FALSE);
- lhs_str = "PROgram12Files";
- rhs_str = "PROgRAM12FILES";
- ensure("compareDict 3 failed", LLStringUtil::compareDict(lhs_str, rhs_str) > 0);
- ensure("precedesDict 3 failed", LLStringUtil::precedesDict(lhs_str, rhs_str) == FALSE);
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<29>()
- {
- char str1[] = "First String...";
- char str2[100];
- LLStringUtil::copy(str2, str1, 100);
- ensure("LLStringUtil::copy with enough dest length failed", strcmp(str2, str1) == 0);
- LLStringUtil::copy(str2, str1, sizeof("First"));
- ensure("LLStringUtil::copy with less dest length failed", strcmp(str2, "First") == 0);
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<30>()
- {
- std::string str1 = "This is the sentence...";
- std::string str2 = "This is the ";
- std::string str3 = "first ";
- std::string str4 = "This is the first sentence...";
- std::string str5 = "This is the sentence...first ";
- std::string dest;
- dest = str1;
- LLStringUtil::copyInto(dest, str3, str2.length());
- ensure("LLStringUtil::copyInto insert failed", dest == str4);
- dest = str1;
- LLStringUtil::copyInto(dest, str3, dest.length());
- ensure("LLStringUtil::copyInto append failed", dest == str5);
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<31>()
- {
- std::string stripped;
- // Plain US ASCII text, including spaces and punctuation,
- // should not be altered.
- std::string simple_text = "Hello, world!";
- stripped = LLStringFn::strip_invalid_xml(simple_text);
- ensure("Simple text passed unchanged", stripped == simple_text);
- // Control characters should be removed
- // except for 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0d
- std::string control_chars;
- for (char c = 0x01; c < 0x20; c++)
- {
- control_chars.push_back(c);
- }
- std::string allowed_control_chars;
- allowed_control_chars.push_back( (char)0x09 );
- allowed_control_chars.push_back( (char)0x0a );
- allowed_control_chars.push_back( (char)0x0d );
- stripped = LLStringFn::strip_invalid_xml(control_chars);
- ensure("Only tab, LF, CR control characters allowed",
- stripped == allowed_control_chars);
- // UTF-8 should be passed intact, including high byte
- // characters. Try Francais (with C squiggle cedilla)
- std::string french = "Fran";
- french.push_back( (char)0xC3 );
- french.push_back( (char)0xA7 );
- french += "ais";
- stripped = LLStringFn::strip_invalid_xml( french );
- ensure("UTF-8 high byte text is allowed", french == stripped );
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<32>()
- {
- // Test LLStringUtil::format() string interpolation
- LLStringUtil::format_map_t fmt_map;
- std::string s;
- int subcount;
- fmt_map["[TRICK1]"] = "[A]";
- fmt_map["[A]"] = "a";
- fmt_map["[B]"] = "b";
- fmt_map["[AAA]"] = "aaa";
- fmt_map["[BBB]"] = "bbb";
- fmt_map["[TRICK2]"] = "[A]";
- fmt_map["[EXPLOIT]"] = "!!!!!!!!!!!![EXPLOIT]!!!!!!!!!!!!";
- fmt_map["[KEYLONGER]"] = "short";
- fmt_map["[KEYSHORTER]"] = "Am I not a long string?";
- fmt_map["?"] = "?";
- fmt_map["[DELETE]"] = "";
- fmt_map["[]"] = "[]"; // doesn't do a substitution, but shouldn't crash either
- for (LLStringUtil::format_map_t::const_iterator iter = fmt_map.begin(); iter != fmt_map.end(); ++iter)
- {
- // Test when source string is entirely one key
- std::string s1 = (std::string)iter->first;
- std::string s2 = (std::string)iter->second;
- subcount = LLStringUtil::format(s1, fmt_map);
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Raw interpolation result", s1, s2);
- if (s1 == "?" || s1 == "[]") // no interp expected
- {
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Raw interpolation result count", 0, subcount);
- }
- else
- {
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Raw interpolation result count", 1, subcount);
- }
- }
- for (LLStringUtil::format_map_t::const_iterator iter = fmt_map.begin(); iter != fmt_map.end(); ++iter)
- {
- // Test when source string is one key, duplicated
- std::string s1 = (std::string)iter->first;
- std::string s2 = (std::string)iter->second;
- s = s1 + s1 + s1 + s1;
- subcount = LLStringUtil::format(s, fmt_map);
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Rawx4 interpolation result", s, s2 + s2 + s2 + s2);
- if (s1 == "?" || s1 == "[]") // no interp expected
- {
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Rawx4 interpolation result count", 0, subcount);
- }
- else
- {
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Rawx4 interpolation result count", 4, subcount);
- }
- }
- // Test when source string has no keys
- std::string srcs = "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
- s = srcs;
- subcount = LLStringUtil::format(s, fmt_map);
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: No key test result", s, srcs);
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: No key test result count", 0, subcount);
- // Test when source string has no keys and is empty
- std::string srcs3;
- s = srcs3;
- subcount = LLStringUtil::format(s, fmt_map);
- ensure("LLStringUtil::format: No key test3 result", s.empty());
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: No key test3 result count", 0, subcount);
