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Package: [view]
Upload User: saigedz
Upload Date: 2019-10-14
Package Size: 997k
Code Size: 75k
Development Platform:
- <%
- '///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- '// Z-Blog
- '// 作 者: 朱煊(zx.asd)
- '// 版权所有: RainbowSoft Studio
- '// 技术支持:
- '// 程序名称:
- '// 程序版本:
- '// 单元名称: c_system_base.asp
- '// 开始时间: 2005.02.11
- '// 最后修改:
- '// 备 注:
- '///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- '定义全局变量
- Dim objConn
- Dim BlogTitle
- Dim BlogUser
- Dim BlogPath
- BlogPath=Server.MapPath("c_system_base.asp")
- BlogPath=Left(BlogPath,Len(BlogPath)-Len("c_system_base.asp"))
- Dim StarTime
- Dim EndTime
- StarTime = Timer()
- Dim Categorys()
- Dim Users()
- Dim Tags()
- Dim KeyWords
- Dim PluginName()
- Dim PluginActiveFunction()
- ReDim PluginName(0)
- ReDim PluginActiveFunction(0)
- Dim TemplateTagsName
- Dim TemplateTagsValue
- Dim TemplatesName
- Dim TemplatesContent
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: System 初始化
- '*********************************************************
- Sub System_Initialize()
- On Error Resume Next
- Call ActivePlugin()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_System_Initialize in Action_Plugin_System_Initialize
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_System_Initialize) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_System_Initialize)
- If bAction_Plugin_System_Initialize=True Then Exit Sub
- Next
- If OpenConnect()=False Then
- If Err.Number<>0 Then Err.Clear
- Call ShowError(4)
- End If
- Set BlogUser =New TUser
- BlogUser.Verify()
- Call GetCategory()
- Call GetUser()
- Call GetTags()
- Call GetKeyWords()
- Call LoadGlobeCache()
- Dim bolRebuildIndex
- Application.Lock
- bolRebuildIndex=Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "SIGNAL_REBUILDINDEX")
- Application.UnLock
- If IsEmpty(bolRebuildIndex)=False Then
- If bolRebuildIndex=True Then
- Call MakeBlogReBuild_Core()
- End If
- End If
- Dim strTemplateModified
- Application.Lock
- strTemplateModified=Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TEMPLATEMODIFIED")
- Application.UnLock
- If IsEmpty(strTemplateModified)=False Then
- If LCase(CStr(strTemplateModified))<>LCase(CStr(CheckTemplateModified)) Then
- Call ClearGlobeCache()
- Call LoadGlobeCache()
- End If
- End If
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_System_Initialize_Succeed in Action_Plugin_System_Initialize_Succeed
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_System_Initialize_Succeed) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_System_Initialize_Succeed)
- If bAction_Plugin_System_Initialize_Succeed=True Then Exit Sub
- Next
- 'If Err.Number<>0 Then Call ShowError(10)
- Err.Clear
- End Sub
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: System 释放
- '*********************************************************
- Sub System_Terminate()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_System_Terminate in Action_Plugin_System_Terminate
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_System_Terminate) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_System_Terminate)
- If bAction_Plugin_System_Terminate=True Then Exit Sub
- Next
- Call CloseConnect()
- End Sub
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: System 初始化 WithOutDB
- '*********************************************************
- Sub System_Initialize_WithOutDB()
- On Error Resume Next
- Call ActivePlugin()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_System_Initialize_WithOutDB in Action_Plugin_System_Initialize_WithOutDB
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_System_Initialize_WithOutDB) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_System_Initialize_WithOutDB)
- If bAction_Plugin_System_Initialize_WithOutDB=True Then Exit Sub
- Next
- Call LoadGlobeCache()
- Dim strTemplateModified
- Application.Lock
- strTemplateModified=Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TEMPLATEMODIFIED")
- Application.UnLock
- If IsEmpty(strTemplateModified)=False Then
- If LCase(CStr(strTemplateModified))<>LCase(CStr(CheckTemplateModified)) Then
- Call ClearGlobeCache()
- Call LoadGlobeCache()
- End If
- End If
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_System_Initialize_WithOutDB_Succeed in Action_Plugin_System_Initialize_WithOutDB_Succeed
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_System_Initialize_WithOutDB_Succeed) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_System_Initialize_WithOutDB_Succeed)
- If bAction_Plugin_System_Initialize_WithOutDB_Succeed=True Then Exit Sub
- Next
- Err.Clear
- End Sub
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: System 释放 WithOutDB
- '*********************************************************
- Sub System_Terminate_WithOutDB()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_System_Terminate_WithOutDB in Action_Plugin_System_Terminate_WithOutDB
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_System_Terminate_WithOutDB) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_System_Terminate_WithOutDB)
- If bAction_Plugin_System_Terminate_WithOutDB=True Then Exit Sub
- Next
- End Sub
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 数据库连接
- '*********************************************************
- Function OpenConnect()
- GetReallyDirectory()
- '判定是否为子目录调用
- Dim strDbPath
- strDbPath=BlogPath & ZC_DATABASE_PATH
- Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
- objConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDbPath
- OpenConnect=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: DB Disable Connect
- '*********************************************************
- Function CloseConnect()
- objConn.Close
- Set objConn=Nothing
- CloseConnect=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 时间计长
- '*********************************************************
- Function RunTime()
- EndTime=Timer()
- RunTime = CLng(FormatNumber((EndTime-StarTime)*1000,3))
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 分类读取
- '*********************************************************
- Function GetCategory()
- Dim i,j,k,l
- Dim aryAllData
- Dim arySingleData()
- Erase Categorys
- Dim objRS
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT TOP 1 [cate_ID] FROM [blog_Category] ORDER BY [cate_ID] DESC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- i=objRS("cate_ID")
- ReDim Categorys(i)
- End If
- objRS.Close
- Set objRS=Nothing
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT [cate_ID],[cate_Name],[cate_Intro],[cate_Order],[cate_Count] FROM [blog_Category] ORDER BY [cate_ID] ASC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- aryAllData=objRS.GetRows(objRS.RecordCount)
- objRS.Close
- Set objRS=Nothing
- k=UBound(aryAllData,1)
- l=UBound(aryAllData,2)
- For i=0 To l
- Set Categorys(aryAllData(0,i))=New TCategory
- Categorys(aryAllData(0,i)).LoadInfoByArray(Array(aryAllData(0,i),aryAllData(1,i),aryAllData(2,i),aryAllData(3,i),aryAllData(4,i)))
- Next
- End If
- GetCategory=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 用户读取
- '*********************************************************
- Function GetUser()
- Dim i,j,k,l
- Dim aryAllData
- Dim arySingleData()
- Erase Users
- Dim objRS
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT TOP 1 [mem_ID] FROM [blog_Member] ORDER BY [mem_ID] DESC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- i=objRS("mem_ID")
- ReDim Users(i)
- End If
- objRS.Close
- Set objRS=Nothing
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT [mem_ID],[mem_Name],[mem_Level],[mem_Password],[mem_Email],[mem_HomePage],[mem_PostLogs],[mem_Intro] FROM [blog_Member] ORDER BY [mem_ID] ASC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- aryAllData=objRS.GetRows(objRS.RecordCount)
- objRS.Close
- Set objRS=Nothing
- k=UBound(aryAllData,1)
- l=UBound(aryAllData,2)
- For i=0 To l
- Set Users(aryAllData(0,i))=New TUser
- Users(aryAllData(0,i)).LoadInfoByArray(Array(aryAllData(0,i),aryAllData(1,i),aryAllData(2,i),aryAllData(3,i),aryAllData(4,i),aryAllData(5,i),aryAllData(6,i),aryAllData(7,i)))
- Next
- End If
- Getuser=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: Tags读取
- '*********************************************************
- Function GetTags()
- Dim i,j,k,l
- Dim aryAllData
- Dim arySingleData()
- Erase Tags
- Dim objRS
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT TOP 1 [tag_ID] FROM [blog_Tag] ORDER BY [tag_ID] DESC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- i=objRS("tag_ID")
- ReDim Tags(i)
- End If
