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Package: McbXML.rar [view]
Upload User: loctitetv
Upload Date: 2008-08-08
Package Size: 42k
Code Size: 105k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> McbXML.c - implementation file for basic XML parser written in ANSI C
- * for portability.
- * It works by using recursion and a node tree for breaking down the elements
- * of an XML document. </P>
- *
- * @version V1.0
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 21st August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Include all necessary include files
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- #include "McbXML.h"
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Enumeration used to decipher what type a token is
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- typedef enum McbTokenType
- {
- eTokenText = 0,
- eTokenQuotedText,
- eTokenTagStart, /* "<" */
- eTokenTagEnd, /* "</" */
- eTokenCloseTag, /* ">" */
- eTokenEquals, /* "=" */
- eTokenDeclaration, /* "<?" */
- eTokenShortHandClose, /* "/>" */
- eTokenClear,
- eTokenError
- } McbTokenType;
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Defines to dictate grow by value when adding nodes.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- #define McbGROWBY 5
- #define McbINDENTCHAR _T('t')
- typedef struct McbClearTag
- {
- LPTSTR lpszOpen;
- LPTSTR lpszClose;
- } McbClearTag;
- typedef struct McbNextToken
- {
- McbClearTag *pClr;
- } McbNextToken;
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Main structure used for parsing XML
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- typedef struct McbXML
- {
- int nIndex;
- enum McbXMLError error;
- LPCTSTR lpEndTag;
- int cbEndTag;
- LPCTSTR lpNewElement;
- int cbNewElement;
- int nFirst;
- McbClearTag *pClrTags;
- } McbXML;
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Enumeration used when parsing attributes
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- typedef enum McbAttrib
- {
- eAttribName = 0,
- eAttribEquals,
- eAttribValue
- } McbAttrib;
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Enumeration used when parsing elements to dictate whether we are currently
- * inside a tag
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- typedef enum McbStatus
- {
- eInsideTag = 0,
- eOutsideTag
- } McbStatus;
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Structure used to obtain List.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- typedef struct List_ST{
- struct List_ST *pNext;
- struct List_ST *pPrev;
- }List_st;
- typedef struct{
- List_st pList;
- int iNum;
- }ListHead_st;
- /*
- ****************************************************************************
- * Structure used to obtain List Node.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- #ifdef DYNAMIC_MEM
- typedef struct{
- List_st List;
- LPTSTR lpszText;
- }NodeText_st;
- #else
- typedef struct{
- List_st List;
- char lpszText[256];
- }NodeText_st;
- #endif
- static ListHead_st g_StrList;
- void InitList(ListHead_st *pListHead)
- {
- pListHead->pList.pNext = &(pListHead->pList);
- pListHead->pList.pPrev = &(pListHead->pList);
- pListHead->iNum = 0;
- }/* InitList */
- void AddToList(ListHead_st *pListHead,List_st *pListNode)
- {
- pListNode->pPrev = &(pListHead->pList);
- pListNode->pNext = pListHead->pList.pNext;
- pListHead->pList.pNext->pPrev = pListNode;
- pListHead->pList.pNext = pListNode;
- pListHead->iNum++;
- }/* AddToList */
- List_st *DeleteFromListTial(ListHead_st *pListHead)
- {
- List_st *pTemp;
- //Empty List?
- if(pListHead->pList.pPrev == &(pListHead->pList))
- return 0;
- pTemp = pListHead->pList.pPrev;
- pTemp->pPrev->pNext = pTemp->pNext;
- pTemp->pNext->pPrev = pTemp->pPrev;
- pListHead->iNum--;
- return pTemp;
- }/* DeleteFromListTial */
- void DeleteFromList(List_st *pList)
- {
- pList->pNext->pPrev = pList->pPrev;
- pList->pPrev->pPrev = pList->pNext;
- }/* DeleteFromList */
- void FreeList(ListHead_st *pListHead)
- {
- List_st *pList;
- NodeText_st *pNodeText;
- //empty List
- if(pListHead->pList.pNext == &(pListHead->pList))
- return;
- while(pListHead->iNum){
- pList = DeleteFromListTial(pListHead);
- pNodeText = ListEntry(pList,NodeText_st,List);
- #ifdef DYNAMIC_MEM
- free(pNodeText->lpszText);
- #endif
- free(pNodeText);
- }
- }/*FreeList*/
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Initialise an element. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbInitElement
- *
- * @param *pEntry
- * @param lpszName
- *
- * @return void
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 14th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void McbInitElement(McbXMLElement *pEntry, McbXMLElement *pParent,
- LPTSTR lpszName, int nIsDeclaration)
- {
- assert(pEntry);
- pEntry->nMax = 0;
- pEntry->nSize = 0;
- pEntry->pEntries = NULL;
- pEntry->pParent = pParent;
- pEntry->nIsDeclaration = nIsDeclaration;
- pEntry->lpszName = lpszName;
- }/* McbInitElement */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Create the root element. </P>
- *
- * @methodName * McbCreateRoot
- *
- * @param none
- *
- * @return McbXMLElement
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 1st February 2002 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLElement * McbCreateRoot()
- {
- McbXMLElement * pElement;
- pElement = (McbXMLElement*)malloc(sizeof(McbXMLElement));
- McbInitElement(pElement, NULL, 0, FALSE);
- //Init the NodeName LinkList
- //Toby add 2006/7/3/9:31
- //InitList(&g_StrList);
- return pElement;
- }/* McbCreateRoot */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Delete the root element and set it to NULL. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbDeleteRoot
- *
- * @param ** ppElement
- *
- * @return void
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 1st February 2002 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void McbDeleteRoot(McbXMLElement * pElement)
- {
- McbDeleteElement(pElement);
- free(pElement);
- //FreeList(&g_StrList);
- }/* McbDeleteRoot */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Delete an attribute. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbDeleteAttribute
- *
- * @param *pEntry
- *
- * @return void
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 14th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void McbDeleteAttribute(McbXMLAttribute *pEntry)
- {
- assert(pEntry);
- if (pEntry->lpszName)
- {
- free(pEntry->lpszName);
- pEntry->lpszName = NULL;
- }
- if (pEntry->lpszValue)
- {
- free(pEntry->lpszValue);
- pEntry->lpszValue= NULL;
- }
- }/* McbDeleteAttribute */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Attach attributes from one list to another. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbAttributeAttach
- *
- * @param *pDst
- * @param *pSrc
- * @param nNum
- *
- * @return void
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 14th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void McbAttributeAttach(McbXMLAttribute *pDst, McbXMLAttribute *pSrc, int nNum)
- {
- int n;
- for (n=0; n<nNum; n++)
- {
- pDst[n].lpszName = pSrc[n].lpszName;
- pDst[n].lpszValue = pSrc[n].lpszValue;
- pSrc[n].lpszName = NULL;
- pSrc[n].lpszValue = NULL;
- }
- }/* McbAttributeAttach */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Obtain the next character from the string. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbGetNextChar
- *
- * @param *pXML
- *
- * @return TCHAR
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 17th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- TCHAR McbGetNextChar(McbXML *pXML)
- {
- TCHAR ch;
- ch = pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex];
- if (ch != 0) pXML->nIndex++;
- return ch;
- }/* McbGetNextChar */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Find next non-white space character. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbFindNonWhiteSpace
- *
- * @param *pXML
- *
- * @return TCHAR
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 18th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- TCHAR McbFindNonWhiteSpace(McbXML *pXML)
- {
- TCHAR ch;
- int nExit = FALSE;
- assert(pXML);
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Iterate through characters in the string until we find a NULL or a
- * non-white space character
- *************************************************************************
- */
- while((nExit == FALSE) && (ch = McbGetNextChar(pXML)))
- {
- switch(ch)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Ignore white space
- *********************************************************************
- */
- case _T('n'):
- case _T(' '):
- case _T('t'):
- case _T('r'):
- continue;
- default:
- nExit = TRUE;
- }
- }
- return ch;
- }/* McbFindNonWhiteSpace */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Duplicate a given string. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbStrdup
- *
- * @param lpszData
- * @param cbData
- *
- * @return LPTSTR
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 18th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- LPTSTR McbStrdup(LPCTSTR lpszData, int cbData)
- {
- LPTSTR lpszNew;
- assert(lpszData);
- if (cbData == 0) cbData = _tcslen(lpszData);
- lpszNew = malloc((cbData+1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
- if (lpszNew)
- {
- memcpy(lpszNew, lpszData, (cbData) * sizeof(TCHAR));
- lpszNew[cbData] = (TCHAR)NULL;
- }
- return lpszNew;
- }/* McbStrdup */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Find the next token in a string. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbGetNextToken
- *
- * @param *pXML
- * @param *pcbToken
- * @param *pType
- *
- * @return LPCTSTR
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 17th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbNextToken McbGetNextToken(McbXML *pXML, int *pcbToken, McbTokenType *pType)
- {
- McbNextToken result;
- TCHAR ch;
- TCHAR chTemp;
- int nSize;
- int nFoundMatch;
- int nExit;
- int n;
- LPCTSTR lpszOpen;
- int cbOpen;
- int nIsText = FALSE;
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Find next non-whte space character
- *************************************************************************
- */
- ch = McbFindNonWhiteSpace(pXML);
- if (ch)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Cache the current string pointer
- *********************************************************************
- */
- lpXML = pXML->lpXML;
- result.pStr = &lpXML[pXML->nIndex-1];
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * First check whether the token is in the clear tag list (meaning it
- * does not need formatting).
