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- <?php
- /**
- * User Menu Button Bar HTML
- * @version $Id: toolbar.comprofiler.html.php 344 2006-08-05 10:25:39Z beat $
- * @package Community Builder
- * @subpackage toolbar.comprofiler.html.php
- * @author JoomlaJoe and Beat
- * @copyright (C) JoomlaJoe and Beat,
- * @license GNU/GPL version 2
- */
- // ensure this file is being included by a parent file
- if ( ! ( defined( '_VALID_CB' ) || defined( '_JEXEC' ) || defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) ) ) { die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' ); }
- /**
- * Utility class for the button bar
- * @author Mambo Foundation Inc
- * @copyright 2005-2007 Mambo Foundation Inc.
- * @license GNU/GPL Version 2, see LICENSE.php
- * Mambo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- */
- class cbMenuBarBase {
- /**
- * Writes the start of the button bar table
- */
- function startTable() {
- echo '<div class="cbtoolbarbar">';
- }
- function _output( $onClick, $icon, $alt, $link = '#' ) {
- $translated = CBTxt::T( $alt );
- $html = '<a href="' . $link . '"'
- . ( $onClick ? ' onclick="' . $onClick . '" ' : '' )
- . ' class="cbtoolbar">'
- . '<span class="cbicon-32-' . $icon . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars( $translated ) . '"></span>'
- . htmlspecialchars( $translated )
- . "</a>n";
- return $html;
- }
- /**
- * Writes a custom option and task button for the button bar
- * @param string The task to perform (picked up by the switch($task) blocks
- * @param string The image to display
- * @param string The image to display when moused over
- * @param string The alt text for the icon image
- * @param boolean True if required to check that a standard list item is checked
- */
- function custom( $task='', $icon='', $iconOver='', $alt='', $listSelect=true, $prefix='' ) {
- if ($listSelect) {
- $onClick = "if (document.adminForm.boxchecked.value == 0){
- alert('".sprintf(CBTxt::T('Please make a selection from the list to %s'),$alt)."');
- }else {
- ".$prefix."submitbutton('$task');
- }";
- } else {
- $onClick = $prefix . "submitbutton('$task')";
- }
- // if ( $icon ) {
- $icon = preg_replace( '/.[^.]*$/', '', $icon );
- echo cbMenuBarBase::_output( $onClick, $icon, $alt );
- // }
- }
- /**
- * Writes a custom option and task button for the button bar.
- * Extended version of custom() calling hideMainMenu() before submitbutton().
- * @param string The task to perform (picked up by the switch($task) blocks
- * @param string The image to display
- * @param string The image to display when moused over
- * @param string The alt text for the icon image
- * @param boolean True if required to check that a standard list item is checked
- */
- function customX( $task='', $icon='', $iconOver='', $alt='', $listSelect=true ) {
- CBtoolmenuBar::custom ($task, $icon, $iconOver, $alt, $listSelect, 'hideMainMenu();');
- }
- /**
- * Standard routine for displaying toolbar icon
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- * @param string The name to be used as a legend and as the image name
- * @param
- */
- function addToToolBar( $task, $alt, $name, $imagename, $extended = false, $listprompt = '', $confirmMsg = '', $inlineJs = true ) {
- if ( is_null( $alt ) ) {
- $alt = CBTxt::T($name);
- }
- echo CBtoolmenuBar::_output( $inlineJs ? CBtoolmenuBar::makeJavaScript( $task, $extended, $listprompt, $confirmMsg ) : null, $imagename, $alt, '#' . $task );
- }
- function makeJavaScript ($task, $extended, $listprompt='', $confirmMsg = '' ) {
- $script = '';
- if ( $listprompt ) {
- $script .= "if (document.adminForm.boxchecked.value == 0){ alert('$listprompt'); } else {";
- }
- if ( $confirmMsg ) {
- $script .= "if (confirm('" . addslashes( $confirmMsg ) . "')) { ";
- }
- if ( $extended ) {
- $script .= 'hideMainMenu();';
- }
- $script .= "submitbutton('$task')";
- if ( $confirmMsg ) {
- $script .= '}';
- }
- if ( $listprompt ) {
- $script .= '}';
- }
- return $script;
- }
- function getTemplate( ) {
- global $database;
- $sql = "SELECT template FROM #__templates_menu WHERE client_id='1' AND menuid='0'";
- $database->setQuery( $sql );
- return $database->loadResult();
- }
- /**
- * Writes the common 'new' icon for the button bar
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function addNew( $task='new', $alt=null ) {
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('New'), 'new');
- }
- /**
- * Writes the common 'new' icon for the button bar.