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT [tag_ID],[tag_Name],[tag_Intro],[tag_Order],[tag_Count] FROM [blog_Tag] ORDER BY [tag_ID] ASC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- aryAllData=objRS.GetRows(objRS.RecordCount)
- objRS.Close
- Set objRS=Nothing
- k=UBound(aryAllData,1)
- l=UBound(aryAllData,2)
- For i=0 To l
- Set Tags(aryAllData(0,i))=New TTag
- Tags(aryAllData(0,i)).LoadInfoByArray(Array(aryAllData(0,i),aryAllData(1,i),aryAllData(2,i),aryAllData(3,i),aryAllData(4,i)))
- Next
- End If
- GetTags=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: KeyWords读取
- '*********************************************************
- Function GetKeyWords()
- 'Dim objRS
- 'Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT [key_ID],[key_Name],[key_URL] FROM [blog_Keyword] ORDER BY [key_ID] ASC")
- 'If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- ' KeyWords=objRS.GetRows
- 'End If
- 'objRS.Close
- 'Set objRS=Nothing
- GetKeyWords=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 读取权限
- ' 备注: 权限最高为1 最低为5 不是则非法
- ' "Root"一定只能为1
- ' 权限配置方式可以变通
- '*********************************************************
- Function GetRights(strAction)
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_GetRights_Begin in Action_Plugin_GetRights_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_GetRights_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_GetRights_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_GetRights_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- Select Case strAction
- Case "Root"
- GetRights=1
- Case "login"
- GetRights=5
- Case "verify"
- GetRights=5
- Case "logout"
- GetRights=5
- Case "admin"
- GetRights=4
- Case "cmt","CommentRev"
- GetRights=5
- Case "tb"
- GetRights=5
- Case "vrs"
- GetRights=5
- Case "rss"
- GetRights=5
- Case "gettburl"
- GetRights=5
- Case "ArticleMng"
- GetRights=3
- Case "ArticleEdt"
- GetRights=3
- Case "ArticlePst"
- GetRights=3
- Case "ArticleDel"
- GetRights=3
- Case "ArticleBud"
- GetRights=3
- Case "CategoryMng"
- GetRights=2
- Case "CategoryEdt"
- GetRights=2
- Case "CategoryPst"
- GetRights=2
- Case "CategoryDel"
- GetRights=2
- Case "TagMng"
- GetRights=1
- Case "TagEdt"
- GetRights=1
- Case "TagPst"
- GetRights=1
- Case "TagDel"
- GetRights=1
- 'Case "KeyWordMng"
- ' GetRights=1
- 'Case "KeyWordEdt"
- ' GetRights=1
- 'Case "KeyWordPst"
- ' GetRights=1
- 'Case "KeyWordDel"
- ' GetRights=1
- Case "GuestBookMng"
- GetRights=2
- Case "CommentMng"
- GetRights=4
- Case "CommentDel"
- GetRights=4
- Case "CommentEdt"
- GetRights=4
- Case "CommentSav"
- GetRights=4
- Case "CommentDelBatch"
- GetRights=4
- Case "TrackBackMng"
- GetRights=3
- Case "TrackBackDel"
- GetRights=3
- Case "TrackBackDelBatch"
- GetRights=3
- Case "TrackBackSnd"
- GetRights=3
- Case "UserMng"
- GetRights=4
- Case "UserEdt"
- GetRights=4
- Case "UserDel"
- GetRights=1
- Case "UserCrt"
- GetRights=1
- Case "BlogReBuild"
- GetRights=3
- Case "DirectoryReBuild"
- GetRights=3
- Case "FileReBuild"
- GetRights=1
- Case "AskFileReBuild"
- GetRights=1
- Case "FileMng"
- GetRights=2
- Case "FileSnd"
- GetRights=2
- Case "FileUpload"
- GetRights=2
- Case "FileDel"
- GetRights=2
- Case "FileDelBatch"
- GetRights=2
- Case "Search"
- GetRights=5
- 'Case "BlogMng"
- ' GetRights=4
- Case "SettingMng"
- GetRights=1
- Case "SettingSav"
- GetRights=1
- Case "PlugInMng"
- GetRights=4
- Case "SiteInfo"
- GetRights=4
- Case "SiteFileMng"
- GetRights=1
- Case "SiteFileEdt"
- GetRights=1
- 'Case "SiteFileFnd"
- ' GetRights=1
- Case "SiteFilePst"
- GetRights=1
- Case "SiteFileDel"
- GetRights=1
- 'Case "Update"
- ' GetRights=1
- Case "ThemesMng"
- GetRights=1
- Case "ThemesSav"
- GetRights=1
- Case "LinkMng"
- GetRights=1
- Case "LinkSav"
- GetRights=1
- Case "PlugInActive"
- GetRights=1
- Case "PlugInDisable"
- GetRights=1
- Case Else Call ShowError(1)
- End Select
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 检查权限
- '*********************************************************
- Function CheckRights(strAction)
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_CheckRights_Begin in Action_Plugin_CheckRights_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_CheckRights_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_CheckRights_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_CheckRights_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- If BlogUser.Level>GetRights(strAction) Then
- CheckRights=False
- Else
- CheckRights=True
- End If
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: Make Calendar
- '*********************************************************
- Function MakeCalendar(dtmYearMonth)
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_MakeCalendar_Begin in Action_Plugin_MakeCalendar_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_MakeCalendar_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_MakeCalendar_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_MakeCalendar_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- Dim strCalendar
- Dim y
- Dim m
- Dim d
- Dim firw
- Dim lasw
- Dim ny
- Dim nm
- Dim i
- Dim j
- Dim k
- Dim b
- Dim s
- Dim t
- Call CheckParameter(dtmYearMonth,"dtm",Date())
- y=year(dtmYearMonth)
- m=month(dtmYearMonth)
- ny=y
- nm=m+1
- If m=12 Then ny=ny+1:nm=1
- firw=Weekday(Cdate(y&"-"&m&"-1"))
- For i=28 to 32
- If IsDate(y&"-"&m&"-"&i) Then
- lasw=Weekday(Cdate(y&"-"&m&"-"&i))
- Else
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- d=i-1
- k=1
- If firw>5 Then b=42 Else b=35
- If (d=28) And (firw=1) Then b=28
- If (firw>5) And (d<31) And (d-firw<>23) Then b=35
- '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ' 逻辑处理
- Dim aryDateLink(32)
- Dim aryDateID(32)
- Dim aryDateArticle(32)
- Dim objRS
- Set objRS=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
- objRS.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
- objRS.LockType = adLockReadOnly
- objRS.ActiveConnection=objConn
- objRS.Source=""
- objRS.Open("select [log_ID],[log_CateID],[log_AuthorID],[log_Level],[log_PostTime],[log_Url],[log_Istop] from [blog_Article] where ([log_Level]>2) And ([log_PostTime] BETWEEN #"&y&"-"&m&"-1# AND #"&ny&"-"&nm&"-1#)")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- For i=1 To objRS.RecordCount
- j=CInt(Day(CDate(objRS("log_PostTime"))))
- aryDateLink(j)=True
- aryDateID(j)=objRS("log_ID")
- Set aryDateArticle(j)=New TArticle
- aryDateArticle(j).LoadInfobyArray Array(objRS("log_ID"),"",objRS("log_CateID"),"","","",objRS("log_Level"),objRS("log_AuthorID"),objRS("log_PostTime"),"","","",objRS("log_Url"),"")
- objRS.MoveNext
- If objRS.eof Then Exit For
- Next
- End If
- objRS.Close
- Set objRS=Nothing
- '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- s="catalog.asp?date="&y&"-"&(m-1)
- t="catalog.asp?date="&y&"-"&(m+1)
- If m=1 Then s="catalog.asp?date="&(y-1)&"-12"
- If m=12 Then t="catalog.asp?date="&(y+1)&"-1"
- strCalendar=strCalendar & "<div class=""year"&y&" month"&m&""">"
- strCalendar=strCalendar & "<p class=""y""><a href="""&ZC_BLOG_HOST &s&"""><<</a> <a href="""& ZC_BLOG_HOST &"catalog.asp?date="&y&"-"&m&""">"&y&"-"&m&"</a> <a href="""&ZC_BLOG_HOST &t&""">>></a></p>"
- strCalendar=strCalendar & "<p class=""w"">"&ZVA_Week_Abbr(1)&"</p><p class=""w"">"&ZVA_Week_Abbr(2)&"</p><p class=""w"">"&ZVA_Week_Abbr(3)&"</p><p class=""w"">"&ZVA_Week_Abbr(4)&"</p><p class=""w"">"&ZVA_Week_Abbr(5)&"</p><p class=""w"">"&ZVA_Week_Abbr(6)&"</p><p class=""w"">"&ZVA_Week_Abbr(7)&"</p>"
- j=0
- For i=1 to b
- If (j=>firw-1) and (k=<d) Then
- If aryDateLink(k) Then
- strCalendar=strCalendar & "<p id=""pCalendar_"&y&"_"&m&"_"&k&""" class=""yd""><a class=""l"" href="""& ZC_BLOG_HOST &"catalog.asp?date="&Year(aryDateArticle(k).PostTime)&"-"&Month(aryDateArticle(k).PostTime)&"-"&Day(aryDateArticle(k).PostTime)& """>"&(k)&"</a></p>"
- Else
- strCalendar=strCalendar & "<p id=""pCalendar_"&y&"_"&m&"_"&k&""" class=""d"">"&(k)&"</p>"
- End If
- k=k+1
- Else
- strCalendar=strCalendar & "<p class=""nd""></p>"
- End If
- j=j+1
- Next
- strCalendar=strCalendar & "</div>"
- MakeCalendar=strCalendar
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 加载指定目录的文件列表
- '*********************************************************
- Function LoadIncludeFiles(strDir)
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim aryFileList()
- ReDim aryFileList(0)
- Dim fso, f, f1, fc, s, i
- Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Set f = fso.GetFolder(BlogPath & strDir)
- Set fc = f.Files
- i=0
- For Each f1 in fc
- i=i+1
- ReDim Preserve aryFileList(i)
- aryFileList(i)
- Next
- LoadIncludeFiles=aryFileList
- Set fso=nothing
- Err.Clear
