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Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms
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- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + _bigfloat.c
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- /* This file has been automatically generated from "bigfloat.w"
- by CTANGLE (Version 3.1 [km2c]) */
- #include <LEDA/bigfloat.h>
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <string.h>
- void binout(ostream & os, integer);
- void exact_decimal_output(ostream &, bigfloat, long = MAX_PREC);
- void decimal_output(ostream &, bigfloat);
- integer powl(const integer &, long);
- bigfloat dec_round(bigfloat, long);
- integer b_round(const integer &, long, rounding_modes = TO_NEAREST);
- void cut(integer &, long);
- long bcomp(integer, integer);
- long sigcomp(integer, integer);
- long test_for_one(integer, long, long);
- inline long get_bit(const integer &, long);
- inline void set_bit(long &, long);
- double compose_parts(long, long, long, long);
- double pow2(long);
- const double double_min = pow2(long(-1022));
- const double NaN_double = compose_parts(0, 2047, 0, 1);
- const double pInf_double = compose_parts(0, 2047, 0, 0);
- const double Infinity = pInf_double;
- const double nInf_double = -pInf_double;
- const double pZero_double = compose_parts(0, 0, 0, 0);
- const double nZero_double = compose_parts(1, 0, 0, 0);
- const integer integer_1 = integer(1);
- const integer integer_52 = (integer_1 << 52) - integer_1;
- const integer integer_32 = (integer_1 << 32) - integer_1;
- const integer integer_20 = (integer_1 << 20) - integer_1;
- rounding_modes round_mode = TO_NEAREST;
- long global_prec = 52;
- rounding_modes global_mode;
- bool buf_exact;
- long output = DEC_OUT;
- void binout(ostream & os, integer b)
- {
- char temp[bin_maxlen];
- long flag = 0, count = 0;
- if (b < 0)
- b *= -1;
- do {
- temp[count++] = (char) (b % 2).tolong() + '0';
- if (b <= 1)
- flag = 1;
- else
- b /= 2;
- } while (!flag);
- for (long i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- os << temp[i];
- }
- integer b_round(const integer & b, long digits, rounding_modes mode)
- {
- bigfloat bb(b, 0);
- bb.round(digits, mode);
- return bb.get_significant();
- }
- void cut(integer & b, long prec)
- {
- if (b.length() > prec)
- b = (b >> (b.length() - prec));
- }
- long sigcomp(integer s1, integer s2)
- {
- if ((s1 == 0) && (s2 == 0))
- return 0;
- if (sign(s1) != sign(s2)) {
- if (sign(s1) == 0)
- if (sign(s2) < 0)
- return 1;
- else
- return -1;
- if (sign(s2) == 0)
- if (sign(s1) > 0)
- return 1;
- else
- return -1;
- if (s1 > 0)
- return 1;
- else
- return -1;
- }
- return bcomp(s1, s2);
- }
- long bcomp(integer b1, integer b2)
- {
- if (b1.length() > b2.length())
- b2 = b2 << (b1.length() - b2.length());
- else if (b1.length() < b2.length())
- b1 = b1 << (b2.length() - b1.length());
- if (b1 > b2)
- return 1;
- if (b1 < b2)
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- long test_for_one(integer b, long start, long end)
- {
- long len = b.length();
- if (end > len)
- end = len;
- for (long i = start; i <= end; i++) {
- if (len != i) {
- if (abs((b >> (len - i)) & 1) == 1)
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- if (abs(b & 1) == 1)
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- long get_bit(const integer & b, long digit)
- {
- return abs(int (((b >> (b.length() - digit)) & 1).tolong()));
- }
- void set_bit(long &b, long digit)
- {
- if (digit < 32)
- b = b & (long) pow2(32 - digit);
- }
- void set_globprec(long p)
- {
- global_prec = p;
- }
- void set_round_mode(rounding_modes m)
- {
- round_mode = m;
- }
- bigfloat dec_round(bigfloat b, long prec)
- {
- /* calculate needed binary accuracy for operations div and mul */
- long flag = 0, b_prec = (long) ((prec + 2) / log10(2)) + 1;
- /* keep sign */
- if (sign(b) == -1) {
- flag = 1;
- b = fabs(b);
- }
- /* decimal shift of b */