- * Extended version of addNew() calling hideMainMenu() before submitbutton().
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function addNewX( $task='new', $alt=null ) {
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('New'), 'new', true);
- }
- /**
- * Writes a common 'publish' button
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function publish( $task='publish', $alt=null ) {
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Publish'), 'publish');
- }
- /**
- * Writes a common 'publish' button for a list of records
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function publishList( $task='publish', $alt=null ) {
- $listprompt = CBTxt::T('Please make a selection from the list to publish');
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Publish'), 'publish', false, $listprompt);
- }
- /**
- * Writes a common 'default' button for a record
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function makeDefault( $task='default', $alt=null ) {
- $listprompt = CBTxt::T('Please select an item to make default');
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Default'), 'publish', false, $listprompt);
- }
- /**
- * Writes a common 'assign' button for a record
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function assign( $task='assign', $alt=null ) {
- $listprompt = CBTxt::T('Please select an item to assign');
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Assign'), 'publish', false, $listprompt);
- }
- /**
- * Writes a common 'unpublish' button
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function unpublish( $task='unpublish', $alt=null ) {
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Unpublish'), 'unpublish');
- }
- /**
- * Writes a common 'unpublish' button for a list of records
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function unpublishList( $task='unpublish', $alt=null ) {
- $listprompt = CBTxt::T('Please make a selection from the list to unpublish');
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Unpublish'), 'unpublish', false, $listprompt);
- }
- /**
- * Writes a common 'archive' button for a list of records
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function archiveList( $task='archive', $alt=null ) {
- $listprompt = CBTxt::T('Please make a selection from the list to archive');
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Archive'), 'archive', false, $listprompt);
- }
- /**
- * Writes an unarchive button for a list of records
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function unarchiveList( $task='unarchive', $alt=null ) {
- $listprompt = CBTxt::T('Please select a news story to unarchive');
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Unarchive'), 'unarchive', false, $listprompt);
- }
- /**
- * Writes a common 'edit' button for a list of records
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function editList( $task='edit', $alt=null ) {
- $listprompt = CBTxt::T('Please select an item from the list to edit');
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Edit'), 'edit', false, $listprompt);
- }
- /**
- * Writes a common 'edit' button for a list of records.
- * Extended version of editList() calling hideMainMenu() before submitbutton().
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function editListX( $task='edit', $alt=null ) {
- $listprompt = CBTxt::T('Please select an item from the list to edit');
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Edit'), 'edit', true, $listprompt);
- }
- /**
- * Writes a common 'edit' button for a template html
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function editHtml( $task='edit_source', $alt=null ) {
- $listprompt = CBTxt::T('Please select an item from the list to edit');
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Edit HTML'), 'html', false, $listprompt);
- }
- /**
- * Writes a common 'edit' button for a template html.
- * Extended version of editHtml() calling hideMainMenu() before submitbutton().
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function editHtmlX( $task='edit_source', $alt=null ) {
- $listprompt = CBTxt::T('Please select an item from the list to edit');
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Edit HTML'), 'html', true, $listprompt);
- }
- /**
- * Writes a common 'edit' button for a template css
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function editCss( $task='edit_css', $alt=null ) {
- $listprompt = CBTxt::T('Please select an item from the list to edit');
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Edit CSS'), 'css', false, $listprompt);
- }
- /**
- * Writes a common 'edit' button for a template css.
- * Extended version of editCss() calling hideMainMenu() before submitbutton().