- *********************************************************************
- */
- n = 0;
- while(TRUE)
- {
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * Obtain the name of the open part of the clear tag
- *****************************************************************
- */
- lpszOpen = pXML->pClrTags[n].lpszOpen;
- if (lpszOpen)
- {
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * Compare the open tag with the current token
- *************************************************************
- */
- cbOpen = _tcslen(lpszOpen);
- if (_tcsnicmp(lpszOpen, result.pStr, cbOpen) == 0)
- {
- result.pClr = &pXML->pClrTags[n];
- pXML->nIndex += cbOpen-1;
- *pType = eTokenClear;
- return result;
- }
- n++;
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * If we didn't find a clear tag then check for standard tokens
- *********************************************************************
- */
- chTemp = 0;
- lpXML = pXML->lpXML;
- switch(ch)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Check for quotes
- *********************************************************************
- */
- case _T('''):
- case _T('"'):
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * Type of token
- *****************************************************************
- */
- *pType = eTokenQuotedText;
- chTemp = ch;
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * Set the size
- *****************************************************************
- */
- nSize = 1;
- nFoundMatch = FALSE;
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * Search through the string to find a matching quote
- *****************************************************************
- */
- while(ch = McbGetNextChar(pXML))
- {
- nSize++;
- if (ch == chTemp)
- {
- nFoundMatch = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * If we failed to find a matching quote
- *****************************************************************
- */
- if (nFoundMatch == FALSE)
- {
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * Indicate error
- *************************************************************
- */
- pXML->error = eXMLErrorNoMatchingQuote;
- *pType = eTokenError;
- }
- /* MCB 4.02.2002 */
- if (McbFindNonWhiteSpace(pXML))
- {
- pXML->nIndex--;
- }
- break;
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Equals (used with attribute values)
- *********************************************************************
- */
- case _T('='):
- nSize = 1;
- *pType = eTokenEquals;
- break;
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Close tag
- *********************************************************************
- */
- case _T('>'):
- nSize = 1;
- *pType = eTokenCloseTag;
- break;
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Check for tag start and tag end
- *********************************************************************
- */
- case _T('<'):
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * Peek at the next character to see if we have an end tag '</',
- * or an xml declaration '<?'
- *****************************************************************
- */
- chTemp = pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex];
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * If we have a tag end...
- *****************************************************************
- */
- if (chTemp == _T('/'))
- {
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * Set the type and ensure we point at the next character
- *************************************************************
- */
- McbGetNextChar(pXML);
- *pType = eTokenTagEnd;
- nSize = 2;
- }
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * If we have an XML declaration tag
- *****************************************************************
- */
- else if (chTemp == _T('?'))
- {
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * Set the type and ensure we point at the next character
- *************************************************************
- */
- McbGetNextChar(pXML);
- *pType = eTokenDeclaration;
- nSize = 2;
- }
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * Otherwise we must have a start tag
- *****************************************************************
- */
- else
- {
- *pType = eTokenTagStart;
- nSize = 1;
- }
- break;
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Check to see if we have a short hand type end tag ('/>').
- *********************************************************************
- */
- case _T('/'):
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * Peek at the next character to see if we have an end tag '</'
- * or an xml declaration '<?'
- *****************************************************************
- */
- chTemp = pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex];
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * If we have a short hand end tag...
- *****************************************************************
- */
- if (chTemp == _T('>'))
- {
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * Set the type and ensure we point at the next character
- *************************************************************
- */
- McbGetNextChar(pXML);
- *pType = eTokenShortHandClose;
- nSize = 2;
- break;
- }
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * If we haven't found a short hand closing tag then drop into the
- * text process
- *****************************************************************
- */
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Other characters
- *********************************************************************
- */
- default:
- nIsText = TRUE;
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * If this is a TEXT node
- *********************************************************************
- */
- if (nIsText)
- {
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * Indicate we are dealing with text
- *****************************************************************
- */
- *pType = eTokenText;
- nSize = 1;
- nExit = FALSE;
- while((nExit == FALSE) && (ch = McbGetNextChar(pXML)))
- {
- switch(ch)
- {
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * Break when we find white space
- *************************************************************
- */
- case _T('n'):
- case _T(' '):
- case _T('t'):
- case _T('r'):
- nExit = TRUE;
- break;
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * If we find a slash then this maybe text or a short hand end
- * tag.
- *************************************************************
- */
- case _T('/'):
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * Peek at the next character to see it we have short hand
- * end tag
- *********************************************************
- */
- chTemp = pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex];
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * If we found a short hand end tag then we need to exit
- * the loop
- *********************************************************
- */
- if (chTemp == _T('>'))
- {
- pXML->nIndex--; /* MCB 03.02.2002 */
- nExit = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- nSize++;
- }
- break;
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * Break when we find a terminator and decrement the index and
- * column count so that we are pointing at the right character
- * the next time we are called.
- *************************************************************
- */
- case _T('<'):
- case _T('>'):
- case _T('='):
- pXML->nIndex--;
- nExit = TRUE;
- break;
- case 0:
- nExit = TRUE;
- break;
- default:
- nSize++;
- }
- }
- }
- *pcbToken = nSize;
- }
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * If we failed to obtain a valid character
- *************************************************************************
- */
- else
- {
- *pcbToken = 0;
- *pType = eTokenError;
- }
- return result;
- }/* McbGetNextToken */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Parse XML errors into a user friendly string. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbGetError
- *
- * @param error
- *
- * @return LPCTSTR
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 19th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- LPCTSTR McbGetError(McbXMLError error)
- {
- LPCTSTR lpszErr = _T("Unknown");
- int n;
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Structure for errors array
- *************************************************************************
- */
- typedef struct McbErrorList
- {
- enum McbXMLError err;
- LPCTSTR lpszErr;
- } McbErrorList;
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Static array containing helpful error text.
