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Package: leda.tar.gz [view]
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Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms
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- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _seg_tree.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // full dynamic Segment Trees
- //
- // Michael Wenzel (1990)
- //
- // Implementation as described in
- // Kurt Mehlhorn: Data Structures and Algorithms 3
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include <LEDA/impl/seg_tree.h>
- enum left_or_right {left = 0, right = 1};
- #undef TEST
- #undef DUMP
- #ifdef TEST
- #define DPRINT(x) cout << x
- #else
- #define DPRINT(x)
- #endif
- #ifdef DUMP
- #define DDUMP(x) cout << x
- #else
- #define DDUMP(x)
- #endif
- ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, h_segment& h)
- { s << "(" << h._x0 << "," << h._x1 << ";" << h._y << ")";
- return s;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // member functions
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- int seg_node_tree::cmp(GenPtr x,GenPtr y) const
- { return father->seg_cmp((h_segment_p)x,(h_segment_p)y); }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------
- // query
- // returns a List of all items it with y0 <= y(it) <= y1
- list<seg_tree_item> seg_node_tree::query(GenPtr y0, GenPtr y1)
- {
- DPRINT(" query in nodelistn");
- list<seg_tree_item> L;
- h_segment_p r = father->new_y_h_segment(y0);
- seg_tree_item it = locate(r);
- if (it)
- { while ( it!=min() && father->cmp_dim2(key(it)->_y,y0)==0) it = pred(it);
- while ( it && father->cmp_dim2(key(it)->_y,y1)<=0)
- { L.append(it);
- it = succ(it);
- }
- }
- delete r;
- return L;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // all_items
- // returns all items in the nodelist
- list<seg_tree_item> seg_node_tree::all_items()
- {
- list<seg_tree_item> L;
- seg_tree_item z;
- forall_seg_tree_items(z,*this)
- L.append(z);
- return L;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- Segment_Tree::Segment_Tree() : r(this) {}
- Segment_Tree::~Segment_Tree() { clear(root); }
- int Segment_Tree::seg_cmp(h_segment_p p, h_segment_p q)
- { int a;
- if (a = cmp_dim2(p->y(), q->y())) return a;
- if (a = cmp_dim1(p->x0(),q->x0())) return a;
- return cmp_dim1(p->x1(), q->x1());
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------
- // empty
- // returns true, iff for all seg_tree_items it in nodelist(it):
- // key(it) is not a start- or endoordinate of key(it)
- int Segment_Tree::empty(bb1_item it)
- {
- DPRINT(" empty of "<<(int)key(it)<<"n");
- int erg=true;
- seg_tree_item i;
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*info(it))
- if ( (cmp(key(it),x0(i))==0) || (cmp(key(it),x1(i))==0) )
- erg = false;
- DPRINT("empty ergibt "<<erg<<"n");
- return erg;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------
- // lrot() , rrot() , ldrot() , rdrot()
- // Rotationen am Knoten p
- void Segment_Tree::lrot(bb1_item p, bb1_item q)
- {
- bb1_item h = p->sohn[right];
- DDUMP("lrot "<< (int)key(p)) ;
- if (q) DDUMP(" Vater " << (int)key(q));
- DDUMP("n");
- p->sohn[right] = h->sohn[left];
- h->sohn[left] = p;
- if (!q)
- root=h;
- else
- { if (cmp(key(h),key(q))>0)
- q->sohn[right]=h;
- else
- q->sohn[left]=h;
- }
- p->gr=p->sohn[left]->groesse()+p->sohn[right]->groesse();
- h->gr=p->groesse()+h->sohn[right]->groesse();
- // update nodelists
- seg_tree_item i;