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function editCssX( $task='edit_css', $alt=null ) {
- $listprompt = CBTxt::T('Please select an item from the list to edit');
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Edit CSS'), 'css', true, $listprompt);
- }
- /**
- * Writes a common 'delete' button for a list of records
- * @param string Postscript for the 'are you sure' message
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function deleteList( $msg='', $task='remove', $alt=null ) {
- $listprompt = CBTxt::T('Please make a selection from the list to delete');
- $msgIntro = 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected items ? ';
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Delete'), 'delete', false, $listprompt, $msgIntro . $msg );
- }
- /**
- * Writes a common 'delete' button for a list of records.
- * Extended version of deleteList() calling hideMainMenu() before submitbutton().
- * @param string Postscript for the 'are you sure' message
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function deleteListX( $msg='', $task='remove', $alt=null ) {
- $listprompt = CBTxt::T('Please make a selection from the list to delete');
- $msgIntro = 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected items ? ';
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Delete'), 'delete', true, $listprompt, $msgIntro . $msg );
- }
- /**
- * Write a trash button that will move items to Trash Manager
- */
- function trash( $task='remove', $alt=null ) {
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Trash'), 'delete');
- }
- /**
- * Writes a preview button for a given option (opens a popup window)
- * @param string The name of the popup file (excluding the file extension)
- */
- function preview( $popup='', $updateEditors=false ) {
- global $_CB_framework;
- $image = cbMenuBarBase::ImageCheckAdmin( 'preview.png', '/administrator/images/', NULL, NULL, CBTxt::T('Preview'), 'preview' );
- $image2 = cbMenuBarBase::ImageCheckAdmin( 'preview_f2.png', '/administrator/images/', NULL, NULL, CBTxt::T('Preview'), 'preview', 0 );
- $cur_template = CBtoolmenuBar::getTemplate();
- ?>
- <script language="javascript">
- function popup() {
- <?php
- if ($popup == 'contentwindow') {
- echo $_CB_framework->saveCmsEditorJS( 'introtext' );
- echo $_CB_framework->saveCmsEditorJS( 'fulltext' );
- } elseif ($popup == 'modulewindow') {
- $_CB_framework->saveCmsEditorJS( 'content' );
- }
- ?>
-'index3.php?pop=/<?php echo $popup;?>.php&t=<?php echo $cur_template; ?>', 'win1', 'status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,titlebar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,width=640,height=480,directories=no,location=no');
- }
- </script>
- <?php
- echo CBtoolmenuBar::_output( 'popup();', 'preview', CBTxt::T('Preview') );
- }
- /**
- * Writes a preview button for a given option (opens a popup window)
- * @param string The name of the popup file (excluding the file extension for an xml file)
- * @param boolean Use the help file in the component directory
- */
- function help( $ref, $com=false ) {
- global $_CB_framework;
- $image = cbMenuBarBase::ImageCheckAdmin( 'help.png', '/administrator/images/', NULL, NULL, CBTxt::T('Help'), 'help' );
- $image2 = cbMenuBarBase::ImageCheckAdmin( 'help_f2.png', '/administrator/images/', NULL, NULL, CBTxt::T('Help'), 'help', 0 );
- $live_site = $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'live_site' );
- $rootpath = $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'absolute_path' );
- /*$helpUrl = mosGetParam( $GLOBALS, 'mosConfig_helpurl', '' );
- if ($helpUrl) {
- $url = $helpUrl . '/index2.php?option=com_content&task=findkey&pop=1&keyref=' . urlencode( $ref );
- } else {*/
- $option = $GLOBALS['option'];
- if (substr($option,0,4) != 'com_') $option = "com_$option";
- $component = substr($option, 4);
- if ($com) {