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < prec; i++)
- b = mul(b, 10, b_prec);
- /* test whether we have to round up or not */
- bigfloat a = b.tointeger() + integer(1);
- if ((a - b) <= 0.5)
- b = bigfloat(a.tointeger(), b.get_exponent());
- else
- b = bigfloat(b.tointeger(), b.get_exponent());
- /* decimal shiftback */
- for (i = 0; i < prec; i++)
- b = div(b, 10, b_prec);
- /* sign correction */
- if (flag)
- b = (-b);
- return b;
- }
- /*
- void exact_decimal_output (ostream &os,bigfloat b,long prec)
- {
- if (sign(b)==-1)
- {
- os << "-";
- b=fabs(b);
- }
- long max_pr=(long)(b.get_precision()*log10(2));
- if ((prec>max_pr)||(prec==MAX_PREC))
- prec=max_pr;
- if (prec<max_pr)
- b=dec_round(b,prec);
- os << b.tointeger() << ".";
- b=sub(b,b.tointeger(),1,EXACT);
- for (prec;prec>0;prec--)
- {
- b=mul(b,10,1,EXACT);
- os << b.tointeger();
- b=sub(b,b.tointeger(),1,EXACT);
- }
- }
- */
- void decimal_output(ostream & os, bigfloat b)
- {
- if (!b.get_exponent().islong())
- error_handler(1, "decimal_output: not implemented for large exponents");
- if (sign(b) < 0) {
- b = -b;
- os << "-";
- }
- integer int_part = b.tointeger(TO_N_INF);
- os << int_part;
- bigfloat rest = sub(b, bigfloat(int_part), 32, EXACT);
- if (rest == 0)
- return;
- integer least_prec = abs(rest.get_exponent()) + integer(rest.get_precision());
- if (!least_prec.islong())
- error_handler(1, "decimal_output: not implemented for large precisions");
- os << ".";
- long mul_log = (long) ceil(log10(2) * least_prec.tolong());
- integer pow10 = powl(integer(10), mul_log);
- bigfloat multiplicator = pow10;
- bigfloat rest_sig = mul(rest, multiplicator, 32, EXACT);
- os << rest_sig.tointeger(TO_NEAREST);
- long dec_exp = (long) ceil(log10(2) * rest.get_exponent().tolong());
- if (dec_exp != 0)
- os << "E" << dec_exp;
- }
- integer powl(const integer & x, long n)
- {
- integer y = x, z = 1;
- long n_prefix = n;
- while (n_prefix > 0) {
- if (n_prefix % 2)
- z = z * y;
- n_prefix = n_prefix / 2;
- y = y * y;
- }
- return z;
- }
- double pow2(long exp)
- {
- return compose_parts(0, exp + 1023, 0, 0);
- }
- double compose_parts(long sign_1, long exp_11, long most_sig_20, long least_sig_32)
- {
- double a;
- long *p;
- p = (long *) &a;
- long highword = 0, lowword = 0;
- /* calculate highword */
- if (sign_1)
- highword = highword | 0x80000000;
- exp_11 = exp_11 << 20;
- highword = highword | exp_11;
- highword = highword | most_sig_20;
- /* calculate lowword */
- lowword = least_sig_32;
- /* put the word together */
- (*p) = highword;
- p++;
- (*p) = lowword;
- return a;
- }
- bigfloat outofchar(char *rep)
- {
- /* There are in principle two possible formats for the representation
- of a float: 1) +/-abc.def
- 2) +/-0.0100111e+/-11110
- */
- bigfloat temp;
- /* check whether first character is a sign */
- long sign = positive;
- if (rep[0] == '-') {
- sign = negative;
- rep++;
- }
- if (rep[0] == '+')
- rep++;
- /* the big branch into the two main cases */
- if (rep[0] == '0') {
- /* scan rep-string until point is passed */
- long flag = 0;
- while (!flag)
- if (*(rep++) == '.')
- flag = 1;
- /* scan significant up to 'e'-character */
- long count = 0;
- flag = 0;
- while (!flag)
- if ((rep[count++] == 'e') || (rep[count - 1] == 'E'))
- flag = 1;
- count--;
- /* Now we know how many digits we have in the significant */
- /* It is now possible two calculate our significant */
- long i;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- temp.significant += (long) ((*(rep++) - '0') * pow2(count - 1 - i));
- /* skip e/E */
- rep++;
- /* scan exponent */
- /* check for sign */
- long s = positive;
- if (((*rep) == '-') || ((*rep) == '+'))
- if ((*rep++) == '-')
- s = negative;
- count = strlen(rep);
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- temp.exponent += (long) ((*(rep++) - '0') * pow2(count - 1 - i));
- if (s == negative)
- temp.exponent *= (-1);
- }
- else {
- long pr = strlen(rep) * 10;
- /* scan number up to decimal point */
- while ((*rep) != '.')