- // Test a substitution where a key is substituted with blankness
- std::string srcs2 = "[DELETE]";
- s = srcs2;
- subcount = LLStringUtil::format(s, fmt_map);
- ensure("LLStringUtil::format: Delete key test2 result", s.empty());
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Delete key test2 result count", 1, subcount);
- // Test an assorted substitution
- std::string srcs4 = "[TRICK1][A][B][AAA][BBB][TRICK2][KEYLONGER][KEYSHORTER]?[DELETE]";
- s = srcs4;
- subcount = LLStringUtil::format(s, fmt_map);
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Assorted Test1 result", s, "[A]abaaabbb[A]shortAm I not a long string??");
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Assorted Test1 result count", 9, subcount);
- // Test an assorted substitution
- std::string srcs5 = "[DELETE]?[KEYSHORTER][KEYLONGER][TRICK2][BBB][AAA][B][A][TRICK1]";
- s = srcs5;
- subcount = LLStringUtil::format(s, fmt_map);
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Assorted Test2 result", s, "?Am I not a long string?short[A]bbbaaaba[A]");
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Assorted Test2 result count", 9, subcount);
- // Test an assorted substitution
- std::string srcs8 = "foo[DELETE]bar?";
- s = srcs8;
- subcount = LLStringUtil::format(s, fmt_map);
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Assorted Test3 result", s, "foobar?");
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Assorted Test3 result count", 1, subcount);
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<33>()
- {
- // Test LLStringUtil::format() string interpolation
- LLStringUtil::format_map_t blank_fmt_map;
- std::string s;
- int subcount;
- // Test substituting out of a blank format_map
- std::string srcs6 = "12345";
- s = srcs6;
- subcount = LLStringUtil::format(s, blank_fmt_map);
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Blankfmt Test1 result", s, "12345");
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Blankfmt Test1 result count", 0, subcount);
- // Test substituting a blank string out of a blank format_map
- std::string srcs7;
- s = srcs7;
- subcount = LLStringUtil::format(s, blank_fmt_map);
- ensure("LLStringUtil::format: Blankfmt Test2 result", s.empty());
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Blankfmt Test2 result count", 0, subcount);
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<34>()
- {
- // Test that incorrect LLStringUtil::format() use does not explode.
- LLStringUtil::format_map_t nasty_fmt_map;
- std::string s;
- int subcount;
- nasty_fmt_map[""] = "never used"; // see, this is nasty.
- // Test substituting out of a nasty format_map
- std::string srcs6 = "12345";
- s = srcs6;
- subcount = LLStringUtil::format(s, nasty_fmt_map);
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Nastyfmt Test1 result", s, "12345");
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Nastyfmt Test1 result count", 0, subcount);
- // Test substituting a blank string out of a nasty format_map
- std::string srcs7;
- s = srcs7;
- subcount = LLStringUtil::format(s, nasty_fmt_map);
- ensure("LLStringUtil::format: Nastyfmt Test2 result", s.empty());
- ensure_equals("LLStringUtil::format: Nastyfmt Test2 result count", 0, subcount);
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<35>()
- {
- // Make sure startsWith works
- std::string string("anybody in there?");
- std::string substr("anybody");
- ensure("startsWith works.", LLStringUtil::startsWith(string, substr));
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<36>()
- {
- // Make sure startsWith correctly fails
- std::string string("anybody in there?");
- std::string substr("there");
- ensure("startsWith fails.", !LLStringUtil::startsWith(string, substr));
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<37>()
- {
- // startsWith fails on empty strings
- std::string value("anybody in there?");
- std::string empty;
- ensure("empty string.", !LLStringUtil::startsWith(value, empty));
- ensure("empty substr.", !LLStringUtil::startsWith(empty, value));
- ensure("empty everything.", !LLStringUtil::startsWith(empty, empty));
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<38>()
- {
- // Make sure endsWith works correctly
- std::string string("anybody in there?");
- std::string substr("there?");
- ensure("endsWith works.", LLStringUtil::endsWith(string, substr));
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<39>()
- {
- // Make sure endsWith correctly fails
- std::string string("anybody in there?");
- std::string substr("anybody");
- ensure("endsWith fails.", !LLStringUtil::endsWith(string, substr));
- substr = "there";
- ensure("endsWith fails.", !LLStringUtil::endsWith(string, substr));
- substr = "ther?";
- ensure("endsWith fails.", !LLStringUtil::endsWith(string, substr));
- }
- template<> template<>
- void string_index_object_t::test<40>()
- {
- // endsWith fails on empty strings
- std::string value("anybody in there?");
- std::string empty;
- ensure("empty string.", !LLStringUtil::endsWith(value, empty));
- ensure("empty substr.", !LLStringUtil::endsWith(empty, value));
- ensure("empty everything.", !LLStringUtil::endsWith(empty, empty));
- }
- }