- *************************************************************************
- */
- static struct McbErrorList errs[] =
- {
- { eXMLErrorNone, _T("No error") },
- { eXMLErrorEmpty, _T("No XML data") },
- { eXMLErrorFirstNotStartTag, _T("First token not start tag") },
- { eXMLErrorMissingTagName, _T("Missing start tag name") },
- { eXMLErrorMissingEndTagName, _T("Missing end tag name") },
- { eXMLErrorNoMatchingQuote, _T("Unmatched quote") },
- { eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndTag, _T("Unmatched end tag") },
- { eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken, _T("Unexpected token found") },
- { eXMLErrorInvalidTag, _T("Invalid tag found") },
- { eXMLErrorNoElements, _T("No elements found") },
- { 0, NULL }
- };
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Iterate through the list of errors to find a matching error
- *************************************************************************
- */
- for(n = 0; errs[n].lpszErr; n++)
- {
- if (errs[n].err == error)
- {
- lpszErr = errs[n].lpszErr;
- break;
- }
- }
- return lpszErr;
- }/* McbGetError */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Delete memory associated with a text node. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbDeleteText
- *
- * @param *pText
- *
- * @return void
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 20th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void McbDeleteText(McbXMLText *pText)
- {
- assert(pText);
- if (pText->lpszValue)
- {
- free(pText->lpszValue);
- pText->lpszValue = NULL;
- }
- }/* McbDeleteText */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Delete memory associated with a clear (unformatted) node. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbDeleteClear
- *
- * @param *pClear
- *
- * @return void
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 20th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void McbDeleteClear(McbXMLClear *pClear)
- {
- assert(pClear);
- if (pClear->lpszValue)
- {
- free(pClear->lpszValue);
- pClear->lpszValue = NULL;
- }
- }/* McbDeleteClear */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Delete a given node. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbDeleteNode
- *
- * @param *pEntry
- *
- * @return void
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 20th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void McbDeleteNode(McbXMLNode *pEntry)
- {
- if (pEntry)
- {
- if (pEntry->type == eNodeEmpty)
- {
- return;
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Delete the appropriate node
- *********************************************************************
- */
- switch(pEntry->type)
- {
- case eNodeAttribute:
- McbDeleteAttribute(pEntry->node.pAttrib);
- break;
- case eNodeElement:
- McbDeleteElement(pEntry->node.pElement);
- break;
- case eNodeText:
- McbDeleteText(pEntry->node.pText);
- break;
- case eNodeClear:
- McbDeleteClear(pEntry->node.pClear);
- break;
- default:
- assert(TRUE);
- }
- free(pEntry->node.pAttrib);
- pEntry->type = eNodeEmpty;
- }
- }/* McbDeleteNode */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Delete an element and all it's contained nodes. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbDeleteElement
- *
- * @param *pEntry
- *
- * @return void
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 20th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void McbDeleteElement(McbXMLElement *pEntry)
- {
- int n;
- assert(pEntry);
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Delete each node (this may recurse)
- *************************************************************************
- */
- for(n = 0; n<pEntry->nSize; n++)
- {
- McbDeleteNode(&pEntry->pEntries[n]);
- }
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Cleanup the list of nodes
- *************************************************************************
- */
- pEntry->nMax = 0;
- pEntry->nSize = 0;
- free(pEntry->pEntries);
- pEntry->pEntries = NULL;
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Delete the name of the element
- *************************************************************************
- */
- if (pEntry->lpszName)
- {
- free(pEntry->lpszName);
- pEntry->lpszName = NULL;
- }
- /* free(pEntry); */
- }/* McbDeleteElement */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Attach nodes from one list to another. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbAttachNodes
- *
- * @param *pDst
- * @param *pSrc
- * @param nNum
- *
- * @return void
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 14th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void McbAttachNodes(McbXMLNode *pDst, McbXMLNode *pSrc, int nNum)
- {
- int n;
- for (n=0; n<nNum; n++)
- {
- pDst[n] = pSrc[n];
- pSrc[n].type = eNodeEmpty;
- }
- }/* McbAttachNodes */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Reserve memory for additional nodes. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbAllocNodes
- *
- * @param *pEntry
- * @param nGrowBy
- *
- * @return void
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 15th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void McbAllocNodes(McbXMLElement *pEntry, int nGrowBy)
- {
- int nMax;
- McbXMLNode * pNew;
- assert(pEntry);
- assert(nGrowBy > 0);
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Allocate storage for new nodes
- *************************************************************************
- */
- nMax = pEntry->nMax += nGrowBy;
- pNew = malloc(sizeof(McbXMLNode) * nMax);
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Attach old entries to the new storage
- *************************************************************************
- */
- McbAttachNodes(pNew, pEntry->pEntries, pEntry->nSize);
- if (pEntry->pEntries)
- {
- free(pEntry->pEntries);
- }
- pEntry->pEntries = pNew;
- }/* McbAllocNodes */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Add an element node to the element. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbAddElement
- *
- * @param *pEntry
- * @param lpszName
- * @param nIsDeclaration
- * @param nGrowBy
- *
- * @return McbXMLElement *
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 20th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLElement * McbAddElement(McbXMLElement *pEntry, LPTSTR lpszName,
- int nIsDeclaration, int nGrowBy)
- {
- McbXMLNode *pNode;
- McbXMLElement * pElement;
- assert(pEntry);
- assert(nGrowBy > 0);
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Check we have enough storage
- *************************************************************************
- */
- if (pEntry->nSize == pEntry->nMax)
- {
- McbAllocNodes(pEntry, nGrowBy);
- }
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Obtain the new node, set the type and initialise it.
- *************************************************************************
- */
- pNode = &pEntry->pEntries[pEntry->nSize];
- pNode->type = eNodeElement;
- pElement = malloc(sizeof(McbXMLElement));
- pNode->node.pElement = pElement;
- McbInitElement(pElement, pEntry, lpszName, nIsDeclaration);
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Increment the number of contained nodes
- *************************************************************************
- */
- pEntry->nSize++;
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Return the new element.
- *************************************************************************
- */
- return pElement;
- }/* McbAddElement */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Add an attribute to an element. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbAddAttribute
- *
- * @param *pEntry
- * @param lpszName
- * @param lpszValue
- * @param nGrowBy
- *
- * @return McbXMLAttribute *
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 14th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLAttribute * McbAddAttribute(McbXMLElement *pEntry, LPTSTR lpszName,
- LPTSTR lpszValue, int nGrowBy)
- {
- McbXMLNode *pNode;
- McbXMLAttribute *pAttr;
- assert(pEntry);
- assert(nGrowBy > 0);
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Check we have enough storage
- *************************************************************************
- */
- if (pEntry->nSize == pEntry->nMax)
- {
- McbAllocNodes(pEntry, nGrowBy);
- }
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Obtain the new node, set the type and initialise it.
- *************************************************************************
- */
- pNode = &pEntry->pEntries[pEntry->nSize];
- pNode->type = eNodeAttribute;
- pAttr = malloc(sizeof(McbXMLAttribute));
- pNode->node.pAttrib = pAttr;
- //pAttr->lpszName = lpszName;
- //pAttr->lpszValue = lpszValue;
- //toby add 2006/7/4 10:03
- pAttr->lpszName = lpszName;//McbStrdup(lpszName,0);
- pAttr->lpszValue = lpszValue;//McbStrdup(lpszValue,0);
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Increment the number of contained nodes
- *************************************************************************
- */
- pEntry->nSize++;
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Return the new attribute.
- *************************************************************************
- */
- return pAttr;
- }/* McbAddAttribute */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Add text to the element. </P>
- *
- * @methodName * McbAddText
- *
- * @param *pEntry
- * @param lpszValue
- * @param nGrowBy
- *
- * @return McbXMLText
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 20th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLText * McbAddText(McbXMLElement *pEntry, LPTSTR lpszValue, int nGrowBy)
- {
- McbXMLNode *pNode;
- McbXMLText *pText;
- assert(pEntry);
- assert(nGrowBy > 0);
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Check we have enough storage
- *************************************************************************
- */
- if (pEntry->nSize == pEntry->nMax)
- {
- McbAllocNodes(pEntry, nGrowBy);
- }
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Obtain the new node, set the type and initialise it.
- *************************************************************************
- */
- pNode = &pEntry->pEntries[pEntry->nSize];
- pNode->type = eNodeText;
- pText = malloc(sizeof(McbXMLText));
- pNode->node.pText = pText;
- pText->lpszValue = lpszValue;
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Increment the number of contained nodes
- *************************************************************************
- */
- pEntry->nSize++;
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Return the new attribute.