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: Get Template by Name
- '*********************************************************
- Function GetTemplate(Name)
- Dim i,j
- j=UBound(TemplatesName)
- For i=1 to j
- If LCase(TemplatesName(i))=LCase(Name) Then
- GetTemplate=TemplatesContent(i)
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: Set Template by Name
- '*********************************************************
- Function SetTemplate(Name,Value)
- Dim i,j
- j=UBound(TemplatesName)
- For i=1 to j
- If LCase(TemplatesName(i))=LCase(Name) Then
- TemplatesContent(i)=Value
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: Check Template Modified Date
- '*********************************************************
- Function CheckTemplateModified()
- Dim fso, f, f1, fc, s
- Dim d,nd
- Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Set f = fso.GetFolder(BlogPath & "themes" & "/" & ZC_BLOG_THEME & "/" & ZC_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY)
- Set fc = f.Files
- For Each f1 in fc
- d=f1.DateLastModified
- If nd="" Then nd=d
- If DateDiff("s",nd,d)>0 Then nd=d
- Next
- CheckTemplateModified=nd
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: Load 全局 Cache
- '*********************************************************
- Function LoadGlobeCache()
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim bolReLoadCache
- Application.Lock
- bolReLoadCache=Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "SIGNAL_RELOADCACHE")
- Application.UnLock
- If IsEmpty(bolReLoadCache)=True Then
- bolReLoadCache="ok"
- Else
- Application.Lock
- TemplateTagsName=Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TemplateTagsName")
- TemplateTagsValue=Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TemplateTagsValue")
- TemplatesName=Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TemplatesName")
- TemplatesContent=Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TemplatesContent")
- Application.UnLock
- If IsEmpty(TemplateTagsValue)=False And IsEmpty(TemplateTagsValue)=False And IsEmpty(TemplatesName)=False And IsEmpty(TemplatesContent)=False Then
- Exit Function
- End If
- End If
- Call GetReallyDirectory
- Dim i,j
- '加载模板
- Dim objStream
- Dim strContent
- Dim aryTemplatesName()
- Dim aryTemplatesContent()
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplatesName(3)
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplatesContent(3)
- '加载WAP
- Application.Lock
- aryTemplatesName(2)="TEMPLATE_WAP_ARTICLE-MULTI"
- aryTemplatesName(3)="TEMPLATE_WAP_SINGLE"
- aryTemplatesContent(1)=LoadFromFile(BlogPath & "WAP/wap_article_comment.html","utf-8")
- aryTemplatesContent(2)=LoadFromFile(BlogPath & "WAP/wap_article-multi.html","utf-8")
- aryTemplatesContent(3)=LoadFromFile(BlogPath & "WAP/wap_single.html","utf-8")
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TEMPLATE_WAP_ARTICLE_COMMENT")=aryTemplatesContent(1)
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TEMPLATE_WAP_ARTICLE-MULTI")=aryTemplatesContent(2)
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TEMPLATE_WAP_SINGLE")=aryTemplatesContent(3)
- Application.UnLock
- '读取Template目录下的所有文件并写入Cache
- Dim aryFileList
- Dim aryFileNameTemplate()
- Dim aryFileNameTemplate_Variable()
- aryFileList=LoadIncludeFiles("themes" & "/" & ZC_BLOG_THEME & "/" & ZC_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY)
- If IsArray(aryFileList) Then
- j=UBound(aryFileList)
- ReDim aryFileNameTemplate(j)
- ReDim aryFileNameTemplate_Variable(j)
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplatesName(3+j)
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplatesContent(3+j)
- For i=1 to j
- aryFileNameTemplate(i)="themes" & "/" & ZC_BLOG_THEME & "/" & ZC_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY & "/" & aryFileList(i)
- aryFileNameTemplate_Variable(i)="TEMPLATE_" & UCase(Left(aryFileList(i),InStr(aryFileList(i),".")-1))
- If InStr(aryFileList(i),".")=0 Then
- aryFileNameTemplate_Variable(i)="TEMPLATE_" & UCase(aryFileList(i))
- End If
- aryTemplatesName(3+i)=aryFileNameTemplate_Variable(i)
- strContent=""
- strContent=LoadFromFile(BlogPath & "" & aryFileNameTemplate(i),"utf-8")
- Application.Lock
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & aryFileNameTemplate_Variable(i))=strContent
- Application.UnLock
- aryTemplatesContent(3+i)=strContent
- Next
- End If
- '加载标签
- Dim a,b,c,d,e,a2,a3
- Dim t()
- Dim s()
- a=0
- b=20
- c=1
- d=320
- e=0
- a2=0
- a3=0
- '读取TEMPLATE下的Include目录下的所有文件并写入Cache
- 'Dim aryFileList
- Dim aryFileNameTemplateInclude()
- Dim aryFileNameTemplateInclude_Variable()
- aryFileList=LoadIncludeFiles("themes" & "/" & ZC_BLOG_THEME & "/" & "INCLUDE")
- If IsArray(aryFileList) Then
- e=UBound(aryFileList)
- ReDim aryFileNameTemplateInclude(e)
- ReDim aryFileNameTemplateInclude_Variable(e)
- ReDim aryFileNameTemplateInclude_Content(e)
- ReDim s(e)
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplateTagsName(e)
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplateTagsValue(e)
- For i=1 to e
- aryFileNameTemplateInclude(i)="themes" & "/" & ZC_BLOG_THEME & "/" & "INCLUDE" & "/" & aryFileList(i)
- aryFileNameTemplateInclude_Variable(i)="TEMPLATE_INCLUDE_" & UCase(Left(aryFileList(i),InStr(aryFileList(i),".")-1))
- If InStr(aryFileList(i),".")=0 Then
- aryFileNameTemplateInclude_Variable(i)="TEMPLATE_INCLUDE_" & UCase(aryFileList(i))
- End If
- s(i)=aryFileNameTemplateInclude_Variable(i)
- strContent=""
- strContent=LoadFromFile(BlogPath & "" & aryFileNameTemplateInclude(i),"utf-8")
- strContent=Replace(strContent,"<"&"%=ZC_BLOG_HOST%"&">",ZC_BLOG_HOST)
- aryFileNameTemplateInclude_Content(i)=strContent
- aryTemplateTagsName(i)=s(i)
- aryTemplateTagsValue(i)=aryFileNameTemplateInclude_Content(i)
- Next
- End If
- '在模板文件中先替换一次模板INCLUDE里的文件标签
- For i=1 To aryTemplatesName
- For j=1 to e
- aryTemplatesContent(i)=Replace(aryTemplatesContent,"<#"+aryFileNameTemplateInclude_Variable(i)+"#>",aryFileNameTemplateInclude_Content(j))
- Next
- Next
- '读取Include目录下的所有文件并写入Cache
- 'Dim aryFileList
- Dim aryFileNameInclude()
- Dim aryFileNameInclude_Variable()
- Dim aryFileNameInclude_Content()
- aryFileList=LoadIncludeFiles("INCLUDE")
- If IsArray(aryFileList) Then
- a=UBound(aryFileList)
- ReDim aryFileNameInclude(a)
- ReDim aryFileNameInclude_Variable(a)
- ReDim aryFileNameInclude_Content(a)
- ReDim s(a)
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplateTagsName(e+a)
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplateTagsValue(e+a)
- For i=1 to a
- aryFileNameInclude(i)="/INCLUDE/" & aryFileList(i)
- aryFileNameInclude_Variable(i)="CACHE_INCLUDE_" & UCase(Left(aryFileList(i),InStr(aryFileList(i),".")-1))
- If InStr(aryFileList(i),".")=0 Then
- aryFileNameInclude_Variable(i)="CACHE_INCLUDE_" & UCase(aryFileList(i))
- End If
- s(i)=aryFileNameInclude_Variable(i)
- strContent=""
- strContent=LoadFromFile(BlogPath & "" & aryFileNameInclude(i),"utf-8")
- strContent=Replace(strContent,"<"&"%=ZC_BLOG_HOST%"&">",ZC_BLOG_HOST)
- aryFileNameInclude_Content(i)=strContent
- aryTemplateTagsName(e+i)=s(i)
- aryTemplateTagsValue(e+i)=aryFileNameInclude_Content(i)
- Next
- a2=a
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplateTagsName(e+a+a2)
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplateTagsValue(e+a+a2)
- For i=1 to a
- aryTemplateTagsName(e+i+a)=aryFileNameInclude_Variable(i) & "_JS"
- Dim modname
- modname=LCase(Replace(aryFileNameInclude_Variable(i),"CACHE_INCLUDE_",""))
- If aryFileNameInclude_Variable(i)="CACHE_INCLUDE_CALENDAR" Then
- aryTemplateTagsValue(e+i+a)="<div id=""mod_"+modname+"""><script type=""text/javascript"">strBatchInculde+=""mod_"+modname+"="+modname+",""</script></div>"
- Else
- aryTemplateTagsValue(e+i+a)="<li id=""mod_"+modname+""" style=""display:none;""><script type=""text/javascript"">strBatchInculde+=""mod_"+modname+"="+modname+",""</script></li>"
- End If
- Next
- a3=a
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplateTagsName(e+a+a2+a3)
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplateTagsValue(e+a+a2+a3)
- For i=1 to a
- aryTemplateTagsName(e+i+a+a2)=aryFileNameInclude_Variable(i) & "_HTML"
- aryTemplateTagsValue(e+i+a+a2)=aryFileNameInclude_Content(i)
- Next
- End If
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplateTagsName(a+a2+a3+e+d)
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplateTagsValue(a+a2+a3+e+d)
- For j=1 to d
- i=Right("000" & CStr(j),3)
- aryTemplateTagsName(a+a2+a3+e+j)="ZC_MSG" & i
- Call Execute("aryTemplateTagsValue(a+a2+a3+e+j)=ZC_MSG" & i)
- Next
- ReDim t(b)
- t(3)="ZC_BLOG_HOST"
- t(4)="ZC_BLOG_TITLE"