- bb1_item re=p->sohn[right];
- bb1_item s=p->sohn[left];
- seg_node_list help = info(h);
- info(h) = info(p);
- info(p) = new seg_node_tree(this);
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*(info(re)))
- if ( ( (!re->blatt())
- ||((!start_coord(re,i))&&(!end_coord(re,i))) )
- && ( (!s->blatt())
- ||((!start_coord(s,i))&&(!end_coord(s,i))) )
- && (info(s)->member(r.key(i))) )
- info(p)->insert(r.key(i));
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*(info(p)))
- { info(re)->del(r.key(i));
- info(s)->del(r.key(i));
- }
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*help)
- { info(re)->insert(r.key(i));
- info(h->sohn[right])->insert(r.key(i));
- }
- delete help;
- }
- void Segment_Tree::rrot(bb1_item p, bb1_item q)
- {
- bb1_item h = p->sohn[left];
- DDUMP("rrot "<< (int)key(p)) ;
- if (q) DDUMP(" Vater " << (int)key(q));
- DDUMP("n");
- p->sohn[left] = h->sohn[right];
- h->sohn[right] = p;
- if (!q) root=h;
- else
- { if (cmp(key(h),key(q))>0)
- q->sohn[right] = h;
- else
- q->sohn[left] = h; }
- p->gr=p->sohn[left]->groesse()+p->sohn[right]->groesse();
- h->gr=p->groesse()+h->sohn[left]->groesse();
- // update nodelists
- seg_tree_item i;
- bb1_item re=p->sohn[right];
- bb1_item s=p->sohn[left];
- seg_node_list help = info(h);
- info(h) = info(p);
- info(p) = new seg_node_tree(this);
- /* forall_seg_tree_items(i,*(info(s)))
- if (info(re)->member(r.key(i)))
- info(p)->insert(r.key(i)); */
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*(info(s)))
- if ( ( (!s->blatt())
- ||((!start_coord(s,i))&&(!end_coord(s,i))) )
- && ( (!re->blatt())
- ||((!start_coord(re,i))&&(!end_coord(re,i))) )
- && (info(re)->member(r.key(i))) )
- info(p)->insert(r.key(i));
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*(info(p)))
- { info(re)->del(r.key(i));
- info(s)->del(r.key(i));
- }
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*help)
- { info(s)->insert(r.key(i));
- info(h->sohn[left])->insert(r.key(i));
- }
- delete help;
- }
- void Segment_Tree::ldrot(bb1_item p, bb1_item q)
- {
- bb1_item h = p->sohn[right];
- bb1_item g = h->sohn[left];
- DDUMP("ldrot "<< (int)key(p)) ;
- if (q) DDUMP(" Vater " << (int)key(q));
- DDUMP("n");
- rrot(h,p);
- lrot(p,q);
- /*
- p->sohn[right] = g->sohn[left];
- h->sohn[left] = g->sohn[right];
- g->sohn[left] = p;
- g->sohn[right] = h;
- if (!q) root=g;
- else
- { if (cmp(key(h),key(q))>0)
- q->sohn[right] =g ;
- else
- q->sohn[left] = g ; }
- p->gr=p->sohn[left]->groesse()+p->sohn[right]->groesse();
- h->gr=h->sohn[left]->groesse()+h->sohn[right]->groesse();
- g->gr=p->groesse()+h->groesse();
- // update nodelists
- seg_tree_item i;
- seg_node_list help = info(g);
- info(g) = info(p);
- info(p) = new seg_node_tree(this);
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*help)
- info(p->sohn[right])->insert(r.key(i));
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*(info(p->sohn[left])))
- if (info(p->sohn[right])->member(r.key(i)))
- info(p)->insert(r.key(i));
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*(info(p)))
- { info(p->sohn[left])->del(r.key(i));
- info(p->sohn[right])->del(r.key(i));
- }
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*(info(h)))
- info(p->sohn[right])->insert(r.key(i));
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*(info(h->sohn[left])))
- if (info(h->sohn[right])->member(r.key(i)))
- info(h)->insert(r.key(i));
- seg_node_list help1 = info(h->sohn[right]);