- *************************************************************************
- */
- return pText;
- }/* McbAddText */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Add clear (unformatted) to the element. </P>
- *
- * @methodName * McbAddClear
- *
- * @param *pEntry
- * @param lpszValue
- * @param nGrowBy
- *
- * @return McbXMLClear
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 20th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLClear * McbAddClear(McbXMLElement *pEntry, LPTSTR lpszValue,
- McbClearTag *pClear, int nGrowBy)
- {
- McbXMLNode *pNode;
- McbXMLClear *pNewClear;
- assert(pEntry);
- assert(nGrowBy > 0);
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Check we have enough storage
- *************************************************************************
- */
- if (pEntry->nSize == pEntry->nMax)
- {
- McbAllocNodes(pEntry, nGrowBy);
- }
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Obtain the new node, set the type and initialise it.
- *************************************************************************
- */
- pNode = &pEntry->pEntries[pEntry->nSize];
- pNode->type = eNodeClear;
- pNewClear = malloc(sizeof(McbXMLClear));
- pNode->node.pClear = pNewClear;
- pNewClear->lpszValue = lpszValue;
- pNewClear->lpszOpenTag = pClear->lpszOpen;
- pNewClear->lpszCloseTag = pClear->lpszClose;
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Increment the number of contained nodes
- *************************************************************************
- */
- pEntry->nSize++;
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Return the new attribute.
- *************************************************************************
- */
- return pNewClear;
- }/* McbAddClear */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Enumerate nodes in the list. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbEnumNodes
- *
- * @param *pEntry
- * @param *pnIndex
- *
- * @return McbXMLNode
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 20th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLNode * McbEnumNodes(McbXMLElement *pEntry, int *pnIndex)
- {
- McbXMLNode * pResult = NULL;
- assert(pnIndex);
- assert(pEntry);
- if (*pnIndex < pEntry->nSize)
- {
- pResult = &pEntry->pEntries[*pnIndex];
- (*pnIndex)++;
- }
- return pResult;
- }/* McbEnumNodes */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Enumerate elements on a base element. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbEnumElements
- *
- * @param *pEntry
- * @param *pnIndex
- *
- * @return McbXMLNode
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 20th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLElement * McbEnumElements(McbXMLElement *pEntry, int *pnIndex)
- {
- McbXMLElement * pResult = NULL;
- int nIndex;
- assert(pnIndex);
- assert(pEntry);
- nIndex = *pnIndex;
- for (;nIndex < pEntry->nSize && !pResult; nIndex++)
- {
- if (pEntry->pEntries[nIndex].type == eNodeElement)
- {
- pResult = pEntry->pEntries[nIndex].node.pElement;
- }
- }
- *pnIndex = nIndex;
- return pResult;
- }/* McbEnumElements */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Enumerate attributes on a base element. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbEnumAttributes
- *
- * @param *pEntry
- * @param *pnIndex
- *
- * @return McbXMLNode
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 20th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLAttribute * McbEnumAttributes(McbXMLElement *pEntry, int *pnIndex)
- {
- McbXMLAttribute * pResult = NULL;
- int nIndex;
- assert(pnIndex);
- assert(pEntry);
- nIndex = *pnIndex;
- for (;nIndex < pEntry->nSize && !pResult; nIndex++)
- {
- if (pEntry->pEntries[nIndex].type == eNodeAttribute)
- {
- pResult = pEntry->pEntries[nIndex].node.pAttrib;
- }
- }
- *pnIndex = nIndex;
- return pResult;
- }/* McbEnumAttributes */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Trim the end of the text to remove white space characters. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbFindEndOfText
- *
- * @param lpszToken
- * @param *pcbText
- *
- * @return void
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 20th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void McbFindEndOfText(LPCTSTR lpszToken, int *pcbText)
- {
- TCHAR ch;
- int cbText;
- assert(lpszToken);
- assert(pcbText);
- cbText = (*pcbText)-1;
- while(TRUE)
- {
- assert(cbText >= 0);
- ch = lpszToken[cbText];
- switch(ch)
- {
- case _T('r'):
- case _T('n'):
- case _T('t'):
- case _T(' '):
- cbText--;
- break;
- default:
- *pcbText = cbText+1;
- return;
- }
- }
- }/* McbFindEndOfText */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Parse a clear (unformatted) type node. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbParseClearTag
- *
- * @param *pXML
- * @param *pElement
- * @param lpszClose
- * @param lpszToken
- *
- * @return int
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 26th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- int McbParseClearTag(McbXML *pXML, McbXMLElement *pElement, McbClearTag * pClear)
- {
- int cbTemp = 0;
- LPTSTR lpszTemp;
- LPCTSTR lpszXML = &pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex];
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Find the closing tag
- *************************************************************************
- */
- lpszTemp = _tcsstr(lpszXML, pClear->lpszClose);
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Iterate through the tokens until we find the closing tag.
- *************************************************************************
- */
- if (lpszTemp)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Cache the size and increment the index
- *********************************************************************
- */
- cbTemp = lpszTemp - lpszXML;
- pXML->nIndex += cbTemp;
- pXML->nIndex += _tcslen(pClear->lpszClose);
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Add the clear node to the current element
- *********************************************************************
- */
- lpszTemp = McbStrdup(lpszXML, cbTemp);
- McbAddClear(pElement, lpszTemp, pClear, McbGROWBY);
- pElement->pEntries[pElement->nSize-1].nStringOffset = (lpszXML -
- _tcslen(pClear->lpszOpen)) - pXML->lpXML;
- #endif /* McbSTOREOFFSETS */
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * If we failed to find the end tag
- *************************************************************************
- */
- else
- {
- pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndTag;
- return FALSE;
- }
- }/* McbParseClearTag */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Recursively parse an XML element. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbParseXMLElement
- *
- * @param *pXML
- * @param * pElement
- *
- * @return int
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 19th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- int McbParseXMLElement(McbXML *pXML, McbXMLElement * pElement)
- {
- LPCTSTR lpszToken;
- int cbToken;
- enum McbTokenType type;
- McbNextToken token;
- LPCTSTR lpszTemp;
- int cbTemp;
- int nDeclaration;
- LPCTSTR lpszText = NULL;
- McbXMLElement *pNew;
- enum McbStatus status;
- enum McbAttrib attrib = eAttribName;
- assert(pXML);
- assert(pElement);
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * If this is the first call to the function
- *************************************************************************
- */
- if (pXML->nFirst)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Assume we are outside of a tag definition
- *********************************************************************
- */
- pXML->nFirst = FALSE;
- status = eOutsideTag;
- }
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * If this is not the first call then we should only be called when inside
- * a tag.
- *************************************************************************
- */
- else
- {
- status = eInsideTag;
- }
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Iterate through the tokens in the document
- *************************************************************************
- */
- while(TRUE)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Obtain the next token
- *********************************************************************
- */
- token = McbGetNextToken(pXML, &cbToken, &type);
- if (type != eTokenError)
- {
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * Check the current status
- *****************************************************************
- */
- switch(status)
- {
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * If we outside of a tag definition
- *****************************************************************
- */
- case eOutsideTag:
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * Check what type of token we obtained
- *************************************************************
- */
- switch(type)
- {
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * If we have found text or quoted text
- *************************************************************
- */
- case eTokenText:
- case eTokenQuotedText:
- case eTokenEquals:
- if (!lpszText)
- {
- lpszText = token.pStr;
- }
- break;
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * If we found a start tag '<' and declarations '<?'
- *************************************************************
- */
- case eTokenTagStart:
- case eTokenDeclaration:
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * Cache whether this new element is a declaration or not
- *********************************************************
- */
- nDeclaration = type == eTokenDeclaration;
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * If we have node text then add this to the element
- *********************************************************
- */
- if (lpszText)
- {
- cbTemp = token.pStr - lpszText;
- McbFindEndOfText(lpszText, &cbTemp);
- McbAddText(pElement, McbStrdup(lpszText, cbTemp),
- pElement->pEntries[pElement->nSize-1].nStringOffset
- = lpszText - pXML->lpXML;
- #endif /* McbSTOREOFFSETS */
- lpszText = NULL;
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * Find the name of the tag
- *********************************************************
- */
- token = McbGetNextToken(pXML, &cbToken, &type);
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * Return an error if we couldn't obtain the next token or
- * it wasnt text
- *********************************************************
- */
- if (type != eTokenText)
- {
- pXML->error = eXMLErrorMissingTagName;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * If we found a new element which has the same as this
- * element then we need to pass this back to the caller..