- t(6)="ZC_BLOG_NAME"
- t(8)="ZC_BLOG_CSS"
- t(10)="ZC_BLOG_MASTER"
- t(11)="ZC_CONTENT_MAX"
- t(15)="ZC_BLOG_CLSID"
- t(16)="ZC_TIME_ZONE"
- t(17)="ZC_IMAGE_WIDTH"
- t(18)="ZC_BLOG_THEME"
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplateTagsName(a+a2+a3+e+d+b)
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplateTagsValue(a+a2+a3+e+d+b)
- For j=1 to b
- aryTemplateTagsName(a+a2+a3+e+d+j)=t(j)
- Call Execute("aryTemplateTagsValue(a+a2+a3+e+d+j)="& t(j))
- Next
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplateTagsName(a+a2+a3+e+d+b+c)
- ReDim Preserve aryTemplateTagsValue(a+a2+a3+e+d+b+c)
- aryTemplateTagsName(a+a2+a3+e+d+b+c)="BLOG_CREATE_TIME"
- aryTemplateTagsValue(a+a2+a3+e+d+b+c)=GetTime(Now())
- Application.Lock
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TemplateTagsName")=aryTemplateTagsName
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TemplateTagsValue")=aryTemplateTagsValue
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TemplatesName")=aryTemplatesName
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TemplatesContent")=aryTemplatesContent
- Application.UnLock
- TemplateTagsName=aryTemplateTagsName
- TemplateTagsValue=aryTemplateTagsValue
- TemplatesName=aryTemplatesName
- TemplatesContent=aryTemplatesContent
- Err.Clear
- Application.Lock
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TEMPLATEMODIFIED")=CheckTemplateModified()
- Application.UnLock
- Application.Lock
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "SIGNAL_RELOADCACHE")=bolReLoadCache
- Application.UnLock
- LoadGlobeCache=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: Clear Cache
- '*********************************************************
- Function ClearGlobeCache()
- Application.Lock
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TemplateTagsName")=Empty
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TemplateTagsValue")=Empty
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TemplatesName")=Empty
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TemplatesContent")=Empty
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TEMPLATE_SEARCH")=Empty
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TEMPLATE_SINGLE")=Empty
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "TEMPLATE_TAGS")=Empty
- Application.UnLock
- ClearGlobeCache=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: Parse Tag 并格式化
- '*********************************************************
- Function ParseTag(strTag)
- Dim s
- Dim t
- Dim i
- Dim Tag
- Dim b
- Dim objTag
- strTag=Trim(strTag)
- strTag=Replace(strTag,",",vbCrlf)
- strTag=Replace(strTag,",",vbCrlf)
- strTag=TransferHTML(strTag,"[normalname]")
- strTag=Replace(strTag,vbCrlf,",")
- t=Split(strTag,",")
- For i=LBound(t) To UBound(t)
- t(i)=Trim(t(i))
- Next
- GetTags()
- For i=LBound(t) To UBound(t)
- b=False
- For Each Tag in Tags
- If IsObject(Tag) Then
- If UCase(Tag.Name)=UCase(t(i)) Then
- b=True
- End If
- End If
- Next
- If b=False Then
- Set objTag=New TTag
- objTag.ID=0
- objTag.Name=t(i)
- objTag.Order=0
- objTag.Intro=""
- objTag.Post
- Set objTag=Nothing
- End If
- Next
- GetTags()
- For i=LBound(t) To UBound(t)
- For Each Tag in Tags
- If IsObject(Tag) Then
- If UCase(Tag.Name)=UCase(t(i)) Then
- t(i)="{"&Tag.ID&"}"
- End If
- End If
- Next
- Next
- s=Join(t)
- s=Replace(s," ","")
- ParseTag=s
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 得到实际上的真实目录
- '*********************************************************
- Function GetReallyDirectory()
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim fso
- Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- If fso.FileExists(BlogPath & "" & ZC_DATABASE_PATH) Then
- BlogPath=BlogPath
- ElseIf fso.FileExists(BlogPath & ".." & ZC_DATABASE_PATH) Then
- BlogPath=BlogPath & ".."
- ElseIf fso.FileExists(BlogPath & "...." & ZC_DATABASE_PATH) Then
- BlogPath=BlogPath & "...."
- ElseIf fso.FileExists(BlogPath & "......" & ZC_DATABASE_PATH) Then
- BlogPath=BlogPath & "......"
- ElseIf fso.FileExists(BlogPath & "........" & ZC_DATABASE_PATH) Then
- BlogPath=BlogPath & "........"
- ElseIf fso.FileExists(BlogPath & ".........." & ZC_DATABASE_PATH) Then
- BlogPath=BlogPath & ".........."
- End If
- Set fso=Nothing
- GetReallyDirectory=True
- Err.Clear
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 设置提示标志
- '*********************************************************
- Function SetBlogHint(bolOperateSuccess,bolRebuildIndex,bolRebuildFiles)
- Call SetBlogHintWithCLSID(bolOperateSuccess,bolRebuildIndex,bolRebuildFiles,ZC_BLOG_CLSID)
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 设置提示自定义标志
- '*********************************************************
- Function SetBlogHint_Custom(strInfo)
- Application.Lock
- Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "SIGNAL_OPERATEINFO")=Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "SIGNAL_OPERATEINFO") & vbCrlf & strInfo
- Application.UnLock
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 设置提示标志withCLSID
- '*********************************************************
- Function SetBlogHintWithCLSID(bolOperateSuccess,bolRebuildIndex,bolRebuildFiles,newCLSID)
- Application.Lock
- Application(newCLSID & "SIGNAL_OPERATESUCCESS")=bolOperateSuccess
- If IsEmpty(bolRebuildIndex)=False Then
- Application(newCLSID & "SIGNAL_REBUILDINDEX")=bolRebuildIndex
- End If
- If IsEmpty(bolRebuildFiles)=False Then
- Application(newCLSID & "SIGNAL_REBUILDFILES")=bolRebuildFiles
- End If
- Application.UnLock
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 输出提示
- '*********************************************************
- Function GetBlogHint()
- Dim bolOperateSuccess,bolRebuildIndex,bolRebuildFiles,strOperateInfo
- Application.Lock
- bolOperateSuccess=Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "SIGNAL_OPERATESUCCESS")
- bolRebuildIndex=Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "SIGNAL_REBUILDINDEX")
- bolRebuildFiles=Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "SIGNAL_REBUILDFILES")
- strOperateInfo=Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "SIGNAL_OPERATEINFO")
- Application.UnLock
- If IsEmpty(bolOperateSuccess)=False Then
- If bolOperateSuccess=True Then
- Response.Write "<p class='hint hint_green'><font color='green'>" & ZC_MSG266 & "</font></p>"
- End If
- If bolOperateSuccess=False Then
- Response.Write "<p class='hint hint_red'><font color='red'>" & ZC_MSG267 & "</font></p>"
- End If
- Application.Lock
- Application.UnLock
- End If
- If IsEmpty(strOperateInfo)=False Then
- Dim s,t
- t=Split(strOperateInfo,vbCrlf)
- For Each s In t
- If s<>"" Then
- Response.Write "<p class='hint hint_Teal'><font color='Teal'>" & s & "</font></p>"
- End If
- Next
- End If
- If IsEmpty(bolRebuildIndex)=False Then
- If bolRebuildIndex=True Then
- Response.Write "<p class='hint hint_blue'><font color='blue'>" & ZC_MSG268 & "</font></p>"
- End If
- End If
- If IsEmpty(bolRebuildFiles)=False Then
- If bolRebuildFiles=True Then
- Response.Write "<p class='hint hint_blue'><font color='blue'>" & ZC_MSG269 & "</font></p>"
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- Function ParseCustomDirectory(strRegex,strPost,strCategory,strUser,strYear,strMonth,strDay,strID,strAlias)
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim s
- s=strRegex
- s=Replace(s,"{%post%}",strPost)
- s=Replace(s,"{%category%}",strCategory)
- s=Replace(s,"{%user%}",strUser)
- s=Replace(s,"{%year%}",strYear)
- s=Replace(s,"{%month%}",Right("0" & strMonth,2))
- s=Replace(s,"{%day%}",Right("0" & strDay,2))
- s=Replace(s,"{%id%}",strID)
- s=Replace(s,"{%alias%}",strAlias)
- ParseCustomDirectory=s
- Err.Clear
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 按照CustomDirectory指示创建相应的目录
- '*********************************************************
- Sub CreatDirectoryByCustomDirectory(strCustomDirectory)
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim s
- Dim t
- Dim i
- Dim fso
- Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- s=BlogPath
- t=Split(strCustomDirectory,"/")
- For i=LBound(t) To UBound(t)
- If (IsEmpty(t(i))=False) And (t(i)<>"") Then
- s=s & t(i) & ""
- If (fso.FolderExists(fldr)=False) Then
- Call fso.CreateFolder(s)
- End If
- End If
- Next
- Set fso = Nothing
- Err.Clear
- End Sub
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 加入二级菜单项
- '*********************************************************
- Function MakeSubMenu(strName,strUrl,strType,isNewWindows)
- Dim strSource
- strSource=strSource & "<span class=""" & strType & """>"
- strSource=strSource & "<a " & "href=""" & strUrl & """"