- $url = '/administrator/components/' . $option . '/help/';
- }else{
- $url = '/help/';
- }
- $ref = $component.'.'.$ref . '.html';
- $url .= $ref;
- if (!file_exists($rootpath.'/help/'.$ref)) return false;
- $url = $live_site . $url;
- $onClickJs = "'$url', 'mambo_help_win', 'status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,titlebar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,width=640,height=480,directories=no,location=no');";
- echo CBtoolmenuBar::_output( $onClickJs, 'help', CBTxt::T('Help') );
- /*}*/
- }
- /**
- * Writes a save button for a given option
- * Apply operation leads to a save action only (does not leave edit mode)
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function apply( $task='apply', $alt=null, $inlineJs=true ) {
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Apply'), 'apply', false, '', '', $inlineJs );
- }
- /**
- * Writes a save button for a given option
- * Save operation leads to a save and then close action
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function save( $task='save', $alt=null, $inlineJs=true ) {
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Save'), 'save', false, '', '', $inlineJs );
- }
- /**
- * Writes a save button for a given option (NOTE this is being deprecated)
- */
- function savenew() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Save'), 'savenew'); //should be save image
- }
- /**
- * Writes a save button for a given option (NOTE this is being deprecated)
- */
- function saveedit() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Save'), 'saveedit'); //should be save image
- }
- /**
- * Writes a cancel button and invokes a cancel operation (eg a checkin)
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function cancel( $task='cancel', $alt=null, $inlineJs=true ) {
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Cancel'), 'cancel', false, '', '', $inlineJs );
- }
- /**
- * Writes a cancel button that will go back to the previous page without doing
- * any other operation
- */
- function back( $alt = null, $href = '' ) {
- if ( is_null( $alt ) ) {
- $alt = CBTxt::T('Back');
- }
- if ( $href ) {
- $link = $href;
- $onClickJs = null;
- } else {
- $link = '#';
- $onClickJs = 'window.history.back();';
- }
- echo CBtoolmenuBar::_output( $onClickJs, 'back', $alt, $link );
- }
- /**
- * Write a divider between menu buttons
- */
- function divider() {
- $image = cbMenuBarBase::ImageCheckAdmin( 'menu_divider.png', '/administrator/images/' );
- ?>
- <span class="cbtoolbardivider">
- <?php echo $image; ?>
- </span>
- <?php
- }
- /**
- * Writes a media_manager button
- * @param string The sub-drectory to upload the media to
- */
- function media_manager( $directory = '', $alt=null ) {
- if ( is_null( $alt ) ) {
- $alt = CBTxt::T('Upload');
- }
- $cur_template = CBtoolmenuBar::getTemplate();
- $image = cbMenuBarBase::ImageCheckAdmin( 'upload.png', '/administrator/images/', NULL, NULL, CBTxt::T('Upload Image'), 'uploadPic' );
- $image2 = cbMenuBarBase::ImageCheckAdmin( 'upload_f2.png', '/administrator/images/', NULL, NULL, CBTxt::T('Upload Image'), 'uploadPic', 0 );
- $onClickJs = "popupWindow('index3.php?pop=uploadimage.php&directory=$directory&t=$cur_template','win1',350,100,'no');";
- echo CBtoolmenuBar::_output( $onClickJs, $image, $alt );
- }
- /**
- * Writes a spacer cell
- * @param string The width for the cell
- */
- function spacer( $width='' )
- {
- if ($width != '') {
- ?>
- <span class="cbtoolbarspacer" style="width:<?php echo $width;?>;"> </span>
- <?php
- } else {
- ?>
- <span class="cbtoolbarspacer"> </span>
- <?php
- }
- }
- /**
- * Writes the end of the menu bar table
- */
- function endTable() {
- ?>
- </div>
- <?php
- }
- /**
- * Checks to see if an image exists in the current templates image directory
- * if it does it loads this image. Otherwise the default image is loaded.