- info(h->sohn[right]) = new seg_node_tree(this);
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*help1)
- { if (!((info(h->sohn[left]))->member(r.key(i))))
- info(h->sohn[right])->insert(r.key(i));
- else
- info(h->sohn[left])->del(r.key(i));
- }
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*help)
- info(h->sohn[left])->insert(r.key(i));
- delete help;
- delete help1;
- */
- }
- void Segment_Tree::rdrot(bb1_item p, bb1_item q)
- {
- bb1_item h = p->sohn[left];
- bb1_item g = h->sohn[right];
- DDUMP("rdrot "<< (int)key(p)) ;
- if (q) DDUMP(" Vater " << (int)key(q));
- DDUMP("n");
- lrot(h,p);
- rrot(p,q);
- /* p->sohn[left] = g->sohn[right];
- h->sohn[right] = g->sohn[left];
- g->sohn[right] = p;
- g->sohn[left] = h;
- if (!q) root=g;
- else
- { if (cmp(key(h),key(q))>0)
- q->sohn[right] =g ;
- else
- q->sohn[left] = g ; }
- p->gr=p->sohn[left]->groesse()+p->sohn[right]->groesse();
- h->gr=h->sohn[left]->groesse()+h->sohn[right]->groesse();
- g->gr=p->groesse()+h->groesse();
- // update nodelists
- seg_tree_item i;
- seg_node_list help = info(g);
- info(g) = info(p);
- info(p) = new seg_node_tree(this);
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*help)
- info(p->sohn[left])->insert(r.key(i));
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*(info(p->sohn[right])))
- if (info(p->sohn[left])->member(r.key(i)))
- info(p)->insert(r.key(i));
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*(info(p)))
- { info(p->sohn[left])->del(r.key(i));
- info(p->sohn[right])->del(r.key(i));
- }
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*(info(h)))
- info(p->sohn[left])->insert(r.key(i));
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*(info(h->sohn[right])))
- if (info(h->sohn[left])->member(r.key(i)))
- info(h)->insert(r.key(i));
- seg_node_list help1 = info(h->sohn[left]);
- info(h->sohn[left]) = new seg_node_tree(this);
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*help1)
- { if (!((info(h->sohn[right]))->member(r.key(i))))
- info(h->sohn[left])->insert(r.key(i));
- else
- info(h->sohn[right])->del(r.key(i));
- }
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*help)
- info(h->sohn[right])->insert(r.key(i));
- delete help;
- delete help1;
- */
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // insert
- // insert a segment into a Segment_tree:
- // - insert x-coordinates in main tree (bb-alpha)
- // and rotate (if necessary)
- // - insert segment on nodes
- // immediately below the paths to x-coordinates
- // - insert segment into the tree of all segments
- seg_tree_item Segment_Tree::insert(GenPtr x0, GenPtr x1, GenPtr y, GenPtr inf)
- {
- DPRINT(" insert segment " << (int)x0 << " " << (int)x1 << " " << (int)y << " in main tree n" );
- seg_tree_item inserted,j;
- if (!(cmp(x0,x1))) // empty segment
- return 0;
- copy_dim1(x0);
- copy_dim1(x1);
- copy_dim2(y);
- copy_info(inf);
- h_segment_p i = new h_segment(x0,x1,y,inf);
- if (inserted=r.lookup(i))
- { delete i;
- return inserted;
- }
- bb1_item t,father,p;
- bb1_item start,end;
- seg_node_list h;
- // insert start_coordinate
- if (!(start=bb1_tree::lookup(x0))) // new coordinate
- { h=new seg_node_tree(this);
- start = sinsert(x0,h);
- t=start;
- if (!st.empty())
- { father = st.pop(); // pop father of leaf and set nodelist
- h=new seg_node_tree(this);
- info(father) = h;
- p = succ(t);
- if (p)
- { list<seg_tree_item> L;
- L=info(p)->all_items();
- forall(j,L)
- { DDUMP("Item "<<*(r.key(j))<<" in Knoten "<<(int)key(p)<<"n");