- *********************************************************
- */
- if (pElement->lpszName &&
- _tcsnicmp(pElement->lpszName, token.pStr,
- _tcslen(pElement->lpszName)) == 0)
- {
- /*
- *****************************************************
- * Indicate to the caller that it needs to create a
- * new element.
- *****************************************************
- */
- pXML->lpNewElement = token.pStr;
- pXML->cbNewElement = cbToken;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * If the name of the new element differs from the name of
- * the current element we need to add the new element to
- * the current one and recurse
- *********************************************************
- */
- else
- {
- /*
- *****************************************************
- * Now we need to add the new element and recurse
- *****************************************************
- */
- pNew = McbAddElement(pElement,
- McbStrdup(token.pStr, cbToken), nDeclaration,
- pElement->pEntries[pElement->nSize-1].nStringOffset =
- token.pStr - pXML->lpXML;
- #endif /* McbSTOREOFFSETS */
- while(pNew)
- {
- /*
- *************************************************
- * Callself to process the new node. If we return
- * FALSE this means we dont have any more
- * processing to do...
- *************************************************
- */
- if (!McbParseXMLElement(pXML, pNew))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- *********************************************
- * If the call to recurse this function
- * evented in a end tag specified in XML then
- * we need to unwind the calls to this
- * function until we find the appropriate node
- * (the element name and end tag name must
- * match)
- *********************************************
- */
- if (pXML->cbEndTag)
- {
- /*
- *****************************************
- * If we are back at the root node then we
- * have an unmatched end tag
- *****************************************
- */
- if (!pElement->lpszName)
- {
- pXML->error =
- eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndTag;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- *****************************************
- * If the end tag matches the name of this
- * element then we only need to unwind
- * once more...
- *****************************************
- */
- if (_tcsnicmp(pXML->lpEndTag,
- pElement->lpszName,
- _tcslen(pElement->lpszName)) == 0)
- {
- pXML->cbEndTag = 0;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- *********************************************
- * If the call indicated a new element is to
- * be created on THIS element.
- *********************************************
- */
- else if (pXML->cbNewElement)
- {
- /*
- *****************************************
- * If the name of this element matches the
- * name of the element we need to create
- * then we need to return to the caller
- * and let it process the element.
- *****************************************
- */
- if (_tcsnicmp(pXML->lpNewElement,
- pElement->lpszName,
- _tcslen(pElement->lpszName)) == 0)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- *****************************************
- * Add the new element and recurse
- *****************************************
- */
- pNew = McbAddElement(pElement,
- McbStrdup(pXML->lpNewElement,
- pXML->cbNewElement), FALSE,
- pElement->pEntries[pElement->nSize-1].
- nStringOffset =
- pXML->lpNewElement - pXML->lpXML;
- #endif /* McbSTOREOFFSETS */
- pXML->cbNewElement = 0;
- }
- /*
- *********************************************
- * If we didn't have a new element to create
- *********************************************
- */
- else
- {
- pNew = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * If we found an end tag
- *************************************************************
- */
- case eTokenTagEnd:
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * If we have node text then add this to the element
- *********************************************************
- */
- if (lpszText)
- {
- cbTemp = token.pStr - lpszText;
- McbFindEndOfText(lpszText, &cbTemp);
- McbAddText(pElement, McbStrdup(lpszText, cbTemp),
- pElement->pEntries[pElement->nSize-1].nStringOffset
- = lpszText - pXML->lpXML;
- #endif /* McbSTOREOFFSETS */
- lpszText = NULL;
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * Find the name of the end tag
- *********************************************************
- */
- token = McbGetNextToken(pXML, &cbTemp, &type);
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * The end tag should be text
- *********************************************************
- */
- if (type != eTokenText)
- {
- pXML->error = eXMLErrorMissingEndTagName;
- return FALSE;
- }
- lpszTemp = token.pStr;
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * After the end tag we should find a closing tag
- *********************************************************
- */
- token = McbGetNextToken(pXML, &cbToken, &type);
- if (type != eTokenCloseTag)
- {
- pXML->error = eXMLErrorMissingEndTagName;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * We need to return to the previous caller. If the name
- * of the tag cannot be found we need to keep returning to
- * caller until we find a match
- *********************************************************
- */
- if (_tcsnicmp(lpszTemp, pElement->lpszName,
- _tcslen(pElement->lpszName)) != 0)
- {
- pXML->lpEndTag = lpszTemp;
- pXML->cbEndTag = cbTemp;
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * Return to the caller
- *********************************************************
- */
- return TRUE;
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * If we found a clear (unformatted) token
- *************************************************************
- */
- case eTokenClear:
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * If we have node text then add this to the element
- *********************************************************
- */
- if (lpszText)
- {
- cbTemp = token.pStr - lpszText;
- McbFindEndOfText(lpszText, &cbTemp);
- McbAddText(pElement, McbStrdup(lpszText, cbTemp),
- pElement->pEntries[pElement->nSize-1].nStringOffset
- = lpszText - pXML->lpXML;
- #endif /* McbSTOREOFFSETS */
- lpszText = NULL;
- }
- if (!McbParseClearTag(pXML, pElement, token.pClr))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- break;
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * Errors...
- *************************************************************
- */
- case eTokenCloseTag: /* '>' */
- case eTokenShortHandClose: /* '/>' */
- pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken;
- return FALSE;
- }
- break;
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * If we are inside a tag definition we need to search for
- * attributes
- *****************************************************************
- */
- case eInsideTag:
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * Check what part of the attribute (name, equals, value) we
- * are looking for.
- *************************************************************
- */
- switch(attrib)
- {
- /*
- ************************************************************
- * If we are looking for a new attribute
- ************************************************************
- */
- case eAttribName:
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * Check what the current token type is
- *********************************************************
- */
- switch(type)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * If the current type is text...
- * Eg. 'attribute'
- *********************************************************
- */
- case eTokenText:
- /*
- *****************************************************
- * Cache the token then indicate that we are next to
- * look for the equals
- *****************************************************
- */
- lpszTemp = token.pStr;
- cbTemp = cbToken;
- attrib = eAttribEquals;
- break;
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * If we found a closing tag...
- * Eg. '>'
- *********************************************************
- */
- case eTokenCloseTag:
- /*
- *****************************************************
- * We are now outside the tag
- *****************************************************
- */
- status = eOutsideTag;
- break;
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * If we found a short hand '/>' closing tag then we can
- * return to the caller
- *********************************************************
- */
- case eTokenShortHandClose:
- return TRUE;
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * Errors...
- *********************************************************
- */
- case eTokenQuotedText: /* '"SomeText"' */
- case eTokenTagStart: /* '<' */
- case eTokenTagEnd: /* '</' */
- case eTokenEquals: /* '=' */
- case eTokenDeclaration: /* '<?' */
- case eTokenClear:
- pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken;
- return FALSE;
- }
- break;
- /*
- ************************************************************
- * If we are looking for an equals
- ************************************************************
- */
- case eAttribEquals:
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * Check what the current token type is
- *********************************************************
- */
- switch(type)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * If the current type is text...
- * Eg. 'Attribute AnotherAttribute'
- *********************************************************
- */
- case eTokenText:
- /*
- *****************************************************
- * Add the unvalued attribute to the list
- *****************************************************
- */
- McbAddAttribute(pElement, McbStrdup(lpszTemp,
- cbTemp), NULL, McbGROWBY);
- pElement->pEntries[pElement->nSize-1].nStringOffset =
- lpszTemp - pXML->lpXML;
- #endif /* McbSTOREOFFSETS */
- /*
- *****************************************************
- * Cache the token then indicate. We are next to
- * look for the equals attribute
- *****************************************************
- */
- lpszTemp = token.pStr;
- cbTemp = cbToken;
- break;
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * If we found a closing tag 'Attribute >' or a short hand
- * closing tag 'Attribute />'
- *********************************************************
- */
- case eTokenShortHandClose:
- case eTokenCloseTag:
- /*
- *****************************************************
- * If we are a declaration element '<?' then we need
- * to remove extra closing '?' if it exists
- *****************************************************
- */
- if (pElement->nIsDeclaration &&
- (lpszTemp[cbTemp-1]) == _T('?'))