- temp = add(mul(temp, 10, pr), (*(rep++) - '0'), pr);
- rep++;
- integer dd = 10;
- while ((*rep) != 0) {
- temp = add(temp, div(*(rep++) - '0', bigfloat(dd), pr), pr);
- dd *= 10;
- }
- }
- if (sign == negative)
- temp.significant *= -1;
- temp.precision = temp.significant.length();
- return temp;
- }
- bigfloat::bigfloat(const integer & m, const integer & e)
- {
- significant = m;
- exponent = e;
- precision = significant.length();
- if ((significant == 0) && (exponent != 1024) && (exponent != 1025) && (exponent != 1026)
- && (exponent != -1023) && (exponent != -1024))
- exponent = -1023;
- }
- bigfloat::bigfloat(const bigfloat & b)
- {
- significant = b.significant;
- exponent = b.exponent;
- precision = b.precision;
- }
- bigfloat::bigfloat(double d)
- {
- if (d != 0) {
- /* If d is lower than double_min we can be sure that d is denormalized.
- Thus we can multiply d with $2^{1023}$ to get a normalized number. */
- long flag = 0;
- if (fabs(d) < double_min) {
- d = d * pow2(long(1023));
- flag = 1;
- }
- unsigned long mh = 0, ml = 0, sign = 0;
- long e;
- long *p;
- /* convert double a pointer to an integer */
- p = (long *) &d;
- /* let mh represent the highword of the 64-bit field of the double */
- mh = *p;
- p++;
- /* let ml hold the least significant 32 digits of d */
- ml = *p;
- /* binary and to get the 11 bits of the exponent */
- e = mh & 0x7ff00000;
- /* shift the result to get the right value */
- e = e >> 20;
- /* unbias the exponent */
- e -= 1023;
- e++; /* implicit one */
- /* get the sign */
- sign = mh & 0x80000000;
- sign = sign >> 31;
- /* get the significant bits out of the highword */
- mh = mh & 0x000fffff;
- /* we have ensured that d is normalized $Rightarrow$ add the leading one
- bit */
- mh = mh | 0x00100000;
- exponent = integer(e);
- /* check if d was denormalized */
- if (flag)
- exponent -= 1023;
- /* compose significant */
- significant = integer(mh);
- significant = significant << 32;
- significant = significant + integer(ml);
- if (sign == 1)
- significant = significant * integer(-1);
- precision = significant.length();
- if ((exponent == 1025) && (significant != 0)) { /* NaN-Case */
- significant = 0;
- exponent = 1026;
- }
- if ((exponent == 1025) && (significant == 0)) { /* Inf-cases */
- if (sign == 1)
- exponent = 1025;
- else
- exponent = 1024;
- significant = 0;
- }
- if (exponent == -1022) { /* Zero-cases */
- if (sign == 1)
- exponent = -1024;
- exponent = -1023;
- }
- }
- else {
- significant = 0;
- exponent = 0;
- precision = 0;
- }
- }
- bigfloat::bigfloat(const integer & b)
- {
- significant = b;
- if (b == 0)
- exponent = -1023;
- else
- exponent = significant.length();
- precision = exponent.tolong();
- }
- bigfloat::bigfloat(long a)
- {
- significant = a;
- if (a == 0)
- exponent = -1023;
- else
- exponent = significant.length();
- precision = exponent.tolong();
- }
- bigfloat::bigfloat(int a)
- {
- significant = a;
- if (a == 0)
- exponent = -1023;
- else
- exponent = significant.length();
- precision = exponent.tolong();
- }
- void bigfloat::set_precision(long prec, rounding_modes mode)
- {
- if (mode != EXACT) {
- if (prec > precision)
- significant = significant << (prec - precision);
- else if (precision > prec) {
- /* if the new precision is lower then the old one we firstly have to
- round the old significant to the new precision */
- round(prec, mode);
- }
- precision = prec;
- }
- }
- long bigfloat::get_precision(void)
- {
- return precision;
- }
- integer bigfloat::tointeger(rounding_modes rmode) const
