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Package: [view]
Upload User: xfwatch
Upload Date: 2020-12-14
Package Size: 872k
Code Size: 7k
Development Platform:
- /*
- * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
- * Copyright 2008, Red Hat, Inc., and others contributors as indicated
- * by the @authors tag. All rights reserved.
- * See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
- * full listing of individual contributors.
- * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
- * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
- * of the GNU Lesser General Public License, v. 2.1.
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT A
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
- * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License,
- * v.2.1 along with this distribution; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
- * MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
- #ifndef XA_H
- #define XA_H
- #include "atmiBrokerTxMacro.h"
- #define XIDDATASIZE 128 /* size in bytes */
- struct BLACKTIE_TX_DLL xid_t {
- long formatID; /* format identifier */
- long gtrid_length; /* value from 1 through 64 */
- long bqual_length; /* value from 1 through 64 */
- char data[XIDDATASIZE];
- };
- typedef struct BLACKTIE_TX_DLL xid_t XID;
- /*
- * XA Switch Data Structure
- */
- #define RMNAMESZ 32 /* length of resource manager name, */
- /* including the null terminator */
- struct BLACKTIE_TX_DLL xa_switch_t {
- char name[RMNAMESZ]; /* name of resource manager */
- long flags; /* resource manager specific options */
- long version; /* must be 0 */
- int (*xa_open_entry) /* xa_open function pointer */
- (char *, int, long);
- int (*xa_close_entry) /* xa_close function pointer */
- (char *, int, long);
- int (*xa_start_entry) /* xa_start function pointer */
- (XID *, int, long);
- int (*xa_end_entry) /* xa_end function pointer */
- (XID *, int, long);
- int (*xa_rollback_entry) /* xa_rollback function pointer */
- (XID *, int, long);
- int (*xa_prepare_entry) /* xa_prepare function pointer */
- (XID *, int, long);
- int (*xa_commit_entry) /* xa_commit function pointer */
- (XID *, int, long);
- int (*xa_recover_entry) /* xa_recover function pointer */
- (XID *, long, int, long);
- int (*xa_forget_entry) /* xa_forget function pointer */
- (XID *, int, long);
- int (*xa_complete_entry) /* xa_complete function pointer */
- (int *, int *, int, long);
- };
- //namespace XA
- //{
- //typedef xa_switch_t XASwitch;
- //}
- /*
- * XA Switch Data Structure
- */
- #define MAXINFOSIZE 256 /* maximum size in bytes of xa_info strings, */
- /* including the null terminator */
- /*
- * Flag definition for the RM switch
- */
- #define TMNOFLAGS 0x00000000L /* no resource manager features
- selected */
- #define TMREGISTER 0x00000001L /* resource manager dynamically
- registers */
- #define TMNOMIGRATE 0x00000002L /* resource manager does not support
- association migration */
- #define TMUSEASYNC 0x00000004L /* resource manager supports
- asynchronous operations */
- /*
- * Flag definitions for xa_ and ax_ routines
- */
- /* Use TMNOFLAGS, defined above, when not specifying other flags */
- #define TMASYNC 0x80000000L /* perform routine asynchronously */
- #define TMONEPHASE 0x40000000L /* caller is using one-phase commit
- optimisation */
- #define TMFAIL 0x20000000L /* dissociates caller and marks
- transaction branch rollback-only */
- #define TMNOWAIT 0x10000000L /* return if blocking condition
- exists */
- #define TMRESUME 0x08000000L /* caller is resuming association
- with suspended transaction branch */
- #define TMSUCCESS 0x04000000L /* dissociate caller from transaction
- branch */
- #define TMSUSPEND 0x02000000L /* caller is suspending, not ending,
- association */
- #define TMSTARTRSCAN 0x01000000L /* start a recovery scan */
- #define TMENDRSCAN 0x00800000L /* end a recovery scan */
- #define TMMULTIPLE 0x00400000L /* wait for any asynchronous
- operation */
- #define TMJOIN 0x00200000L /* caller is joining existing
- transaction branch */
- #define TMMIGRATE 0x00100000L /* caller intends to perform
- migration */
- /*
- * ax_() return codes (transaction manager reports to resource manager)
- */
- #define TM_JOIN 2 /* caller is joining existing transaction
- branch */
- #define TM_RESUME 1 /* caller is resuming association with
- suspended transaction branch */
- #define TM_OK 0 /* normal execution */
- #define TMER_TMERR -1 /* an error occurred in the transaction
- manager */
- #define TMER_INVAL -2 /* invalid arguments were given */
- #define TMER_PROTO -3 /* routine invoked in an improper context */
- /*
- * xa_() return codes (resource manager reports to transaction manager)
- */
- #define XA_RBBASE 100 /* The inclusive lower bound of the
- rollback codes */
- #define XA_RBROLLBACK XA_RBBASE /* The rollback was caused by an
- unspecified reason */
- #define XA_RBCOMMFAIL XA_RBBASE+1 /* The rollback was caused by a
- communication failure */
- #define XA_RBDEADLOCK XA_RBBASE+2 /* A deadlock was detected */
- #define XA_RBINTEGRITY XA_RBBASE+3 /* A condition that violates the
- integrity of the resources was
- detected */
- #define XA_RBOTHER XA_RBBASE+4 /* The resource manager rolled back the
- transaction for a reason not on this
- list */
- #define XA_RBPROTO XA_RBBASE+5 /* A protocal error occurred in the
- resource manager */
- #define XA_RBTIMEOUT XA_RBBASE+6 /* A transaction branch took too long*/
- #define XA_RBTRANSIENT XA_RBBASE+7 /* May retry the transaction branch */
- #define XA_RBEND XA_RBTRANSIENT /* The inclusive upper bound of the
- rollback codes */
- #define XA_NOMIGRATE 9 /* resumption must occur where
- suspension occurred */
- #define XA_HEURHAZ 8 /* the transaction branch may have been
- heuristically completed */
- #define XA_HEURCOM 7 /* the transaction branch has been
- heuristically comitted */
- #define XA_HEURRB 6 /* the transaction branch has been
- heuristically rolled back */
- #define XA_HEURMIX 5 /* the transaction branch has been
- heuristically committed and rolled
- back */
- #define XA_RETRY 4 /* routine returned with no effect
- and may be re-issued */
- #define XA_RDONLY 3 /* the transaction was read-only
- and has been committed */
- #define XA_OK 0 /* normal execution */
- #define XAER_ASYNC -2 /* asynchronous operation already
- outstanding */
- #define XAER_RMERR -3 /* a resource manager error occurred
- in the transaction branch */
- #define XAER_NOTA -4 /* the XID is not valid */
- #define XAER_INVAL -5 /* invalid arguments were given */
- #define XAER_PROTO -6 /* routine invoked in an improper
- context */
- #define XAER_RMFAIL -7 /* resource manager unavailable */
- #define XAER_DUPID -8 /* the XID already exists */
- #define XAER_OUTSIDE -9 /* resource manager doing work */
- /* outside global transaction */
- #endif /*!XA_H*/