- * Also can be used in conjunction with the menulist param to create the chosen image
- * load the default or use no image
- */
- function ImageCheckAdmin( $file, $directory='/administrator/images/', $param=NULL, $param_directory='/administrator/images/', $alt=NULL, $name=NULL, $type=1, $align='middle' ) {
- global $_CB_framework;
- $live_site = $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'live_site' );
- $mainframe =& $_CB_framework->_baseFramework;
- $cur_template = $mainframe->getTemplate();
- // ECHO $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'absolute_path' ) . '/administrator/templates/' . $cur_template . '/images/' . $file;
- if ( $param ) {
- $image = $live_site . $param_directory . $param;
- } else {
- if ( file_exists($_CB_framework->getCfg( 'absolute_path' ) . '/administrator/templates/' . $cur_template . '/images/' . $file ) ) {
- $image = $live_site . '/administrator/templates/' . $cur_template . '/images/' . $file;
- }
- else $image = $live_site . $directory . $file;
- }
- // outputs actual html <img> tag
- if ( $type ) {
- $image = '<img src="'. $image .'" alt="'. $alt .'" align="'. $align .'" name="'. $name .'" border="0" />';
- }
- return $image;
- }
- }
- class CBtoolmenuBar extends cbMenuBarBase {
- /**
- * Writes the common $action icon for the button bar
- * @param string url link
- * @param string action (for displaying correct icon))
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function linkAction( $action='new', $link='', $alt='New' ) {
- if ( cbStartOfStringMatch( $link, 'javascript:' ) ) {
- $href = '#';
- $onClickJs = substr( $link, 11 );
- } else {
- $href = $link;
- $onClickJs = null;
- }
- echo CBtoolmenuBar::_output( $onClickJs, $action, $alt, $href );
- }
- /**
- * Writes a common 'edit' button for a list of records
- * @param string An override for the task
- * @param string An override for the alt text
- */
- function editListNoSelect( $task='edit', $alt='Edit' ) {
- // $listprompt = CBTxt::T('Please select an item from the list to edit');
- $listprompt = '';
- CBtoolmenuBar::addToToolBar ($task, $alt, CBTxt::T('Edit'), 'edit', false, $listprompt);
- }
- }
- class TOOLBAR_usersextras {
- /**
- * Draws the menu for a New users
- */
- function _NEW() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::save();
- CBtoolmenuBar::cancel('showusers');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- /** Edit user */
- function _EDIT() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::save( 'save', null, false );
- CBtoolmenuBar::cancel('showusers', null, false );
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- function _NEW_TAB() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::save('saveTab');
- CBtoolmenuBar::cancel('showTab');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- function _EDIT_TAB() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::save('saveTab');
- CBtoolmenuBar::cancel('showTab');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- function _DEFAULT_TAB() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::custom( 'newTab', 'new.png', 'new_f2.png', 'New Tab', false );
- CBtoolmenuBar::editList('editTab');
- CBtoolmenuBar::deleteList('The tab will be deleted and cannot be undone!','removeTab');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- function _NEW_FIELD() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::save('saveField');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::apply('applyField');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::cancel('showField');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- function _EDIT_FIELD() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::save('saveField');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::apply('applyField');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::cancel('showField');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- function _DEFAULT_FIELD() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::custom( 'newField', 'new.png', 'new_f2.png', 'New Field', false );
- CBtoolmenuBar::editList('editField');
- CBtoolmenuBar::deleteList('The Field and all user data associated to this field will be lost and cannot be undone!','removeField');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- function _NEW_LIST() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::save('saveList');
- CBtoolmenuBar::cancel('showLists');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- function _EDIT_LIST() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::save('saveList');
- CBtoolmenuBar::cancel('showLists');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- function _DEFAULT_LIST() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::custom( 'newList', 'new.png', 'new_f2.png', 'New List', false );
- CBtoolmenuBar::editList('editList');
- CBtoolmenuBar::deleteList('The selected List(s) will be deleted and cannot be undone!','removeList');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- function _EDIT_CONFIG() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::save('saveconfig');
