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Package: McbXML.rar [view]
Upload User: loctitetv
Upload Date: 2008-08-08
Package Size: 42k
Code Size: 11k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> McbXML.h - declaration file for basic XML parser written in ANSI C for
- * portability.
- * It works by using recursion and a node tree for breaking down the elements
- * of an XML document. </P>
- *
- * @version V1.0
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 21st August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Include only once
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- #ifndef McbXML_Included
- #define McbXML_Included
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Include all necessary include files
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- #include <tchar.h>
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Some common types for char set portable code
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- #ifndef LPCTSTR
- #define LPCTSTR const char *
- #endif /* LPCTSTR */
- #ifndef LPTSTR
- #define LPTSTR char *
- #endif /* LPTSTR */
- #ifndef TCHAR
- #define TCHAR char
- #endif /* TCHAR */
- #ifndef FALSE
- #define FALSE 0
- #endif /* FALSE */
- #ifndef TRUE
- #define TRUE 1
- #endif /* TRUE */
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * List macros.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- #define ListEntry(ptr,type,member)
- ((type*)((char*)ptr-(unsigned long)(&((type*)0)->member)))
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Enumeration used in union to decipher what type a node is.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- typedef enum McbXMLNodeType
- {
- eNodeEmpty = 0,
- eNodeAttribute,
- eNodeElement,
- eNodeText,
- eNodeClear
- } McbXMLNodeType;
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Structure used for a node
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- typedef struct McbXMLNode
- {
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * This dictates what the node is (and consequently which pointer should
- * be used to obtain the appropriate node).
- *************************************************************************
- */
- enum McbXMLNodeType type;
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Union to access the appropriate node.
- *************************************************************************
- */
- union
- {
- struct McbXMLAttribute *pAttrib;
- struct McbXMLElement *pElement;
- struct McbXMLText *pText;
- struct McbXMLClear *pClear;
- } node;
- int nStringOffset;
- #endif /* McbSTOREOFFSETS */
- } McbXMLNode;
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Structure used to manage list of nodes
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- typedef struct McbXMLElement
- {
- LPTSTR lpszName; /* Element name */
- int nSize; /* Num of child nodes */
- int nMax; /* Num of allocated nodes */
- int nIsDeclaration; /* Whether node is an XML */
- /* declaration - '<?xml ?>' */
- struct McbXMLNode *pEntries; /* Array of child nodes */
- struct McbXMLElement *pParent; /* Pointer to parent element */
- } McbXMLElement;
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Structure for XML text
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- typedef struct McbXMLText
- {
- LPTSTR lpszValue;
- } McbXMLText;
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Structure for XML clear (unformatted) node
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- typedef struct McbXMLClear
- {
- LPTSTR lpszOpenTag;
- LPTSTR lpszValue;
- LPTSTR lpszCloseTag;
- } McbXMLClear;
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Structure for XML attribute.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- typedef struct McbXMLAttribute
- {
- LPTSTR lpszName;
- LPTSTR lpszValue;
- } McbXMLAttribute;
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Enumeration for XML parse errors.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- typedef enum McbXMLError
- {
- eXMLErrorNone = 0,
- eXMLErrorEmpty,
- eXMLErrorFirstNotStartTag,
- eXMLErrorMissingTagName,
- eXMLErrorMissingEndTagName,
- eXMLErrorNoMatchingQuote,
- eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndTag,
- eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken,
- eXMLErrorInvalidTag,
- eXMLErrorNoElements
- } McbXMLError;
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Structure used to obtain error details if the parse fails.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- typedef struct McbXMLResults
- {
- enum McbXMLError error;
- int nLine;
- int nColumn;
- } McbXMLResults;
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Construct/delete root element
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLElement * McbCreateRoot();
- void McbDeleteRoot(McbXMLElement * pElement);
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Obtain error information in a string.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- LPCTSTR McbGetError(McbXMLError error);
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Parse XML string into elements. This returns a pointer to the first
- * element (created on the heap) if successful. This must be deleted by
- * first calling McbDeleteElement() to recursively delete child nodes then
- * calling free on the element to cleanup the heap.
- * If the function fails then 0 will be returned. If the results pointer
- * given to the function was not 0 the error, line and column can be
- * obtained.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLElement * McbParseXML(LPCTSTR lpszXML, McbXMLResults *pResults);
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Clears an element (deletes its children and the memory which belongs to
- * it).
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void McbDeleteElement(McbXMLElement *pEntry);
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Enumerate nodes in the list returning a pointer to a node. The index
- * pointer should be initialised to zero initially - this will be incremented
- * for each subsequent node that is obtained.
- * 0 will be returned when all nodes have been obtained.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLNode * McbEnumNodes(McbXMLElement *pEntry, int *pnIndex);
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Recursively search the tree for the required element based on the given
- * path.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLElement * McbFindElement(McbXMLElement *pHead, LPCTSTR lpszName);
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Search the given element for an attribute.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLAttribute * McbFindAttribute(McbXMLElement *pEntry, LPCTSTR lpszAttrib);
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Enumerate elements on the given element.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLElement * McbEnumElements(McbXMLElement *pEntry, int *pnIndex);
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Add an attribute to the element
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLAttribute * McbAddAttribute(McbXMLElement *pEntry, LPTSTR lpszName,
- LPTSTR lpszValue, int nGrowBy);
- McbXMLText * McbAddText(McbXMLElement *pEntry, LPTSTR lpszValue, int nGrowBy);
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Enumerate attributes on the given element.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLAttribute * McbEnumAttributes(McbXMLElement *pEntry, int *pnIndex);
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Create elements in the list based on the path, returning the final node.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLElement * McbCreateElements(McbXMLElement *pEntry, LPCTSTR lpszPath);
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Duplicate a string.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- LPTSTR McbStrdup(LPCTSTR lpszData, int cbData);
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Create an XML string from the head element.
- * If successful this returns the XML string representation of the specified
- * XML element node and its subnodes. This string must be deleted with
- * free().
- *
- * If the size pointer is not 0 then the total size of the returned string
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- LPTSTR McbCreateXMLString(McbXMLElement * pHead, int nFormat, int *pnSize);
- int McbCreateXMLStringR(McbXMLElement * pEntry, LPTSTR lpszMarker,
- int nFormat);
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Add clear unformatted data to the node.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLClear * McbAddCData(McbXMLElement *pEntry, LPTSTR lpszValue, int nGrowBy);
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Toby add new functions.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLElement* AddElementToXML(McbXMLElement *pParent,LPTSTR lpszText);
- McbXMLAttribute* AddAttrToXML(McbXMLElement *pEntry,LPTSTR lpszName,LPTSTR lpszValue);
- void DeleteElementFromXML(McbXMLElement *pEntry);
- void DeleteAttrFromXML(McbXMLAttribute *pEntry);
- //void clearList()
- #endif /* McbXML_Included */