- If isNewWindows=True Then strSource=strSource & " target=""_blank"""
- strSource=strSource & ">" & strName
- strSource=strSource & "</a></span>"
- MakeSubMenu=strSource
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 注册插件函数
- '*********************************************************
- Function RegisterPlugin(strPluginName,strPluginActiveFunction)
- 'On Error Resume Next
- Dim i
- i=UBound(PluginName)
- ReDim Preserve PluginName(i+1)
- ReDim Preserve PluginActiveFunction(i+1)
- PluginName(i)=strPluginName
- PluginActiveFunction(i)=strPluginActiveFunction
- 'Err.Clear
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 激活插件函数
- '*********************************************************
- Function ActivePlugin()
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim i
- For i=0 To UBound(PluginActiveFunction)-1
- Call Execute(PluginActiveFunction(i))
- Next
- Err.Clear
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 安装插件函数,只运行一次
- '*********************************************************
- Function InstallPlugin(strPluginName)
- On Error Resume Next
- Call Execute("Call InstallPlugin_" & strPluginName & "()")
- Err.Clear
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 删除插件函数,只运行一次
- '*********************************************************
- Function UninstallPlugin(strPluginName)
- On Error Resume Next
- Call Execute("Call UninstallPlugin_" & strPluginName & "()")
- Err.Clear
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 检测插件是否已激活
- '*********************************************************
- Function CheckPluginState(strPluginName)
- CheckPluginState=CheckPluginStateByNewValue(strPluginName,ZC_BLOG_THEME & "|" & ZC_USING_PLUGIN_LIST)
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 检测插件是否已激活 by new value
- '*********************************************************
- Function CheckPluginStateByNewValue(strPluginName,newZC_USING_PLUGIN_LIST)
- Dim s,i
- s=Split(newZC_USING_PLUGIN_LIST,"|")
- For i=LBound(s) To UBound(s)
- If UCase(s(i))=UCase(strPluginName) Then
- CheckPluginStateByNewValue=True
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next
- CheckPluginStateByNewValue=False
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的:挂上Action接口
- ' 参数:'plugname:接口名称
- 'actioncode:要执行的语句,要转义为Execute可执行语句
- '*********************************************************
- Function Add_Action_Plugin(plugname,actioncode)
- On Error Resume Next
- actioncode=Replace(actioncode,"Exit Function","b" & plugname & "=True")
- actioncode=Replace(actioncode,"Exit Sub","b" & plugname & "=True")
- Call Execute("ReDim Preserve " & plugname & "(UBound("& plugname &")+1)")
- Call Execute(plugname & "(UBound("& plugname &"))=" & plugname & "(UBound("& plugname &"))&""" & Replace(actioncode,"""","""""") & """" & ":")
- Err.Clear
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的:挂上Filter接口
- ' 参数:'plugname:接口名称
- 'functionname:要挂接的函数名
- '*********************************************************
- Function Add_Filter_Plugin(plugname,functionname)
- On Error Resume Next
- Call Execute("s" & plugname & "=" & "s" & plugname & "&""" & functionname & """" & "& ""|""")
- Err.Clear
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的:挂上Response接口
- ' 参数:'plugname:接口名称
- 'parameter:要写入的内容
- '*********************************************************
- Function Add_Response_Plugin(plugname,parameter)
- On Error Resume Next
- Call Execute(plugname & "=" & plugname & "&""" & Replace(parameter,"""","""""") & """")
- Err.Clear
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的:GetSettingFormName
- '*********************************************************
- Function GetSettingFormName(s)
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim x
- Call Execute("x=" & s)
- GetSettingFormName=x
- Err.Clear
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的:GetSettingFormName with Default
- '*********************************************************
- Function GetSettingFormNameWithDefault(s,d)
- On Error Resume Next
- Err.Clear
- Dim x
- Call Execute("x=" & s)
- GetSettingFormNameWithDefault=x
- If Err.Number<>0 Then
- GetSettingFormNameWithDefault=d
- End If
- Err.Clear
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的:GetNameFormTheme
- '*********************************************************
- Function GetNameFormTheme(s)
- On Error Resume Next
- GetNameFormTheme=s
- Dim objXmlFile
- Set objXmlFile=Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
- objXmlFile.async = False
- objXmlFile.ValidateOnParse=False
- objXmlFile.load(BlogPath & "themes" & "/" & s & "/" & "theme.xml")
- If objXmlFile.readyState=4 Then
- If objXmlFile.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then
- Else
- GetNameFormTheme=objXmlFile.documentElement.selectSingleNode("name").text
- End If
- End If
- Err.Clear
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: Blog ReBuild 核心
- '*********************************************************
- Function MakeBlogReBuild_Core()
- On Error Resume Next
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_MakeBlogReBuild_Core_Begin in Action_Plugin_MakeBlogReBuild_Core_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_MakeBlogReBuild_Core_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_MakeBlogReBuild_Core_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_MakeBlogReBuild_Core_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- BlogReBuild_Statistics
- BlogReBuild_Archives
- BlogReBuild_Previous
- BlogReBuild_Comments
- BlogReBuild_GuestComments
- BlogReBuild_TrackBacks
- BlogReBuild_Catalogs
- BlogReBuild_Calendar
- BlogReBuild_Authors
- BlogReBuild_Tags
- 'BlogReBuild_Categorys
- BuildAllCache
- ExportRSS
- 'ExportATOM
- Call ClearGlobeCache()
- Call LoadGlobeCache()
- Dim bolOperateSuccess
- Application.Lock
- bolOperateSuccess=Application(ZC_BLOG_CLSID & "SIGNAL_OPERATESUCCESS")
- Application.UnLock
- Call SetBlogHint(bolOperateSuccess,False,Empty)
- MakeBlogReBuild_Core=True
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_MakeBlogReBuild_Core_End in Action_Plugin_MakeBlogReBuild_Core_End
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_MakeBlogReBuild_Core_End) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_MakeBlogReBuild_Core_End)
- If bAction_Plugin_MakeBlogReBuild_Core_End=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- Err.Clear
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: 全新的部份索引程序
- '*********************************************************
- Function BuildAllCache()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_BuildAllCache_Begin in Action_Plugin_BuildAllCache_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_BuildAllCache_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_BuildAllCache_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_BuildAllCache_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- Dim strList
- Dim ArticleList
- Dim AuthList
- Dim CateList
- Dim TagsList
- Dim aryAllList()
- Dim objRS
- Dim i
- Dim j
- Dim n
- Dim l
- Dim k
- Set objRS=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
- objRS.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
- objRS.LockType = adLockReadOnly
- objRS.ActiveConnection=objConn
- objRS.Source=""
- objRS.Open("SELECT [log_ID] FROM [blog_Article] WHERE ([log_Level]>1) AND ([log_Istop]=False) ORDER BY [log_PostTime] DESC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- ReDim aryAllList(objRS.PageCount+1)
- For i=1 to objRS.PageCount
- objRS.AbsolutePage=i
- For j = 1 To objRS.PageSize
- If j=1 Then aryAllList(i)="AllPage" & i & "["
- If i=1 Then
- aryAllList(i)=aryAllList(i) & objRS("log_ID") & ";"
- End If
- If j=objRS.PageSize Then aryAllList(i)=aryAllList(i) & "]"
- objRS.MoveNext
- If objRS.EOF Then aryAllList(i)=aryAllList(i) & "]":Exit For
- Next
- Next
- End If
- objRS.Close
- strList=strList & Join(aryAllList)
- Erase aryAllList
- objRS.Open("SELECT [log_ID] FROM [blog_Article] WHERE ([log_Level]>1) AND ([log_Istop]=True) ORDER BY [log_PostTime] DESC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- ReDim aryAllList(objRS.PageCount+1)
- For i=1 to objRS.PageCount
- objRS.AbsolutePage=i
- For j = 1 To objRS.PageSize
- If j=1 Then aryAllList(i)="IstopPage" & i & "["
- aryAllList(i)=aryAllList(i) & objRS("log_ID") & ";"
- If j=objRS.PageSize Then aryAllList(i)=aryAllList(i) & "]"
- objRS.MoveNext
- If objRS.EOF Then aryAllList(i)=aryAllList(i) & "]":Exit For
- Next
- Next
- End If
- objRS.Close
- strList=strList & Join(aryAllList)
- Erase aryAllList
- Call SaveToFile(BlogPath & "/CACHE/cache_list_"&ZC_BLOG_CLSID&".html",strList,"utf-8",False)