- {
- if ((isNaN(*this)) || (isInf(*this)))
- error_handler(1, "bigfloat::tointeger : special values cannot be converted to integer");
- if (isZero(*this))
- return integer(0);
- return b_round(significant, exponent.tolong(), rmode);
- }
- double bigfloat::todouble(void) const
- {
- long s = 0; /* sign bit of returned value */
- long t_exp = 0; /* exponent of returned value */
- integer t_sig = 0; /* significant of returned value */
- /* special case checking */
- if (isNaN(*this))
- return NaN_double;
- if (ispInf(*this))
- return pInf_double;
- if (isnInf(*this))
- return nInf_double;
- if (ispZero(*this))
- return pZero_double;
- if (isnZero(*this))
- return nZero_double;
- long denorm = 0;
- if (exponent > 1024)
- return non_zero_sign(*this) * pInf_double;
- if (exponent < -1074)
- return non_zero_sign(*this) * pZero_double;
- if (exponent < -1021)
- denorm = 1;
- if (!denorm) {
- t_exp = exponent.tolong() + 1023 - 1;
- s = sign(significant);
- /* significant's length has to be at least 53 digits */
- if (significant.length() < 53)
- t_sig = significant << (53 - significant.length());
- else
- t_sig = significant;
- /* Vorz positiv, weil integer-& auch negatives zur"uckgibt */
- if (s == -1)
- t_sig = integer(-1) * t_sig;
- /* remove leading one */
- t_sig = b_round(t_sig, 53) & integer_52;
- }
- else {
- t_exp = 0;
- /* significant's length has to be at least 52 digits */
- if (significant.length() < 52)
- t_sig = significant << (52 - significant.length());
- else
- t_sig = b_round(significant, 52);
- t_sig = t_sig >> (-1022 - exponent.tolong());
- }
- double a;
- long sign, h_sig, l_sig;
- sign = (s == (-1));
- h_sig = ((t_sig >> 32) & integer_20).tolong();
- l_sig = (t_sig & integer_32).tolong();
- a = compose_parts(sign, t_exp, h_sig, l_sig);
- return a;
- }
- bigfloat bigfloat::round(long digits, rounding_modes mode)
- {
- if (digits <= 0) {
- (*this) = pZero;
- return pZero;
- }
- rounding_modes m;
- if (mode == DEFAULT)
- m = round_mode;
- else
- m = mode;
- if (digits < significant.length()) {
- if (m == TO_NEAREST) {
- integer temp = significant;
- cut(temp, digits + 1);
- /* first case: the next digit is zero and therefor temp >> 1 is right */
- if (abs(temp & 1) == 0) {
- significant = (temp >> 1);
- }
- else {
- /* the leftmost digit after the rounding digits is a one */
- /* check if there occur other ones in the following digits */
- long flag = test_for_one(significant, digits + 2, significant.length());
- /* if a one-digit occurred round up */
- if (flag) {
- cut(significant, digits);
- if (significant > 0)
- significant += 1;
- else
- significant -= 1;
- }
- else {
- cut(significant, digits);
- if (abs(significant & 1) == 1) {
- /* same as above */
- if (significant > 0)
- significant += 1;
- else
- significant -= 1;
- }
- else
- significant = temp;
- }
- }
- if (significant.length() > digits)
- cut(significant, digits);
- /* set new precision */
- precision = digits;
- return (*this);
- }
- if (m == TO_ZERO) {
- cut(significant, digits);
- /* set new precision */
- precision = digits;
- return (*this);
- }
- if (m == TO_INF) {
- if (significant > 0)
- return round(digits, TO_P_INF);
- if (significant < 0)
- return round(digits, TO_N_INF);
- return (*this);
- }
- if (m == TO_P_INF) {
- long flag = test_for_one(significant, digits + 1, significant.length());
- cut(significant, digits);
- if ((significant > 0) && (flag)) {
- significant = significant + integer(1);
- if (significant.length() > digits)
- cut(significant, digits);
- }
