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Package: leda.tar.gz [view]
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Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms
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- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _bin_tree.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // bin_tree: base class for all binary tree types in LEDA
- //
- // leaf oriented & doubly linked
- //
- // Stefan N"aher (1993)
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include <LEDA/impl/bin_tree.h>
- bin_tree_node* bin_tree::lookup(GenPtr x) const
- { bin_tree_node* p = locate(x);
- if (p && cmp(p->k,x) == 0) return p;
- return 0;
- }
- void bin_tree::change_inf(bin_tree_node* p,GenPtr y)
- { clear_inf(p->i);
- copy_inf(y);
- p->i = y;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // locate(x) : returns pointer to leaf with successor or predessor key of x
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bin_tree_node* bin_tree::locate(GenPtr x) const
- {
- if (count==0) return 0;
- return int_type() ? int_search(x) : search(x);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // locate_succ(x) : returns pointer to leaf with minimal key >= x
- // nil if tree empty
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bin_tree_node* bin_tree::locate_succ(GenPtr x) const
- { if (count==0) return 0;
- bin_tree_node* p = int_type() ? int_search(x) : search(x);
- return (cmp(x,p->k) > 0) ? succ(p) : p ;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // locate_pred(x) : returns pointer to leaf with maximal key <= x
- // nil if tree empty
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bin_tree_node* bin_tree::locate_pred(GenPtr x) const
- { if (count==0) return 0;
- bin_tree_node* p = int_type() ? int_search(x) : search(x);
- return (cmp(x,p->k) < 0) ? pred(p) : p ;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // search(x) : returns pointer to leaf with minimal key >= x
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bin_tree_node* bin_tree::search(GenPtr x) const
- {
- bin_tree_node* p = root();
- while (p->is_node())
- p = (cmp(x,p->k) <= 0) ? p->child[left] : p->child[right];
- return p;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // int_search : search for integer key
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bin_tree_node* bin_tree::int_search(GenPtr x) const
- {
- bin_tree_node* p = root();
- while (p->is_node())
- if (LEDA_ACCESS(int,x) <= LEDA_ACCESS(int,p->k))
- p = p->child[left];
- else
- p = p->child[right];
- return p;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // insert(x,y,ii):
- // inserts new leaf with key x and info y, sets info of new inner node to ii
- // returns pointer to the new leaf
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bin_tree_node* bin_tree::insert( GenPtr x, GenPtr y, GenPtr ii)
- {
- // key x, inf y, iinf ii
- bin_tree_node* p;
- if (count==0) // tree is empty
- { copy_key(x);
- copy_inf(y);
- p = new bin_tree_node(x,y,leaf_balance());
- p->corr = &ROOT;
- ROOT.i = ii;
- min_ptr() = p;
- root() = p;
- p->parent = &ROOT;
- p->child[right] = p;
- p->child[left] = p;
- count = 1;
- }
- else
- { p = (int_type()) ? int_search(x) : search(x);
- p = insert_at_item(p,x,y,ii);
- }
- return p ;
- }
- bin_tree_node* bin_tree::insert_at_item(bin_tree_node* p, GenPtr x, GenPtr y,
- GenPtr ii)
- {
- bool insert_left; // true <==> insert new leaf q to the left of p
- copy_inf(y);
- if ( int_type() )
- { if ( LEDA_ACCESS(int,x) == LEDA_ACCESS(int,p->k) )
- { // x already stored in tree, overwrite info
- clear_inf(p->i);
- p->i = y;
- return p;
- }
- insert_left = (LEDA_ACCESS(int,x) < LEDA_ACCESS(int,p->k));
- }
- else
- { int c = cmp(x,p->k);
- if ( c == 0 )
- { clear_inf(p->i);
- p->i = y;
- return p;
- }
- insert_left = (c < 0);
- copy_key(x);
- }
- int b = (count==1) ? root_balance() : node_balance();
- count++;
- bin_tree_node* q = new bin_tree_node(x,y,leaf_balance()); // new leaf
- bin_tree_node* r = new bin_tree_node(0,0,b); // new inner node
- bin_tree_node* u = p->parent;
- q->parent = r;
- p->parent = r;
- r->parent = u;
- r->corr = nil;
- if (p == u->child[left])
- u->child[left] = r;
- else
- u->child[right] = r;
- // insertion of q, adjusting key & inf of corresponding inner nodes,
- // double-chaining with neighbors, checking min pointer, ...