- BuildAllCache=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的:
- '*********************************************************
- Function BlogReBuild_Calendar()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Calendar_Begin in Action_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Calendar_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Calendar_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Calendar_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Calendar_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- Dim objStream
- Dim strCalendar
- Dim i,j
- Dim objRS
- Dim k,l,m,n
- 'Calendar
- strCalendar=MakeCalendar("")
- strCalendar=TransferHTML(strCalendar,"[no-asp]")
- Call SaveToFile(BlogPath & "/include/calendar.asp",strCalendar,"utf-8",True)
- BlogReBuild_Calendar=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的:
- '*********************************************************
- Function BlogReBuild_Archives()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Archives_Begin in Action_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Archives_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Archives_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Archives_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Archives_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- Dim i
- Dim j
- Dim l
- Dim n
- Dim objRS
- Dim objStream
- Dim ArtList
- 'Archives
- Dim strArchives
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM [blog_Article] WHERE ([log_Level]>1) ORDER BY [log_PostTime] DESC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- Dim dtmYM()
- i=0
- j=0
- ReDim Preserve dtmYM(0)
- Do While Not objRS.eof
- j=UBound(dtmYM)
- i=Year(objRS("log_PostTime")) & "-" & Month(objRS("log_PostTime"))
- If i<>dtmYM(j) Then
- ReDim Preserve dtmYM(j+1)
- dtmYM(j+1)=i
- End If
- objRS.MoveNext
- Loop
- End If
- objRS.Close
- Set objRS=Nothing
- If Not IsEmpty(dtmYM) Then
- For i=1 to UBound(dtmYM)
- l=Year(dtmYM(i))
- n=Month(dtmYM(i))+1
- IF n>12 Then l=l+1:n=1
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT COUNT([log_ID]) FROM [blog_Article] WHERE ([log_Level]>1) AND [log_PostTime] BETWEEN #"& Year(dtmYM(i)) &"-"& Month(dtmYM(i)) &"-1# AND #"& l &"-"& n &"-1#")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- strArchives=strArchives & "<li><a href="""& ZC_BLOG_HOST & ZC_STATIC_DIRECTORY & "/" & Year(dtmYM(i)) & "_" & Month(dtmYM(i)) & "." & ZC_STATIC_TYPE & """>" & Year(dtmYM(i)) & " " & ZVA_Month(Month(dtmYM(i))) & " (" & objRS(0) & ")" +"</a></li>"
- ' Call BuildCategory(Empty,Empty,Empty,Year(dtmYM(i)) & "-" & Month(dtmYM(i)),Empty,ZC_DISPLAY_MODE_ALL,ZC_STATIC_DIRECTORY,Year(dtmYM(i)) & "_" & Month(dtmYM(i))& "." & ZC_STATIC_TYPE)
- Else
- strArchives=strArchives & "<li><a href="""& ZC_BLOG_HOST &"catalog.asp?date=" & Year(dtmYM(i)) & "-" & Month(dtmYM(i)) & """>" & Year(dtmYM(i)) & " " & ZVA_Month(Month(dtmYM(i))) & "<span class=""article-nums""> (" & objRS(0) & ")</span>" +"</a></li>"
- End If
- If i=ZC_ARCHIVE_COUNT Then Exit For
- End If
- End If
- objRS.Close
- Set objRS=Nothing
- Next
- End If
- strArchives=TransferHTML(strArchives,"[no-asp]")
- Call SaveToFile(BlogPath & "/include/archives.asp",strArchives,"utf-8",True)
- BlogReBuild_Archives=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的:
- '*********************************************************
- Function BlogReBuild_Catalogs()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Catalogs_Begin in Action_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Catalogs_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Catalogs_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Catalogs_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Catalogs_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- Dim objRS
- Dim objStream
- Dim ArtList
- 'Catalogs
- Dim strCatalog
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM [blog_Category] ORDER BY [cate_Order] ASC,[cate_Count] DESC,[cate_ID] ASC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- Do While Not objRS.eof
- strCatalog=strCatalog & "<li><span class=""feed-icon""><a href="""& Categorys(objRS("cate_ID")).RssUrl &""" target=""_blank""><img title=""rss"" width=""20"" height=""12"" src="""&ZC_BLOG_HOST&"IMAGE/LOGO/rss.png"" border=""0"" alt=""rss"" /></a> </span><a href="""& Categorys(objRS("cate_ID")).Url & """>"+Categorys(objRS("cate_ID")).Name + "<span class=""article-nums""> (" & Categorys(objRS("cate_ID")).Count & ")</span>" +"</a></li>"
- ' Call BuildCategory(Empty,Categorys(objRS("cate_ID")).ID,Empty,Empty,Empty,ZC_DISPLAY_MODE_ALL,Categorys(objRS("cate_ID")).Directory,Categorys(objRS("cate_ID")).FileName)
- 'End If
- objRS.MoveNext
- Loop
- End If
- objRS.Close
- Set objRS=Nothing
- strCatalog=TransferHTML(strCatalog,"[no-asp]")
- Call SaveToFile(BlogPath & "/include/catalog.asp",strCatalog,"utf-8",True)
- BlogReBuild_Catalogs=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的:
- '*********************************************************
- Function BlogReBuild_Categorys()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Categorys_Begin in Action_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Categorys_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Categorys_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Categorys_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Categorys_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- Dim objRS
- Dim objStream
- Dim objArticle
- Dim i
- 'Categorys
- Dim strCategory
- Dim Category
- For Each Category in Categorys
- If IsObject(Category) Then
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT [log_ID] FROM [blog_Article] WHERE ([log_ID]>0) AND ([log_Level]>1) AND ([log_CateID]="&Category.ID&") ORDER BY [log_PostTime] DESC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- Set objArticle=New TArticle
- If objArticle.LoadInfoByID(objRS("log_ID")) Then
- strCategory=strCategory & "<li><a href="""& objArticle.Url & """>" & objArticle.Title & "</a></li>"
- End If
- Set objArticle=Nothing
- objRS.MoveNext
- If objRS.eof Then Exit For
- Next
- End If
- objRS.close
- strCategory=TransferHTML(strCategory,"[no-asp]")
- Call SaveToFile(BlogPath & "/include/category_"&Category.ID&".asp",strCategory,"utf-8",True)
- strCategory=""
- End If
- Next
- BlogReBuild_Categorys=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的:
- '*********************************************************
- Function BlogReBuild_Authors()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Authors_Begin in Action_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Authors_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Authors_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Authors_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Authors_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- Dim objRS
- Dim objStream
- 'Authors
- Dim strAuthor
- Dim User
- For Each User in Users
- If IsObject(User) Then
- strAuthor=strAuthor & "<li><a href="""& User.Url & """>"+User.Name + " (" & User.Count & ")" +"</a></li>"
- End If
- Next
- strAuthor=TransferHTML(strAuthor,"[no-asp]")
- Call SaveToFile(BlogPath & "/include/authors.asp",strAuthor,"utf-8",True)
- BlogReBuild_Authors=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的:
- '*********************************************************
- Function BlogReBuild_Tags()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Tags_Begin in Action_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Tags_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Tags_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Tags_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Tags_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- Dim objRS
- Dim objStream
- Dim i,j
- i=GetSettingFormName("ZC_TAGS_DISPLAY_COUNT")
- If i="" Then i=50
- j=0
- 'Authors
- Dim strTag
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM [blog_Tag] ORDER BY [tag_Count] DESC,[tag_ID] ASC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- Do While Not objRS.eof
- If j=i Then Exit Do
- strTag=strTag & "<li><a href="""& Tags(objRS("tag_ID")).Url & """>"+Tags(objRS("tag_ID")).Name + " <span class=""tag-count"">(" & Tags(objRS("tag_ID")).Count & ")</span>" +"</a></li>"
- objRS.MoveNext
- j=j+1
- Loop
- End If
- objRS.Close
- Set objRS=Nothing
- strTag=TransferHTML(strTag,"[no-asp]")
- Call SaveToFile(BlogPath & "/include/tags.asp",strTag,"utf-8",True)
- BlogReBuild_Tags=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的:
- '*********************************************************