- {
- cbTemp--;
- }
- if (cbTemp)
- {
- /*
- *************************************************
- * Add the unvalued attribute to the list
- *************************************************
- */
- McbAddAttribute(pElement, McbStrdup(lpszTemp,
- cbTemp), NULL, McbGROWBY);
- pElement->pEntries[pElement->nSize-1].
- nStringOffset = lpszTemp - pXML->lpXML;
- #endif /* McbSTOREOFFSETS */
- }
- /*
- *****************************************************
- * If this is the end of the tag then return to the
- * caller
- *****************************************************
- */
- if (type == eTokenShortHandClose)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- *****************************************************
- * We are now outside the tag
- *****************************************************
- */
- status = eOutsideTag;
- break;
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * If we found the equals token...
- * Eg. 'Attribute ='
- *********************************************************
- */
- case eTokenEquals:
- /*
- *****************************************************
- * Indicate that we next need to search for the value
- * for the attribute
- *****************************************************
- */
- attrib = eAttribValue;
- break;
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * Errors...
- *********************************************************
- */
- case eTokenQuotedText: /* 'Attribute "InvalidAttr"'*/
- case eTokenTagStart: /* 'Attribute <' */
- case eTokenTagEnd: /* 'Attribute </' */
- case eTokenDeclaration: /* 'Attribute <?' */
- case eTokenClear:
- pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken;
- return FALSE;
- }
- break;
- /*
- ************************************************************
- * If we are looking for an attribute value
- ************************************************************
- */
- case eAttribValue:
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * Check what the current token type is
- *********************************************************
- */
- switch(type)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * If the current type is text or quoted text...
- * Eg. 'Attribute = "Value"' or 'Attribute = Value' or
- * 'Attribute = 'Value''.
- *********************************************************
- */
- case eTokenText:
- case eTokenQuotedText:
- /*
- *****************************************************
- * If we are a declaration element '<?' then we need
- * to remove extra closing '?' if it exists
- *****************************************************
- */
- if (pElement->nIsDeclaration &&
- (token.pStr[cbToken-1]) == _T('?'))
- {
- cbToken--;
- }
- if (cbTemp)
- {
- lpszToken = McbStrdup(token.pStr, cbToken);
- }
- else
- {
- lpszToken = NULL;
- }
- /*
- *****************************************************
- * Add the valued attribute to the list
- *****************************************************
- */
- McbAddAttribute(pElement, McbStrdup(lpszTemp,
- cbTemp), (LPTSTR)lpszToken, McbGROWBY);
- pElement->pEntries[pElement->nSize-1].nStringOffset
- = lpszTemp - pXML->lpXML;
- #endif /* McbSTOREOFFSETS */
- /*
- *****************************************************
- * Indicate we are searching for a new attribute
- *****************************************************
- */
- attrib = eAttribName;
- break;
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * Errors...
- *********************************************************
- */
- case eTokenTagStart: /* 'Attr = <' */
- case eTokenTagEnd: /* 'Attr = </' */
- case eTokenCloseTag: /* 'Attr = >' */
- case eTokenShortHandClose: /* "Attr = />" */
- case eTokenEquals: /* 'Attr = =' */
- case eTokenDeclaration: /* 'Attr = <?' */
- case eTokenClear:
- pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken;
- return FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * If we failed to obtain the next token
- *********************************************************************
- */
- else
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- }/* McbParseXMLElement */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Count the number of lines and columns in an XML string. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbCountLinesAndColumns
- *
- * @param lpXML
- * @param nUpto
- * @param *pResults
- *
- * @return void
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 21st August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void McbCountLinesAndColumns(LPCTSTR lpXML, int nUpto, McbXMLResults *pResults)
- {
- TCHAR ch;
- int n;
- assert(lpXML);
- assert(pResults);
- pResults->nLine = 1;
- pResults->nColumn = 1;
- for(n=0; n<nUpto; n++)
- {
- ch = lpXML[n];
- assert(ch);
- if (ch == _T('n'))
- {
- pResults->nLine++;
- pResults->nColumn = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- pResults->nColumn++;
- }
- }
- }/* McbCountLinesAndColumns */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Obtain tags used for unformatted text within elements. </P>
- *
- * @methodName * McbGetClearTags
- *
- * @param none
- *
- * @return McbClearTag
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 3rd February 2002 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbClearTag * McbGetClearTags()
- {
- static struct McbClearTag tags[] =
- {
- { _T("<![CDATA["), _T("]]>") },
- { _T("<PRE>"), _T("</PRE>") },
- { _T("<Script>"), _T("</Script>") },
- { _T("<!--"), _T("-->") },
- { _T("<!DOCTYPE"), _T(">") },
- { NULL, NULL }
- };
- return tags;
- }/* McbGetClearTags */
- #define McbGETCDATA() &McbGetClearTags()[0]
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Parse XML and return the root element. </P>
- *
- * @methodName * McbParseXML
- *
- * @param lpszXML
- * @param *pResults
- *
- * @return McbXMLElement
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 20th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLElement * McbParseXML(LPCTSTR lpszXML, McbXMLResults *pResults)
- {
- enum McbXMLError error;
- struct McbXMLElement * pElement = NULL;
- struct McbXML xml =
- { NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, TRUE };
- xml.lpXML = lpszXML;
- xml.pClrTags = McbGetClearTags();
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Create header element
- *************************************************************************
- */
- pElement = McbCreateRoot();
- McbParseXMLElement(&xml, pElement);
- error = xml.error;
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * If an error occurred
- *************************************************************************
- */
- if (error != eXMLErrorNone)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Cleanup
- *********************************************************************
- */
- McbDeleteRoot(pElement);
- pElement = NULL;
- }
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * If we hae been given somewhere to place results
- *************************************************************************
- */
- if (pResults)
- {
- pResults->error = error;
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * If we have an error
- *********************************************************************
- */
- if (error != eXMLErrorNone)
- {
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * Find which line and column it starts on.
- *****************************************************************
- */
- McbCountLinesAndColumns(xml.lpXML, xml.nIndex, pResults);
- }
- }
- free(lpszXML);
- lpszXML = NULL;
- xml.lpXML = NULL;
- return pElement;
- }/* McbParseXML */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Search for an element in the list. </P>
- *
- * @methodName * McbFindElement
- *
- * @param lpszName
- *
- * @return McbXMLElement
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 25th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLElement * McbFindElement(McbXMLElement *pEntry, LPCTSTR lpszPath)
- {
- McbXMLElement * pChild;
- LPCTSTR lpszName;
- LPCTSTR lpszNext;
- int cbName;
- int nIndex;
- assert(lpszPath);
- assert(pEntry);
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Find the next name in the path in case we need to recurse
- *************************************************************************
- */
- lpszNext = _tcschr(lpszPath, _T('/'));
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Calculate the length of the current name we are searching for
- *************************************************************************
- */
- if (!lpszNext)
- {
- cbName = _tcslen(lpszPath);
- }
- else
- {
- cbName = lpszNext - lpszPath;
- if (lpszNext[1])
- {
- lpszNext++;
- }
- else
- {
- lpszNext = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (cbName)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Enumerate child elements
- *********************************************************************
- */
- nIndex = 0;
- while(pChild = McbEnumElements(pEntry, &nIndex))
- {
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * Obtain the name of the child element
- *****************************************************************
- */
- lpszName = pChild->lpszName;
- if (lpszName)
- {
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * If the name of the element is what we are looking for
- *************************************************************
- */
- if (_tcsnicmp(lpszPath, lpszName, cbName) == 0)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * Check if this is the last element to search for
- *********************************************************
- */
- if (!lpszNext)
- {
- return pChild;
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * If we have further nodes to find then recurse.