- /* set new precision */
- precision = digits;
- return (*this);
- }
- if (m == TO_N_INF) {
- long flag = test_for_one(significant, digits + 1, significant.length());
- cut(significant, digits);
- if ((significant < 0) && (flag)) {
- significant = significant - integer(1);
- if (significant.length() > digits)
- cut(significant, digits);
- }
- /* set new precision */
- precision = digits;
- return (*this);
- }
- }
- return (*this);
- }
- bigfloat fabs(const bigfloat & b)
- {
- if (isNaN(b))
- return NaN;
- if ((isnInf(b)) || (ispInf(b)))
- return pInf;
- if ((isnZero(b)) || (ispZero(b)))
- return pZero;
- return bigfloat(abs(b.significant), b.exponent);
- }
- integer ceil(const bigfloat & b)
- {
- return b.tointeger(TO_P_INF);
- }
- integer floor(const bigfloat & b)
- {
- return b.tointeger(TO_N_INF);
- }
- bigfloat pow2(const integer & p)
- {
- return bigfloat(1, p + integer(1));
- }
- long sign(const bigfloat & b)
- {
- return sign(b.significant);
- }
- long non_zero_sign(const bigfloat & b)
- {
- if ((ispInf(b)) || (ispZero(b)))
- return 1;
- if ((isnInf(b)) || (isnZero(b)))
- return -1;
- return sign(b);
- }
- void bigfloat::print_contents(void) const
- {
- integer s = significant, e = exponent;
- cout << "Significant: ";
- if (s < 0) {
- cout << "-";
- s = s * integer(-1);
- }
- binout(cout, s);
- cout << "n";
- cout << "Exponent: ";
- if (e < 0) {
- cout << "-";
- e = e * integer(-1);
- }
- binout(cout, e);
- cout << "n";
- }
- bigfloat add(const bigfloat & aa, const bigfloat & bb, long prec, rounding_modes mode)
- {
- if ((isNaN(aa)) || (isNaN(bb)))
- return NaN;
- if ((ispInf(aa)) || (isnInf(aa))) {
- if ((bb != pInf) && (bb != nInf))
- return aa;
- return NaN;
- }
- if ((ispInf(bb)) || (isnInf(bb))) {
- if ((aa != pInf) && (aa != nInf))
- return bb;
- return NaN;
- }
- if (sign(aa) == 0)
- return bb;
- if (sign(bb) == 0)
- return aa;
- bigfloat a = aa, b = bb, c;
- if (prec == -1)
- prec = global_prec;
- /* We firstly have to adjust the significants' precisions to
- guaranty an exact result */
- if (a.precision > b.precision)
- b.set_precision(a.precision);
- if (b.precision > a.precision)
- a.set_precision(b.precision);
- /* now we have to branch into 3 main cases */
- if (a.exponent == b.exponent) {
- long temp1, temp2;
- c.significant = a.significant + b.significant;
- temp1 = c.significant.length();
- temp2 = a.significant.length();
- c.exponent = a.exponent + integer(temp1 - temp2);
- c.precision = c.significant.length();
- c.set_precision(prec, mode);
- if (c.significant == 0)
- c = pZero;
- return c;
- }
- if (a.exponent > b.exponent) {
- integer temp = a.exponent - b.exponent;
- a.significant = (a.significant << temp.tolong());
- c.significant = a.significant + b.significant;
- c.exponent = a.exponent;
- if (c.significant.length() != a.significant.length())
- c.exponent += (c.significant.length() - a.significant.length());
- c.precision = c.significant.length();
- c.set_precision(prec, mode);
- if (c.significant == 0)
- c = pZero;
- return c;
- }
- /* siehe oben */
- integer temp = b.exponent - a.exponent;
- b.significant = (b.significant << temp.tolong());
- c.significant = a.significant + b.significant;
- c.exponent = b.exponent;
- if (c.significant.length() != b.significant.length())
- c.exponent += (c.significant.length() - b.significant.length());
- c.precision = c.significant.length();
- c.set_precision(prec, mode);
- if (c.significant == 0)
- c = pZero;
- return c;
- }
- bigfloat sub(const bigfloat & a, const bigfloat & b, long prec, rounding_modes mode)
