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Package: leda.tar.gz [view]
Upload User: gzelex
Upload Date: 2007-01-07
Package Size: 707k
Code Size: 9k
Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms
Development Platform:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LEDA 3.2.3 (18.9.95)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - bug in sweep_segments fixed
- - missing initialization in function template "Convert"
- - bug in string::operator[] fixed
- - bug in integer cmp fixed
- - node_pq::member returned always true (fixed).
- - rat_segment::intersection(rat_segment)
- - missing copy constructor for array2
- - ugraph::first_adj_edge(node v)
- - ugraph::last_adj_edge(node v)
- - h_array: empty array now has default-size of 1 (instead of 512)
- - missing destructor for handle_base
- - bug forall - macro
- - list::split operation
- - iteration for constant sets
- - bug in MIN_CUT graph algorithm
- - bug in orientation(segment,point)
- - polygon::intersection and polygon::inside rewritten
- - bug in window grid drawing
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LEDA 3.2 (7.7.95)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- now also works in case of "degenerate" input
- - graphs
- graph::cyclic_in_succ, graph::cyclic_in_pred,
- graph::first_adj_edge, and graph::last_adj_edge fixed
- new_edge(e1,e2,dir1,dir2) fixed
- copy constructor and assingment now preserve order of
- adjacency lists
- missing implementation of graph::in_edges(v) included
- bug in copy constructor of node/edge_array and node/edge_map fixed
- b_node_pq: first insert now initalizes minimum correctly
- planar_map::split_edge fixed
- - param_types
- one-word class types
- 64 bit architectures
- - h_array
- iteration (forall_defined) now works
- - set
- copy constructor and operator=
- (bug in bin_tree::copy_tree fixed)
- - map<I,E> destructor now deletes E's
- bug in rehash fixed
- - array
- array::read(istream in) replaced by array::read(istream& in)
- - panel
- panel("...",w,h) now creates a panel with width w and height h
- - skiplist change_inf now destroys old and copies new information
- - matrix memory leak in triang fixed
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 3.1.2 (3.02.95)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -list.h: made list_item list::operator[](int i) const
- -string.h: made operator+ a friend function
- -map.h: replace int(x) by int(Convert(x))
- -graph.h: replace in line 258 and 268 "next_power(i)" by "next_power(i+1)"
- -integer.c: replace line 1752 { cout << "0"; by { out << "0";
- replace line 1769 if (x.PTR->sign == NEGATIVE) cout << "-";
- -real.c: many changes
- SUNPRO C++ (use 4.0.1 NOT 4.0, use -pto flag )
- - do not use assembler code in _string.c
- - define __svr4__ if __SVR4 is defined
- - use format_string variant of string constructor
- - changes to avoid some of the "something hides something" warnings
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 3.1.1 (27.01.95)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- array.h: operator[] now calls gen_array::entry (instead of inf)
- edge_set.h: node_array<list_item> replaced by edge_array<list_item>
- list.h: cmp_ptr set to nil in list::search()
- list.h: missing app - function inserted.
- node_pq.h print_inf now prints index of node
- dlist.h: replaced EOF by char(EOF) (problems with EOF <0)
- _g_inout.c: read & write for user defined node/edge types fixed
- _g_update.c: infinite loop in insert_reverse_edges eliminated
- _skiplist.c: locate_succ, locate fixed
- _integer.c: memory leak in integert:integer(double) fixed
- _real.c: special floating point functions calls replaced
- _random.c: BSD Code for random/srandom included
- _basic.c: usleep replaced by sleep
- _g_map.c: table is deleted only if table_size > 0
- _bin_tree.c: copy constructor now sets corr-pointer of rightmost leaf
- Type_Name function defined for basic LEDA types (point,string, ...)
- Makefiles: _sparc.s will be assembled only on sparc machines
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 3.1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 16.01.95 array::operator= fixed
- 13.01.95 graph::read and graph::write did not work for unparameterized
- graphs, fixed.
- 13.01.95 node_set edge_set rewritten
- int_set: hard coded word size replaced by sizeof-call
- 6.01.95 list<T>::sort(cmp_func), list<T>::bucket_sort(ord_func)
- list<T>::min(cmp_func), list<T>::max(cmp_func),
- list<T>::apply(app_func) did not work for types with
- sizof(T) > sizeof(void*); bug is fixed.