- if (end_coord(p,j))
- info(t)->insert(r.key(j));
- else if (!start_coord(p,j))
- { info(father)->insert(r.key(j));
- info(p)->del(r.key(j));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // rebalancieren
- while (!st.empty())
- { t=st.pop();
- father = st.empty() ? 0 :;
- t->gr++;
- float i = t->bal();
- DDUMP("rebal cur=" << (int)key(t) << " groesse= " << t->groesse() << " bal= " << i << " in main treen");
- if (i < alpha)
- if (t->sohn[right]->bal()<=d) lrot(t,father);
- else ldrot(t,father);
- else if (i>1-alpha)
- if (t->sohn[left]->bal() > d ) rrot(t,father);
- else rdrot(t,father);
- }
- } // start coordinate inserted
- // insert end_coordinate
- if (!(end=bb1_tree::lookup(x1))) // new coordinate
- { h=new seg_node_tree(this);
- end = sinsert(x1,h);
- t=end;
- if (!st.empty())
- { father = st.pop(); // pop father of leaf and set nodelist
- h=new seg_node_tree(this);
- info(father) = h;
- p = succ(t);
- if (p)
- { list<seg_tree_item> L;
- L=info(p)->all_items();
- forall(j,L)
- if (end_coord(p,j))
- info(t)->insert(r.key(j));
- else if (!start_coord(p,j))
- { info(father)->insert(r.key(j));
- info(p)->del(r.key(j));
- }
- }
- }
- // rebalancieren
- while (!st.empty())
- { t=st.pop();
- father = st.empty() ? 0 :;
- t->gr++;
- float i = t->bal();
- DDUMP("rebal cur=" << (int)key(t) << " groesse= " << t->groesse() << " bal= " << i << " in main treen");
- if (i < alpha)
- if (t->sohn[right]->bal()<=d) lrot(t,father);
- else ldrot(t,father);
- else if (i>1-alpha)
- if (t->sohn[left]->bal() > d ) rrot(t,father);
- else rdrot(t,father);
- }
- } // end coordinate inserted
- // insert segment into nodelists of leaves of coordinates
- info(start)->insert(i);
- info(end)->insert(i);
- p=t=root;
- GenPtr x2,x3;
- // same path
- while (p==t) // start and end coordinate assigned to different leaves
- { x2=key(p);
- DDUMP(" same path " << (int)x0 << " " << (int)x1 << " " << (int)x2 << "n");
- if ( cmp(x0,x2)<=0 ) p=p->sohn[left];
- else p=p->sohn[right];
- if ( cmp(x1,x2)<=0 ) t=t->sohn[left];
- else t=t->sohn[right];
- }
- // now paths to lower and upper part
- while (!p->blatt()) // follow lower path
- {
- x2=key(p);
- DDUMP(" lower path " << (int)x0 << " " << (int)x2 << "n");
- if ( cmp(x0,x2)>0 )
- p=p->sohn[right];
- else
- { info(p->sohn[right])->insert(i); // insertion into nodelist
- p=p->sohn[left];
- }
- }
- while (!t->blatt()) // follow upper path
- {
- x3=key(t);
- DDUMP(" upper path " << (int)x1 << " " << (int)x3 << "n");
- if ( cmp(x1,x3)<=0 )
- t=t->sohn[left];
- else
- { info(t->sohn[left])->insert(i); // insertion into nodelist
- t=t->sohn[right];
- }
- }
- #ifdef DUMP
- print_tree();
- #endif
- return (r.insert(i));
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // delete
- // delete a segment in a Segment_tree:
- // - delete segment out of the tree of all segments
- // - delete segment on nodes
- // immediately below the paths to x-coordinates
- // - delete x-coordinates in main tree (bb-alpha)
- // and rotate (if necessary)
- void Segment_Tree::del(GenPtr x0, GenPtr x1, GenPtr y)
- {
- DPRINT(" delete segment " << (int)x0 << " " << (int)x1 << " " << (int)y << " in main treen");
- if (!(cmp(x0,x1))) // empty segment
- return ;
- bb1_item p,q,s,t,father;
- seg_tree_item z;
- seg_node_list help;
- h_segment_p deleted;
- h_segment_p i = new h_segment(x0,x1,y);
- if (!(t=r.lookup(i))) // segment not in tree
- { delete i;
- DDUMP("delete: segment not in treen");
- return;
- }