- {
- bigfloat bb(-b.significant, b.exponent);
- return add(a, bb, prec, mode);
- }
- bigfloat mul(const bigfloat & aa, const bigfloat & bb, long prec, rounding_modes mode)
- {
- if (prec == -1)
- prec = global_prec;
- if ((isNaN(aa)) || (isNaN(bb)))
- return NaN;
- if (((ispZero(aa)) || (isnZero(aa))) && (!isInf(bb))) {
- if (bb > 0)
- return aa;
- if (ispZero(aa))
- return nZero;
- return pZero;
- }
- if (((ispZero(bb)) || (isnZero(bb))) && (!isInf(aa))) {
- if (aa > 0)
- return bb;
- if (ispZero(bb))
- return nZero;
- return pZero;
- }
- if (ispInf(aa)) {
- if (bb > 0)
- return pInf;
- if (bb < 0)
- return nInf;
- return NaN;
- }
- if (isnInf(aa)) {
- if (bb > 0)
- return nInf;
- if (bb < 0)
- return pInf;
- return NaN;
- }
- if (ispInf(bb)) {
- if (aa > 0)
- return pInf;
- if (aa < 0)
- return nInf;
- return NaN;
- }
- if (isnInf(bb)) {
- if (aa > 0)
- return nInf;
- if (aa < 0)
- return pInf;
- return NaN;
- }
- bigfloat c;
- c.significant = aa.significant * bb.significant;
- c.exponent = aa.exponent + bb.exponent;
- c.exponent -= (aa.significant.length() + bb.significant.length()) - c.significant.length();
- c.precision = c.significant.length();
- c.set_precision(prec, mode);
- return c;
- }
- bigfloat div(const bigfloat & aa, const bigfloat & bb, long prec, rounding_modes mode)
- {
- /* special checking for zero-cases */
- if (prec == -1)
- prec = global_prec;
- if ((isNaN(aa)) || (isNaN(bb)))
- return NaN;
- if (((isZero(aa)) && (isZero(bb))) || ((isInf(aa)) && (isInf(bb))))
- return NaN;
- if ((isInf(aa)) || (isZero(bb)))
- return (non_zero_sign(aa) * non_zero_sign(bb) * pInf);
- if ((isZero(aa)) || (isInf(bb)))
- return (non_zero_sign(aa) * non_zero_sign(bb) * pZero);
- bigfloat a = aa, c;
- integer temp;
- long d = prec + bb.significant.length() - a.significant.length() + 2;
- if (d > 0)
- a.significant = a.significant << d;;
- c.significant = a.significant / bb.significant;
- c.exponent = a.exponent - bb.exponent;
- c.precision = prec;
- /* $delta$-Test */
- if (bcomp(fabs(a).significant, fabs(bb).significant) == 1)
- c.exponent += 1;
- /* cut the significant to prec+1 digits */
- cut(c.significant, prec + 1);
- if (mode == DEFAULT)
- mode = round_mode;
- switch (mode) {
- case TO_NEAREST:
- if (abs(c.significant & 1) == 0) {
- c.significant = (c.significant >> 1);
- return c;
- }
- else {
- /* now we have to check whether the remainder is zero */
- bigfloat temp = mul(c, bb, 1, EXACT);
- temp = mul(c, bb, 1, EXACT);
- if (temp == aa)
- return c.round(prec, TO_NEAREST);
- return c.round(prec, TO_INF);
- }
- case TO_ZERO:
- c.significant = c.significant >> 1;
- return c;
- case TO_P_INF:
- if (mul(c, bb, 1, EXACT) == aa)
- return c.round(prec, TO_ZERO);
- if (c.significant > 0)
- return c.round(prec, TO_INF);
- if (c.significant < 0)
- return c.round(prec, TO_ZERO);
- return c;
- case TO_N_INF:
- if (mul(c, bb, 1, EXACT) == aa)
- return c.round(prec, TO_ZERO);
- if (c.significant > 0)
- return c.round(prec, TO_ZERO);
- if (c.significant < 0)
- return c.round(prec, TO_INF);
- return c;
- case TO_INF:
- if (mul(c, bb, 1, EXACT) == aa)
- return c.round(prec, TO_ZERO);
- if (c.significant > 0)
- return c.round(prec, TO_P_INF);
- if (c.significant < 0)
- return c.round(prec, TO_N_INF);
- return c;
- case EXACT:
- error_handler(1, "div(bigfloat) : not implemented case EXACT!");
- case DEFAULT:;
- }
- if (mode == DEFAULT)
- mode = round_mode;
- switch (mode) {
- case TO_NEAREST:
- if (abs(c.significant & 1) == 0) {
- c.significant = (c.significant >> 1);