- if (insert_left) // insert q left of p
- { r->k = x;
- q->corr = r;
- r->i = ii;
- r->child[left] = q;
- r->child[right]= p;
- u = p->child[left];
- q->child[left] = u;
- q->child[right] = p;
- u->child[right] = q;
- p->child[left] = q;
- if ( p == min_ptr() ) min_ptr() = q;
- }
- else // insert q right of p
- { bin_tree_node* pc = p->corr;
- r->k = p->k;
- r->i = pc->i;
- pc->i = ii;
- q->corr = pc;
- p->corr = r;
- r->child[left] = p;
- r->child[right]= q;
- u = p->child[right];
- q->child[left] = p;
- q->child[right] = u;
- u->child[left] = q;
- p->child[right] = q;
- }
- propagate_modification(1,r,p);
- propagate_modification(2,r,q);
- if (r != root()) insert_rebal(r);
- return q;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // del(x)
- // removes leaf with key x from the tree
- // overwrites possible copy of x in an inner node (if key type is not integer)
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void bin_tree::del(GenPtr x)
- {
- bin_tree_item v;
- if (count == 0) return; // tree is empty
- if ( int_type() )
- { v = int_search(x);
- if (LEDA_ACCESS(int,v->k) == LEDA_ACCESS(int,x)) del_item(v);
- }
- else
- { v = search(x);
- if ( cmp(v->k,x) == 0 ) del_item(v);
- }
- }
- void bin_tree::del_item(bin_tree_item v)
- {
- bin_tree_item w;
- bin_tree_item p = v->parent;
- bin_tree_item u = v->corr;
- clear_key(v->k);
- clear_inf(v->i);
- // overwrite copy of key in corresponding inner node u by its predecessor,
- // but keep its information (not necessary in the case that v is a left child)
- if (v != p->child[left])
- { bin_tree_node* pred = v->child[left];
- u->k = pred->k;
- clear_iinf(pred->corr->i);
- pred->corr = u;
- }
- else
- clear_iinf(u->i);
- count--;
- if (count == 0) // tree is now empty
- { root() = min_ptr() = nil;
- delete v;
- return;
- }
- bin_tree_node* pred = v->child[left];
- bin_tree_node* succ = v->child[right];
- // link neighbors
- pred->child[right] = succ;
- succ->child[left] = pred;
- // adjust min pointer
- if ( v == min_ptr() ) min_ptr() = succ;
- // replace p by sibling w of v
- u = p->parent;
- w = p->child[left];
- if (v == w) w = p->child[right];
- w->parent = u;
- if (p == u->child[left])
- u->child[left] = w;
- else
- u->child[right] = w;
- // u u u
- // | | |
- // p or p ---> w
- // / /
- // v w w v
- propagate_modification(3,u,w);
- // rebalance tree, if necessary
- if (w != root()) del_rebal(w,p);
- delete v;
- delete p;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // concatenate
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- bin_tree& bin_tree::conc(bin_tree&)
- { error_handler(1,"sorry, bin_tree::conc not implemented");
- return *this;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // split at item
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- void bin_tree::split_at_item(bin_tree_node*,bin_tree&,bin_tree&)
- { error_handler(1,"sorry, bin_tree::split_at_item not implemented"); }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // reverse items
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- void bin_tree::reverse_items(bin_tree_node* v, bin_tree_node* w)
- {
- bin_tree_node* l = v;
- bin_tree_node* r = w;
- while (l != r && r->child[right] != l)
- {
- bin_tree_node* pl = l->parent;
- bin_tree_node* pr = r->parent;
- bin_tree_node* cl = l->corr;
- bin_tree_node* cr = r->corr;
- // exchange l and r
- if (pl == pr)
- { pl->child[left] = r;
- pl->child[right] = l;
- }
- else
- { if (l == pl->child[left])
- pl->child[left] = r;
- else
- pl->child[right] = r;
- r->parent = pl;
- if (r == pr->child[left])
- pr->child[left] = l;
- else
- pr->child[right] = l;
- l->parent = pr;
- }
- // update corresponding inner nodes
- l->corr = cr;
- cr->k = l->k;
- r->corr = cl;
- cl->k = r->k;
- l = l->child[right];
- r = r->child[left];
- }
- // reverse chaining of leaves v...w
- if (count > 2)
- { l = v->child[left];
- r = w->child[right];
- r->child[left] = v;
- bin_tree_node* p = v;
- while(p != w)
- { bin_tree_node* q = p->child[right];
- p->child[left] = q;
- p = q;
- }
- w->child[left] = l;
- p = r;
- while ( p != l )
- { bin_tree_node* q = p->child[left];
- q->child[right] = p;
- p = q;
- }
- }
- // adjust min pointer
- if (v == min_ptr()) min_ptr() = w;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // operator=
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- bin_tree& bin_tree::operator=(const bin_tree& t)
- {
- if (this == &t) return *this;
- clear();
- if ( t.root() )
- { bin_tree_node* pre = 0;
- root() = t.copy_tree(t.root(),pre);
- root()->parent = &ROOT;
- pre->corr = &ROOT;
- ROOT.i = t.ROOT.i;
- min_ptr() = root();
- while (min_ptr()->child[left]) min_ptr() = min_ptr()->child[left];
- min_ptr()->child[left] = pre;
- pre->child[right] = min_ptr();
- count = t.count;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // copy constructor
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- bin_tree::bin_tree(const bin_tree& t)
- { root() = min_ptr() = 0 ;
- count = t.count;
- if ( t.root() )
- { bin_tree_node* pre = 0;
- root() = t.copy_tree(t.root(),pre);
- min_ptr() = root();
- root()->parent = &ROOT;
- pre->corr = &ROOT;
- while (min_ptr()->child[left]) min_ptr() = min_ptr()->child[left];
- min_ptr()->child[left] = pre;
- pre->child[right] = min_ptr();
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // copy_tree(p) makes a copy of tree with root p and returns a pointer to the
- // root of the copy. pre is last created leaf ( leaves are created from left
- // to right).