- deleted = r.key(t);
- r.del(i); // delete in tree of all segments
- s=t=root;
- GenPtr x2,x3;
- // delete segment in nodelists
- while ((s==t)&&(!s->blatt())) // same path
- { x2=key(s);
- x3=key(t);
- DDUMP(" same path " << (int)x2 << " groesse " << s->groesse() << "n");
- if ( cmp(x0,x2)<=0 ) s=s->sohn[left];
- else s=s->sohn[right];
- if ( cmp(x1,x3)<=0 ) t=t->sohn[left];
- else t=t->sohn[right];
- }
- // now paths to lower and upper part
- while (!s->blatt()) // follow lower path
- {
- x2=key(s);
- DDUMP(" lower path " << (int)x2 << " groesse " << s->groesse() << "n");
- if ( cmp(x0,x2)>0 )
- s=s->sohn[right];
- else
- { info(s->sohn[right])->del(i); // delete out of nodelist
- s=s->sohn[left];
- }
- }
- info(s)->del(i);
- while (!t->blatt()) // follow upper path
- {
- x3=key(t);
- DDUMP(" upper path " << (int)x3 << " groesse " << t->groesse() << "n");
- if ( cmp(x1,x3)<=0 )
- t=t->sohn[left];
- else
- { info(t->sohn[left])->del(i); // delete out of nodelist
- t=t->sohn[right];
- }
- }
- info(t)->del(i);
- // delete in main tree if necessary
- if(empty(s)) // delete item of start coordinate
- {
- sdel(x0);
- if (!st.empty()) // father exists
- { q = st.pop(); // pop father of leaf and set nodelist
- if (!st.empty())
- { p =;
- if (cmp(key(q),key(p))<=0) // left son deleted
- p = p->sohn[left];
- else // right son deleted
- p = p->sohn[right];
- }
- else // root deleted
- p = root;
- // set nodelist
- help = info(p);
- info(p) = info(q);
- if (p->blatt())
- forall_seg_tree_items(z,*help)
- if ((start_coord(p,z))||(end_coord(p,z)))
- info(p)->insert(r.key(z));
- delete help;
- delete q;
- }
- delete info(s);
- delete s;
- // rebalancieren
- while (!st.empty())
- { p=st.pop();
- father = st.empty() ? 0 :;
- p->gr--;
- float i = p->bal();
- DDUMP("rebal cur=" << (int)key(p) << " groesse= " << p->groesse() << " bal= " << i << " in main tree n");
- if (i < alpha)
- if (p->sohn[right]->bal()<=d) lrot(p,father);
- else ldrot(p,father);
- else if (i>1-alpha)
- if (p->sohn[left]->bal() > d ) rrot(p,father);
- else rdrot(p,father);
- }
- }
- if(empty(t)) // delete item of end coordinate
- {
- sdel(x1);
- if (!st.empty()) // father exists
- { q = st.pop(); // pop father of leaf and set nodelist
- if (!st.empty())
- { p =;
- if (cmp(key(q),key(p))<=0) // left son deleted
- p = p->sohn[left];
- else // right son deleted
- p = p->sohn[right];
- }
- else // root deleted
- p = root;
- // set nodelist
- help = info(p);
- info(p) = info(q);
- if (p->blatt())
- forall_seg_tree_items(z,*help)
- if ((start_coord(p,z))||(end_coord(p,z)))
- info(p)->insert(r.key(z));
- delete help;
- delete q;
- }
- delete info(t);
- delete t;
- // rebalancieren
- while (!st.empty())
- { p=st.pop();
- father = st.empty() ? 0 :;
- p->gr--;
- float i = p->bal();
- DDUMP("rebal cur=" << (int)key(p) << " groesse= " << p->groesse() << " bal= " << i << " in main tree n");
- if (i < alpha)
- if (p->sohn[right]->bal()<=d) lrot(p,father);
- else ldrot(p,father);
- else if (i>1-alpha)
- if (p->sohn[left]->bal() > d ) rrot(p,father);
- else rdrot(p,father);
- }
- }
- #ifdef DUMP
- print_tree();
- #endif
- clear_dim1(x0);
- clear_dim1(x1);
- clear_dim2(y);
- clear_info(inf(deleted));
- delete i;
- delete deleted;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // query
- // returns all items it in the Segment_tree with
- // x0(it) <= x <= x1(it) and y0 <= y(it) <= y1
- //
- // by:
- // - look for x in the main tree
- //
- // - for all nodes on the path perform a query(y0,y1) on nodelists
