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Package: leda.tar.gz [view]
Upload User: gzelex
Upload Date: 2007-01-07
Package Size: 707k
Code Size: 4k
Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms
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- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _triang.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- /******************************************************************************
- * *
- * TRIANGULATE_PLANAR_MAP (triangulation) *
- * *
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <LEDA/graph_alg.h>
- #define NEXT_FACE_EDGE(e) G.cyclic_adj_pred(REV[e])
- list<edge> TRIANGULATE_PLANAR_MAP(graph& G)
- {
- /* G is a planar map. This procedure triangulates all faces of G
- without introducing multiple edges. The algorithm was suggested by
- Christian Uhrig and Torben Hagerup.
- Description:
- Triangulating a planar graph G, i.e., adding edges
- to G to obtain a chordal planar graph, in linear time:
- 1) Compute a (combinatorial) embedding of G.
- 2) Step through the vertices of G. For each vertex u,
- triangulate those faces incident on u that have not
- already been triangulated. For each vertex u, this
- consists of the following:
- a) Mark the neighbours of u. During the processing
- of u, a vertex will be marked exactly if it is a
- neighbour of u.
- b) Process in any order those faces incident on u
- that have not already been triangulated. For each such
- face with boundary vertices u=x_1,...,x_n,
- I) If n=3, do nothing; otherwise
- II) If x_3 is not marked, add an edge {x_1,x_3},
- mark x_3 and continue triangulating the face
- with boundary vertices x_1,x_3,x_4,...,x_n.
- III) If x_3 is marked, add an edge {x_2,x_4} and
- continue triangulating the face with boundary
- vertices x_1,x_2,x_4,x_5,...,x_n.
- c) Unmark the neighbours of x_1.
- Proof of correctness:
- A) All faces are triangulated.
- This is rather obvious.
- B) There will be no multiple edges.
- During the processing of a vertex u, the marks on
- neighbours of u clearly prevent us from adding a multiple
- edge with endpoint u. After the processing of u, such an
- edge is not added because all faces incident on u have
- been triangulated. This takes care of edges added in
- step II).
- Whenever an edge {x_2,x_4} is added in step III), the
- presence of an edge {x_1,x_3} implies, by a topological
- argument, that x_2 and x_4 are incident on exactly one
- common face, namely the face currently being processed.
- Hence we never add another edge {x_2,x_4}.
- */
- node v;
- edge x;
- list<edge> L;
- node_array<int> marked(G,0);
- edge_array<edge> REV(G, 3*G.number_of_edges(), nil);
- if ( !compute_correspondence(G,REV))
- error_handler(1,"TRIANGULATE_PLANAR_MAP: graph is not symmetric");
- forall_nodes(v,G)
- {
- list<edge> El = G.adj_edges(v);
- edge e,e1,e2,e3;
- forall(e1,El) marked[target(e1)]=1;
- forall(e,El)
- {
- e1 = e;
- e2 = NEXT_FACE_EDGE(e1);
- e3 = NEXT_FACE_EDGE(e2);
- while (target(e3) != v)
- // e1,e2 and e3 are the first three edges in a clockwise
- // traversal of a face incident to v and t(e3) is not equal
- // to v.
- if ( !marked[target(e2)] )
- { // we mark w and add the edge {v,w} inside F, i.e., after
- // dart e1 at v and after dart e3 at w.
- marked[target(e2)] = 1;
- L.append(x = G.new_edge(e3,source(e1)));
- L.append(e1 = G.new_edge(e1,source(e3)));
- REV[x] = e1;
- REV[e1] = x;
- e2 = e3;
- e3 = NEXT_FACE_EDGE(e2);
- }
- else
- { // we add the edge {source(e2),target(e3)} inside F, i.e.,
- // after dart e2 at source(e2) and before dart
- // reversal_of[e3] at target(e3).
- e3 = NEXT_FACE_EDGE(e3);
- L.append(x = G.new_edge(e3,source(e2)));
- L.append(e2 = G.new_edge(e2,source(e3)));
- REV[x] = e2;
- REV[e2] = x;
- }
- //end of while
- } //end of stepping through incident faces
- node w; forall_adj_nodes(w,v) marked[w] = 0;
- } // end of stepping through nodes
- return L;
- }