- Function BlogReBuild_Previous()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Previous_Begin in Action_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Previous_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Previous_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Previous_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Previous_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- Dim i
- Dim objRS
- Dim objStream
- Dim objArticle
- 'Previous
- Dim strPrevious
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT [log_ID] FROM [blog_Article] WHERE ([log_ID]>0) AND ([log_Level]>1) ORDER BY [log_PostTime] DESC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- Set objArticle=New TArticle
- If objArticle.LoadInfoByID(objRS("log_ID")) Then
- strPrevious=strPrevious & "<li><a href="""& objArticle.Url & """ title="""& objArticle.HtmlTitle &"""><span class=""article-date"">["& Right("0" & Month(objArticle.PostTime),2) & "/" & Right("0" & Day(objArticle.PostTime),2) &"]</span>" & objArticle.Title & "</a></li>"
- End If
- Set objArticle=Nothing
- objRS.MoveNext
- If objRS.eof Then Exit For
- Next
- End If
- objRS.close
- strPrevious=TransferHTML(strPrevious,"[no-asp]")
- Call SaveToFile(BlogPath & "/include/previous.asp",strPrevious,"utf-8",True)
- BlogReBuild_Previous=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的:
- '*********************************************************
- Function BlogReBuild_Comments()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Comments_Begin in Action_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Comments_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Comments_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Comments_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Comments_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- Dim objRS
- Dim objStream
- Dim objArticle
- 'Comments
- Dim strComments
- Dim s
- Dim i
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT [log_ID],[comm_ID],[comm_Content],[comm_PostTime],[comm_Author] FROM [blog_Comment] WHERE [log_ID]>0 ORDER BY [comm_PostTime] DESC,[comm_ID] DESC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- For i=1 to ZC_MSG_COUNT
- s=objRS("comm_Content")
- s=Replace(s,vbCrlf,"")
- Set objArticle=New TArticle
- If objArticle.LoadInfoByID(objRS("log_ID")) Then
- strComments=strComments & "<li><a href="""& objArticle.Url & "#cmt" & objRS("comm_ID") & """ title=""" & objRS("comm_PostTime") & " post by " & objRS("comm_Author") & """>"+s+"</a></li>"
- End If
- Set objArticle=Nothing
- objRS.MoveNext
- If objRS.eof Then Exit For
- Next
- End If
- objRS.close
- Set objRS=Nothing
- strComments=TransferHTML(strComments,"[no-asp]")
- Call SaveToFile(BlogPath & "/include/comments.asp",strComments,"utf-8",True)
- BlogReBuild_Comments=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的:
- '*********************************************************
- Function BlogReBuild_GuestComments()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_GuestComments_Begin in Action_Plugin_BlogReBuild_GuestComments_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_GuestComments_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_GuestComments_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_GuestComments_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- Dim objRS
- Dim objStream
- Dim objArticle
- 'Comments
- Dim strComments
- Dim s
- Dim i
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT [log_ID],[comm_ID],[comm_Content],[comm_PostTime],[comm_Author] FROM [blog_Comment] WHERE [log_ID]=0 ORDER BY [comm_ID] DESC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- For i=1 to ZC_MSG_COUNT
- s=objRS("comm_Content")
- s=Replace(s,vbCrlf,"")
- strComments=strComments & "<li><a href="""& ZC_BLOG_HOST & "guestbook.asp" & "#cmt" & objRS("comm_ID") & """ title=""" & objRS("comm_PostTime") & " post by " & objRS("comm_Author") & """>"+s+"</a></li>"
- objRS.MoveNext
- If objRS.eof Then Exit For
- Next
- End If
- objRS.close
- Set objRS=Nothing
- strComments=TransferHTML(strComments,"[no-asp]")
- Call SaveToFile(BlogPath & "/include/guestcomments.asp",strComments,"utf-8",True)
- BlogReBuild_GuestComments=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的:
- '*********************************************************
- Function BlogReBuild_TrackBacks()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_TrackBacks_Begin in Action_Plugin_BlogReBuild_TrackBacks_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_TrackBacks_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_TrackBacks_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_TrackBacks_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- Dim objRS
- Dim objStream
- Dim objArticle
- 'TrackBacks
- Dim strTrackBacks
- Dim s
- Dim i
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM [blog_TrackBack] ORDER BY [tb_ID] DESC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- For i=1 to ZC_MSG_COUNT
- s=objRS("tb_Title")
- s=Replace(s,vbCrlf,"")
- Set objArticle=New TArticle
- If objArticle.LoadInfoByID(objRS("log_ID")) Then
- strTrackBacks=strTrackBacks & "<li><a href="""& objArticle.Url & "#tb" & objRS("tb_ID") & """ title=""" & objRS("tb_PostTime") & " post by " & Replace(objRS("tb_Blog"),"""","") & """>"+s+"</a></li>"
- End If
- Set objArticle=Nothing
- objRS.MoveNext
- If objRS.eof Then Exit For
- Next
- End If
- objRS.close
- Set objRS=Nothing
- strTrackBacks=TransferHTML(strTrackBacks,"[no-asp]")
- Call SaveToFile(BlogPath & "/include/trackbacks.asp",strTrackBacks,"utf-8",True)
- BlogReBuild_TrackBacks=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的:
- '*********************************************************
- Function BlogReBuild_Statistics()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Statistics_Begin in Action_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Statistics_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Statistics_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Statistics_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_BlogReBuild_Statistics_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- Dim i
- Dim objRS
- Dim objStream
- '重新统计分类及用户的文章数、评论数
- Dim Category
- For Each Category in Categorys
- If IsObject(Category) Then
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT COUNT([log_ID]) FROM [blog_Article] WHERE [log_Level]>1 AND [log_CateID]=" & Category.ID )
- i=objRS(0)
- objConn.Execute("UPDATE [blog_Category] SET [cate_Count]="&i&" WHERE [cate_ID] =" & Category.ID)
- Set objRS=Nothing
- End If
- Next
- Dim User
- 'For Each User in Users
- ' If IsObject(User) Then
- ' Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT COUNT([log_ID]) FROM [blog_Article] WHERE [log_Level]>1 AND [log_AuthorID]=" & User.ID )
- ' i=objRS(0)
- ' objConn.Execute("UPDATE [blog_Member] SET [mem_PostLogs]="&i&" WHERE [mem_ID] =" & User.ID)
- ' Set objRS=Nothing
- '
- ' Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT COUNT([comm_ID]) FROM [blog_Comment] WHERE [comm_AuthorID]=" & User.ID )
- ' i=objRS(0)
- ' objConn.Execute("UPDATE [blog_Member] SET [mem_PostComms]="&i&" WHERE [mem_ID] =" & User.ID)
- ' Set objRS=Nothing
- ' End If
- 'Next
- 'Dim Tag
- 'For Each Tag in Tags
- ' If IsObject(Tag) Then
- ' Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT COUNT([log_ID]) FROM [blog_Article] WHERE [log_Level]>1 AND [log_Tag] LIKE '%{" & Tag.ID & "}%'")
- ' i=objRS(0)
- ' objConn.Execute("UPDATE [blog_Tag] SET [tag_Count]="&i&" WHERE [tag_ID] =" & Tag.ID)
- ' Set objRS=Nothing
- ' End If
- 'Next
- 'Statistics
- Dim strStatistics
- Set objRS=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
- objRS.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
- objRS.LockType = adLockReadOnly
- objRS.ActiveConnection=objConn
- objRS.Source=""
- objRS.Open("SELECT COUNT([log_ID])AS allArticle,SUM([log_CommNums]) AS allCommNums,SUM([log_ViewNums]) AS allViewNums,SUM([log_TrackBackNums]) AS allTrackBackNums FROM [blog_Article]")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- strStatistics=strStatistics & "<li>"& ZC_MSG082 &":" & objRS("allArticle") & "</li>"
- strStatistics=strStatistics & "<li>"& ZC_MSG124 &":" & objRS("allCommNums") & "</li>"
- strStatistics=strStatistics & "<li>"& ZC_MSG125 &":" & objRS("allTrackBackNums") & "</li>"
- strStatistics=strStatistics & "<li>"& ZC_MSG129 &":" & objRS("allViewNums") & "</li>"
- End If
- objRS.Close
- objRS.Open("SELECT COUNT([comm_ID])AS allComment FROM [blog_Comment] WHERE [log_ID]=0")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- strStatistics=strStatistics & "<li>"& ZC_MSG284 &":" & objRS("allComment") & "</li>"
