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Package: leda.tar.gz [view]
Upload User: gzelex
Upload Date: 2007-01-07
Package Size: 707k
Code Size: 14k
Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms
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- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _eb_tree.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <LEDA/impl/eb_tree.h>
- // Stefan Naeher ( 1989 )
- // Michael Wenzel ( 1990 )
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Konstruktor & Destruktor
- //
- l_stratified::l_stratified(stratified_ptr b, int x)
- {
- int t = b->min2();
- if ( x == b->min() )
- {
- ma = t;
- mi = b->max();
- }
- if ( x == t )
- {
- ma = b->min();
- mi = b->max();
- }
- if ( x == b->max() )
- {
- ma = b->min();
- mi = t;
- }
- }
- stratified::stratified(int i)
- {
- mi = ma = -1;
- sz = 0;
- k = i;
- top = 0;
- bot = 0;
- }
- stratified::stratified(l_stratified_ptr l, int i)
- {
- mi = l->min();
- ma = l->max();
- sz = 2;
- k = i;
- top = 0;
- bot = 0;
- }
- stratified::~stratified()
- {
- // deallocate memory of sub-structures
- if ((k>1) && (sz>2))
- { // delete stratified trees of bot
- bot->clear(k);
- if ( k <= 8 )
- delete bot->l;
- else
- delete bot->d;
- delete bot;
- if ( top->size() <= 2 )
- delete top;
- else
- delete (stratified_ptr)top;
- top = 0;
- bot = 0;
- }
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // min2
- //
- // liefert 2. kleinstes Element, falls sz > 2
- //
- // -1 , sonst
- //
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- int stratified::min2()
- {
- if ( sz < 3 )
- return -1;
- int z = top->min();
- l_stratified_ptr l_bot_ptr = l_stratified_ptr(bot->lookup(z,k));
- return (mal_pot_2(z,down(k))) | (l_bot_ptr->min());
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // max2
- //
- // liefert 2. groesstes Element, falls sz > 2
- //
- // -1 , sonst
- //
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- int stratified::max2()
- {
- if ( sz < 3 )
- return -1;
- int z = top->max();
- l_stratified_ptr l_bot_ptr = l_stratified_ptr(bot->lookup(z,k));
- return (mal_pot_2(z,down(k))) | (l_bot_ptr->max());
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // succ
- //
- // liefert Nachfolger von x im Baum auf dieser Rekursionsstufe
- // falls existiert
- // -1 , sonst
- //
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- int stratified::succ(int x)
- {
- if ( x >= ma ) return -1;
- if ( x < mi ) return mi;
- if ( sz == 2 ) return ma; // mi < x < ma
- // sz >= 2 && k>1
- int x1 = high_bits(x);
- int x2 = low_bits(x);
- GenPtr p = bot->lookup(x1,k);
- l_stratified_ptr l_bot_ptr = l_stratified_ptr(p);
- if ( (l_bot_ptr) && (l_bot_ptr->max()>x2) )
- {
- if ( l_bot_ptr->size() <= 2 ) // l_stratified Struktur
- return ( mal_pot_2(x1,down(k))) | ( l_bot_ptr->succ(x2) ) ;
- else
- {
- stratified_ptr bot_ptr = stratified_ptr(p) ;
- return (mal_pot_2(x1,down(k))) | (bot_ptr->succ(x2)) ;
- }
- }
- else // succ nicht in bot-Unterstruktur
- {
- int z;
- if ( top->size() <= 2 )
- z = top->succ(x1);
- else
- z = ((stratified_ptr)top)->succ(x1);
- if ( z == -1 )
- return ma; // x unmittelbar vor Maximum
- l_stratified_ptr l_bot_ptr = l_stratified_ptr(bot->lookup(z,k));
- return (mal_pot_2(z,down(k))) | (l_bot_ptr->min()) ;
- }
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // pred
- //
- // liefert Vorgaenger von x im Baum auf dieser Rekursionsstufe
- // falls existiert
- // -1 , sonst
- //
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- int stratified::pred(int x)
- {
- if ( x > ma ) return ma;
- if ( x <= mi ) return -1;
- if ( sz == 2 ) return mi; // mi < x < ma
- // sz > 2 && k > 1
- int x1 = high_bits(x);
- int x2 = low_bits(x);
- GenPtr p = bot->lookup(x1,k);
