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Picture Viewer
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- chapter{Alphabetical class reference}label{classref}
- setheader{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}%
- setfooter{thepage}{}{}{}{}{thepage}%
- section{class{CImage}: public CObject}label{cimage}
- overview{CImage overview}{cimageoverview}
- A CImage object represents an image which can be loaded, saved or manipulated
- at a pixel level.
- membersection{CImage::CImage}
- func{void}{CImage}{void}
- Default constructor. Use helpref{ReadFile}{readfile} or helpref{Create}{create} to initialize
- the object.
- func{void}{CImage}{param{const CBitmap *}{bitmap}}
- Constructs a CImage object from a bitmap.
- func{void}{CImage}{param{const CString& }{filename=""}, param{int}{ imageType=-1}}
- Reads the image from a file.
- {it imageType} can be one of:
- begin{itemize}itemsep=0pt
- end{itemize}
- func{void}{CImage}{param{const CImage *}{image}}
- Constructs a CImage object from another CImage object. In fact, the image data isn't copied
- from {it image}, but the size, depth etc. are copied.
- membersection{CImage::Create}label{create}
- func{void}{Create}{param{int}{ width}, param{int}{ height}, param{int}{ depth}, param{int}{ colortype=-1}}
- Creates an array of raw bits for the image with the given properties. You must first call
- helpref{CreateImplementation}{createimplementation} to tell the CImage what type of image it is, or
- the type will default to CIMAGE_FORMAT_BMP.
- membersection{CImage::CreateImplementation}label{createimplementation}
- func{BOOL}{CreateImplementation}{param{const CString&}{ fileName}, param{int&}{ imageType}, param{int}{ depth}, param{int}{ colortype=-1}}
- Initializes the CImage by creating an internal object that implements loading, saving etc. This should
- not often need to be called by an application.
- membersection{CImage::Draw}label{draw}
- func{BOOL}{Draw}{param{CDC *}{dc}, param{int}{ dx=0}, param{int}{ dy=0}, param{int}{ dw=-1},
- param{int}{ dh=-1}, param{int}{ sx=0}, param{int}{ sy=0}}
- Draws the image on a device context.
- {it dx, dy} specify the top-left corner of the destination rectangle.
- {it dw, dh} specify the width and height of the rectangle to be drawn.
- {it sx, sy} specify the top-left source position to start drawing from.
- membersection{CImage::GetColorType}label{getcolortype}
- func{int}{GetColorType}{void}
- Returns the colour type of the image: DIB_RGB_COLORS or DIB_PAL_COLORS.
- membersection{CImage::GetDepth}label{getdepth}
- func{int}{GetDepth}{void}
- Returns the colour depth of the image.
- membersection{CImage::GetFilename}label{getfilename}
- func{CString}{GetFilename}{void}
- Returns the current filename associated with the image.
- membersection{CImage::GetFileType}label{getfiletype}
- func{int}{GetFileType}{void}
- Returns the current type of the image, which can change according to what types
- have been loaded or saved. The return value is one of:
- begin{itemize}itemsep=0pt
- end{itemize}
- membersection{CImage::GetHeight}label{getheight}
- func{int}{GetHeight}{void}
- Returns the height of the image in pixels.
- membersection{CImage::GetIndex}label{getindex}
- func{int}{GetIndex}{param{int}{ x}, param{int}{ y}}
- Returns the palette index for the pixel at the given position in the image.
- membersection{CImage::GetPalette}label{getpalette}
- func{CImagePalette *}{GetPalette}{void}
- Returns the palette associated with the image.
- membersection{CImage::GetRGB}label{getrgb}
- func{BOOL}{GetRGB}{param{int}{ x}, param{int}{ y}, param{byte *}{red}, param{byte *}{green},
- param{byte *}{blue}}
- Returns the RGB values of the pixel at the given position in the image.
- membersection{CImage::GetWidth}label{getwidth}
- func{int}{GetWidth}{void}
- Returns the width of the image in pixels.
- membersection{CImage::Inside}label{inside}
- func{BOOL}{Inside}{param{int}{ x}, param{int}{ y}}
- Returns TRUE if the given point is inside the image.
- membersection{CImage::IsOK}label{isok}
- func{BOOL}{IsOK}{void}
- Returns TRUE if the CImage is valid. At present, just checks whether the internal
- implementation object is valid.
- membersection{CImage::MakeBitmap}label{makebitmap}
- func{CBitmap *}{MakeBitmap}{void}
- Makes a new CBitmap object from the CImage object. Untested.
- membersection{CImage::ReadFile}label{readfile}
- func{BOOL}{ReadFile}{param{const CString&}{ filename=""}, param{int}{ imageType=-1}}
- Reads a file of the given type.
- {it imageType} can be one of:
- begin{itemize}itemsep=0pt
- end{itemize}
- If {it imageType} is -1, the type is deduced from the file extension.
- membersection{CImage::SaveFile}label{savefile}
- func{BOOL}{SaveFile}{param{const CString&}{ filename=""}, param{int}{ imageType=-1}}
- Reads a file of the given type.