- list<seg_tree_item> Segment_Tree::query(GenPtr x, GenPtr y0, GenPtr y1)
- {
- DPRINT("query in main tree " << (int)x << " " << (int)y0 << " " << (int)y1 << "n");
- bb1_item it;
- seg_tree_item z;
- list<seg_tree_item> L,l;
- search(x);
- if (st.empty()) return L;
- if (cmp(x,key( // x-coordinate in tree
- while (!st.empty())
- { it = st.pop();
- l = info(it)->query(y0,y1);
- L.conc(l);
- }
- else // x-coordinate not in tree
- {
- if ((cmp(x,key(bb1_tree::min()))<0) || (cmp(x,key(bb1_tree::max()))>0))
- return L;
- list<seg_tree_item> L1;
- while (!st.empty())
- { it = st.pop();
- L1 = info(it)->query(y0,y1);
- forall(z,L1)
- if ((cmp(x,x0(z))>=0) && (cmp(x,x1(z))<=0))
- L.append(z);
- L1.clear();
- }
- }
- return L;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // x_infinity_query
- // returns a List of all items it with y0 <= y0(it) <= y1
- list<seg_tree_item> Segment_Tree::x_infinity_query(GenPtr y0, GenPtr y1)
- {
- return r.query(y0,y1);
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // y_infinity_query
- // returns a List of all items it with x0(it) <= x <= x1(it)
- list<seg_tree_item> Segment_Tree::y_infinity_query(GenPtr x)
- {
- bb1_item it;
- seg_tree_item z;
- list<seg_tree_item> L;
- search(x);
- if (st.empty()) return L;
- if (cmp(x,key( // x-coordinate in tree
- while (!st.empty())
- { it = st.pop();
- forall_seg_tree_items(z,*(info(it)))
- L.append(z);
- }
- else // x-coordinate not in tree
- {
- if ((cmp(x,key(bb1_tree::min()))<0) || (cmp(x,key(bb1_tree::max()))>0))
- return L;
- list<seg_tree_item> L1;
- while (!st.empty())
- { it = st.pop();
- forall_seg_tree_items(z,*(info(it)))
- if ((cmp(x,x0(z))>=0) && (cmp(x,x1(z))<=0))
- L.append(z);
- }
- }
- return L;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // all_items
- // returns all items in the tree
- list<seg_tree_item> Segment_Tree::all_items()
- {
- return r.all_items();
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // lookup
- // returns a seg_tree_item it with key(it) = (x0,x1,y) if there is one
- seg_tree_item Segment_Tree::lookup(GenPtr x0, GenPtr x1, GenPtr y)
- {
- DPRINT(" lookup in main tree " << (int)x0 << " " << (int)x1 << " " << (int)y << "n");
- h_segment_p z = new h_segment(x0,x1,y);
- seg_tree_item i = r.lookup(z);
- delete z;
- return i;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // clear_tree
- // delete all Items and Tree of Items
- void Segment_Tree::clear_tree()
- {
- if (!root) return;
- clear(root);
- seg_tree_item z;
- h_segment_p q;
- forall_seg_tree_items(z,r)
- {
- q=r.key(z);
- clear_dim1(x0(q));
- clear_dim1(x1(q));
- clear_dim2(y(q));
- clear_info(inf(q));
- delete q;
- }
- r.clear();
- first = iterator = 0;
- anzahl = 0;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // clear
- // delete nodelists and nodes
- void Segment_Tree::clear(bb1_item& it)
- {
- if (it == 0) return;
- if(!it->blatt())
- { clear(it->sohn[left]);
- clear(it->sohn[right]);
- }
- delete info(it);
- delete it;
- it = 0;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // prints the tree with nodelists
- void Segment_Tree::print(bb1_item it,string s)
- {
- if (!it) return;
- seg_tree_item i;
- if (!it->blatt())
- print(it->sohn[left],s + string(" "));
- cout<< s << key(it) << "n";
- cout<< s ;
- forall_seg_tree_items(i,*info(it))
- cout << "[" << r.key(i) << "]:" << *(r.key(i)) << " ";
- newline;
- if (!it->blatt())
- print(it->sohn[right],s + string(" "));
- }