- l_stratified_ptr l_bot_ptr = l_stratified_ptr(p);
- if ( (l_bot_ptr) && (l_bot_ptr->min()<x2) )
- {
- if ( l_bot_ptr->size() <= 2 ) // l_stratified Struktur
- return ( mal_pot_2(x1,down(k))) | ( l_bot_ptr->pred(x2) ) ;
- else
- {
- stratified_ptr bot_ptr = stratified_ptr(p) ;
- return (mal_pot_2(x1,down(k))) | (bot_ptr->pred(x2)) ;
- }
- }
- else // pred nicht in top-Unterstruktur
- {
- int z;
- if ( top->size() <= 2 )
- z = top->pred(x1);
- else
- z = ((stratified_ptr)top)->pred(x1);
- if ( z == -1 )
- return mi; // x unmittelbar vor Maximum
- l_stratified_ptr l_bot_ptr = l_stratified_ptr(bot->lookup(z,k));
- return (mal_pot_2(z,down(k))) | (l_bot_ptr->max() ) ;
- }
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // member
- //
- // liefert 1, falls Element in der Struktur
- //
- // 0, sonst
- //
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- int stratified::member(int x)
- {
- if (( x == ma )||( x == mi ))
- return 1;
- if (( x < mi )||( x > ma ))
- return 0;
- if ( sz == 2 )
- return 0;
- // sz > 2 && k > 1
- int x1 = high_bits(x);
- int x2 = low_bits(x);
- GenPtr p = bot->lookup(x1,k);
- l_stratified_ptr l_bot_ptr = l_stratified_ptr(p);
- if (l_bot_ptr)
- if ( l_bot_ptr->size() <= 2 ) // l_stratified Struktur
- return l_bot_ptr->member(x2);
- else
- {
- stratified_ptr bot_ptr = stratified_ptr(p);
- return bot_ptr->member(x2);
- }
- else
- return 0;
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // insert
- //
- // fuegt ein Element x rekursiv in den Baum ein
- //
- // liefert 1, falls es eingefuegt wurde
- //
- // 0, falls es schon Element dewr Struktur war
- //
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- int stratified::insert(int x)
- {
- int inserted = 0;
- if ( ( x == mi ) || ( x == ma ) ) // Element in Structure
- return 0;
- switch (sz)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- mi = ma = x;
- inserted = 1;
- break;
- }
- case 1:
- { // incremental construction iff sz > 2
- if ( x > mi )
- ma = x;
- else
- mi = x;
- inserted = 1;
- break;
- }
- default: { // => k>1
- if ( x > ma )
- {
- int t = ma;
- ma = x;
- x = t;
- }
- if ( x < mi )
- {
- int t = mi;
- mi = x;
- x = t;
- }
- int x1 = high_bits(x);
- int x2 = low_bits(x);
- // for incremental construction
- if ( top == 0 ) // allocate new structures
- {
- top = new l_stratified();
- bot = new b_dict(k);
- }
- GenPtr& p = bot->lookup(x1,k);
- l_stratified_ptr l_bot_ptr = l_stratified_ptr(p);
- if ( l_bot_ptr )
- {
- if ( l_bot_ptr->size() == 1 )
- inserted = l_bot_ptr->insert(x2);
- else
- {
- stratified_ptr bot_ptr;
- if ( l_bot_ptr->size() == 2 )
- {
- if ( !l_bot_ptr->member(x2) )
- {
- bot_ptr = new stratified(l_bot_ptr,down(k));
- inserted = bot_ptr->insert(x2);
- p = (GenPtr)bot_ptr;
- delete l_bot_ptr;
- }
- }
- else // l_bot_ptr was a bot_ptr
- {
- bot_ptr = stratified_ptr(p) ;
- inserted = bot_ptr->insert(x2);
- }
- }
- }
- else // no top entry
- {
- l_bot_ptr = new l_stratified(x2);
- if ( top->size() <= 1 )
- top->insert(x1);
- else
- {
- stratified_ptr ntop;
- if ( top->size() == 2 )
- {
- ntop = new stratified(top,up(k));
- delete top;
- top = (l_stratified_ptr)ntop;
- }
- else
- ntop = (stratified_ptr)top;
- ntop->insert(x1);
- }
- GenPtr help = GenPtr(l_bot_ptr);
- bot->insert(x1,help,k);
- inserted = 1;
- }
- break;
- } // default case
- } // switch
- if ( inserted )
- sz++;
- return inserted;
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // del
- //
- // streicht ein Element x rekursiv aus dem Baum
- //
- // liefert 1, falls es gestrichen wurde
- //
- // 0, falls es nicht Element der Struktur war
- //
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- int stratified::del(int x)
- {
- int deleted = 0;
- switch (sz)
- {
- case 0 : break;
- case 1 :
- {
- if ( x == mi )
- {
- mi = ma = -1;