- CBtoolmenuBar::cancel();
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- function _DEFAULT() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::addNew();
- CBtoolmenuBar::editList();
- CBtoolmenuBar::deleteList();
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- function _EDIT_PLUGIN() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::save('savePlugin');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::apply('applyPlugin');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::cancel( 'cancelPlugin', 'Close' );
- /*
- if ( $id ) {
- // for existing content items the button is renamed `close`
- CBtoolmenuBar::cancel( 'cancelPlugin', 'Close' );
- } else {
- CBtoolmenuBar::cancel('showPlugins');
- }
- */
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- function _PLUGIN_ACTION_SHOW() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::cancel( 'cancelPluginAction', 'Close' );
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- function _PLUGIN_ACTION_EDIT() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::save('savePlugin');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::apply('applyPlugin');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::cancel( 'cancelPluginAction', 'Close' );
- /*
- if ( $id ) {
- // for existing content items the button is renamed `close`
- CBtoolmenuBar::cancel( 'cancelPlugin', 'Close' );
- } else {
- CBtoolmenuBar::cancel('showPlugins');
- }
- */
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- function _PLUGIN_MENU( &$xmlToolbarMenuArray ) {
- if ( $xmlToolbarMenuArray && ( count( $xmlToolbarMenuArray ) > 0 ) ) {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- foreach ( $xmlToolbarMenuArray as $xmlTBmenu ) {
- if ( $xmlTBmenu && ( count( $xmlTBmenu->children() ) > 0 ) ) {
- foreach ( $xmlTBmenu->children() as $menu ) {
- if ( $menu->name() == 'menu' ) {
- // $name = $menu->attributes( 'name' );
- $action = $menu->attributes( 'action' );
- $task = $menu->attributes( 'task' );
- $label = $menu->attributes( 'label' );
- // $description = $menu->attributes( 'description' );
- if ( in_array( $action, get_class_methods( 'CBtoolmenuBar' ) ) || in_array( strtolower( $action ), get_class_methods( 'CBtoolmenuBar' ) ) ) { // PHP 5 || PHP 4
- switch ( $action ) {
- case 'custom':
- case 'customX':
- $icon = $menu->attributes( 'icon' );
- $iconOver = $menu->attributes( 'iconover' );
- CBtoolmenuBar::$action( $task, $icon, $iconOver, $label, false );
- break;
- case 'editList':
- CBtoolmenuBar::editListNoSelect( $task, $label );
- break;
- case 'deleteList':
- case 'deleteListX':
- $message = $menu->attributes( 'message' );
- CBtoolmenuBar::$action( $message, $task, $label );
- break;
- case 'trash':
- CBtoolmenuBar::$action( $task, $label, false );
- break;
- case 'preview':
- $popup = $menu->attributes( 'popup' );
- CBtoolmenuBar::$action( $popup, true );
- break;
- case 'help':
- $ref = $menu->attributes( 'ref' );
- CBtoolmenuBar::$action( $ref, true );
- break;
- case 'savenew':
- case 'saveedit':
- case 'divider':
- case 'spacer':
- CBtoolmenuBar::$action();
- break;
- case 'back':
- $href = $menu->attributes( 'href' );
- CBtoolmenuBar::$action( $label, $href );
- break;
- case 'media_manager':
- $directory = $menu->attributes( 'directory' );
- CBtoolmenuBar::$action( $directory, $label );
- break;
- case 'linkAction':
- $urllink = $menu->attributes( 'urllink' );
- CBtoolmenuBar::$action( $task, $urllink, $label );
- break;
- default:
- CBtoolmenuBar::$action( $task, $label );
- break;
- }
- }
- // if ( in_array( $action, array( 'customX', 'addNew', 'addNewX', 'publish', 'publishList', 'makeDefault', 'assign', 'unpublish', 'unpublishList',
- // 'archiveList', 'unarchiveList', ) ) ) {
- // nothing
- // }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- }
- function _DEFAULT_PLUGIN_MENU() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::linkAction( 'cancel', 'index2.php?option=comprofiler&task=showPlugins', 'Close' );
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- function _DEFAULT_PLUGIN() {
- CBtoolmenuBar::startTable();
- CBtoolmenuBar::publishList('publishPlugin');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::unpublishList('unpublishPlugin');
- // CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- // CBtoolmenuBar:: "addInstall" link ('newPlugin');
- /*
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- if (is_callable(array("CBtoolmenuBar","addNewX"))) { // Mambo 4.5.0 support:
- CBtoolmenuBar::addNewX('newPlugin');
- } else {
- CBtoolmenuBar::addNew('newPlugin');
- }
- */
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- if (is_callable(array("CBtoolmenuBar","editListX"))) { // Mambo 4.5.0 support:
- CBtoolmenuBar::editListX('editPlugin');
- } else {
- CBtoolmenuBar::editList('editPlugin');
- }
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::deleteList('','deletePlugin');
- CBtoolmenuBar::spacer();
- CBtoolmenuBar::endTable();
- }
- }
- ?>