- *********************************************************
- */
- else
- {
- return McbFindElement(pChild, lpszNext);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }/* McbFindElement */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Find an attribute on an element. </P>
- *
- * @methodName * McbFindAttribute
- *
- * @param *pEntry
- * @param lpszAttrib
- *
- * @return McbXMLAttribute
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 25th August 2001 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLAttribute * McbFindAttribute(McbXMLElement *pEntry, LPCTSTR lpszAttrib)
- {
- McbXMLAttribute * pAttr;
- int cbAttrib;
- int nIndex;
- assert(pEntry);
- assert(lpszAttrib);
- cbAttrib = _tcslen(lpszAttrib);
- nIndex = 0;
- while(pAttr = McbEnumAttributes(pEntry, &nIndex))
- {
- if (_tcsnicmp(pAttr->lpszName, lpszAttrib, cbAttrib) == 0)
- {
- return pAttr;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }/* McbFindAttribute */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Add CData to the element. </P>
- *
- * @methodName * McbAddCData
- *
- * @param *pEntry
- * @param lpszValue
- * @param nGrowBy
- *
- * @return McbXMLClear
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 3rd February 2002 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLClear * McbAddCData(McbXMLElement *pEntry, LPTSTR lpszValue, int nGrowBy)
- {
- return McbAddClear(pEntry, lpszValue, McbGETCDATA(), nGrowBy);
- }/* McbAddCData */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Add elements to the list if they do not exist, return the final node.
- * </P>
- *
- * @methodName * McbCreateElements
- *
- * @param *pEntry
- * @param lpszPath
- *
- * @return McbXMLElement
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 29th January 2002 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLElement * McbCreateElements(McbXMLElement *pEntry, LPCTSTR lpszPath)
- {
- McbXMLElement * pChild;
- McbXMLElement * pNew;
- LPCTSTR lpszName;
- LPCTSTR lpszNext;
- int cbName;
- int nIndex;
- assert(lpszPath);
- assert(pEntry);
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Find the next name in the path in case we need to recurse
- *************************************************************************
- */
- lpszNext = _tcschr(lpszPath, _T('/'));
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Calculate the length of the current name we are searching for
- *************************************************************************
- */
- if (!lpszNext)
- {
- cbName = _tcslen(lpszPath);
- }
- else
- {
- cbName = lpszNext - lpszPath;
- if (lpszNext[1])
- {
- lpszNext++;
- }
- else
- {
- lpszNext = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (cbName)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Enumerate child elements
- *********************************************************************
- */
- nIndex = 0;
- while(pChild = McbEnumElements(pEntry, &nIndex))
- {
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * Obtain the name of the child element
- *****************************************************************
- */
- lpszName = pChild->lpszName;
- if (lpszName)
- {
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * If the name of the element is what we are looking for
- *************************************************************
- */
- if (_tcsnicmp(lpszPath, lpszName, cbName) == 0)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * Check if this is the last element to search for
- *********************************************************
- */
- if (!lpszNext)
- {
- return pChild;
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * If we have further nodes to find then recurse.
- *********************************************************
- */
- else
- {
- return McbCreateElements(pChild, lpszNext);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * If we got this far then we couldn't find the required element so we
- * need to add a new element to the current element
- *********************************************************************
- */
- pNew = McbAddElement(pEntry, McbStrdup(lpszPath, cbName), FALSE,
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * If there are no more entries then return the node we just created.
- *********************************************************************
- */
- if (!lpszNext)
- {
- return pNew;
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * If there are more elements to search
- *********************************************************************
- */
- else
- {
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * Recurse to add the remaining nodes
- *****************************************************************
- */
- return McbCreateElements(pNew, lpszNext);
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }/* McbCreateElements */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Creates an user friendly XML string from a given element with
- * appropriate white space and carriage returns.
- *
- * This recurses through all subnodes then adds contents of the nodes to the
- * string.
- * </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbCreateXMLStringR
- *
- * @param McbXMLElement * pEntry - XML Element
- * @param LPTSTR lpszMarker - String to create results into, this
- * can be zero if you want to calculate
- * the size of the returned string.
- * @param int nFormat - Specify -1 for no formatting or the
- * indent level (0 initially).
- * @return int - Size of the returned string, not
- * including the NULL terminator.
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 31st January 2002 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- int McbCreateXMLStringR(McbXMLElement * pEntry, LPTSTR lpszMarker, int nFormat)
- {
- int nResult = 0;
- int cb;
- int cbElement;
- int nIndex;
- int nChildFormat;
- int bHasChildren = FALSE;
- McbXMLNode * pChild;
- McbXMLAttribute * pAttr;
- assert(pEntry);
- #define McbLENSTR(lpsz) (lpsz ? _tcslen(lpsz) : 0)
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * If the element has no name then assume this is the head node.
- *************************************************************************
- */
- cbElement = McbLENSTR(pEntry->lpszName);
- if (cbElement)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * "<elementname "
- *********************************************************************
- */
- cb = nFormat == -1 ? 0 : nFormat;
- if (lpszMarker)
- {
- if (cb)
- {
- memset(lpszMarker, McbINDENTCHAR, sizeof(TCHAR)*cb);
- }
- nResult = cb;
- lpszMarker[nResult++] = _T('<');
- _tcscpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pEntry->lpszName);
- nResult += cbElement;
- lpszMarker[nResult++] = _T(' ');
- }
- else
- {
- nResult += cbElement + 2 + cb;
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Enumerate attributes and add them to the string
- *********************************************************************
- */
- nIndex = 0;
- while (pChild = McbEnumNodes(pEntry, &nIndex))
- {
- switch(pChild->type)
- {
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * Add attributes
- *****************************************************************
- */
- case eNodeAttribute:
- {
- pAttr = pChild->node.pAttrib;
- /*
- *********************************************************
- * "Attrib
- *********************************************************
- */
- cb = McbLENSTR(pAttr->lpszName);
- if (cb)
- {
- if (lpszMarker)
- {
- _tcscpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pAttr->lpszName);
- }
- nResult += cb;
- /*
- *****************************************************
- * "Attrib=Value "
- *****************************************************
- */
- cb = McbLENSTR(pAttr->lpszValue);
- if (cb)
- {
- if (lpszMarker)
- {
- lpszMarker[nResult] = _T('=');
- _tcscpy(&lpszMarker[nResult+1],
- pAttr->lpszValue);
- }
- nResult += cb + 1;
- }
- if (lpszMarker)
- {
- lpszMarker[nResult] = _T(' ');
- }
- nResult++;
- }
- }
- break;
- case eNodeEmpty:
- continue;
- default:
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * If this node isn't an attribute then flag that this element
- * has children.
- *************************************************************
- */
- bHasChildren = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * If there are child nodes we need to terminate the start tag
- *********************************************************************
- */
- if (bHasChildren)
- {
- if (lpszMarker)
- {
- lpszMarker[nResult-1] = _T('>');
- }
- if (nFormat != -1)
- {
- if (lpszMarker)
- {
- lpszMarker[nResult] = _T('n');
- }
- nResult++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- nResult--;
- }
- }
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Calculate the child format for when we recurse. This is used to
- * determine the number of spaces used for prefixes.