- array::sort(cmp_func), array::sort(l,h,cmp_func)
- array::binary_search(cmp_func), same problem as in lists fixed
- 21.11.94 bug in vector::operator=(const vector&) fixed
- (old (d) and new (n) dimensions exchanged)
- 17.11.94 bug in rs_tree (set<T>) copy constructor fixed
- 15.11.94 LEDA_MEMORY: operator new & delete now use the size argument
- 07.10.94 bug in array copy constructor fixed
- memory leak in list::assign() fixed
- polygon CONVEX_HULL(list<point>) new algorithm (Graham's Scan)
- bugs in segment::intersection() and line::intersection() fixed
- 29.09.94 bug in binary heaps (negative integer keys) fixed
- 28.09.94 UGRAPH::assign(node/edge,...) fixed
- 6.09.94 bug in list<node> graph::adj_nodes() (undirected graphs) fixed
- 8.08.94 Iteration (forall_defined) for h_arrays
- 4.08.94 some problems in _leda_panel.c fixed (slider items, buttons, ...)
- 11.07.94 Multi-definition problem with read_mouse(window, ...) and g++ fixed
- 22.03.94 bug in skiplist copy constructor fixed
- 22.12.93 memory leaks in leda panels
- 21.12.93 nested forall-loops
- 17.12.93 string::read now can read strings of arbitrary length
- 11.10.93 made dlist::bucket_sort stable
- corrected return value of COMPUTE_CORRESPONDENCE
- 08.09.93 memory bug in dp_hash (dynamic perfect hashing) fixed
- 12.08.93 k_heap::del_item fixed
- 25.06.93 made rs_tree::change_inf (dictionary) clear old and copy new
- information
- 16.06.93 dlist::search (replaced != by call of virtual cmp function)
- 07.06.93 line::intersection (used to report intersection of parallel lines)
- 01.06.93 fixed bug in queue::append (replaced Convert by Copy)
- 05.05.93 bugs in MAX_WEIGHT_BIPARTITE_MATCHING fixed (by M. Paul)
- 05.04.93 prio.h: added missing ostream argument cout to Print calls
- 12.03.93 stack::push(x) replaced Convert(x) by Copy(x)
- 09.03.93 segment::angle() returns zero for segments of length zero
- 05.03.93 memory leak in draw_(filled_)polygon fixed
- 25.01.93 bug in ab_tree::clear() fixed (forgot to set counter to zero)
- 30.12.92 made dlist update operations protected
- 20.12.92 changed type "SIG_PF" in basic.h to "LEDA_SIG_PF"
- 07.12.92 missing operation ugraph::read(istream&) inserted
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 3.0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 09.11.92 Convert and Access for parameter types of size smaller than
- pointers (e.g. char, short) fixed
- 16.07.92 bug with colinear points in delaunay_tree, VORONOI, point_set, ...
- fixed
- 27.05.92 MAX_WEIGHT_BIPARTITE_MATCHING(double) (_mwb_matching.c)
- fixed precicision problem that caused a negative loop in DIJKSTRA
- 19.05.92 list::sort now works for lists of length 1
- 12.05.92 type conversion for "char" (Copy,Convert,Access, ...) fixed
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 2.2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 27.04.92 matrix::operator=(const matrix&)
- matrix::triang()
- 17.04.92 lost memory bug in string::operator+ fixed (Nicolas Caillaud)
- 16.04.92 made all destructors virtual
- 13.04.92 bug in GRAPH::assign(node/edge,vtype/etype) fixed
- made operator<< and operator>> for circles reverse ops
- 11.04.92 copy-bug in graph::operator=() and graph(const graph&) fixed
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 2.1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 16.12.91 fixed Copy bug for list, GRAPH, and UGRAPH
- 10.12.91 defined read(write)_node(edge)_entry for UGRAPH
- 28.11.91 made void*-functions (append,push, ....) in dlist, graph
- and ugraph protected
- 12.11.91 vector/matrix subtypes for arrays
- operator= & operator== now may be called for objects with
- differnt dimensions
- 11.11.91 Copy(vector&) ---> Copy(const vector&)
- Copy(matrix&) ---> Copy(const matrix&)
- 31.10.91 string& string::operator=(const char* s)
- Bug: Zugriff auf deallocierten Speicher fuer p->s = s
- 28.10.91 in bool line::operator==(const line&)
- Bug: funktionierte nicht fuer 2 vertikale Linien