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- bin_tree_node* bin_tree::copy_tree( bin_tree_node* p, bin_tree_item& pre) const
- {
- bin_tree_node* q = new bin_tree_node(p); // q = p
- q->corr = nil;
- if ( p->is_node() ) // internal node: copy subtrees
- {
- q->child[left] = copy_tree(p->child[left],pre);
- pre->corr = q;
- q->child[right] = copy_tree(p->child[right],pre);
- q->child[left]->parent = q;
- q->child[right]->parent = q;
- }
- else //leaf: chaining with last created leaf "pre"
- {
- copy_key(q->k);
- copy_inf(q->i);
- if (pre) pre->child[right] = q;
- q->child[left] = pre;
- pre = q;
- }
- return q;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // clear
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- void bin_tree::clear()
- {
- if ( root() )
- { del_tree(root());
- root() = min_ptr() = 0;
- count = 0;
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // del_tree(p) : deletes subtree rooted at node p
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- void bin_tree::del_tree(bin_tree_node* p)
- {
- if ( p->is_node() )
- { del_tree(p->child[left]);
- del_tree(p->child[right]);
- }
- else
- { clear_key(p->k);
- clear_inf(p->i);
- clear_iinf(p->corr->i);
- }
- delete p;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // printing and drawing trees
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void bin_tree::print() const
- { cout << "size = " << size() << endl;
- if ( root() ) print_tree(root(),1);
- newline;
- }
- void bin_tree::print_tree(bin_tree_node* p,int h) const
- {
- if ( p->is_node() ) print_tree(p->child[right],h+1);
- for( int j=1; j <= h ; j++ ) cout << " ";
- print_key(key(p));
- cout << " bal=" << p->get_bal();
- if ( p->is_leaf() )
- { cout << " [" << p << "] ";
- cout << " succ[" << p->child[right] << "] ";
- cout << " pred[" << p->child[left] << "] ";
- newline;
- }
- else cout << "n";
- if ( p->is_node() ) print_tree(p->child[left],h+1);
- }
- void bin_tree::draw(DRAW_BIN_NODE_FCT draw_node,
- DRAW_BIN_NODE_FCT draw_leaf,
- DRAW_BIN_EDGE_FCT draw_edge,
- double x1, double x2, double y, double ydist)
- {
- // draw a picture of the tree using the functions
- // draw_node(x,y,k,b) draws node with key k and balance b at (x,y)
- // draw_leaf(x,y,k,b) draws leaf with key k and balance b at (x,y)
- // draw_edge(x,y,x',y') draws an edge from (x,y) to (x',y')
- draw(draw_node,draw_leaf,draw_edge,root(),x1,x2,y,ydist,0);
- }
- void bin_tree::draw(DRAW_BIN_NODE_FCT draw_node,
- DRAW_BIN_NODE_FCT draw_leaf,
- DRAW_BIN_EDGE_FCT draw_edge,
- bin_tree_node* r,
- double x1, double x2, double y,
- double ydist, double last_x)
- {
- // draw subtree rooted at r
- double x = (x1+x2)/2;
- if (r==nil) return;
- if (last_x != 0) draw_edge(last_x,y+ydist,x,y);
- if (r->is_node())
- { draw_node(x,y,r->k,r->get_bal());
- draw(draw_node,draw_leaf,draw_edge, r->child[0],x1,x,y-ydist,ydist,x);
- draw(draw_node,draw_leaf,draw_edge, r->child[1],x,x2,y-ydist,ydist,x);
- }
- else
- draw_leaf(x,y,r->k,r->get_bal());
- }