- *************************************************************************
- */
- if (nFormat == -1)
- {
- nChildFormat = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (cbElement)
- {
- nChildFormat = nFormat + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- nChildFormat = nFormat;
- }
- }
- /*
- *************************************************************************
- * Enumerate through remaining children
- *************************************************************************
- */
- nIndex = 0;
- while (pChild = McbEnumNodes(pEntry, &nIndex))
- {
- switch(pChild->type)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Text nodes
- *********************************************************************
- */
- case eNodeText:
- {
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * "Text"
- *************************************************************
- */
- cb = McbLENSTR(pChild->node.pText->lpszValue);
- if (cb)
- {
- if (nFormat != -1)
- {
- if (lpszMarker)
- {
- memset(&lpszMarker[nResult], McbINDENTCHAR,
- sizeof(TCHAR)*(nFormat + 1));
- _tcscpy(&lpszMarker[nResult + nFormat + 1],
- pChild->node.pText->lpszValue);
- lpszMarker[nResult + nFormat + 1 + cb] =
- _T('n');
- }
- nResult += cb + nFormat + 2;
- }
- else
- {
- if (lpszMarker)
- {
- _tcscpy(&lpszMarker[nResult],
- pChild->node.pText->lpszValue);
- }
- nResult += cb;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Clear type nodes
- *********************************************************************
- */
- case eNodeClear:
- {
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * "OpenTag"
- *************************************************************
- */
- cb = McbLENSTR(pChild->node.pClear->lpszOpenTag);
- if (cb)
- {
- if (nFormat != -1)
- {
- if (lpszMarker)
- {
- memset(&lpszMarker[nResult], McbINDENTCHAR,
- sizeof(TCHAR)*(nFormat + 1));
- _tcscpy(&lpszMarker[nResult + nFormat + 1],
- pChild->node.pClear->lpszOpenTag);
- /* lpszMarker[nResult + nFormat + 1 + cb] =
- _T('n'); */
- }
- /* nResult += cb + nFormat + 2; */
- nResult += cb + nFormat + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (lpszMarker)
- {
- _tcscpy(&lpszMarker[nResult],
- pChild->node.pClear->lpszOpenTag);
- }
- nResult += cb;
- }
- }
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * "OpenTag Value"
- *************************************************************
- */
- cb = McbLENSTR(pChild->node.pClear->lpszValue);
- if (cb)
- {
- if (lpszMarker)
- {
- _tcscpy(&lpszMarker[nResult],
- pChild->node.pClear->lpszValue);
- }
- nResult += cb;
- }
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * "OpenTag Value CloseTag"
- *************************************************************
- */
- cb = McbLENSTR(pChild->node.pClear->lpszCloseTag);
- if (cb)
- {
- if (lpszMarker)
- {
- _tcscpy(&lpszMarker[nResult],
- pChild->node.pClear->lpszCloseTag);
- }
- nResult += cb;
- }
- if (nFormat != -1)
- {
- if (lpszMarker)
- {
- lpszMarker[nResult] = _T('n');
- }
- nResult++;
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Element nodes
- *********************************************************************
- */
- case eNodeElement:
- {
- /*
- *************************************************************
- * Recursively add child nodes
- *************************************************************
- */
- nResult += McbCreateXMLStringR(pChild->node.pElement,
- lpszMarker ? lpszMarker + nResult : 0, nChildFormat);
- }
- }
- }
- if (cbElement)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * If we have child entries we need to use long XML notation for
- * closing the element - "<elementname>blah blah blah</elementname>"
- *********************************************************************
- */
- if (bHasChildren)
- {
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * "</elementname>"
- *****************************************************************
- */
- if (lpszMarker)
- {
- if (nFormat != -1)
- {
- if (nFormat)
- {
- memset(&lpszMarker[nResult], McbINDENTCHAR,
- sizeof(TCHAR)*nFormat);
- nResult+=nFormat;
- }
- }
- _tcscpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], _T("</"));
- nResult += 2;
- _tcscpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pEntry->lpszName);
- nResult += cbElement;
- if (nFormat == -1)
- {
- _tcscpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], _T(">"));
- nResult++;
- }
- else
- {
- _tcscpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], _T(">n"));
- nResult += 2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (nFormat != -1)
- {
- nResult += cbElement + 4 + nFormat;
- }
- else
- {
- nResult += cbElement + 3;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * If there are no children we can use shorthand XML notation -
- * "<elementname/>"
- *********************************************************************
- */
- else
- {
- /*
- *****************************************************************
- * "/>"
- *****************************************************************
- */
- if (lpszMarker)
- {
- if (nFormat == -1)
- {
- _tcscpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], _T("/>"));
- nResult += 2;
- }
- else
- {
- _tcscpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], _T("/>n"));
- nResult += 3;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- nResult += nFormat == -1 ? 2 : 3;
- }
- }
- }
- return nResult;
- }/* McbCreateXMLStringR */
- /**
- ****************************************************************************
- * <P> Create an XML string from the head element. </P>
- *
- * @methodName McbCreateXMLString
- *
- * @param McbXMLElement * pHead - head element
- * @param int nFormat - 0 if no formatting is required
- * otherwise nonzero for formatted text
- * with carriage returns and indentation.
- * @param int *pnSize - [out] pointer to the size of the
- * returned string not including the
- * NULL terminator.
- *
- * @return LPTSTR - Allocated XML string, you must free
- * this with free().
- *
- * @exception none
- *
- * @author Martyn C Brown
- *
- * @changeHistory
- * 31st January 2002 - (V1.0) Creation (MCB)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- LPTSTR McbCreateXMLString(McbXMLElement * pHead, int nFormat, int *pnSize)
- {
- LPTSTR lpszResult = NULL;
- int cbStr;
- if (pHead)
- {
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Recursively Calculate the size of the XML string
- *********************************************************************
- */
- nFormat = nFormat ? 0 : -1;
- cbStr = McbCreateXMLStringR(pHead, 0, nFormat);
- assert(cbStr);
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Alllocate memory for the XML string + the NULL terminator and
- * create the recursively XML string.
- *********************************************************************
- */
- lpszResult = (LPTSTR)malloc(cbStr+1);
- if (lpszResult)
- {
- McbCreateXMLStringR(pHead, lpszResult, nFormat);
- if (pnSize) *pnSize = cbStr;
- }
- }
- return lpszResult;
- }/* McbCreateXMLString */
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Add New Node To the List;
- * Toby add 2006/7/3/9:40
- *********************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLElement* AddElementToXML(McbXMLElement *pParent,LPTSTR lpszText)
- {
- NodeText_st *pTemp = NULL;
- McbXMLElement *pElement;
- //pTemp = (NodeText_st *)malloc(sizeof(NodeText_st));
- //got the mem?
- //if(!pTemp)
- // return NULL;
- #ifdef DYNAMIC_MEM
- // pTemp->lpszText = (LPTSTR)malloc((char)*strlen(lpszText));
- #endif
- //strcpy(pTemp->lpszText,lpszText);
- //AddToList(&g_StrList,&(pTemp->List));
- //pElement = McbCreateElements(pParent,pTemp->lpszText);
- pElement = McbCreateElements(pParent,lpszText);
- return pElement;
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Add New Attr Node To the List;
- * Toby add 2006/7/3/9:40
- *********************************************************************
- */
- McbXMLAttribute* AddAttrToXML(McbXMLElement *pEntry,LPTSTR lpszName,LPTSTR lpszValue)
- {
- McbXMLAttribute *pAttr = NULL;
- if(!pEntry)
- return NULL;
- pAttr = McbAddAttribute(pEntry,
- McbStrdup(lpszName,0),
- McbStrdup(lpszValue,0),
- 1);
- return pAttr;
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Delete Node From the List;
- * Toby add 2006/7/3/9:53
- *********************************************************************
- */
- void DeleteElementFromXML(McbXMLElement *pEntry)
- {
- NodeText_st *pTemp = NULL;
- if(!pEntry)
- return;
- pTemp = ListEntry(pEntry->lpszName,NodeText_st,lpszText);
- DeleteFromList(&(pTemp->List));
- free(pTemp->lpszText);
- free(pTemp);
- //delete from the list...add Later
- McbDeleteElement(pEntry);
- }
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- * Delete Node From the List;
- * Toby add 2006/7/3/10:01
- *********************************************************************
- */
- void DeleteAttrFromXML(McbXMLAttribute *pEntry)
- {
- NodeText_st *pTemp = NULL;
- pTemp = ListEntry(pEntry->lpszName,NodeText_st,lpszText);
- DeleteFromList(&(pTemp->List));
- free(pTemp->lpszText);
- free(pTemp);
- pTemp = ListEntry(pEntry->lpszValue,NodeText_st,lpszText);
- DeleteFromList(&(pTemp->List));
- free(pTemp->lpszText);
- free(pTemp);
- if(!pEntry)
- return;
- //delete from the list... add later
- McbDeleteAttribute(pEntry);
- }