- End If
- objRS.Close
- strStatistics=strStatistics & "<li>"& ZC_MSG306 &":" & GetNameFormTheme(ZC_BLOG_THEME) & "</li>"
- strStatistics=strStatistics & "<li>"& ZC_MSG083 &":" & ZC_BLOG_CSS & "</li>"
- 'strStatistics=strStatistics & "<li>"& ZC_MSG084 &":" & ZC_BLOG_LANGUAGE & "</li>"
- Set objRS=Nothing
- strStatistics=TransferHTML(strStatistics,"[no-asp]")
- Call SaveToFile(BlogPath & "/include/statistics.asp",strStatistics,"utf-8",False)
- Call GetCategory()
- Call GetUser()
- Call GetTags()
- Call GetKeyWords()
- BlogReBuild_Statistics=True
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: Export RSS 2.0
- '*********************************************************
- Function ExportRSS()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_ExportRSS_Begin in Action_Plugin_ExportRSS_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_ExportRSS_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_ExportRSS_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_ExportRSS_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- Dim Rss2Export
- Dim objArticle
- Set Rss2Export = New TNewRss2Export
- With Rss2Export
- .TimeZone=ZC_TIME_ZONE
- .AddChannelAttribute "title",TransferHTML(ZC_BLOG_TITLE,"[html-format]")
- .AddChannelAttribute "link",TransferHTML(ZC_BLOG_HOST,"[html-format]")
- .AddChannelAttribute "description",TransferHTML(ZC_BLOG_SUBTITLE,"[html-format]")
- .AddChannelAttribute "generator","RainbowSoft Studio Z-Blog " & ZC_BLOG_VERSION
- .AddChannelAttribute "language",ZC_BLOG_LANGUAGE
- .AddChannelAttribute "copyright",TransferHTML(ZC_BLOG_COPYRIGHT,"[nohtml][html-format]")
- .AddChannelAttribute "pubDate",GetTime(Now())
- Dim i
- Dim objRS
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT [log_ID],[log_Tag],[log_CateID],[log_Title],[log_Intro],[log_Content],[log_Level],[log_AuthorID],[log_PostTime],[log_CommNums],[log_ViewNums],[log_TrackBackNums],[log_Url],[log_Istop] FROM [blog_Article] WHERE ([log_ID]>0) AND ([log_Level]>2) ORDER BY [log_PostTime] DESC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- For i=1 to ZC_RSS2_COUNT
- Set objArticle=New TArticle
- If objArticle.LoadInfoByArray(Array(objRS("log_ID"),objRS("log_Tag"),objRS("log_CateID"),objRS("log_Title"),objRS("log_Intro"),objRS("log_Content"),objRS("log_Level"),objRS("log_AuthorID"),objRS("log_PostTime"),objRS("log_CommNums"),objRS("log_ViewNums"),objRS("log_TrackBackNums"),objRS("log_Url"),objRS("log_Istop"))) Then
- .AddItem objArticle.HtmlTitle,Users(objArticle.AuthorID).Email & " (" & Users(objArticle.AuthorID).Name & ")",objArticle.HtmlUrl,objArticle.PostTime,objArticle.HtmlUrl,objArticle.HtmlContent,Categorys(objArticle.CateID).HtmlName,objArticle.CommentUrl,objArticle.WfwComment,objArticle.WfwCommentRss,objArticle.TrackBackUrl
- Else
- .AddItem objArticle.HtmlTitle,Users(objArticle.AuthorID).Email & " (" & Users(objArticle.AuthorID).Name & ")",objArticle.HtmlUrl,objArticle.PostTime,objArticle.HtmlUrl,objArticle.HtmlIntro,Categorys(objArticle.CateID).HtmlName,objArticle.CommentUrl,objArticle.WfwComment,objArticle.WfwCommentRss,objArticle.TrackBackUrl
- End If
- End If
- objRS.MoveNext
- If objRS.eof Then Exit For
- Set objArticle=Nothing
- Next
- End If
- End With
- 'Rss2Export.Execute
- Rss2Export.SaveToFile(BlogPath & "/rss.xml")
- Set Rss2Export = Nothing
- objRS.close
- Set objRS=Nothing
- ExportRSS=True
- 'Response.ContentType = "text/html"
- 'Response.Clear
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: Export ATOM 1.0
- '*********************************************************
- Function ExportATOM()
- 'plugin node
- For Each sAction_Plugin_ExportATOM_Begin in Action_Plugin_ExportATOM_Begin
- If Not IsEmpty(sAction_Plugin_ExportATOM_Begin) Then Call Execute(sAction_Plugin_ExportATOM_Begin)
- If bAction_Plugin_ExportATOM_Begin=True Then Exit Function
- Next
- Dim objArticle
- Dim Atom10Export
- Set Atom10Export = New TAtom10Export
- Atom10Export.TimeZone=ZC_TIME_ZONE
- Dim AtomEntry
- Dim AtomFeed
- Set AtomFeed = New TAtomFeed
- With AtomFeed
- .atomTitle=TransferHTML(ZC_BLOG_TITLE,"[html-format]")
- .atomSubtitle=TransferHTML(ZC_BLOG_SUBTITLE,"[html-format]")
- .atomLink "alternate","text/html",ZC_BLOG_HOST
- .atomLink "self","application/atom+xml",ZC_BLOG_HOST & "atom.xml"
- '.atomPerson "author",BlogUser.Name,BlogUser.Email,BlogUser.HomePage
- .atomGenerator "RainbowSoft Studio Z-Blog","",ZC_BLOG_VERSION
- .atomUpdated=GetTime(Now())
- End With
- Atom10Export.GetFeed(AtomFeed.Node)
- Dim i
- Dim objRS
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT [log_ID],[log_Tag],[log_CateID],[log_Title],[log_Intro],NULL,[log_Level],[log_AuthorID],[log_PostTime],[log_CommNums],[log_ViewNums],[log_TrackBackNums],[log_Url],[log_Istop] FROM [blog_Article] WHERE ([log_ID]>0) AND ([log_Level]>2) ORDER BY [log_PostTime] DESC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- For i=1 to ZC_RSS2_COUNT
- Set objArticle=New TArticle
- Set AtomEntry = New TAtomEntry
- With AtomEntry
- If objArticle.LoadInfoByArray(Array(objRS("log_ID"),objRS("log_Tag"),objRS("log_CateID"),objRS("log_Title"),objRS("log_Intro"),,objRS("log_Level"),objRS("log_AuthorID"),objRS("log_PostTime"),objRS("log_CommNums"),objRS("log_ViewNums"),objRS("log_TrackBackNums"),objRS("log_Url"),objRS("log_Istop"))) Then
- .atomTitle=objArticle.HtmlTitle
- .atomPerson "author",Users(objArticle.AuthorID).Name,Users(objArticle.AuthorID).Email,Users(objArticle.AuthorID).HomePage
- .atomCategory "",Categorys(objArticle.CateID).Url,Categorys(objArticle.CateID).HtmlName
- .atomUpdated=objArticle.PostTime
- .atomPublished=objArticle.PostTime
- .atomSummary=objArticle.HtmlIntro
- .atomLink "alternate","text/html",objArticle.Url
- .atomID=objArticle.Url
- End If
- End With
- Atom10Export.GetEntry(AtomEntry.Node)
- Set AtomEntry = Nothing
- Set objArticle=Nothing
- objRS.MoveNext
- If objRS.eof Then Exit For
- Next
- End If
- objRS.close
- Set objRS=Nothing
- 'Atom10Export.Execute
- Atom10Export.SaveToFile(BlogPath & "/atom.xml")
- Set Atom10Export = Nothing
- ExportATOM=True
- 'Response.ContentType = "text/html"
- 'Response.Clear
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: Build Category
- '*********************************************************
- Function BuildCategory(intPage,intCateId,intAuthorId,dtmYearMonth,strTagsName,intType,strDirectory,strFileName)
- Dim ArtList
- Set ArtList=New TArticleList
- ArtList.LoadCache
- ArtList.template="CATALOG"
- If ArtList.ExportByMixed(intPage,intCateId,intAuthorId,dtmYearMonth,strTagsName,intType) Then
- ArtList.FileName=strFileName
- ArtList.Directory=strDirectory
- ArtList.Build
- ArtList.Save
- End If
- Set ArtList=Nothing
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- '*********************************************************
- ' 目的: Build Article
- '*********************************************************
- Function BuildArticle(intID,bolBuildNavigate,bolBuildCategory)
- Dim objArticle
- Set objArticle=New TArticle
- If objArticle.LoadInfoByID(intID) Then
- objArticle.Statistic
- objArticle.template="SINGLE"
- If objArticle.Export(ZC_DISPLAY_MODE_ALL) Then
- objArticle.SaveCache
- objArticle.Build
- objArticle.Save
- If (bolBuildCategory=True) And (ZC_MOONSOFT_PLUGIN_ENABLE=True) Then
- Call BuildCategory(Empty,Categorys(objArticle.CateID).ID,Empty,Empty,Empty,ZC_DISPLAY_MODE_ALL,Categorys(objArticle.CateID).Directory,Categorys(objArticle.CateID).FileName)
- Call BuildCategory(Empty,Empty,Empty,Year(objArticle.PostTime) & "-" & Month(objArticle.PostTime),Empty,ZC_DISPLAY_MODE_ALL,ZC_STATIC_DIRECTORY,Year(objArticle.PostTime) & "_" & Month(objArticle.PostTime) & "." & ZC_STATIC_TYPE)
- End If
- End If
- If (bolBuildNavigate=True) And (ZC_USE_NAVIGATE_ARTICLE=True) Then
- Dim objRS
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT TOP 1 [log_ID] FROM [blog_Article] WHERE ([log_Level]>2) AND ([log_PostTime]<#" & objArticle.PostTime & "#) ORDER BY [log_PostTime] DESC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- Call BuildArticle(objRS("log_ID"),False,False)
- End If
- Set objRS=Nothing
- Set objRS=objConn.Execute("SELECT TOP 1 [log_ID] FROM [blog_Article] WHERE ([log_Level]>2) AND ([log_PostTime]>#" & objArticle.PostTime & "#) ORDER BY [log_PostTime] ASC")
- If (Not objRS.bof) And (Not objRS.eof) Then
- Call BuildArticle(objRS("log_ID"),False,False)
- End If
- Set objRS=Nothing
- End If
- BuildArticle=True
- End If
- Set objArticle=Nothing
- End Function
- '*********************************************************
- %>