- return c;
- }
- else {
- /* now we have to check whether the remainder is zero */
- bigfloat temp = mul(c, bb, 1, EXACT);
- temp = mul(c, bb, 1, EXACT);
- if (temp == aa)
- return c.round(prec, TO_NEAREST);
- return c.round(prec, TO_INF);
- }
- case TO_ZERO:
- c.significant = c.significant >> 1;
- return c;
- case TO_P_INF:
- if (mul(c, bb, 1, EXACT) == aa)
- return c.round(prec, TO_ZERO);
- if (c.significant > 0)
- return c.round(prec, TO_INF);
- if (c.significant < 0)
- return c.round(prec, TO_ZERO);
- return c;
- case TO_N_INF:
- if (mul(c, bb, 1, EXACT) == aa)
- return c.round(prec, TO_ZERO);
- if (c.significant > 0)
- return c.round(prec, TO_ZERO);
- if (c.significant < 0)
- return c.round(prec, TO_INF);
- return c;
- case TO_INF:
- if (mul(c, bb, 1, EXACT) == aa)
- return c.round(prec, TO_ZERO);
- if (c.significant > 0)
- return c.round(prec, TO_P_INF);
- if (c.significant < 0)
- return c.round(prec, TO_N_INF);
- return c;
- case EXACT:
- error_handler(1, "div(bigfloat) : not implemented case EXACT!");
- case DEFAULT:;
- }
- return 0; // never reached
- }
- bigfloat sqrt(const bigfloat & a, long prec, rounding_modes mode)
- {
- bigfloat ne, it;
- long t_prec;
- if (isNaN(a))
- return NaN;
- if ((isnZero(a)) || (ispZero(a)))
- return a;
- if (ispInf(a))
- return pInf;
- if (isnInf(a))
- return NaN;
- if (a < 0)
- return NaN;
- if (prec == -1)
- prec = global_prec;
- double d = bigfloat(a.significant, 0).todouble();
- if (!(a.exponent % 2 == 0))
- d *= 2;
- ne = sqrt(d);
- ne.exponent = ne.exponent + (a.exponent / integer(2));
- t_prec = 52;
- /* cout Startwert */
- int flag = 0;
- do {
- it = ne;
- ne = add(mul(it, it, 1, EXACT), a, 1, EXACT); /* compute numerator of
- * (1) */
- ne = div(ne, mul(2, it, 1, EXACT), t_prec, TO_P_INF); /* compute next
- * iteration value */
- t_prec *= 2;
- } while (t_prec < prec);
- ne.round(prec, TO_P_INF);
- it.round(prec, TO_P_INF);
- while (ne != it) {
- it = ne;
- ne = add(mul(it, it, 1, EXACT), a, 1, EXACT); /* compute numerator of
- * (1) */
- ne = div(ne, mul(2, it, 1, EXACT), prec, TO_P_INF); /* compute next
- * iteration value */
- }
- bigfloat c(ne.significant - integer(1), ne.exponent);
- if ((c * c) >= a)
- it = c;
- bigfloat mid;
- if (mode == DEFAULT)
- mode = round_mode;
- switch (mode) {
- case TO_P_INF:
- return it;
- case TO_ZERO:
- case TO_N_INF:
- if ((it * it) != a)
- return bigfloat(ne.significant - integer(1), ne.exponent);
- else
- return it;
- case TO_NEAREST:
- mid = bigfloat((it.significant >> 1) + integer(1), it.exponent);
- /* $mid=frac{it+(it-Delta)}{2}$ */
- if ((mid * mid) < a) {
- mid.round(prec, TO_ZERO);
- return mid;
- }
- else {
- if ((mid * mid) != a)
- return it;
- else {
- mid.round(prec, TO_NEAREST);
- return mid;
- }
- }
- case EXACT:
- error_handler(1, "bigfloat::sqrt : the EXACT-rounding mode is not provided!");
- }
- return 0; // never reached
- }
- bigfloat & bigfloat::operator = (const bigfloat & b) {
- significant = b.significant;
- exponent = b.exponent;
- precision = b.precision;
- return (*this);
- }
- ostream & operator << (ostream & os, const bigfloat & b) {
- if (1) { /* if isSpecial */
- if (isNaN(b))
- return os << "NaN";
- if (ispInf(b))
- return os << "+Inf";
- if (isnInf(b))
- return os << "-Inf";
- if (ispZero(b))
- return os << "+0";
- if (isnZero(b))
- return os << "-0";
- }
- int sign_b = sign(b.significant);
- if (output == BIN_OUT) {
- if (sign_b < 0)
- os << "-";
- os << "0.";
- if (sign_b >= 0)
- binout(os, b.significant);
- else
- binout(os, -b.significant);