- {it imageType} can be one of:
- begin{itemize}itemsep=0pt
- item CIMAGE_FORMAT_GIF (not implemented)
- end{itemize}
- If {it imageType} is -1, the type is deduced from the file extension.
- membersection{CImage::SetPalette}label{setpalette}
- func{BOOL}{SetPalette}{param{CImagePalette *}{palette}}
- func{BOOL}{SetPalette}{param{int}{ n}, param{rgb_color_struct *}{rgb_struct}}
- func{BOOL}{SetPalette}{param{int}{ n}, param{byte *}{red}, param{byte *}{green}, param{byte *}{blue}}
- Sets the palette in a variety of ways.
- membersection{CImage::Stretch}label{stretch}
- func{BOOL}{Stretch}{param{CDC *}{dc}, param{int}{ dx=0}, param{int}{ dy=0}, param{int}{ dw=-1},
- param{int}{ dh=-1}, param{int}{ sx=0}, param{int}{ sy=0}, param{int}{ sw=-1}, param{int}{ sh=-1}}
- Draws the image on a device context, stretching the image.
- {it dx, dy} specify the top-left corner of the destination rectangle.
- {it dw, dh} specify the width and height of the rectangle to be drawn.
- {it sx, sy} specify the top-left source position to start drawing from.
- {it sh, sh} specify the width and height of the source rectangle.
- section{class{CImageIterator}}label{cimageiterator}
- overview{CImageIterator overview}{cimageiteratoroverview}
- Use CImageIterator to iterate through rows and bytes of an image.
- membersection{CImageIterator::CImageIterator}
- func{void}{CImageIterator}{void}
- Default constructor.
- func{void}{CImageIterator}{param{CImage *}{image}}
- Constructor, associating an image with the iterator object.
- func{void}{CImageIterator}{param{CImageImpl *}{imageImpl}}
- Constructor, associating an image with the iterator object.
- membersection{CImageIterator::operator CImage *}
- func{}{operator CImageImpl *}{void}
- Operator, `converting' the CImageIterator object to the associated
- CImageImpl object.
- membersection{CImageIterator::GetByte}
- func{byte}{GetByte}{void}
- Returns the byte at the current position.
- membersection{CImageIterator::GetRow}
- func{void}{GetRow}{param{byte *}{buf}, param{int}{ n}}
- Copies the first {it n} bytes from the current row to {bf buf}.
- func{ImagePointerType}{GetRow}{void}
- Returns a pointer to the current row.
- membersection{CImageIterator::GetSteps}
- func{void}{GetSteps}{param{int *}{x}, param{int *}{y}}
- Returns the steps for incrementing/decrementing with NextStep/PrevStep.
- membersection{CImageIterator::ItOK}
- func{BOOL}{ItOK}{void}
- Returns TRUE if the current iterator position is within the image.
- membersection{CImageIterator::NextByte}
- func{BOOL}{NextByte}{void}
- Increments the current position by a byte.
- membersection{CImageIterator::NextRow}
- func{BOOL}{NextRow}{void}
- Increments the current iterator position by a row.
- membersection{CImageIterator::NextStep}
- func{BOOL}{NextStep}{void}
- Increments the current position by the step previously set by helpref{SetSteps}{setsteps}.
- membersection{CImageIterator::PrevByte}
- func{BOOL}{PrevByte}{void}
- Decrements the current position by a byte.
- membersection{CImageIterator::PrevRow}
- func{BOOL}{PreviousRow}{void}
- Decrements the current iterator position by a row.
- membersection{CImageIterator::PrevStep}
- func{BOOL}{PrevStep}{void}
- Decrements the current position by the step previously set by helpref{SetSteps}{setsteps}.
- membersection{CImageIterator::Reset}
- func{BOOL}{Reset}{void}
- Resets the iterator position to 0, 0.
- membersection{CImageIterator::SetByte}
- func{void}{SetByte}{param{byte}{ b}}
- Sets the byte at the current position.
- membersection{CImageIterator::SetRow}
- func{void}{SetRow}{param{byte *}{buf}, param{int}{ n}}
- Copies the first {it n} bytes from {bf buf} to the current row. If {it n} is less than zero,
- it is set to the width of the image.
- membersection{CImageIterator::SetSteps}label{setsteps}
- func{void}{SetSteps}{param{int}{ x}, param{int}{ y}}
- Set the steps for incrementing/decrementing with NextStep/PrevStep.
- membersection{CImageIterator::SetY}
- func{void}{SetY}{param{int}{ y}}
- Sets the y position (row).
- membersection{CImageIterator::Upset}
- func{BOOL}{Upset}{void}
- Resets the iterator position to the first pixel of the last image row.
- chapter{Topic overviews}label{topics}
- setheader{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}%
- setfooter{thepage}{}{}{}{}{thepage}%
- section{CImage overview}label{cimageoverview}
- Classes: helpref{CImage}{cimage}, helpref{CImageIterator}{cimageiterator}
- This overview to be written.
- section{CImageIterator overview}label{cimageiteratoroverview}
- Classes: helpref{CImageIterator}{cimageiterator}
- This class is used for iterating over bytes in an image. For examples of use, see
- the CImage source code, e.g. {tt imajpg.cpp}.