- deleted = 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 2 :
- {
- if ( x == mi )
- {
- mi = ma;
- deleted = 1;
- }
- if ( x == ma )
- {
- ma = mi;
- deleted = 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 3 :
- /* delete incremental construction */
- {
- int t = min2(); /* third element */
- if ( x == mi ) /* new minimum */
- {
- mi = t;
- deleted = 1;
- }
- if ( x == ma ) /* new maximum */
- {
- ma = t;
- deleted = 1;
- }
- if ( x == t )
- deleted = 1;
- if ( deleted )
- /* delete stratified trees of bot */
- {
- bot->clear(k);
- if ( k <= 8 )
- delete bot->l;
- else
- delete bot->d;
- delete bot;
- bot = 0;
- delete top;
- top = 0;
- } /* incremental construction deleted */
- break;
- }
- default :
- {
- l_stratified_ptr l_bot_ptr;
- stratified_ptr bot_ptr;
- if ( x == ma ) /* delete maximum */
- {
- int z = max2();
- ma = z;
- x = z;
- }
- if ( x == mi ) /* delete minimum */
- {
- int z = min2();
- mi = z;
- x = z;
- }
- int x1 = high_bits(x);
- int x2 = low_bits(x);
- GenPtr& p = bot->lookup(x1,k);
- if (!p)
- return 0; /* element not in structure */
- l_bot_ptr = l_stratified_ptr(p) ;
- if ( l_bot_ptr->size() <= 2 )
- {
- deleted = l_bot_ptr->del(x2);
- if ( l_bot_ptr->size() == 0 ) /* delete structure */
- {
- delete l_bot_ptr;
- if ( top->size() <= 2 )
- top->del(x1);
- else
- {
- stratified_ptr ntop = (stratified_ptr)top;
- if ( ntop->sz == 3 )
- {
- top = new l_stratified(ntop,x1);
- delete ntop;
- }
- else
- ntop->del(x1);
- }
- bot->del(x1,k);
- }
- }
- else /* stratified structure */
- {
- bot_ptr = stratified_ptr(p) ;
- if ( bot_ptr->sz == 3 ) /* change into l_stratified */
- {
- if ( bot_ptr->member(x2) )
- {
- l_bot_ptr = new l_stratified(bot_ptr,x2);
- deleted = 1;
- p = (GenPtr)l_bot_ptr;
- delete bot_ptr;
- }
- }
- else /* size >= 4 */
- deleted = bot_ptr->del(x2);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( deleted )
- sz--;
- return deleted;
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- //
- //
- // druckt alle Elemente des Baumes aus
- //
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- void stratified::print()
- {
- int i = -1;
- while ((i=succ(i))>=0)
- cout << i << " ";
- }
- // -------------------------------------------------------
- // clear
- //
- // loescht alle Elemente, zerstoert Unterbaeume und
- // setzt Dictionary auf Leerzustand
- //
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- b_dict::b_dict(int k)
- { if ( k <= 8 )
- { l = new GenPtr[pot_2(up(k))];
- for (int i = 0; i < pot_2(up(k)); i++) l[i] = 0;
- }
- else
- d = new dp_hash;
- }
- void b_dict::clear(int k)
- {
- if ( k <= 8 )
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < pot_2(up(k)); i++)
- {
- l_stratified_ptr l_bot_ptr=l_stratified_ptr(l[i]);
- if (l_bot_ptr)
- if (l_bot_ptr->size()<=2)
- delete l_bot_ptr;
- else
- {
- stratified_ptr bot_ptr=stratified_ptr(l[i]);
- delete bot_ptr;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- // b_dict was a hashing structure
- stp s = new subtable[d->n];
- stp pos = s;
- int i=0;
- while (i<d->sM) // Headertables loeschen
- {
- if (d->htablep[i])
- {
- d->htablep[i]->give_elements(pos,d->anf,d->ende);
- delete d->htablep[i];
- }
- i++;
- }
- for (i=0 ; i<d->n ; i++)
- {
- l_stratified_ptr l_bot_ptr=l_stratified_ptr(s[i].info());
- if (l_bot_ptr)
- if (l_bot_ptr->size()<=2)
- delete l_bot_ptr;
- else
- {
- stratified_ptr bot_ptr=stratified_ptr(s[i].info());
- delete bot_ptr;
- }
- }
- // free ((char*)d->htablep) ; // Speicher freigeben
- delete[] d->htablep;
- if (d->anf)
- delete d->anf;
- delete s;
- d->n = 0; // Leerinitialisierung
- d->M=4;
- d->sM=13;
- d->k= 1 + (rand_int() & maxprim);
- d->bed=-17;
- d->htablep= new htp[d->sM]; //calloc(d->sM,sizeof(htp));
- d->anf = d->wo = d->ende = 0;
- }