- os << "E";
- if (b.exponent < 0)
- os << "-";
- else
- os << "+";
- binout(os, b.exponent);
- }
- if (output == DEC_OUT)
- decimal_output(os, b);
- return os;
- }
- istream & operator >> (istream & is, bigfloat & b) {
- char temp[bin_maxlen]; /* z.Z. nur binaere-Exponentialeingabe
- * moeglich */
- is >> temp;
- b = outofchar(temp);
- return is;
- }
- bool operator == (const bigfloat & a, const bigfloat & b) {
- /* check whether NaN or infinity cases appear */
- if ((isNaN(a)) || (isNaN(b)) || (ispInf(a)) || (ispInf(b))
- || (isnInf(a)) || (isnInf(b)))
- error_handler(1, "bigfloat::operator == : NaN or Infinity case occurred!");
- if ((a.significant == 0) && (b.significant == 0))
- return 1;
- if (sign(a.significant) != sign(b.significant))
- return 0;
- if (a.exponent == b.exponent)
- return (bcomp(a.significant, b.significant) == 0);
- else
- return 0;
- }
- bool operator != (const bigfloat & a, const bigfloat & b) {
- return !(a == b);
- }
- bool operator > (const bigfloat & a, const bigfloat & b) {
- if ((isNaN(a)) || (isNaN(b)))
- error_handler(1, "bigfloat::operator > : NaN case occurred!");
- if (((ispInf(a)) && (ispInf(b))) || ((isnInf(a)) && (isnInf(b))))
- error_handler(1, "bigfloat::operator > : both operands +(-)infinity");
- if (ispInf(a))
- return 1;
- if (isnInf(a))
- return 0;
- if (ispInf(b))
- return 0;
- if (isnInf(b))
- return 1;
- if ((a.significant == 0) && (b.significant == 0))
- return 0;
- if (sign(a.significant) != sign(b.significant)) {
- if (sign(a.significant) == 0)
- if (sign(b.significant) < 0)
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- if (sign(b.significant) == 0)
- if (sign(a.significant) > 0)
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- if (a.significant > 0)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (a.exponent != b.exponent)
- return (a.exponent > b.exponent);
- else
- return (bcomp(a.significant, b.significant) == 1);
- }
- bool operator >= (const bigfloat & a, const bigfloat & b) {
- return ((a > b) || (a == b));
- }
- bool operator < (const bigfloat & a, const bigfloat & b) {
- return (!(a >= b));
- }
- bool operator <= (const bigfloat & a, const bigfloat & b) {
- return (!(a > b));
- }
- bigfloat operator + (const bigfloat & a, const bigfloat & b) {
- return add(a, b);
- }
- bigfloat operator - (const bigfloat & a, const bigfloat & b) {
- return sub(a, b);
- }
- bigfloat operator *(const bigfloat & a, const bigfloat & b) {
- return mul(a, b);
- }
- bigfloat operator / (const bigfloat & a, const bigfloat & b) {
- return div(a, b);
- }
- bigfloat operator - (const bigfloat & a) {
- return bigfloat(-a.significant, a.exponent);
- }
- bool isNaN(const bigfloat & b)
- {
- if ((b.significant == 0) && (b.exponent == 1026))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- bool isnInf(const bigfloat & b)
- {
- if ((b.significant == 0) && (b.exponent == 1025))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- bool ispInf(const bigfloat & b)
- {
- if ((b.significant == 0) && (b.exponent == 1024))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- bool isnZero(const bigfloat & b)
- {
- if ((b.significant == 0) && (b.exponent == (-1024)))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- bool ispZero(const bigfloat & b)
- {
- if ((b.significant == 0) && (b.exponent == (-1023)))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- bool isInf(const bigfloat & b)
- {
- return (ispInf(b) || isnInf(b));
- }
- bool isZero(const bigfloat & b)
- {
- return (ispZero(b) || isnZero(b));
- }