Upload User: wep9318
Upload Date: 2007-01-07
Package Size: 893k
Code Size: 1k

Picture Viewer

Development Platform:

Visual C++

  1. @echo off
  2. rem Zip up an external distribution of CImage
  3. if "%1" == "" goto usage
  4. if "%2" == "" goto usage
  5. echo About to archive an external CImage distribution:
  6. echo   From   %1
  7. echo   To
  8. echo CTRL-C if this is not correct.
  9. inkey /W4 `Press any key to continue...` %%input
  10. erase
  11. cd %1
  12. zip -P %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 @%1distribcimage.rsp
  13. echo CImage archived.
  14. goto end
  15. :usage
  16. echo CImage distribution.
  17. echo Usage: zipdist source destination
  18. echo e.g. zipogl c:projectscimage c:projectscimagedeliver
  19. :end